Was the Knockout Lockbox the Worst TNA Segment of all time?

I have to agree this segment was BS worst knockout segment EVER!

They need to tone down the gimmick matchs.. not just for the KO's but for all of TNA. Its getting to be to much.
I don't know what's worse: This segment actually getting green-lighted by a woman.... or the fact that TNA fans are actually rattling off a list of "segments in TNA that were a lot worse."

That's because there HAVE been segments as well as entire angles that were far worse. The Dutt/Lethal angle in 2008 was worse, so was anything with Deaner in it. I don't get the hatred for the Knockouts Lockbox segment. It did what it was supposed to do!

Let me rephrase that, in case someone gets the wrong idea. There seem to be, in this thread, TNA fans who are proud of the fact that the Lockbox Debacle doesn't even rank in the top 10 for worst moments in the company. They're even saying that it's not the worst moment of 2010.

Maybe because it wasn't THAT bad of a segment.

What you guys seem to be forgetting is that a Champion, in what is trying to be a major promotion, lost a Championship as the result of winning a match. Let that sink in. "But, Rob. Debra won the WWE Women's title like that." Well, yes and no. Yes, it was a really bad segment, but, on a very strict, technical level, Debra did, in fact, win that match over Sable. I'm well aware of the stupidity behind that one, and, since I don't want heads to go splode, I won't describe it here. Go look it up. And, the Lockbox Debacle was STILL worse than that. Especially since TNA supposedly prides themselves on having athletic female wrestlers.

Tara's a face. Her gaining sympathy from you for losing the title the way she did means that this segment had the exact effect on you that TNA wanted it to. Congratulations on proving why this segment wasn't bad.

News flash for TNA fans: You've been mind-raped to the point that THIS is acceptable to you. "But, it gets ratings." So did Lee Harvey Oswald getting shot by Jack Ruby. I still don't want it on my wrestling!

That's one extreme way to view it, but there is another extreme to look at. People do make a bigger deal out of ratings than they should, I agree there.... but they ARE important. Someone could put on the greatest quality show ever, but if only 5 people watch it.... then what's the point? You have to get people to watch your product because that makes them more likely to buy your items. That's why TNA does need to focus on increasing ratings and odd segments with the Knockouts like this one will do just that, therefore the lockbox segment was justified.
That's because there HAVE been segments as well as entire angles that were far worse. The Dutt/Lethal angle in 2008 was worse, so was anything with Deaner in it. I don't get the hatred for the Knockouts Lockbox segment. It did what it was supposed to do!

It was supposed to openly tell the world that Lacey von Erich's mildly attractive, saccharine appearance is more important than actual wrestling to "Total Nonstop Action?"

Maybe because it wasn't THAT bad of a segment.

Ignoring the fact that a title was taken away from a champion who won the match, and violates every ideal of common sense in that regard, let's go to the fact that, in order to fit this in, the main event match only lasted 90 seconds. And, again, TNA thought this was a better idea than pushing either main event for the pay-per-view.

Tara's a face. Her gaining sympathy from you for losing the title the way she did means that this segment had the exact effect on you that TNA wanted it to. Congratulations on proving why this segment wasn't bad.

Who's feeling sympathy? I'm disgusted by the stupidity. There's no "I want to hug her" instinct invovled. It's all "what the crap are those ******s thinking?" Why? Because it's hard to have "sympathy" for a fictional character. So, congratulations on giving me an easy comment to respond to.

That's one extreme way to view it, but there is another extreme to look at. People do make a bigger deal out of ratings than they should, I agree there.... but they ARE important. Someone could put on the greatest quality show ever, but if only 5 people watch it.... then what's the point? You have to get people to watch your product because that makes them more likely to buy your items. That's why TNA does need to focus on increasing ratings and odd segments with the Knockouts like this one will do just that, therefore the lockbox segment was justified.

You're right. People do need to see the product. But, if they turn into "Wrestling," and, instead see a show where the matches are 90 seconds long, and the "suspense" of which chick is going to be a champion and which one is going to have to start dancing in public lasts LONGER THAN THE MAIN EVENT..... They aren't going to tune back in.

Having a momentary "hey, boobies" tune in doesn't translate to a long term "this is great wrestling" audience swing. And, that's only if ratings are the only aspect you're looking at. "But, Rob, people like boobies." I'm also certain that you know atg least 15 websites where you can see them anytime you want. If you're claiming to be different than WWE, you need to be different.

But, I also think you missed the point of my original post. By "it's bad that people are rattling off a list of worse crap," you thought I meant that this segment was passable. And, the truely sad part is, by TNA standards, you're almost right. But, that is a very bad sign for TNA, as a company. I honestly expect them to be out of business by the end of 2011.
I think this segment is being blown out of proportion. Not that I thought that initially but with the way it played out when finished this week I think it looks much better. The whole thing is being used as a foil to wwe divas and how they have been booked forever. Using the title the way TNA did was an exceedingly poor choice. However, the negatives of this segment pale in comparison to the way the WWE women's titles and division have been booked for 15 years. One night is nothing in the long run.
You know they say the worst thing TNA did was jenna vs sharmell at a ppv event last year.

But this,by far, has gotta be the worst, just handing out belts, contracts and a spider?:wtf:..

I'f im correct, was this the closing segment of the show??

Look at who they had, Daffney, Tara, Love and Velvet, I know Tara is a bit injured, but they could have had a good Knockouts match between the 4, instead of having them open a box.
You know they say the worst thing TNA did was jenna vs sharmell at a ppv event last year.

