Total Nonstop Hogan... Again

It wouldn't bother me so much seeing Hogan on the show so much if he had anything truly important to contribute. As several others have pointed out, he doesn't. It's 2012 and Hulk Hogan is simply no longer the extremely valuable commodity that he was during the 80s and 90s.

I know what Hogan was, so does everyone else on these forums. I'm not concerned with what he WAS capable of doing in his prime. What he was able to deliver 25 years ago has no bearing on what he's able to deliver in the hear & now. He's almost 60 years old and his body is simply broken down, so all the huffing & puffying of being a tough guy able to beat up men half his age is pointless, not to mention more than a tad ridiculous. He's no bigger draw in TNA than anyone else on the roster, he's often less of a draw than a lot of others. This angle he has with Brooke & Bully Ray holds little interest for me because..well frankly, where is the interest? While I get that Brooke will always be the man's daughter, this level of being overprotective is something we saw on the old Hogan Knows Best reality show. Are we supposed to ignore that Brooke Hogan is 24.5 years old? Are we supposed to pretend that Brooke Hogan hasn't engaged in some adult activities with grown men in her life? It all just seems like it's there simply for the reason of keeping Hulk Hogan on television in the center of a major angle.

Hogan's an authority figure character, nothing wrong with that. But he doesn't need to be, nor should he be, the center of attention & star of the show. All the nostalgic feelings in the world don't change the fact that Hogan isn't anywhere near what he once was either as a money maker or a wrestler.
I didn't see that much of Hogan on the show.

However I saw lots of angles relating to Hogan on the show.

Ray/Brooke Storyline- I get he's protective of his daughter, most father's are and they want to see their daughter with a decent guy and Hogan think's Ray isn't that guy, I get that. But this should not take up major tv time, she's an adult, Ray's an adult, most Hogan can do is disapprove. So this storyline is kind of moot. Aries is the single most interesting thing in this. The man's good, but even he can't turn this into anything decent.

Aces & 8s- This makes more sense. GM trying to stop the invading force from taking over, makes sense and this is where Hogan should stay. The general trying to rally the troops against the invading force. Solid simple storyline that he can contribute the most to.

Matt Morgan- The hell is up with this. I get Morgan is pissed off with management not using him, but he should go on a rampage with ALL of management, not just Hogan, confront Pritchard, Al Snow etc. I liked that he took Hogan's robe, essentially saying 'I can be top dog' but this will end up botched because Hogan is going to inject himself into this more than he should.

Sting was a better GM and Sting didn't appear in everyone else's storyline's for no reason.
Necessarily? Which one is it? Is he in a feud with him or not?

Kash saying that can mean anything? How the hell do you just jump to a conclusion that Kid Kash is going to just jump from lower card in a feud with Hogan. That's a huge leap. A huge assumption! Kash isn't in a feud with Hogan at all and I doubt he'll be in one with him anytime soon. This is the biggest reeeeeaaah I've ever seen

My point was that the central focus of a specific televised segment was again Hogan, not that he was necessarily "feuding" with any of these men. That's why I said some would be traditional (Morgan) and others not (Kash). Perhaps Kash won't even be heard from again for months, but the point is that on last weeks' show he was just another segment that had to involve Hogan, and I don't see the value in that.

Uh first of all let's step into reality for a second. Hogan is not a Theodore Long or Vickie Guerrero. He's Hulk fucking Hogan. Let's get that straight. The whole purpose of him coming to TNA was to be an attraction. Him being a general manager is a way for him to be on tv to attract since he's not a wrestler. Hogan's getting paid tons of money. Let the man do what he can while he's able to walk and still be alive while in TNA and get as much camera time with these guys as much as possible. You expect him to just appear in 1 or 2 backstage segments and call it a day or something? Man please! If he was to do that, you'd make a thread probably saying "Hogan not pulling his weight in TNA." This fucking guy is getting off his surgically repaired ass hobbling to the ring and hobbling all over the Impact Zone working with as many TNA guys to get them over and you're complaining? My goodness. :banghead: This is a case of you're damn if you don't and you're damned if you do.

