Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

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The thing about Martin, though, is that he doesn't have the look of a superstar. My opinion anyway. He can be as good as he wants, he looks like Tommy Dreamer 2.0. I don't see a big WWE future for that look.
That said, he was doing exceptionally well in this competition and was definitely a potential winner. It's a shame he went out due to injury.
I hope martin comes to the wwe even though he hasn't won tough enough! He out shone the rest of the group and I think he could be really great. I find luke boring.
I will be happy to see Alicia Fox's sister go Christina has as much tallent as her sister ZERO. Karma sucks she injured Ieve and laughed about it now she get hurt Karma what a biotch.

Martin leaving sucks he was the real threat to Luke. But I see it coming down to Luke and Jeremiah.

AJ and Andy screw up too often.

Andy almost took out Luke with that over the rope shot he could have broken his neck.

Can someone please explain to me why Bill was/is so high on Christina she giving him blow jobs in the back room or somethin? I just dont get it she is terrible. He blamed AJ for her injury yet it looked to me like she came off the turnbuckle wrong and AJ didnt know what to do. It looked more like an axe handle off the top rope rather than a cross body from what I saw.
Assuming that Christina is actually gone, I'm happy that none of those useless women are still here. They were all terrible and Christina was not the best one so it's a good thing she didn't win.

Luke has to win at this point. He's a cunt, but he's easily the best one left. It's a shame that Martin was hurt because he was easily the biggest challenger to Luke, but that's the nature of the business. People get hurt.

AJ and Andy are one in the same to me. Andy has the better look, but both are very bland when it comes to personality. They're both just okay in the ring, but neither are good enough to win it.

Jeremiah is decent and is probably the biggest challenger, but I really don't see him winning it either. He's just way too green right now and he doesn't really have the experience to knock off Luke.

I'll keep watching because I want to see how it all goes down from here, but it seems like a given that Luke will end up winning it all.
I forgot to make my weekly Tough Enough post, so I'll do it now.

I'm really pissed that Martin had to go. He seems really talented and hungry for the job. Hopefully, once the season has ended, we'll see him in FCW. Christina, I don't care about. I hate how Bill DeMott was blaming AJ for causing her (presumably show-ending) injury. She was the one who made the most talented female injured because she couldn't do a fucking leapfrog. She then injured herself by landing awkwardly. Because she isn't talented enough.

It sucks as he was the only real challenger to Luke who I still don't get. Like I said previously, if he's getting his character in early to draw some real heat before he's even started, then great. But if he's really that much of a dick, then I hate him. A lot. That whole bit with the Divas made me hate him more than I had previously. I despise people like that. People like Jeremiah, too. He basically has the same personality as Luke but without the talent.

That leaves Andy and AJ. I still like Andy. He's probably now my favourite in the competition. He has the look, the right attitude and seemingly the talent. When he does badly he blames himself. When Luke does badly, he still claims that he's the best there. I think he'll come up short though. He shouldn't but I think the trainers favour Luke and Jeremiah. And AJ is just AJ. He didn't seem to improve after being in the bottom three. He is definitely the next to go.
Luke is a bit of an asshole, and he hasn't improved at all since the start of the competition, I really had hoped Martin would win, but Injuries happen and I'm sure WWE will sign him up. As for my favourite now, its got to be jeremiah,he's unique hardworking and shows potential...and isn't an asshole like luke.. AJ and andy are pretty bland and Christina aint that great
Is it just me or is Tough Enough for the past 7 weeks now as been more entertaining then Raw??. I watched last nights raw and I can say the only thing that entertained me at all for the hole night was Alex Riley beating the shit out the miz, the rest of the night was crap. Now don't get me wrong I love Raw i have been watching it ever since 1996. But with the stale storylines and the nickeloden jokes,it just pisses me off big time now a days.

I don't know if it's because I haven't watched Tough Enough in years that I find it more entertaining or just maybe becuase it's a little bit unpredictable and thats why I find it more entertaining. But either way I think Tough Enough is far more entertaining then PG Raw.

Do you think Tough Enough is far more entertaining then Raw???

I would like some of your thoughts please Thank's
I did find Tough Enough entertaining but it really started to get stale on me.

