Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

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rima is there for ratings or some shit. I don't get it. I think it's rigged and I'm starting to hate the show.

I'm okay with Matt getting sent home, because he doesn't have a WWE skillset.

Think of it like this, if you can play fundamental defense and shoot well, you're going to be a good college basketball player, doesn't mean you'll be great in the NBA. WWE is a whole different animal.

Yea, I like the guy and wish he made it. This show seems fake as hell. Miss America cheats and shows up late?
With that said, Stone Cold did make a good point. Matt Cross has been wrestling for 9 years. Why has he not made it to the big leagues yet? If he was on Tough Enough, it's certainly not because he doesn't want to be in the WWE. So why has he been wrestling this long and not gotten so much as a tryout? (Of course, I could be wrong. I don't follow Ring of Honor so I had never heard of Matt Cross before Tough Enough.)

Matt Cross has been on WWE TV before...even as Matt Cross.

July 15, 2010--WWE Superstars: The Gate Crashers (Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins) defeated Matt Cross & Jamen Canseco..

And if you watch that video Matt Striker hypes him up a little bit. I wouldnt really call him a RoH wrestler he's more of a CZW guy although me he is tough to classify he has been in mostly Hardcore Companys and he was on The HULKAMANIA Tour a lot wrestling Shannon Moore.

Matt Cross is a fairly new name as he broke through as M-Dogg20 and even appeared in ICP's BackYard Wrestling Game under that name. He is just one of those wrestlers that is a household certain houses...who enjoy that type of wrestling style.

But move wise...I say he is no different than SinCara or Evan Bourne...hey Kofi Kingston even started doing Matt Cross's fake out move/dive. Matt Cross is a Flippy Guy.
I've gotta say, I've been impressed with Tough Enough. Throughout the entire show last night I was entertained in some way. I'm totally wondering how much crap they're gonna throw at Miss USA before they dump her. She's been owned by Bill Demott, mauled by animals Kevin Kelly would call "a trained pack of wild dogs"...I mean what's next?

I'm a big fan of Luke and Jerimiah early on. Luke shows a lot of charisma and has definitely shown that he's the most in shape guy there. Not only that, he looks more hungry to win this competition than anyone else. Jerimiah is just fun to watch him do anything. He's just awesome. After seeing him step up from the day he was about to get eliminated, Eric is also growing on me. The stuff with the dogs showed he's starting to have some fun now. On the girls' side, let me first make one thing clear. Unless one guy and one girl is gonna win, none of the girls will win this competition. That being said, I definitely hope Rima shapes up to be someone good. I know she won't win, but I'm really wanting to see her develop. If she is interested in the business, I want to see how far she is willing to go. Ivelisse is also someone I'm interested in seeing go far. There hasn't been much shown of her, but what I have seen I've liked. Finally, I'm wondering what Michelle is capable of. She did much better this week so I'd like to see her be the threat to all the other girls in the competition.

There are definitely one person I really wanna see go real soon. Skidmarks. Jeez if you thought Jacob Novak was scripted, take a look at that guy. A total puss outside of the ring and a goof as DeMott said in the ring. I was really hoping that he would be eliminated this week. Speaking of which...

Seeing Matt leave was kinda sad, but then again it puts everyone on an even playing field. Matt was the most experienced person there and he couldn't put forth a good effort when given the chance. Now that he's eliminated, the field is down to more equal experience save for maybe Michelle and Jerimiah with his MMA experience. Plus the shock value was in full form as I fully expected Ryan to be gone with that BS he was saying the whole time.

Overall, I'm very excited to see how Tough Enough shapes up over the rest of this season and it's my intention to finish the whole season up. TE is one to watch IMO.
Ive not really watched Tough Enough ep to ep before this reason because im from the UK, but I was dissapointed by Matt's sending home...

Trish gave him an opportunity out of expectation of what she had heard, he was rewarded with the chance not TESTED! because he didnt make the most of it, does that mean he didnt do well for every other challenge he faced? What a load of crap tbh...

One things for sure, the shows set up! Its clear that the clips are selected, if it was an actual entertainment, they wouldnt class it as a reality show. People like Rina annoy me, I understand why shes there, but feel the limelight on her makes it seem that any old idiot can make it into a business such as the WWE!
do you guys realize they only showed the clips that Luke was calling spots. If you have seen Matt wrestle before you can tell. it was 3 minute exhibition clipped into like 25 secs. and everyone is scripted to say Matt dropped the ball. the WWE wasn't even happy he was apart of it in the first place because of he was a well know Indy talent. and as far at Austins little speach about not waiting for his moment, he was was a Hollywood blond for many years
I haven't seen much of the show, but I did see the majority of Episode 2. Just like the WWE itself, the whole thing is scripted. How the hell is Rima still in this and someone like Matt gets eliminated early? I think most of them (the exception is Mickael) most likely don't want to be there, and for the sake of the show and Stone Cold, they better weed out the unworthy.
I wasn't planning on watching this show but the Easter holidays can get boring. So I watched both episodes. But not in the right order. 'Cause that's how I roll.