Actually, yes Hogan is a Theodore Long or Vickie Guererro. He's a bigger name than either of them, but regardless, he's a General Manager. I already said in my OP exactly what his role should be:

Hogan's job is to be an ambassador for TNA. His job is to use his stardom to get potential fans to tune in to see him, only to transition them into being fans of TNA's actual wrestlers.

I appreciate him trying to get guys over, but I don't see how "feuding" with the whole roster accomplishes that. It diminishes the actual feuds he's having with specific wrestlers because they don't have the air time required to actually successfully get every one of them over. This is what I was referencing specifically with Matt Morgan, who is coming out wearing Hogan's robe still, yet going week at a time without even interacting with the guy he's supposed to be insulting by doing so. How is that helping Morgan any? He's lost in the shuffle.

It's amazing how you sit and claim to watch TNA but yet you're not able to properly access how the show is set up. If you've paid attention to the format of TNA's show as of recent, you'll see that it's not unusual for TNA to start something, put it on hold, and come back to it later. Do you think just because the last time that Hogan and Morgan interacted was about 2 weeks ago that the story is suddenly over between them? Is that what you think? Because if so, then I question your education level. In case, you're unable to see what's going on, TNA plants the seeds to an angle and comes back to it later. WTH do you think has happened with the Bully Ray and Devon feud? Have you noticed that those guys are no longer interacting? It was only about a month ago that Ray wanted Devon. Ray now wants Aries. It's how TNA books things. In 2-3 months time, I'm sure the Ray/Devon feud may start again. It's the same thing with Aries/Hardy. We know that Aries has a problem with Hardy. When Aries went into Hardy's trailer, he said it wasn't over between him and Hardy. Fast forward a week later, he begins a feud with Ray. It doesn't mean TNA won't go back to a Aries/Hardy feud at a later date. Aries again, started a fight with Anderson backstage, got in a match with him and used brass knucks on him to win the match. There's a possibility there that if Anderson comes back, we might see an Anderson/Aries feud. The same might happen with Hogan/Morgan. The seeds have been planted for a Hogan/Morgan story to continue. Shit like this happens in real life all the time. One minute, you're focused on something but the next minute something comes in the way and totally takes your focus off of it. It doesn't mean you've forgotten you're main focus. It just means that you've shifted gears for the time being. It's the same shit here. You seem to be a fan of 1 dimensional booking. You seem to prefer for guy A to feud with guy B and be all about guy B which to me isn't effective when you're running a 2hr format show like TNA. With this type of booking, it helps the product not be as stale imo.

Niether is the format you are talking about, or TNA's ratings would be through the roof, so obviously there's something to "one dimensional" booking that works... better. It's less taxing on the viewer. They don't have to juggle and constantly re-circle. IMO, this is why their most successful feuds in history have been "one dimensional" ones like Storm/Roode, Styles/Daniels, Angle/Joe, Beer Money/MCMG, Angle/Jarrett, etc. etc.

We're getting off topic, though. This isn't about TNA's booking, it's about the focus on Hogan, so I don't want to put too much focus into this.

I have no idea why you're mentioning a feud with Morgan. That feud hasn't taken off yet or gone into 2nd gear. The only "Hogan feuds" that are ACTIVE is the one involving Ray/Brooke/Aries. Even his involvement with the Aces & Eights have slowed down. All of his other "feuds" are on hold which is common in TNA in general to have things be on hold only to be addressed later as I pointed out before.

Explained this earlier.

I appreciate him trying to get guys over, but I don't see how "feuding" with the whole roster accomplishes that. It diminishes the actual feuds he's having with specific wrestlers because they don't have the air time required to actually successfully get every one of them over. This is what I was referencing specifically with Matt Morgan, who is coming out wearing Hogan's robe still, yet going week at a time without even interacting with the guy he's supposed to be insulting by doing so. How is that helping Morgan any? He's lost in the shuffle.

