Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

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Sucks that Ryan had to go. He had the one thing that no one else had and only the trainers thought was bad: Personality. Sure he was over the top but it's a part of wrestling to be a little over the top. Just look at Santino. Hell even Shawn Michaels went a bit wild with his sells just to make the match a little more lively. I just didn't like that one of the most important aspects of the business is the reason why he got the boot.

I'm definitely not saying that I thought he was gonna win it all but I was hoping for him to entertain me for a bit longer as he was pretty funny to watch (in a good way).

This week's TE wasn't as good as last week's, but it was still a solid hour of TV with more of an emphasis on the women. "Eevee" (Ivelisse) and Christina had an incident which left Eevee injured. Hopefully she can pull through and step up in her performance as right now I'm expecting her to be the next one out.

I predict next week's bottom three to be: Eevee (because of injury), Eric (for poor performance), and AJ (for inability to impress).
The top performers are currently: Martin, Luke, and Andy.
Sucks that Ryan had to go. He had the one thing that no one else had and only the trainers thought was bad: Personality. Sure he was over the top but it's a part of wrestling to be a little over the top. Just look at Santino. Hell even Shawn Michaels went a bit wild with his sells just to make the match a little more lively. I just didn't like that one of the most important aspects of the business is the reason why he got the boot.

I'm definitely not saying that I thought he was gonna win it all but I was hoping for him to entertain me for a bit longer as he was pretty funny to watch (in a good way).

This week's TE wasn't as good as last week's, but it was still a solid hour of TV with more of an emphasis on the women. "Eevee" (Ivelisse) and Christina had an incident which left Eevee injured. Hopefully she can pull through and step up in her performance as right now I'm expecting her to be the next one out.

I predict next week's bottom three to be: Eevee (because of injury), Eric (for poor performance), and AJ (for inability to impress).
The top performers are currently: Martin, Luke, and Andy.

I lost you when you compared ryan to shawn michaels.... Seriously?!?!?!? Ryan failed over and over again on similar tasks enough to piss the trainers off... If they mentioned that his sells were over the top and hokey (and they really really were....) and he didnt change it, and kept being in the bottom 3 he deserved to be kicked to the curb.. I'm going to ignore the michaels comment because that's just idiotic, and concentrate on the santino comparison... The difference between those two is that santino CAN pull off a legit "bad ass" persona (check his FCW promo's etc...).. He plays the comic relief now sure, but it's only because he's told to.... He also pulls it off so that you chuckle from it... However if you're a wrestler on a show where there are no "personas" in the ring, and there are no scripts, making yourself look that hokey is not the way you want to present yourself...

I will agree with pretty much everything else you stated however on the top performers being Martin Luke and Andy... I will say however that my personal prediction for next week's bottom 3 is a surprise... I think that Ivelisse will be eliminated prior to the actual elimination (or she'll be gone regardless..).. If she's eliminated prior, the bottom 3 will be Eric, AJ and Martin (who i'm guessing will have a bad week, or let something get to his head..)

In the end both Eric and Ivelisse whill be gone this week (well Ivelisse will be gone if she's not overly injured..)

I do think both Andy and Luke (even though Luke's a douchebag, at least that's the way he's portrayed) have a future in the WWE.. Martin might, but he doesn't strike me as being able to connect with the audience... I don't know who ultimately will win, but I think its one of those 2
I've enjoyed Tough Enough, it's had a different feel to it and I think the trainers & Stone Cold have done an excellent job.

Sending Ryan home last night was the right choice. I'm just not really seeing what some other people see in the guy. A big problem he has is that he's just too damn nice. He came across like a total puss about 95% of the time. The only time I really saw him kick it up into high gear as a couple of weeks ago when Stone Cold had him and Mickael square off in a little promo challenge. He kicked it up then and let some of his real passion show through but he hasn't done that the rest of the time.

Luke strikes me as a guy that, like Austin said, thinks his shit doesn't stink. I think that Luke's problem is that he walked into Tough Enough already thinking he was King Shit of Turd Mountain. I think he views himself head & shoulders above everyone else, and has since the show started, and just expected Austin & the trainers to be overcome with awe at the guy's talent. I think he has a lot of potential but isn't nearly as good as he already believes himself to be. He also strikes me as the kind of guy that's gonna blame everyone else for his own shortcomings and problems. For instance, if he screws up, he strikes me as the type that will try and put the blame onto someone else, anyone else for that matter, with the exception of himself.

