Vince Russo Dragging TNA Down?

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One things is for sure that Rat in a pole match that was on iMPACT this week was definatly a Russo match, such a typical match that Russo loves he booked them all the time in WCW and man it was awful then and this week was no better what was that match? Get the rat and win, come on Russo, this is wrestling for petes sake.
Vince Russo is the most creative man in wrestling. TNA wouldn't even be around today if it wasn't for him. When he jumped on board and created S.E.X, AJ vs. Jarrett, AJ vs. Raven, AJ vs. D Lo, developed the most famous TNA feud Raven vs. Jarrett, and made the PPV buy rates increase.

TNA ratings will rise higher and higher when the decide to leave Russo with the book for good.
Spawn is right. How can you say Russo is killing TNA and killed WCW. TNA ratings keep going up! And we get to see some really good matches, and some funny story lines. WCW was a sinking ship with all the egos and Time Warner showing up and saying that they had no space for wrestling on there stations.
TNA is a quality show right now. And I would watch it over wwe right now due to wwe having no good story lines. TNA cracks me up with all the popcorn humor and well developed characters. Kurt Angle is great, and even though karen can be very annoying she is way better then seeing or hearing stephanie mcmahons voice.
excuse my question but i lost interest in wrestling for a few years. how come russo is in wrestling anyway? last thing i heard about him he was a "Born again christian" and despised the wrestling industry whilst regretting all the "sins" he committed in getting the WWF to the top, lol i have his book, havent read it though!
What I look at is when I first started watched TNA about almost 2 years ago, I thought it was very interesting to watch but lately whether it has to do with booking or whatever the case may be, I feel that the product has really gone down. I am not as interested in watching TNA because the matches are just stupid in some cases. Like why have tag team champions who always fight in single matches and only fight in championship matches on PPV? Like why have a TNA X Division champion who hasn't really had a good match in awhile because he hardly defends his belt? What about the heavyweight championship? Not many really good matches....I have liked TNA since I began watching it but lately not really.
I find it interesting how people like to lay the blame at a single individual's doorstep. Of course, this goes hand in hand with the success factor. When WWF was in its heyday 10 years ago, and Russo and Ferrara jumped to WCW, it was the both of them who were responsible for the success of WWF. Then it was both of their faults...or according to most people on this board, Vince Russo's fault that WCW died. Now for everyone who is upset with TNA, it is 100% completely Vince Russo's fault. Just like everything had to go through Vince McMahon way back when, Russo doesn't have end all be all say so in TNA.

Think of it this way...look at any Beatles album and the writers are "Lennon and Mcartney". Now Paul wrote some of those songs, and so did John, but both always took credit. Plus, George and Ringo had some input too. Now for anyone who is down on TNA booking, for better or worse, there is a group effort going on. But for whatever reason, a lot of people on here just have a personal vendetta against Russo, and wanna blame it on him. I want to see TNA do great things as much as anyone else, b/c I am a wrestling fan, but no way am I going to blame it all on him.

And for everyone, who wants to complain about what Russo has done to AJ Styles character, can you not see the groundwork that is being laid for a feud between he and Angle and massive push he is going to get? During his time doing the "shtick" he's been doing, he has been allowed to develop as a character, and it is only going to complement his in ring ablities that much more when he comes full circle. Superstars don't come out of nowhere, b/c there are a lot of other guys out there now that can do the things that AJ does in the ring. However, he has that intangible charisma that you can't create, and currently they are creatively harnessing his charisma and building an actual character with him, and he is and is going to be so much better for it in the long run.
Vince Russo is the most creative man in wrestling. TNA wouldn't even be around today if it wasn't for him. When he jumped on board and created S.E.X, AJ vs. Jarrett, AJ vs. Raven, AJ vs. D Lo, developed the most famous TNA feud Raven vs. Jarrett, and made the PPV buy rates increase.

TNA ratings will rise higher and higher when the decide to leave Russo with the book for good.

How do you figure that TNA wouldn't be around if not for Vince Russo? TNA survived perfectly fine without Vince Russo, and the ratings kept going up without Russo writing or booking in 2005 and 2006.

