Who's walkout was the worst: CM Punk or Stone Cold?

Who's walkout was the worst: CM Punk or Stone Cold?

  • CM Punk was the worst

  • Stone Cold was the worst

  • Both. They were acting like assholes and it were very disrespectful against the other wrestlers.

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First of all you NEVER walk out on a show. That is the ultimate no no in ANY form of entertainment. Second, how dare you insult "The Golden Greek" John Tolos. The guy was a legend in our sport and Austin should have been honored to do the job.

Sorry if that second part sounded harsh but I was really taken aback that you would insult a wrestler the caliber of Tolos in an attempt to excuse what Austin did.

Boss, I think he meant Jonathan Coachman, not John Tolos. This incident I believe he was referring to was in 2005, not 2002 when Austin had his major issues with the WWF/E.
Boss, I think he meant Jonathan Coachman, not John Tolos. This incident I believe he was referring to was in 2005, not 2002 when Austin had his major issues with the WWF/E.

Jonathan Coachman huh? I had stopped watching WWE by then. The only "Coach" I was familiar with was "Coach" John Tolos.
Neither was worse & here is why...

We all expected CM Punk to walk... (eventually) CM Punk was not acting like a baby, he was fed up. People who are fed up & try to change something are always confronted with people saying "Awww poor baby, get over it" Which is even more fuel to the fire. Remember CM Punk was not wanted in the WWE for the longest time yet they kept him under contract. I applaud him for walking. Serves the WWE right for failing to see the talent they had.

Austin walked because (like all wrestlers) was a businessman. He seen money in the match, made I'm sure a solid point & was ignored. He obviously felt passionate about the storyline enough to walk. If the biggest name in your company has a problem, you deal with it. & if the biggest name in the company wants you to change the main event than do it. Because they ended up having Ric Flair V Vince McMahon in a street fight instead of Austin V Brock Lesnar. If they would have just done this in the first place, Austin would have never walked out. I'm not saying he wasn't being a tad bit childish but he's put his body on the line for years upon years for Vince. So in the same sense you can say McMahon was being childish by not changing the main event that had zero build.
Mixed feelings.

Overall, Austin was bigger and more influential in the organization than Punk ever was. Still, though, his era of dominance had largely ended by the time he walked out, and though he was still enormously popular, it could never equal how big he was in the Attitude Era. Had he left at that time, it might have decimated everything Vince McMahon was building as he sought to reclaim WWE's #1 standing in the industry.

Punk, although he never reached the dizzying heights attained by Austin, was very influential at the time he left. Yes, his star had somewhat dimmed after his Summer of Punk phase, but his character was still completely marketable and adaptable; there was plenty the company could have done with him.....which made his departure more damaging to the organization.

If forced to make a choice, I'd say Austin's departure was worse. It's easy to forget yesterday and think only of today; if one does that, they'll choose Punk. But watching the WWE Network (you know the price!) and the WWE/WCW wars, the segments that show the rise to power of Stone Cold clearly reminds us of how enormous he was in the company. Bigger than Punk....maybe bigger than anyone.
I think Austin's was, because of the points that Sally made. He was huge the biggest star on the roster at the time. Even though his career was on the downturn, everyone knew Steve Austin and what he had done for the WWE. He's the main reason they won the Monday night wars, and Vince never forgot that. Props to Austin though, he did end up coming back and did say he regretted doing it.

Punk was never and will never be on the same level. Yes he was a WWE Superstar but he and Austin where on different planets. Punk only had a few months left on his contract and he should have at least let it ride. Now he's going to sporting events and acting like a douche to fans. Well that's okay, cause the WWE didn't miss a beat after he left. Some might still chant his name, but they are idiots and we all know it.
Stone Cold was worst.

He didn't want to job to anybody at all.

Stone Cold was a politican that got away with it most and was acting like an asshole against everyone in the locker room.
Austin's Walkout was the worst he was the highest earning superstar in wwf/wwe he brought the viewers in and he's the only wrestler people wish they were and be able to beat up their own boss or tell him to fuck off and still have a job at the end of the day, CM Punk isn't a miss at all he never will be he was just a number to the Roster. they are much more talented superstars in the back who haven't had as much hype about them as he was getting for example i believe Rusev, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Ryback. These all would be and should be Great Superstars, but WWE would rather cater for the same old superstars who i believe were all getting bored off, Randy Orton, John Cena everything has to be based on them always coming to the top were frankly is rather they move them onto the shelf and focus on new talent that will be more entertaining than knowing what is going to happen next month and the month after that.

WWE is scared to changed now, they will never be an Attitude Era ever again
because it's all become Child friendly even tho Fighting isn't really child friendly.. but WWE is starting to become Boring.
Austin all day long, he walked out on everyone and he bit the hand that fed him and he very lucky that Vince had him back, fan power helped him a lot there.

CM Punk is more understandable, id be pissed if i kept getting overlooked when WM is being booked, Punk v Cena should have happened at WM 27 and since then, the likes of part timers Rock and Batista stole his well earned thunder.

Austin had just come off his biggest run and didnt want to give up being the main man, he was never overlooked in favour of melts like Miz and Bryan

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