The Wellness Policy Claims Another

1) Regardless of whether we care or not, the use of steriods is illegal. that means those who use them are in breach of federal law. As a publicly traded company they have to be tough or they can be in real trouble.

2) WWE is actually doing more than it needs by offering EVERY talent that has ever worked for it free rehab. At the point of a 2nd strike, it means that due to your substance issues you will have been unavailable to WWE for an equivalent period to one whole financial quarter! At that point 30 days of that time in rehab, in exchange for one last chance is a more than fair deal. Where many people fall foul is that they are making lifestyle choices, their use of (insert drug here) is worth more to them than their role in WWE. That may be addiction OR in the case of some guys in the past like Booker or RVD who have preferred to pay fines up front, their own lifestyle choice... They have that right to refuse, but in that case, Vince has every right to show them the door.

3) I don't like speculating on this stuff, but there seems to be some major pointers in that some guys have had pushes seemingly derailed in recent weeks. There has been no mention yet of any 3rd strikes but god... imagine if Orton was fired...
I do care about what the wrestlers are doing and feel it was justified for Fatu to be axed for refusing to enter rehab. The perfect example of my reasoning for this falls on one wrestler. Kurt Angle.

In Angle's last days in the WWE, he was a shell of his former self. The man had torn so many muscles, had so many injuries, and taken so many pills, he was useless. His match with Randy Orton from ECW's One Night Stand is a great example of that. He looked as if he could barely move in the ring. It was sad to watch. Angle would have died if he didn't get his walking papers from the WWE. Simple as that.

Now, Angle's fine now. He's kicked his habits, and is a solid talent who can contribute like he used to. It makes me happy to see that.

My point is that the Wellness Policy has good intentions but is used soley to cover Vince's ass when someone is caught doing steroids or drugs. Basically, it's 'hide it, or suffer the consequences'.

And don't be shocked to see Batista get his walking papers, also. He's done something wrong. His story doesn't add up.
Well, no one likes death, but it was still THEIR choice to do the drugs and steroids that they did. You shouldnt make it so no one else can use them responsibly becuase people want to be dipshits and kill themselves slowly with it. Once again I state, these arent toddlers, they are grown adults.

You know what? You're right in that it's the choice of the person to use or not to use. But if you are an aspiring talent and want to actually become a big time star, you kind of have to do what you have to do. Remember that Vince, for example, likes to show off big guys because he feels they are more of an attraction. Sure HBK, Jericho, Rey and a few others are not big but they have something special. Without all those muscles, what is special about Batista? And yes I know Rey was caught too but what do you expect when you're that size and have to get in there with monsters that could literally tear him a new one?!

I will agree that before all this controversy wrestling was better because the guys went out there with practically no fear since they were so jacked up on roids they could look great in and out of the ring and not get hurt as easily. But in the long run just like with any other drug, there should be real regulation.
Simply put, I think it is great they seem to give a crap about the health of these guys but I'm thinking the drop dead firing has to stop. How is it logical to take the people that need help the most (those that can't clean up even when their job is on the line) and make their lives a million tims worse by taking away the one thing they can do really well? I guess if they weren't so strict, people would just abuse it more but their has to be a balance. Honestly I feel the worst for the poor writters that have these storylines, then have key guys get canned and then all of us smarky jerks light them up constantly online because they "suck at writting"...
1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

If they are illegally using them or abusing prescriptions, then yes. If they have a legit reason to be on them and using them as prescribed, then there should be no problem with them using it. But, when they start abusing said drugs or illegally taking them, such as steroids or HGH, then its a problem.

Now Weed, I could care less about.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

Yes. Strike one, shame on you, fix what you did wrong by yourself. Strike Two, shame on me, the only way you come back is if we fix the problem for you. If someone refuses rehab, they should be released, because the third strike will be coming, and it will hurt the industry. If WWE doesn't get rid of the people who refuse rehab after the 2nd strike, there will be congressional oversight in Wrestling, and that is something none of us want.

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

I think WWE needs to give TOTAL 100% control to the outside tester, including announcing the violations. No beating around the bush to get the guy off TV. Announce it on national television, make it be known that this guy failed the wellness policy.

