Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

No. They havn't been deleted. We have 2 WWE forums.

1 is for the news and things like that and 1 is for discussion on topics like better matches and better wrestlers. The discussion posts don't count to your post count. But anyway welcome to the forum. The reason your post count isn't increasing is you are probably putting your posts in spam sections.
so hi. I made already several posts (which were constructive/on topic) and most get deleted. Is that normal here, that someone deletes posts ? Let me know, before i waste my time here getting censored (or whatever the reason is lol).

A few of your posts were deleted for violating our spam rules. You should probably go back and read the rule book again, just to make sure you can fully grasp the rules.
I am a regular Wrestlezone reader and wanted to discuss my ideas on new posts among other fellow Wrestlezone readers. Im sure I will have a great experience here on the forums and I look forward to sharing my opinions and reading those of the members of this forum.
I am a regular Wrestlezone reader and wanted to discuss my ideas on new posts among other fellow Wrestlezone readers. Im sure I will have a great experience here on the forums and I look forward to sharing my opinions and reading those of the members of this forum.

Welcome. Make sure you look over the rules, and have fun! :)
Hi everyone, my name is Theo. I have been using WrestleZone as my Wrestling News source since 2008, so figured that I should join the forums and talk and interact with the other professional wrestling fans. I'm thrilled to be here, and it's very nice to meet all of you.
howarya lads, been reading the posts for ages, thought i might as well get registered as there are a few thread id like to post..
markages, posting in here does nothing to increase your post count. You need to make 10 non-spam posts before you can make a new thread. Areas such as WWE, TNA, etc. Please review the rules before posting too. Welcome!
Hello Wrestlezone community. I have been a lurker of your wonderful forums, hence the name TheLurker, for a bit over the years and I just decided to sign up an account and go bananas! Thank you for having me, and I hope to engage in stimulating conversations about the one of the first forbidden fruits of my childhood, Pro. Wrestling.

Hello everyone! Big wrestling fan, been going to Wrestlezone for years now ready to join the forum..
Hi everybody.

I'm Dom, and I live in Quebec, Repentigny. I don't know what kind of reputation french guys get on this forum, but I hope we could put linguistic difference aside. I will try to speak English as good as I can, but I know it will still suck, so don't be to cruel.

Ok, I'm 26. I started watching wrestling at 5 years, but it wasn't on live TV. My cousin was a 80ies wrestling fan and had a lot of PPV in VHS.

I started watching live wrestling show when the Attitude Era was at his peak. Like at lot of guy, my all time favorite was (and still) The Undertaker. Beside him, Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Shawn Michael...

Strangly, I've always hated Stone Cold. I know everyone loves this character, but I don't. "Stunner, finger, Beers..." that don't impress me. And maybe his big feud with two of my favorites wrestlers (Taker and Bret) has a lot to do with this hate. But I really hate the beer's parts...

So, I stop watching wrestling when Undertaker turn into... American Badass. I hated this gimmick. I know I missed a lot of good wrestling matchs until the end of Att. Era.. But listen wrestling without the "gong", "lightning", "the minestry" and lights off, it was to much to handle for me.

Now I watch wrestling since The Deadman is back. With my work, hobbies, familly, it's hard to listen every shows. And now Raw goes 3h... How a guy, with a job, can watch 5 hours of wrestling by week? My girlfriend will dump me lol...

Beside wrestling, I love Astronomy, RCs cars, fishing and martial arts.

If you'd like to talk about anything, just ask!
Hello y'all! New, old guy here. Been a wrestling fan for the better part of 30 years, an my all-time favorite wrestling talents are Cm Punk (in ring talent) Jim Cornette (vocal talent.) Already read the rules and FAQ.
Hello y'all! New, old guy here. Been a wrestling fan for the better part of 30 years, an my all-time favorite wrestling talents are Cm Punk (in ring talent) Jim Cornette (vocal talent.) Already read the rules and FAQ.

You've been watching wrestling for 30 years and CM Punk is your all time favorite in ring talent, REALLY?
You've been watching wrestling for 30 years and CM Punk is your all time favorite in ring talent, REALLY?

Yes he has overtook The Dynamite Kid who was my all-time favorite. And I remained loyal to until I saw Punk for the first time at a IWA Mid-South show! He's been my favorite ever since. Don't see how that's any big deal, Punk imo is this generations most talented all around performer.
Hello I am The Wizard. I look forward to spreading my knowledge across these boards and earning the respect of each of you.
Holla! I first watched wrestling at the age of 6 when the Hardy Boyz, The Dudleys and Edge and Christian dominated the tag team division. Steve Austin was the thing I looked forward to weekly, and I was devestated when he broke his neck in 97' at Summerslam. I was also equally devastated to come home from school one day to be told that Owen Hart had died in the tragic accident at Over the Edge in '99.

I watched WWF until 2002 at Wrestlemania when American Bad Ass Undertaker fought Ric Flair. I remember the specific moment which drove me from watching WWF; it was when Ric Flair "hit" Undertaker with the bar from the bike, and I could clearly see on TV that it was nowhere near hitting him. Undertaker fell to the ground and Ric Flair beat on him for a while, which really infuriated me at that time. I knew prior that WWE is 'fake/scripted' but to see it so obvious really got to me and I didn't watch it until just before Wreslemania XXVII. I was immediately devastated with Edge's retirement, and after a few weeks generally lost interest until Royal Rumble this year. I watched the infamous Pipe Bomb of 2011, but that didn't do enough for me at that time to bring me back to being a full time fan. At the time of Royal Rumble I decided to start watching WWE weekly for the build up to Rock v Cena, and didn't know who I truly wanted to win until the match was over. I was somewhat disappointed that Cena lost, but in hindsight I would have been more angry with Rock losing!

I have been watching RAW, Smackdown and every PPV since!

Since I started watching it regularly, I've felt that the amount of wwe I get on a weekly basis from tv simply wasn't enough, so I've been reading WrestleZone on a daily basis since!!

My favourite wrestlers are: CM Punk, Christian, Chris Jericho, Kane, Undertaker, Triple H.

So, how's that for an introduction.

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