*MERGED*(OFFICIAL)Total Nonstop Hogan thread, brotha!

They are playing the blame game and pointing the fingers around at Hogan because it's easy. How do they know it wasn't Dixie, Russo, or anybody else pushing him out on to the walk way?

A statement like this reminds me of Hogan at the very beginning of his association with TNA: he predicted a 3.0 rating for the 1/4/10 edition of Impact.

To my mind, that was the most damnfool thing a person could say and only someone with the ego of Hogan could manage to come out with something like that.

Why did he do it? He must have thought his mere presence would make it happen. Then, when the show did half that number, the Dixie-cups were scrambling around, trying to find a way to mitigate the damage.

This must explain why Hogan has decided to feature himself over the young talent that was making TNA a nice entertainment alternative before he arrived. Given his behavior in the past, no one should be surprised. But Hulkamania was a phenomenon over 20 years ago. What worked then doesn't work now.

Don't feel bad for TNA's ownership. They brought this on themselves.
Hard against the norm? What does that even mean?

Yeah, it is easy to be hard on Hogan, because he has a penchant for being a hard-ass sycophantic egomaniacal asshole who only puts himself in the spotlight because he legitimately thinks he belongs there.

I don't care who's fault it is – Dixie, Hogan, Russo, Bischoff or Shark Boy – whoever it is needs to buy a new fucking calendar, because it's not 1999 anymore. It's 2010. Flipping from December 1999 to January 1999 does not count as year-change.

People are always trying to be different. If something is popular...people will be against it because being different is "cool." That was at least the way it was back in the late 90's when people were hating on Hogan anyway.

Also, you write like you've known Hogan personally you're whole life. You take jealous quotations of people who may have been just not talented or lacking charisma/personality/etc. and convince yourself its gospel or something.

I'm agreeing with you that the product is awful right now. The angles they have are ridiculous. But they're working with a budget that is maybe 30% of what WWE and WCW were working with and they're trying to build a product in a market where one business has reigned surpreme (for the most part) for 30 years or so. It's not going to happen overnight. And before you know it, Hogan and all of the other veterans are going to be even older and no where near the ring...and everybody will have all of the boring dead moth like personalities that one can handle.

Then what is everyone going to complain about?!?
A statement like this reminds me of Hogan at the very beginning of his association with TNA: he predicted a 3.0 rating for the 1/4/10 edition of Impact.

To my mind, that was the most damnfool thing a person could say and only someone with the ego of Hogan could manage to come out with something like that.

Why did he do it? He must have thought his mere presence would make it happen. Then, when the show did half that number, the Dixie-cups were scrambling around, trying to find a way to mitigate the damage.

This must explain why Hogan has decided to feature himself over the young talent that was making TNA a nice entertainment alternative before he arrived. Given his behavior in the past, no one should be surprised. But Hulkamania was a phenomenon over 20 years ago. What worked then doesn't work now.

Don't feel bad for TNA's ownership. They brought this on themselves.

So because he predicted something high for a new company that just hired him - it was because of his ego that he said that?

Cmon, you're digging deep here. What was he supposed to say "Well I predict a mediocre 1.0 rating..." I don't care if they hired Duke "The Dumpster" Drose instead...nobody says that. Everybody has high expectations.

Do you mope around without any confidence or self respect or something?

There's a big difference between an ego, being full of oneself, and being literally just hired by a company and being excited about something.

You clearly can't tell the difference and rely on speculation, rumors, and jealous comments of the past in order to make your assumptions.
People are always trying to be different. If something is popular...people will be against it because being different is "cool." That was at least the way it was back in the late 90's when people were hating on Hogan anyway.

Also, you write like you've known Hogan personally you're whole life. You take jealous quotations of people who may have been just not talented or lacking charisma/personality/etc. and convince yourself its gospel or something.

I'm agreeing with you that the product is awful right now. The angles they have are ridiculous. But they're working with a budget that is maybe 30% of what WWE and WCW were working with and they're trying to build a product in a market where one business has reigned surpreme (for the most part) for 30 years or so. It's not going to happen overnight. And before you know it, Hogan and all of the other veterans are going to be even older and no where near the ring...and everybody will have all of the boring dead moth like personalities that one can handle.

Then what is everyone going to complain about?!?

