Trish officially retires

In a blockbuster that will send a shockwave throughout sports-entertainment, has learned that Trish Stratus will be retiring following Unforgiven next month.

However, it wasn’t Trish herself that provided this information to Earlier today, Women’s Champion Lita called the offices to announce Trish’s retirement. Apparently, Lita overheard a personal telephone conversation this weekend between Trish and her parents about her decision to hang up the boots.

“Trish was saying that the road has been taking its toll on her and it was time to take some time for herself,” Lita told, “but the hardest part was that she couldn’t decide how to tell her fans. Well, being the good friend that I am, I figured I’d break the news through to alleviate her worries and save her the trouble of figuring out how to let down all her fans like that.”


well bye bye trish
^^ This must be leading somewhere storyline wise, These two have been friends and rivals for a very long time so its going to be good that Trish is going to beat lita for the title before she retires, because lita is a talentless hack and thats all there is to it

I could post so much more, but i dont need to because its all been said about lita b4
grungy72 said:
^^ This must be leading somewhere storyline wise, These two have been friends and rivals for a very long time so its going to be good that Trish is going to beat lita for the title before she retires, because lita is a talentless hack and thats all there is to it

I could post so much more, but i dont need to because its all been said about lita b4

She shoulda stuck with the Hardyz. It's not that she doesn't have ring skills, it's just she can't cut being a heel worth anything. Neither can her boy Edge.
When trish is gone, who's gonna be a good female champ? Mickie James will have no real competition. Candice can't really run in the ring, Torrie is ok, Lita is just arm candy and will be gone soon, and thats pretty much it. When i saw that she was "retiring" it really pissed me off.
grungy72 said:
^^ This must be leading somewhere storyline wise, These two have been friends and rivals for a very long time so its going to be good that Trish is going to beat lita for the title before she retires, because lita is a talentless hack and thats all there is to it

I don't know how long you have been watching WWE but Lita is probably one of the best female wrestlers the WWE has had in quite some time. When she first came into the WWE with Essa Rios and her run with the Hardy Boyz as part of Team Xtreme she was incredible! She flew off the ropes doing Hurricanrana's and Moonsaults. Seeing that long flowing red hair as she flew thru the air was just too good. Unfortunately Lita has met with the same fate as many other wrestlers in the business have...injury. The neck injury she suffered on the set of the "Dark Angel" TV series performing her "litacanrana"
put her on the shelf for over a year. And then when was able to return from that she had the knee injury not too long after she won the title back. So to say Lita is talentless is a bunch of bull. She has just had tone down how she
can perform in the ring. I would really love to see her 100% again and see her flying off the top rope. And with the Reunion thing going on right now maybe we will see a Team Xtreme one. The WWE sure could use some life in the Tag Team ranks.
Lita arm candy? what the fuck have you been smoking? Lita is one of the best females if not the best to step foot into a WWE wrestling ring
Honestly, Lita is not as good as she once was. During her Essa Rios and Team Extreme days she was amazing but since he had her injury and put on some weight, she doesn't perform like she used to.

And about Trish. She is the best female wrestler of the past 10 years but I really don't dig the female divison, so whatever.
Jillian Hall is a good wrestler, certainly better than Candice/Torrie/Lita. Have all the women who can wrestle on Raw and all the useless eye candy on Smackdown.
Y 2 Jake said:
One Night In Trish.

I will pray for that to happen lol. But seriously with Trish gone, the women division is going to suffer hugely, and Lita is leaving soon, so basically if the WWE doesn't push their women that know how to wrestle, the women's division will stay dead.
The womens division has been on life support for a while. The only important title is the WWE Championship.
Ooooooooh true, but he can put on a good match. Anyways, Lita and Trish will probably have one final match and than leave.

Flames Out
there not goin to make trish stratus winn the title before she leaves that doesn't make sense she's leaving.
i also think that this storyline with her and lita is crap hell most of the wwe storylines these days are crap it's the same sh** cena throwing edge in the water a copy of the rock and stone cold. who cares if lita reveals trish is leaving is that suppose to make her mad wtf! them revealing she's leaving obvisouly let me know they didnt' have a good way to write her off.
BRING BACK CHYNA!!! You want a talented female wrestler, who's better than Chyna?
everyone knows, including me. the only reason she retired because they couldn't reach a contract agreement with her. its always about money with some people. im gonna miss trish tho
Trish is actually leaving because she's about to get married and I think she also wants to try acting or something like that. I think everyone will miss her and Lita, they've done a lot of great stuff in the past.

Flames Out
orton999 said:
everyone knows, including me. the only reason she retired because they couldn't reach a contract agreement with her. its always about money with some people. im gonna miss trish tho

WoW looks like you know everything big guy, to bad your wrong look at what eternal said

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