Total Nonstop Hogan... Again

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I didn't have KB's handy stop watch with me last night to give you the actual minutes and seconds of air-time Hogan gathered throughout last nights episode, but I can tell you this much — it was far too much for a guy who is supposed to be playing a General Manager. I made mention in the LD, and I'll say it again — how many guys in the company are now feuding with Hogan directly? I can count at least four between Matt Morgan, Austin Aries, Kid Kash and Aces and Eights (counted as one). This is absurd. I love Hulk Hogan as a wrestling persona, but holy fuck people, it's 2012, not 1996. Can we please shift focus again back to the wrestlers in the company he's supposed to be redirecting attention to? You know, kinda like what you were doing when you put the title on Bobby Roode for nine straight months, or when you let Austin Aries (who actually got a really nice rub from Hogan directly) actually beat him for the title? Hogan's job is to be an ambassador for TNA. His job is to use his stardom to get potential fans to tune in to see him, only to transition them into being fans of TNA's actual wrestlers.

This business of centering everything in TNA around Hogan again is absolutely poisonous to that process. Not in a sense that it'll kill TNA (anyone who insinuates this is sensationalist), but it kills fan interest, and that is never a good thing regardless of how loud the IMPACT Zone fans may cheer when Hulk's music hits. If judging how "over" a guy is based on how loud fans in Orlando cheer, it's no wonder we have Devon centering what is supposed to be the highest profile angle in the company right now... :disappointed:

There is simply far too much talent sitting around with their thumbs up their asses right now while Hogan continues to rack up his third and fourth feuds. You have time for that, but can't get Kenny King more than 2:00 of air-time in the last two months? You have time for Hogan to take on the TNA roster, but can't find anything for Mr. Anderson to do except randomly show face every six weeks to convince Hogan to let him into a match as a contender?

I'm reminded, hauntingly, of Bash at the Beach 2000 (7:45). In your own words, Terry:

"That's why this damn company's in the shape its in — because of bullshit like this."

You're better than this, TNA. You've proven it, very recently in fact. Let's not lose sight of that and get this train back on track, eh?
Yeah! What IDR said! :)

Seriously though. Right on point. But the weird thing about it is last night Morgan didn't even refer to Hogan at all. It's like he stole his robe only to copy his gimmick and it's ended there. I believe Taz or one of the other announcers said the robe looked familiar or something, but that's about it.

And with Austin Aries, as kb brought up in the LD, Hogan gets pissed at him and his punishment is to put him in a championship match? :wtf:

Hogan should stick with A&8's until a wrestler(s) take the reigns for it. (Which is starting to look like Kurt Angle). They're trying to dominate IW as a whole, which Hogan is the GM of, so it makes sense.

A little side thing with Morgan is fine with me as long as it's sort of a minor feud for now. If they want to push Morgan then slowly building a history is alright by me.

And the Bully Ray/Hogan/Brooke thing...just no. :disappointed:

Totally agree. And that's coming from a Hogan fan.
Yeah! What IDR said! :)

Seriously though. Right on point. But the weird thing about it is last night Morgan didn't even refer to Hogan at all. It's like he stole his robe only to copy his gimmick and it's ended there. I believe Taz or one of the other announcers said the robe looked familiar or something, but that's about it.

And with Austin Aries, as kb brought up in the LD, Hogan gets pissed at him and his punishment is to put him in a championship match? :wtf:

Hogan should stick with A&8's until a wrestler(s) take the reigns for it. (Which is starting to look like Kurt Angle). They're trying to dominate IW as a whole, which Hogan is the GM of, so it makes sense.

A little side thing with Morgan is fine with me as long as it's sort of a minor feud for now. If they want to push Morgan then slowly building a history is alright by me.

And the Bully Ray/Hogan/Brooke thing...just no. :disappointed:

Totally agree. And that's coming from a Hogan fan.

they built up the seemingly hogan vs morgan fued...they said morgon tookt he cape hogan wore against andre at shea in the very early 80s.... this storyline i dont have an issue with

hogan as idr said, is in WAY too many storylines and they need to trim it down. the morgan fued and a8 should be it. with morgan it seems like they finally trying to pull the trigger on him being the monster heel and hes pissed as hogan was suppose to make him a huge starand was put on backburner.

with aces and 8s i see alot of people on here are getting lost in the shuffle with whats going on , and im not entirely sure its their fault as tna hasnt been 100 percent direct with how their pulling it off. a8 so far only have 2 members revealed and it seems people think doc(gallows) is on the same level as devon. gallows was just patched in while devon is an officer(from whats explained the lowest one).. from rumors we know briscoe,garret,knox are likely in but if you look at gallows, im not sure that theyll be officers. it seems the direction tna is taking is there waiting it out till they can 1) get a bigger names(yea i know ...who). or waiting for jarrett and big bish to be ready.... hogan will remain in the storyline as "shit will hit the fan" when jarrett and big bish finally get revealed. so hes stuck in this storyline... the question im wondering is who will be the third officer( the one who will be right above devon) as jarrett and bish will be 1 and there bound to be a huge swurve somewhere( aj, bully , or abyss are the likely ones imo)
All the "Hogan Knows Best" quotes from all the superstars made it seem that they're noticing Hogan is putting himself in the spot light a little too much as well.
First of all, how the hell do you come to a conclusion that Hogan is in a feud with Kid Kash? Are you serious?