But this,by far, has gotta be the worst, just handing out belts, contracts and a spider?:wtf:..

I'f im correct, was this the closing segment of the show??

Look at who they had, Daffney, Tara, Love and Velvet, I know Tara is a bit injured, but they could have had a good Knockouts match between the 4, instead of having them open a box.

But then we wouldn't have seen Velvet Sky looking smoking hot in a leather outfit! :worship:
But enough about my primal perverted thoughts about Velvet Sky beating me. I do agree with you that a good KO match between the four would have been better. However, I'm NOT a fan of 3 and 4- participant singles title matches. Doing that just says that you don't trust your champion OR the challengers to get the job done. Mind you I found it rather fishy from the start when Hamada wasn't picked to get a key. Shows where the priorities lie: on former WWE/WCW women and blondies (Hmm, doesn't this sound like a certain other promotion?:disappointed:)
It was supposed to openly tell the world that Lacey von Erich's mildly attractive, saccharine appearance is more important than actual wrestling to "Total Nonstop Action?"

No.... it was supposed to make the fans feel sympathy for Tara for losing her title in a strange way, while it set up for the Tara & Angelina VS Velvet & Madison match at Lockdown for the Knockouts and Knockouts Tag Team Championships. It wasn't a bad segment because it got people watching and they are still talking about it after it set up the PPV match.

Ignoring the fact that a title was taken away from a champion who won the match, and violates every ideal of common sense in that regard, let's go to the fact that, in order to fit this in, the main event match only lasted 90 seconds. And, again, TNA thought this was a better idea than pushing either main event for the pay-per-view.

Let me ask you this though.... did it make you want to watch? If you had the choice between a main event on Raw or some random match on TNA.... VS .... the main event of Raw or a controversial Knockouts segment.... which would you rather watch? The choice is much easier in the latter scenario rather than the former. This segment got people to watch.

Who's feeling sympathy? I'm disgusted by the stupidity. There's no "I want to hug her" instinct invovled. It's all "what the crap are those ******s thinking?" Why? Because it's hard to have "sympathy" for a fictional character. So, congratulations on giving me an easy comment to respond to.

Here's a little newsflash for you.... Tara's a face. When bad things happen to face characters, the fans are "supposed" to feel bad for them. You are supposed to want good things to happen to the faces and bad things to happen to the heels. Not all fans follow that anymore, but it's how wrestling works.

You're right. People do need to see the product. But, if they turn into "Wrestling," and, instead see a show where the matches are 90 seconds long, and the "suspense" of which chick is going to be a champion and which one is going to have to start dancing in public lasts LONGER THAN THE MAIN EVENT..... They aren't going to tune back in.

Says who? This isn't a PPV it's TNA Impact. They have to get the fans' attention and segments like this do that. They can't give away great matches too often, then no one would buy the PPV's. It's that mentality of "Why spend money on that when I can just see a better match for free on Impact!". If you don't like these segments, watch Raw. Oh wait, that has annoying segments too. Then.... watch Smackdown or ROH and find something else to do on Mondays.

Having a momentary "hey, boobies" tune in doesn't translate to a long term "this is great wrestling" audience swing. And, that's only if ratings are the only aspect you're looking at. "But, Rob, people like boobies." I'm also certain that you know atg least 15 websites where you can see them anytime you want. If you're claiming to be different than WWE, you need to be different.

Not everyone goes to "those websites". Like I said before, they need to put on a show that gets people's attention. Not every fan is going to respond to a great match by wanting more. Others want interesting segments. I happen to like both. TNA is trying to please ALL of their fans, and guess what? There's going to be segments and matches you don't like. Either put up with that, or find something else to watch.

But, I also think you missed the point of my original post. By "it's bad that people are rattling off a list of worse crap," you thought I meant that this segment was passable. And, the truely sad part is, by TNA standards, you're almost right. But, that is a very bad sign for TNA, as a company. I honestly expect them to be out of business by the end of 2011.

I beg to differ on that. Sure, they have a very steep uphill battle. However, people WANT competition. They desire another ratings war. If enough people keep watching TNA out of wanting competition, they will continue to grow and one day they might be a threat as big as WCW was. Don't count TNA out just yet. I think that they will not only still be in business by 2011, but they will also have grown a lot as a federation.
I, personally, hated the segment. I don't think much of championships, they're just a prop to promote the performer, but if you go out and say that the belt doesn't mean anything by giving it to one of four random girls, you make the championship all the less meaningful.

BUT- I also think the segment was a good one, for two reasons.

1) It drew ratings. You just can't argue with that. The 'artistic merits' of a segment, for lack of a better term, mean absolutely shit when it comes to putting asses in seats and eyeballs in front of televisions. Higher ratings mean higher advertising dollars which means more money to reinvest into your product (and less money being spent by Panda Energy to support TNA.) If Orlando Jordan 69'ing Jeremy Borash were to sell, we'd start seeing a lot of north-south on Impact.

2) It sets up plotlines for the future. Like Bischoff has said, time and time again, Controversy Creates Ca$h. Let that be your guiding philosophy as to what TNA is going to do in the future. Now people can talk about how Tara was robbed of her championship, setting up the feud when she returns without having to make any face/heel turns (which would be unnecessary right now in the Knockouts division). Velvet not requesting a title match feels sloppy to me; it strikes of "now why didn't we think of that?" writing. But the important thing to focus on is that there are now controversial issues to discuss, which can always be fleshed out into feuds and storylines.

TNA being able to keep a cohesive storyline together, however, is another topic entirely.

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