Two More Wellness Policy Violations: Both Surprising

If you've read the WWE Wellness policy you'd know that if a wrestler has a valid prescription from a legitimate doctor he can have anything in his bloodstream in pretty much any level he likes.

But the problem was, he didn't go to a legit doctor.

I did some reading at the time about different things related to the Benoit case. One thing I read was that Chris Benoit was seen at his doctor a few hours before the police belive Nancy was killed. There is proof that Benoit was at the doctor's, because a boy, who was a wrestling fan, recognized him, and asked to take his photo. Benoit complied, and the photo (the last photo of Benoit when he was alive) was actually printed in the magazine I was reading. The police verified the photo and the child's evidence. So, it can be proven that Benoit was at this clinic. Now, the timeline that the police have was that Benoit had flown back from a week of touring with WWE. Instead of going straight home, he visited his doctor. Now, firstly, most people go directly home, as they can't wait to see their family again. Also, if Benoit needed a doctor, why didn't he see WWE medical staff? He had just come from a show, so he could have seen a WWE doctor. Yet he was spotted at this clinic, on the day Nancy died. The interesting thing is that Benoit's doctor (I can't remember his name) was arrested two weeks later after a raid found that he had over-prescribed steroids to hundreds of sportsstars, including WWE stars such as Edge, Rey Mysterio and John Morrison. This was the same doctor named in the Pharmacetical scandal, which resulted in these WWE stars, and a few others, being suspended for thirty days for Wellness Violations, which they hadn't been caught for, previously. So, Vince wouldn't have approved it, as Benoit got his drugs from this dodgy doctor, and I suggest that he got strung out, had a fight with Nancy, and killed her, in a bout of "roid rage".

No it wouldn't, given that Vinny Mac has no influence on the results of a wellness test.

Well, the Wellness tests are done in-house, and not by an independent body. So, since WWE are doing their own drug tests, it is very easy to test some and not others. You can't ever fail Wellness, if you are not tested. I have heard that the testing is random, but I suspect that some are never tested, or if they are, it is not recorded.
First off, Benoit wouldn't have got fired. He'd have been suspended for 30 days for his first violation. Second of all Angle wasn't released for Wellness reasons. He was fired so that he could sort his fucking life out and not die on their watch. Which he needed to because he was taking dozens of Vicodin a day and being a complete and utter loony. NB: Angle never failed for Vicodin despite (allegedly) taking 56 a day. Though that figure cane from Angle and he's terribly unreliable.

But Benoit apparently failed three times, according to "Power Slam" magazine. But Vince wouldn't fire him, because if Vince did that, since Benoit's contract was almost up anyway, Benoit could have instead taken the offer that Jeff Jarrett was making to get Benoit to TNA. Chris Jericho was out of the company at the time too, and Jarrett had a plan to sign both Benoit and Jericho. Vince, possibly feeling that it is like the WCW stealing his talent all over again, didn't want to lose a talent like Benoit to the competition (I don't see why he was worried, if he doesn't consider TNA a threat). Also, Vince had fired Angle, and then Angle went to TNA. So, firing Benoit may have lead to the same result.

What Vince should have done was put Benoit in rehab, to get him off his steroid addiction. It could have saved the man's life, and, as a consequence, his family's lives as well.

There's an endemic drug problem in wrestling full stop. Guys feel pain, they take painkillers, they form a habit and bingo jingo they get hooked. It's the nature of the beast unfortunately.

You say it is the nature of the beast, but over 50 wrestlers have died in the last decade because of drug abuse. It is an epidemic which needs to be addressed. What made the Benoit case worse was that it wasn't just him affected this time, but there is a strong case that his wife and child died as a direct result of his drug addiction (which is medically termed "roid rage"). These are people's lives we are talking about. I don't want to see another wrestler die because of drugs. However, it is going to happen, which is why it is so sad.