Show me where I've ever said that veterans don't belong. Better yet, show me where I said Hogan doesn't belong. I actually think they're helping to keep the product a float, just like they have been since 2005 when guys like Sting, Hall, Nash, etc. were all with the company, too. The difference is, the focus wasn't on Sting, Hall, Nash & co. then the way it is now, and that's backwards, if anything. You don't get a more prominent role the older you get in this business – the older you get, the less relevant you become. It's a young mans game. Always has been, always will be.

I don't have to know Hogan personally, man –*the entire industry knows him. Everyone who's ever known him knows he's got a massive ego, and any book you read will all point to the same notes in his history of wanting controlling stake of his character at all points – that didn't change when he came to TNA. In fact, it got worse – he wanted creative control, period.

The whol point of this thread isn't to get rid of Hogan. The point is to get rid of him as a main event talent, and to limit his on-air role as the VKM of TNA.
So because he predicted something high for a new company that just hired him - it was because of his ego that he said that?

Absolutely, positively, 100% ......yes.

There are plenty of things he could have said in the weeks leading up to the show. He could have said: "Watch us because we're going to turn the world of wrestling upside down" or "Come see the most exciting two hours in the history of the sport." These statements are a matter of opinion and can't be quantified in any proven fashion afterwards.

On the other hand, when he predicts a monster rating and gives out an actual number, he's setting up himself and his new company for a fall if they don't attain it. And, after all, he had no basis for coming up with 3.0, did he?

One would think that someone with his years on the stage would have picked up ample public relations acumen to know better. So, why stick his (and his company's) neck out like that?

I say it was because of his massive ego. I think he believed that all his Hulkamaniacs wouldn't be able to resist tuning in to see His Majesty on the small screen.

Never mind the justifications and explanations Dixie & Co. issued after Hogan's ridiculous prediction didn't come true; they must have been having a fit at what their leading man said on the eve of the most important TNA show to date.

He shouldn't have let his ego get in the way.
Show me where I've ever said that veterans don't belong. Better yet, show me where I said Hogan doesn't belong. I actually think they're helping to keep the product a float, just like they have been since 2005 when guys like Sting, Hall, Nash, etc. were all with the company, too. The difference is, the focus wasn't on Sting, Hall, Nash & co. then the way it is now, and that's backwards, if anything. You don't get a more prominent role the older you get in this business – the older you get, the less relevant you become. It's a young mans game. Always has been, always will be.

I don't have to know Hogan personally, man –*the entire industry knows him. Everyone who's ever known him knows he's got a massive ego, and any book you read will all point to the same notes in his history of wanting controlling stake of his character at all points – that didn't change when he came to TNA. In fact, it got worse – he wanted creative control, period.

The whol point of this thread isn't to get rid of Hogan. The point is to get rid of him as a main event talent, and to limit his on-air role as the VKM of TNA.

When I originally responded (and the response you quoted) it wasn't directly towards you but in general to the responses in the thread.

And I understand Hogan's ego but you talk like he's the only person in the business who has ever refused certain finishes to his character. Stone Cold quit because he refused to work with Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels refused to drop the belt to Bret Hart at WM13, etc. Everybody does it. It doesn't make it right...but singling him out for it doesn't either.

The problem with TNA is that those guys came over and got on television way too fast. They didn't prepare enough. Once the announcement was made...they had a few months to half ass some stuff and that was that. They didn't take the time to correctly think about things. That's why you're seeing all the half-asses segments that contradict the week before and in some cases don't make any sense at all. They seem to be done on a whim.

It's not Hogan's ego...they just literally half-assed the whole thing from the start (which they may have been told to do - not half ass it but get on right away) and we're seeing the results. I agree, he needs to limit his role on television. I agree that he shouldn't wrestle. I agree with all of that...but I don't necessarily think he had this gigantic plan that he would be on television non-stop. I think that they failed to create any new/good ideas in the short period of time before they got there...they're winging it...and I think they're scrounging for something in the back...and until they do...they're throwing a known face out there to keep the crowd occupied more or less.
On the other hand, when he predicts a monster rating and gives out an actual number, he's setting up himself and his new company for a fall if they don't attain it. And, after all, he had no basis for coming up with 3.0, did he?

Why is he setting himself and his company up for failure if he doesn't attain it? According to who? You specifically? I agree that maybe in some peoples eyes that if a quantifiable number is thrown out and is not attained or some sort of guarantee is thrown out there and isn't obtained...then it reflects poorly on some as if the person were untrustworthy or just not as good as he thinks or whatever it may be. But those are irrational thoughts.