Look how you contradict yourself. One minute you talk about how he's in a feud with Morgan and talk about how it's basically a start and stop feud where the feud is basically on pause. That's basically what you're saying. You're pointing out how Hogan hasn't interacted with Morgan. OK so wouldn't that be a good thing for you? You just sat up here and pointed out how he's in a feud with about 4 people or so? So do you want his focus to be on Morgan as well as the 3 others. Make up your mind here. You're basically contradicting yourself

That's not a contradiction, it's a a shining example of the fact that Hogan is being overused, in too many angles that don't allow him to dedicate the proper amount of time to continuing to get specific ones over.

Wait a minute, so it's Hogan's fault that TNA's HEAD BOOKER Bruce Prichard hasn't known how to use Ken Anderson since he took over Russo's spot as head booker? You mean it's Hogan's fault that TNA is booking the show with a few people per division? You mean it's Hogan's fault that the knockouts can no longer get two matches per Impact? Yeah let's not blame Gut Check or anything else on the show that takes up valuable time from the already signed performers in TNA. Let's blame all of TNA's problems on Hogan for "feuding" with TNA stars and potential wrestling legends even though you've admitted in the same post that Hogan doesn't even interact with all the people that he's "feuding" with. :banghead:

Not necessarily. I have no idea who to "blame" for this. I doubt you do either. You can point to "titles" and just say it's so-and-so's fault, but none of us actually work backstage and can attest to exactly who is or isn't at fault. We often hear the "too many cooks in the kitchen" analogy with regard to TNA, so maybe it actually is Hogan pushing for this, or Bischoff. I have no idea. All I know is that I don't like it.

I know who you are. The thing here is you're a TNA mark but you're trying your best to reach for something to complain about to show that you have some sort of balance so it won't always look like you're talking up TNA. This is basically all this thread is. You're complaining about the most complainless thing possible. You using the crux of him taking tv time away from others is the biggest bullshit ever. If TNA wants to find a way to get Anderson and King on TV more, they'd find an effective way to do so. Do you think Prichard & TNA creative is that incompetent or something? I just don't appreciate you using Hogan as a cop out for TNA's booking

So now you're telling me what my motives are for this? Are you getting that information from the same source who's told you exactly who is to blame for Hogan being on television this long?

Again, it's easy to just say that if TNA wants to get King or Anderson on television, they'd find a way to, but it's much harder to prove it. How do you know Hogan isn't pulling political strings to get onto television more because of something in his contract like he's been proven to have done in the past? How do you know Bischoff isn't doing the same?
IDR is dead on with this.

The amount of Hogan on TNA television is ridiculous right now. I remember when people used to call it Total Nonstop Angle ... but at least Angle was an IN-RING talent and a legitimate Main Event superstar at the time.

I understand that Hulk Hogan still has immense drawing power and should be a part of the on-air storyline. He absolutely has to be because he is too big a name not to use. But Brooke Hogan? Give me a fucking break.

This entire storyline is doing NOTHING for any other talent. Is it getting or going to get Bully Ray more over? No, he is perfectly capable of doing that himself. Is it getting or going to get Austin Aries more over? Hell no ... the guy FORCED the company into putting the world championship on him because he is good enough by himself.

Is it going to get Brooke Hogan over? No. The only thing that gets that little **** over would be showing her good in Playboy or Hustler.

As has been said, and as is absolutely true ... Hogan needs to be an on-air talent if you have him under contract. He is too big a name not to be. But being involved in HEAVY, time-consuming storylines is just too much. Coming into a few feuds is solid and works. Being involved in the top feud constantly when you can't even get in the ring?

Makes little sense to me.
We need MORE HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN!!!! 2013 should be the year when he wins the TNA World title (from whomever turns out to be the leader of aces and eights - Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner or whomever) and drops it to Matt Morgan. It will explain why he's involved in both angles and why the Morgan angle even exists... as a set up to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN dropping the title to him next year.

HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to win the TNA World title in 2013!!!!!!! That's what I'm watching for!
We need MORE HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN!!!! 2013 should be the year when he wins the TNA World title (from whomever turns out to be the leader of aces and eights - Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner or whomever) and drops it to Matt Morgan. It will explain why he's involved in both angles and why the Morgan angle even exists... as a set up to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN dropping the title to him next year.

HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to win the TNA World title in 2013!!!!!!! That's what I'm watching for!

