Vince taking "No Blood" too far

Lol look at some of you getting on your high horses "You sick fucks, you enjoy watching people BLEED?!"...yeah, and you enjoy watching people fight for your entertainment. How the fuck is this any different? Do you turn off a match in disgust if someone got injured or starts bleeding? For fuck's sake people.

Yeah, bleeding can help a match. Not sure how you could argue otherwise. I could have cared less about the blood last night, but please get the fuck off your high horses.
Well the report is half described there, The blood was unplanned but thety needed to clean that up because at one point they were going into the live crowd and it was said that with the blood they would have got into real problems with the state commision because of the Bloody wrestler interaction with the crowd.

That was a completely logical reaction, it was not because of the PG rating but for the interaction with the fans and the athletic comission not messing with them.

Personally the blood didn't make a difference on this match since it was going to dry out both men just for the concept of an Iron man match.
Tbh i thought that the blood did fit nicely into the match but it also helped make it a 15 rated match in a PG era (i want to start a thread on this, HOW?)
IF this is true, how ridiculous that is. Stuffs like that are bound to happen, I mean it is a freaking wrestling show. That`s overreacting for you.
Don't really know what the obsession of seeing blood is with everyone? I haven't really missed seeing wrestlers get busted open in WWE. The only thing that pisses me off about the PG era are the ocasional shitty strorylines we get every now and then. We are in the PG era. Which menas we will not be seeing blood for a very long time. Yes blood adds authenticity to a match, but it is not an essential part of the story telling in the ring or match quality. Besides if you want to see blood that bad, there's always TNA.
I thought that the blood was a nice change of pace,and it was enjoyable. Doctors cleaning you up mid-match,stopping the clock, turning photos black and white with any hint of blood, rating videos BR-13(Whatever the fuck that stands for), and no blood in matches like Elimination Chambers is utter bullshit. I could care less if there's blood in a match, and sometimes it doesn't work at all,like if there was blood in that fatal four way, it wouldn't have worked, but for fuck's sake, they lit fireworks onto Cena, but they're concerned about a little bit of blood. The crowd call was a good call, and I could understand if he was bleeding heavily, but he wasn't, so why bring doctors in. The blood made the match more intense, the part where Cena did his amped up scream with the blood was kickass, so why not keep it if it helped it as much as it did? I don't get it, and Vince needs to stop being a pussy, and just let it continue, because this is the edge TNA has on WWE.
First of all, everyone does realize that Vince McMahon has been pandering to the State Athletic Commission for years and years, right?

In fact, it's reported that Vince McMahon decided to "reveal" that wrestling is actually "sports entertainment" and not an actual combat "sport" to avoid certain fees, fines, penalties and clashes with the S.A.C. It had nothing to do with not wanting to "play the fans for fools" or however it's been twisted in the many years since he made that declaration.That McMahon is now pandering to the S.A.C. in situations like this should come as no surprise.

From my perspective, those people who purchased a WWF pay-per-view knew going into it that, whether staged or not, pro wrestling is a physically straining form of entertainment based on actual hand-to-hand combat. Sometimes that will include accidents and, yes, possible bloodshed. If McMahon didn't want the match and bloodied opponents working through the crowd, he could have simply called that down to the ref in the ring. You know they're all wired to the hilt, so the ref could have passed that on to Orton and Cena.

No matter how well done the doctor situation might have been handled -- and I didn't watch the PPV, so I don't know first-hand -- there just seems to be something fundamentally wrong with intervening in an "Anything Goes Iron Man" match. By its very name, it implies incredibly strenuous, prolonged physical combat between the two competitors, with each pulling out all the stops to beat the other. Seriously, unless they were afraid Cena was going to bleed to death, stopping such a match to attend to a wound is kind of ridiculous.

If nothing else, it provides Orton a great speaking point to latch onto and take away from the match. Cena might have picked up the win, but he also had to be babied by the doctors. Seems like Orton left the PPV without his belt, but he certainly could have some "bragging rights" nonetheless.
I was at Hooters watching it, when Cena was bleeding me and my friend both cheered because it's been so long and we were actually happy to see it. We both said at the same time that it had to have been legitimate because there's no way Vince would allow such a thing. I think it made the match look better with Cena bleeding, and i'm halfway on the cleaning Cena up thing. As a fan i'm pissed because the blood added a little needed realism to the match, but if I think about it from a business-type, intellectual standpoint, it was the right thing to do. I doubt somebody would sue the WWE because they saw the blood in person or on TV, but if it was to make contact with a child there is a risk somebody could get lawyer happy. The doctors did make it look good though, they made it look like Cena was struggling to get through the match. I loved it.
WWE is taking a lot of cues from MMA, and this is yet another one. In a MMA fight, if a referee believes that a fighter's bleeding might be enough to warrant being looked at by a doctor, then he's going to stop the fight momentarily to get it looked at. During the between round intermission periods, the fighter's corner will in fact clean their fighter up, "stitch" the fighter and then let them go about their very business.