You know I really hate posts like this. We're talking about Hulk Hogan, the biggest name in wrestling. How the hell is it bad for Hogan to be associated or be involved with any of these guys? Him being involved with all of those guys are helping them out. I really think the T/S is complaining just to complain. I know 3 people that don't regularly watch wrestling but have watched or have skimmed through for the past few weeks and now know who Bully Ray and Aries is simply because of the Hogan drama with Brooke. A person taking up tv time is only detrimental if it's hurting the company. Example HHH hogging RAW while holding onto the world championship for what seemed to be an eternity and not putting guys overs Hogan being on screen and having mini feuds with guys on the roster is not burying or hurting anybody so what exactly is the problem? All I see is just nitpicking just to nitpick because since 2 years ago when Hogan first came to TNA, Hogan suddenly getting more than 10 minutes screentime has become the fad for internet fans to rag on TNA, Hogan, or both. Stop acting like Hogan, 1 of the most recognizable faces and names in the world is some type of curse. Hogan isn't wrestling these guys. There all getting rubs. Morgan took Hogan's robe and is wearing it toe the ring for crying out loud. The Hogan hate is pretty old and useless. TNA is on a role. The show is fine. Hogan isn't hurting the product in anyway. And this thread is just a thread to find something to pick on because internet fans always have to find something to complain about.
well Hulk Mcmahon,i mean Vince Hogan, i mean H-Diddy has to make everything about him.i think the man thinks he has to be relevant.which he aint.i think TNA would do better without Terry Pornstar.disappear for a lil when you make a comeback to will be crazy and almost seems like the reverse of what it should be.he is riding the youngers guys coat-tails.its sad to see one of the wrestling gods looking like an old man trying to act cool around the young folks.
First of all, how the hell do you come to a conclusion that Hogan is in a feud with Kid Kash? Are you serious?

You know I really hate posts like this. We're talking about Hulk Hogan, the biggest name in wrestling. How the hell is it bad for Hogan to be associated or be involved with any of these guys? Him being involved with all of those guys are helping them out. I really think the T/S is complaining just to complain. I know 3 people that don't regularly watch wrestling but have watched or have skimmed through for the past few weeks and now know who Bully Ray and Aries is simply because of the Hogan drama with Brooke. A person taking up tv time is only detrimental if it's hurting the company. Example HHH hogging RAW while holding onto the world championship for what seemed to be an eternity and not putting guys overs Hogan being on screen and having mini feuds with guys on the roster is not burying or hurting anybody so what exactly is the problem? All I see is just nitpicking just to nitpick because since 2 years ago when Hogan first came to TNA, Hogan suddenly getting more than 10 minutes screentime has become the fad for internet fans to rag on TNA, Hogan, or both. Stop acting like Hogan, 1 of the most recognizable faces and names in the world is some type of curse. Hogan isn't wrestling these guys. There all getting rubs. Morgan took Hogan's robe and is wearing it toe the ring for crying out loud. The Hogan hate is pretty old and useless. TNA is on a role. The show is fine. Hogan isn't hurting the product in anyway. And this thread is just a thread to find something to pick on because internet fans always have to find something to complain about.

OK champ, listen up:

1. Kash is not necessarily in a "feud" with Hogan, but in being dismissed by him for the X Division shot in last nights IMPACT main event, he told Hogan something like "I'm getting just this tired of all this", or something to that extent, which is an insinuation that he is at odds with him, ergo feud. Perhaps it's not the traditional type you are used to, but the point is that Hogan is now involved in yet another angle, even if it's an unimportant one.

2. How is it bad for Hogan to be associated/involved with any of these guys? It's not. It's bad that he's associated/involved with all of them at once. The crux of the issue is not Hulk Hogan. It's not even that Hogan is a central part of an angle, it's that he seem sto be at the central part of every angle... as a GENERAL MANAGER. This is an absurd position for a non-wrestler to be in on a wrestling program. I actually liked Hogan's involvement with Morgan, and I liked it with Aces and Eights too — my point is that he doesn't need more air time, or more importantly more feuds. He needs to focus on the one, or two (tops) angles he's already in as a means to get the wrestlers also involved in them over. His job is to be an ambassador who uses his pre-existing star power to grant star power to the talents wrestling in the company he is now working for, not to try and be the star again.

3. If a person taking up television time is only a detriment when they hurt the company, what do you consider keeping wrestlers under contract already like Mr. Anderson, Kenny King, D'Angelo Dinero, etc. off IMPACT every week to be — helpful?

4. Morgan took Hogan's robe by force, and has yet to interact with Hogan since because Hulk is too busy now with Aries, Brooke, or any of the other angles he's involved in. Where's the rub? Being able to walk to the ring in ridiculous attire that "casual" fans don't understand or like? That's a rub? If so, it's a pretty worthless one.

