Vince taking "No Blood" too far


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
It's being reported that there was never any intention on WWE's part for John Cena to bleed during last night's Bragging Rights PPV. Cena was legitimately busted open the hard way, and when it happened, it's being said that Vince McMahon began to panic back stage, and he ordered that Cena be cleaned up immediately which is why the clock was stopped during the bout.

Because of WWE's strict "no-blood" policy due to their TV PG rating, Vince made the decision to have Cena treated during the bout as opposed to after so that WWE could avoid any issues with upset fans. Furthermore, it's being said Cena and Orton were supposed to work part of the match in the crowd, however that idea was nixed during the bout as Vince wanted to avoid a situation where Cena could have possibly bled on a fan. If that were to happen, WWE could have faced serious consequences from the state Athletic Commission which could in turn hurt Linda McMahon's senate campaign.

Okay all i have to say is are you fucking serious.Doing no staged blood is one thing but actually taking the time to stop the clock and glue him shut is byfar ridiculous.So my question is do you think he is taking this way too far just so he can get his piece of ass(Linda) in the senate?
all i have to say that if that report you just gave is true then,VINCE IS AN IDIOT.are kidding me???they really stopped the match and glued him up?if i were to see vince i would slug him one.i mean come on vince,stopping a championship match on PPV nonetheless,on a live feed b/c the "chosen one" had his period is a little much dude.i could see if it was on raw or a taped smackdown episode,but live on ppv,i mean seriously.this is why people stream and dont pay for it.i wouldnt waste my time on a wwe ppv until after i got info from people who watched it.and thats sad.but its the wwe (vince's) fault.this is why i cant stand wwe and only watch the spoilers when i could easily watch the not a HUGE football fan so if im not watching raw to watch MNF there is a problem(even though i will be watching MNF tonight,my eagles are playing gotta watch them smack the 'skins).vince is really alienating all those who have the money to PAY for his product.cuz if you think about it,kids cant buy ppv their parents have to do it for they have to convince their parents to pay for it,meaning the parents have to be interested enogh to buy vince should be catering to the ones that can actually afford ppv.but i digress.thats a punk move if vkm did that.i didnt see the match but i am sure that killed whatever momentum it had.not only that it most likely stripped the match of any flow and "reality".when its anything goes its anything goes you know?theres no timeouts.if you were in your neighborhood and got in a fight you wouldnt call timeout,you would hope the other guy wouldnt keep kicking your face wwe(vince) is losing touch.anyone else think so too?
Wait has their never been any blood shed on a PG rated movie or video game equivalent ? For some reason I think that if I look into it their will be blood in PG rated items.

It's sad pathetic and shows how far we have fallen gentleman a panic ? Look Vince ,if parents are letting their kids watch people beat each other up until 11:00 on school nights every week. I highly doubt that a little blood will make them stop get it ?

Sigh I miss the old wrestling the good wrestling not this crap I can see it now when Cena bled Vince said:"Like OMG Cena is bleeding doctors clean it up now stop the match Cena is far too pretty to bleed and the little girls might not like him anymore if he gets ugly".

Now I'm not saying that did happen but it can't be rule out either.
lol, I thought this was funny. I attended the event, and when Cena busted open, I knew it wasn't planned because of the PG rating, I was like "haha holy shit!!!". But yet I agree it's really nothing to be that concerned about. He really did take too seriously. And, I think he's crazy for overreacting like that. I mean, if cena were to get blood on me, I would be kind of glad, it'd be like a souviner. That's not meant to sound weird, but I really wouldn't care if blood got on me. And since he's famous, probably most fans wouldn't care either.
yeah vince is REALLY pissing me off like someone said "during a ppv not on raw or smackdown"just let the blood go it WILL attract more fans 2 wwe
Personally, and I'm probably by myself on this one, I thought that the doctors and such running in was pretty well done. It added some suspense to the match.

However, that report is not entirely true, because Orton and Cena still worked a bit of the match in the fans and it was awesome.

I liked the fact that Cena bled. It added that x factor to the match. To see him use the AA on Orton while blood was running down his face was awesome. It gave it that feeling like this match was going there and that is feeling that I haven't had in a long time.

I do think that WWE should have just let Cena bleed, but the doctor angle added a sense of danger to the match. I enjoyed it.
I have mixed feelings about this.