If they don't, it will just become a laughing stock. Look how long it took them to say Umaga was released for violation of the wellness policy. That should have been announced on DAY 1. Not 3-4 days later because everyone is asking questions.
1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

a) Nope. One because professional wrestling is NOT a competition. Steroids only give an unfair advantage in looks in the business, not in the actual results of the show. This is not a legitimate sport, with legitimate accomplishments. This is not a matter of national pride. Punishing pro wrestlers for wanting to look bigger or be stronger than the next guy is NOT the same as punishing Barry Bonds for breaking Hank Aaron's homerun record while on chemical enhancements that made his body stronger than Hank's. And two, because it is just a show, it's their risk. It's their bodies. Whatever they want to put in them is on them, not on the company, or the government, to decide. It's their futures, it's their choices. With steroids, they know the risks and accept them the first time they shoot up. With pain pills, they've seen what happens to those who overdose. In the 80s, no one may have known what would happen down the line. But now, seeing and knowing the risks that steroids/drug abuse runs, then that's a risk they willingly accept. And steroids are perfectly legal with a prescription (which any doctor can write) as are all the painkillers that the wrestlers take and there are items on the banned substance list that are available over the counter at your local GNC.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

They might as well. If the wrestler refuses to enter rehab for what the WWE thinks is a rehab worthy drug, then yeah, there's no point in keeping them around because they're gonna pop dirty next time anyway. This is beside the point that I don't think they should have a wellness policy anyhow, but...

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

Kozlov, MVP, William Regal again. Possibly Dolph Ziggler. Oh and Trips. He's gonna feel the repercussions soon, being that after a bunch of people get suspended, he's gonna have to work more...
You know what? You're right in that it's the choice of the person to use or not to use. But if you are an aspiring talent and want to actually become a big time star, you kind of have to do what you have to do. Remember that Vince, for example, likes to show off big guys because he feels they are more of an attraction. Sure HBK, Jericho, Rey and a few others are not big but they have something special. Without all those muscles, what is special about Batista? And yes I know Rey was caught too but what do you expect when you're that size and have to get in there with monsters that could literally tear him a new one?!

I will agree that before all this controversy wrestling was better because the guys went out there with practically no fear since they were so jacked up on roids they could look great in and out of the ring and not get hurt as easily. But in the long run just like with any other drug, there should be real regulation.

I hate to put a dead horse into a figure four, but ah, once again. These are adults, and this is the indurstry they CHOOSE to enter. Yea, everyone else is all jacked up, enhancing their chance for a push, and you may feel the need to do the same, to keep up.

Well, you knew thats how it went before you got into the biz, and you chose to anyway, KNOWING, as an adult, you might have to do what you have to do to receive the same attention. This is the profession you chose, and you knew the nature of the beast.
1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?
Steroids, HGH, Yes. They are risky to use and causes several problems for your body. Drugs, yes with exception of weed. Pain Killers, I'm iffy on that because guys like Jeff Hardy who have put their bodies through hell are going to be in pain. The problem with pain killers is they're very addicting.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".
Yes, more than likely if they have an addiction, and refuse rehab, that means that they're not going to quit what their on. Plus it gives them 1 chance in the future as long as their sober.

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.
I think Swagger is on his way to a suspension. Orton, Cena, Triple H, and Undertaker would never have to worry about being suspended.
right... there's a LOT for me to take in here, as this is a subject that is of relative importance to me.

I'll start with the original post...

1) Do you care if wrestlers use steroids, HGH, drugs, pain killers, etc... ?

Nope. not at all. I care as much about wrestlers using performance enhancers, drugs, pain killers etc as I do about athletes, music artists, sportsmen and actors using them. And they do. As eluded to by The Mighty one, it is a personal choice they make as GROWN ADULTS. With specific reference to performance enhancers and pain killers, let me quote the ending line of the film "Bigger Faster Stronger", which ironically featured a WWE trainer/wrestler who died... "it is a side effect of being American". Now please do not take this as a jab at Americas (no pun intended), but the use of performance enhances, pain killers and even reccy drugs is a side affect of being a wrestler.

Historically, well in the last 30-40 years, the majority of top guys in wrestling have been big guys. I dont really think I need to make a list of these guys... but regardless, they were certainly on PEs. For today's gus to be taken seriously, all in all, bar a few guys who are just simply over and marketable, you still need to be big and stay big to be under Vince's radar. The easiest way to do so is to take PEs.

Personally, I think the wellness policy is a joke, still. Look at why it came into fruition in the 1st place, Eddies death. Then we heard nothing or at most very little about violators until Benoit's death exposed the flaws of the programme, which revealed a large and shocking list of other violators. Every so often we get news of violators but they're hardly noteworthy. The bottom line is, they're all on something still, and until we see the likes of Cena, Triple H, Batista, Orton and Edge get a violation, the policy will remain questionable.

