Was the Knockout Lockbox the Worst TNA Segment of all time?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think I witnessed the worst segment of all time the other night. Did anybody experience anything positive from this Knockout lock box thing at all? If they were random keys how did they know which box to stand next too? Why would TNA have any right to give away Tara's spider to anyone else? How the hell is there any prestige in having a title change doing this? Why the hell didn't Velvet Sky demand a title match if she could choose any stipulation? On top of that all this took place pretty much in the main event time slot. This was literally painful for me to sit through. I think it would have been less painful to watch Chris Masters flex his pecks while Orlando Jordan drooled over him and Hornswaggle running circles around them and Ron Simmons says damn. Whats everyone's opinion of this segment and can you think one thats in your opinion the worst of all time?
I have to agree that the Knockouts Lock Box was pretty bad. Hopefully in the long run this will help get some stability in the Knockouts division, however I sadly doubt it.

Not the worst segment ever though. Anyone remember Robocop showing up at WCW to help Sting rescue Lex Luger from the Four Horsemen? I still, to this day, have no clue what in the Hell they were thinking. All I can say is that someone better have gotten a fat ass check to cash off of that turd.
One of the worst segments I have seen would have been HHH screwing a corpse in a coffin. Not pretty
What an exaggeration.

Let me start by saying I experienced no joy in that segment at all.

I agree, why would they have any right to give away anyone's property.

As for the key and lock question, well, the simple explanation is that all the keys are the same as the locks on the boxes and it was a pick your box type of deal.

It was in the main event slot for one reason. Was it terrible, to the IWC it was fucking ridiculous. But did it draw? Yes, it did. TNA got it's highest rating when the KO were opening the boxes. Why, because despite the fact that it was terrible, it made people want to watch. When you're as strapped for ratings as TNA was that night, you do what you have to. It's a fact.

Also, there are reports that Tara injured her hand and they used this BS as a way to make her save face without losing the title.

There have been far worse segments in pro wrestling. FAR worse.
T2K brought up one of the top five ever.

How about Hornswoggle winning the cruiserweight title and then vacating it only for it to never be seen again?
Pretty bad segment but wasn't all bad. Personally there were two things that saved that travesty: 1) Daffney still managed to entertain the crowd with her growling and snarling persona. Kudos to her for keeping it professional. 2) I may be a perverted male fan for saying this but I was very happy to see Lacey run around in her lingerie! She can't wrestle and is dumb as dirt but she looks damn good at what she does.

Worse than Robocop and Hornswoggle's appearances: the SHOCKMASTER! *cue Million Dollar Man laugh*
I have to agree with Tiger. It was not that great a segment but every single Diva's segment from the past 4 years beats it as being worse. And it's funny but the worst segment that popped in my mind when seeing this absolutely ludicrous title was the Triple H/Katie Vick thing, which has already been mentioned.

I've never seen a group of people who are so vehemently opposed to a company as here. Not to suck up to him but Tiger's sig is absolutely correct for a large portion of this board. TNA has been screwing up but no more than any other company. The only thing keeping me interested in WWE is Randy Orton and they seem to be going down a road with him that I don't want (sending him to Smackdown). If there's a segment you don't like just change the channel and come back later. Altogether, I probably watch 30 good minutes of wrestling a week.
This was not even the worst thing in TNA in the last year, see PPV match Sharmell vs Jenna Morasca. Worse wrestling, even more pointless and less attractive T&A as its only "quality."
Wasn't the worst

But I do have to say it cracks the list.... wow.. they had an hour head start and it consist of this and Orlando Jordan creeping me out...
This was a mix of a lot of things. Number one is Tara's hand which is apparently broken so she can't compete. Number two, ratings. I can't believe it, but it drew. To tell the truth my eyes were wide open when Daffney was slipping off her sleeves. And well Lacey. Can't argue that. Number three, this one just being an opinion, this may have been an attempt to spark the KO division as well as see how well they do higher on the card. I thought the segment was going... mildly until Tara, after 3 hours of starring at Angelina, decided to be angry at her unusual title loss. Yes, the segment was pretty stupid, but the timing completely killed it. It didn't seem rushed, just unorganized.
This was a mix of a lot of things. Number one is Tara's hand which is apparently broken so she can't compete. Number two, ratings. I can't believe it, but it drew. To tell the truth my eyes were wide open when Daffney was slipping off her sleeves. And well Lacey. Can't argue that. Number three, this one just being an opinion, this may have been an attempt to spark the KO division as well as see how well they do higher on the card. I thought the segment was going... mildly until Tara, after 3 hours of starring at Angelina, decided to be angry at her unusual title loss. Yes, the segment was pretty stupid, but the timing completely killed it. It didn't seem rushed, just unorganized.

