Two More Wellness Policy Violations: Both Surprising


It was announced a little while ago that two other WWE employees have been suspended following violations of the WWE Wellness Policy.

The first suspension is in regards to long time WWE referee Mike Chioda. This is the first time I can recall a non-wrestler being suspended for Wellness Policy violations. I haven't read anything on what Chioda is supposed to have tested positive for.

The second one was announced a little while ago and it's a bit more relevant overall. According to, WWE Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine has recieved a 30 day suspension for a Wellness Policy violation. As with Chioda, I haven't read anything that says what he tested positive form. Leavine's career in the WWE might already be in the dumpster before it even starts. He hasn't even wrestled his first match on WWE television and he's already got a Wellness Policy suspension. What a waste of a big opportunity. Even if he's not released, I doubt we're gonna be seeing a big push for Silent Rage anytime soon.
I'd future endeavor the two of them, no questions asked. Referees are a dime a dozen, so Mike Chioda would be easily replaceable. I would be making a firm statement to any of the other referees before they even think about doing something equally stupid.

Same goes for Andy Leavine. If he is stupid enough to fail a Wellness Policy test before his career even starts, cut your losses and get rid of him now. I don't care what the banned substance was; if he is that dense, get rid of him. Forget de-pushing him, I say push him and push him hard. Out the door.
Same goes for Andy Leavine. If he is stupid enough to fail a Wellness Policy test before his career even starts, cut your losses and get rid of him now. I don't care what the banned substance was; if he is that dense, get rid of him. Forget de-pushing him, I say push him and push him hard. Out the door.

Well that would certainly diminish a second season of Tough Enough wouldn't it?

"Come on everyone, watch this show where people compete to earn a spot in the WWE... Well, not the last guy. But you still have a chance!"

I get what you're saying, but you have to know that most people don't follow this stuff online and if the next season starts up, people are certainly going to realize that the last guy who won never even had a match. If that's the case, what's the point of even watching?

So cutting him might be a bad call.
I'd future endeavor the two of them, no questions asked. Referees are a dime a dozen, so Mike Chioda would be easily replaceable. I would be making a firm statement to any of the other referees before they even think about doing something equally stupid.

Same goes for Andy Leavine. If he is stupid enough to fail a Wellness Policy test before his career even starts, cut your losses and get rid of him now. I don't care what the banned substance was; if he is that dense, get rid of him. Forget de-pushing him, I say push him and push him hard. Out the door.

I agree with what you are saying, I do think the both of them should be released, I agree with your referee assessment and I agree with the Andy comment. That being said, I will contridict myself with Andy. I think getting rid of him right now would be bad for business. Tough Enough was a success for USA and having Andy go to FCW only to be released make the show look pointless, thus causing casual fans to lose interest for the fact that it doesn't matter who wins or loses so why get attached to a character? On the flip side, if a storyline was made of it, that could serve as damage control. Luke was obviously the most talented guy on the show and a heel. You could have him come in a say he was the real winner of the show and that he was going to step up and take what was rightfully his to begin with. Or you could have Stone Cold discuss it on the next season of how Andy had the shot of a lifetime and decided to throw it all away and make a dramatic angle of the situation.
Fire Andy, seriously just fire him. That has to be probably the biggest slap to the face that you could do to the WWE. Why on earth would you take certain substances if you're the winner of tough enough? As for the ref, I could care less what hes on. Ref's shouldnt be tested, its not like they're competing in the ring.
If you are gonna fire Andy you gotta bury him in the process... I liked him, but if he's gone then you gotta salvage TE and the way to do it would be to say he cheated to win TE by using a banned substance and that he's DQd and the new winner is that douchebag Luke. How they explain not testing throughout the show is beyond me, hopefully no one will ask haha, but either way, if you are to release Andy for that, I think that is the best way to do it. Although, being a rookie, I bet what he failed for was probably more just ignorance than willful, I'm betting he took something that he had no idea would cause him to be in violation (maybe for rehab, or as a supplement or whatever), I may just be giving him the benefit of the doubt here, but I really hope that anyone with the opportunity of a lifetime and a family depending on him, wouldn't squander it away doing something so blatant.
Not sure why a ref is being tested to begin with.

As for Andy, this is probably another Sin Cara type incident where the first strike was out of ignorance. He probably took something he didn't think was against the policy or did something that turned out to be.

I have a hard time believing that ANYONE would be THAT stupid as to purposely and knowingly take or use something and risk hindering their career that early.
Lol, I find a ref testing positive being hilarious because off the top of my head none of the refs look that big. If this was the NFL might be another story they have some big refs.
Well that would certainly diminish a second season of Tough Enough wouldn't it?

