*MERGED*(OFFICIAL)Total Nonstop Hogan thread, brotha!

The whole reason Hogan was brought into TNA was to help them compete with WWE. TNA tried and they failed big time and now since their back on Thursdays and everything is almost back to normal, I think it's time for Hogan to leave. Theirs nothing more he can do, he hasn't increased ratings( he's actually made them worse), he hasn't made the product better( again he's made it worse) and he hasn't put them on the map( he's actaully made TNA a laughing stock) so whats the point of keeping him around, is it for the paycheck?

The only changes TNA has made are minor ones, they changed the entrance stage( TNA didn't need hogan to do that), they changed the ring to a 4-sided ring( It wasn't nessesary at all), and they changed the opening song( again they didn't need Hogan to that). I think it's time for him to go, he's not going to help TNA, the whole thing was a flop


I think everybody at home watching are starting to get the feeling that by watching Impact they are noticing something isn't right, like some people said before, everytime they turn to TNA, all they see is Hogan.. When he got rid of the 6 sided ring, i knew right there people weren't going to like it, if u notice it give those high flying guys very little to do anything, that's the way i see it

if you notice there another problem with the Storylines..Am sure you know why Booker T only did two years because he was fed up, he didn't want to do the storyline because what they wanted him to do didn't make sense, every mistake they doing, its redoing like what happen to WCW
I think Hogan should pack his bags and leave TNA.I loved TNA (even with Russo)before Hogan showed up with his buddies.Why does every company that's on TV have to try and compete with WWE? why couldn't they just be the alternative like they were from 2002-2009?

Hogan has done nothing for TNA.He gets rid of the 6-sided ring,and then insults the crowd by saying"well you had it and look where that got you".He hasn't put any young guys in the limelight,and people would say"well AJ is champion",yeah that happened BEFORE Hogan showed up,and in 2 months he lost it to RVD.He ruined Abyss' character even further by turning him into a Hulk Hogan wannabe.Instead of being a monster,Abyss is now just a Hulk Hogan fanboy.

I can't even watch Impact anymore,without seeing Hogan take up 10-15-20 minutes,and as was metioned,he opens and closes every show.I expect it to be re-named"Hulk Hogan and Friends"

In short...yes Hulk Hogan should leave TNA.
Hogan's a flop IMO. yeah, he was great and all that b ut this is a different era. I just don't have the feeling that Hogan is really in touch with what the wrestling watching population wants. He thinks he need the Immortal One on TV every week....we don't. I too would prefer he keep his ass off tv, or limited. Hogan and Flair if they ever wrestle again should only be on PPV. Even then I'm against it. Manage a talent. Do the right thing. When Harley Race stepped out of the ring, he managed. He put his man over,not himself.
Anyone get the feeling that Hogan is grasping to one more chance, one last big impression on the wrestling world?
There is no need for Hogan. No need for him to be on the screen, and conducting major story lines. When it comes to performing and knowing how a match should go, he has a great knowledge of that. He isn't that dumb of a guy, I mean he did trademark his name sure he can make money off of it.

The major flaw with Hogan right now is, that he is always on screen, making things happen. He has so much screen time it's not even funny. If you look at Bret Hart when he returned he was rarely on the screen. It made his air time more memorable. Hogan's air time is just awkward. He is giving a ring to Abyss, he is telling the camera that him and sting need to end. He is beating up the younger talent, it's just weird to watch. The fans love it though, so that's why he is on the air so much. You don't hear him get booed on a regular basis.

Now as him getting rid of the six sided ring, that needed to happen. It was a sad gimmick, and no one knew what was happening most of the time in the six sided ring. The ramp is weird, but it hasn't effected anything major yet.

So, get off the screen. Make only monthly appearances to make big announcements. Stay in the backstage. Book matches. Nothing else, it's that easy.
Hogan's a flop IMO. yeah, he was great and all that b ut this is a different era. I just don't have the feeling that Hogan is really in touch with what the wrestling watching population wants. He thinks he need the Immortal One on TV every week....we don't. I too would prefer he keep his ass off tv, or limited. Hogan and Flair if they ever wrestle again should only be on PPV. Even then I'm against it. Manage a talent. Do the right thing. When Harley Race stepped out of the ring, he managed. He put his man over,not himself.
Anyone get the feeling that Hogan is grasping to one more chance, one last big impression on the wrestling world?

Yea, I feel Hogan is trying to get one more shot at stardom. He still lives in 2005, when the crowd went wild when he came down the ramp. I would just prefer him to manage TNA, not be TNA while he manages.

