Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

Um, hi
First off, forgive my god awful username (As soon as I can, I am changing it)
Secondly, about me: I created this account when I was 13, and I thoroughly apologise for all posts I have made previously. I was young and I needed the money
I've recently been passively reading the forums again and have found some of the conversations here really interesting and have made me really think about the business in a new way and decide now would be a good time to become active. And then I discovered I had already made an account. A very, very cringe worthy account. I hope I can start fresh with this Forum and hopefully have an awesome time/
Thanks :)
Just wanted to say hey whats up!! I have been reading forums on this site for a couple of years and finally have gotten around to the idea of posting on here, but just wanted to say hello first and thanks!!
Hi I am new but a long time fan of WWE. Just wanted to pop in and say hi and I also intend on making threads asap of storyline predictions. I have one on the John Cena match at Hell in the Cell 2015 and I actually feel like the storyline could work.
Hi all - new here too. Question - how the heck do I upload a profile photo? Keeps telling me invalid file!

WZ doesn't offer avatar customization just yet, but it does have a broad selection of quality pictures to use, such as your Paul Heyman one. If you'd like, you could make a signature that would go to the bottom of your posts (such as my B&W Rat Pack pic) as long as it doesn't exceed a total of 500 pixels, and goes against any set rule in this link right here, you should be good to go-


Hope that helps. And welcome all newcomers. Hope you enjoy this place as much as I do. :)
Hey, all! My name is Tony Trout and I'm new here. Just got back into watching wrestling when WWE2K13 came out and, honestly, I think the WWE's storylines are a bit silly at this point. I absolutely loved the "Attitude" era with Stone Cold Steve Austin and HHH and Bret Hart & The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels and others. I would love to see Austin back in the ring but, I know it ain't going to happen due to his neck injury. One of my favorite wrestliers of all time has been "Naitch!" The Nature Boy, Ric Flair. However, with his "rants" on RAW and other shows, I'm surprised he hasn't had a heart attack like Lawler did a few years ago on television.

I have a question that I hope someone can and will answer for me. To me, and I may be wrong in my assumptions, it seems as though Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler hate each other? But, the next minute, Michael was worried sick about him after Jerry suffered and heart attack on RAW.

So....what, really, is the relationship between Lawler & Cole like? Are they friends? Enemies? Fre-nemies?

(Also, for what it's worth, I would love to see "good ol' J.R.!" back behind the announcer's desk but, due to the way that the WWE want so much product pushed nowadays in a short amount of time, I don't think his presence would be too welcome.

Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself. Thanks for having me! I promise not to be a stranger!

Take Care,
Tony Trout

So I guess I'll just throw this here, though it's clearly been a while since anyone's posted here.
Hello all, I'm a newbie here, although not really as I've had an account here for close to a year... I just haven't posted much, or at all, really- I do enjoy reading the forums though and figured it wouldn't hurt to start posting regularly.
I'm also fairly interested in WZCW, as I've efedded it up on a few other sites before, and would like to try it here.
I originally hail from Ft. Bragg, NC, but currently reside in Pensacola, Florida, where I'm in college working on getting my M.Div to be in the Air Force Chaplain Corps. I'm a pretty big gamer, comic nerd, and sports fanatic. My hobbies consist of playing guitar in a metalcore cover band I formed with a buddy of mine (although we want to become more than that, but for that we'd need a drummer and a bassist), making art (stippling is my favorite), and writing, be it poetry, short stories, whatever.
Looking forward to seeing you peeps on the forums, a few of whom I've encountered yesternight.
Hello. I'm a wrestling fan since around 92, when it came to our shores in the UK (Bulldog @ Wembley) after the hangover of the likes of Giant Haystacks (my parents and grandparents realised it wasn't 100% legit fighting....)

it's been a life long obsession ever since, if i ever get amnesia my age matches wrestlemania. i watch tna, lu, njpw once a year and of course wwf.

Glad to be around like minded folks, OOOHH YEAHHH!!
Finally found this area and now I can start posting comments and eventually threads regarding parts of Wrestling that really grind my gears :P

UK casual watcher of WWE - No experience with ROH, NJPW or Lucha Underground

TNA on the other hand - just find the backstage politics very amusing, nothing much drags me to watch other than Broken Matt Hardy!

Hope to be able to share views and opinions from someone who doesn't watch the programming religiously!
Finally found this area and now I can start posting comments and eventually threads regarding parts of Wrestling that really grind my gears :P

UK casual watcher of WWE - No experience with ROH, NJPW or Lucha Underground

TNA on the other hand - just find the backstage politics very amusing, nothing much drags me to watch other than Broken Matt Hardy!

Hope to be able to share views and opinions from someone who doesn't watch the programming religiously!

Best of luck for your stint here. :thumbsup:
Not really a "new" member, up until 3 years ago, I was a very active member. However I have been MIA since then, so I thought I might re-introduce myself.
Well, apparently I've been a member since 2010! I didn't even realise... I went to make a new thread and realised I couldn't... so hello everyone!
hows it going wrestle zone forum! im a new guy in the thread. watch most wrestling from wwe to roh. mainly into uk promotion ICW

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