Worst gimmick of all time

"Let me tell ya something brother. Whaccha gonna do when all the Hulkamaniacs run wild on you. Come on brother, say your prayers and eats those vegies. Eat your vitimans and be good to your parents. Brother." Hulk Hogan, IMO had one of the worst gimmiks of ALL time. I know some people are going to red rep me for this, but Hulk's gimmick did not, and never will appeal to me. Even when i was little, there was something i hated about this man. His entrance theme, look, how much EVERYONE loves or loved him, i never got it. Maybe his gimmick was a draw but he is and was nothing special to me. I'll give him credit for sparking Wrestlemania, and starting "Sport-Entertainment" but Hogan was nothing but a big ass dude wearing pretty colors.
"Let me tell ya something brother. Whaccha gonna do when all the Hulkamaniacs run wild on you. Come on brother, say your prayers and eats those vegies. Eat your vitimans and be good to your parents. Brother." Hulk Hogan, IMO had one of the worst gimmiks of ALL time. I know some people are going to red rep me for this, but Hulk's gimmick did not, and never will appeal to me. Even when i was little, there was something i hated about this man. His entrance theme, look, how much EVERYONE loves or loved him, i never got it. Maybe his gimmick was a draw but he is and was nothing special to me. I'll give him credit for sparking Wrestlemania, and starting "Sport-Entertainment" but Hogan was nothing but a big ass dude wearing pretty colors.

I won't red rep you, but I'll say you are wrong. Love him or hate him Hulk Hogan is the biggest draw in the histroy of wrestling. He took wrestling mainstream and is responsible for a lot of people getting into wrestling in the first place. I gave the Red Rooster as an example because he was a nobody who walked and talked like a rooster. That's a bad gimmick. Hulk Hogan is the most sucessful and most recognizable wrestler ever. You may not like Hogan but do you really think guys like Red Rooster and Max Moon are better gimmicks?
i would have to say tht one o the worst was... Gilberg. all tht it accomplishd was cheap shotting wcw. TERRIBLE. close 2nd was brooklyn brawler. only thing i think he accomplished was becoming a regular joke on cemas "5 questuons with the champ"
OH man. For sure it has to be the 'baby killer/foot fetish' gimmick Snitsky was given. Wow. Just everything about that gimmick was wrong and insulting to people's intelligence. Didn't help that Snitsky as a performer had nothing to offer but size either.

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