People say these kinds of things ALL of the time. What if, instead of giving a number, he said "We're going to beat Raw that week, just wait!" He's not quantifying anything but it's just as arbitrary as the quote he gave with the number.

I, personally, don't think he's running himself out there on purpose because he's an egomaniac. There are several minds in the back that wouldn't tolerate that. The odds that everybody in the back AND all of the wrestlers all quietly tolerate Hulk Hogan carrying himself out there when nobody at all agreed upon it doesn't make sense to me. Especially when you have somebody like Vic Venom (Vince Russo) there who wanted nothing more than to stop this very thing over 10 years ago!!

It just doesn't make sense. This isn't the Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy here where everybody is collectively angry with Hogan but nobody is saying anything at all. People would be saying something. Constantly.

Could you be right? Sure. I'm not going to say that you're 100% absolutely wrong...but I'm going to say that I believe a lot of people are jumping to conclusions.
i'll admit im one of the biggest WWEmark/defender but before HOGAN came in TNA i starting to enjoy like alot alot of yall say the X-DIVISION damn that used to be exciting and plus when CHRISTIAN was there because he's my favorite wrestler i was actually almost starting to like it about the same i like WWE but HOGAN came in and i was ok i liked him in WWE and he helped WWE so maybe he can help TNA but he came in and TNA sucks now no more exciting X-DIVISION all you get is HOGAN, FLAIR, BISCHOFF and thier goonies i DVR'D IMPACT last night and watched it after a very good RAW WWE starrting to pick it up and to tell you the truth IMPACT put me to sleep literally im not lyin IT PUT ME TO SLEEP so the bottom line is HOGAN and his GONNIES are bad for TNA
i'll admit im one of the biggest WWEmark/defender but before HOGAN came in TNA i starting to enjoy like alot alot of yall say the X-DIVISION damn that used to be exciting and plus when CHRISTIAN was there because he's my favorite wrestler i was actually almost starting to like it about the same i like WWE but HOGAN came in and i was ok i liked him in WWE and he helped WWE so maybe he can help TNA but he came in and TNA sucks now no more exciting X-DIVISION all you get is HOGAN, FLAIR, BISCHOFF and thier goonies i DVR'D IMPACT last night and watched it after a very good RAW WWE starrting to pick it up and to tell you the truth IMPACT put me to sleep literally im not lyin IT PUT ME TO SLEEP so the bottom line is HOGAN and his GONNIES are bad for TNA

I was following you up until you said "very good RAW" and then I completely lost you. That show is literally the same segments over and over for months at a time with a minor tweak here and there. John Cena Vs. Randy Orton finally stopped after 2 years so insert Seamus/Batista here. Zzzzzzz
Before anything, IDR, I gotta tell you that I like the way you put this thread together. You pretty much have said everything that I would have said about TNA and I probably couldn't have said it any better.

But I ask myself, how would anyone make a 15-year wrestling fan not watch mainstream wrestling anymore?. It sounds like it would take a lot, right? But actually, it only takes a set of guys who have been responsible for the death of WCW to make me stop watching TNA or WWE. Just knowing that they're still around after 15 years, in a big role or not, just does me the favor to not watch anymore (as Jim Cornette would put it) grey-haired guys yelling at each other about shit that took place 15 years ago and sports-entertainment. Hogan, Bischoff, and the nWo have broke the camel's back for me. That's why I support companies like ROH. It's fresh and it's just breath of fresh air without these senior citizens on my TV. Screw WWE, screw TNA.....ROH all day!
There's really not much else that can be said. I'd rep It's Damn Real 10 times if I could as I was going to start this exact same thread with the exact same name. All but the absolute hardcore TNA loyalist has to look at TNA and come to realize that the worst has happened: Hulk Hogan is currently the central nexus of TNA and it simply is not a good thing.

When it was first announced that Hulk Hogan was coming to TNA, it was said by many that the worst thing he could do is make himself the center of the show and build anything else around him up as long as he was still the central figure involved in that situation. That's exactly what has happened. Last night's iMPACT! actually started off really damn good, then SuperHulk showed up and started laying everyone out and his presence was seen and/or felt in almost every other segment on the show.
For a moment-for the briefest of seconds- i had hope in my heart that TNA was actually going to give WWE a run at top dog. But now, all i have is a handful of broken hope.