I can honestly say that I loved this show. I know it's as real as other 'reality' shows but that doesn't take away the fact that it's entertaining. Stone Cold and Bill DeMott are hilarious, Trish is really hot and Booker T is, well, Booker T. I'm hoping it's Stone Cold actually making the decisions but I'm sure it's not. Which is a shame because with him, someone who loves wrestling may win. If it's not, we may see someone who "wants a challenge" win.

Well, that's the trainers analysed in extreme depth, what about the contestants? Well, the women sucked (who'd have thought it?). I'm not one to get into the whole "women wrestlers are awful", but in this case they were really bad. I'm still getting over the whole "Melina vs. Alicia Fox" thing. Out of the guys, that Luke fellow seems like an early frontrunner. I also quite like the 23 year-old. He reminds me of Vance Archer. But the problem with all of the contestants is the lack of 'the look'. It's difficult to tell them apart.They all just seem normal.

In summary, I did like the show. I thought it was fantastic, actually. But as much as I liked it, all I could think throughout the show was "how much better would this be if Austin Aries made the cut".
The numbers for the second episode are out. Last night's episode of Tough Enough drew a 1.81 rating with 2.8 million viewers. That's a big drop from last week's 2.51 rating and 3.3 million viewers.

However, I don't think that the WWE or USA will be shittin' bricks over this. The debut episode last week, after all, aired immediately following the first Raw after WrestleMania and that's always a hot show. Also, the debut episode of TE drew well beyond what it was expected to do. It's been moved to the 8 pm timeslot before Raw now and, if I had to guess, these numbers are probably very much in line with what the suits were expecting. Tough Enough isn't a "traditional" wrestling show after all so I'm not really surprised to see it drawing so far below Raw. On the whole, however, it's not too far below SmackDown!.
The southern MMA guy with the false teeth seems to have the right mentality for this competition so he probably won't make it. I just hope they eliminate that guy from Jersey. Not because he's a sexist, that's awesome, but because he wears his hat with the brim at an angle. He's a shitty tribal tattoo and a tight Affliction t-shirt away from being a full fledged douche-bag.
I honestly think there's a way to watch this show. You can't watch it like "this guy is good and deserves it" or "she's a cunt who doesn't love wrestling". You have to check your brain at the door. This show is like a michael bay movie. Just enjoy the "feuding" and Austin/DeMott stuff.
Second episode was entertaining, am enjoying the show. I am surprised Matt was the one to go...then again I only think he is talented because I`m told he is talented. I try not to take the show too seriously and i am entertained. Look forward to next week.
rima is there for ratings or some shit. I don't get it. I think it's rigged and I'm starting to hate the show.

Finally someone pointed this out, Im like shes no diffent form the first girl they elmitated same amount of talent. She was clearly cheating and they let it go. If she wasnt MISS.USA she wouldn't even make it on to the show.

Bottom line Rima Destorys all credibilty to the show, they all clap and cheer when she try's its like an insult to all those that were not selected to be on the show. I mean :wtf: REALLY!?!? she was selected?
I like the show, I think its really entertaining. Austin is perfect for it. Its a little difficult with the eliminations because of various amount of experience the contestants have. You got to think they are also making projections with what some of the contestants can become.

Matt was boring as hell, he has a bland personality. I kind of agree with Austin you would think he would of done more to stand out.
I have been meaning to post here since the debut.

I know Ryan Howe personally, we worked together as servers at a crappy mexican restaurant in Northwest Indiana. He is a stand up and determined guy, I have seen him wrestle in the Indys and have seen him perform. The guy bleeds natural charisma. I am pushing for him to win even though he hasnt looked so good a few times.

Clearly Tough Enough is looking for a superstar and not just a good wrestler. Which is why M-Dogg got the boot, but the fact that they(and I know it was a separate company that casted) passed up on the likes of Joey Ryan and Austin Aries(who both reportedly tried out) proves that they are really trying to breed someone new
I just finished watching episode 3..I didn't care too much for Ryan "Skidmarks" Howe until his promo tonight.... He absolutely tore the shit up. I'm super excited to see the show in the coming weeks, and am personally waiting to see DeMott beat the shit outta lil miss USA!
After watching the 2nd and 3rd episodes which were both pretty entertaining, I have to say that I'm quite disappointed with the eliminations. Not that either of the guys were good, but it irks me that 2 guys in a row have been cut when all of the females are absolutely terrible. Michelle quit, which is good since she was terrible. But as fucking annoying as Mickael is, that Rima chick is 10x worse and she desperately needs to go.