Hogan's managing style is like a Vegas Show. Yea it's somewhat popular, and fun to watch every once in a while, but it revolves around him. He gets the final word, and the screen time. Or Stage Time since we are talking a vegas show.
I made a post waaaaay back in January, when someone brought up who was gonna be the first big star (i.e. Orton) to join the TNA roster now that they were big time. I made the statement that the Leg Drop of Doom and his cronies were gonna run TNA into the ground. Here we sit in late May, terrible ratings, and a failed attempt to reignite the Monday night wars. Hogan's ego has pretty much set TNA back years. He got all his old school boys running the show, he is on for half the show, story lines are rediculous... I say hang em Hulkster. He will never be remember for his greatness if he goes out the way of Flair... He is ten years past being relevant. I say bye bye Hulk. Dixie Carter stands to lose what is left of a failing company sooner rather than later of he stays around. And the real funny part is that WWE isn't even trying to get rid of them. They are killing themelves. And there you have it.
I wish people would stop jumping down Hogan and Easy E's throat just because they are doing hit and miss. They bring in high flyers like Shannon Moore but jump down their throat cause he also brought in Scott Hall. Hogan does the ring thing but they are showing ppv matches on Television. I think we give Hogan and ol bisquick less benefit of the doubt because in some way shape or form McMahon or Bischoff have already done some of this stuff before.

Did we say Vince needed to quit things because of the Katie Vick angle? No. Do we complain about someone cutting a 20 minute promo in the ring for the first hour and have all these backstage vignettes? Yea but we do it for both shows. Do you know Raw had approx 14 minutes of wrestling (that was on a wrestling website) but because we have a harassment ring storyline, a bisexual freak storyline, and a mean diva, but on Raw u have Hosts who take up 15 minutes of TV time for no reason. Storylines that last a day or a week, and a world title that is being overshadowed by Edge and Randy Orton.

I mean yeah Hogan gets TV time and he looks like a cheerleader and so does Bischoff but they are wrapped in the storylines, Hogan is the leader of TNA now he is helping Abyss and he is the man in charge so he has to be around, Bischoff helps make matches we complain when he makes Jeff Jarrett scrub toilets, but when he comes out and randomly decides hey lets make an X-Division match for the title on the fly we praise him.

its a 2 way street, and everyone wants to U-turn on this, and honestly after 5 months can you really say anything? How long was Bischoff in charge with Hogan coming in to WCW before it took off? How long did Vince actually compete with WCW until he got things right? I mean seriously we are still in the infancy of the Hogan and Bischoff era, honestly a year from now if things are still looking bad fine so be it, but really its still way way way to early to say hey this isn't working.
It's way too early for there to even be a "Hogan needs to go" situation. It's a work in progress. It takes a while to build a good story and it takes a while to establish a product that people want to see. They'll get it. I know that Hogan has too much pride to let a wrestling promotion he actually has say so in to fail. Hogan will find anyone and everyone who can be helpful and make sure TNA hires them.

The issue isn't a Hogan issue, it's still a TNA issue. Instead of being WWE light, they need to be the alternative to the WWE. It's the only way to succeed.
I think he should definitely limit he's on air time or take him off TV completely. They have way to many wrestlers now who aren't getting enough exposure. The young guys are the future of TNA. They're the ones that are going to get ratings, sell tickets, and pay per views not Hogan.

He's only been there going on 5 months maybe it's to soon to get rid of him behind the scenes. It takes time to build up a descent product. I personally liked TNA better before he got there. In my opinion TNA would be better off keeping him behind the scenes for the most part. At least stop having him involved in must of the storylines as they do now.
Hogan and his cronies all need to go. Ric Flair should be the first to go though. I got to admit I was kind of excited at first to see Hogan back in TNA, but he has completely ruined that show. They put that stupid ramp up to the ring because the old guys knees are so bad they can't even climb up stairs into the ring (pretty sad). It is sad that Flair and Hogan are ruining their legacies with this crap at this stage of the game.

Seeing A.J. Styles try to be like Ric Flair is downright sad.

I think TNA realizes they made a mistake hiring Hogan, but he probably has an ironclad contract that they would have to pay him for anyway, so they just let him stick around. I think they would personally be much better off without him.

Only good bit I have saw come out of this whole mess is when Black Machismo did his Flair impersonation. That was pretty hilarious, if they had more skits like that, I would enjoy watching TNA, but as it is, even with it's switch to Thursday nights and not having anything I watch regularly on Thursdays, I pass on TNA now.
Hulk Owngan(hogan) should leave tna he was not needed to begin with and I think if he does not leave then the people who swapped WWE for TNA should either.