Reasons for this is:
*Feeling the need to keep things equal. I couldn't buy the fact they were letting some of the 'divas' stay in there, despite posessing no skill, no charisma, literally nothing. Yet there were guys that were showing flashes of something that were getting kicked out before the girls. Became very obvious that WWE were making sure the teams were balanced, which then leads me to...

*Austin - It all started off fantastic in the first few episodes. Captivating stuff from Stone Cold, and really spoke from the heart. Trouble was, once it became clear it perhaps wasn't just Austin's opinions (see point above), it became a little more difficult to swallow.

*Lack of actual wrestling. Yeh, I know, it's "WWE" (no wrestling, zzzzzzz, heard it alot :) ), but c'mon. A fundamental part of being a 'Superstar' is surely to possess some form of in-ring ability? Some parts were embarrasing (see point 1). So instead, we had all these character building excercises. I tried to stick with it, but it just became so irrelivant eventually. Where's the promo practice? Where's the ideas for character development?

Overall Raw's been a bit of a rollercoaster. Seems very entertaining and captivating one week, then just going through the motions the next. Overall i've certainly ended up enjoying Raw more than T.E.

Is it just me or is Tough Enough for the past 7 weeks now as been more entertaining then Raw??.

Do you think Tough Enough is far more entertaining then Raw???

I would like some of your thoughts please Thank's

I love Tough Enough and cant wait each week to see what happens, what training they do... and indeed who stays...

Although Martin was my mark
For me it depends because sometimes raw is exciting especially when the rock is there and when something surprises me. While on tough enough you can say that you like it than raw this week because the rock is there. I can conclude that the rock bring ratings and entertainment. But imo tough enough is much more exciting to watch because its reality tv.
*Lack of actual wrestling. Yeh, I know, it's "WWE" (no wrestling, zzzzzzz, heard it alot :) ), but c'mon. A fundamental part of being a 'Superstar' is surely to possess some form of in-ring ability? Some parts were embarrasing (see point 1). So instead, we had all these character building excercises. I tried to stick with it, but it just became so irrelivant eventually. Where's the promo practice? Where's the ideas for character development?

Overall Raw's been a bit of a rollercoaster. Seems very entertaining and captivating one week, then just going through the motions the next. Overall i've certainly ended up enjoying Raw more than T.E.


Tough enough is a reality show. Yes I understand it is mainly wrestling fans who will watch this show, but tough enough is a 1 hour program and they try to do different things to make the show entertaining and find out about the different skills of the athletes.

Do you think that in that 1 hour they are going to show 100% wrestling, would that be entertaining? Seeing lock up, hip toss, arm drag etc over and over. NO it wouldnt. There is only a limited amount of what they do(did) in a week they can show.

Promos were done this week by the way!

I've found both entertaining but im going to choose Raw, as if it wasnt for Raw I wouldnt be watching Tough enough in the first place
Skid Marks was the life of the show , when he got booted off the show died imo

Shits boring & redundant now
I find Tough Enough more entertaining than Raw.

It is far more unpredictable.

I absolutely love Raw, i have since I was young, but it's turning into the same shit every week.

I'm bored with seeing Cena vs. Miz, Cena vs. Punk. it's time for a change. And the recent draft didn't provide enough change.

I find myself more excited to see the new Tough Enough rather than Raw each week.

While we're on the subject, I choose Luke to win the contest, he was my pick from the beginning, and I see the most potential in him.
I believe liking one more that the other depends on two things.

Whether you prefer the matches and storylines of RAW, or you prefer the training of Tough Enough. Both shows have something to offer, but it isn't the same thing. If you're feeling a lack of interest with the current storylines in WWE, odds are, you'll prefer TE. But, if you enjoy what the WWE is putting up, odds are, you'll prefer RAW.

Second, it depends on your interests. This meaning, if you are really into the fiction storylines put together in the WWE, you will surely enjoy the product much more than Tough Enough. On the other hand, if you're one who just likes to sit around and watch Reality TV from time to time, much like myself, watching Tough Enough will really be a well spent hour.

Personally, I both hate the current storylines in WWE, AND I prefer Reality TV at the time. So it's sort of a given that I look at TE as a well spent hour, and RAW as a well wasted hour.
I watch them both, the thing that really annoys me about Tough Enough is watching people bust a gut and work for it only to be told they're gone because clearly the producers say so!