I personally think that this was a good thing for WWE to do, not only for the fact that it happened early in the match, but for the fact that there are so many bloodborne diseases out there that he didn't risk the safety of the talent or the fans (even if that wasn't the intention)
the OP said that they nixed the planned fight in the crowd? not to be mean but did u even watch the match? it wasnt nixed because they did fight in the crowd. in my opinion i really do think that if they did not plan to fight in the crowd that vince would have not sent the doctors out. it does make sense that he would not want people to be bled on so i can see why he would want to get cena cleaned up. the reason i think he would not send doctors out if they were not going into the crowd is because in the early 90's vince had a strict no blood policy and sometimes people would get busted open and vince never sent doctors down to the ring then so why would he do it now?
I attended the event and I was kind of surprised that they stopped the match. At first I was like, "Wtf, they are stopping it for blood?" But then, like a few others in this forum, I realized it added a certain element. It made it feel dangerous. And when they went in the crowd, the place kind of started to erupt. Everybody was chanting for Cena, (except this one guy behind me lol)

Overall, I kinda think they should let the blood flow if it happens to show......
First of all, everyone does realize that Vince McMahon has been pandering to the State Athletic Commission for years and years, right?

In fact, it's reported that Vince McMahon decided to "reveal" that wrestling is actually "sports entertainment" and not an actual combat "sport" to avoid certain fees, fines, penalties and clashes with the S.A.C. It had nothing to do with not wanting to "play the fans for fools" or however it's been twisted in the many years since he made that declaration.That McMahon is now pandering to the S.A.C. in situations like this should come as no surprise.

From my perspective, those people who purchased a WWF pay-per-view knew going into it that, whether staged or not, pro wrestling is a physically straining form of entertainment based on actual hand-to-hand combat. Sometimes that will include accidents and, yes, possible bloodshed. If McMahon didn't want the match and bloodied opponents working through the crowd, he could have simply called that down to the ref in the ring. You know they're all wired to the hilt, so the ref could have passed that on to Orton and Cena.

No matter how well done the doctor situation might have been handled -- and I didn't watch the PPV, so I don't know first-hand -- there just seems to be something fundamentally wrong with intervening in an "Anything Goes Iron Man" match. By its very name, it implies incredibly strenuous, prolonged physical combat between the two competitors, with each pulling out all the stops to beat the other. Seriously, unless they were afraid Cena was going to bleed to death, stopping such a match to attend to a wound is kind of ridiculous.

If nothing else, it provides Orton a great speaking point to latch onto and take away from the match. Cena might have picked up the win, but he also had to be babied by the doctors. Seems like Orton left the PPV without his belt, but he certainly could have some "bragging rights" nonetheless.

Well thing is that the cut over his head was a little nasty, therefore they tried to clean it out first, If they had failed the report also said the would have stopped the crowd interaction all together but since it was a big part of the match, the tried to cleaned him up first and fortunately they did.
Reality is this is the new age of WWE, this isn't the attitude era anymore regardless of how much people may want it to be. Accept that fact or don't watch, no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to tune in every week. If you want blood and more intense wrestling just watch TNA (not that im a huge fan of TNA myself just giving an example). Vince knows he can keep pushing out a toned down lukewarm wrestling product and everyone will keep gobbling it up. It's about pretty faces and hardbodies now, get over it.
Well, I've never posted here before, but I read at least once a week or more.

You're all missing something, I watched this PPV last night, Cena got busted open and refused treatment once. The ref even screamed at him to let the docs look at it. No. He was continuing. Finally, at the break between decisions, the doctors ran out, cornered him and applied some glue to the wound on his head, wiped his face and the match continued. I could almost guarantee you that it was for less than 1 full minute. So they stopped the clock. So what? They didn't hold up the match for 20 minutes or anything, and honestly, until later in the match, I thought for sure it was a blood capsule hidden in the microphone padding that Orton busted when he "hit" Cena on top of his head with it. That was lame looking.

Further, blood or no blood, stopping the match for an additional 30 seconds didn't take anything away from it, in fact, it probably made it come off as more of a REAL event. Boxers get treated between rounds to stop bleeding, why not wrestlers?

Sheesh people, wrestling is entertainment not religion, lighten up.
Why the PG rating? Why no blood? Why now?