As for the two women left on the show, send 'em packing. They both act like they're scared to death when they're inside the ring.
Yeah, I am really enjoying the show. There isn't too much drama, which I was generally concerned with and I think the trainers and Austin are doing a fantastic job. I have enjoyed when Austin has had some one one one time with some of the competitors. You can really see how much he cares about the business and seems to genuinely want these kids to succeed.

I echo Jack-Hammer's thoughts on Luke. You knew he was in the bottom three more as a wake-up call and to see how he would react (and he didn't take it well). Thing that pissed me off was when he complained that the judges graded on a scale. Speaks to Hammer's point about always blaming someone else. You have a team-work themed week and he doesn't work well, even in the ring, with the other people. It is all about making himself look good. On the other hand you have Martin, who in my mind has surpassed Luke, going out there and trying to help where he can (even during the obstacle course). We all know that as important as it is to be good, it is just as important to make your oponent look good, and I don't think Luke does that. Martin came in looking to improve. Luke thinks he is good enough already.
Another good episode...Austin was absolutely priceless when confronting Luke. I will miss Bill Demott 'bullying' Skidmark but he never really looked as a potential star.
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I watched the aftershow with Candice & Torrie & Lillian. Lillian was on the phone and t&c asked her about if Lillian asked the superstars & divas about the TE contestants. She asked Eve & she said that Luke was just arrogant.

Well if this is actually true, expect him to be gone next week in the double elimination b'cos I don't really see the winner of this competition being someone who isn't liked backstage.
it seems like they are trying not to expose andy. He was obviously the worst in basketball (the coach pointed that out), his in ring stuff looks awkward, on the obstacle course he was being passed by jacob and all they seem to focus on is that goofy laugh or grin (has anyone noticed this in both last and this episode)? What do you guys see that makes him stand out in a positive way to you?

Eric has a good look and to me seems to be the best to invest in ONLY IF I HAD TO PICK ONE, lol. If I didn't have to pick one I wouldn't, sorry to say.

Luke is nothing special in the ring, scrawny.

Martin would be my second choice, if I had to choose two, lol. If Martin had a more imposing look he would be my first choice.

Also, I'm sure booker and stone cold could do these obstacle courses (booker no doubt would ace them, but Demott would be on his knees within seconds, lol. In ring, however, Demot is real good. I'm sure he's getting in shape for the second season.
What does 'Skidmark' mean? I'm guessing Bill is basically calling Ryan a piece of s**t?

And what happened between Skidmark and Booker T? I must had miss the part where Skidmark did something that pissed Booker T off.
What does 'Skidmark' mean? I'm guessing Bill is basically calling Ryan a piece of s**t?

And what happened between Skidmark and Booker T? I must had miss the part where Skidmark did something that pissed Booker T off.

Booker T is pissed off because when he is talking Ryan didn't give him any respect.
It was once again a great show. Not only did the right man get sent home, the right bottom three was selected. Ryan was useless. He has been throughout the season. There was that promo bit against Mickael the other week, but that's about it. Christina is nothing special - but she appears to be better than her sister, Alicia Fox. And finally, Luke. I still don't know what to make of him. Reality television edits things so much that it's rare that you'll ever see someone in "reality". There are two approaches you can take with him. One, he's kayfabe-ing it up to make better television and build his character organically. Or, he's a douchebag.

Apart from the eliminations, the show was still good. The basketball thing was entertaining (especially Booker T's words of wisdom from the sidelines). Martin has continued to impress me (as has Andy, who is rapidly becoming my favourite). I'd love Martin to win because he's talented and passionate. But I don't think he could completely cut it in WWE. Not in the same way Andy could.

What happened with Book and Skidmark was Book was taling and he was stretching and rolling his eyes while Book was trying to teach them somthing. You Dont do that Ever to someone who has been doing a job longer than you and has high accolades in that job. He showed Book Zero respect and so Book got pissed who can blame him.
After the double elimination this past Monday I have to believe Luke and Jeremiah are looking the toughest. Jeremiah is green as can be but he gives it his all. Who do you guys see going home next? For me, I would say either Andy or AJ are on the chopping block. They are the two that blend in the background the most.
After the double elimination this past Monday I have to believe Luke and Jeremiah are looking the toughest. Jeremiah is green as can be but he gives it his all. Who do you guys see going home next? For me, I would say either Andy or AJ are on the chopping block. They are the two that blend in the background the most.

I think they like Andy probably because of his look. AJ will go next week I reckon.