So basically, you want TNA to go out of business?

Hogan winning the TNA Title is the same as if Bruno Sammartino returned to WWE and won back the WWE Championship for absolutely no reason at all. I understand your a mark for Hogan, but Hogan winning the TNA Championship only benefits on man: Hulk Hogan.

And no, he won't be dropping it to Matt Morgan, or anyone for that matter. If he get's a title again he'll keep it like it's 1997 and hold on to it for a year before jobbing to Sting.

Hulk Hogan is so terrible! Too much of him is bad! Go away, Hogan!

Yet the rating of that show bounced back from the 0.77 quite beautifully and was one of the rare ones where it didn't zig-zag or dip but was rather consistent through the 2 hours.

When are you people gonna learn that fans love Hogan? Why is he getting shit on in the first place? Because it's Hogan or because his character sucks? Because it's Hogan or because his mic skills suck?

It's not even done JUST to show him on TV. He's always included in a storyline with someone else. In this case it's Bully Ray and Aries. The inclusion of Hogan and his daughter He-man just adds more importance to it.

I don't get it - we can all sit through AJ Styles having the same match for the last four years and wish he was a World Champion again, we can SQUIRM under the utter stupidity of the Impact Zone for TWO HOURS, we can force a piss break every time the KO's are out, we can deal with Garrett Bischoff, we can sit through the stupid-ass commercials, but we can't POSSIBLY stand an extra 4 minutes of Hulk Hogan on TV every now and then. No, fuck that, where's the meme where the stick dude flips the table. FUHGETABOUTIT! You crossed the line, TNA! (git it?)

... it happened once during that show and I didn't notice it until someone bitched about it. If it happens every show for the next three months and Hogan becomes boring as hell then you have yourself a case. But he's not. I'll take one for the team, I'll say it - Hogan is actually pretty damn cool. He does his job as a GM well, his acting is top notch except for when he says things about boxing kangaroos or some 70's shit like that, he's intimidating and he's Hulk fucking Hogan. How can anyone resist them big bug blue eyes. I can't!
So basically, you want TNA to go out of business?
There is ZERO evidence that would put TNA out of business. Their highest ratings and biggest drawing events have all involved HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.

Hogan winning the TNA Title is the same as if Bruno Sammartino returned to WWE and won back the WWE Championship for absolutely no reason at all. I understand your a mark for Hogan, but Hogan winning the TNA Championship only benefits on man: Hulk Hogan.
Bruno hasn't been seen on TV for 21 years and he hasn't wrestled since 1988. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has been a constant for the last 30 years. Big difference. And HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN winning the TNA World title would benifit EVERYONE. It would make for a huge climax to the aces and eights angle, it would be a huge feather in the cap of whomever he drops it to, and it will put the name of greatest and most famous pro wrestler of all time in the title's history making it more prestigious.

And no, he won't be dropping it to Matt Morgan, or anyone for that matter. If he get's a title again he'll keep it like it's 1997 and hold on to it for a year before jobbing to Sting.

Personally I would LOVE that! But realistically I know that he can't reign for long. But if done right a short title reign for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN could make for a great moment.
The boss, am sorry but if the aces and eights storyline ends with Hogan winning the TNA belt then that's it... It's over..
Overall I agree that Hogan brings good stuff to TNA. Admittedly, when he and Bischoff first arrived, with the nasty boys, Orlando Jordan, Val Venis and Bubba the Love Sponge along, they were all absolutely disastrous.

But Hogan's THE single most recognisable wrestler EVER. He fits the GM role fairly well, and it's good for people like Morgan, Aries, Kash and everyone else to interact with him.

BUT, he looks ridiculous walking into the ring laying out half a dozen people with one punch each. It looks terrible. HE looks terrible and the wrestlers he flattens look terrible. I don't mind Hogan getting involved OCCAISIONALLY. A chair shot to a member of Aces and Eights in the near future would get a hell of a pop, He's still a big, strong looking guy. I don't mind people selling him as that...

But the only people on the roster Hogan should beat in a match are the knockouts, and even then, maybe not all of them...

