
First time I ever got high I made the mistake of going to a Super Walmart on the way home...

Dude me too.

Walking down the chip aisle was like Heaven. So many chips and cookies and fun stuff to eat. My friend and I decided on cookies and milk. I was in charge of getting milk, so instead of getting like two 99 cent personal sized bottles of milk I went to the register with two gallons of milk. Our total came out to $6.66 and we freaked the fuck out.
I am going to be job hunting soon so I have been detoxing so I don't fail a piss test, but I must say that I do enjoy me some blueberry yum yum.
Smoked up nearly everyday since I was 13. Finally cutting back to just one or two a day now, seeing how I got a physics major to get. It helped me work out & lose over 30 pounds over the summer though(170 down to 126). Considering I had no job & was on summer break I would work out three times a day, one being early morning empty stomach, then heavy lifting, then intense cardio after supper. Smoking weed after my heavy lifting healed my muscles much faster, leaving me no soreness so I could always go. Now that I cut back and am in school I can only work out twice a day, but I think that's good because now I'll start to gain muscle-mass as opposed to just breaking even by the end of the day.

There is nothing wrong with weed in moderation, but I did smoke way too much in my years of 13-16, I advise against that as I feel as if I lost part of my childhood that I'll never get back. Aside from that, though, it stopped me from killing some stupid people, and it allowed me to put up with my now ex girlfriend for three years.

Now I use it as a relaxation to ease my mind after a long day of school & gym. Makes playing Pokemon more fun & helps me sleep big time. Every night before bed I have some toast & jam with a Marley drink, then smoke a nice joint. Once you hit the pillow after that combination it's lights out, and I wake up 5:30 each morning feeling super refreshed. Turning your life around always makes you happy.
Im telling Chuck Norris on you all.

Now everyone turn around while I finish this brownie... Dont look at me damnit!


What the fuck do the Ghostbusters need a gorilla for anyway? This cartoon sucked so bad. No reason it should have been given tv time. No Bill Murray, No Slimer- get the fuck out.
I have some toast & jam with a Marley drink, then smoke a nice joint. Once you hit the pillow after that combination it's lights out, and I wake up 5:30 each morning feeling super refreshed. Turning your life around always makes you happy.

You mean those chill drinks right
You mean those chill drinks right

Yeah man! I got to be asleep by 9:30-10:00 if I want to be lively by 5:30 in the morning, so they're quite the help. Plus I'm in school until 5:00, as I'm trying to major Physics + get an Engineering degree on the side. It's great being back in school, though, the summer was really quite boring.
Weed is fucking harmless. You know what happens if you overdose? You fucking fall asleep.

You know what the side effects are? Eating everything in your fucking house.

Have you ever heard of someone smoking a shitload and then beating their wife or girlfriend?

Legalize that shit and boost the economy! The food industry would thrive!
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;4108575]Weed is fucking harmless. You know what happens if you overdose? You fucking fall asleep.

You know what the side effects are? Eating everything in your fucking house.

Have you ever heard of someone smoking a shitload and then beating their wife or girlfriend?

Legalize that shit and boost the economy! The food industry would thrive![/QUOTE]

It makes idiots even bigger idiots, wherein lies the danger as they might become lethargic to the point where they completely neglect responsibility

It's like gambling in the same aspect, some people shouldn't do it, inwhich lies the harm it can cause

I've heard the same argument for why we have speed limits, yet that particular argument is entirely fucking hogwash, those things are necessary and most people don't realize it until they flip their car and/or kill someone
As a long time smoker, I will point out that despite what you might hear smoking weed is not harmless. Charles is pretty fucking spot on in the post above me, for starters. Weed, like most any other substance, can be addictive. It has withdrawal symptoms, including irritability, mood swings and lethargy. It isn't Heroin, but it has it's own problems. Lies from either side of the "weed" debate are laughable.
DirtyJosé;4113701 said:
As a long time smoker, I will point out that despite what you might hear smoking weed is not harmless. Charles is pretty fucking spot on in the post above me, for starters. Weed, like most any other substance, can be addictive. It has withdrawal symptoms, including irritability, mood swings and lethargy. It isn't Heroin, but it has it's own problems. Lies from either side of the "weed" debate are laughable.

This x1000, the side effects of cannabis are widely documented with some sound research. From first hand experience addiction to it is very much a real thing, though once you accept you have a problem kicking it is far easier than say, Alcohol (the withdrawal symptoms of which can actually kill you) Heroin or Nicotine.

The side effects are rare but can still be quite pronounced, short term memory loss being one of the more common (but reversible) ones. Others (such as mental health disorders for example schizophrenia) can be triggered by it but there is no proof of it being a cause, however it is questionable wether or not those affected in this way would have developed symptoms later in life regardless, I doubt anyone would fund an experiment where they follow a group of people some of whom have a susceptibility to mental illness and give half of them cannabis and keep the other half clean in an attempt to see if cannabis can trigger or even cause those illnesses - they'd get as far as we're going to attempt to induce an irreversible and extremely difficult to treat mental illness and that would be that.

In short weed is good when you're smoking it but when you are on the outside looking in it can be rather disturbing. I've been on both sides of the fence and that's pretty much my view on it.
I never have and never will, I have no problems with others doing it. I'd rather someone do that than something like meth. The thing with me is I have an extremely addictive personality and even if it's something that isn't technically habit forming I'll still get that, so even if I wasn't against it for other reasons I'd be against it because I'd likely spend all my money on it like some of my friends from high school. I think it's foolish to let it become a huge part of your life but if its an every now and then sort of thing then go for it, I'll just enjoy my whiskey while you smoke.
This x1000, the side effects of cannabis are widely documented with some sound research. From first hand experience addiction to it is very much a real thing, though once you accept you have a problem kicking it is far easier than say, Alcohol (the withdrawal symptoms of which can actually kill you) Heroin or Nicotine.

I can't agree with total certainty, but I do agree. It sucks, but it's a few days of suck instead of weeks or month or even years of it.
Why the fuck would they need to conduct a study? Anybody who lived through the 60's should serve as a viable fucking test subject for that kind of research... Of course Vietnam Vets have to be excluded, for accurate results. While we're at it, lets test the addictive properties of table salt and fireplace ashes. I think we can honestly say that weed might be addicting to some people. Some people can claim it all they want, and thats fine. Can't argue with the people who say they were/are, whatever.

To go back to the person who followed up my last post... it's called Natural Selection. They have Darwin Awards for people like that. I guarantee you that Marijuana is far less dangerous to other people than alcohol is.

Some of you are starting to compare apples to oranges, so... I shall bow out.
I'm on both sides a bit here. If weed thoroughly destroys someone's life, odds are they weren't going to amount to much anyway. There have been tons of successful, happy people who have smoked pot their whole lives. You don't really see that with Heroin users or crackheads or tweekers. The drugs are usually their downfall. If your mental faculties are diminished to the point that you're of no value to society from using Marijuana, odds are you just weren't that valuable to begin with.

I'm totally aware that I may find myself being a part of this category as well. Time will tell.

However, to say that it's harmless is ******ed. Anyone who smokes will tell you that they've done or said something stupid while being high. The severity of the issue varies. Sometimes you just light your cigarette backwards, sometimes you forget to turn your headlights on and get killed in a car accident. :shrug:

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