CM Punk vs Triple H or Austin at WM28?

CM Punk vs Triple H or Austin at WM28

  • CM Punk vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

  • CM Punk vs 'The Game' Triple H

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Hey Guys, Lately everybody has been hyping up Austin vs CM Punk at WM28. I'm a big fan of this but wouldn't it make more sense to have Triple H vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania? Triple H has been fueding with CM Punk of late, and it would be fitting to have those two fight it out at Wrestlemania. Even thought Austin does have a few good matches left in him, where would the Punk/Austin storyline start from?

But I'm going to leave it up to you guys, vote for your preffered match, and leave reasons on why you think that match should take place. Also express your thought on who else "The Voice of the Voiceless" could face at WM28.

I'll pick Austin anytime over Triple H, thats IF and a big IF Stonecold can still wrestle.

Aside from Triple H, if Y2J can come back on time on the road to wrestlemania then we have a match. Mic wise and ring wise Y2J can definitely go toe to toe with CM Punk. They are both storyteller :lmao:

the best in the world vs. the best at what he does
Seeing as we are already getting a Triple H vs CM Punk match at Night of Champions, I wouldn't mind seeing a Stone Cold vs CM Punk match before the Main-Event of John Cena vs The Rock. CM Punk is the hottest wrestler right now and if the WWE use the kinda power Punk has right now we might not even see a Punk vs Stone Cold match. What would Punk get from beating Stone Cold? It would kill CM Punk's push if he jobbed to a guy who is not going to be back in the ring on a full time basis. So Punk is better off against another foe. Perhaps another legend. Perhaps, the Last Outlaw? :worship:
It's been a long time since Austin last wrestled, so definitely gonna vote him over Triple H in this case. Logically, Triple H vs Punk has a better chance of occurring at 'Mania than Austin returning for a match with Punk.

To be honest, I'd rather have Triple H go against Punk or Nash than see him go at it for the third time with the Undertaker at the grandest stage of 'em all. As for Punk, aside from Triple H, Jericho is another wrestler I'd like to see him fight at 'Mania.
I would love to see Austin wrestle but I don't think he can. He once said in an interview that with his neck injury he's able to make movies but not healthy enough to take bumps again. obviously this doesn't stop people from wanting him to wrestle, but maybe someone can prove me wrong.
where is the interview where he told us he can wrestle again????? can anyone post me that link because as far as I know he never said he is able to wrestle again.

As Wrestlemania goes it's still pretty far ahead of us so let's say if he isn't feuding HHH anymore Austin is definately a great choice. But since Cena is facing Dwayne and apparently not for the gold, I would like to see Punk headlining wrestlemania with the gold.
Punk versus Triple H at this year's mania to wrap up this recent storyline and save Punk versus Austin for Wrestlemania 29 where they can be the headlining match.
id have too say Punk and HHH as too be honest if it was austin of here and no if wouldnt be a fair fight due too his neck and that but if it was austin of attitude era the hell yeah. but too be honest i think it will be punk vs taker wm28 but it would be a epic night if we had punk vs HHH vs taker
id have too say Punk and HHH as too be honest if it was austin of here and no if wouldnt be a fair fight due too his neck and that but if it was austin of attitude era the hell yeah. but too be honest i think it will be punk vs taker wm28 but it would be a epic night if we had punk vs HHH vs taker

I don't think it'll be Punk vs Taker. Signs point to this being Taker's last Mania and as much as I love Punk, I don't think WWE brass do enough to make that Taker's last match (assuming it is of course). I'd look to a older star or a new up and comer.

I get the impression Austin can still go, but I'm leaning towards either WM29 or next years SS.
cant beleive you asked where it could start from.let see twtter battles. another would be that austin celebrates with beer and punk is sraight edge.the only proble is who would be face and heel . love to see austin heel but kind of a reflex for me now to expect punk to trash someone right away
Neither. HHH is gonna be facing Punk at summerslam, and I see no reason for them to do it again at mania. As far as austin, his knees and neck are pretty missed up, I don't wanna see him end up in a wheel chair. The guy is done, he did the right thing when he left in 2003.
no way austin will wrestle a match again. the man is smart enough to know he's got a good deal going with his straight to dvd flicks , tough enough, and the loads of money he probably gets making appearances on wwe tv. this was all apart of an advertisement for the all - stars video game (btw, accepting all challengers for my undefeated luchador, ps3 tag name : chibet)I believe that a better match up for mania would be punk vs jericho or either of them challenging the takers streak ! which both of them seem likely candidates to me
I'd hope neither, but if its between Triple H and Austin at WM28, I would pick Triple H.