You'd think that booking would have Tara have a more immediate reaction to losing the title. Good points all around, you're right. This was disorganized but not bad (lot better to watch than certain WWE main-eventers)
I think I witnessed the worst segment of all time the other night.

No you didn't. Fake Trump VS Fake Rosie from 3 years ago was much worse than this.

Did anybody experience anything positive from this Knockout lock box thing at all?

Yes. Being curious as to who got what box, that made me more interested in watching the rest of Impact.

If they were random keys how did they know which box to stand next too?

Someone told them "Angelina, you stand next to this box. Daffney, you come stand by that box. Velvet, this box right here. Tara, you've got this one." It's a scripted show. They made sure everyone stood by the correct box. Disregarding kayfabe, they just stand next to a random box. It doesn't have to be that complicated.

Why would TNA have any right to give away Tara's spider to anyone else?

It's a storyline, it gets the fans to feel sympathy for Tara (who is a face) and anger towards the heel who gets the spider during such a scenario.

How the hell is there any prestige in having a title change doing this?

It's better than Tara and ODB trading the title back and forth like they were doing a few months ago.

Why the hell didn't Velvet Sky demand a title match if she could choose any stipulation?

Alright, this is the part I do agree with. The match against Lacey could have still happened while Velvet could have ignited a feud with Angelina.... that probably just means that TNA is going more in the direction of Angelina VS Tara instead.

On top of that all this took place pretty much in the main event time slot. This was literally painful for me to sit through. I think it would have been less painful to watch Chris Masters flex his pecks while Orlando Jordan drooled over him and Hornswaggle running circles around them and Ron Simmons says damn.

Really, farlance? REALLY?

Sorry but I disagree. This segment did what it was supposed to do. It got people talking and people watched to find out who got what box. Comparing it to a segment like the one you described is unfair to the Knockouts, who I'm sure did the best they could to make this segment an interesting one.

Whats everyone's opinion of this segment and can you think one thats in your opinion the worst of all time?

I really enjoyed it because, like I said before, it made you wonder what was going to happen next. It's not even close towards being the worst of all time like you claimed. It was good. The worst of all time? I'm sure Katie Vick will get brought up, or Hornswoggle as Vince's son.... I'm going with the one I already mentioned, Fake Trump VS Fake Rosie. It was so bad that it got a WWE audience chanting "TNA!". That's how bad it was.
Was I the the only one who understood the keys where numbered and they got to choose their number? Very simple to understand.

This segment reeked of Vince Russo at his worst right up there with a coalminers glove on a pole match.

I was truly disturbed by Daffneys striptease i was literally watching trough my hands, which is weird cause that shouldn't be the case.
It was pretty terrible, easily the worst TNA segment of 2010 in my opinion. The TNA Knockout Championship seems to lose prestige with each passing month, it's become little more than a prop at this point that TNA Creative passes to Knockouts with the casual ease of passing a joint. Having Tara lose the title without even having to be pinned or made to submit was a lousy idea and the segment in and of itself was little more than a stunt to jack up ratings. The striptease spect of the Lockbox segment was the primary draw for it. It very much reminded me of some of the stuff Russo came up with in WCW 10 years back.

What made it all the worse, in my opinion, wasn't really the show itself but the fact that TNA seemed to weave much of iMPACT! in and of itself last Monday around the goings on surrounding the Lockbox. However, when it comes to drawing, The Beautiful People are every bit as big in TNA as Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair at this point.
Worst segment in history? Not by a mile. TNA has done some stupid things in their history, and this is no exception to the rule, but this is far and away not the worst they've ever done seeing as women's wrestling isn't on the same level as mens.

Quite a few head-scratchers:

• "Fish Market" Street Fight – Destination X 2008 – Shark Boy & Curry Man v. Team 3D
• When Shark Boy woke up from a "coma" as Steve Austin incarnate
• When Eric Young was "Super Eric"
• "Black Tie Brawl and Chain" – Hard Justice 2008 – Jay Lethal v. Sonjay Dutt
• TNA Turkey Bowl – Thanksgiving episodes of iMPACT in 2007 & 2008
• Blindfold Match – Lockdown 2007 – Chris Harris v. James Storm
• Reindeer Ladder Match – TNA iMPACT! 2007 – Kaz v. A.J. Styles
• "Silent Night, Bloody Night" from the Christmas Eve 2007 episode of iMPACT!.
• "Santa's Workshop Knockout Street Fight"
• Any 'on a Pole' match
• The "cry baby" match from years back when Sabin woke up in a diaper and cried (a la 1-2-3 Kid).

If you ask me, any number of those could easily win this prestigious award. :D
Worst segment in history? Not by a mile. TNA has done some stupid things in their history, and this is no exception to the rule, but this is far and away not the worst they've ever done seeing as women's wrestling isn't on the same level as mens.