5. I'm a Hogan fan. I'm not hating on anything. You complain about the juvenility behind my motives in this post, yet respond to it like a 13 year old does anyone who disagrees with him? I'm the moderator of this section, and have been for years. Ask around, son — I actually LOVE TNA. You won't find a more staunch supporter of the company than me here, next to perhaps shattered dreams or one or two others users. My writing up a thread that isn't dripping in positives doesn't make this about "hate". Criticism can be constructive, you know?

6. Yes, Hogan is hurting the show. See points 2, 3 and 4 for more on that.
Hogan is the GM and therefore needs to be associated with everything. It brings continuity and allows lower on the card to have story lines (ie Kash, Morgan). It's actually been very effective seeing many consider the Morgan thing a feud. This is just airtime because a feud ends in the ring and Hogan isn't wrestling. Air time with Hogan makes people 1) tune in and 2) view it as important. Hogan/Aires/Bully will turn into Bully vs Aires which is a great story to be tied up in to keep them away from the title. Hogan, though featured, is actually facilitating matches and putting the focus on Wrestlers. No time is wasted in TNA because it all focuses on developing interest in Wrestlers and their story/character . It just so happens Hogan brings the eyeball
Modern Hogan is the worst, I've said it before - ever since turning face after the Rock match at Wrestlemania 18 he has really let his image go down the drain. I feel kind of like Hall and Nash did immediately following that match. TNA had some cool things going, then the excitement of a heel hogan and his boys coming in seemed cool, but it's just turned into Hogan Knows Best now.... boring - and I'm a Hogan guy, slowly stepping away from that title though
Hogan is the GM and therefore needs to be associated with everything. It brings continuity and allows lower on the card to have story lines (ie Kash, Morgan). It's actually been very effective seeing many consider the Morgan thing a feud. This is just airtime because a feud ends in the ring and Hogan isn't wrestling. Air time with Hogan makes people 1) tune in and 2) view it as important. Hogan/Aires/Bully will turn into Bully vs Aires which is a great story to be tied up in to keep them away from the title. Hogan, though featured, is actually facilitating matches and putting the focus on Wrestlers. No time is wasted in TNA because it all focuses on developing interest in Wrestlers and their story/character . It just so happens Hogan brings the eyeball

People who watch TNA don't tune in for Hogan. The majority love TNA for the product and not some old guy trying to grab the spotlight. He doesn't need to be the GM, but I'm sure he wants to be so he can be relevant still. The thing is he's not. His days are long gone and he refuses to give it up.
OK champ, listen up:

1. Kash is not necessarily in a "feud" with Hogan, but in being dismissed by him for the X Division shot in last nights IMPACT main event, he told Hogan something like "I'm getting just this tired of all this", or something to that extent, which is an insinuation that he is at odds with him, ergo feud. Perhaps it's not the traditional type you are used to, but the point is that Hogan is now involved in yet another angle, even if it's an unimportant one.

Necessarily? Which one is it? Is he in a feud with him or not?

Kash saying that can mean anything? How the hell do you just jump to a conclusion that Kid Kash is going to just jump from lower card in a feud with Hogan. That's a huge leap. A huge assumption! Kash isn't in a feud with Hogan at all and I doubt he'll be in one with him anytime soon. This is the biggest reeeeeaaah I've ever seen

It's Damn Real said:
The crux of the issue is not Hulk Hogan. It's not even that Hogan is a central part of an angle, it's that he seem sto be at the central part of every angle... as a GENERAL MANAGER. This is an absurd position for a non-wrestler to be in on a wrestling program.

Uh first of all let's step into reality for a second. Hogan is not a Theodore Long or Vickie Guerrero. He's Hulk fucking Hogan. Let's get that straight. The whole purpose of him coming to TNA was to be an attraction. Him being a general manager is a way for him to be on tv to attract since he's not a wrestler. Hogan's getting paid tons of money. Let the man do what he can while he's able to walk and still be alive while in TNA and get as much camera time with these guys as much as possible. You expect him to just appear in 1 or 2 backstage segments and call it a day or something? Man please! If he was to do that, you'd make a thread probably saying "Hogan not pulling his weight in TNA." This fucking guy is getting off his surgically repaired ass hobbling to the ring and hobbling all over the Impact Zone working with as many TNA guys to get them over and you're complaining? My goodness. :banghead: This is a case of you're damn if you don't and you're damned if you do.

It's Damn Real said:
4. Morgan took Hogan's robe by force, and has yet to interact with Hogan since because Hulk is too busy now with Aries, Brooke, or any of the other angles he's involved in. Where's the rub? Being able to walk to the ring in ridiculous attire that "casual" fans don't understand or like? That's a rub? If so, it's a pretty worthless one.

