Triple H vs Kevin Nash - Where Is It Going?

part of me doesnt get why Nash is getting so much flack

Maybe its just the fan in me, that says a match with him and Punk would get me watching more than anything John Morrison, Air Boom, Swagger, etc would do

Like it or not, but Nash even at 52 tells a better story in the ring than half of the current WWE roster

How I would do it is kinda of rip on the Hogan NWO turn but I would have Cena come out tonight and say he needs a break, how he has no rematch clause and just leaves, have him sell it as best as he can

Maybe have SS lineup with Nash, R-Truth, Miz, and some other midcarder thrown in vs HHH, Punk, Rock, Undertaker?

then sometime during SS PPV the midcarder slot guy gets taken out "mysteriously", and out of nowhere Cena shows up and makes his much needed heel turn, screws over the "wwe side" and serves as a true foil/heel to The ROck culiminating at Wrestlemania.
i dont know if hhh was seriously injured last night but, if that is the case i see nash vs hhh at survivor series in a grudge match then the two at TLC in a street fight or last man standing or something to end the fued.
Noooooooo. Please don't make this last until WrestleMania. How anyone can possibly be entertained by that idea is baffling to me. Nash is so boring, I see none of this supposed mic talent that everyone touts all the time, and he certainly isn't much in the ring. He couldn't even execute the Jacknife in a safe way last night. Why would he be a good opponent for Triple H at WrestleMania, the biggest show of the year? I don't even want him to be involved in this storyline anymore, forget being in a major match a few months from now. Get rid of the dead weight, please.
I don't know, this whole angle has been a complete bust to me. It's hard to remember that this whole thing got started with Punk's promo, then somehow Nash got involved, dropped out and back in a couple of times...he really can't move well, I don't have any faith in his being able to carry his end of this angle. Whatever stock he once had is gone in my eyes. Maybe he proves me wrong, and I hope he does, but honestly, what can be expected of the man? I guess they are heading towards it being revealed that the person John Laryngitis is always texting is Vince McMahon, and somehow this will lead to a HHH vs. Vince feud for control of the company...but with the pawns set up the way they are, this just doesn't hold any interest for me, and I certainly don't want to see Nash OR Vince wrestle again.
Vince vs. HHH at WrestleMania. If this doesn't end up with that as the blow-off, I'll be surprised.

This Nash/HHH thing seems like it's leading to something bigger, and HHH/Vince is much, much bigger. Vince, today, is a much bigger star than Nash, and I'm guessing Nash (kayfabe) is working for Vince. Vince vs. HHH hasn't been done on this kind of stage, and could be really interesting.

So no, I don't think Nash vs. HHH will stretch until Mania. It's not even a possibility.
Hmmmm honestly I dont think this storyline IMO will go past SS I reckon there is unfinshed business between H and Punk and I also reckon that SS would be a good time for H to become heel and attack punk during the Del Rio Punk match. Think about it Triple H is know for his unpredictable Heel changes which everyone thought one of those two would become heel in there tag match so why not unpredictably do it now?
I agree with another poster, I can't understand why Kevin Nash gets alot of flack. People are not interested in seeing Triple H vs Kevin Nash and would rather see John Morrison and Air Boom get more TV time...:lmao:

Triple H and Nash tell a better story than 75% of the locker room!!! Plus I love my nostalgia. Maybe this won't last all the way until Wrestlemania, but I definately think this is a match worthy of WM. There needs to be a firing or injury angle to give this one legs. I read the Raw Report and seems Triple H is 'injured', not sure how serious. If he was for a couple of months and returned at the Rumble it could 'possibly happen'.
Triple h vs kevin nash in either a street fight or ambulance match would be good. I also saw someone say that these two should be placed in a 5 on 5 which could give this storyline legs. I would have kevin nash get eliminated via dq early in the match(gain more heat but remain relavant), attack triple h (sole survivor) after match and injure him again. While triple h is out nash could continue his unfinished business with punk at tlc ppv. Triple h would then return at royal rumble to attack nash and cost him the rumble match. This would bring in sean waltman (x-pac) to get in the middle and get the "whos side are u on" storyline started for wm where waltman is named special referee.
I'm sorry but Triple H's overacting during that beatdown he got from Kevin Nash killed just about any chance of taking this whole thing seriously. Then that ambulance segment was pure comedy gold when they had him slide out on the gurney. And then next week they got the muppets hosting too? :lmao:

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