I've watched wrestling since I was 3 years old, I'm 24 now. All those years I seen blood shed in the ring and I grew up to be fine. The fighters in the lower feds still shed some blood and we don't hear of any of them getting some blood diesease from sporting a little color. Vince is targeting kids, but what about the kids he targetted 10 years ago? They grew up with all the crazy shit and they are still watching. Some aren't because of the PG rating and the fact they have gone for far to make WWE kid friendly. Look back at the 70's and 80's when all the cartoonish gimmicks took place. They were targeted for kids too, but there was still blood shed. I just think its horrible. It makes me not want to watch. Now you can call me a blood thristy American, but I enjoy it. I always have. I loved the ECW days, I love WCW and WWE hardcore matches. Hell anyone remember the crimson mask Stone Cold sported when he was in the sharpshooter from Bret Hart? I do. That image is one of my all time favorite wrestling moments.

I don't know. I'm begining to lose faith that WWE will ever be back to what it use to be. Or hell, even anywhere close to what it once was.
Reality is this is the new age of WWE, this isn't the attitude era anymore regardless of how much people may want it to be. Accept that fact or don't watch, no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to tune in every week. If you want blood and more intense wrestling just watch TNA (not that im a huge fan of TNA myself just giving an example). Vince knows he can keep pushing out a toned down lukewarm wrestling product and everyone will keep gobbling it up. It's about pretty faces and hardbodies now, get over it.

I haven't been watching every week like I use to. I still watch once and a blue moon, but that is because of guys like Jericho, Big Show, Taker, Kane, and a lot of the old school guys. Once they are gone, if things don't change, WWE is going to be headed on a horrible road. I could see a lot of people stop watching. Even in 70's and 80's when it was more kidish there was blood shed. I don't know what they are thinking anymore.
Reality is this is the new age of WWE, this isn't the attitude era anymore regardless of how much people may want it to be. Accept that fact or don't watch!

I opt not to watch.

This is the third time in the past 2 years I have stopped watching WWE for over a month. Although I primarily stopped watching due to the Chavo and Hornswoggle matches when they were being done every week for two months straight. The point, however, was that I was not going to be spoon-fed into liking something that I hated. I'm the one in control of what I watch. Not anyone else.

Fans out there on the fence need to realize that people are going to try and call your bluff as far as to stop watching WWE. You need to call them on their own bluff and actually STOP WATCHING. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ceasing to watch the product.

Vince is not loyal to you or your interests anymore. It makes zero shred of sense why you should be loyal to him.

If you want blood and more intense wrestling just watch TNA.

I and others such as yourself have stated umteen times that if the older teens and adults on here want a product actually catered more towards their interests and their age bracket, then TNA is the better of the two organizations for them to watch.

This blind loyalty from fans to every single thing Vince does (regardless if you like it or not) has got to end. People have got to start standing up for the things that interest them and quit worrying about what Vince McMahon thinks is best for himself.

I challenge fans on the fence to not watch Raw ... starting tonight. Keep the TV off the USA Network. There are lots of other things on TV besides Raw.
The cut was legit and unexpected, it didn't take away anything form the match, and besides from Hell in a Cel (and sometimes not even that one.) no other kind of match really needs blood. That usually lies on the kind of drama one wants to put into a storyline.
So what?

Think of it like this, if your trying to promote your company to a specific target audience, in this case young children, then it makes sense to cover up the blood of the biggest star in the company, the one who Vince is hoping the kids will look up to and respect. People are taking this way to seriously, you dont want a childs first experience of a WWE event to be one blood gets shown, as the parents of the child will just stop them from watching. So it was a great decision by Vince, purely for the fact that it was what was best for his business.
So what?

Think of it like this, if your trying to promote your company to a specific target audience, in this case young children, then it makes sense to cover up the blood of the biggest star in the company, the one who Vince is hoping the kids will look up to and respect. People are taking this way to seriously, you dont want a childs first experience of a WWE event to be one blood gets shown, as the parents of the child will just stop them from watching. So it was a great decision by Vince, purely for the fact that it was what was best for his business.

That's funny. I remember watching Hulk Hogan as a child and seeing blood, along with my Father who watched with me. I don't recall being too scarred by that as a young kid. And nor did it make me a violent kid. The intensity only drew me into the product even more.

It's all in the parenting.