"Come on everyone, watch this show where people compete to earn a spot in the WWE... Well, not the last guy. But you still have a chance!"

I get what you're saying, but you have to know that most people don't follow this stuff online and if the next season starts up, people are certainly going to realize that the last guy who won never even had a match. If that's the case, what's the point of even watching?

So cutting him might be a bad call.

I both agree and disagree with you. One one side of the coin, it would diminish a second season of Tough Enough, especially for the casual fan who may be unaware of the Wellness Policy violation. Then again, it is a matter of public record, so there may be greater awareness of it than you think.

It would send a clear message to the people ready to participate in season two, though, as well as to the rest of the WWE roster. Come on, everyone, compete for a chance to become a WWE superstar. But you better play by the rules, or we'll make an example of you and cut you loose without hesitation. No more sense of entitlement amongst the roster. If you compete in Tough Enough and respect the rules, the sky's the limit. But if you don't, we're going to job you out and then cut you loose. I think the fans would respect that and feel little pity for the fool who was stupid enough to flush his career down the shitter. Hell, even announce at the beginning of next season that last year's winner failed a drug test, might teach these guys a valuable lesson.
Not sure why a ref is being tested to begin with.

Really? So in future if a WWE ref Over Dosed, and the death made main stream headlines you dont think that would make the WWE look bad, and their Welness Policy look even worse? You could see this in headlines

"WWE Referee found dead, cause of death overdose, which begs the question, how well are WWE running their welness policy?"

That would make the WWE look very bad, and they would get in trouble for not enforcing their wellness policy. All WWE employees should be tested.
If you are gonna fire Andy you gotta bury him in the process... I liked him, but if he's gone then you gotta salvage TE and the way to do it would be to say he cheated to win TE by using a banned substance and that he's DQd and the new winner is that douchebag Luke. How they explain not testing throughout the show is beyond me, hopefully no one will ask haha, but either way, if you are to release Andy for that, I think that is the best way to do it. Although, being a rookie, I bet what he failed for was probably more just ignorance than willful, I'm betting he took something that he had no idea would cause him to be in violation (maybe for rehab, or as a supplement or whatever), I may just be giving him the benefit of the doubt here, but I really hope that anyone with the opportunity of a lifetime and a family depending on him, wouldn't squander it away doing something so blatant.

IGNORANCE?? ok lets think about it. The guy has been in the WWE system for OVER A YEAR NOW. With that he's probably been random tested at least a few times. It is WAY more than ignorance.. it is simply a FAILURE. I would bet he has an EXCUSE, but doesn't everyone?

The unfortunate thing about it is guys like Andy and Chioda can't simply head over to the HEAD OF THE WELLNESS PROGRAM to get a gimmick neck surgery, like cena and morrison. Interesting though is that Vince McMahon and HHH and the rest of the superstars trust one doctor, Dr Andrews in Alabama, with their surgeries, but cena and morrison both went to the head of the program in pennsylvania for their IN AND OUT neck surgery. I bet the world of athletes are lining up at that guys door to see if he can work his majic with them doubt it.
biggest slap? how about bitter arch rivals being pulled over in the same car in the 80s (iron sheik and hacksaw)? how about showing up on your rivals tv show when you're supposedly employed by wwf (luger)? not to mention the obvious biggest slap in the face possible for the rest of time (benoit)
I think I said WWE, not WWF. As far as Benoit goes, his actions are excusable, regardless of what you internet tough guys wanna say. I would love to see some of you with dementia, a brain of an 85 year old Alzheimer patient, and a history of concussions function normally. Violating the wellness policy when you win a contest like TE shits on guys like SCSA, Bill DeMott, Booker, and Trish and basically says you guys picked the wrong one. They could've picked Luke, or the toothless guy, but they picked the tall doofus, with a pity vote who couldnt even sell a stunner right. When you've got so much heat on you and you violate the wellness policy you've got to realize what an immense mistake that is.
I'll be honest about one thing hear guys. With Andy's career just getting started who think he would be stupid enough to already have a wellness violation. did he not think that he was not apart of that policy for some good reason? Apparently he thought since he was new that he would be excused from this this. Fire him off the bat. Are you sure you made a good choice Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Now this second part even surprises me more. Mike Chioda has been in the wrestling industry for how many years now and he should know better. Since he's not a superstar he wouldn't be targeted for such a thing. Im just glad that the WWE is sticking to there stuff about this!
Well there goes my thread about Chioda being the next WWE champion!! As far as the ref goes hes an employee of the WWE so hell yah!! But a 30 day suspension for a ref? Hes not endangering anyone in the ring maybe with non wrestlers they could handle this differently!! Now onto Silent Rage!! Hmmm well i fire his ass for one thing!! He is totally unprofessional arrogant and thinks he is the shit without having done a damn thing!! I see bad news for him on the horizon like future endeavored!! A career thats gets stopped before it even starts!! He did it to himself!! Chioda RKO's ADR to become the WWE champion!! Ahh i can dream right
Wellness isnt just Drug Testing, its also like an all out physical.

they could have just had a medical irregularity like a few years back where a day before a ppv, they had to pull Lashley, Khali and a couple others due to irregularities involving internal organs or whatever...