The ratings aren't rising higher and higher like you seem to want everyone to believe. They're fluctuating in a range of 1.0-1.2. They're not exactly jumping higher and higher with each show.
You know its the business man.. A few dumb gimmicks here and there, then it gets pitched. Vince Russo is doing his best to try and entertain people. Some people like the WCW days anyways.. I don't think he's the reason things are going the way its going. And from the looks of things, it doesn't look like TNA is going down.. Look at the progress they are making with talent from when it began. Nuff said.
Don't blame Vince Russo u idiot, Russo only writes the script, he's reborn now he can't do the shit he did before.

religion has nothing to do with the business, ive seen devowed christian write sick material, or devowed muslims play gays in movies, don't make excuses the reason why TNA is a mess is because of Russo and that crap booking comitee TNA has, they use WWE guys for main event, and copy old WWE gimmicks to get guys over, there is no point to this, the reason i loved TNA was that it was original same reason i loved WCW at one time it was different but like WCW TNA is now trying to give the fans something other then a wrestling product, if i wanted to watch comedy i would go to a comedy club if i wanted to see the kurt and karen show i would go watch e true holywood story, i dont want to watch half assesd comedy skits i want to see the old tna which had wrestling then a half ass fourth brand of the wwe and thats

Don't blame Vince Russo u idiot, Russo only writes the script, he's reborn now he can't do the shit he did before.

Yup, and that's what the entire show goes off of, the script, and it's been a pretty shitty script for the past couple months, just out of curiosity who would you blame the writers of the shitty script or the wrestlers who have to follow the shitty script?...and what the fuck does religion have to do with anything there are plenty of people in the business that are "reborn", that doesn't give them a pass to do a craptacular job now does it
if i wanted to watch comedy i would go to a comedy club if i wanted to see the kurt and karen show i would go watch e true holywood story, i dont want to watch half assesd comedy skits i want to see the old tna which had wrestling then a half ass fourth brand of the wwe and thats FACT

Agreed 100%, but Russo is not completely to blame for this. As MikeRC put it, "Russo is part of the problem, but not the problem itself". If Brian Gerwitz pitches an idea to Vince McMahon that Vinny Mac likes, and goes with on TV, the responsibility for the success or failure of that idea as a TV concept rests on the shoulders of Vince McMahon and not Brian Gerwitz. The buck stops there, and in TNA's case, the buck=Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter. If something good or bad makes it to TV, it ultimately falls on them, b/c they allowed it to air in the first place.
Agreed 100%, but Russo is not completely to blame for this. As MikeRC put it, "Russo is part of the problem, but not the problem itself". If Brian Gerwitz pitches an idea to Vince McMahon that Vinny Mac likes, and goes with on TV, the responsibility for the success or failure of that idea as a TV concept rests on the shoulders of Vince McMahon and not Brian Gerwitz. The buck stops there, and in TNA's case, the buck=Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter. If something good or bad makes it to TV, it ultimately falls on them, b/c they allowed it to air in the first place.

but Dixie first and foremost knows nothing about wrestling thats why its more on jarrets sholders, and angles of course due to the fact that he books the majority of his own stuff and to me that stinks, the tna i knew was more an alternative then this thursday night garbage and russo is partly to blame for this as with his experience he should know better, if he knows somethings crap then say so instead of airing it on tv
Once TNA Impact received its highest rating in company history all of a sudden Vince Russo is suppose to be the one mainly in charge of creative. Before that it was all Dutch Mandell.

That's ridiculous.

I personally think that Vince Russo has been in charge of creative since he arrived in TNA. And they only announced that Dutch was in charge to slow down all of the "Fire Russo" chants in the Impact Zone.

No way was it Dutch Mandell who was running the Abyss/Sting angle with the coffin. That had Vince Russo written all over it and fans knew it. That's why they started the "Fire Russo" chants.

With all of the heat off of Russo we are now witnessing the rebirth of the soap opera style of writing/booking. That's Vince Russo any day and every day. He thinks fans care more about what comes out of the mouths of wrestlers than what those same wrestlers do in the ring.

The guy believes that he can write in fans more than wrestlers can wrestle in fan support. For that reason and that reason alone Vince Russo is bad for business in a company that is called ... "Total Non-Stop Action."

I know that guys like Konnan back him but thats only because Russo has shown the will to push the younger guys. Thats not his problem. His problem is everything he is as a booker/writer resembles WWE. That makes TNA under his creative control "WWE Lite."

You can not beat WWE at their own game!
Once TNA Impact received its highest rating in company history all of a sudden Vince Russo is suppose to be the one mainly in charge of creative. Before that it was all Dutch Mandell.