At times, it was nice to have a sensible alternative to RAW-especially lately. And other times, like, oh, last night's Wolfe being squashed by RVD, make me realize how Mickey Mouse TNA really is. (C WUT I DID THAR?)

One of the biggest problems is the Impact Zone. A Stationary product guarentees little to no growth. Sure, it worked for Raw, but WWF also had a succesful Superstars show and bi-monthly Pay Per Views in case RAW failed. TNA has nothing to back them up. They need to get out there and get their name on the minds and tongues of people.

But i'm not going to make this about the ways TNA is failing-I just wanted to connect my "mickey mouse" comment to the Impact Zone, for those who missed it :).

Hogan has ruined TNA. I remarked to my father, at 9:40- "Well, that's a quarter of TNA's show, HALF of the uncontested show (not counting ROH), and there has not been ONE match!" And that is kind of a microcosm of how the "Hogan era" of TNA has gone thus far. They have missed the wide open shots in lieu of trying to get the hail mary. And let's face it, TNA beating WWE for ONE WEEK was just that, a hail mary.

My original point was hope-the eight card stud tournament, the showcasing of WWE's most recent huge mistakes: Pope and Anderson, and the feel of it all. It had a big fight atmosphere-it felt like maybe this COULD happen.

Bu what Hogan giveth, Hogan also taketh away. Clearly, since one month of pushing the Pope, Wolfe, and Anderson didn't make the ratings blow up, change was needed-or at least that was the view of the Hogan camp. More established (read: old) wrestlers who still got it (Read: Can move and need a pay check). The Nasties, Hall and Pac, Flair, and most recently Lex Luger rumors?! Yeah, that will totally spike ratings.

And then you can tell TNA "Management" (I use the term loosely, because i feel there has been little management since Hogan arrived) had their fingers on the pulse, and saw that the highest rated segments were those of the Beautiful People and the Band. So Hogan takes this as an oppertunity to recreate the NWO (But without the cool name...but with cheesier music), and they decided to put that stupid Knockout Briefcase of (Surprise!) doom segment last. Does Daffney, quite possibly the most talented, and (in my opinion, as well as Tazz's) one of the hottest in the locker room, get her due as champion? No...she gets to do a strip tease that will be interrupted by a woman who can't even wrestle and is a cheap knock off of Kelly Kelly. But it's okay-They know what sells.

Sadly enough, watching that pile of shit was WAY better than watching Sting and Hogan close the show. It was like traveling back in time when Nitro was dethroning Raw...except for Sting and Hogan missed the DeLorian, and it was done in a Bingo hall instead of a Mega-arena.

Sorry fellow ECW Fans, Not bingo Hall, Soundstage. The Impact Zone gives Bingo Halls a bad name.

Hogan has royally screwed up TNA, and if Dix were smart, she'd assert some authority, and showcase again what made TNA successful (At least marginally successful)-the wrestling. Screw Hogan and Flair and their cookie cutter promos. Yeah, those promos were great-20 years ago...brother.

Even when there is a diamond in the rough, see Jay Lethal's impersonation of Ric Flair, they manage to fail to capitalize on it.

I no longer have hope for TNA-only the Wrestlers. I hope that AJ Styles, Nigel McGuinnes, and Samoa Joe impress McMahon enough to pick up Mid-card contracts. I hope that the Machine Guns, Lethal, Kaz, Homicide, and Young can cut loose and get back to the Indies before things get too much worse. I hope that Anderson and Pope make enough of an impression that they can get back to WWE. I hope that RVD's wife gets better, and that Kurt Angle heals up, so they can get back to the fed. I hope that Jeff Hardy goes to jail for being an idiot. And i hope that TNA fails, so Bischoff and Hogan can have this companies death on their heads too.

I was following you up until you said "very good RAW" and then I completely lost you. That show is literally the same segments over and over for months at a time with a minor tweak here and there. John Cena Vs. Randy Orton finally stopped after 2 years so insert Seamus/Batista here. Zzzzzzz