Luke I think if he's as arrogant as he acts would just be destroyed backstage. I'm sure he's smart enough to be quiet around folk like Hunter and Orton but you could see him pissing off some of the lower card talent. Would love to see someone like Regal actually get his hands on him. He'd quickly be knocked down a peg or two I'm sure.
Who was that piece of shit asshole that went home a few weeks ago when he had a promo faceoff with Ryan? He was bald and thought he was tough shit and hated Ryan. I'm glad that douchebag went home. He would of caused trouble backstage for sure!

Luke is good but I don't know about his attitude. He does have the looks though.
Who was that piece of shit asshole that went home a few weeks ago when he had a promo faceoff with Ryan? He was bald and thought he was tough shit and hated Ryan. I'm glad that douchebag went home. He would of caused trouble backstage for sure!

Luke is good but I don't know about his attitude. He does have the looks though.

Michael although he spelt it funny. Didn't like him at all. Liked to talk but had fuck all to back it up with.

Luke's without a shadow of a doubt good and his attitude would even be okay if he had a reason to be that arrogant, by okay I mean people wouldn't question it, but at the moment he's on a reality TV show not Wrestlemania. Does he seriously think he'll walk into the WWE and be top dog? I bet folk that come through shows like TE get hazed to shit.
Man I love it when I'm right. I predicted that the bottom 3 would be AJ, Eevee, and Eric and whaddaya know I called it.

I personally think that it was the right elimination at the right time. But personally if I had the ability I would have eliminated all three of them.

The Top Three: Luke-He definitely looked as if he's starting to reignite himself again and fight to be the top guy in the group.

Martin-Currently he's the group's ring general. Though he kinda underperformed this week, I think he'll be able to continue impressing the trainers.

Jeremiah-I've liked this guy from day one. I like that he's always willing to push himself even higher. A guy like that who can be trained but is also willing to go one step further should be a good thing in the eyes of the trainers.

On The Rise: Andy-I don't wanna sound exactly like Trish, but it's true. Andy has got some fire in him and though he didn't get far in the skills challenge, he has slowly but surely started to make some heads turn. That being said he is not completely safe from elimination and unless something big happens this week he might make it in the bottom 3.

My Bottom Three: AJ (again for inability to impress), Christina (as much good she did this week, she's got a long way to go), Andy (for the same reason as Christina)

Who's Going: AJ
I actually wasn't too happy with the eliminations this week. They take it waaay too easy on the girls and it irks the hell out of me that Eric went before Christina. Eric is doing what he's supposed to. He's not a fucking 230lb guy who floats all over the ring and shows off his amazing cardio, he's a fucking massive guy who did what he's supposed to. Christina is solely responsible for an injury, meaning she's dangerous in the ring. Eric did everything he was supposed to in the ring, he just had trouble balancing on the top rope for a while, climbing through a ridiculous rope course, and running for a long ass time. But when it came to the actual ring work, he did just as well as anyone. What reason do they have for keeping her and dropping Eric? Christina fucks up everything she does. Everything? Everything.

They're treating the girl with a different set of criteria and it's bullshit if they don't do the same for others. They're different weight classes in wrestling and it shouldn't just be divided by sexual orientation.
Pretty good episode this past Monday. Jeremiah had another good week. The fact that he has no real experience in wrestling but knows as much as he does and is willing to do whatever it takes without fear or hesitation is impressive in my opinion. I was also surprised to see him be the one that was able to stay perched on the top turnbuckle the longest. He seems to be just an all around great athlete.

I'm not really sold on Luke overall. I think he actually did step it up a couple of notches this week though. Maybe being in the bottom three woke him up and let him know that just because he thinks he's King Shit means nothing as it's the trainers he has to impress.

As far as the bottom three goes, I've got no real complaints. AJ has the same trouble as Matt did as he just hasn't done anything to impress anyone. If you're not even going to try and stand out from the crowd, then why even bother showing up? Ive showed some guts and determination in my opinion working through her injury, but she's just been struggling week in and week out. Her body just wasn't able to stand up to the pounding. As far as Eric goes, he's the only contestant that's failed to show any degree of improvement. His conditioning hasn't improved in the least. Hell, he didn't even bother to show up in shape. He's slow, clumsy and just generally unathletic overall. He strikes me as a guy that thought his look & size would be enough to carry him through. He has a good look but not much of anything else, including athletic ability. I think Bill DeMott's comment about Eric when he said in a perfect world, Eric wouldn't have to go to the top rope sort of summed things up a little. Even if Eric eventually gets into the WWE and never goes to the top rope, Tough Enough is about showing up and being ready and able to do what the trainers want you to do and Eric simply didn't do that. It's a wonder that he managed to last as long as he did.
I'm really glad they cut 2 people this week. A couple weeks ago, it was obvious the final 4 would be Luke, Martin, Jeremiah and Andy. The quicker we get there, the better.