That's ridiculous.
Dutch and Jarrett book, with all three pitching creative ideas. Russo just writes the booking into a workable script.

I personally think that Vince Russo has been in charge of creative since he arrived in TNA. And they only announced that Dutch was in charge to slow down all of the "Fire Russo" chants in the Impact Zone.
That's silly. It's been reported numerous times before that Dutch was the main guy of the two. And, as far as "in charge" it's Jarrett and Dixie.

No way was it Dutch Mandell who was running the Abyss/Sting angle with the coffin. That had Vince Russo written all over it and fans knew it. That's why they started the "Fire Russo" chants.
Wrong. That had Dutch Mantell all over it. Of course, since people don't know anything other than wrestling from the last 5 years, they just assume it was Russo. It was reported at the time that it was Dutch, Dixie said it was Dutch if I'm not mistaken, and it's a Dutch Mantell kind of angle.

With all of the heat off of Russo we are now witnessing the rebirth of the soap opera style of writing/booking. That's Vince Russo any day and every day. He thinks fans care more about what comes out of the mouths of wrestlers than what those same wrestlers do in the ring.
They do.

I mean, how many Hogans, Pipers, Flairs, Austins, Rocks etc. have to come down the pipe before wrestling fans get that? How many Dean Malenkos and Charlie Haases have to come through before the Internet understands that fans don't care about those guys?

The guy believes that he can write in fans more than wrestlers can wrestle in fan support. For that reason and that reason alone Vince Russo is bad for business in a company that is called ... "Total Non-Stop Action."
When Hulkamania ruled the world, was it the 25 minute championship bouts that drew fans? When Austin was kicking McMahon ass, was it the non-existant lightweight division fans came to see? When Rock was telling Triple H to shine objects up and stick them up his ass, was it Dean Malenko the fans were coming to see?

I know that guys like Konnan back him but thats only because Russo has shown the will to push the younger guys. Thats not his problem. His problem is everything he is as a booker/writer resembles WWE. That makes TNA under his creative control "WWE Lite."
And before he got there, they were WCW pt. 2. :rolleyes:

They're TNA. No one else.

You can not beat WWE at their own game!
Why not? That's what WCW did.
with his experience he should know better, if he knows somethings crap then say so instead of airing it on tv

Who's to say that he doesn't, but even if he does, he doesn't have final say. I'm not saying that he's the genius that some people make him out to be, but he's not the wrestling virus that most people here would have us believe.
Who's to say that he doesn't, but even if he does, he doesn't have final say. I'm not saying that he's the genius that some people make him out to be, but he's not the wrestling virus that most people here would have us believe.

No i agree with that comment, but what i do think is that the reaason why he was so great in the wwe was because of vince he made the last minute decisions, i dont like soap opera crap or putting wwe guys over tna main stays it aint right
Dutch and Jarrett book, with all three pitching creative ideas. Russo just writes the booking into a workable script.

That's silly. It's been reported numerous times before that Dutch was the main guy of the two. And, as far as "in charge" it's Jarrett and Dixie.

Wrong. That had Dutch Mantell all over it. Of course, since people don't know anything other than wrestling from the last 5 years, they just assume it was Russo. It was reported at the time that it was Dutch, Dixie said it was Dutch if I'm not mistaken, and it's a Dutch Mantell kind of angle.

They do.

I mean, how many Hogans, Pipers, Flairs, Austins, Rocks etc. have to come down the pipe before wrestling fans get that? How many Dean Malenkos and Charlie Haases have to come through before the Internet understands that fans don't care about those guys?

When Hulkamania ruled the world, was it the 25 minute championship bouts that drew fans? When Austin was kicking McMahon ass, was it the non-existant lightweight division fans came to see? When Rock was telling Triple H to shine objects up and stick them up his ass, was it Dean Malenko the fans were coming to see?

And before he got there, they were WCW pt. 2. :rolleyes:

They're TNA. No one else.

Why not? That's what WCW did.

It has been reported that Dutch Mandell is only working with the TNA knockouts. This has also come from the mouth of Glenn Gilbertti. So pump the breaks on that old inaccurate news about Russo only being a script writer.

Of course Dixie Carter is in charge and Jarrett has final say but Vince Russo is running creative!


I've been watching wrestling a lot longer than 5 years. Unlike the average Joe Wrestling fan this game didnt start with me during the attitude era. Vince Russo used coffins in WCW when they did the Goldberg funeral. Coffins are one of his trademarks in writing.