These whiny Vince apologists are really too much. I'm telling you, they really are the cancer of the industry.
i hope vince reads this or at least some of the fans opinions becouse it doest seem that way im age twenty and have been watching for as long as i can remember i am fucking sick as hell with the shit vince is putting on tv these days its not just because its pg or whatever i really enjoyed bragging rights until i heard that the blood was not planned it made it seem more serious when they tried to patch cena up mid match little did i know at the time it was because vince mcmahon doest dare to be the least bit daring anymore hes trying to put over a new generation of wrestlers and cant understand why its not working its simple the wwe is trying to apeal to the mainstream to much and we know it thats why they boo people like cena coz its so blatant the way they trying to turn him into the next rock no one apart from a five year old wants to see a gimmick that involves a white rapper marine wannabe who wins every match like superman i also read in an interview were vince said that if you want controversy and violence look elswere ect ufc well vince my agegroup and older are the ones who you got hooked on your own violence and controversy and kept you in buisness during the ninetys i see that as a big middle finger to all of us im not asking for another attitude era lets face it it was great but a little over the top all im asking for is a little bit of grittyness and a bit more of an in your face attitude pull your finger out vince or you will lose the most loyal genaration of fans youve ever had
That was one hell of a match last night and I honestly I think Cena/Orton outdid themselves last night putting on the best match in their feud ever. Now the bleeding part. Okay if this were any other sport other than MMA, the athlete would have been cleaned up so I don't see what the issue. With all the disease going around, bleeding and open air wounds are dangerous these days. Do I miss the blood in wrestling? Yes as it adds to the suspense but it's not necessary. Plus the cut happened 20 minutes into a 60 minute match. Cena could have lost a large amount of blood if the cut had remained open for 40 plus minutes. It didn't take away from a great match and if you are naysayers of Orton/Cena, get this PPV when it comes out on DVD. It was a well done match from beginning to end.
That's funny. I remember watching Hulk Hogan as a child and seeing blood, along with my Father who watched with me. I don't recall being too scarred by that as a young kid. And nor did it make me a violent kid. The intensity only drew me into the product even more.

It's all in the parenting.

These whiny Vince apologists are really too much. I'm telling you, they really are the cancer of the industry.

But you can't base an opinion on one experience, there were probably thosands of young children watching last night, some of them could have been more impressionable than you were. And I'm not one of these people who believe that kids should be wrapped up in cotton wool, but if Vince is looking to market his main bulk of business to a certain age group, doesn't he have a responsibility to censor what he thinks could effect this age group?

I do believe that blood is not essential to tell an effective story. It is useful, but you can have intensity without having blood, especially with a PG rating in mind.

And for the record, I'm not a 'whiny Vince apologist'. I just happen to agree with him on this point. For instance, I believe that focusing entirely on the PG rating is wrong.
But you can't base an opinion on one experience, there were probably thosands of young children watching last night, some of them could have been more impressionable than you were. And I'm not one of these people who believe that kids should be wrapped up in cotton wool, but if Vince is looking to market his main bulk of business to a certain age group, doesn't he have a responsibility to censor what he thinks could effect this age group?

I do believe that blood is not essential to tell an effective story. It is useful, but you can have intensity without having blood, especially with a PG rating in mind.

And for the record, I'm not a 'whiny Vince apologist'. I just happen to agree with him on this point. For instance, I believe that focusing entirely on the PG rating is wrong.

There are a couple different debates going on here.

What I am not interested in talking about (at this moment) is the rating. I am not looking at the business from the point of view of what is best for the current business strategy of WWE.

Rather, what I want to talk about is what YOU, as a fan, would have preferred to see. Would you have preferred to see the intensity continue? Meaning that if Cena was legitimately busted open, would YOU rather have seen him continue while bleeding? Or would YOU rather have they stopped the match as they did, to patch him up, and then allow them to finish the match?
But you can't base an opinion on one experience, there were probably thosands of young children watching last night, some of them could have been more impressionable than you were. And I'm not one of these people who believe that kids should be wrapped up in cotton wool, but if Vince is looking to market his main bulk of business to a certain age group, doesn't he have a responsibility to censor what he thinks could effect this age group?

I do believe that blood is not essential to tell an effective story. It is useful, but you can have intensity without having blood, especially with a PG rating in mind.

And for the record, I'm not a 'whiny Vince apologist'. I just happen to agree with him on this point. For instance, I believe that focusing entirely on the PG rating is wrong.

I'm in the same boat as the other guy. I watched it growing up with all the blood and still I'm not a violent person. I wasn't scared. Heck, it's fake violence, how are you going to sell that to kids anyway. It's a fight, even if its fake. So when a kid decided to do what he sees his heros do on TV and blood does actually sheds in real life it will freak the kid out even more.

Now I see where you are coming from about how blood isn't always essential, but it was in this type of match. These two men have been chomping at the bits for awhile, it was a loser leaves Raw situation. A little blood would have added to this match. The HIAC PPV was another situation where it would have added to it. I'm not saying spill blood on every show, but on PPV it would be nice to see more often then it is now.

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