It's amazing how you sit and claim to watch TNA but yet you're not able to properly access how the show is set up. If you've paid attention to the format of TNA's show as of recent, you'll see that it's not unusual for TNA to start something, put it on hold, and come back to it later. Do you think just because the last time that Hogan and Morgan interacted was about 2 weeks ago that the story is suddenly over between them? Is that what you think? Because if so, then I question your education level. In case, you're unable to see what's going on, TNA plants the seeds to an angle and comes back to it later. WTH do you think has happened with the Bully Ray and Devon feud? Have you noticed that those guys are no longer interacting? It was only about a month ago that Ray wanted Devon. Ray now wants Aries. It's how TNA books things. In 2-3 months time, I'm sure the Ray/Devon feud may start again. It's the same thing with Aries/Hardy. We know that Aries has a problem with Hardy. When Aries went into Hardy's trailer, he said it wasn't over between him and Hardy. Fast forward a week later, he begins a feud with Ray. It doesn't mean TNA won't go back to a Aries/Hardy feud at a later date. Aries again, started a fight with Anderson backstage, got in a match with him and used brass knucks on him to win the match. There's a possibility there that if Anderson comes back, we might see an Anderson/Aries feud. The same might happen with Hogan/Morgan. The seeds have been planted for a Hogan/Morgan story to continue. Shit like this happens in real life all the time. One minute, you're focused on something but the next minute something comes in the way and totally takes your focus off of it. It doesn't mean you've forgotten you're main focus. It just means that you've shifted gears for the time being. It's the same shit here. You seem to be a fan of 1 dimensional booking. You seem to prefer for guy A to feud with guy B and be all about guy B which to me isn't effective when you're running a 2hr format show like TNA. With this type of booking, it helps the product not be as stale imo.

I have no idea why you're mentioning a feud with Morgan. That feud hasn't taken off yet or gone into 2nd gear. The only "Hogan feuds" that are ACTIVE is the one involving Ray/Brooke/Aries. Even his involvement with the Aces & Eights have slowed down. All of his other "feuds" are on hold which is common in TNA in general to have things be on hold only to be addressed later as I pointed out before.

It's Damn Real said:
2. How is it bad for Hogan to be associated/involved with any of these guys? It's not. It's bad that he's associated/involved with all of them at once. I actually liked Hogan's involvement with Morgan, and I liked it with Aces and Eights too — my point is that he doesn't need more air time, or more importantly more feuds. He needs to focus on the one, or two (tops) angles he's already in as a means to get the wrestlers also involved in them over. His job is to be an ambassador who uses his pre-existing star power to grant star power to the talents wrestling in the company he is now working for, not to try and be the star again.

Look how you contradict yourself. One minute you talk about how he's in a feud with Morgan and talk about how it's basically a start and stop feud where the feud is basically on pause. That's basically what you're saying. You're pointing out how Hogan hasn't interacted with Morgan. OK so wouldn't that be a good thing for you? You just sat up here and pointed out how he's in a feud with about 4 people or so? So do you want his focus to be on Morgan as well as the 3 others. Make up your mind here. You're basically contradicting yourself

It's Damn Real said:
3. If a person taking up television time is only a detriment when they hurt the company, what do you consider keeping wrestlers under contract already like Mr. Anderson, Kenny King, D'Angelo Dinero, etc. off IMPACT every week to be — helpful?

Wait a minute, so it's Hogan's fault that TNA's HEAD BOOKER Bruce Prichard hasn't known how to use Ken Anderson since he took over Russo's spot as head booker? You mean it's Hogan's fault that TNA is booking the show with a few people per division? You mean it's Hogan's fault that the knockouts can no longer get two matches per Impact? Yeah let's not blame Gut Check or anything else on the show that takes up valuable time from the already signed performers in TNA. Let's blame all of TNA's problems on Hogan for "feuding" with TNA stars and potential wrestling legends even though you've admitted in the same post that Hogan doesn't even interact with all the people that he's "feuding" with. :banghead:

It's Damn Real said:
5. I'm a Hogan fan. I'm not hating on anything. You complain about the juvenility behind my motives in this post, yet respond to it like a 13 year old does anyone who disagrees with him? I'm the moderator of this section, and have been for years. Ask around, son — I actually LOVE TNA. You won't find a more staunch supporter of the company than me here, next to perhaps shattered dreams or one or two others users. My writing up a thread that isn't dripping in positives doesn't make this about "hate". Criticism can be constructive, you know?

I know who you are. The thing here is you're a TNA mark but you're trying your best to reach for something to complain about to show that you have some sort of balance so it won't always look like you're talking up TNA. This is basically all this thread is. You're complaining about the most complainless thing possible. You using the crux of him taking tv time away from others is the biggest bullshit ever. If TNA wants to find a way to get Anderson and King on TV more, they'd find an effective way to do so. Do you think Prichard & TNA creative is that incompetent or something? I just don't appreciate you using Hogan as a cop out for TNA's booking
This fucking guy is getting off his surgically repaired ass hobbling to the ring and hobbling all over the Impact Zone working with as many TNA guys to get them over and you're complaining?

Who has he gotten over though by hobbling to the ring and all over the Impact Zone? Why does he need to get Bully Ray over? He's done a good job of that on his own. I thought Bully wanted to kick Devon's ass. What happened to that? He should be at least helping Matt Morgan get over. I've seen two or three segments with them in the past few months or so and that's it.
Who has he gotten over though by hobbling to the ring and all over the Impact Zone? Why does he need to get Bully Ray over? He's done a good job of that on his own.

