Wade Barrett's IC Reign

The simplest answer: Wade just wasn`t ready for IC title. And he sure as hell isn`t ready for ME.

The Title is a SINGLES title, and wade did nothing but wrestle in a group. Not just work in a group, I mean wrestle in a group. Not surprising considering his lack of arsenal, but again that just says he shouldn`t have held it in the first place.

his matches were forgettable and didn`t really feud with anyone. He had 2 from kofi which was taking it then defending it. wow..... then Zeke in which core helped 1st, then he lost it... wow.. did i mention 2 each is the minimum you can do. . THE MINIMUM!

But the worst was his attitude. he is a rookie in this buisness and just didn`t put any emotion(even for a heel) into having the title.

I know WWE only cares about the world titles now, sad as that is, but the superstar should at least TRY to seem honured to have held a title once considered the 2nd highest in the buis.

Ziggler and Drew took pride in said title, and that made you care about it and them(not to mention dolph put on great matches). Again they were both also SINGLES competitors. I honestly forgot sometimes who the champ was because it was like it dissapeared with such total lack of mention.

Just bad, so bad. They can hardly put a guy in the main event when he can`t even get over in the midcard.

Yes an end to the IC reign can sometimes mean a promotion, but that tends to come with an actually good reign that the fans cared about, not this blimp in the radar that spit in the face of the title.
Wade's IC title reign can be summed up in a single sentence. Terrible for all concerned. He did nothing with it, and what little he did outside of the division was irrelevent. Which actually sums up his run on smackdown to date pretty nicely. However, this has nothing to do with Wade himself. He did nothing because he was booked to do nothing. He got the title because somebody had to take it off Kofi before he left and after that he spent his entire time infighting with his stablemates while the bookers played to his weaknesses. He lost in in an effort to put over Zeke as strongly as possible, which in turn made him look weak as hell. So yeah, it was a badly booked run all round.

Wade Barrett's Intercontinental Championship reign was the worse reign since JBL's back in 2009. If you remember, JBL won the belt out of nowhere (despite being treated as a main eventer for the past couple of years), but preceded to drop the belt a few weeks later at WrestleMania in a matter of seconds.

I wouldn't disagree.

It goes to show you how talented Wade is at carrying a title as there were a series of really solid title reigns between he and JBL, and even the worst one in that period (Drew McIntyre) wasn't that bad. You can blame the writers and bookers for Wade's failure as an Intercontinental Champion, but the story really wasn't that bad.

Note how each of the champions between JBL and Barrett were booked as individuals, given their own feuds and a direction. Barrett's piss poor SD run is because he was given the exact opposite. Sharing the spotlight with three other guys who were holding him back and not given any individual focus or direction making for a poor solo champion.

For a comparason, look at Randy's run with the title in Evolution. Randy was given the Legend Killer schtick and his character was given direction as a singles guy (to prove how good he is by beating established "legends" and allowed to develop. Barrett (and the Corre, for that matter) got neither, outside of a single promo where he said "I know where I fucked up, the Corre are equals, I'm not the leader". Which meant he had a boring and irrelevent run, which he couldn't have helped short of slapping some sence into the bookers.

Former friends, a faction breaking up, one dominant wrestler slowly weakening the resolve of another... the pieces were there, they just never clicked.

You're right, that is an effective story, and it's one that has worked well in the past. However, a stoyline centred around a group does not help the individual members of that group much (as they're sharing the spotlight and getting made to look weak by the guy leaving) apart from the one leaving. It's a fine ballance between making the individual look strong and the group looking weak (see: Randy Orton's split form Legacy). In this case, the ballance came up poorly for Barrett.

Surely some of the blame goes to Ezekiel Jackson, who besides looking menacing has few things going for him, but Wade Barrett also must shoulder some of the blame, as he was the champion and it is his job to make us think that belt around his waist means something to him.

Oh they both deserve a fair portion of the blame, which is considerably less than the bookers deserve, seeing as Barrett wasn't given the individual focus to make his reign interesting (see also: what happens to the broth when there are too many cooks) nor did his booking play to his strengths (that he's a damn good talker)

The simplest answer: Wade just wasn`t ready for IC title. And he sure as hell isn`t ready for ME.

and you're basing this off of an incredably badly booked solo run, despite the fact that when he was given the ball to run with in Nexus, it produced some of the most interesting stuff we'd seen in a long time.

The Title is a SINGLES title, and wade did nothing but wrestle in a group. Not just work in a group, I mean wrestle in a group. Not surprising considering his lack of arsenal, but again that just says he shouldn`t have held it in the first place.

Ignoring that the arsenal of a wrestler is irrelevent (see also: Miz, The; Cena, John; Hogan, Hulk) those problems have got nothing to do with whether or not Barrett's "ready" for a title run.

his matches were forgettable and didn`t really feud with anyone. He had 2 from kofi which was taking it then defending it. wow..... then Zeke in which core helped 1st, then he lost it... wow.. did i mention 2 each is the minimum you can do. . THE MINIMUM!

So, another booking problem.

But the worst was his attitude. he is a rookie in this buisness and just didn`t put any emotion(even for a heel) into having the title.

First of all the time spent in the buisness is irrelevant. Secondly when was he given the chance to show emotion?

I know WWE only cares about the world titles now, sad as that is, but the superstar should at least TRY to seem honured to have held a title once considered the 2nd highest in the buis.

Ziggler and Drew took pride in said title, and that made you care about it and them(not to mention dolph put on great matches). Again they were both also SINGLES competitors. I honestly forgot sometimes who the champ was because it was like it dissapeared with such total lack of mention.

Neither have anything to do with Barrett himself, but how badly he was booked.

Just bad, so bad. They can hardly put a guy in the main event when he can`t even get over in the midcard.

Funny, I see it as them putting a guy in the midcard with no direction when he got over in the main event. Odd how ass backwards Barrett's booking was after his loss to Cena at TLC.

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