I could see Chioda being suspended for heart, stroke or blood pressure as over the years watching him get worked up in a match, I'd tell ppl in the room watching "He's a stroke waiting to happen"
So, it seems that the WWE are getting tough about their Wellness Policy. Not a minute too soon. However, call me cynical but WWE, as well as other companies, have form of not taking drug-use seriously.

Firstly, let's make clear that the WWE used to not give a toss about the Wellness Policy. Anyone with eyes could see jacked-up superstars all the time (including the boss' son-in-law). I have always had massive doubts about the seriousness of the Wellness Policy. They are tested in-house, so couldn't Vince just decide who gets tested or not? Notice that John Cena, Undertaker, Triple H, Batista and other top-liners have never had one Wellness Violation. Is this because they haven't used, or because they can't fail if they are not tested, since Vince wouldn't want to lose a top superstar to a 30-day suspension, which would cost him money?

I also notice that most of the people released for violating Wellness, are the type of superstars who would have been future-endeavoured eventually anyway. Could the reports of superstar firings for Wellness really be because they have no further use for them anyway, and using a Wellness violation makes them look diligent at the same time? They kill two birds with one stone.

I have heard of only two major stars who have violated Wellness three times, and yet both were retained. Randy Orton apparently had "three strikes" , but given that he wasn't fired for not only that , but other incidents as well, it is obvious that they weren't going to fire a "future star of the company". According to a wrestling magazine called "Power Slam", Chris Benoit also failed Wellness three times, but not only got a slap on the wrist, but got re-signed as well (Benoit's contract was up, and Jeff Jarrett wanted Benoit in TNA, so Vince re-signed Benoit, rather than fire him, to keep him out of the opposition's hands). Given how things ended with Benoit (and, from things I have read about the case, there is a strong suspicion that drugs were involved), a stint in rehab for Benoit may have made a difference. Or maybe not.

The fact is, the WWE only started getting serious about Wellness after they got heat about the Benoit murders (despite Vince saying it had nothing to do with 'roid rage). I would have thought the numerous deaths in wrestling would have prompted action sooner. The WWE claimed to fix the problem after Eddie Guerrero's untimely death, but the media showed, after the Benoit murders, that there was still a problem.

My point is, it is good they are being strong about it now. But it should have happened years ago. You would have thought a possible jail stint for Vince in the mid-90's during his indictment would have scared the company to forever enforce the policy. But big bodies and bigger paydays are too tempting at times. If the WWE had got onto it sooner, maybe Road Warrior Hawk, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude, Big Bossman, Brian Pillman, Eddie Guerrero and possibly Chris Benoit, and, as a consequence, Nancy and Daniel Benoit, as well as many other talents would possibly still be alive today.
Not sure why a ref is being tested to begin with.

As for Andy, this is probably another Sin Cara type incident where the first strike was out of ignorance. He probably took something he didn't think was against the policy or did something that turned out to be.

I have a hard time believing that ANYONE would be THAT stupid as to purposely and knowingly take or use something and risk hindering their career that early.

Wellness Policy is on the spot tests for ANYONE inside of the company. This goes as far as Referees, lighting guys, production guys. If you've ever been in a company that carries out drugs tests, you'll know it's not just the factory workers that get tested. It's everyone, from the workers right the way up to the managing director. Same in WWE.

Lol, I find a ref testing positive being hilarious because off the top of my head none of the refs look that big. If this was the NFL might be another story they have some big refs.

Don't be silly.Who says it's...JUST Steroids? This is the thing. Right. Wellness is done for ANY AND ALL CONTROLLED/BANNED DRUGS. They FIRED 2 guys (RVD and Sabu) over being found with weed. I'm PRETTY sure they've banned weed within their wellness. Chioda was probably puffing the 'erb. Or I dunno, maybe he was...taking something to keep him in the shape he's in.