Hogan is not a wrestler. He can't physically put anyone over. But verbally, he's put over the entire TNA roster on the mic plenty of times. He pushed Austin Aries both in and out of kayfabe. He's doing it with Morgan. He's done it with Storm. He's done it with Abyss. Hell, you can probably add Roode to the equation as well since Hogan had many segments with Roode when he was champion. Lol at why does he need to get Bully Ray over? Why does The Rock have to work with an established John Cena and a CM Punk? Why did Hogan work with an established Rock? Why is an already over Punk need a Heyman? Why did an established Flair need a great talker like Heenan? It's certain questions you don't have to ask

Little Jerry Lawler said:
I thought Bully wanted to kick Devon's ass. What happened to that? He should be at least helping Matt Morgan get over. I've seen two or three segments with them in the past few months or so and that's it.

Read my last post. That's why reading is fundamental.
I didn't watch last night but I haven't felt like there's been too much Hogan at all. Other than his scene in A&8's Clubhouse he's been pretty good. Repeatedly being on screen with guys that TNA is trying to get noticed. A lot of casual viewers are flipping channels and when they see Hogan, I am guessing they are more likely to stay on Spike. Are Hogan's segments losing viewers?

Hogan is an easy target but he hasn't been a problem for me. Now Bruce Pritchard and Styles/Daniels feuding on the other hand needs to get off my TV screen.
I didn't watch last night but I haven't felt like there's been too much Hogan at all. Other than his scene in A&8's Clubhouse he's been pretty good. Repeatedly being on screen with guys that TNA is trying to get noticed. A lot of casual viewers are flipping channels and when they see Hogan, I am guessing they are more likely to stay on Spike. Are Hogan's segments losing viewers?

Hogan is an easy target but he hasn't been a problem for me. Now Bruce Pritchard and Styles/Daniels feuding on the other hand needs to get off my TV screen.

I hadn't watched Impact this week either until a few hours ago. IDR's not one to complain over stuff like this so I had to see for myself. Even having read this thread, I was still blown away by the amount of time Hogan spent on screen. The worst part being that the Aces & 8s storyline was almost completely nonexistent this week and still Hogan managed to be on the show seemingly ever 3 minutes.

It was insane.
I hadn't watched Impact this week either until a few hours ago. IDR's not one to complain over stuff like this so I had to see for myself. Even having read this thread, I was still blown away by the amount of time Hogan spent on screen. The worst part being that the Aces & 8s storyline was almost completely nonexistent this week and still Hogan managed to be on the show seemingly ever 3 minutes.

It was insane.

I don't doubt that Hogan was a big part last night. He was in one of the three segments I flipped on. The difference is that I watched his segment with the X-Divisions guys and I turned off the Gut Check segment and when I saw AJ in the ring with Kaz and Daniels again.

I just don't feel like Hogan is the problem. When he was rehashing his old NWO bad guy persona it put a bad taste in my mouth (kind of like semen, but more tangy). This version of Hogan has worked well and I think it is about all that can be expected of the guy. One night of overexposure is far from one of TNA's biggest problems.

Unfortunately for the die-hard TNA fans I also think Brooke is good for the show. If nothing else she has nip-slip potential.
I can't really complain too much on how often Hogan was on TV; once upon a time general managers/commissioners were seen quite frequently in WWE. Thing is I think they have too many irons in the fire with Hogan. It would be best to have him deal with the A&8's and possibly the Morgan thing on the side. The whole Brooke and Bully thing could lead to disaster; I'm sensing a new version of the McMahon-Helmsley era on the horizon.
The show is certainly too much Hogan. While he is sort-of getting people over (I think Aries is the most recent example), he is simply taking too much screen time and getting himself over mostly. Loads of others guys (Kenny King, Anderson etc.) get very little screen-time because of him.

If TNA could rely on Hogan for another twenty years (like WWE can with Trips), then it could be justified, but they can't. Hogan is too old to be that big of a support pillar and when he retires (or dies) in the near future, TNA will be in a world of hurt, because they couldn't build more stars.
The main problem with the Brooke, Bully and Hulk angle is that they let the cat out of the bag and brought him in too quick. They should have kept him out of it by being too busy with aces and 8's to notice what was going on with Bully and Brooke. Then once that angle is done he can finally get a breathe and then start in on the concerned father storyline, where Brooke could say he was an absentee father and never knew what was going on with her life.

Hogan doesn't bring in casual fans either, casual fans know the name but when they hear he is on a wrestling show the first question is " he is still wrestling wtf"

Everyone you named as Hogan getting over would have gotten over on their own without Hogan, everyone could see the talent in Aries Morgan and Roode and it was just up to booking ( not Hogan) to put them in something meaningful.

Hogan is a wrestling legend but none of the fans that watch today (most of who's parents have yet to meet) have seen him or remember hm in his heyday.
I just believe he should only be in the important angles of the unknown such as A & 8's followed by the Brooke Bully angle. Morgan doesn't need it and definitely Aries doesn't need it
First of all, how the hell do you come to a conclusion that Hogan is in a feud with Kid Kash? Are you serious?