ok maybe i over exgeratted alittle bit but it was better than normal there getting a little better not where WWE used to be but RAW was better than usaul
I skipped most of the beef rant because it seems like it is in vogue to post a rant dramatically overstating every little nitpicky thing one personally dislikes about the current tna product and I am tired of reading them. However, I did get a good laugh about the idea that someone is a kelly kelly ripoff. Like Kelly kelly is an original innovative character or something. That is one of the funniest things I have read on here in a while. It would really be nice if the what could be better in tna discussion was more constructive criticism than silly rants. Especially when it appears many of the people posting them starting watching wwe a few years ago and that is the extent of their wrestling exposure.
It's pretty clear you skipped most of my rant because you seem to make some tacit assumptions. The first of which is that i am not a TNA fan. Negative sir, I have watched TNA since they were weekly PPVs, then on FSN, and was thrilled when they got on Spike TV. I enjoy TNA quite a bit, because it's (or it was) more of an Indy feel-but nationally televised. I HATE to see what Hulk Hogan has done with it. Especially whenever it was such a huge oppertunity. (Hence the part about me having alot of Hope in TNA...guess you missed that too?)

Oh, and sir, I have watched WWE for since Raws were live in the Manhattan Center, and only missed a two year period since-the Brock Lesnar Years- which I consequently ended up going to a Wrestlemania in the middle of. I am still a fan, though, not a fan of a direction...but that is a topic for a different rant.

Speaking of constructive criticism, or just criticism in general, you're post seemed filled with it (well-it certainly wasn't constructive-more like gripes)...and you never quite found the topic. But hey, keep trying to kick that football Charlie Brown...you'll get it some day. :rolleyes:
Hogan's WOW! factor from being in TNA has worn off. When he first arrived in TNA, it was something none of us could believe, and we were all anxious to see how the new TNA was going to be. TNA started out with a bang after January 4th, but things have been very inconsistent ever since. Hogan being the focal point of every Impact is not a good thing because TNA has to face facts, the glory days of Hulkamania are long gone.

Last night's Impact was actually pretty good, until the end. I couldn't believe how Hogan was just taking out a lot of TNA's top heel's with one punch. Watching Hogan clean house would've been awesome.......15 or 20 years ago.
With all the smarks, and "know it all's" on here bitching and moaning about everything TNA does, why don't u put together your own wrestling company. Book everything you say will draw huge crowds/ratings. Have matches that you say will make people look in awe. Then come back here and say this is how it's done. Until that day, shut the hell up. Yeah Hogan is overloaded on the show some weeks, but look at some of Vince's show's. I can remember one RAW where it was basically all the McMahon family. I'll give TNA a year before deciding success or failure.
Hogan is obviously over-exposed, and I think that it's hurting the TNA product. When Hogan first came, it generated a lot of buzz from the IWC, as well as older wrestling fans in general. The buzz brought TNA their highest rating ever. But the problem is that ever since that point, Hogan has been on TV WAY too much. He's involved in almost every feud going on right now. He has Main Event angles revolving around him and his Hall of Fame Ring. Honestly it's really bringing the quality of the product down, and making it feel like late WCW all over again. Older stars trying to hold on to their spots.

I think that Hogan and Bischoff coming to TNA and making a few changes has been mainly positive. But their focus on the older talent, as well as stroking Hogan and Flair's egos by having them involved in every segment on the show is really starting to wear thin. If Hogan and Flair's roles were reduced, I think we would have a better show. TNA has all the talent in the world, and I think TNA could be carried on their shoulders, instead of having to be propped up by old men who can't go anymore. Flair and Hogan need to stay as far away from the ring as humanly possible. Guys in their 50s and 60s don't belong in a wrestling ring in a wrestling capacity.

I honestly think that Hogan and Flair could be used to TNA's advantage, and build up new talent. But they really need to stop being involved in every segment, and DEFINITELY need to stay away from wrestling matches. Flair makes an excellent manager, and should stay in that role full time. And Hogan should remain in a backstage authority role. Until TNA pulls the trigger on their younger stars, and phases out the older ones, I think their product will just look like old re-hashes of late WCW tapes. I just hope they realize this and make the appropriate changes before their ratings drop low enough for Spike to pull the plug on them.
Wow, a lot of TNA-bashing in this thread...and I'd expect nothing less, given the title of the thread.

Yes, Impact the other night wasn't that great. I'll give you that. Seeing Hogan beating people up doesn't exactly seem right...

I think a lot of users are using this thread to bash TNA, even though the whole point (at least I think it's the point) is just to tone the Hogan segments down.

I like TNA. I liked it before Hogan arrived, and I like it now. I'll agree that the last couple of weeks Impact has been a bit lackluster...but that happens in this business. Some weeks the wrestling show is good, some weeks the wrestling show is not so good. That's been happening since I've been watching wrestling...the ebb & flow of the shows is natural, and nothing new.

