

WZCW's Brent Blaze
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A lot of talk about weed recently. I'm sure we have had this thread before, but not one in my recent memory. Whats your opinions? Who smokes it? Who wont admit to it? Killam, you have to shed your indulgence upon us.
I don't know why I was singled out... When have I ever talked about weed?

I think it was your thread. Not sure. I said something about it fucking my parents lives up, and you said something that hit the nail on the head. You were probably fucked up.
That was a joke. A really bad one, on account of being slightly buzzed right now. Weed is nice. It helps me sleep a lot of the time... I've only really been occassionally and recreationally smoking for less than a year.
It's one of those things where while it's illegal, I don't risk messing around with it seeing how anal police in small towns such as mine are with it, because it's not worth all the trouble it can bring from being busted for it. Although if it were legal, it wouldn't be something I frown upon.

And yes, it's provided some good times.
I used to smoke it at least three times a day. I'm clean now, mostly due holding down the job I have, but if it becomes legal and I'm able to smoke it without ramifications, then I shall blaze up again.
I am actually smoking a joint in my basement right now. I bought a quarter on Monday for the first time in nearly 3 years and I've become such a lightweight that the joint I rolled Monday night has been put out and restarted enough times to get me high every night since then. This bag is going to last me a while.
I'll probably smoke later. Depends on how much i drink. The people playing at this bar are so fucking terrible... which bodes well for them. Means ill keep paying for booze...
I quit about...three months ago, I guess? Right after finals. I wasn't a heavy user before but I'd toke it up every once in a while. Few times a month or so.

Combination of panic attacks for me and seeing two great friends from high school get really fucked up (one dropped out and now lives in Brooklyn doing who knows what, the other isn't far behind him) after spending all their time smoking weed turned me off a lot. I'm hardly anti-weed or whatever and I would probably still do it in a social setting but I have no more interest in it as a regular, personal habit.
I quit for a solid year starting the week after my daughter was born. I remember just getting high once during her first week at home and feeling like shit when she woke up and I had to take care of her whilst being baked. I didn't fuck up or anything, just had one of my strange, downer kind of highs. It was enough to make me quit cold for a year.
On a completely related note, Cheetos fucking rule.

The first time I went for a drive really high, I went food shopping, left, then turned around and went back for 3 bags of cheetos

Edit: Actually, that was the second, JGlass remembers the first lolololo
First time I ever got high I made the mistake of going to a Super Walmart on the way home... The weird difference between being drunk and high, at least for me, is awareness. When you're drunk you do stupid shit and you look like an idiot. When you're high you do stupid shit and look like an idiot...and you analyze yourself doing it. Like "wow...I'm walking really funny. That wasn't funny, but I'm gonna laugh at it anyways. Why am I looking at every single Blu Ray in the electronics department right now?"

I literally spent 30 minutes in Walmart looking at every Blu Ray, and then vividly remembering the last time I had watched each one. I then bought, for no reason except being baked, 2 bags of chips, a case of soda, a pound of chocolate covered almonds, a new pair of headphones - that was so I could listen to Dream Theater whilst stoned - and about $20 worth of candy. The next morning I woke up and was like...WHY THE FUCK DID I SPEND $80 LAST NIGHT ON SHIT I DON'T NEED!?

Here's a video of a guy that was REALLY messed up on something at the shitty bar open mic night I was at for a friend. Sorry, it's sideways. My phone is stupid. Various parts of this are really funny. I think my favorite part is when he just turns around and starts playing music for a chair next to him... I'm sad because my phone died as soon as he started dancing around and throwing...something...from his coat. I think it was small pieces of paper. Maybe? Guy was nuts.


EDIT: I now really want Kane to cut a promo with the words "your claps are the precious adornments of my staircase...into hell."
In the last year or so I've maybe smoked like 5 or 6 times due to working a couple of jobs that killed much of my free time. I had a week off recently and my sisters boyfriend had some going spare so took that with me to my caravan and got baked incredibly quickly. I was smoking on the beach which was pretty relaxing but its a bitch to walk on when baked.

Got a week off from Sunday so probably going to be on the hunt again but I'm at the stage where if I don't get any, I don't really mind too much.
Smoked it for a while, got bored, couldnt see the point, I cant really afford to be any more relaxed than I usually am anyway, I just become a vegetable. Plus I never went in for all that "look at my hand" shit that all my idiot mates would do, I dont care how fucking high I am, a hand is a fucking hand. You think you go into deep thought, but you just talk utter garbage. Plus it makes you stink. Whats the point?
I used to be a full time stoner but I quit for no reason a few years ago. I just got tired of it I guess. The only thing I miss is watching movies baked, Scary Movie 4 was the funniest movie ever to me at one time.
I've cut back on toking nowadays. Got tired of it somewhat, but I still enjoy a bowl followed by a half hour of skimming through Wikipedia or television.
Smoked it a couple times, got no kick out of it, so don't see the point of continuing. It seems to do something for some people, others are immune, have no issues with it though, if that's your thing and you enjoy it, more power to you. At least you're not snorting cocaine or shooting crack.
I cut back tremendously over the last year. I went from smoking 3 bowls a day to less than 3 a week.

I only do it when I got time to myself or when I make beats, its the only time I can actually smoke weed and be productive.
So, the majority of us are, or once were pot heads.

As for me, I have never touched it or any drugs for that matter. My dads currently spending 10 years in prison for some big deal over meth. My mom just got out of rehab for a combo of drugs and alcohol. I guess I am just kinda scared of the stuff.

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