You know I really hate posts like this. We're talking about Hulk Hogan, the biggest name in wrestling. How the hell is it bad for Hogan to be associated or be involved with any of these guys? Him being involved with all of those guys are helping them out. I really think the T/S is complaining just to complain. I know 3 people that don't regularly watch wrestling but have watched or have skimmed through for the past few weeks and now know who Bully Ray and Aries is simply because of the Hogan drama with Brooke. A person taking up tv time is only detrimental if it's hurting the company. Example HHH hogging RAW while holding onto the world championship for what seemed to be an eternity and not putting guys overs Hogan being on screen and having mini feuds with guys on the roster is not burying or hurting anybody so what exactly is the problem? All I see is just nitpicking just to nitpick because since 2 years ago when Hogan first came to TNA, Hogan suddenly getting more than 10 minutes screentime has become the fad for internet fans to rag on TNA, Hogan, or both. Stop acting like Hogan, 1 of the most recognizable faces and names in the world is some type of curse. Hogan isn't wrestling these guys. There all getting rubs. Morgan took Hogan's robe and is wearing it toe the ring for crying out loud. The Hogan hate is pretty old and useless. TNA is on a role. The show is fine. Hogan isn't hurting the product in anyway. And this thread is just a thread to find something to pick on because internet fans always have to find something to complain about.

Glad someone views it this way! People need to accept that Hogan is a signed member of the roster just like anyone else! The greatness about Hogan being on screen is that we get to see wrestling biggest and most historic talent, interact with wrestlers from every era of professional wrestling!

If I ran TNA, I would milk the s*** out the fact that I have Hogan and have him exchange words and scenes with everyone possible! He will need a position that will make it justifiable! A position like GM! For one this is great for historic wrestling footage! Just imagine decades from now watching old clips of Hogan and the TNA roster during its early years! Second, any wrestler will tell you that working closely with Hogan during scenes and behind the scenes is monumental for a career! Not only as a milestone in how far one has come, but also for the chance to gain a lesson or two!

This is the only place you will see all these talents interact, and the footage will only get better with time! This is why I love TNA, everytime I see talents interact with Hogan, even for a second backstage, I think of how much I will appreciate the footage decades from now! I think of the epicness of Aries and Hogan face to face, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Sting!

Truth is that if any company had a chance at signing Hogan, they will probably use him just as much if not more! Especially WWE with their focus on history and legends these last few years, as well as their upcoming legends show and new network! If they try and make Mike Tyson sound liek a million bucks to the business, imagine the man who was at the center of it during its golden era!

Some people get too caught up in their impatience! In 2000 people were "tired" of Hogan, 2002 comes and hes back to the WWE in epic fashion! Has great feuds, even as late as 2006 with Orton. In 2007, people are praying to the gods that Jeff Hardy will become champ one day, but think it will never happen. In 2010 people are "tired" of him and want CM Punk to be champ. Today in 2012 people are "tired" of Punk and would even prefer Ryback! People think Hogan should retire because he's been in this business for over 30 years! Who said that's enough time? Where is there a law that keeps a cap on a wrestling career? Do actors retire because they reach 50? Usually they are at their best with more time!

This isn't the 90's where people are fighting for screen time, this is the era where people come together to grow and learn from each other, while helping everyone and their company!

In the past people will feud for years before moving on, and some will be the center of the company for decades. Today most fans are damaging the business by thinking their opinions and preferences are automatically the best route to follow! When doing this they are blind to the beauty of what we are being given! What if XFL continued and Vince lost all his money, and had to shut down WWE?

I'm thankful wrestling is still around today, and part of that is because I get to see all my favorites from the last 30 years play a part in TNA's growth! Who better to be a large part in this than the Immortal Hulk Hogan!? If he retires and leaves in 3 years, we'll have 3 more years of legendary footage and dynamic situations / interactions. If he leaves in 10 years, we'll have 10 more years of a historic career! Either way no one is being held back! Any wrestler that will complain and whine, should focus more on their fight for the spot they want, just ask Samoa Joe who has publicly criticized the way he use to view the business, he wasn't viewing the big picture, and neither are some of you guys!

As for the Morgan situation, Matt has a beef with Hogan but Hogan doesn't have a beef with him! He is glad that Morgan is finally stepping up and taking what he feels he deserves! He is glad that he is focusing on his new found drive! This is why Hogan won't try and take the robe, he welcomes Morgans new rise! Fans that are to used to what has been done, think this is a feud. It's a intricate plot point in a much bigger picture!

Everyone has been represented great this past year! Hogan is the center piece of that great presentation! Complain if he is phoning in his performance and collecting checks, not when he explodes with passion, love, and effort for TNA, its roster, and the wrestling business! While you guys complain about lets say their usage of Aries, Aries probably can't sleep at night thinking about how awesome his life is and will continue to be with Hogan & TNA!
I think it's more that post Mania 18, Hogan had no more to sell as a legit commodity. His run after that was awful, the only remotely notable thing he did was begin the process of elevating Edge (although his neck injury stalled it for 3 years). By the time he was wrestling Shawn it was embarrasing because this was not the guy who set the world on fire at WM1...

Then it was the reality show, the grills, Bubba's show literally anything to keep the name out there but there was no real product to back it up, no way for the name to gain any more value because the world could see how beat up Hogan was in the ring but also how crazy and dysfunctional the guy (and his family) were through the reality show.