What history does Dutch Mandell have with coffins in wrestling?

TNA reported that it was Dutch Mandell because they wanted to save Russo's neck. He had major heat from fans. "FIRE RUSSO CHANTS" were at an all time high at that time.

Hogans, Pipers, Flairs, Austins, and Rocks set up matches with promotion but they cashed checks by being able to entertain in the ring. You can not have good promotions and have bad matches. Fans will stop paying for the ppv's if they dont deliver.

Proof is in WWE right now. Their matches suck. That's why their support is going down. They are half of what they once were. Promotion is there but matches arent.


FACT: WCW cruiserweights (including Dean Malenko) were very popular when WCW was in its prime.

FACT: TNA's X-Division is what brought the MAJORITY of TNA's fans to the company.

Both of those divisions were filled with guys that were not good on the mic or in promotions themselves.

Dispute the popularity of these guys:

WCW Cruiserweights

1. Chris Jericho
2. Rey Mysterio Jr.
3. La Parka
4. Eddie Guerrero
5. Juvi

TNA X-Division

1. AJ Styles
2. Jay Lethal
3. Petey Williams
4. Christopher Daniels
5. Chris Sabin

Every single one of those guys were POPULAR because of what they did in the ring and not on the mic.

The Hulkamania was about promotion and ENTERTAINING matches. Not just promotion.

WHY DO YOU THINK FANS ARE BOOING JOHN CENA? He only has half of what Hogan had. There is also the FACT that this is 2008 and not 1998. The old school style of wrestling is losing popularity.

Fans dont want to watch head locks all match.


For every Dean Malenko of yesterday you pull out I can throw out a John Cena of today to prove that fans are wanting more than just a mouth piece.

FACT: you hear .. "FIRE RUSSO" chants when creative angles get crazy.

FACT: you NEVER hear .. "FIRE THE BOOKER" chants if there is next to no storyline setup for a match.

FACT: you hear .. "WE WANT WRESTLING" chants when wrestling gets too soap opera like.

FACT: you NEVER hear .. "WE WANT PROMOS" chants when there is more action than promos.

FACT: you hear .. "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chant for guys like Cena that cant wrestle.

FACT: you NEVER hear ... "YOU CANT PROMO" chants for guys that are weak on the mic.

So, what do fans really want?
Vince Russo creative ideas are too played out. All he is doing is putting over old WWE talent then the young TNA talent. Also he makes characters turn heel and face every week. The match build ups are terrible. Every week you see security break up a brawl to climax a story. He needs to try somthing new.
It doesn't matter who is running what. the bottom line is TNA sucks, every time I try to watch it's non stop garbage, the few good things they have are destroyed by Angle and his wife. For whatever reason these morons bury the talent that's been there and constantly push the WWE Rejects, which in turn makes the company look weak. What did Vince McMahon always do with the WCW Rejects? bury their asses before doing anything with them..

Stop wasting everyones time with VKM/Kevin Nash and the like, the X Division is what put your product on the map, not Kurt Angle. Samoa Joe is one of the top stars in all of wrestling, not Karen Angle.

and for the love of God FIRE DON WEST. How does a QVC reject end up with a job as a wrestling color commentator?

There are so many inconsistancies with the product, storylines that make no sense, the CONSTANT need to have run ins during matches. You can make the loser look strong without interference(just look at Jeff Hardy at NWO).

The roster is way too big, you should have a set group appearing every week and not have a rotating roster. Decide on a core and stick with them, fire the useless guys who are stealing your money.
Real fans don't chant "fire russo" or "you can't promo" that's only the smarks and as soon as a company cares about what the smarks want it's doomed.

Rean fans are marks who actually like big guys or exciting storylines and they outnumber the smarks by a great deal
Basically Russo gets ratings but not quality, we have to accept the two are usually not connected. WWE has high ratings and is mostly garbage, ROH is not in any way popular but puts on good shows, TNA was good but did poor ratings and now they arent stellar but have increased but at the expense of the product. Us people who like to see a good 20-minute match only make up the minority, sadly the masses want to see John Cena do a Hulk Hogan and beat everyone he comes up against.