But that's not the reason WWE tightened up on the Wellness policy. They tightened up because they had to. After Benoit died, they were put under the microscope by the press. If they were lax about it and kept the suspended guys on the road like they used to they'd get slated for it. That just wasn't an option. They had to bee seen as doing something so they bucked up their attitude and took a more serious stance on drugs and wellness in general.[/QUOTE]


But Vince promised to tighten the Wellness Policy after Eddie Guerrero died. Yet the Benoit murders showed that nothing changed. Also, Vince said that there wasn't drugs involved, (he would), so then why tighten the Wellness Policy?
I agree with what you are saying, I do think the both of them should be released, I agree with your referee assessment and I agree with the Andy comment. That being said, I will contridict myself with Andy. I think getting rid of him right now would be bad for business. Tough Enough was a success for USA and having Andy go to FCW only to be released make the show look pointless, thus causing casual fans to lose interest for the fact that it doesn't matter who wins or loses so why get attached to a character? On the flip side, if a storyline was made of it, that could serve as damage control. Luke was obviously the most talented guy on the show and a heel. You could have him come in a say he was the real winner of the show and that he was going to step up and take what was rightfully his to begin with. Or you could have Stone Cold discuss it on the next season of how Andy had the shot of a lifetime and decided to throw it all away and make a dramatic angle of the situation.

It's just not that easy. If they are fired for something Randy Orton wouldn't be fired for it opens you up to a bunch of law suits. If this referee has a contract or it's company policy that it's 3 violations and you're gone, it's more trouble than it is. They can have them sit out the rest of their contract, but that likely won't happen.

It's a "business" and you can't exactly discriminate without consequences.
WWE can't cut their ties with Andy. If they do, they just trash an entire season. . .so they're going to give him that undeserved rapid push just to satisfy fans of the show. Similar to how NXT got pushed into the sky with Nexus right out of the gate. They just do it to "make those shows have a point". It isn't like Ultimate Fighter. . .anyone who wins the show will get a massive push whether they're that great or not.

But if they don't just cut Andy, it'd make their handling of Sin Cara completely idiotic though. A very popular up and coming dude getting basically "benched" for at least 2 months, and possibly fired outright.
But the problem was, he didn't go to a legit doctor.

He had a medical lisence at the time, thus he was a legit doctor. He may have been inapropriately prescribing, but his paperwork said he's A-OK. Look up Harold Shipman. He was a legit doctor too.

I did some reading at the time about different things related to the Benoit case. One thing I read was that Chris Benoit was seen at his doctor a few hours before the police belive Nancy was killed. There is proof that Benoit was at the doctor's, because a boy, who was a wrestling fan, recognized him, and asked to take his photo. Benoit complied, and the photo (the last photo of Benoit when he was alive) was actually printed in the magazine I was reading. The police verified the photo and the child's evidence. So, it can be proven that Benoit was at this clinic. Now, the timeline that the police have was that Benoit had flown back from a week of touring with WWE. Instead of going straight home, he visited his doctor.

A wrestler sees his doctor on a regular basis? SHOCK HORROR!

Now, firstly, most people go directly home, as they can't wait to see their family again.

And you know this because?

Also, if Benoit needed a doctor, why didn't he see WWE medical staff? He had just come from a show, so he could have seen a WWE doctor. Yet he was spotted at this clinic, on the day Nancy died. The interesting thing is that Benoit's doctor (I can't remember his name) was arrested two weeks later after a raid found that he had over-prescribed steroids to hundreds of sportsstars, including WWE stars such as Edge, Rey Mysterio and John Morrison. This was the same doctor named in the Pharmacetical scandal, which resulted in these WWE stars, and a few others, being suspended for thirty days for Wellness Violations, which they hadn't been caught for, previously. So, Vince wouldn't have approved it, as Benoit got his drugs from this dodgy doctor, and I suggest that he got strung out, had a fight with Nancy, and killed her, in a bout of "roid rage".

You realise that every WWE wrestler sees their own doctor for prescriptions, right? It's not the job of WWE to be prescribing steroids or anytihng else. it's their job to fix them up if they get injured or passing them over to hospitals if they can't. Steroids and opiates aren't in their remit.

Well, the Wellness tests are done in-house, and not by an independent body. So, since WWE are doing their own drug tests, it is very easy to test some and not others. You can't ever fail Wellness, if you are not tested. I have heard that the testing is random, but I suspect that some are never tested, or if they are, it is not recorded.

I'll put this simply. YOu are wrong here. The WWE's drug tests are done by the same guy who drug tests NFL footballers, with WWE every wrestler getting tested at least three times a year. And the drugtesting itself is hard as hell to cheat.

