Triple H/Brock Lesnar Angle- Keep It All In Here!

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
So John Laurinaitis was on the phone with Triple H at some point tonight at the Extreme Rules PPV and is now apparently scheduled to be a part of Raw tomorrow.

Honestly, no idea what to expect here. Probably will see him tan JL's ass for giving Lesnar all of these benefits. I expect to see some sort of confrontation between Hunter and Lesnar, which could be something great to see.

So what say you?
first thing i thought was setting up Lesnar and HHH. I think they could let that be a feud that festers and builds up for a good while before they have a match
Triple H can play the "good/bad for business" card tomorrow night by saying Lesnar taking Cena out of commission is bad for business, thus starting a feud with Lesnar.
IF Hunter starts a feud with Lesnar, I...

You know I was gonna say 'politicking gloryhog bastard', but I thought about it.

Hunter vs Brock might not be so bad. I have wanted to see this two go at it for years. Hunter can bring a very different yet strong style to Brock's MMA shit. A powergame. I think they'll get two or three more feuds from Lesnar till Mania next year.
I REALLY hope he starts a fued with Lesnar. It almost seems too perfect

Big Johnny Laurinaitis took over both brands, and soon enough, tried to "legitimize" the company by bringing in Lesnar. However, that proved to be a rookie mistake and Lesnar easily overpowered his authority with pure fear in order to get whatever he wants. The only thing stopping him was Cena, and win or loss, after Extreme Rules or even Raw tomorrow, we know Cena's out of the picture. Now, no one can stop him.

Now we can bring in Triple H to show up Laurinaitis for having no idea what he's doing in his position while trying to put Lesnar in his place at the same time, leading hopefully to a small dream match that was rumored to headline Wrestlemania 21, but obviously never happened: Lesnar vs Triple H.

Besides, who else is there on Raw? Punk? Then what? Either Punk wins and Lesnar goes down a few more rungs and moves on, or he'll win The Title and we'll have a HUGE problem as we know Brock isn't doing any House Shows. Brock needs a part timer that's still a huge name to fued with, and until he runs in to Taker or even Rock leading in to next year's Mania, Haitch may be the only other option.

Maybe I'm smart, or maybe I'm good at typing bullshit, but either way, I hope we get Helmsly vs Lesnar.
I'm with everyone else. I think it's going to set up a HHH-Brock feud. Brock is walking back into the company thinking he runs shit and cant be touched, so who better to put him in check than Triple H? He'll approach the whole thing as the COO, of course.
Besides, who else is there on Raw? Punk? Then what? Either Punk wins and Lesnar goes down a few more rungs and moves on, or he'll win The Title and we'll have a HUGE problem as we know Brock isn't doing any House Shows. Brock needs a part timer that's still a huge name to fued with, and until he runs in to Taker or even Rock leading in to next year's Mania, Haitch may be the only other option.

You touched on a very good point I was thinking of. I firmly believe Lesnar will only be with the company for the next year and then leave again. In that time, he's only going to feud with BIG names. He won't be feuding with Dolph Ziggler or Kofi Kingston. In 12 months time, it's typical to have about 4-5 feuds. Cena, HHH, Orton, Punk, then his WrestleMania opponent (Rock or Taker).
I'm not saying that the things that others are suggesting won't happen but I just feel like HHH deserves his post WM28 moment with the fans in attendance for being a part of such a great match with the UT.

This should happen, but it's been almost a month since WM28 so the fans will probably just do a "Yes!" chant instead when he arrives.
Well, it could be possible that several Superstars will be switching brands that day. No, it's not gonna be a draft, just trades is all.
Draft would be cool. If he comes back to wrestle then thats fine too. Maybe he will go for the WWE championship, although a feud with Lesnar would also be cool since Lesnar's next step is gonna be a wild card so to speak, not sure who hes gonna feud with next. I like him feuding with Orton though.
I see the logic in the matchup and it would be a great build and great match, but I just think it's too soon for HHH after WM. Have HHH rip into Johnny about keeping his superstars in line and that Johnny shouldn't be pushed around, have a brief staredown with Lesnar so we note the tension between the two and then disappear.