He's a respected(ish) figure in the industry and he has a lot to offer. NOT wrestling, and NOT being a champion.
It's 6 months between 2 major shows. It's a massive off-season. This is a recurring theme. I do recall making a thread pointing this out. TNA seemingly stops putting effort after Bound For Glory and don't really pick up much until Lockdown.

Don't believe me? Remember 2008 and the MEM vs Frontline feud? It was basically the MEM messing around and the story did not pick up until the Sting vs Angle feud picked up in MARCH. 2009. Hogan's coming. WWE vs TNA! January 4! When did they make the full move? March. 2010, 10-10-10! Immortal! Takeover. Let's push Anderson! It did happen. 3 months after 10-10-10. If only because Hardy was coked out of his mind half the time then. Remember last year with Roode turning on Storm and teasing their big feud? Remember when that picked up? If you don't know, you aren't paying attention.

TNA has a massive gap in their schedule and it's affected their product since they started making PPV's. So in that downtime, I feel no surprise by the abundance of seemingly dull angles since they're clearly just trying to fill time looking for something that keeps thing going until it's time to whip up big angles for 2 major events that are only 2 months apart and then set up their other big one 3 months later. After that, they go back to being fatigued and start the cycle all over again.

If this Hogan over-saturation was happening in say...... March, then I'd feel concerned.
Slightly old thread. But on the most recent episode of Impact, the exchange between Ray and Hogan was one of the best segments of the night IMO. Passionate, well acted, just the right amount of Kayfabe awareness. I thought it was a great segment, and exactly how Hogan should be used.
I wonder if anyone else were GM, and had the same amount of TV time, if they would get this much shit about it. Oh wait, wasn't Vince on like every other Raw segment a couple years back, yet all the Wrestlezone jiveturkey's blew their loads all over that...hmmm
I wonder if anyone else were GM, and had the same amount of TV time, if they would get this much shit about it. Oh wait, wasn't Vince on like every other Raw segment a couple years back, yet all the Wrestlezone jiveturkey's blew their loads all over that...hmmm

Wait, your comparing a aged and nearly crippled Hulk Hogan to Vince McMahon? Here's a big reason why that doesn't make sense: Vince can still wrestle. Hell, he had a very entertaining match with CM Punk a few months ago. Unlike Hogan who can't work a match at all anymore, Vince can still go.

And you said it, a "couple years ago." So years ago, Vince had alot of segments of RAW. So that is comparable to Hulk Hogan and his nearly crippled ass hobbling around? Vince McMahon is one of the biggest heels of all time, his feuds always consisted of him losing. Unlike Hogan who never loses a feud, and can't now because he can't even wrestle anymore. Vince hardly any has any segments anymore today. Unlike Hogan who has about 5 or so segments every night.

Vince McMahon's heel character was a goof-ball, a jackass who got his ass kicked and hardly ever came out on top of any feud. Hogan books himself (in 2012) like a Superman even though his time as a "Superman" was 3 and a half decades ago.

Vince know's his time is up, Hogan never will.
Hey Cena Boy, Hulk Hogan, whether you like it or not, is the most recognizable face in the history of wrestling. You can call him old and cripple all you want but he draws a reaction each and everytime he comes to the ring or is in a segment backstage. People want to see him He's the GM of Impact Wrestling. He's supposed to be in alot of segments. Just like on your Raw when they have any GM on. They get just as much time as Hogan does. It's just the IWC being the assholes they are. Just stay on your WWE board child
TNA could be as big as WWE. Providing they get rid of the 'oldies' and focus on the young talent.
Hogan is pushing and pushing the oldies back into the main events yet again.
I'm sick of Hogan being the face of TNA when you have people like Roode, Styles, Aries.
Yes, the wrestlers I just mentioned are getting old now, but they can still deliver amazing matches.
Hogan doesn't need to be there anymore. He's getting a HUGE paycheck TNA can't afford anymore. He can't deliver decent promos, he repeats everything EVERYTIME he's on TV.
Best best is to give him a behind the scenes job, where he can either research and look at younger wrestlers, or help them improve.
If TNA wants to get any better, they need to lose Hogan. Or give him no TV time. He's hogging it and it's making me lose interest.
TNA could be as big as WWE. Providing they get rid of the 'oldies' and focus on the young talent.
Hogan is pushing and pushing the oldies back into the main events yet again.
I'm sick of Hogan being the face of TNA when you have people like Roode, Styles, Aries.
Yes, the wrestlers I just mentioned are getting old now, but they can still deliver amazing matches.
Hogan doesn't need to be there anymore. He's getting a HUGE paycheck TNA can't afford anymore. He can't deliver decent promos, he repeats everything EVERYTIME he's on TV.
Best best is to give him a behind the scenes job, where he can either research and look at younger wrestlers, or help them improve.
If TNA wants to get any better, they need to lose Hogan. Or give him no TV time. He's hogging it and it's making me lose interest.