What people don't realise is refs need to be in a decent shape too. They're on TV. They don't need to be body builders, but they would not be taken seriously if they weren't in good enough shape to jump up and down into pins etc. They're pretty active guys really...could have just been taking something to keep him in leaner shape.


Now what they should do;

Most of you are saying "Get rid." They OBVIOUSLY chose to suspend for a reason...

If Chioda alone got caught, he would be out the door. This is probably more in interest in making things look fair;

- Getting rid of Andy ruins the credibility of TE.
- Get rid of Chioda and not Leavine means someone looking into the FAIRNESS of the wellness policy. Andy is clearly to be a pet project for the WWE. Chioda is nothing but a ref. So...Chioda should get fired, and lose his job because he's just a ref...yet what, 15-20 people it seems a year, get the 30 day suspension?

Suspend the two. That's enough of an example set. They do it again, 60 days. Again, gone. Yeah, follow the policy you've set WWE. It makes sense, they set it up to be followed, not broken and changed when someone in a different position gets caught out.
It's very tough to have your 3 strikes and your out wellness policy to be taken seriously if your dropping people for the first strike I see the anger at the 2 but let's be clear of what the wellness policy violation is. It does not have to be steroids, it could be recreational drugs, supplements or medication not cleared by WWE (remember Mysterio) or not being physically capable or healthy (Yokozuna,Umaga, Paul Bearer had to have surgery to lose weight before working with WWE again because he was not healthy) but like all the other sports if you are prescribed medication or buy over the counter pain relievers and supplements you can have WWE test them for you Free Of Charge.

Everyone knows this and a few years ago I do recall in a talent meeting Stephanie McMahon told everyone when your busted it goes public. So fell no pity.

To you posters with the wellness policy conspiracy if your a mid or lower card performer who feels the upper card guys get away with it wouldn't you be more careful.
Sometimes they receive medical treatment that clashes with the Wellness Policy. According to Sin Cara that's what happened to him, he was receiving some form of treatment.

It may well be that Chioda was on meds for something - after all, why does a presumably now quite old ref need to get jacked? There's a reason all refs are like 5' 9" and under. Stops them looking as big as the wrestlers.

Hell, I couldn't possibly be a wrestler, largely because my freaking hayfever medication (which includes a weak steroid, not the same things the meatheats use but a steroid nonetheless) would cause me to fail the Wellness Policy around May every year. And just as well too. I can't be exempted just because of certain conditions. They have to be consistent.
People are underestimating the physical toll of WWE refereeing. You're jumping around all the time, running here and there, and slamming your hands down frequently. That's going to cause a lot of pain, especially for someone who's been doing it for as long as Mike Chioda. I can certainly understand if perhaps he turned to pain medication, or some other form of drugs to deal with his pain. Not that it couldn't have been something else entirely, but that's a plausible explanation I could see happening.

As for Andy, I mean, what can you really say for this guy. He was the winner of an unimpressive Tough Enough, got punked by Stone Cold, screamed at by management, and now this. I can't think of a shittier start to a WWE career. Who knows what he did. He's a pretty big guy, and steroids aren't out of the realm of possibility. It could have been anything, though, and the more important thing is how this affects his career going forward. Or if there's even a career at all. I would not be in the least bit surprised to see a release coming down the pipe for Andy, who has had just about as inauspicious a start as you can get.
Not sure why a ref is being tested to begin with.

As for Andy, this is probably another Sin Cara type incident where the first strike was out of ignorance. He probably took something he didn't think was against the policy or did something that turned out to be.

I have a hard time believing that ANYONE would be THAT stupid as to purposely and knowingly take or use something and risk hindering their career that early.

There is no way that the WWE doesn't specifically tell you what you can and can't take when they sign you. Cara was taking steroids so he was doing something illegal anyways unless he had permission then all he had to to was tell them. The WWE ALLOWS you to take banned substances if you have permission from a doctor.

I don't get why anyone would want to take any of the shit that the WWE bans (The one time I took pain killers, for surgery, one of the side effects made the pain worse to the point where I stopped taking them way before I was supposed to. I wasn't even allergic to the damn pill). Refs don't need painkillers or stuff like that, they don't get thown around the ring everyday, usually the worst bump they take is getting squished in the corner and then they get a nice ten minute nap. I think Andy does have to stay for a while to make TE mean anything so he will probably stay. If you can't take the pain, then you shouldn't be wrestling. Pain is what you sign up for.
many wwe guys use pain meds, testosterone ect, but it is through a legit doctor. The levels MUST be within prescribed guidlines.. so if a guy is using pain killers it can not be at abusive levels.. when the levels show up high you get a failure. Same w testosterone.. 150 mgs TOPS while under physicians care.

