Total Nonstop Hogan... Again

1. I never said Hogan didn't put people over in the 80's and 90's. He did... when he was with Vince and the WWF. He also put people over when he returned to the WWF in 2002. WCW? Never. He put no one over. From time to time he made it look as though he was putting someone over, but always quickly returned the favor. Hogan could've helped get several guys far more over (Sting, Goldberg, Bret Hart), but he's an egomaniac, and didn't give a shit.

2. No, I don't want Matt Morgan to pin Hogan. I don't want anyone in TNA to pin Hogan. It's no longer necessary, and it wouldn't do any of them any good at this point.

3. Here's the bottom line - when Hogan's calling the shots, Hogan's getting Hogan over. There really isn't much evidence to the contrary.

I agree. But why is this a bad thing? Is Hogan a ******? Is this Hogan's first year in the business?

Fact is - Hogan probably knows more about wrestling than most people in management position these days, he's never talked about it. If it wasn't for Hogan, Bobby Roode would still be a cookie cutter boring-ass babyface. Who knows what else he contributed to.

Has there been a point where he abused his creative control? Absolutely. But that was during a time when Hogan could compete and let's face it - draw.

Now the guy gets 2 extra minutes of TV time in an ACTUALLY good segment and everyone loses their shit.

Hogan calling his own shots is fine by anyone but the IWC apparently. As if TNA will implode. I'm more afraid of the shots Dixie Carter calls than the shots Hogan does, to be perfectly honest. I'll trust him over her any day.
Hey Cena Boy, Hulk Hogan, whether you like it or not, is the most recognizable face in the history of wrestling. You can call him old and cripple all you want but he draws a reaction each and everytime he comes to the ring or is in a segment backstage. People want to see him He's the GM of Impact Wrestling. He's supposed to be in alot of segments. Just like on your Raw when they have any GM on. They get just as much time as Hogan does. It's just the IWC being the assholes they are. Just stay on your WWE board child

The ratings have never been lower with Hogan on tv, he doesn't help them at all. Meanwhile he keep putting his damn daughter on televison. Hey her singing career failed, he had to give her work, right? :banghead:

What makes me mad the most is that with everything centered around him(and Sting when he's there) it kills the push of everybody. Why does it have to be him and Sting to fight Aces and 8s? Hell even Angle is there, but he's a mere victim, really. Why not instead of AJ being in these perpetual soap operas with Daniels and Kaz, why not have a homegrown like AJ say "alright I have enough, i'm wagging war on Aces and 8s right now!". With him becoming the leader in the war? James Storm could do this too. Hell, talking about Aces and 8s, Matt Morgan could have made a great leader for them since he hated TNA, but no he had to come back as someone who does things to punish Hogan, like he's his betrayed lover. So just by his mere presence, Hogan prevented a storyline to shine and be good. Like he was doing in WCW by the tail end. 2012 started so well but ended so crappy because of Hulk.
I was just thinking about Hogan today and his effect on TNA. I know he brings name value, but Hogan as GM just does not seem to be the right match.

I'm not making a case for or against Hogan, but as GM he just really doesn't sit right with me. With a gun to my head, I'd have to say TNA would be better off with out him.

Funnily, I've been thinking lately about what WWE has over TNA. One thing is history. WWE has talent that they made famous. TNA's history is made up of Sting, Angle, Christian... guys who've already succeeded in other places. They would of been better off having their guys destroy those names then having them build the company.

I'm not sure how I was going to tie this in, but WWE has guys like Roddy Piper who they bring in at any time along with hundreds of other talent from their past. If TNA were going to capitalize on Hogan, I'd say either make him a commentator ( probably impossible) or give him a show (likes Piper's Pit) or some sort of innovative idea.

Hogan doesn't have much history in TNA, but using him as GM just isn't beneficial and if he can't wrestle and is going to be around, he needs a new gig.

I might be thinking too big here, but I would consider giving Hulk his own show on the Spike network. Like a late night talk show and if he's making 1-2 million a year already, he's already being paid for doing such. On the show, he can do funny skits and have d,c,b celebrities that he interviews as well as MMA/bellator stars and sprinkle in TNA stars here and there.

Would you not watch Hulk Hogan's late show (11:30 EST on Spike) with Washington Red skins back up QB Kirk Cousins and TNA World Champ Jeff Hardy (who'd be there to promote Lockdown?)

The show would start small, but because of Hogan's name power I feel you could easily attain lesser known actors and the show could also be used to promote TNA as well as Bellator.

Like I said, this is probably thinking too much out of the box, but I think Hogan could be doing so much more not just for TNA, but also Spike. The GM thing is just a waste of time and him just showing up places ain't drawing moth balls these days.
in the past few months on impact it does seem that he bes in the ring or on screen every ten minutes.even though the angle he is in now could be entertaining but they seem to be draging it out long it seem to be the same thing with the angle every week .

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