Total Nonstop Exhaustion

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
No, that's not a euphemism for suffering through their television show, though I know I set that one up like tee-ball with a title like this. No, Total Nonstop Exhaustion is more of a defining of the state of the union these days. Becuase exhaustion is the best term I can think of to adequately describe what being a fan of TNA is like in 2016. Its descriptive of what being a fan of TNA has been for most of their existence, really, but it's especially true of the last few years. Really, ever since the 2014 Spike TV cancellation.

2016 has been exceptionally worse, though, because I can't go even a couple of weeks without reading a barrage of new and updated reports and rumors about the imminent demise of the company on the horizon — a horizon that seems to be closing fast. All the while TNA does nothing to quell these reports. Instead, they continuing to buy just enough gas to reach the next gas station. TV tapings seem to be paid for by mining for every last penny in the couch. Pay-Per-Views nearly don't air days before they're set to (Slammiversary). Hell, Bound For Glory may not either if Meltzer's latest word is to be believed.

At the end of the day, I'm just really tired. I'm tired of the company only ever having enough gas to make it to the next gas station in the hopes that they even have gas to refill the next short trip. I'm tired of the never-ending rumors. I'm tired of the impending doom. But mostly, I'm tired of the reminder that if these reports are true, the only promotion I watch — my team, in essence — is about to fold. Again. For the second time in my life, to the same monopoly who bought the first one, in almost exactly the same manner, like a nightmare reborn just for my personal torment.

Not only is TNA almost certainly going to be sold this week, but there is a very real chance it's going to be to WWE, and if that happens, there's a very real chance (I'd argue a certainty) that BFG will be the last moment in their history. A lame duck swan song to put the finishing touches on a decade-plus of promise and potential that never was. WWE has no reason to operate TNA. They already have their own better version of it, chock full with some of TNA's most talented alumni, in NXT. What they see is a tape library to pad the WWE Network content library, which makes sense. But for lifers like me, there's no easy answer. It's easy to write "NXT" or "Smackdown", but just like 2001, this process has just poisoned my love for pro wrestling to the point that picking up another book just isn't in the cards. Not right away. It took me roughly four years and three months to reinvest in pro wrestling when WCW went under (I came back to it for One Night Stand). I don't know if I have another four years and three months in me this time. Because WWE isn't an option for the same reason it wasn't then. Imagine your favorite sports team is suddenly closing shop and somehow being absorbed by their biggest rival. How quickly are you buying that new jersey? Exactly.

The only thing I can do at this point is hope that Corgan is the guy, because if he isn't, and he may not be, it's all over.

I'm exhausted.
It's Damn Real, If you leave as a fan of Pro Wrestling, it is YOUR fault, and ONLY your fault. These are exciting times to be a wrestling fan. Were you at Field of Honor last year? How about this year? Did you see WrestlePro's card at St. Patrick's? Or the numerous cards at St. Finbar's or the Floyd Bennett Post? Warriors in Staten Island? The numerous cards at the Elks, La Boom or the NY Arena in Queens? OK, so maybe they are not on TV like TNA. But, you can STILL see your favorites?

But, live shows cost money. So, if you cannot afford to attend a Tier 1, WrestlePro, House of Glory, or another live show, fear not! You can still see some great professional wrestling over the top. Doing nothing on a Saturday afternoon? Go to WhatCulture Pro Wrestling's stream. You can catch Will Ospreay, Martin Kirby, Martin Scrull, and a whole boatload of stars. Computer being used by the kids? No Problem! Download the Fite app (Very legal), and watch wrestling until you are blue in the face! CW from Hollywood, Paragon Pro, RoH, ICW Fight Club from the UK, Canada's Wrestling Centre.