That Nick, Brooke and Linda were anything other than a face in the crowd at a match ruined the mystique that Hogan had had throughout his career to that point. Hulkamania Hogan loved his god, his vitamins and his Hulkamaniacs, Hollywood Hogan loved money, fame and power. Hogan Knows Best showed him as a gimp who had no sense his wife was screwing him over and his kids were going nowhere and he let us see it all!

By the time he got to TNA he was so damaged, that the impact (pun intended) was ruined by the fact he was there... Had Bischoff gone in alone... TNA would be near WWE level now... but Hogan had to get involved and again, the fans saw through it. He couldn't work, he never could book worth a damn (refusing to work or put over guys like Rude or Bossman who could have actually enhanced him with great title feuds) and by then he couldn't talk any sense either. Fast forward to now and Hogan is again the cancer in a federation. Bischoff gets it, Hogan does not know best when it comes to TNA. I can see a parting of the ways before long because as much of a mark as Dixie is, eventually she is going to see through to the truth. Hogan's sell by date was 15 years ago, he got a one match rennaisance out of the Rock... and that was the guy she should have ploughed all that money into getting to TNA, not Hulk. Dwayne is a member of the roster, he knows it but he like Brock is a limited usage guy... but he is there as an active competitor... Hogan can't be that competitor cos his body is shot, but TNA is rapidly becoming a place where competitors are key, not personalities. Hogan cannot keep up, his body won't let him and it is showing by him grabbing as many minutes on the stick as he can.

If the idea is to put Morgan over, it's too late... it needed to happen in 2002 WWE, like he should have put Orton over or Shawn or even Cena. Beating or feuding with Hulk now isn't a boost to a career, it's an albatross round the neck for a competitor, especially when TNA has veterans who are on hotter streaks like Bully Ray or Angle.
Hogan is definitely in too much now, and has been in the past. I don't care who he was, the key word there is WAS (And yes, I grew up in the 80's era, and didn't like him then either).

One person should not be the be all end all of a show. I'll guarantee that about 95% of the people lauding Hogan, even though he can barely f**king walk, are the same ones that bitch about John Cena. News flash, Hogan is doing the same thing Cena is doing, except on a worse scale. Cena is this era's Hogan, just better. Hogan sucked when he was popular, and he sucks now.

Even if I didn't think he sucked, the point is still valid. He's not giving anybody a "rub"; take Aries for example. Aries made himself into a popular guy, the crowd loved him before Hogan even got involved.

The only thing Hogan is doing now is overshadowing Aries' importance and trying to sponge off his popularity. Hogan saw how hot and fresh Aries was, and wanted to sop up some of that for himself. He's a parasite, a leech, clamoring for past glory that will never be achieved again.

The comments are valid. Hogan has been in the middle of the Aces and 8s story, Morgan/Ryan, Aries, just recently Kash and even with Bully Ray. They just had to keep the stupidity going after the ring storyline with the Immortal storyline. He has to have his hand in the cookie jar at every turn, and it's getting f'n old. It's been old since the late 80's, in fact.

I thought hiring Hogan and Bishoff was a bad move, and I stand by that opinion. They are doing nothing but trying to milk TNA for all that they can before TNA wisens up and drops them. I just wish they wouldn't have hired them in the first place, then we wouldn't have to deal with this spotlight hog.

Random rant over.
You've finally seen the light.

Hogan thinks he's still relevant in 2012, that's a fact. He thinks people want to see him instead of the future of the company. Hell, you said Hogan is feuding with 4 different people and has the most screen-time in the company? I guess he might as well be the top face of TNA.

The fact remains is he's in his mid 50's and is a egomaniac. I understand this is the TNA section but you don't see Booker T or Vickie Guerrero having 4 segments a night. With Cena it's possible, but he's the top face so that would make sense. You don't see Booker T or Vickie Gurerro all over the promotions for WWE shows. Hogan isn't the top face, he's the General Manager, but he's all over the show, posters, and advertisements. Hell, look at the poster for the press release for their show at the Alamodome, it's Hulk Hogan.

The quicker Hogan leaves the better the company will be. Ever since Hogan joined TNA the ratings haven't gotten higher, they haven't gotten any sold-out PPV shows, or even successfully competed with WWE. Hogan has been a bust for TNA. It's been nearly 3 years since he's joined TNA and he hasn't done anything substantial for the company except pop a 3.2 quarter hour rating 3 years ago.

Hulk Hogan is only in TNA for Hulk Hogan. Always has and always will be.
Glad someone views it this way! People need to accept that Hogan is a signed member of the roster just like anyone else! The greatness about Hogan being on screen is that we get to see wrestling biggest and most historic talent, interact with wrestlers from every era of professional wrestling!

If I ran TNA, I would milk the s*** out the fact that I have Hogan and have him exchange words and scenes with everyone possible! He will need a position that will make it justifiable! A position like GM! For one this is great for historic wrestling footage! Just imagine decades from now watching old clips of Hogan and the TNA roster during its early years! Second, any wrestler will tell you that working closely with Hogan during scenes and behind the scenes is monumental for a career! Not only as a milestone in how far one has come, but also for the chance to gain a lesson or two!

This is the only place you will see all these talents interact, and the footage will only get better with time! This is why I love TNA, everytime I see talents interact with Hogan, even for a second backstage, I think of how much I will appreciate the footage decades from now! I think of the epicness of Aries and Hogan face to face, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Sting!