Because WM28 already has a bloated over hyped match on the card with Cena vs Rock as the Main Event. If the WWE held off Punk vs Austin for WM29 then you have more time to build that match and hype the event. This would also ensure that Punk vs Austin wasn't overshadowed by Cena vs Rock and set up a big match for WM29
If the WWE held off Punk vs Austin for WM29 then you have more time to build that match and hype the event.

I totally agree with the above statement. Having two clash of the generations matches in Rock/Cena and Austin/Punk will be equivalent to putting all your eggs in one basket. The main problem with this would be that two main-eventers in Cena and Punk will be involved in matches with past stars, meaning that any storyline involving them leading to WM 28 will have to be abruptly ended and would be predictable.

Also, the following PPVs and weekly shows will fade in comparison to this event and might result in lower buyrates and drop in ratings.

Also, I do not see the Punk-HHH feud lasting upto 'Mania. I would rather see Punk in a title match or challenging the streak.
I totally agree with the above statement. Having two clash of the generations matches in Rock/Cena and Austin/Punk will be equivalent to putting all your eggs in one basket. The main problem with this would be that two main-eventers in Cena and Punk will be involved in matches with past stars, meaning that any storyline involving them leading to WM 28 will have to be abruptly ended and would be predictable.

Also, the following PPVs and weekly shows will fade in comparison to this event and might result in lower buyrates and drop in ratings.

Also, I do not see the Punk-HHH feud lasting upto 'Mania. I would rather see Punk in a title match or challenging the streak.

If Punk vs Triple H is suppose to be the PG-Era Austin vs McMahon then it could go on for the next year or so.

Triple H vs Punk at NOC will end in a DQ, with Nash or some other goon friend/family member of Triple H's coming out and getting involved. The feud will be extended into the next few PPVs... its a given. Do you remember the feud between Orton and Triple H that lasted for like 9 months? It started off great and quickly got very ugly and boring. Lets hope Punk vs Triple H isn't that way
If Punk vs Triple H is suppose to be the PG-Era Austin vs McMahon then it could go on for the next year or so.

Triple H vs Punk at NOC will end in a DQ, with Nash or some other goon friend/family member of Triple H's coming out and getting involved. The feud will be extended into the next few PPVs... its a given. Do you remember the feud between Orton and Triple H that lasted for like 9 months? It started off great and quickly got very ugly and boring. Lets hope Punk vs Triple H isn't that way

The problem with year long feuds is that people now get bored quite easily. Austin-McMahon may have been a classic feud but in the present scenario, a lot of the fans already would have started complaining. Even if the matches are great like Christian-Orton, any feud lasting more that 3-4 months is considered too long and drawn out.
Also Austin-McMahon involved many other main eventers like Rock, Taker at some point. There are not that many credible main eventers at the moment.

One way that Punk-HHH would work upto WM 28 is if HHH keeps putting Punk in crazy matches with the odds stacked against Punk and Punk manages to defy the odds and then demands a WM match against HHH.
How about Chris Jericho, a Jericho-Punk feud, since they are going back and forth on Twitter

I'm not opposed to the Actual Best in the World (Jericho) vs the Wanna Be Best in the World (CM Punk)

The basis of their feud could be based off of that. Jericho was billing himself as the best in the world, years ago. Punk started using it recently. He'll Punk restarted a feud with Orton over a spilled can of Diet Pepsi so anything is possible
I totally agree with the above statement. Having two clash of the generations matches in Rock/Cena and Austin/Punk will be equivalent to putting all your eggs in one basket. The main problem with this would be that two main-eventers in Cena and Punk will be involved in matches with past stars, meaning that any storyline involving them leading to WM 28 will have to be abruptly ended and would be predictable.