What I am trying to tell you that if TNA goes out, they go out. We tried to support it. They tried to provide it. The reality is that Dixie cannot do it anymore. Period. This was her doll house. If she cannot live in it, nobody will. IDR, you have done a great job as a moderator of the TNA section. Every week, you tried to keep the TNA flag flying in a cauldron of Sports Entertainment fans that scoff at our support for Pro Wrestling. It was an admirable effort. Sadly, unless Aeroluxe and Billy Corgan can join forces, TNA is pretty much cooked.
I do understand where IDR is coming from. I felt the same way after Shaq left the Lakers back in '04. Childish crap decimated one of the best NBA squads that decade, my squad, and I stopped watching for a couple years. For me though, there are alternatives in regards to wrestling. Outside of TNA, I watch both ROH and Lucha Underground religiously, and I enjoy both immensely. New Japan is ripe full of talent as well. WWE isn't the only game in town, even though they're the big boy in regards to pro wrestling. Point is there are limitless options out there, IDR. There's nothing wrong with being a die hard fan, at the same time don't deprive yourself of the quality that's elsewhere.
Well. I can understand your passion for and devotion to a wrestling company. But it almost feels strange to me that one should be so devoted to Batman, and then Batman starring the old actor, so that when Batman starring Christian Bale arrives, you have no interest in it whatsoever. (I hope the analogy works).

I have no idea why you wouldn't watch WWE back in 2001 for 4 years and 3 months.

I can understand any fan choosing TNA over WWE between 2005-2010 (let's be honest, John Cena begun every Raw with "you can't see me" and "the champ is here" while Kurt Angle , Sting, among others tore the house down in TNA).

But right now, TNA has what, a few Ex-WWE stars like Galloway, Lashley, Cody Rhodes, and their own home-grown talent like ECIII.

You're exhausted and that's fine.

But did it ever occur to you that some of the best talent in the world, everrrr, is in the WWE right now? Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles was an amazing match. Seth vs Roman from Raw. Don't forget, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Shinsuke Nakamura are all in NXT, and Sami Zayn, Cesaro, Kevin Owens are on the main roster.

If this isn't the best time ever to be a Wrestling fan and a WWE fan, I don't know what was or is. (For me it was always 1999-2002, with the likes of Rock, Austin, Benoit, Angle, Edge, Jericho beating the hell out of each other. And Foley, Taker, Kane, followed by the arrival of Booker T and Rob Van Dam).

Being loyal to a little boat that's soon going to drown and be swallowed by the storm, is nice. But why deprive yourself of the luxury and pleasures and adventures a huge ship has to offer?
I'm a fan of wrestling in general.

I was WCW over WWE, and my team lost. Which sucks because I actually watched both. I would watch WCW live and have the VCR tape WWE. Then I would watch Thursday Night Thunder (although could never get into Smackdown).

Even though I watched both, I quit watching WWE after they closed WCW. I didn't want to reward them for killing my favorite brand.

I started watching TNA once I found out about it. That was those weekly ppvs. I thought it was AWESOME! It filled my void. I just started watching WWE again about 3 years ago, but I just couldn't get into it. I'm not a PG guy. I don't need it to be attitude era (although I did like random boobies haha), but I just couldn't get into it, and I disliked how they booked Bray Wyatt. However, now I'm loving how they are treating AJ Styles, so I check it out. I've even had a WWE Network subscription from time to time.

Through it all, I've watched TNA. If TNA does die, that will be the 2nd company Bischoff and Hogan killed. I couldn't stand the time that they were there. They killed a lot of the good will the company had with a list of things too long for this post.

I've read a lot about TNA closing lately, but I'm refusing to believe it. Instead I will focus on the good things. In the past 2 months TNA has posted their highest ratings on POP. I've read articles about them on BOTH Fox Sports AND ESPN (Mainstream media is finally paying some attention to them), and they were on Rolling for a wrester debut.

They have a "Savior" in Billy Corgan that is passionate, and I honestly believe has the sense to make TNA move forward. I hope he is given the opportunity. I read an article a week or so ago about how Corrigan is actually offering more than WWE because WWE just wants the tape library. Of course, the WWE could up their offer. But, my plan is to keep on supporting Impact, until he changes the name.