Let me first state that I am not a fan of blading whatsoever. I think it is unsafe, disgusting, and unfair for performers to risk being permanently scarred by a blade job. However, I am not necessarily against the thought of using "blood" in a match. Meaning, I am open to the thought of using blood capsules sparingly for effect.

In a way, the lack of blood for the occasional big match really takes away an element of drama from the match.

But, put it this way. If this were to happen in most real sports, then the athlete would be cleaned up and have their serious cuts glued shut.
I actually agree with Vince. Seriously think about it. People sue people for no good reason. United States of America is known world wide as the "Country That Sues Others". If John Cena would have bled on someone, that someone's parents (if a child) could have sued for "possibly contaminating their child and risking said child of a disease" or something insane like that. Vince is taking appropriate measures to not get sued by fans, because he has been sued by fans before and he doesn't want that to happen again.

So near_expert22, bust Vince in the mouth or something cause you're mad that Vince didn't want legal actions taken against him. If you want to see blood, watch some other wrestling company.

I for one am happy without blood. There's nothing good about blood when it's outside of the body.
I can understand Vinny Mac getting upset because the match was planned to go into the crowd. Thus, the getting cleaned up at some point was neccesary.

However, getting Cena cut open was awesome and it only got better when the Docs came out and cleaned him up during the rest period between falls. It added a sense of danger and intrigue that has been sorely lacking for a while and it really gave a sense of anticipation for the remaining 40ish minutes.

Plus, it was an Iron Man Match: If Cena was bleeding fairly badly then it could have gotten out of hand had they not treated it properly and quickly.

In short, it was an hour of ass kicking (a great match, I might add) so I think the blood was only an enhancement with teh whole way it was treated.
I think everyone is making too much of a big deal out of this. So what, the doctors took a few seconds to sort out an injury that could've actually been serious. I mean, they had an extra 40 minutes or so to go. They wouldn't have been able to go home sooner if it had been serious, this wasn't a normal match. So they patched Cena up.
And like the report said, the guys were planning to fight in the crowd. If Cena had been bleeding all over the place at that point, he would've gotten blood on some of the crowd, which would be pretty disgusting in my opinion.
You guys need to get over it.
Vince must be losing his mind, I understand that we are in the eye of the PG hurricane, but to stop the clock on an iron man match because of BLOOD? I have to ask myself if this is even pro wrestling any more.

I'll admit I didn't watch this ppv, and after reading this I'm going to need good reason to ever order a wwe ppv again. This is a ppv we're talking about here, that's forty dollars out of the pocket to have a main event iron man match stopped mid match because of BLOOD. The product I grew up on has become a total joke, and I never thought I would see the day.
This is taking it a bit far. You shouldn't stop the match for the sake of mothers freaking out over blood. It was a little blood on Cena, not a SAW murder scene. Do kids these days not scrape their knees or get cut? Blood has been a part of wrestling being able to escalate feuds and make them more personal. Blood is as essential as the sneak pin. That analogy might be a bit much but I can't think of anything.
Blood can make a match go from good to great in terms of story telling. sure it isn't the safest thing but last time I checked, there was a mandate that people were routinely checked for those types of illnesses. I haven't seen the match yet, but once I have I will give a better view on it, but as it stands now, blood may have actually made the story telling aspect of the match seem more important.

As for the person that said they don't want blood, ok logic for a Cell match is that there should be blood because of the brutality of the cell, same with the EC. Those matches are supposed to be blood baths but the lack of blood loses the elements of realism that they had, and removes the hellacious nature of them. The use of blood in this case is not too much of a problem from a match delivery point of view.
Look what you all fail to realize is that WWE has gone PG, and being PG they can't have blood, or they can but Vince just doesn't want it. I, like most of you, was going nuts when I saw John Cena start bleeding wearing a Mini-Crimson Mask, I was ubber happy, but when I saw the Doctors come and glue Cena was I surprised? Not in the least.