I think Hogan & Co. have been doing a good job with the product, and one or two weeks of "bad" shows aren't enough to turn me off. I agree, I think that Hogan should be on TV less...but the program DOES need an authority figure, and Hogan fills that role as well as he can.

As long as TNA can get rid of Abyss's horrible angle, push Wolfe to main-event status, do something better with the tag-division, and keep the Hogan segments to a smaller degree, I'll be happier as a fan. If they don't do any of those things, I'll still watch. I'm a TNA fan, not a TNA writer/producer.
Wow, a lot of TNA-bashing in this thread...and I'd expect nothing less, given the title of the thread.

Yes, Impact the other night wasn't that great. I'll give you that. Seeing Hogan beating people up doesn't exactly seem right...

I think a lot of users are using this thread to bash TNA, even though the whole point (at least I think it's the point) is just to tone the Hogan segments down.

I like TNA. I liked it before Hogan arrived, and I like it now. I'll agree that the last couple of weeks Impact has been a bit lackluster...but that happens in this business. Some weeks the wrestling show is good, some weeks the wrestling show is not so good. That's been happening since I've been watching wrestling...the ebb & flow of the shows is natural, and nothing new.

I think Hogan & Co. have been doing a good job with the product, and one or two weeks of "bad" shows aren't enough to turn me off. I agree, I think that Hogan should be on TV less...but the program DOES need an authority figure, and Hogan fills that role as well as he can.

As long as TNA can get rid of Abyss's horrible angle, push Wolfe to main-event status, do something better with the tag-division, and keep the Hogan segments to a smaller degree, I'll be happier as a fan. If they don't do any of those things, I'll still watch. I'm a TNA fan, not a TNA writer/producer.

Agree 100%. Why Hogan chose Abyss is beyond me. Probably because nobody could find anything for him gimmick wise...so this was all they could come up with. If anything, I thought AJ had Flair, Abyss would use Foley, and Hogan could grab somebody a little more similar to him. Hogan taking a mankind rip off under his wing is just all over the place and doesn't make any sense from the start. Then you add in the ridiculous "ring" situation and a few other things and it begins to look forced and poorly planned.

Like I've been saying, they have the talent...they have the resources...they're just not using them properly.
The whole reason Hogan was brought into TNA was to help them compete with WWE. TNA tried and they failed big time and now since their back on Thursdays and everything is almost back to normal, I think it's time for Hogan to leave. Theirs nothing more he can do, he hasn't increased ratings( he's actually made them worse), he hasn't made the product better( again he's made it worse) and he hasn't put them on the map( he's actaully made TNA a laughing stock) so whats the point of keeping him around, is it for the paycheck?

The only changes TNA has made are minor ones, they changed the entrance stage( TNA didn't need hogan to do that), they changed the ring to a 4-sided ring( It wasn't nessesary at all), and they changed the opening song( again they didn't need Hogan to that). I think it's time for him to go, he's not going to help TNA, the whole thing was a flop

He is keeping the fanbase of TNA alive, going against WWE wasn't the only thing he said he was going to do is it?

I think he should have less of an on-screen roll if thats what you mean, everytime I tune in to iMPACT, i see HOGAN...and then he's telling us the youngsters will get a chance..how will they if he's hogging the ring all the time.

As for your question, NO, he shouldn't go anywhere, he should stay their. He is the best thing that has happened to TNA..(not my words)..
I agree with Ruthless. He should stay (or leave, I don't give a fuck either way) but he needs to stay in the back. If any thing, let Bischoff get some air time and be the guy with the weight who calls the shots. Hogan should be a figure head and give advice.
I dont mind having him and Eric around I just wish (like alot of people) that he would get less screen time. Push the future (I don't mind some of the older guys like Sting & Jarrett since they can still put on great matches when needed) and let Hogan be around to give advice and let Eric do the "GM" role and only show up to make the matches and solve big problems and brawls. I don't have an issue with them there but they need to be on screen less.
i would also like to see hogan be a backstage guy, but his ego will never let him do it. i do believe he had some intentions of trying to make tna better. but in the end, he saw the opportunity to become relevant again and he used it to his advantage. this is why i think he will continue to be a major presence in the ring on Impact! PPVs, etc.

the time when we see hogan not be a major presence is when he and bischoff move on after sucking tna dry.

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