As for Lesnar, I don't know how they'll work it but have The Miz offer his services to Lesnar so that he has someone to push him a further as a heel. Also keep Miz relevant. Brief feud for Lesnar taking out the likes of Henry and Show before beginning a feud with Orton.

As for HHH vs Brock save it for Survivor Series or somewhere after Summerslam
Have Lesnar absolutely destroy Triple H on tonight's Raw to get his heat back on. It's very rare that Triple H's character has been dominated, so it would be something to behold.

Have it set up a match for Summerslam. It seems they are pushing that PPV hard this year, giving it it's own axxess even, so why not have this as the marquee match up?
Why would there be a draft or trades when the same person runs both shows and no one besides mid-carders on Smackdown are associated with just one show specifically? It's not that. It's got to be Lesnar, because if Cena is hurt (kayfabe), what else would there be for Lesnar to bother with (unless he goes after Punk)?
Draft would be cool. If he comes back to wrestle then thats fine too. Maybe he will go for the WWE championship, although a feud with Lesnar would also be cool since Lesnar's next step is gonna be a wild card so to speak, not sure who hes gonna feud with next. I like him feuding with Orton though.

Naaa. He doesn't have to. And him feuding with Sheamus or Punk wouldn't make sense.

HHH will and should come back to challenge Lesnar and clean up what JL messed up. I usually don't care for seeing HHH coming back and wrestling, but I agree the right thing to do would for it to be against Lesnar.
Well this is something WWE haven't forgotten about, HHH was suppose to give JL a message until Undertaker turned up, forcing HHH from taking control. Given time to recover from his injuries he is now back.... cue either Tensai or Lesnar and taking out HHH. Therefore ensuring JL keeps control and can run both brands whatever way he sees fit. You can then build up to the summer and the return of Bragging Rights, Teddy Long goes against JL wishes re-challenges him to a similar match seen at Wrestlemania and HHH being the mystery member of Long's team.

Either way its good to see they haven't forgotten about the whole HHH/JL angle.
What I hope to see is HHH confront Laurenitis about accepting Lesnars demands and not fining him for taking out Matthews. Then Brock comes out and decimates HHH. IMO this is the only real shot they have to keep Brock at the top and relevant. Otherwise he becomes just another cog in the grinding wheels of wwe. He has to assert his dominance tonight by 1) destroying HHH and 2) making even more demands and having Laurenitis have no choice but to accept them. He'll say "Who's going to stop me?" Then if Cena is there and comes out Brock can take him out the final time (which I think should happen before Cena takes a break unless he is seriously injured) and sort of get revenge for losing last night. I suppose Vince could also get involved and become a heel again by supporting Brock and making sure HHH and the board don't interfere.
I think, going off of what Cena said last night, Johnny Ace will walk to the ring and try to fire Cena for beating "The New Face of the Company" and then HHH comes out to yell at Johnny and tell him Brock's demands were to high and all that. Then all that leads to HHH telling Cena that he's not fired and can stay on Raw. I mean all that could happen unless Cena is legitimately hurt.
I didn't see Extreme Rules, but from the comments coming from it, it sounds like John Cena might be taking some time off. If so, then Triple H might be coming back to carry Raw in his place while he's gone. And if the Cena-Lesnar program is over for now, then Lesnar's going to need someone else to feud with. Triple H is a big name and a match between the two would draw a lot of interest.

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar has the potential to be really awesome. I've heard a lot of good things about Cena vs. Lesnar at Extreme Rules, and as evidenced by his matches with Punk and Undertaker (and even Nash!), Triple H is still capable of having really good matches. And Triple H is also one of the only big names that Lesnar never faced back in his original run, so the match itself would be pretty fresh.

Of course, it's also possible that he may be coming back just to make some kind of announcement and will soon be gone again.
In all honesty, after the beating Lesnar gave Cena, Triple H (aside from Taker who won't be seen again until next February) is the only believable opponent for Lesnar. The match would be a big draw, and could keep Lesnar busy until Summerslam.
Triple H might be coming back to carry Raw in his place while he's gone.

