Ways to spice up the WZ Tournament.

And again, having an opinion when said opinion is asked of me apparently has people angry at me.....

Jesus. I forgot that opinions are illegal here, if they differ from that of others.

While I can't speak for anyone else, I know I wasn't bashing you. But if you want to spice up this tournament, not that it needs to be anyhow, doing what you're suggesting would probably hurt more than help.
how about eliminating the gimmick matches. All they do is give chances to people who aren't good enough to beat other guys cleanly (ie Edge/Hogan, where the majority of the Edge posts said that Hogan would win any other match type). Not to mention how gimmick matches are unfair to the guys who competed in era's before the match types (like Thesz with any gimmick match, or Hogan with the TLC/Ladder Matches, etc).

If you can't beat the guy in a singles match (or a Steel Cage, which has been around forever), you don't deserve to advance. Simple as that.
Than I guess each year we should just have Austin, Hart, Hogan, and Flair each year and that's it.

The gimmick matches actually make it less predictable which is always a good thing, I don't see how it's bad. Hogan just got a bad draw, and Thesz could easily win in the majority of those gimmick matches, I love the unpredictability of the gimmick matches, it just makes it more fair for the other wrestlers, instead of the usual 4 who would be in the finals every year without the gimmicks.

If I had to make a change though I would say switch the mega gimmick, and the non-mega gimmick around, and make the non-mega gimmick part of the 1 night tournament.

Overall, I love the concept of the tournament, that's what got me on WZ, keep it up KB!!
While I can't speak for anyone else, I know I wasn't bashing you. But if you want to spice up this tournament, not that it needs to be anyhow, doing what you're suggesting would probably hurt more than help.
no, you weren't. And as such what I was saying wasn't directed at you.

I was just saying that the gimmicks skews the tournament WAY to far to the newer wrestlers (again, no way someone the caliber of Edge beats someone the caliber of Hogan, but because it was a modern match taht heavily favored Edge, he won). Hence why the removal of such extreme types as Ladder matches or even hardcore matches and the like would benefit. And the idea that the same 4 people would be in, well, is it better then having the same 4 people, but those 4 people being shit compared to he other 4? Edge isn't good enough to sniff the final 4/8.

You want another way to spruce up the tournament some? Make the 2nd round a Tag Team Round. Base teams off of the ranking (highest remaining seed teams with lowest remaining seed) and both winners advance and both losers go home.
And again, having an opinion when said opinion is asked of me apparently has people angry at me.....

Jesus. I forgot that opinions are illegal here, if they differ from that of others.

Overreact much? I thought the clear message was not anger, but surprise that you still keep beating that dead horse.
You're not getting it man. The gimmicks make things a bit even instead of everything being an open and shut case. If we eliminate the gimmicks, it essentially becomes the same thing every year. Having Hogan vs Austin every year isn't fun at all.

I also think you're looking over the fact that there are a lot of people who just fucking don't like Hulk Hogan. His latter years have certainly harmed his legacy in the minds of of the IWC. There may be just more votes against Hogan then there are for Edge.
Yeah if this is a straight tournament, just give it to Hogan every year and don't have it. That's all there is to it really because there's no one that is going to be booked over Hogan in a straight one on one match at the height of his powers.
Every time someone uses the phrase "and it isn't even close" = slit your wrists = mass wrestling forum related suicide.

No in all seriousness, the best way to vote descriptively is to take the opposite to popular opinion. If it's Hogan vs. Disco Inferno, take Disco to be both interesting and intuitive, what the fuck is the point of voting for the guy who looks like they ae going to win.
Yeah if this is a straight tournament, just give it to Hogan every year and don't have it. That's all there is to it really because there's no one that is going to be booked over Hogan in a straight one on one match at the height of his powers.

Andre in his prime would rape Hogan. :confused:
I think it's time we find a way to "spice" things up, as with each passing year this is getting more and more redundant.

Add a dash of this,

Now you've done went and confused me. Time to share some of that cool old school knowledge with me?

From my understanding Andre the Giant wasn't pinned nor ever submitted in wrestling for over 10 years. Until Hogan pinned him at WM3.
Now you've done went and confused me. Time to share some of that cool old school knowledge with me?

From my understanding Andre the Giant wasn't pinned nor ever submitted in wrestling for over 10 years. Until Hogan pinned him at WM3.

Well young one this is what you call kayfabe. He lost more than once in Mexico and Japan during that time. And the story was 15 years. Hogan had not only fought him but slammed him in a match in 1980.
Makes sense. I never knew that was kayfabe.

You're talking about the match they had in 1980 the ref stopped due to Hogan using the blade on Andre?
So we've had four tournaments with Zero repeat winners so far. How is This repetitive?
:wave: Long time no see William.

I'll never forget your push for Edge in the tournament. Best one to date that I've taken part in anyways.
:wave: Long time no see William.

I'll never forget your push for Edge in the tournament. Best one to date that I've taken part in anyways.

Thanks for the kind words, Milky. SO, is Milk-o-Mania returning to run wild on WZ? I'll never forget you bringing up shaving yourself and getting cut. Good times, good times. Hopefully you've learned to use electric razors w/ guards since those days.

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