Daniel Bryan's rumored Wrestlemania Plans

Eh, for what it's worth, I think it's best for business for Bray, Big E, Cesaro, etc. to get their shot, and for Bryan to be edged back to the midcard. You can use his fame to push midcarders, where he's totally fit to be, and the talent with main event ability can get their shots.


Tbh, I am not a huge DB fan, but I see the value in giving him his moment(beating HHH/getting the title) at WM to the huge YES! chants and stuff and giving him a run with the title for a few months.

However, I do see him as an Upper MC, putting over guys with his great in-ring ability. I don't really buy him as a "face of the company" like Hogan,Austin,Rock,Cena but like more in the mold of, Jericho,RVD,etc...
Just that based on how over he is at this time, some time at the top should be given to see how he handles it. At the end of the day, he'll still remain at most, no.2 with John Cena still around.
I wouldn't put too much stock in the rumors. You can't trust the dirtsheets, and this "story" reeks of fabricated bullshit. It's easy to stir the pot, and push buttons with the a story like this.

For internet fans, you're putting The Boogeyman against a beloved favorite. In the minds of a lot people, who post on the internet, Triple H is this cruel villain, who sits at his desk with both feet propped up on the table, and he's devising plans to bury select wrestlers, while twirling his mustache. Triple H is not oblivious to Bryan's popularity, and if you're seriously buying into his condescending "B+" act, then it's proof Triple H is doing a good job with his heel character.
i think i got it, folks.

its a way to have the biggest main event in history, with tons of star power and anticipation, get DB his title win at Mania, and protect the precious images of RKO, Batista and HHH.

it starts tomorrow with Hogans announcement hell be the guest enforcer for the Mania 30 main event..but that brother, Daniel Bryan should be in the match too, dude. HHH comes out, Hulk thats not gunna happen yadda yadda yadda but however this talk of me wrestling at Mania 30 got me feeling the itch again, and after seeing 2 of my "best" of friends being in the Main Event, i figured the CEO should be in the match too representing the company, therefore, its now a triple threat match.

a week or so goes by, Vince comes back at Hogans bequest to fight the injustice of the Daniel Bryan burial, thus adding Bryan to the match at Mania to take it a 4 way..at the end Hogan somehow gets involved (as will have Ric Flair who hell, could even be the special guest ref completing the Evolution/DB against the world theme) leading to Bryans Mania moment and victory
Anyone who has seen previous posts of mine knows that I am no Daniel Bryan fan, but I do acknowledge the guys popularity. So when I came across this article at http://whatculture.com/wwe/wwe-backstage-report-daniel-bryan-will-lose-triple-h-wrestlemania-30.php I instantly knew that if this comes true that Daniel Bryan fans will ruin the remainder of WrestleMania 30. According to the article, despite his recent confrontations with Randy Orton and Batista, Daniel Bryan is still supposed to face Triple H at WrestleMania 30, not only that, but according to the link he is supposed to LOSE to Triple H at the event. If this is the case for him at WrestleMania, what do you think will be the tone for the rest of the show and the audience reactions? I have come to terms with the fact that DB will be champion sooner or later but as of right now he is rumored to lose to Triple H on the grandest stage of them all. Is this a good move on WWE's part to further Daniel Bryan's support and the heat on Triple H? Or is this a huge mistake?

It depends on how HHH beats him. If it's clean, I think everybody would be understanding. It's pretty realistic seeing how HHH has the size advantage and experience on the big stage.

However, if Bryan loses by interference from Kane, a debuting wrestler from NXT, etc, I think it would horrible. It would be worse than Sheamus/Bryan at WM28. Crowd would really be bad the following night on RAW
Anyone who has seen previous posts of mine knows that I am no Daniel Bryan fan, but I do acknowledge the guys popularity. So when I came across this article at http://whatculture.com/wwe/wwe-backstage-report-daniel-bryan-will-lose-triple-h-wrestlemania-30.php I instantly knew that if this comes true that Daniel Bryan fans will ruin the remainder of WrestleMania 30. According to the article, despite his recent confrontations with Randy Orton and Batista, Daniel Bryan is still supposed to face Triple H at WrestleMania 30, not only that, but according to the link he is supposed to LOSE to Triple H at the event. If this is the case for him at WrestleMania, what do you think will be the tone for the rest of the show and the audience reactions? I have come to terms with the fact that DB will be champion sooner or later but as of right now he is rumored to lose to Triple H on the grandest stage of them all. Is this a good move on WWE's part to further Daniel Bryan's support and the heat on Triple H? Or is this a huge mistake?

I doubt the WWE even knows 100% what Daniel Bryan's WM30 plans are yet, let alone already having it set in stone and leaked out that Bryan's losing to Triple H.

And I have a bit of a hard time taking a report seriously from a site that has in it's sidebar an article titled "CM Punk: 8 Talking Points About His WWE Chicago Raw Return Tonight".

Bryan might just fight Triple H at WM30... and maybe he will lose. If he does, what that tells me is that the WWE doesn't consider Wrestlemania to be the 'season finale' as it were like they used to. Because the storyline screams for Bryan to finally come out on top that night. You can only delay gratification for so long.

I've mentioned it before and I'll repeat it again here. If they wait to finally have Bryan come out on top on a "B" ppv, they'll be missing their opportunity. Wrestlemania season is when they have their most exposure of the year. That exposure peaks at Wrestlemania.

There's a reason they didn't have Steve Austin finally win the WWF Championship at In Your House: Unforgiven
As much as I don't initially believe these reports firsthand, there is a worry that they will be true. And I'm not pining in the least for HHH to go over DB in their match(let alone having that match to begin with instead of putting him in the title match). The thing is, I don't really have faith in HHH's ability to get DB over while defeating him. I'm probably missing a lot here, but my feelings on HHH, even in the early 00's after his quad injuries, were that in a big-time match with a young rising star or anyone who could stand to be elevated from even a losing effort- John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Sheamus, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, etc.- the matches simply have always had that 'almost there' vibe to it, as if they hit all their stops and pulled out all their tricks but some undefined 'IT' factor was always missing. Or maybe HHH really doesn't have it in him. But it's telling that the two wrestlers who he truly got involved in epic matches with were Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker.

All that said, the storyline alone dictates that DB losing, even via massive evil shenanigans, is going to be an utter insult.

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