2) Do you think the WWE should release guys who refuse to enter rehab if they fail a second test ? Especially considering the "three strikes and your out policy".

Almost certainly. If a guy has violated the policy twice, rehab or some sort of corrective action should be offered to them. A refusal of rehab is not the right attitude and signals that the offence is likely to be repeated.

3) The most important question of all - speculate on who you think may or may feel repercussions in the near future due to the wellness policy.

For me, this is hard to tell, as I beleive they're all on something or other. However, the main offenders seem to come from the lower/mid card, so anyone from Rhodes, DiBiase, Benjamin, Haas, Snuka, Festus, Ziggler, Gabriel,, Ezekiel, Koslov, Santino etc...

A few comments of specific posts:

NateDaMac88 said:
How the hell does everyone know TNAs drug testing is a joke? You must have reached into your bowels for that one. Honestly, nobody knows shit about their drug testing policy because they don't talk about it. Ane honestly, besides Matt Morgan and Scott Stiener, who would you even think is juicing?

How does anyone know TNA have a drug policy? Look at the guys who have gone to join TNA since leaving WWE - Angle, painkiller addict. Hardy - junkie who refused rehab. Morgan/Steiner - mass monsters. BG James - was put in rehab by the WWE. Kip James - looks like he's been on for the last 10 years. Test - say no more. Lashley - look at him... TNA aren't under the media spotlight like the WWE, so for now, they can get away with not having a wellness policy.

Slam Master said:
Steroids are so under the microscope by the Government in all professional sports now, and they are a professional wrestling organization that combines athletic with pageantry. I believe they should get the same punishment that a baseball, football player, or Olympian gets. The guys like Batista, who I've heard reports of him failing and not failing, and the guys like him are slow and boring in the ring. They just have the "look". It would be a good example to set to the younger guys.

Why should wrestlers get the same punishment? Athletes get punished because they are CHEATING against rules and laws THEY sign to when they beccome athletes. Wrestling is not a sport, so noone is cheating if they are on, it gives no benefit to their athletic ability in this aspect because they're not competing with anyone. Who cares if Batista is slow and boring? That's about him, not about the drugs. The younger guys are adults themselves, they know the consequences if they fail a drug test and there are plenty of young guys who do, Ziggler, DH Smith etc...

tj177mmi said:
I think WWE needs to give TOTAL 100% control to the outside tester, including announcing the violations. No beating around the bush to get the guy off TV. Announce it on national television, make it be known that this guy failed the wellness policy.

why should they? there would be no roster and no WWE as we know it if they did. The company would suffer, they would lose a ton of money and IMO we'd lose the wrestling industry.

Now some random points on steroids:

- their use is extremely common
- the number of annual deaths attributed to steroid use is ridiculously low, more people die from taking Vitamin C
- I've encountered pleanty of people of all walks of life who take steroids...casual gym rats, business men, fighters, powerlifters, strong men, aspiring footballers (soccer/gridiron), natural bodybuilders
- you can abuse anything and die from it, alcohol and tobacco are the main causers of deaths these days but nobody bats an eyelid when the lastest photo of the WWE wrestlers/divas get wasted
- For those who don't know, I compete as a powerlifter. Because I don't take drugs and I'm not particularly gifted, I compete in the "B" fed, who administer drug testing as apposed to the "A" fed who have no drug testing procedures. However I know plenty of guys who compete in my fed who have been or are on something.

Take those little tidbits as you will...
why should they? there would be no roster and no WWE as we know it if they did. The company would suffer, they would lose a ton of money and IMO we'd lose the wrestling industry.

So, you're saying WWE is hiding a lot of Wellness policy Violations, more than I think they are? And if thats the case and they are hiding a lot of Wellness Violations, then they are going to get fried by Congress and will be regulated entirely different. So they either have to come clean about a lot of things or face the consequences. They are skating on very thin ice right now.
It is impossible and foolish (even dangerous) to speculate on who is "next" but there one worrying trend is there seem to be a lot of top level "injuries" right now...

Trips has been down for roughly a month selling the punt... Batista is now down for 4... Cena didn't show up for about 30 days... Hardy is talking about not renewing in about 30 days or so...

Come to think of it over the past few months nearly every main event level star apart from Orton, Punk, Edge Jericho and Show have been off screen for a period of time equivalent to around 30 days... I don't think anyone can look at Jericho or Show and accuse them of being on roids...

A cynical person (which I would never be of course) could question as to whether WWE IS announcing every suspension or not or using injuries (that are likely legit but fortuitously coincidental) as a way to avoid announcing them.

