Vince taking "No Blood" too far

vince is trying this whole PG thing but has be forgotten that he runs a WRESTLING company??? His show is technically a violent sport of fighting. Are you going to censor your own craft as well?? I guess he is actually since every show now basically consists of 4 matches and the rest is talking! Please comeback to us old school wrestling!
I understand the move to PG to make it more family friendly but I hate the no blood approach. Blood can add such a great amount of intensity and brutality to a match, imagine Punk/Hardy or some of the Cena/Orton matches this year with blood. I just don't see how the no blood rule helps WWE at all, it really just hinders match quality.
As far as blood in matches goes, I'm indifferent on the subject. Do I like seeing blood in a match? Yes I do, but it doesn't mean I want blood in every match(hell, even the most hardcore of (original) ECW fans would eventually get tired of blood).

Some good points have been made throughout this thread. Blood does intensify the rivalry, adds a sense of realism, and, depending on the match, can make the match more exciting.

But you also have to look at it from Vince's perspective. People these days will sue someone for the most ridiculous things, so it makes sense that Vince would want to avoid a potential lawsuit.

I doubt allowing the blood would have affected Linda's campaign(although I wouldn't put it past a politician to use it as fuel to hurt Linda's chances)because her opponents have more conductive lightning rods(Katie Vick, Vince sedating Linda & making out w/Trish, Austin/Pillman(Pillman's got a gun!), the Kiss-My-Ass Club, etc.).

Now from a fan's perspective. Cena getting busted open really got me into the match. I'll admit, I wasn't exactly happy when they stopped mid-match to close the cut(which I don't think was very serious), but like I said, if I was Vince, I would try to avoid the potential lawsuit, since it was planned for Orton and Cena to fight in the crowd.

However Lord Sidious does have a point in saying that Vince could have had the crowd spot scrapped in favor of the blood. You avoid the potential lawsuit while keeping the match's pace constant. But Vince is trying to avoid having blood because of the PG rating and also his target audience(children 12 and under). However, the PG rating doesn't apply to PPV.

Anyway, like other have stated in this thread, people are making too big of a deal of the whole situation. You have people who have a bloodthirst equivalent to an ancient Roman, as well as people who think bloodshed is oh so barbaric.

Blood is necessary in some matches(Hell ina Cell, Elimination Chamber, Last Man Standing, etc), but it doesn't need to become common simply because it will lose its effect if it does.

In this case, blood would have worked perfectly for this match, since it was no DQ, no count-out, anything goes. It was the final showdown, so to speak, so it would have worked.
I think blood can add suspense and drama to a match.

There is of course too much blood sometimes. A recent example of this would Jericho vs Hogan at Summerslam 2005.

I am not really a fan of blading in general, and don't need to see blood but if it it occurs during a match I don't mind. As I said it can add great drama to a match.

Some matches have been so stale, that the action hasn't picked up until the Wresler/s have started bleeding.

Being a fan of Flair, Rhodes, Funk and Abdullah I have grown to accept and appreciate a Wrestler getting his 'Red Badge of Courage'.

As long as it serves a purpose.

For McMahon to 'flip out' backstage is a bit much.

But with the PG rating his hand are tied.
WHO CARES!!!!!!! it had very little impact on the match
Blood doesn't make a match

and obviously if they have to be kid friendly and have a rating standard to stick too they have no choice but to stick within those guidelines
Im all with vince making them clean up the blood because he could have got sued if blood got on someone in the crowd. also because the match had a lot of time left and john could have lost a lot of blood but it did make the match seem cooler.

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