The key to this show being any good in my opinion will come down to the end. If a woman wins, it's a bust. If someone like Luke, Eric, or Donny Osmond wins, it could actually make for interesting things in the WWE.
Ryan is articulate and I think if he improves his ability he's a shoe in. This whole thing about him almost getting cut is a ploy or a motivator. The rest of the bunch just come off as stupid, this guy has emotion and I can see him being a good heel. He almost looks like a young HHH. I'm pulling for him, don't care for the rest of them and Rima is just for ratings.
Mickael (sp) deserved to go imo, the arrogance was to much, nothing wrong with being arrogant, but to pack away someone elses bed because you thought they werent coming back? Naaaaa bruv!

Cant still understand why Rima is getting the easy road...
I must be insane because I see nothing wrong with Rima being there, and other than Michelle and the chick who went home the first episode, she's been the only female highlighted. Christina and Ivelisse have yet to get any talk time because it's all guys... and I honestly believe that it could be Christina who makes it because when they do the cut scenes to show them training in the ring, Christina is always doing great.

As for this episode, I'm glad that Mickael dude was kicked off. The dude had absolutely no personality. He talked shit about everyone in the house, but unlike everyone in the house, he's been shit in the ring. Even Rima is trying to do something.

The star of this episode, in my opinion, was Eric. The guy's been getting some step aside time with the big stars so I can also see him getting a developmental deal if he doesn't win. Because remember, as Miz has proven, you don't need to WIN tough enough to be great.

A little side note, seeing Stacie Keibler on a WWE Program along with Trish was a nice twist, but I had to stop myself from calling "bullshit" when her and Trish said Stacie was worth something in the ring.
Has anyone else realized how about only half of the participants have actually been highlighted? Christina, Ivelisse, Martin (until last night), Andy or AJ haven't really been highlighted that much.

I do think Rima is improving but they make it quite obvious that they are going easy on her just because she's Miss USA. She is definitely improving but it doesn't make much sense for her to stay when guy's like Matt Cross are going home.

What I also noticed is that Michelle isn't listed as eliminated on the Tough Enough website even though she left. I wonder if she's coming back....
Yea, im very happy too that Michael guy went. He was a total a**hole and nothing to show for it other than a big mouth. He got what he deserved because he had no talent. I used to hate the guy Luke, but looks to me that he is the front runner to win the competition now. Have been very impressed with him, has the look, in ring potential and appears he might have wot it takes on the mic too.

But take nothing for granted, someone may surprise us all of a sudden.
To be honest, I've also been disappointed with the eliminations. They've consistently eliminated the most entertaining characters twice in a row now, and it's beginning to irk me. The thing is, no one actually watches it be enjoy wrestling. You could watch backyard wrestling with more finesse. What we watch it for is to see cameo's of wrestlers breaking kayfabe and to get in-house drama.

By eliminating Mikael, they pretty much took away 50% of my viewing pleasure. They had a very nice bit of tension between Mikael and Skidmark bubbling over, and they cut him. Their rivalry alone made the show worth watching. So what if Mikael can't hang with the others? None of them are actually going to be main-eventing Wrestlemania. In fact, none of them look close to being worthy of being hired. So why couldn't you just keep the feisty ones?

There are 3 other guys in the house that no one even remembers, and yet they cut the interesting one. I still shake my head.
Mickael was a classless no-name loser and Ryan completely destroyed him on that promo. I'm glad he went home. It's one thing to have an arrogant character but actually was a piece of trash and it's good he got sent packing.

Don't worry about Rima folks, her time will come.

So far I think Luke is the best person, and the person I would hire if I had my own promotion.

Just saw the ad on TV right now as I edit this. Bret Hart is on next week!
Cool show this week. The right people went. Michelle clearly didn't want it enough (saves her from being eliminated, I guess) and Mickael was a dick. He also made absolutely no impression on me. His shitty hat made more of an impression on me.

Ryan impressed me in the final three, to the point where I'm willing to take him seriously again. He absolutely destroyed Mickael in the promo bit. As for Rima, I don't really mind her to be honest. She apparently likes wrestling, she seems to be passionate about the competition and she can talk too. All she needs is the a good deal of training.

It's a shame they haven't focussed on others yet. They touched on Martin when he did well in that competition. But I'd like them to focus on Andy a bit more. He has a good look and the right attitude.

All in all, a good show. But I'd like some of the other contestants to be shown more.
Yep another cool episode, there are really nailing this.
So Mickael guy was eliminated, why wouldn`t he. For one he was a way over the top character...I know sometimes you have be a jerk to succeed but he completely misunderstood that. Sucked at the tests he had to face and got completely owned in that promo with Ryan. As for Rima, I thought she was completely out of place in the first episode but can`t say I mind her how...she is an entertaining character to have on the show and despite her lack of technique (which apparently will be addressed), she certainly puts in the effort. Of course she is miss USA, network consider it to be good promotion to keep her etc... but she is no where as bad as some try to make her look like.
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