They did this before with one of Orton's, saying the time was served in the past, when he was hurt... Lashley's illness a few years ago, while never proven as a failure was also quite suspect...

It could be as simple as guys have had injuries and have used to "get back quicker" perhaps without the correct paperwork.

But imagine a Cena or Punk being announced as suspended for example... it would be catastrophic to the same degree as Hogan's admission all those years ago...

Few would be shocked at Batista but a Cena or Punk... even 30 days and cred (and PG13 WWE) is gone... but if they can say "time is served" already, most fans will forgive as they could come out an apologise right away etc...

As a whole though the roster does seem smaller than it has ever been... WWE's biggest issue right now is likely going to be recreational drug use, all those pics leaking out of the locker room partying cannot be a good sign...
I do careif wrestlers use steroids for 2 reasons one it can destroy them eventually and lead to death/severe injury, steroids can cause anger problems say someone in a match gets hit a little too hard BAM you've got a brawl that is legit and could end a career. Two children look up to John Cena, Batista, HHH etc. if little Timmy finds out HHH takes Steroids or Hardy smokes weed we have a druggy on our hands so I am dissappointted in Jeff and booking for leting him off so easily but not Umaga.
No let them do what they want if the srtrikes are far apart maybe they were drunk and partying but if teh strikes a right next to each other then fire the bastard.
Next strikes could go to anyone but CM Punk (duh), HHH, and the McMahons, I think it'll be Jeff, I don't know why but I think Batista will get nailed for roids unless he is but it got covered up.
I think they should be able to take things such as HGH ect, but there should be a limit. Steriod ABUSE has affected the lives of wrestlers, and has lead to deaths. However, if the wrestlers were to be properly educated on how to use these drugs in a way to both benefit themselves and reducing the risk of side effects, then it should be okay.

They're on a huge schedule, and sometimes they may need something to make it to the next PPV, i.e, pain killers. However, when you do that you also open the door of them depending on the drugs. This is where the WWE should realise that wrestlers are getting burned out, and they should be given a few days off to heal ect.
So, you're saying WWE is hiding a lot of Wellness policy Violations, more than I think they are? And if thats the case and they are hiding a lot of Wellness Violations, then they are going to get fried by Congress and will be regulated entirely different. So they either have to come clean about a lot of things or face the consequences. They are skating on very thin ice right now.

From what I remember and understand...I dont think the WWE answers to congress, so that wouldnt really be an issue. My point was, because the WWE regulate themselves, they can doctor the results and punish who they wish, while appeasing the media by looking like they've cleaned up their act when it's quite feasible that they haven't

I do careif wrestlers use steroids for 2 reasons one it can destroy them eventually and lead to death/severe injury, steroids can cause anger problems say someone in a match gets hit a little too hard BAM you've got a brawl that is legit and could end a career.

Where the hell did you get your info on steroids?! Plenty of people have lived long, healthy and fulfillin glives on steroids because of sensible use. People die because of abuse, like they do with any drug...coke, heroin, ecstacy, alcohol, tobacco etc...

There's only one steroid that's can POTENTIALLY cause roid rage and that is Tren. Even so, this is still down to the individual. Your example is so far fetched, it's ridiculous. Wrestlers have been on steroids for years, give me one example of someone flipping and intentionally hurting someone in the ring to the extent that a career was ended.

Headbanger said:
Two children look up to John Cena, Batista, HHH etc. if little Timmy finds out HHH takes Steroids or Hardy smokes weed we have a druggy on our hands so I am dissappointted in Jeff and booking for leting him off so easily but not Umaga.

The wellness violations are hardly made public to the kids are they. Little Timmy will come to realise that not everything in life is as it seems, santa doesnt exist, the tooth fairy is really your mum and your idols take illegal drugs. I got over it.

Headbanger said:
No let them do what they want if the srtrikes are far apart maybe they were drunk and partying but if teh strikes a right next to each other then fire the bastard.

From what I remember and understand...I dont think the WWE answers to congress, so that wouldnt really be an issue. My point was, because the WWE regulate themselves, they can doctor the results and punish who they wish, while appeasing the media by looking like they've cleaned up their act when it's quite feasible that they haven't

Again, all Congress has to do is subpoena the testing results from the agency and their financial records. If Subject A Failed a drug test, was not suspended, but was still paid for the time they were working (which is ok by the WWE Wellness Policy, as long as they aren't paid for it), WWE will be regulated by Congress, mark my words.

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