Get used to ROH untill Hulk Hogan comes in and takes over


Go back to the WWE!
There's no doubt that Hulk Hogan IS a drawing name. I know alot of examples of fans starting to watch TNA because of Hogan. The problem is, TNA thought they were set to go up against WWE out of the chute. Something like this takes weeks, maybe even months to show any real growth. Had TNA stayed on Thursdays in the first place, and let their fanbase grow overtime, they probably would be in a better place than they are now. Instead, they wasted a ton of money going live against Raw, and made themselves look like fools.

As far as the argument that Hogan's changes are ruining the product overall, I think thats just bias from fans who were fans of the product before Hogan. I'll admit, I'm not a fan of alot of what TNA is doing, but I'm willing to give the product enough time before I judge if they are going into the right direction now that they are back on Thursday.
I seem to recall a time when i posted a Response about TNA and reffered to it as Dubya Cee Dubya...And all the TNA marks got mad and spammed me lol...But yet we have TNA fans actually complaining about hogan now and comparing it to DUBYA CEE DUBYA...Wait a minute? was JOEY DICE right?...Did hogan help the ratings or anything like that?...Fuuuuuck No...Soooooooo...Yep
I agree completely hulk just needs to go away. hes a joke. All thats happened since he came to tna is the ratings have dropped the x-division has become completely irrelevant. Every episode has now become about hulk hogan its not about wrestling its about hulk you cant have a main event storyline unless hulks involved. Its ridiculous he cant wrestle anymore and as far as the average fans concerned they see hulk limping up the ramp and they change the channel. Hulk not only needs to leave tna but he needs to die
If Hulk Hogan were to leave TNA, I honestly have to say that it wouldn't hurt my feelings one single bit. Hogan was brought in to get TNA over and, instead of TNA getting over, they've actually lost fans instead of gaining them. I don't think that Hulk Hogan can stand the thought of not being the centerpiece of any company that he's involved with. He was the center of attention in the WWF, he was the center of attention in WCW and he was the center even when the WWF became the WWE. Whatever angle or feud or match Hogan had during his appearances in the WWE, he was the center of attention. TNA has proven to be no different whatsoever. Hogan can't not be the primary focus of any wrestling company he works for. This past Thursday was a good example. Just about every other segment had Hulk Hogan involved. He even came out during the Anderson/Hardy incident even though there really wasn't a need for him. He came out, arms crossed trying to act all super badass and punched out Anderson before Jeff Hardy got hold of him.

Hogan has failed to draw fans to TNA and I don't see that happening anytime soon. The bloom is off the rose. He's not really involved in anything particularly great, which definitely includes Abyss so I just don't really see much of a point in having him.
Remember the TNA mark who posted a Sig with a picture of hogan on it Quoting " Face it people..The Man still draws!..." Riiiiiiiight...This isn't 1985 or 1997
I seem to recall a time when i posted a Response about TNA and reffered to it as Dubya Cee Dubya...And all the TNA marks got mad and spammed me lol...But yet we have TNA fans actually complaining about hogan now and comparing it to DUBYA CEE DUBYA...Wait a minute? was JOEY DICE right?...Did hogan help the ratings or anything like that?...Fuuuuuck No...Soooooooo...Yep

Besides some wrestlers what is so WCW about the show?

Anyways Hogan and Eric Bischoff needs to stay with TNA. No matter what anyone thinks they are better for the company then just some random guy. People love Cornett, but when he was there They had Kurt Angle walking around grabbing his junk with tanning goggles on. Yeah TNA was sure in a better place back then. The problem is with the 6 sided ring and the terrible gimmick matches they ran before Hogan got there made the company look like a big budget Indy show. So many people complain about the HOF ring when they forget all the BS that TNA use to a few years ago. I guess as long as it is the "originals" looking like a bunch of assholes on TV that is ok. God forbid they don't push a bunch of people who can't draw.
So many people complain about the HOF ring when they forget all the BS that TNA use to a few years ago. I guess as long as it is the "originals" looking like a bunch of assholes on TV that is ok. God forbid they don't push a bunch of people who can't draw.

Can you please give an example to me of the TNA originals looking like a bunch of assholes on TV,cause I don't seem to remember it that way.:confused:
It's not complicated... use Hogan the way WWe uses Undi- sporadically; and use Bisch the way WWe used to use Vickie on Smackdown- to stack the decks against the faces, thereby putting them over!

Oh yeah, and do away with that bloody ramp then the high flyers have somewhere they can fly to the outside without having to worry about killing themselves on the barriers or taking out a fan.

