We The People....


Why is it that there just losing, losing, losing, and losing? I don't understand the reasoning for DESTROYING a good team? Antonio Cesaro is a very talented performer. The uppercuts are just amazing. How talented that guy can be. You took the united states championship away from him and now he's just a guy getting nothing in return of how he can put on a 5 star match against anyone. This is getting so upsetting when it comes to this. This problem has been happening for awhile now. Wwe needs to learn from there mistakes, but they are making same mistake so many times. Now onto a guy who IS a former World Heavyweight Champion. Then he gets a amazing mouth piece. He wins the opportunity at the Champion at Wrestlemania. They add Cesaro into this small stable and you have future tag team champions but they of course misuse talent when in reality these guys can out wrestle a lot of others on that roster. This is a constant thing in this business. You have a future wwe champion in Cesaro and the Zeb will add so much to him holding it. As for Jack Swagger, you have made a mistake in your career. You were in line for a HUGE push and you blew it outside of wwe. That's a mistake that can be ignored, but you can only blame yourself. As for wwe and there lack of brain cells. You have failed on so much talent that could shine if you give themm a chance. We The People isn't a bad gimmick stable. Wwe needs to capalize on this opportunity. They won't.

Opinion. Over. Done.
Logan_Punisher out.

Ps: Wwe use the talent that is talent. Not the untalented as talent. Names like Titus O' Neil, Jack Swagger, and Antonio Cesaro.
What they need to do is get the belts of the shield but they should make it a 4-way tag match that way the shield don't have to be pined u can have Cody and/or goldust run in and distract the shield and let one of the other teams get pined giving the tittle to RA so they can bring in that new tag team el? Something not sure what the name is now
This is a constant thing in this business. People who are good in the ring but abysmal on the mic, who just can't seem to get over for shit seem relegated to mid card and lower card status.

See, I agree with everything in the quote there. Good thing you said it like that. And with such good English too. :rolleyes:

Cesaro is fun as hell to watch in the ring. Too bad that's about as important to the WWE as you make apparent that the ability to get over is to you. He did awful in his singles run, because he can't talk very well at all. His gimmick is stupid (yes a foreigner in an American stable makes perfect sense...) and he just plain can't get over. Period. He's right where he belongs until he can fix that. If you think Zeb Colter has fixed that, you are wrong.

What people like you seem to blatantly forget is that people who are good in the ring are still good in the ring when they're at the bottom of the card. You still get to see what you like to see while the, ya know...truly entertaining people get the spotlight.

P.S. - Everything above can almost verbatim be copied and pasted for Swagger.

Ps: Wwe use the talent that is talent. Not the untalented as talent. Names like Titus O' Neil

:lol: "Make it a win!"
See, I agree with everything in the quote there. Good thing you said it like that. And with such good English too. :rolleyes:

Cesaro is fun as hell to watch in the ring. Too bad that's about as important to the WWE as you make apparent that the ability to get over is to you. He did awful in his singles run, because he can't talk very well at all. His gimmick is stupid (yes a foreigner in an American stable makes perfect sense...) and he just plain can't get over. Period. He's right where he belongs until he can fix that. If you think Zeb Colter has fixed that, you are wrong.

What people like you seem to blatantly forget is that people who are good in the ring are still good in the ring when they're at the bottom of the card. You still get to see what you like to see while the, ya know...truly entertaining people get the spotlight.

P.S. - Everything above can almost verbatim be copied and pasted for Swagger.

:lol: "Make it a win!"

This. It always amazes me that these questions get asked about guys who have no mic skills.

If he can't talk, nobody is ever going to care about him. Nobody outside of the IWC has any idea why Antonio Cesaro is even still on TV. As much as you might fight it, actual wrestling ability will only catapult someone with great mic skills to the absolute top of the card once they're already over.

AC's gimmick was horrible before he was with ZC and JS. Every time this team even shows up it's an automatic FF for me on the DVR. I don't even care what Zeb has to say anymore because it became one-note really fast.

It wouldn't faze me or 95 percent of the WWE Universe if he disappeared from TV and you never heard from him again.

His current gimmick reminds me of that French guy who joined the Canadian stable or Canadian guy who joined the French stable, whatever...cant even remember the guys name that's how relevant he is now or then.
I love to watch Cesaro delivering a uppercut to his opponent .. But pairing him with Jack is not a good idea. As we know that the previous gimmick of Cesaro was a American hater, who used to hate Americans ... That was the totally opposite of Jack's American patriot gimmick .. that is why they don't fit in a tag team .
They are both talented individuals with a great manager and gimmick. It should work but between poor booking and the fact that The Shield are the tag-team champions they have become irrelevant.

In an ideal situation they would be either tag-team champs or the henchman of HHH. Unfortunately, Rollins and Reigns occupy both those spots. There isn't much else for a tag-team to do then go for the belts. They could hypothetically be two singles superstars but Axel and Ambrose have their two titles locked in. The only option left is to find two guys, make them a tag-team and have the feud with Swagger and Cesaro. I don't think a feud, for example, with the Prime Time Players is all that intriguing.

Perhaps a team such as Kofi and The Miz. Simple but could deliver good singles matches, tag-team matches and a feud built on Kofi's nationality and the fact that The Miz overlooks that. Obviously Cesaro is a Real-American so is exempt from such animosity.
Cesaro needs a real feud. I forget who he feuded with towards the end of his US title run but it was easily the highlight of his time in the WWE. He got lumped in with Swagger and Colter because there is just no descernable spot for either of those guys.

I happen to hate Jack Swagger with a passion. He is BY FAR my most hated wrestler in the WWE. Boring on the mic, boring in the ring, no personality, nothing. So I knew once Cesaro teamed with him it would be job city for a while. Nothing wrong with paying some dues. I'd really like to see him emerge with a feud against Curtis Axel or Ziggler.
unfortunately without decent mic skills, you're rarely going to get past mid-card status. i personally like him and can't wait to see him break off from WTP and start his feud with swagger, it may actually be interesting if its booked correctly

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