We all just need to accept these companies are businesses and care more about getting viewers than putting on a good show. Quite honestly you're an idiot if you think doing the opposite is sensible for your business.
Also i resent some guys being called WWE rejects, Christian Cage decided to leave despite WWE throwing big money at him, Booker T left the company and is still in great condition, Kurt Angle needed to get off the road and into a stable environment, Matt Morgan & Tomko are both talented but were never going to get used in WWE, Steiner is kind of a star in his own right, his WWE stint was horrible but he is a decent wrestler and a big name.

Bottom line is TNA needs names if it wants to get exposure and ratings. Before these guys came along TNA did not have world-famous names beyond Jeff Jarrett. Sadly a large number of people dont know who AJ Styles is and ask "do TNA have a guy called Samoan Joe?!?"

Their biggest and most famous name is Kurt Angle so it is only smart to push him to death and bring in ratings. Angle will NEVER leave the main event picture for the whole time he is in TNA, i guarantee it. If i had to pick between a one year title reign from Cena and Angle i'd take Angle because at least he loses occasionally and he puts on a damn better match.
To be honest with all the criticism that surrounds TNA i feel some people just arent willing to give things some time. You cant fix every problem at once and because of this are fixing things 1 thing at a time.

I would say since the 2 hours we have seen A.J Styles been given a huge amount of focus and yes they have been using a comedy Angle but this was just to help him i feel with his mike work, which has after this weeks show improved dramatically, i really loved his performances with Karen and could feel the chemistry between them both. The best thing about this whole thing is we shold get a proper feud between A.J and Kurt Angle which really could be amazing given the proper attention(which im sure it would).

We have Jay Lethal who went from a great young athlete with little character to one of the most popular characters each night who has also improved greatly on the mike, also adding some more depth to his personality. As an offshoot from this we have clear signs of a Sunjay Dutt heel turn from his desire of So Cal Val, which should change his character up and finally give him some focused attention.

Petey Williams is also getting a lot of focus at the moment and i have to say i love the "maple Leaf Muscle" character and am loving seeing Petey on TV.

I know some people will now say "but they have ruined the credibility of the X Division title" but it would seem now that with the 3D vs BM/MCMG over they will be putting a big focus back onto the title, now with the announcement of the World X Cup coming back it seems a big part of the future.

We also have sure signs and reports that Joe will be getting the title within the next few months, and after seeing the push he is getting and from hearing the reports and the interview with Keven Nash im sure TNA will give him all the attention he needs to make him their big draw.

There are also lots of stories being added to at the moment such as VKM, the womens division is on fire at the moment (putting a lot of men at WWE to shame i have to say), the end of the Angle Alliance? ect. Plus i think we have all noticed the focus of Angle been turned down a lot recently, giving everyone else time to shine.

I cant say who is doing what backstage in terms of writing but all i know is ratings are at their highest, their are talks of testing live (hope they do actually go through with it now) and a lot of changes happening, just remember it takes time and IMO what they are putting out now is still better than WWE(and i have been a fan of WWE since a child).
It has been reported that Dutch Mandell is only working with the TNA knockouts. This has also come from the mouth of Glenn Gilbertti. So pump the breaks on that old inaccurate news about Russo only being a script writer.

Of course Dixie Carter is in charge and Jarrett has final say but Vince Russo is running creative!
Dixie Carter herself said Russo was scriptwriting. And, what report EVER said that Dutch was ONLY working with the Knockouts?

I've been watching wrestling a lot longer than 5 years. Unlike the average Joe Wrestling fan this game didnt start with me during the attitude era. Vince Russo used coffins in WCW when they did the Goldberg funeral. Coffins are one of his trademarks in writing.

What history does Dutch Mandell have with coffins in wrestling?

TNA reported that it was Dutch Mandell because they wanted to save Russo's neck. He had major heat from fans. "FIRE RUSSO CHANTS" were at an all time high at that time.
Dutch Mantell booked similar angles in his time in Puerto Rico.

Hogans, Pipers, Flairs, Austins, and Rocks set up matches with promotion but they cashed checks by being able to entertain in the ring. You can not have good promotions and have bad matches. Fans will stop paying for the ppv's if they dont deliver.
Yes, but you don't even get fans to pay attention the first time if you don't say the right thing. ROH and their 36 buys in Canada are proof of that.

Proof is in WWE right now. Their matches suck. That's why their support is going down. They are half of what they once were. Promotion is there but matches arent.
If their matches suck (which they don't, but let's play along), then you are only proving MY point at 205-2007 did some of the best PPV revenue the WWE has seen in a LONG time.

