Occasional Pre-Show
part of me doesnt get why Nash is getting so much flack
Maybe its just the fan in me, that says a match with him and Punk would get me watching more than anything John Morrison, Air Boom, Swagger, etc would do
Like it or not, but Nash even at 52 tells a better story in the ring than half of the current WWE roster
How I would do it is kinda of rip on the Hogan NWO turn but I would have Cena come out tonight and say he needs a break, how he has no rematch clause and just leaves, have him sell it as best as he can
Maybe have SS lineup with Nash, R-Truth, Miz, and some other midcarder thrown in vs HHH, Punk, Rock, Undertaker?
then sometime during SS PPV the midcarder slot guy gets taken out "mysteriously", and out of nowhere Cena shows up and makes his much needed heel turn, screws over the "wwe side" and serves as a true foil/heel to The ROck culiminating at Wrestlemania.
Maybe its just the fan in me, that says a match with him and Punk would get me watching more than anything John Morrison, Air Boom, Swagger, etc would do
Like it or not, but Nash even at 52 tells a better story in the ring than half of the current WWE roster
How I would do it is kinda of rip on the Hogan NWO turn but I would have Cena come out tonight and say he needs a break, how he has no rematch clause and just leaves, have him sell it as best as he can
Maybe have SS lineup with Nash, R-Truth, Miz, and some other midcarder thrown in vs HHH, Punk, Rock, Undertaker?
then sometime during SS PPV the midcarder slot guy gets taken out "mysteriously", and out of nowhere Cena shows up and makes his much needed heel turn, screws over the "wwe side" and serves as a true foil/heel to The ROck culiminating at Wrestlemania.