But Benoit apparently failed three times, according to "Power Slam" magazine. But Vince wouldn't fire him, because if Vince did that, since Benoit's contract was almost up anyway, Benoit could have instead taken the offer that Jeff Jarrett was making to get Benoit to TNA. Chris Jericho was out of the company at the time too, and Jarrett had a plan to sign both Benoit and Jericho. Vince, possibly feeling that it is like the WCW stealing his talent all over again, didn't want to lose a talent like Benoit to the competition (I don't see why he was worried, if he doesn't consider TNA a threat). Also, Vince had fired Angle, and then Angle went to TNA. So, firing Benoit may have lead to the same result.

Dirtsheets also said Randy Orton was on the list of people getitng their prescription meds from Signature Pharmacy. The DA says otherwise. I'll take WWE's word on who passes and who fails.

What Vince should have done was put Benoit in rehab, to get him off his steroid addiction. It could have saved the man's life, and, as a consequence, his family's lives as well.

Yes, obviously premeditated killings showing signs of rationality spread out over the course of a weekend are clearly indicative of roidrage. Also worth noting: Benoit's brain was severely damaged. It wasn't roid rage and Benoit wasn't using steroids because he had an addiction. He was using them to enhance his physique and because he really, REALLY didn't want to retire.

You say it is the nature of the beast, but over 50 wrestlers have died in the last decade because of drug abuse. It is an epidemic which needs to be addressed. What made the Benoit case worse was that it wasn't just him affected this time, but there is a strong case that his wife and child died as a direct result of his drug addiction (which is medically termed "roid rage"). These are people's lives we are talking about. I don't want to see another wrestler die because of drugs. However, it is going to happen, which is why it is so sad.

Wait, so an endemic problem based partly on the mindset of people who take medication that can cause respiratory depression in excess claims lots of lives? LE GASP! Wrestlers dropping dead af 35 is the reason WWE even has a Wellness Policy. And the Benoit incident wasn't roid rage.

But Vince promised to tighten the Wellness Policy after Eddie Guerrero died. Yet the Benoit murders showed that nothing changed. Also, Vince said that there wasn't drugs involved, (he would), so then why tighten the Wellness Policy?

...The Wellness policy didn't EXIST before Eddie died. Eddie's death caused WWE to institute it to protect themselves and their tallent. Get your facts straight before posting.
He had a medical lisence at the time, thus he was a legit doctor. He may have been inapropriately prescribing, but his paperwork said he's A-OK. Look up Harold Shipman. He was a legit doctor too.

A wrestler sees his doctor on a regular basis? SHOCK HORROR!

And you know this because?

You realise that every WWE wrestler sees their own doctor for prescriptions, right? It's not the job of WWE to be prescribing steroids or anytihng else. it's their job to fix them up if they get injured or passing them over to hospitals if they can't. Steroids and opiates aren't in their remit.

I'll put this simply. YOu are wrong here. The WWE's drug tests are done by the same guy who drug tests NFL footballers, with WWE every wrestler getting tested at least three times a year. And the drugtesting itself is hard as hell to cheat.

Dirtsheets also said Randy Orton was on the list of people getitng their prescription meds from Signature Pharmacy. The DA says otherwise. I'll take WWE's word on who passes and who fails.

Yes, obviously premeditated killings showing signs of rationality spread out over the course of a weekend are clearly indicative of roidrage. Also worth noting: Benoit's brain was severely damaged. It wasn't roid rage and Benoit wasn't using steroids because he had an addiction. He was using them to enhance his physique and because he really, REALLY didn't want to retire.

Wait, so an endemic problem based partly on the mindset of people who take medication that can cause respiratory depression in excess claims lots of lives? LE GASP! Wrestlers dropping dead af 35 is the reason WWE even has a Wellness Policy. And the Benoit incident wasn't roid rage.

...The Wellness policy didn't EXIST before Eddie died. Eddie's death caused WWE to institute it to protect themselves and their tallent. Get your facts straight before posting.

You say that it was excessive brain damage that caused Benoit to kill his family. Well, why doesn't someone like Mick Foley (who took eleven chairshots to the head at RR '99 alone) then go psycho.