Wow...Lets see here. Rhoode just got done holding the belt for almost a year. Aries was pushed huge since he got to TNA, and won the belt at Destination X. Storm was pushed into the main event scene. Yeah, Hogan has really been hold back all the young talent. Another IWC knob that's in love with the idea of one Fat Paul Heyman. And say what you want, but Bully Ray was one of the best heels going in a long time, and Jeff Hardy still can go, and get a good crowd reaction. Thank god the IWC doesn't book any shows.
Aw, aren't you cute, calling me a IWC?
Think you'd like to know I only joined yesterday. Thought why not give my opinions on a couple of subjects. :icon_neutral:

I never said that ROODE (not rhoode), Aries, Storm and Bully wasn't any good. TNA have the best roster out of any wrestling company out there.
It's the fact that when TNA have a good thing going, they seem to fuck up, and I hate to see that, as a die hard fan.

Let's take the Aries reign for example.
He was getting better and better. Absolutely solid on the mic, can perform and carry a wrestler in a match, and he is over. If not too much.
Then what happens? Jeff Hardy comes back and ruins a great run.

I don't quite understand the 'One fat Paul Heyman' line, but hey ho, whatever floats your boat.
Sting is possibly a man one.
When he eventually returns, you know what it's going to be. He'll be used in the main event because of the whole 'Aces & Eights attacked me with a hammer, so sod that, I want my bat back' situation.
Don't get me wrong, I adore Sting. He's an Icon.
But it gets boring when he goes and returns for the 100th time.
Hey Cena Boy, Hulk Hogan, whether you like it or not, is the most recognizable face in the history of wrestling. You can call him old and cripple all you want but he draws a reaction each and everytime he comes to the ring or is in a segment backstage. People want to see him He's the GM of Impact Wrestling. He's supposed to be in alot of segments. Just like on your Raw when they have any GM on. They get just as much time as Hogan does. It's just the IWC being the assholes they are. Just stay on your WWE board child

Funny, you don't see Vickie Guerrero or Booker T on PPV posters or in 3 or 4 storylines. You know why? Because the GM isn't supposed to be the vocal point of the show, the top face is. Unfortunately Hogan thinks he's the top face of TNA, that's why he's on the show 4 segment a night.

Yes, he draw's a reaction, he's Hulk Hogan. But has he drawn any ratings for the company outside of the January 4th show? Nope. What was the last segment of this past weeks Impact? Yep, Hulk Hogan.And it was after the TNA Championship match! The next time Booker T or Vickie Guerreo have a segment after the main event, than we'll talk.

Or hell, when Booker T is on the poster for a PPV, than you actually have an argument. But, unfortunately for you WWE cares about their talent, top face, and Champions. Hogan only cares about Hogan.
AS IDR said......This business of centering everything in TNA around Hogan again is absolutely poisonous to that process. Not in a sense that it'll kill TNA (anyone who insinuates this is sensationalist), but it kills fan interest, and that is never a good thing regardless of how loud the IMPACT Zone fans may cheer when Hulk's music hits. If judging how "over" a guy is based on how loud fans in Orlando cheer, it's no wonder we have Devon centering what is supposed to be the highest profile angle in the company right now..

I agree! Having Hogan be in the center instead of a backstage role(where he belongs), is NOT good at all, sorry :disappointed:
Enough of this Hogan's getting someone over, brother bullshit. He's not.