The final 3 look realistic and I feel thats ok, but what happens when the winner gets to the WWE? NOTHING! They'll play a few matches, and disappear as usual! Thats why JOMO and MIZ will always be legends in that sector!
Do you think that in that 1 hour they are going to show 100% wrestling, would that be entertaining? Seeing lock up, hip toss, arm drag etc over and over. NO it wouldnt. There is only a limited amount of what they do(did) in a week they can show.

Promos were done this week by the way!
Never once said that, mate. That format wouldn't work at all, I totally agree. I just think the ratio could have been balanced out perhaps a little better, at least.

And thanks for telling me (that sounds really sarcastic - it isn't!) - I stopped watching a week or two back :)

Never once said that, mate. That format wouldn't work at all, I totally agree. I just think the ratio could have been balanced out perhaps a little better, at least.

And thanks for telling me (that sounds really sarcastic - it isn't!) - I stopped watching a week or two back :)


I see your point, I do find those life lessons pretty pointless - especially the cheer leading one lol.
well it is obvious that Tough Enough is more entertaining than RAW i live in U.K and i watch RAW since Forever but this last 2 weeks i watched just Tough Enough on the internet and after that well i sleepd during RAW because it was boooriinnggg
I love tough enough. For the past few Mondays I've been tuning into the USA network at 8 and usually change the channel when raw comes on. Although I enjoyed raw last night I still look forward to watching tough enough more. As some posters already stated it's alot more unpredictable and I don't really let the life lessons bother me.
The life lessons pointless?.... what the hell, do people just see it they are doing cheerleading or being a tour guide rather than what its suppose to represent. What chance do you have if you stand in front of 10,000 people cutting a promo if you can't do it in front of 20 people? Thats the point. I like the life lessons because each one is relevant to what is needed to be top. People bang on about wrestling, wrestling has never been the relevant point of WWE since Vince Jr took over. They learn the basics, can't do the basics then you have no chance. Once you have the basics covered you can learn from that, you know about timing, safety etc to start using more moves. On the flip side, if you can't keep your stamina up, concentration up and get the crowd going then you have no chance in WWE.

Raw on the other hand is stale because there is simply a lack of direction. Plans are changing and you can see that in the product. However whilst people have mentioned the Riley turn (which is likely his last appearance on Raw) the best bit about Raw was New Nexus actually becoming relevant again. With the tag team titles captured, it leaves Ryan and Punk to go for the IC and WWE title and in the process make Ryan a proper threat. However I'll give it a month before that messes up.
Tough enough is definitely doing better. Terrific host and trainers. Candidates could have been better but this is keeping interested every week while Raw is not.
I believe it's comparing apples to oranges. It's just different. I like them both and the last couple of Tough enough episodes have been pretty unique if anything. This past week saw the Rock come in and show them how to cut a promo and it was great. Also to see him roll around with the contestants was good as well. Andy kinda came off as a jackass when he was put in the bottom 3, but overall, I like the show. Everyone who is still there deserves to be and Im pretty sure Jerimiah is the next one out. Luke will probably win it all and Andy is a bit of a wildcard/darkhorse.
Man tough enough is banging right now. Andy's pissed off, Luke is hanging in there as the top dog, and Jeremiah is an MMA guy coming to the Wrestling world with no experience and making something of it. I really loved this past Monday's episode, even though I think Andy should have gone home. Him and Eric are/were the two biggest guys and in WWE that means a lot. He should've been firing into the training regimens with more momentum than anyone.

As for who will be the winner... I'm stuck on Luke and Jeremiah. Luke is the guy that has everything in him. He has the look, the charisma, and within time, his mic skills will be really good. As for Jeremiah, I like how he's becoming one of the top dogs too.

I do not think Andy should win at all, and honestly, AJ should've stayed on last night.
Luke to me seems a young HBK, Jeremiah seems like a mix of Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle but green as shit. Andy has a look that could be brought out with some training in FCW. he has his work face on and came to win, and his final 3 performance was THE best thing id seen on the show since it started. if he doesn't win he damn sure better be sent to FCW and get a mic skills lesson and get comfortable in front of people...... that's kind of important ya know.
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