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Hello all. I'm Dan and I'm an aspiring professional wrestler in upstate NY so if you're in my area and are capable of showing me around some wrestling schools feel free to PM me.
Hi. Been lurking for a while and decided to register. Not much to say about me really, just a regular guy enjoying sweaty half-naken men fake-beating each other :p
Long live The Roman Empire!!! Hey guys!! I want to dive right in and get to discussing some NXT and WWE!

Top 5 (personal favorite) NXT Wrestlers

1) Hideo Itami (KENTA'S STYLE IS KICK)
2) Adrian Neville (Sorry Adrian, you've moved down a notch.)
3) Tyler Breeze
4) Enzo Amore
5) Charlotte (She's earned this spot by leaps and bounds in my eyes, what an amazing talent who shows me more and more each time she laces the boots up)
Hey folks!

You can call me Jay, or Josh. Long time wrestling fan since the horrendus 92-93 WWF season (I've seen wrestling before then, but I was of age to understand what was happening during those years. I'm very fortunate that I had patience of a saint).

Pretty normal guy. I aim to start a Book This fed, and I may sign up for the efed if life allows and it's not overly taxing on spare time. :)
Hi! Hello! How are you? just a brazilian loser who needs to watch wrestling dope on dramamine every night for sleep.

Sorry for my bad english, i am trying my best. I like this place
Hi, I am 18, nearly 19, and have been watching wrestling for pretty much all my life. Started watching a lot more again over the past couple of years, and took more of an interest since then really. If you want to know more hit me up
Sup, I have been watching Wrestling since I was young. First match I remember watching was Bret Hart vs 123 Kid. Few things

1. I am a Hardy Boyz Mark
2. I am a Bret Hart Mark
3. I am a Kurt Angle Mark
4. I am not a mark for HBK, Triple H or Ric Flair
5. I think DDP and Sting should be in WWE's HoF

also some random states

Fave Wrester

Ever:- Bret Hart
Active:- Jeff Hardy

Fave Match

TLC II (Deal with it)

Hated Wrestlers

Ever:- HBK (again Deal with it)
Active:- That bloody Bull thing in WWE but failing that My main Piss Break (apart from the total Diva's) is Blandy sorry Randy Orton

Top Womens Wrestler

Ever:- Lita
Active:- Paige

So anything else ask....and just for the record I will never again call a certain Canadian wrestler by his name but instead I call him "He who I shall not Name"
Whats up people, I'm Samoan Superman lol. I've been a wrestling fan since the early 90s.

My all time favorites are Sting, Stone Cold, and CM Punk.

I'm also big fans of Triple H, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, The Rock, John Cena (yes John Cena), Edge, Chris Jericho.

My favorites divas are Trish, Lita, and Maryse.

My favorite tag team is The Hardyz.

My current favorite is Roman Reigns. Also big fans of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Dolph Ziggler, AJ, Paige, Miz, Cesaro, Rusev (and Lana).

Also fan of NFL, MLB, and NBA.

I'm a big fan of the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Brewers. My favorite athletes are Aaron Rodgers, Ryan Braun, Alex Morgan, Lebron James, and Dwyane Wade.
Hello, I'm 18 and I am a huge WWE fan! I have been watching since 2008. I love pro wrestling, it is something that entertains me. I have never been to a WWE event, but this December I get to go to Monday Night RAW in Detroit! I can not Wait guys!
hey guys Christopher here and I am 21 and I love wrestling and my fav wrestler is John Cena
Hey guys, newbie here! Big fan of the new movement with Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns etc. Loving what's happening with all the guys moving up through the ranks in NxT, feel like the next few years are looking pretty good.
I can't post in any of the forums. I entered the validation code and still can't post.


Thank you.

P.S. I created this account only to ask you to fix it. please?
Hey guys. I'm glad to come talk wrestling with ya. I was born in 89 and pretty much grew up in the attitude era. Didn't watch as much after WM 20 but I always kept up. Started watching heavy again around mania 27. I respect most of the guys. Fan of Austin, Rock, Taker, Michaels, Flair, Punk, Bryan, Hollywood Hogan. Holla!
Hi, my name is Daggdag, and I'm an al......wait, sorry, wrong group... I am new to this forum. I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm 29 years old, and have been watching wrestling since I was little. My favorite wrestler of all time was Owen Hart, and my favorite now is Austin Aries.

I watch both WWE and TNA. I think TNA has better matches, but WWE has a better booking team and writing staff.
Hello everyone my name is Scott (if you cant notice that lol). Heres some facts about me and WWE:

I was a fan from around aged 5 until 12 (WWE was uncool at that age, cue all the wrestling is fake arguements i had).

Im now 17 (18 march) and im back into WWE, starting around SummerSlam 2014.

My favourite superstars are Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold, Jericho, Cena, Ambrose (all i can think of for now)

I have been to one WWE event - Insurexion 2003 in Newcastle (aged 6)
Sup everyone I'm jtcooky. I started watching wrestling again in depth around Wrestlemania 30 after a ten year or so break. Since then I've evolved into a total "smark". See ya around.

My favorite wrestler has always been Stone Cold, but since I started watching the network heavily I've really started to appreciate Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, and early 90's Sting a hell of a lot more.
It's a bit late. But welcome to everyone who has joined lately. If you need any help, jyst drop me a PM.

Happy posting. Looking forward to seeing you around the boards.
Hi guys. My name's Ken. I've been a lifelong wrestling fan from New York. I've read these forums a lot and always find some interesting opinions and always wanted to join the discussion. Apparently I had an account from a long time ago on here and just never used it. So I'm back and looking to join the discussion whatever it may be.

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