Roid rage is an actual medical condition, brought on by years of excessive steroid use, (which is what Benoit was doing), and can result in excessive violence . Killing someone because of brain-damage is just a defense clever lawyers use to get their clients off murder charges. If Benoit had survived, and was charged with the murder, I bet his lawyer would use the defense of "insanity". So you don't know anything.
You say that it was excessive brain damage that caused Benoit to kill his family. Well, why doesn't someone like Mick Foley (who took eleven chairshots to the head at RR '99 alone) then go psycho.

Ok, it's not up for debate that Benoit's brain was fucked beyond belief. For reference, the healthy brain is on the top.


Clearly Benoit's buggered brain couldn't have affected his decision making processes or grip on reality. It must have been steroids :rolleyes:.

Roid rage is an actual medical condition, brought on by years of excessive steroid use, (which is what Benoit was doing), and can result in excessive violence.

However placing bibles by the victims and sending cryptic texts to friends telling you where you are aren't symptoms of rage are they?

Killing someone because of brain-damage is just a defense clever lawyers use to get their clients off murder charges. If Benoit had survived, and was charged with the murder, I bet his lawyer would use the defense of "insanity". So you don't know anything.

Benoit's brain was definately damaged. That can be visually verified and can greatly change a person. Roid rage, which usually manifests itself when big guys lose their temper and kill someone and is also used to get murderers off the hook hasn't been proven to exist. And yet that is OBVIOUSLY the reason Benoit killed his wife and son.

Additionally Benoit's brain was found to be similar to 4 ex-NFL guys who also harmed other people.
Ok, it's not up for debate that Benoit's brain was fucked beyond belief. For reference, the healthy brain is on the top.


Clearly Benoit's buggered brain couldn't have affected his decision making processes or grip on reality. It must have been steroids :rolleyes:.

However placing bibles by the victims and sending cryptic texts to friends telling you where you are aren't symptoms of rage are they?

Benoit's brain was definately damaged. That can be visually verified and can greatly change a person. Roid rage, which usually manifests itself when big guys lose their temper and kill someone and is also used to get murderers off the hook hasn't been proven to exist. And yet that is OBVIOUSLY the reason Benoit killed his wife and son.

Additionally Benoit's brain was found to be similar to 4 ex-NFL guys who also harmed other people.


No need to be so rude! You are no more a doctor than I am, so you are only speculating as well. You are entitled to your opinion, as I am entitled to mine.

The fact is, no-one truly knows what happened on that July weekend in 2007, because we weren't there. I find it suprising that the police, however, were able to know what happened, without doing much investigation. Why, for example, did they immediately suspect Benoit? How did they know he was a villian and not a victim? For my understanding, Kevin Sullivan, who would be an obvious suspect, was never even interrogated. Now, he may well have an alibi, but at least he could be cleared, and then he would be free from suspicion, but I question some of the police investigation, and too many people seemed quick to accept the polices' version of events, but there have been innocent men convicted before. There may have been an innocent man or two who has been given the death penalty, so, because Benoit cannot face trial and be interrogated on the stand, we just assume that the police got it right. Who knows?

Consider this question that the police haven't answered. A conspiracy theorist, who believes that Benoit was murdered, asked that, if Benoit was brain-damaged or had taken drugs, then how could he have the wherewithall to tie the springs from his weights machine in such a way that it would suspend a man of his weight in the air, in order to hang himself (the police, who you have so much faith in, said that they found Benoit's body hanging from his weights machine, where he had fashioned the rope that you pull to lift the weights, around his neck, and the weights on the machine propelled him off the ground, hanging him. Six empty beer cans were found around his body). How could Benoit, who was in a poor mental state, have enough sense to come up with hanging himself in such an elaborate way (rather than just using a chair and a rope)? Also, if he had empty beer cans around his body (which the police suspect meant that he had drank them before ending his life), how could he, in a supposed drunken stupor, (which he may well have been, if he drank six beers), be able to hang himself in such a way? Apparently, that weekend was the tenth anniversary of when Nancy Sullivan left Kevin Sullivan for Chris Benoit. Also, apparently, leaving bibles beside murdered bodies is rumoured to be a practice after a murder by a satanic cult (as a way of mocking the victims, as to say that God can't stop them dying). There are rumours that a similar thing happened during Charles Manson and the Family's killing spree. Also, Nancy Benoit was once a practicing satanist, as was her ex-husband, Kevin Sullivan (obviously, it wasn't just his gimmick).