For the guy saying he too would fail a test because of his use of CORTICO steroids.. NOPE, they are not on the list nor should be. Cortisone and other anti inflammatory steroids are not part of the wellness policy since they are 100% for injuries, asthma ect, unlike anabolic steroids.

This guy isn't even on the road, has all the time to train without his body hurting, doesn't look good physically anyway and knows the system well since he's been there a year and yet fails a test.

If the wellness policy means anything at all he should be gone. To maintain a respectable image for Tough Enough (hard work means success) he should be gone.. And it should be publically aired on the opening episode of Tough Enough 2... Otherwise what message are you sending?
many wwe guys use pain meds, testosterone ect, but it is through a legit doctor. The levels MUST be within prescribed guidlines.. so if a guy is using pain killers it can not be at abusive levels.. when the levels show up high you get a failure. Same w testosterone.. 150 mgs TOPS while under physicians care.

For the guy saying he too would fail a test because of his use of CORTICO steroids.. NOPE, they are not on the list nor should be. Cortisone and other anti inflammatory steroids are not part of the wellness policy since they are 100% for injuries, asthma ect, unlike anabolic steroids.

This guy isn't even on the road, has all the time to train without his body hurting, doesn't look good physically anyway and knows the system well since he's been there a year and yet fails a test.

If the wellness policy means anything at all he should be gone. To maintain a respectable image for Tough Enough (hard work means success) he should be gone.. And it should be publically aired on the opening episode of Tough Enough 2... Otherwise what message are you sending?


How you said about the level of testosterone the WWE allows, well, it is reported, during Chris Benoit's autopsy that he had eleven times the amount of allowable testorerone in his body. Yet he was able to wrestle in WWE with this amount in his system, why? It wouldn't have anything to do with some interest being shown by Jeff Jarrett with a juicy TNA contract with Benoit, would it? I mean, Vince had already lost Kurt Angle to TNA, after he violated Wellness. No need to lose someone else, only for him to pop up on the rival show.

And to think, Vince McMahon denied that drug use had anything to do with the Benoit murders. Why be tougher on Wellness, if there wasn't already a drug problem in WWE.
Both of these are names I was not expecting.

The ref does make sense, they still take an occassional bump and have to run around a lot. Plus I can only wonder how much their hand hurts after a match full of constant two counts. I agree that even the refs need to stay off of meds that violate the wellness policy. Every employee of WWE need to work together on keeping the company's image in a positive light.

Andy disappoints me. He now has two major red flags against him. They gave him the opportunity of a lifetime when he won Tough Enough. Then he got legit heat for not selling Stone Cold's Stunner on Raw. People make mistakes and he might have been nervous. Then he goes and violates the wellness policy!? I hate to say it, but we may never see Silent Rage again due to him already making a bad name for himself. So far he has blown it.
How you said about the level of testosterone the WWE allows, well, it is reported, during Chris Benoit's autopsy that he had eleven times the amount of allowable testorerone in his body. Yet he was able to wrestle in WWE with this amount in his system, why?

If you've read the WWE Wellness policy you'd know that if a wrestler has a valid prescription from a legitimate doctor he can have anything in his bloodstream in pretty much any level he likes.

It wouldn't have anything to do with some interest being shown by Jeff Jarrett with a juicy TNA contract with Benoit, would it?

No it wouldn't, given that Vinny Mac has no influence on the results of a wellness test.

I mean, Vince had already lost Kurt Angle to TNA, after he violated Wellness. No need to lose someone else, only for him to pop up on the rival show.

First off, Benoit wouldn't have got fired. He'd have been suspended for 30 days for his first violation. Second of all Angle wasn't released for Wellness reasons. He was fired so that he could sort his fucking life out and not die on their watch. Which he needed to because he was taking dozens of Vicodin a day and being a complete and utter loony. NB: Angle never failed for Vicodin despite (allegedly) taking 56 a day. Though that figure cane from Angle and he's terribly unreliable.

And to think, Vince McMahon denied that drug use had anything to do with the Benoit murders. Why be tougher on Wellness, if there wasn't already a drug problem in WWE.

There's an endemic drug problem in wrestling full stop. Guys feel pain, they take painkillers, they form a habit and bingo jingo they get hooked. It's the nature of the beast unfortunately.

But that's not the reason WWE tightened up on the Wellness policy. They tightened up because they had to. After Benoit died, they were put under the microscope by the press. If they were lax about it and kept the suspended guys on the road like they used to they'd get slated for it. That just wasn't an option. They had to bee seen as doing something so they bucked up their attitude and took a more serious stance on drugs and wellness in general.

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