The worst gimmick match of all time

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Anything on a pole really. The match in WCW where JJ and Booker T had to find which box the title belt was in. There was a picture of Scott Hall in one of the boxes, which I think was meant to be funny but was just confusing.

At Summerslam 2000, there was a Thong Stinkface Match. I can't remember which 2 birds were in it, but if it wasn't for the enjoyment of staring at them, that would be the worst match of all time. I think they used Perry Saturn (which suggests it was Terri) and Al Snow (he's been in too many of these shitty matches to be a coincidence) as managers. The cheapest way of getting 2 male wrestlers on-screen I've ever seen. Actually I think the match may have been after TLC, so it might in fact have just been a clever way to distract the audience whilst they cleared everything up.

That whole match was fucking boring. It's not going to make me any less of a fan, but all matches like this just make me cringe after seeing the Vic grimes incident. This is just a terrible match with about 3 actual wrestling move. But ecw wasn't going to let that stop them, Joey still sold the match like it was life and death even untill Brian fell through with his tipical OMG!!! It was a match that just looks bad, oh boy lets punch each other untill one of us falls. You know as soon as they get on the scaffold that they are fucked. One of them is going to fall. It's just not that exciting, I don't care if he fell through 100 tables.
A lot of "good" terrible gimmick matches there but how about TNA feast or fired cases on a pole matches were pretty awful! Or WWE hardcore battle royal? Any dog collar match where to win the wrestler has to touch all 4 corners?
I think Vince Russo's handiwork might just feature in some of the answers....

Some examples off the top of my head include:

WCW New Blood Rising- Judy Bagwell on a Pole Match
Buff Bagwell took on 'Positively' Kanyon in this 2000 abomination in which Bagwell's Old Dear was some how meant to be on a pole but ended up on a forklift. *Facepalm*

WWF In Your House 6- Crybaby Match
Scott 'Razor Ramon' Hall took on the 1-2-3 Kid in this 1996 matchup whereby the loser had to...wait for it.... wear a diaper and drink from an infants bottle. A few months later, Hall would go on to one of the coolest angles of all time with the nWo, but this was as far away from cool as humanly possible.

WWF Unforgiven- Kennel From Hell Match (1999)
Cage? Check! Hell In A Cell? Check! Ferocious Rottweilers? Well.....
Al Snow and The Bossman met in this best-left-forgotten Attitude Era contest. It seemingly had the makings of something brilliant. That is until the dogs (on leashes) start pissing and shitting everywhere and maybe even got intimate, I cant recall, and I'm grateful for that.
There was a match in WWE ECW Where they had to throw each other in a mexican river or ocean. Very vague description because i tried my hardest to forget it. Just shockin.

Gulf of mexico match. CM Punk vs. Chavo Guerrero. Agreed it was pretty horrible. Not the worst in my opinion though...

I'm going to go with something no one has said yet. WM 2000(16). Hardcore battle royal. This match was the biggest clusterfuck in wrestling (sorry Vince, I said wrestling)history. It was just 15 minutes of 13 superstars beating eachother up outside the ring. There was like 7 different fights going on at a time and you couldn't keep your eye on any one thing, plus it had a majorly botched ending. Just horrible.


The worst in my opinion would have to be the ladder match between Mysterio and Geurrerro for the custody of Dominick. That crap was hard to watch, Eddie yellin at Dominick sayin, "I'm your Papi!!!!!!" :lmao: The match itself wasnt too horrible but the fact that they dragged the kid into it was lame and made it feel like a bad soap opera.
There was a match in WWE ECW Where they had to throw each other in a mexican river or ocean. Very vague description because i tried my hardest to forget it. Just shockin.

Haha! I was just randomly watching old WWECW episodes on Hulu the other day and stumbled across this gem. It was a Gulf of Mexico match between CM Punk and Chavo Guerrero (then-ECW champion) where the loser was thrown guessed it...the Gulf of Mexico.
Diva gimmick matches like Mud Matches, Whipping Matches, Halloween costume contests etc. are a bore to watch. Even the worst male gimmick matches are better to watch than them. The only diva gimmick match worth watching is a Bra & Panties cause there's no stupid stuff involved there, just tits, ass & wrestling.
So I am the only one who would put WCW's Triple Cage Match over anything else? Surprising.

The concept was appealing, I won't lie. The match on the other hand was so freaking bad. poorly worked, Poor ending ... The whole thing was just uhh. One of the main focal points to me that I relate to the death of WCW.

Close 2nd is the Lion's Den Matches.

I Still think that match type could work. It was a great concept just poorly executed and didn't have the right type of wrestlers for the match, Imagine if they used the Triple Cage for E&C v Hardys v Dudleys. It would have worked imo.
Late giving my answers, so I'll just add to what others have already said.

bigbootydaddyv gave my first pick with the Punjabi Prison Match and no one from India being in the ring. It was supposed to be a last minute replacement as the Great Khali had elevated enzymes. I have come to find out this is considered code for hepatitis of one form or another. Still don't think it would have been any better with Khali's participation.

Jack-Hammer gave my second pick with the TNA Blindfold Match in Six Sides of Steel between former tag partners James Storm and Chris Harris. Their excuse was the original masks didn't work or weren't on hand and some guy in the back said he could sew and made the atrocities used in the match. AMW did not deserve this.

muzz-rocks brings up something I can somewhat defend - TNA Feast or Fired matches. The concept of you have to get a briefcase for even a chance to be a winner sounds good. The concept of you may get the wrong briefcase is even good. But when you give out 4 briefcases on a Sunday night PPV, tape three weeks worth of shows the next couple of days and fail to mention the briefcases for weeks or months at a time, then have someone randomly sitting in the lockerroom holding onto a briefcase for dear life, it's no longer a good idea.

I don't know how many times we've seen someone coming to the ring and asked what he's doing with a briefcase because we've forgotten the entire ppv even happened.

I think Jim Cornette was the one who said you can't even wrestle on a scaffold. Once you get up there, it's just a matter of not falling off the wrong way and breaking bones or worse.
I would like to add the Nightstick match between Big Boss Man and Chris Jericho on Raw. It was one of the hardest things to watch in the history of the WWE. They were supposed to have to climb on top of the turnbuckle and reach for the nightstick on a pole but there was a malfuntion and the nightstick fell as soon as Bossman hit the canvas and shook the ring. The rest of the match was them rolling around fighting over the night stick, not their fault but still horrible.
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