Ways to spice up the WZ Tournament.

Thanks for the kind words, Milky. SO, is Milk-o-Mania returning to run wild on WZ? I'll never forget you bringing up shaving yourself and getting cut. Good times, good times. Hopefully you've learned to use electric razors w/ guards since those days.

I'm back for now. Not sure what post-mania will have for me. It's according to if I find the product as entertaining then as I do now.
* If there could somehow be a royal rumble, that would be pretty neat-o. (Maybe you vote as to who is next to be eliminated?)

* I believe KB started out with a crazy long list (lets say 200) just draw everyone from a hat. If they don't get drawn, they aren't in. Really, who cares if Hogan, or HBK etc. doesn't make it for one year?

* (My probably stupid idea) Put a limit as to how many times a person can vote per round. Example: In round one, you can only vote for ten matches. In round two, only seven. etc etc. This makes it almost strategic as you have to place your vote carefully and with thought. (You would still be allowed to post arguments in any match, but only vote on a select number.)

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