FACT: WCW cruiserweights (including Dean Malenko) were very popular when WCW was in its prime.
Fact: The cruiserweights didn't draw for WCW, the nWo, Sting and Luger did.

FACT: TNA's X-Division is what brought the MAJORITY of TNA's fans to the company.
Question: What the hell are you talking about? When the X-Division was the focus of the show, TNA was running weekly PPV deals because they weren't big enough to get a TV show.

Dispute the popularity of these guys:

WCW Cruiserweights

1. Chris Jericho
2. Rey Mysterio Jr.
3. La Parka
4. Eddie Guerrero
5. Juvi
Only one of those guys you named is a proven draw and that's Mysterio. And that only happened after he bulked up tremendously, and slowed down his style.

And, are you going to tell me that Jericho and Eddie aren't tremendous promo workers?

TNA X-Division

1. AJ Styles
2. Jay Lethal
3. Petey Williams
4. Christopher Daniels
5. Chris Sabin

Every single one of those guys were POPULAR because of what they did in the ring and not on the mic.
And not one of them is a significant draw, with the possible exception of AJ, who has shown himself to be a comedic and promo god.

For every Dean Malenko of yesterday you pull out I can throw out a John Cena of today to prove that fans are wanting more than just a mouth piece.

FACT: you hear .. "FIRE RUSSO" chants when creative angles get crazy.

FACT: you NEVER hear .. "FIRE THE BOOKER" chants if there is next to no storyline setup for a match.
So, all of a sudden, the 5% of the IWC is to be taken as an indication of what ALL fans every where want? When did that happen?

FACT: you hear .. "WE WANT WRESTLING" chants when wrestling gets too soap opera like.
That's only during boring promos and interviews.

How many times did you hear "We want wrestling" during a Rock interview? How about a Steve Austin promo?

FACT: you NEVER hear .. "WE WANT PROMOS" chants when there is more action than promos.
No, you just see a bored crowd.

FACT: you hear .. "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chant for guys like Cena that cant wrestle.
Cena is a tremendous wrestler, and the fact people say that Cena cannot shows how little those fans need to be catered too. I mean, those same fans who chant you can't wrestle to Cena are the ones who were kissing RVD's ass at One Night Stand.

So what do they really know?

FACT: you NEVER hear ... "YOU CANT PROMO" chants for guys that are weak on the mic.
You also don't see them selling PPVs, now do you?

So, what do fans really want?
They want entertaining characters, who are larger than life. It's been proven time and again. Hell, you yourself just said you think Cena can't wrestle (which is flat wrong, but again, let's just do it for argument's sake). If Cena can't wrestle, then why is he the biggest draw in the world right now?
Vince Russo creative ideas are too played out. All he is doing is putting over old WWE talent then the young TNA talent. Also he makes characters turn heel and face every week. The match build ups are terrible. Every week you see security break up a brawl to climax a story. He needs to try somthing new.
The current booking team does a WHOLE lot more for the younger talent than the booking team of 2006 ever did.

Basically Russo gets ratings but not quality, we have to accept the two are usually not connected. WWE has high ratings and is mostly garbage, ROH is not in any way popular but puts on good shows, TNA was good but did poor ratings and now they arent stellar but have increased but at the expense of the product.
No offense, but that's an incredibly stupid statement. I mean, you just said that ratings are inversely proportional to quality.

Why would more people watch if quality goes down? That's ridiculous, and WCW from 1999-2001 is enough proof that if quality is terrible, than ratings go down. WWF from 1997-1999 is proof that is quality is good, ratings go up.

To say that ratings are inversely proportional to quality is ridiculous.

We all just need to accept these companies are businesses and care more about getting viewers than putting on a good show. Quite honestly you're an idiot if you think doing the opposite is sensible for your business.
The fact they are getting more people to watch means they are putting on a better show.

And the IWC wonders why wrestling companies care so little for their opinions.
Real fans don't chant "fire russo" or "you can't promo" that's only the smarks and as soon as a company cares about what the smarks want it's doomed.

Rean fans are marks who actually like big guys or exciting storylines and they outnumber the smarks by a great deal
So real 'fans' like their intelligence insulted by constant heel/face turns?

TNA going after the 'real' fans sure has worked with their ratings being the same every week, not being able to draw on tour etc.

I don't have a problem with big guys, you don't have to be a technical wrestler to be entertaining but guys like Khali, Fat maple, Dustin Rhodes etc suck.
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