That's always Hogan's big plan, isn't it? Getting someone over? Too bad it hasn't worked in a long, long time, and was probably never the real idea. Not since his WWE days has Hogan actually worked to get someone over. Why WWF/E? Vince. He didn't in WCW, and he sure as hell isn't in TNA.

He needs the spotlight. It makes him money. I can't blame him for that, but I also can't blame people for not enjoying it. In the end, unless being forced to do so by Vince, the only person Hogan gets over is Hogan.
Enough of this Hogan's getting someone over, brother bullshit. He's not.

That's always Hogan's big plan, isn't it? Getting someone over? Too bad it hasn't worked in a long, long time, and was probably never the real idea. Not since his WWE days has Hogan actually worked to get someone over. Why WWF/E? Vince. He didn't in WCW, and he sure as hell isn't in TNA.

He needs the spotlight. It makes him money. I can't blame him for that, but I also can't blame people for not enjoying it. In the end, unless being forced to do so by Vince, the only person Hogan gets over is Hogan.

Okay, I'm sick of this "Hogan doesn't put people over" argument as being something negative.

Think of Hulk Hogan as Superman - which he fucking was. Superman is a FRANCHISE. He was the very first huge Superhero. If DC "put over" fuckin' Black Adam and had him kill Superman, does he replace Superman? No. He just killed Superman, a character that makes money.

Same thing with Hulk Hogan. If someone like Morgan beats Hulk straight up, 1 on 1, does it matter? Does it mean Morgan will make money? No, it just means that Matt Morgan scored a win on Hogan.

Problem is, people won't think less of Hogan. He's still Hulk Hogan, he still has DECADES of a legendary career. It means jack shit. Especially in TNA where it won't be seen by lots of people.

If Hogan was systematically putting people over in the 80's and the 90's HE WOULDN'T BE HULK HOGAN! If he wasn't Hulk Hogan, who knows where wrestling would be today.

Hogan is damn right to refuse to put people over. He's Hulk Hogan, he fucking shouldn't, it's unlike the character to lose like this. Every genre needs ONE guy like that. In wrestling - it's Hulk Hogan and it must stay like that whether he's 40, 60 or 80. That's his purpose. Period.
Okay, I'm sick of this "Hogan doesn't put people over" argument as being something negative.

Think of Hulk Hogan as Superman - which he fucking was. Superman is a FRANCHISE. He was the very first huge Superhero. If DC "put over" fuckin' Black Adam and had him kill Superman, does he replace Superman? No. He just killed Superman, a character that makes money.

Same thing with Hulk Hogan. If someone like Morgan beats Hulk straight up, 1 on 1, does it matter? Does it mean Morgan will make money? No, it just means that Matt Morgan scored a win on Hogan.

Problem is, people won't think less of Hogan. He's still Hulk Hogan, he still has DECADES of a legendary career. It means jack shit. Especially in TNA where it won't be seen by lots of people.

If Hogan was systematically putting people over in the 80's and the 90's HE WOULDN'T BE HULK HOGAN! If he wasn't Hulk Hogan, who knows where wrestling would be today.

Hogan is damn right to refuse to put people over. He's Hulk Hogan, he fucking shouldn't, it's unlike the character to lose like this. Every genre needs ONE guy like that. In wrestling - it's Hulk Hogan and it must stay like that whether he's 40, 60 or 80. That's his purpose. Period.

1. I never said Hogan didn't put people over in the 80's and 90's. He did... when he was with Vince and the WWF. He also put people over when he returned to the WWF in 2002. WCW? Never. He put no one over. From time to time he made it look as though he was putting someone over, but always quickly returned the favor. Hogan could've helped get several guys far more over (Sting, Goldberg, Bret Hart), but he's an egomaniac, and didn't give a shit.

2. No, I don't want Matt Morgan to pin Hogan. I don't want anyone in TNA to pin Hogan. It's no longer necessary, and it wouldn't do any of them any good at this point.

3. Here's the bottom line - when Hogan's calling the shots, Hogan's getting Hogan over. There really isn't much evidence to the contrary.

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