Quite a few head-scratchers:

• "Fish Market" Street Fight – Destination X 2008 – Shark Boy & Curry Man v. Team 3D
• When Shark Boy woke up from a "coma" as Steve Austin incarnate
• When Eric Young was "Super Eric"
• "Black Tie Brawl and Chain" – Hard Justice 2008 – Jay Lethal v. Sonjay Dutt
• TNA Turkey Bowl – Thanksgiving episodes of iMPACT in 2007 & 2008
• Blindfold Match – Lockdown 2007 – Chris Harris v. James Storm
• Reindeer Ladder Match – TNA iMPACT! 2007 – Kaz v. A.J. Styles
• "Silent Night, Bloody Night" from the Christmas Eve 2007 episode of iMPACT!.
• "Santa's Workshop Knockout Street Fight"
• Any 'on a Pole' match
• The "cry baby" match from years back when Sabin woke up in a diaper and cried (a la 1-2-3 Kid).

If you ask me, any number of those could easily win this prestigious award. :D

you forgot a couple of them like the Queens of the cage match and the reverse battle royal stuff they use to do and i don'T really remember how they called it.

How about the electric cage match between team 3D and LAX at Lockdown 2007

The first Lockdown PPV as a whole.

And let's not forget the first year of TNA with The flying elvises and the JOhnsons who were wrestling Penis.

Sure the lockbox challenge was really bad and it ranks up there with some of the worst things TNA as done over the years but when you compare this with all the other crap they've done, it doesn'T look that bad.
I could also easily say that the Knockout Lockbox was the worst segment in TNA's history. IMO that segment was just a waste of time, The fan didn't got nothing out of it. Well actually we did, we just got is a cheat strip tease and a new TNA Knockout champion. I understand that TNA was trying to get ratings out of that segment but it just sucked big time.

They could of just had a knockout number one contender match, The winner faces Tara at lockdown and the loser strip, That would've been simple and entertaining at the same time, But no TNA wants to go all out on every Knockout's match that they book.
I could also easily say that the Knockout Lockbox was the worst segment in TNA's history. IMO that segment was just a waste of time, The fan didn't got nothing out of it. Well actually we did, we just got is a cheat strip tease and a new TNA Knockout champion. I understand that TNA was trying to get ratings out of that segment but it just sucked big time.

They could of just had a knockout number one contender match, The winner faces Tara at lockdown and the loser strip, That would've been simple and entertaining at the same time, But no TNA wants to go all out on every Knockout's match that they book.
I don't really see the blame on the booking as much as I see it on the execution. Yes, the idea was terrible. It was written on the wall at the beginning of the show. Yet the segment drew people in. Even though throughout the night Mike and Taz kept reminding us of the dumb prices and the rules of the match. People still sat down to watch. TNA proved they have a loyal fanbase on a Monday night. As for how the segment came out, as I said, it was the execution that killed it. If I were champ and my pet (dog) was up for grabs as well as my belt, I'd be mad as hell for this stupidity, yet Tara seemed more worried about Poisn than the KO title. Then when she realized she lost the belt, it took her more than 3/4th's of the segment to finally react. Then she interrupted the striptease. Which I believe was supposed to go for a bit longer because Lacey was still striping with both the other girls fighting in the ring. Then out of the blue, after just laying around and watching the stupidity, Velvet announces she wants a "Leather and Lace" match (?) against the new champion, Angelina. She doesn't explain what the hell is a "Leather and Lace" match and she is dumb enough to not make it a title match. Funny enough, Angelina reacted just as cluelessly as we did when the match was announced.

I'll repeat my opinion. Segment was bad. The execution made it horrible. The idea was great. TNA just scouted how many loyal fans they have on Mondays. that was kinda the idea of the "temporary" time slot change, right? A ratings experiment. Test results are back and are positive. We cans stay on Mondays and probably start a little earlier to hook some fans without competition, but we should keep the replays just in case.
Yeah no way is this the worst ever. It was bad, but no where near the worst. As long as the reverse battle royal exists, there is no way this is the worst segment. TNA is notoriously bad with some things, but this at least had hot women in it. It disrespected the title and made it look like a joke, but in no way was this the worst segment ever. There are FAR worse segments and moments over the years. This could be in the top 20 or so I guess, but that could be a stretch.
The idea was stupid considering the Knockout's title was in a box along with Tara's idiotic spider. However, it wasn't the worst segment of all time or even in the history of TNA. Hell Cody Deaner being the Knockouts champ and Tara vs. ODB in a trailer park trash match were way horrible then this idea. For me it got me interested to tune in for the second half since there really was no main event to close the show.