It looks like Christina injures Luke in next weeks preview. If that's the case, she has to go. No way can they let her stick around. She is not as athletic or coordinated as she thinks she is.

AJ is gonna suffer the same fate as Matt. Unable to impress. On a reality show, if you have no personality, you won't last long.

As far as the rest of the series, I think it's fixed if Luke doesn't win. Martin finishes second. Jeremiah won't win because, as they keep saying, he's too green. He can probably make it eventually though. Andy has size and power and desire, but he's not good enough to win.
I was rooting for Luke for the first several weeks. He's handsome and has charisma, which goes a long way in this business, and he's shown flashes of talent in the ring. The longer the show goes on, though, the more I find that I absolutely cannot stand the guy. He's so God damned full of himself that it grates on me and I'm rooting for him to lose. Austin putting him in his place was REALLY nice to see, and while he should have benefited from that, his comments afterward and the following week prove that he hasn't. There's so much going for him, but he is NOT going to be able to function backstage for five minutes without someone kicking his ass.

I'm pulling for Andy at this point. He could be good as a big dude. He's not the best of the four standouts, but I like his work ethic. When everyone else was partying and getting drunk, he stated that he has been committed to being sober and showing up to work. The diner episode where half of the group came in hungover made me shake my head. Granted I'm edge, but if I wasn't and I was in a competition that could have an impact on the rest of my life, you bet your ass I wouldn't be there to party. That made an impression on me during the first week, and by the time that episode came around, I was even more impressed.
Is it just me or does aj look like chris Sabin?

I think luke has the most potential but he's too arogant
I think he'd function in a locker room after a while though .
My top 3 would be

3rd place : Martin
2nd place: jeriamiah
1st place: luke
Hopefully he doesn't get over looked and ends up like daniel puder :)
It apears to me that Alicia Fox's little sister injures Luke as a previous poster states so badly that he has a fewaking cast on and that means he is done. I wonder if that is how she plans on winning injuring the other competitors she needs to get gone.

I coulsnt tell who the other injury was in the preview but it looked brutal its either Jerimiah or Martin tho from the looks of it. Looks like Andy was the tosser.

Either way two of the top four look to be out thanks to stupidity this is not good.

That little Bill called her...pretty bird Pretty bird needs to be thrown out on her ass. Hell her big sister is infamous for hurting other divas in the ring seems like little sis is no damn diffrent...first Evie who was SOOO much better than her now Luke...WTF.
Wow, quite the dramatic episode. Martin out, Ariane possibly, too. And the only reason AJ is still there is because everyone is dropping like flies.

I liked the preview they showed of the Rock coming next week. "I'll slap your teeth so far down your throat you'll stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush 'em!" :lmao:
The one thing I hated about this week's episode was how much they were singing the praises of Christina as if she deserved to be there, erm, isn't the reason she is there because she injured Ive who put more effort into what she did even with an injury? Great job there. Seriously, Christina was annoying me for a while but she reached her peak this week and to be honest, I think it's only karma she leaves on an injury that I feel she fucked up more than AJ (both are as bad as each other), but she made the leap and paid for it.

That being said, it sucks for Martin, he was the one guy who proved he was tough enough and was really destined to be a winner, it's a shame that the injury happened to him but I give him major kudos and I expect to see him working for FCW once healed, a real touching moment between him and Austin for certain when he said he wouldn't take the belt because he was tough enough.

AJ is destined to go next, there's no beating around it, he's gone next week. As for who will win, I really don't want Luke to do so, I know he's playing up this heel character during this show, but he's more annoying than anything and he's the last guy I want to see in a WWE ring but with Martin gone, unless Andy and Jeremiah up their game fast, it's Luke's to lose.
What a rough episode. Martin was my favorite contestant, and my pick to win. But I definitely think he gained points with the passion and heart he showed and he clearly has the respect of SCSA. And at least he can come into the WWE as Martin now, instead of the "Tough Enough winner" tag that has never helped anyone.

Sucks for Christina, too. It seemed like she was really starting to find her groove. But I'm sure we'll see her in the WWE someday as well. I was half expecting Austin to say "No bottom three tonight, you're gone AJ." He's clearly gone next, assuming nobody else gets hurt. Then it's likely Jeremiah next(I'm a huge fan of his, and he might have the most potential of anyone on the show, but he's just so green at this point) to set up the final between Luke and Andy. And if Andy keeps improving like he has been, he just might pull off the upset.
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