I have also watched an interview on Youtube, where a Georgian policeman is interrogating a youth, who added -2007 to Woman's (Nancy Benoit's) wikipedia page, and then removed it afterwards. This was apparently done, before Nancy's murder was made public. You can watch it on Youtube, but I don't know why they would have a police interview being uploaded on Youtube, so it may be fake (or show lax police security for such a video to leak online).

I don't know if these things are true. My point is, that the cops should have investigated all these things and then made it public. I believe that Benoit did kill his family, but part of that is that the evidence seems overwhelming, and it is popular opinion. Part of me hopes that, one day, new evidence re-opened the case, and it turns out that Benoit wasn't a murderer after all, but was killed, along with his family, by an intruder that they did or didn't know, and then Benoit can be given belated tributes, and he can find forgiveness from the wrestling world. I doubt it will happen, but none of us can ever know why or how Nancy and Daniel Benoit were murdered. Chris Benoit took that secret to the grave with him.
He had a medical lisence at the time, thus he was a legit doctor. He may have been inapropriately prescribing, but his paperwork said he's A-OK. Look up Harold Shipman. He was a legit doctor too.


Just because they are licensed, it doesn't mean that they are ethical. So, are you of the belief that legit doctors should never be sued for malpractice? There can be crooked doctors, like in any other profession. Don't be blinded, because doctors are put on pedestals. I have met my share of both great doctors and quacks as well.


A wrestler sees his doctor on a regular basis? SHOCK HORROR!

And you know this because?

You realise that every WWE wrestler sees their own doctor for prescriptions, right? It's not the job of WWE to be prescribing steroids or anytihng else. it's their job to fix them up if they get injured or passing them over to hospitals if they can't. Steroids and opiates aren't in their remit.

I'll put this simply. YOu are wrong here. The WWE's drug tests are done by the same guy who drug tests NFL footballers, with WWE every wrestler getting tested at least three times a year. And the drugtesting itself is hard as hell to cheat.


Who told you this? My understanding is that they test in-house! Meaning that they are seperate from the NFL drug testers (as professional wrestling is technically not considered a sport, and so is tested differently).

Dirtsheets also said Randy Orton was on the list of people getitng their prescription meds from Signature Pharmacy. The DA says otherwise. I'll take WWE's word on who passes and who fails.


Why take the WWE's word. If someone is doing the wrong thing, of course they will deny it. I am more willing to see things tested in court, than the accused saying that they didn't do it. But if you want to believe everything Vince McMahon tells you.....


Yes, obviously premeditated killings showing signs of rationality spread out over the course of a weekend are clearly indicative of roidrage. Also worth noting: Benoit's brain was severely damaged. It wasn't roid rage and Benoit wasn't using steroids because he had an addiction. He was using them to enhance his physique and because he really, REALLY didn't want to retire.


You know this how? I tried to follow the case when it was happening, and one report said that the police found that Benoit had maxed out his credit cards on both legal and illegal drug sites, and had purchased steroids. Sounds like an addiction to me!

Why couldn't Benoit have become addicted? No-one sets out to get addicted, they just develop a compulsion for it. Benoit did probably start to build up his body (because big bodies = WWE main-events and title reigns), but developed an addiction. I suppose next you will tell me that Amy Winehouse didn't have an addiction either!

Wait, so an endemic problem based partly on the mindset of people who take medication that can cause respiratory depression in excess claims lots of lives? LE GASP! Wrestlers dropping dead af 35 is the reason WWE even has a Wellness Policy. And the Benoit incident wasn't roid rage.

...The Wellness policy didn't EXIST before Eddie died. Eddie's death caused WWE to institute it to protect themselves and their tallent. Get your facts straight before posting.


If it took Eddie's death for WWE to FINALLY have a Wellness Policy, then that is a disgrace. Wrestlers have been dropping dead at 35 because of drugs in their system long before Eddie Guerrero's death, but because Eddie's death was public, the WWE were forced to bring one in.

Why didn't Vince do this after his drug trial in '95-96? Why didn't he do it after Brian Pillman was found dead, while he was a WWE employee? Why did the media find so many holes in the Wellness program when investigating the Benoit murders?

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