Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

Hello everyone I have been going on this site for like 3-4 years now. I am 17 and I have watched wresting since I was 5 years old. I decided to join today because I always wanted to give my opinion on subjects that I read. Well message me if there is anything else you want to know.
Hey Guy's and gal's,

I am a long time wrestling fan since the mid 90's. Been wanting to talk and discus about wrestling with others since am the only one out of all my friends that still keep up with it best I can, I been lurking for about two weeks now....I think am ready to start posting and seeing your ideas and thoughts on the wrestling world.
Hey all. Longtime commenter on WZ.com, finally decided to create an account/start visiting the forums. Already read the rules, now just hoping to get some rep.

As Booker T would say, "Awwwww here we GO!"
Hi everyone!

After the WWE Universe forum closed down i missed it ever since, been looking around various wrestling forums and decided this is the BEST Forum in the WORLD today!

Looking forward to having a discussion with fellow wrestling fans!
Long time reader. Big fan of Mark Henry, Booker T, The Rock, Ezequiel Jackson and the Godfather.

Also enjoy watching CM Punk, Ziggler, D Bryan, Del Rio, Christian and anyone else that can put on a good show with proper technical wrestling. Really not a fan of Cena and the way he is dubbed to be. Took a hiatus from watching wrestling during Cena's emergence. Restarted watching for a year in 2007/2008 then took another break and started watching again this year when I heard about the CM Punk promo.
Hello, I'm Jonny & I'm 18. I frequently browse the forum from the homepage of WZ. Firstly I'd like to mention I told my 7 year old sister a list of my favourite Superstars & Divas. So she designed the Username 'TRIPSxKellyKelly' I know a bit girl right? :rolleyes:

My Current Favourite Superstars are Triple H, CM Punk, Randy Orton. But I'm a big fan of SCSA, The Rock & Y2J from 2000- onwards.

I've been watching WWE from around I was 6 or 7 so around 1999. It was awesome back then.I like WWE still but it's not the same with all this 'PG-era'. John Cena also winning countless titles with his 5 moves of doom is a bit of a bummer.

Any how I'll stop rambling on now.Hope to see you all around the forum.

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