Look guys Vince McMahon is pushing the Family Oriented WWE PG on us, he won't just break that because John actually started bleeding, I don't like that he had them fix it but I understand it 100%, I can just see were if he had continued to bleed and they went into the crowd like they did and some of John's blood accidentally dripped on to someone then there would have been Madness.
I agree with Vince.Let me say that I am not a fan of blading I think it is unsafe, , and unfair nobody likes to bleed for someone else entertainment and its disgusting that some fans 'want blood' if you want to see blood go cut yourself somewhere.Lets say you ask a friend that he cut himself so you can enjoy I think he would slap you that same moment that you ask for and there is some people that can't stand blood maybe some people would get sick seeing blood so why take the risk of losing some fans and geting your superstar hurt Believe me it's better without blood
Look what you all fail to realize is that WWE has gone PG, and being PG they can't have blood, or they can but Vince just doesn't want it. I, like most of you, was going nuts when I saw John Cena start bleeding wearing a Mini-Crimson Mask, I was ubber happy, but when I saw the Doctors come and glue Cena was I surprised? Not in the least.

Look guys Vince McMahon is pushing the Family Oriented WWE PG on us, he won't just break that because John actually started bleeding, I don't like that he had them fix it but I understand it 100%, I can just see were if he had continued to bleed and they went into the crowd like they did and some of John's blood accidentally dripped on to someone then there would have been Madness.

I think if wrestling fans started concentrating more on what they like, instead of being Vince apologists .... always trying to justify why Vince does this, that, or the other thing ....... and instead focused on what YOU truly want to see from the wrestling business .... the product would be a Hell of a lot better and far more Creative.

Instead, Vince prides himself on having fans like yourself. You are the classic example of a fan who is willing to be spoon fed whatever you are given. Here, you just got done telling us that you were not a fan of stopping the blood (In other words, you told us what you wanted to see) ..... but then you do a 180 and essentially say told us that "what Vince says takes precedence over what I want to see as a fan".

In other words, you are taking the role of the baby, while Daddy Vince "Spoon-Feeds" you, and tells you what is best.

BTW, the key to fixing the crowd spot was actually eliminating it, if Cena were bleeding. It was a 60 minute match, which meant there obviously was a ton of improvising as it was. All it needed was a little more.
I think if wrestling fans started concentrating more on what they like, instead of being Vince apologists .... always trying to justify why Vince does this, that, or the other thing ....... and instead focused on what YOU truly want to see from the wrestling business .... the product would be a Hell of a lot better and far more Creative.

Instead, Vince prides himself on having fans like yourself. You are the classic example of a fan who is willing to be spoon fed whatever you are given. Here, you just got done telling us that you were not a fan of stopping the blood (In other words, you told us what you wanted to see) ..... but then you do a 180 and essentially say told us that "what Vince says takes precedence over what I want to see as a fan".

In other words, you are taking the role of the baby, while Daddy Vince "Spoon-Feeds" you, and tells you what is best.

BTW, the key to fixing the crowd spot was actually eliminating it, if Cena were bleeding. It was a 60 minute match, which meant there obviously was a ton of improvising as it was. All it needed was a little more.

I am concentrating on the product. Blood doesn't make a product great. Blood makes the product disgusting and not enjoyable to watch. So if anything, you need to concentrate on something rather than blood to entertain yourself.
1) WWE is PG and therefore cannot have blood on TV regardless of how stupid the idea may seem to fans.

2) The Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission does not condone athletes of any kind going into the crowd while bleeding as it is considered a health risk, so Vince was also only following their rules.

3) I don't buy the part about trying to cover Linda's ass with regards to her running for the Senate, but her opponents would try anything to derail her.

4) It's Vince's company, he can change the rules when ever he wants, GET OVER IT!!!
I can't help but laugh at all of you complaining about this. Do you really need to see another human being bleed in order for you to enjoy something? The fact you all are bitching about this says FAR more about your character than it could ever say about Vince.

I mean, think about it for a second. You're pissed off because a human being was literally losing blood from his body, and Vince got him treated. You're pissed because you couldn't see someone bleed. I feel sorry for you all, I really do. Anyone who has to have someone bleed in order to enjoy a wrestling match is watching wrestling for entirely the wrong reasons.
Vince needed to stop that due to their PG rating. What's the big deal? It didn't take that long to stop Cena bleeding, and it was a very good match. Sure, blood would have added another element to the story of the match but it's been shown time after time that they're capable of having good high profile matches with zero blood.
I can't help but laugh at all of you complaining about this. Do you really need to see another human being bleed in order for you to enjoy something? The fact you all are bitching about this says FAR more about your character than it could ever say about Vince.

