CM Punk VS Triple H Redux

So your argument is that Triple H doesn't bury rising stars because he never buried Cena even though he never had a chance to do so due to his being on another brand and not meeting Cena in the ring EVER until John Cena was already an established main eventer...

Right, so are you going to keep listing all the guys Triple H never got to face and therefore didn't bury?

Thank you Triple H for not burying Eddie Guerrero, JBL, Rey Mysterio, and all the other guys you've never faced in the ring or even interacted with before they were top guys and therefore had no opportunity to bury them anyway. Seriously, thank you.

No one is arguing that he was SuperCena yet. He hadn't become the unstoppable force he is now, but he was already a top guy. If your argument is that him not being immortal yet means that he needed the rub from Triple H to be cemented as a top guy, then EVERY SINGLE GUY IN WWE who isn't John Cena needs a rub from Triple H.

Now you're just delusional. Miz had intense heat, had the fans eating off the palms of his hands, had the crowd chanting his catchphrases, and had the internet fans orgasming for everything he does. But he wasn't over. Yeah, that's why WWE put him in a bunch of PPV main events and had him beat John Cena on PPV. He came out to crickets, right? Please, you're just bullshitting now.

Sheamus was never a top guy? Interesting notion. He also had top feuds with Cena, Triple H, Orton, Henry, Show, Del Rio, Christian, Jericho, Bryan and had a US title run, 2 WWE title runs, a World title run, and carried the blue brand for almost a whole year. Huge accomplishments for someone who wasn't over and came out to crickets every week. Even those 4-star matches with Bryan, Morrison and Jericho had the crowd sitting on their hands, right? You're clueless as hell.

Yeah Punk did main event the next PPV, you're right, but it's funny how you omit the fact that Punk was really hot and won 2 straight HUGE WWE title main events and after getting buried by Trips, his next main event was a CLEAN LOSS to a guy who previously had to cheat to be able to take Punk's title.

And the next PPV? No longer in the main event, CM Punk teamed up with Triple H to take on Awesome Truth. Just GUESS who didn't take the clean pin from The Miz after a Skull Crushing Finale. Hint: He owns a golden shovel.

So after being on a huge momentum and being the most over guy in the company, Punk got squashed by Triple H and that led to him getting pinned clean twice more. Sure, he then got to beat Del Rio for the title on the Survivor Series' midcard and retain it at TLC, but guess how many PPV main events CM Punk had after? ZERO. FREAKING ZERO.

If you're telling me that burial means that someone got moved down the card after a devastating defeat, then Punk fits your own definition perfectly. The dude didn't get another PPV main event until Night of Champions 2012, the anniversary of him getting smashed in the face with Triple H's golden shovel. And he had to turn heel against Cena to get it. He worked the midcard behind all of John Cena's matches. You know, the guy he beat clean twice in main events before Triple H stopped his momentum dead.

u don't understand basic wrestling terms such as rub or bury

the fact that you just said Punk was buried during his historic WWE title reign pretty much tells me that you are talking crazy. I'm done with this argument.
u don't understand basic wrestling terms such as rub or bury

the fact that you just said Punk was buried during his historic WWE title reign pretty much tells me that you are talking crazy. I'm done with this argument.

Right before Triple H, he won 2 WWE title main events on PPV. After Triple H, he lost clean and then never worked a main event again until NoC 2012. He wasn't buried during his historic (?) title reign, but he never overcame the momentum killer that was NoC'11. Not buried, but he had dirt on his shoulders.

Now, listing the people HHH didn't bury is stupid, it's like listing all the banks a thief didn't rob. Your assumptions about Sheamus and Miz are completely contradictory to history. And Punk CLEARLY was at a better position on the totem poll before losing to Triple H at NoC. No question about it. I gave you cold hard facts and you sidestep it with a silly accusation. That shows how strong your argument was.
Triple H's record is chequered when it comes to putting guys over but I don't think him beating Punk at NOC 2011 hurt Punk, he was protected heavily in the match. What hurt Punk was that the newly minted top guy with huge momentum and a rebel character ended up having to admit he was wrong and shake hands with Triple H, that made zero sense from a push or storyline perspective.

Right, and that's pretty much the reason I hate Triple H. I'm an unashamed Punk mark. But even people who don't like Punk have to see that losing to Triple H, a part-time Triple H I might add, did hurt Punk's potential as a top guy.

He did become a top guy eventually, because the crowd loved him so much, but we'll never know how big he could've gotten after his momentum was crushed.

And if Triple H is willing to put over Punk this time... Well, what's the point? Punk is already the top guy. He's beaten Cena twice, Del Rio, Jericho (before he started jobbing to absolutely everyone), Bryan and Ryback. That's a pretty decent list. And, y'know, 434 days as WWE champion.

But Triple H is going to lose to CM Punk now, when Punk doesn't need it, not like in 2011 when he really needed it, when his momentum was red-hot but fragile.

And that, boys and girls, is why I hate Triple H.

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