One thing that it did accomplish was it gave TNA their strongest ratings of the night. It is sad though when Flair, Hogan, Abyss, and Styles get one of the lowest rated segments to end an Impact show and the Knockouts lock box received one of the highest ratings to end the show. I didn't mind the concept of the lock boxes because it was something different. I just thought the prizes were pretty stupid. Still though compared to the garbage TNA and WWE has thrown at us over the years this is hardly the worst segment ever.
I finally saw this last night, and I must say it was very stupid. Seriously, how can you give away your Women's championship? The Knockouts division is one of TNA's strengths, and the Lockbox segment made things look very silly. Also, I know Tara's spider Poison is supposed to be love of her life in some sort of creepy way, but she actually was torn between the spider and the Women's championship?

I don't think this was the worst segment of all time because I remember a lot of the stuff on It's Damn Real's list, and everything their was a lot more terrible than the Lockbox segment.
It was pretty stupid- But I've seen much worse. No need to get into it, since everyone else already has.

The only thing I really cared about by the time they FINALLY opened the boxes was: who was gonna "strip" at the end. I didnt care about the title, the spider or the contract at that point.

As some of you have pointed out- the timing was totally fucked up in the segment. But ya know what? I thought the whole damn shows timing was totally fucked up too! They kept cutting to commercials w/o warning. (like 4 or 5 times at least)

I have a horrible memory- so maybe someone can help me out here: was it RVD & Hardy that did a "run-in" right after they came back from a commercial? Or maybe it was Wolfe? Either way- when it came back from commercial & that happend- my 1st thought was: Did they just totally fuck that all up? I wonder if anyone came out DURING the commercial & they quickly had to "do a re-do". Then just about a minute after the commercial came back- the 'segment' ended. It just seemed totally messed-up! I know TNA has only been Live for a month or whatever- but that was the worse show TIMING-WISE I've seen yet!

Back to the lock-box: I was hoping to see a lil more out of Daffney- but when Lacey showed up(late again- it seemed) with her ugly-stick...I was like: OK- good! But then all the BS with Tara & Angelina started. Taking away from being able to watch Lacey do her thing- which was really upsetting. Lacey was looking SMOKIN' HOT! Those panties or whatever they were- showing off her ass...were simply fantastic! Then Lacey herself starts covering her booty back up & we technically only got to see her fine ass for about 2.4 seconds total. Very disappointed to not see more of that fine ass, at the end

I have to agree that the Knockouts Lock Box was pretty bad. Hopefully in the long run this will help get some stability in the Knockouts division, however I sadly doubt it.

Not the worst segment ever though. Anyone remember Robocop showing up at WCW to help Sting rescue Lex Luger from the Four Horsemen? I still, to this day, have no clue what in the Hell they were thinking. All I can say is that someone better have gotten a fat ass check to cash off of that turd.
LOL, the fact that you had to go ALLLLLLLLLLL the way back to robocop in WCW tells us how bad this angle really was.
It was a bad segment. Was it the worst segment in TNA History? No, I don't think so. TNA has had penchant for a goofy segment or two in it's nearly 8 year history.

Now was this the most poorly scheduled segment in TNA history? I don't know, but it definitely ranks up there. Not sure who thought this segment was important enough to close the show, but the theme of the entire night was Flair's team getting the better of Hogan's team. Why not close the show with the beating of Abyss and Pope?
as bad as it quite obviously was, lockbox wasn't even close to the worst tna segment ever.
many have been catalogued here already, but.
am i the only one who remembers "the dupp cup"?

and i seem to remember a vertically challenged fellow pleasuring himself inside a trash can.
not only was that worse than "lockbox", but dusty rhodes refering to it over and over several weeks later to point out how bad the show had gotten was aloso worse than lockbox.
I don't know what's worse: This segment actually getting green-lighted by a woman.... or the fact that TNA fans are actually rattling off a list of "segments in TNA that were a lot worse."

Let me rephrase that, in case someone gets the wrong idea. There seem to be, in this thread, TNA fans who are proud of the fact that the Lockbox Debacle doesn't even rank in the top 10 for worst moments in the company. They're even saying that it's not the worst moment of 2010.

What you guys seem to be forgetting is that a Champion, in what is trying to be a major promotion, lost a Championship as the result of winning a match. Let that sink in. "But, Rob. Debra won the WWE Women's title like that." Well, yes and no. Yes, it was a really bad segment, but, on a very strict, technical level, Debra did, in fact, win that match over Sable. I'm well aware of the stupidity behind that one, and, since I don't want heads to go splode, I won't describe it here. Go look it up. And, the Lockbox Debacle was STILL worse than that. Especially since TNA supposedly prides themselves on having athletic female wrestlers.

News flash for TNA fans: You've been mind-raped to the point that THIS is acceptable to you. "But, it gets ratings." So did Lee Harvey Oswald getting shot by Jack Ruby. I still don't want it on my wrestling!

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