This is exactly what i was thinking. Seems like HHH will be a Cena filler if he is taking a break. There is no better man to fill Cena's shoes than The Game. Really hoping Hunter appears every week now (if Cena is going away).

Punk could maybe carry Cena's absence, but there is still something about Punk that doesn't put him at Cena's level. HHH has been at Cena's level and it's a good move by the company having him come in to keep it entertaining.

Looking forward to Raw again anyway. WWE is getting better and better every week.
Triple H can play the "good/bad for business" card tomorrow night by saying Lesnar taking Cena out of commission is bad for business, thus starting a feud with Lesnar.

The only problem is Triple H made his phone call before Cena/Lesnar had their match. So that would eliminate this as his reason for showing up. They could spin it and say it was JL's fault for giving Lesnar all this power and bringing him back in the first place. Either way its going to be an interesting situation that plays out tonight. I know i would def be down for a Lesnar/Triple H feud.
Yeah, I didn't necessarily mean that the phone call was about what Lesnar did to Cena, but rather to discuss the leniency Johnny was giving Lesnar, and the effect that it ultimately had during the match with Cena. The refs and Cena paid the price for Johnny caving into Lesnar's demands.
I'm assuming he's coming back to have some sort of a showdown with Brock Lesnar. I doubt we see any physical contact between the two, but they could be laying the seeds down for a potential feud. I know Triple H probably shouldn't be in the ring so soon -- if at all -- after the "end of an era" match, but this seems like a VERY possible road for the WWE head down. Triple H vs Brock Lesnar is a money feud that will draw HUGE money for whatever PPV they would put it on, plus, it wouldn't hurt Triple H to lose to Lesnar, so he could very well be the first big victim to fall at Lesnar's feet.

That being said, I don't think that's what's going to happen. I'm assuming Triple H and Brock Lesnar will have a showdown, but Triple H won't be getting back into the ring just yet. Lesnar's run all over Raw, making insane demands to Laurinaitis, so Triple H may very well be coming to put him back in line. After all, it seems like a plausible scenario, since Lesnar lost yesterday, so he's really in no place to be making such demands anyway (storyline-wise). The timing of the call on the PPV might interfere with that, but it's easily justifiable.

Whatever the scenario, I'm confident Triple H will be involved with John Laurinaitis and Brock Lesnar tonight. What else would they want him to be involved with? The more star power they can add to the whole Lesnar situation the better, as Cena looks to be gone for the immediate future. Triple H can very easily shoulder the load that Cena's absence will leave for a couple of weeks. If that is the case, then tonight's (assumed) encounter won't be anything special, if not just a set-up for next week's Raw -- it only seems logical to have them follow this up. This certainly isn't a one-off appearance for Triple H.
Once I heard HHH was going to be on RAW I instantly thought it'll lead to a HHH feud. I really hope it leads to a Lesnar/HHH feud. But as much as most of us want to see it I dont it's going to happen. The "End of an Era" feud just ended, and is pretty fresh. I dont think they'd rush HHH back to job for Lesnar, and lastly I think Orton is next in line for a Lesnar feud. He may be on RAW to check JL on his performacance on RAW. I really hope I'm wrong, but we'll see.
Well the "feud" with HHH can simply start tonight. It doesn't mean we have to see it every week from tonight on out. If Brock comes out and destroys HHH this can be a storyline that they can drag out for months. Brock can "injure" HHH and put in in the hospital for a month or two and in the meantime he can assert his control over Laurenitis and WWE. Vince can be involved in this either being true heel and backing Brock or pretending to only to get Rock to face him at WM. But that's probably not going to happen seeing as how Vince seems to want to stay behind the scenes. Then after Brock has the real feud with HHH and assuming he wins he can move back to get his true revenge on Cena after he returns. After probably another month or two of that then he can move on to what is undoubtedly the WWE's endgame of either Brock vs Rock or Undertaker.

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