Truth is that if any company had a chance at signing Hogan, they will probably use him just as much if not more! Especially WWE with their focus on history and legends these last few years, as well as their upcoming legends show and new network! If they try and make Mike Tyson sound liek a million bucks to the business, imagine the man who was at the center of it during its golden era!

Some people get too caught up in their impatience! In 2000 people were "tired" of Hogan, 2002 comes and hes back to the WWE in epic fashion! Has great feuds, even as late as 2006 with Orton. In 2007, people are praying to the gods that Jeff Hardy will become champ one day, but think it will never happen. In 2010 people are "tired" of him and want CM Punk to be champ. Today in 2012 people are "tired" of Punk and would even prefer Ryback! People think Hogan should retire because he's been in this business for over 30 years! Who said that's enough time? Where is there a law that keeps a cap on a wrestling career? Do actors retire because they reach 50? Usually they are at their best with more time!

This isn't the 90's where people are fighting for screen time, this is the era where people come together to grow and learn from each other, while helping everyone and their company!

In the past people will feud for years before moving on, and some will be the center of the company for decades. Today most fans are damaging the business by thinking their opinions and preferences are automatically the best route to follow! When doing this they are blind to the beauty of what we are being given! What if XFL continued and Vince lost all his money, and had to shut down WWE?

I'm thankful wrestling is still around today, and part of that is because I get to see all my favorites from the last 30 years play a part in TNA's growth! Who better to be a large part in this than the Immortal Hulk Hogan!? If he retires and leaves in 3 years, we'll have 3 more years of legendary footage and dynamic situations / interactions. If he leaves in 10 years, we'll have 10 more years of a historic career! Either way no one is being held back! Any wrestler that will complain and whine, should focus more on their fight for the spot they want, just ask Samoa Joe who has publicly criticized the way he use to view the business, he wasn't viewing the big picture, and neither are some of you guys!

As for the Morgan situation, Matt has a beef with Hogan but Hogan doesn't have a beef with him! He is glad that Morgan is finally stepping up and taking what he feels he deserves! He is glad that he is focusing on his new found drive! This is why Hogan won't try and take the robe, he welcomes Morgans new rise! Fans that are to used to what has been done, think this is a feud. It's a intricate plot point in a much bigger picture!

Everyone has been represented great this past year! Hogan is the center piece of that great presentation! Complain if he is phoning in his performance and collecting checks, not when he explodes with passion, love, and effort for TNA, its roster, and the wrestling business! While you guys complain about lets say their usage of Aries, Aries probably can't sleep at night thinking about how awesome his life is and will continue to be with Hogan & TNA!

If I was TNA, I would market the fuck out of someone like Jeff Hardy, who can be a massive draw for the company. He has alot of charisma and is able to garner to all the demographics, the kids who love his high flying stuff to the older fans who remember him from the Attitude Era. That's why he was so successful in the WWE. TNA basically have a huge draw right under their noses, but have yet to push him as the top face. And you know why, because Hogan wants to be the top face even though he can't work a match anymore and he hasn't been relevant since 2006.

He hasn't drawn anything for TNA, hasn't helped TNA out with the ratings or buyrates. Their house show numbers are still terrible. Hell, overall ratings have gotten lower since Hogan has been in TNA. Having a guy like Hogan in your company only helps if he can draw money. Right now, he can't. TNA has been marketing the fact they have Hogan for 3 years now and counting, and it hasn't done anything for them.

The thing is, Hogan is in a company that needs to grow, but he's stalling their growth for his own self-promotion. Hell, who's bring idea was it to give Brooke Hogan a contract? He's only in TNA for himself, not for Aries, Roode, Angle, Joe, Styles, Hardy, but himself. He has to learn that his time as being a big draw is over, just because he was a massive success 30 years ago doesn't mean he will be in 2012, and he isn't. He's just a old man taking spotlight from talent.

Hell, even Bischoff isn't on television anymore. He knows his time is up. Hogan doesn't.
TNA can't take that risk on Hardy, not cos of his legal issues but cos they know that he will go back to WWE when this deal is done, so they are utilising him while they have him. Vince will probably be the one to market Hardy as you suggest, especially in a rivalry with Punk.

You're right on Brooke, but the issue is that Brooke, Nick, Linda, Bubba all the people Hogan has brought into public view in recent years should never have been there. That's why Hogan is so diminished cos it wasn't about "The Immortal Hulk" anymore but his freaks and geeks entourage. Brooke wanted to sing? She should have moved to Nashville, changed her name and done it without dad's help... but she didn't, Hogan backed her and it bombed. So her being in TNA smacks of her not being able to do anything else (or at all) without Dad.

Nick wanted to race cars? We all know how that one ended... Hogan is known more now for being the guy who everything he touches turns to crap than the legend he should be known for. Just like Flair is known as being one step off a bum/bankrupt so he is still putting himself out there when he should really be just "the elder statesman" for the business.

That is what is hurting TNA when he is on screen too much, that people aren't seeing Hulk Hogan, they're seeing a near 60 year old man who used to be Hulk Hogan trying to be Hulk Hogan...and he's failing miserably!

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