Also, the following PPVs and weekly shows will fade in comparison to this event and might result in lower buyrates and drop in ratings.

Also, I do not see the Punk-HHH feud lasting upto 'Mania. I would rather see Punk in a title match or challenging the streak.

Rock vs cena is gonna draw huge for mania28 either with or without austin/punk on the card.

Austin/punk match is gonna be overshadow by rock/cena, whether the iwc likes it or not.

So i just dont understand why fanboys wanting to see this match at mania 28. And not wait till mania 29
Personally i think HHH vs cm punk should have waited till wm 28.As for austin vs punk i would love to see stone cold have one more match if its possible but not against punk.I dont know why people make it seem that Austin vs Punk is a dream match.
I don't know why anyone would pick Triple H vs. Punk at Mania since we're getting it in 8 days at Night Of Champions. I'd hate the WWE if they dragged on this feud all the way to WrestleMania 28 and made us watch this match again and it wouldn't be as big as the first so Austin already wins by default.

Even if Night of Champions wasn't happening and it was Punk/HHH I vs Punk/Austin I, Austin would still get my vote because it'd be nine years since we've last seen Austin lace up his boots. The magic involved with seeing Austin in the ring again would be enough alone to satisfy me and to draw crowds. I'd rather see Austin/Santino than HHH/Punk with the right story, because nostalgia almost always wins. Don't believe me, look at the buyrates for WM27 compared to WM26 and 25. 26 and 25 had much better cards but The Rock was the host (which did almost nothing for the actual event) and it just drew fans worldwide to tune into the event. Austin is one of the biggest stars ever, and I'd pay a large sum of money to see him perform in the ring again, especially for a top star like CM Punk
I think this year theme should be only in wwe. with cena and the rock fighting you could also bring austin and cm punk. i agree with the person who said austin has got a few more matches left in him. Yeah he probably does but a few good matches could be molded down to one epic match. You cant have taker vs punk cause triple h said he would be waiting on him when he got back so with that being said i think it will be brought up with cm punk triple h and then taker announces hey u told me u when i got back u would be waiting well im here so then triple h talks to cm punk and says well i got taker i cant wrestle you at mania but i no someone who can and austin music hits and austin comes out and its kinda brought up as the 2 most conversial superstars in the wwe with both having the attitutde and what they done to mcmahon.
I'm going to pick Punk Vs Stone Cold, the main reason being that we will be seeing Punk Vs Triple H at NOC. But the big thing is can Stone Cold wrestle a match? Punk can carry Stone Cold through the match but that doesn't mean Stone Cold is able to go back inside the ring. If Stone Cold is able to tie up the lases once more then I would love to see him go up against Punk and Wrestlemania is the only place for that match to take place. Also I don't think this current feud with Punk and Trips would stay fresh until Wrestlemania so there's another reason I would pick Stone Cold.

Also as fuzz69 said it would be one hell of a Wrestlemania to have Rock Vs Cena, Punk Vs Stone Cold and Taker Vs Triple H, but it might just be too much star power.
I would rather see CM Punk VS Stone Cold at Wrestlemania because not only would it benefit Punk more to go over a legend like Stone Cold but it would make for a memorable feud as well. Punk VS Trips would have been a good route with a full year to build it but we are already getting it at Night of Champions so why do it again at Wrestlemania? The feud with Austin could begin by Punk calling out Stone Cold about his drinking habits and preach the straightedge lifestyle again while still using the same promo style he has now. A feud of epic proportions would follow. Punk has to win obviously. Stone Cold has nothing left to prove.
My answer is Neither. My pick (although it probably won't happen is Undertaker!!!! Think about how good this storyline could be, and the best part it would actually make us believe the streak could be in jeopardy.

Punk feuds with HHH through NOC, and wins by Nash or someone taking out HHH. Than they have a rematch and Punk wins again. The fued builds and builds until it reaches it's peak, and HHH says that Punk will never be able to accomplish what he has done in his career.

It's at THAT point that Punk says "I will do something you failed your entire career to do. And that's beat Undertaker at Mania!!"

The crowd goes into a frenzy and we have a great buildup to mania. I'm not a Punk fan but I love my idea lol.

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