I mean, think about it for a second. You're pissed off because a human being was literally losing blood from his body, and Vince got him treated. You're pissed because you couldn't see someone bleed. I feel sorry for you all, I really do. Anyone who has to have someone bleed in order to enjoy a wrestling match is watching wrestling for entirely the wrong reasons.

I dunno about that, Sly. I think back to some classic WWE matches and I wonder if the matches would have had the same effect without blood. It does enhance the story being told, just like with films.

Would Austin's face have been nearly as iconic at Wrestlemania 13 without the blood dripping down? Absolutely.

Would Hogan's victory against Sgt. Slaughter have seemed like less of a test without the crimson mask? Perhaps.

Would Triple H have looked like he'd gone through hell and back against Cactus Jack without the blood mixed with sweat? Nope.

Would Ric Flair be recognizable in the ring without a little bit of red to color the blonde? Probably not, except he'd still have the wrinkley bitch tits.

I also think people are reacting in part to the perception of WHY Vince reacted. It's more to preserve his PG rating and not upset people. He may have been mildly concerned about Cena, but Vince has been cut before too, and he's finished a match with a broken tailbone before. I think he freaked because his "no blood" thing has ceased to be a guideline and become a law.

And in that case, I agree with people.

We're not sanguine because of this reaction - we're merely disappointed the match didn't take its normal course.
I can't help but laugh at all of you complaining about this. Do you really need to see another human being bleed in order for you to enjoy something? The fact you all are bitching about this says FAR more about your character than it could ever say about Vince.

I mean, think about it for a second. You're pissed off because a human being was literally losing blood from his body, and Vince got him treated. You're pissed because you couldn't see someone bleed. I feel sorry for you all, I really do. Anyone who has to have someone bleed in order to enjoy a wrestling match is watching wrestling for entirely the wrong reasons.

Spot on as ever mr Fox, I made a thread on this a few weeks back and essentially argued that it was pointless to have blood. Thisnk about it, how often did you see blood in the AA? Not much, the fact is most people have this opinion that if there's blood it'll be good. There was blood last night and people are moaning because cena was treated? What the fuck is up with that?
It's pointless to intentionally blade, yes, but for fuck's sake, this is professional wrestling guys. This is a "sport" where the art of blood has been used forever in this business. Bleeding was a regular occurance, and it was intentional. I'm sorry, but the whole no blood thing is a bit weak. I understand not intentionally bleeding, but if someone gets busted open the hard way, then you fucking work through it, plain and simple.

God I'm going to be sick with this one, but if Triple H could work through a torn up quad, then John Fucking Cena is more then capable of working with a little blood in his face. It's one scenario when a guy is bleeding profusely and is in a legit situation where he's going to pass out, but I'm not sure that situation occured last night. Injuries happen, accidents happen, and when two guys pushing 250 lbs at least are going at it, shit happens. If someone bleeds, you don't stop the damn match, you work with it, or get the hell out of the ring.
If someone could let me know the last time a match was stopped or halted due to blood? I would love to know.

IC25 said it best

We're not sanguine because of this reaction - we're merely disappointed the match didn't take its normal course.

This just dose not happen in pro wrestling, and it has less to do with the blood, than it does with stopping the match.
I am concentrating on the product. Blood doesn't make a product great. Blood makes the product disgusting and not enjoyable to watch. So if anything, you need to concentrate on something rather than blood to entertain yourself.

It is obvious by your words that you completely misunderstood the point of my post.

First point I'll make here was that I never stated that blood was necessary to entertain me.

Secondly, the other point I made in my first post was that "nobody tells me as a fan what will entertain me and what won't". That was my point of spoon feeding. You don't get to tell me that "I need to concentrate on anything to entertain me". Vince is not the one in control of what entertains me. I determine what entertains me. And all other fans should do likewise.

Off topic to the others, as has been said .... yes, there has been blood in PG products many, many times. That fits in perfectly fine with what constitutes a PG rating. So calling the blood off was simply a call Vince made on his own. It was not something he necessarily had to do because the rating dictated as such. He simply chose to do it to take precautions.

As far as the crowd spots, he could have did what he did and ordered Cena be glued shut so the crowd spot could continue ....


he could have allowed Cena to continue to bleed, and have eliminated the crowd spot.

So it really is your choice on whether you wish to be upset at Vince or not, depending on your individual point of view. This, however, would not have happened in TNA, and rather the blood would have been continued.

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