Triple H cooling Bryan's heat

I disagree with Triple H cooling Daniel Bryan's heat. If anyone can see what is going on here is something that has the potential to even dethrone John Cena as the hero of the next generation. The way the story is setup, Bryan represents that guy who worked so hard, was never handed anything, and yet still tastes success despite all that is stacked up against him.

They'll keep increasing the amount of time he holds the title before he gets screwed over at another point in order to verify how much closer he is getting to his ultimate goal of being champion unoppressed. Eventually Bryan will hold the title, despite playing hot potato with Randy Orton/Vacancies. However the structure will already have been put in place, keep in mind it is the kids that are best for business, because they are the future generation and will continue to buy tickets into adulthood if they truly love the product.

In build Daniel Bryan up as a small dude amongst big men, kids can already identify with him as they look up to adults and wrestlers. Not only that, but his goofy appearance with the beard and long hair reminds them to be true to themselves, when he defied getting the corporate makeover, it told them that you should never change who you are to reach your goals. Without John Cena overshadowing the whole storyline, Daniel Bryan is given the spotlight, in which the kids often look to in highest regards. He has pretty much already cemented his legacy as a WWE legend because he is on his way to becoming a cash cow. When Cena gets back, there's going to be a huge pop, but the fact of the matter is, Daniel Bryan will have survived the onslaught of the corporation throughout the entire matter. As long as they don't turn Bryan heel anytime soon, what he represents might come to be even greater than Cena to the right audience.
The simple answer is yes. Whether HHH is purposely screwing with smart fans or whether he is intentionally sabotaging Bryan is the real question. I was okay with Bryan losing the WWE title the first time once Orton cashed in because it was expected and Orton needed the turn. I don't even mind seeing HHH as a heel again. But this entire angle has been quite sloppy and having Bryan vacate the WWE Championship is going too far to hook viewers and an obvious tactic for easy ratings. Bryan is the hottest thing in WWE right now and I guarantee that Cena would have never had the title taken away in such screwy fashion. It is pretty clear one of two things[or maybe both] are happening here; it is cheap tactic to get ratings OR WWE truly feels Bryan isn't worthy of being the WWE Champion consistently. Either way, WWE is wrong and this is starting to effect the way Bryan comes across on TV as a credibility issue. I'm sure many will disagree but I, as a fan am disappointed that the biggest star who gets the best reaction from the crowd isn't the WWE Champion. If Orton had gotten his rematch on RAW or they had done another tactic @ NOC, maybe this would have come off better. Vacating the WWE title from your top star who is over the most with the crowd strikes me as particularly dumb and desperate. I swear the Vince Russo writing style must be back because some of these finishes are just plain non-sensical and desperate ploys to get higher ratings. If done right, it could be fine. If done like it has been over the last month or so, not so much.
OMG!!!! Here we go with the LETS ALL HATE HHH iwc mentality....Yea HHH is sabotaging Bryan by letting him beat Cena clean, main event back 2 back ppv's, be in the opening and closing segments of every raw and smackdown. I cent remembeer a time where someone besides Cena was getting this much air time. Even when Punk was hot, he wasnt getting the type of air time that that DB is getting
It why not let the attitude era break its way back into the wwe? thats when the show was actully good and it looks like now there just mixing up a bunch of different things from the different eras of wrestling and its awesome! now we just need Brock Lesner to turn face with heel like things being done

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