Once again, when it comes down to logical ideas TNA = :banghead:
Hogan should just give up and trying to make tna bigger than the wwe cause it wont happen as long as he and his pals are running the company tna were grand before he came in so no there is no need for Hogan anymore
As an on screen character Hogan needs to get the fuck out of TNA. I didn't even say my signature "Hey Yo!" becuase im so pissed at this. Hogan should be put in an ambassador's role thats it full stop. Hulk Hogan is calling the shots in TNA like it's the 90's doesnt he understand that huge faction warfare has been done to death, now im not bullshitting Hogan he revolutionised the wrasslin biz but fucking hell and sorry for my language but he doesnt understand which characters and storylines connect with the current fans we want an alternative not a fucking carbon copy with a different logo.
Many times he has stated TNA is going forward it's gonna be number one wrestling show in the world blah blah has all that happened as many people have stated the ratings have gone down a little even in their Thursday timeslot and i think because of his name value nobody in TNA has the balls to stand up and talk about it. My bitch rant is over.
So yes Hogan needs to go as an on screen character and anything got to do with TV but he should be like and ambassador for the company TNA which i hope succeeds. I'm Out.
.Tha Wolfpac.
If Mark Madden and Jim Cornette weren’t such an assholes more people would’ve read their writing on the wall. I didn’t listen to them, and I am sorry to say it, but they were right all along. They said Hogan was going to come in and fuck everything up. Young guys getting a push? RVD is World Champ, Outsiders are Tag Champs, and Flair, Hogan, and all the old guys are getting the MOST television time.

The storylines make no sense, the ratings are falling, and I haven’t watched an episode of iMPACT in about 4 weeks. I think they turned the corner after they incorporated the square ring. Not that the square ring is a bad thing, I love it and think they should keep it, but that was a point in history where TNA just started going to shit.

Wolfe jobbing, Abyss with that ring and that bootleg Hogan gimmick, Hogan on TV, Flair bleeding every week and getting his ass kicked, Orlando Jordan, that small arena, awful crowd, Taz and Tenay’s always dreadful commentary, boring matches and characters, it just all started piling up.

Not only does TNA not need Hogan, they never should’ve brought him on board. He will be the death of TNA, and will solidify his legacy as a cancer to wrestling, which is very unfortunate because he contributed a lot as an in ring competitor in the WWE and WCW. The guy just can’t book and manage to save his life.
I have gotten to the point where I really don't care what Hogan does. Before Hogan arrived in TNA, I wasn't happy with the product. Odd, scatter-brained storylines with no structure, no interesting characters, horrible arena, Impact was taped, etc., etc. What has changed since Hogan got there?....nothing.

Well, he did get rid of that six-sided POS, but then he added that idiotic ramp. He moved to Monday..back to Thursday...to Monday "for good"....back to Thursday. He brought in some guys I never wanted to see again (the nasty boys, bubba the love sponge),.. but then he fired them. In all honesty, he hasn't done anything to make me keep watching, but he hasn't really made it any worse.

Sure, some die-hard TNA fans are pissed because the six-sided ring is gone, X-division doesn't get enough time, etc., etc. I get it. I wish they had matches that lasted longer than 5-7 minutes. But as many things as Hogan has done wrong, I really don't find the show to be any worse than it was before. There is less wrestling, which bothers me, but they have done more with storylines (Angle/Anderson is a good example) and characters (some don't like AJ's Flair impersonation, but I find it to be more entertaining than the character he had before).

Bottom line is this: Hogan is doing what HE thinks is best for TNA. Is that working?....not as much as I might like it to. I don't want to see him every 5 seconds on Impact. I don't need to see Flair jumping around like a monkey (wish he would go back to the wheelchair/neckbrace, that was amazing), or cutting himself every other segment. I don't mind seeing Bischoff, but I am seeing way, way too much Hogan. I'm not a big Hogan-hater, I just don't care to see him open and close Impact every week.

So, to be completely honest, I don't care what they do with Hogan. Keep him off of tv, and in the back. Fire him. Give him a raise. Whatever. I just want to see TNA improve, and I'm not sure if Hogan can help them do that. I have faith that he and Bischoff know what they are doing (if you don't think they know what they are doing, you are an idiot). I'm just not sure they know how to fix TNA...yet.
you should have said TNA ''TOTAL NONSTOP ABYSS'', hogan has really cut down on the segments and abyss is taking over, i think hogan has done his job of putting abyss over so can step out of the lime light a little, but as of right now, the awnser is no, hogan is not over doing the segment's as of right now.

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