If WWE does buy TNA and closes it down, I'll stop watching wrestling again. I watch ROH from time to time, and Lucha Underground once in a blue moon, and NJPW about the same. I'd love to watch more, but I have limited time.

I really truly hope that a month from now we see Billy owning TNA (or whatever it is called then) and it doing even better. About the name, I do think that is kind of funny that Aroluxe got the the trademarks for TNA, which seemed like a big deal, but then if Billy changes the name it will only matter for legacy products.
This is an honest question IDR, are you watching TNA out of pure love, passion and entertainment. Or are you watching out of sheer habit at this point? I would guess that it's a little bit of both now. Let's face it, the TNA train has completely derailed over the last few years and hasn't been able to pull in any real crowds. So many times, there has been talk of it being sold and it being a new start. But TNA has been so close to going out of business for the last 2 years that they have completely forgotten about what is going on in the ring. They've lost fans by the scores and I don't see the prognosis of TNA, as a business, being very strong at this point.

There has been a few diamonds from TNA over the years but the story is over. Even if Corgan is the one to buy TNA, do you really think this is going to be the company turning the corner and motoring onto being successful again? TNA is a black hole for money and everyone knows it. Selling to the WWE is the only way to salvage some of that, if you ask me. Any other investor, looking to keep the promotion running, is simply aware that they are going to be running at a loss because TNA, in its current form, is simply not profitable right now.

It's a shame that this is, likely, the way it ends for TNA. But it's been coming for a long time now. They've been hiding under the bed every time that someone knocks on their door to collect and have been bailed out a lot. Unfortunately, I don't see them avoiding it this time.
I like TNA Impact Wrestling. They are currently my second favorite Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment company, and my third favorite of all time. I hope this isn’t the end for them. If it is, so be it. My second favorite Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment company was bought out by my first favorite Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment company, and everything turned out fine.

The WWE is the New York Yankees, the Montreal Canadiens, the Boston Celtics, and the Pittsburgh Steelers of Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. There is no denying that the Raw, Smackdown, and NXT is number 1 AND number 2 AND number 3 shows in this business today. Anyone who says otherwise is in denial. You don’t have to like them, (and I can’t stand the Yankees, Canadiens, Celtics, and Steelers), but you can’t take away the fact that they are the most successful franchises of all time…for now. Although they each have the record number of Championships in their respective sports, they can be defeated, and have been.

TNA had some of the greatest moments in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment history. When your flagship event is named “Bound For Glory”, you kind of give off the vibe that you’re not quite there yet, but you’re almost there. If you have a good player on a bad team, it’s a waste of a good player. That player should consider being traded to a good team that can utilize their talents better. If the TNA goes under, I believe the best way to preserve those moments is to embed their history into the Network.

The WWE can take the TNA roster and assign each of them to the Red brand, the Blue brand or the Yellow brand. TNA also has a whole roster that can be a part of the Purple brand as well. With the likes of A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, and Eric Young, there is also an Invasion angle they could run…just saying…
For the sake of Professional Wrestling I hope WWE does not suceed in buying TNA.

Wrestling has never been the same since ECW & more so WCW hit the wall.

For a while TNA was looking like an alternative, then Bischomania took over and started the decline to were TNA is at now. From having been Money v TMCMG we got Team 3-D v The Nasty Boys & Val Venis defeating Christopher Daniels.

The fall of TNA has been painful, the one man above all that then should have kept is now top of the tree in WWE. Instead then had him job to the awful Magnus on the way out.

TNA isn't getting the numbers it did on Spike, but hey WWE isn't attracting as many fans as what it did.

Hopefully Corgan gets the company & can attracting same investment, he's bound to have contacts.

Finally, if WWE were to suceed then I think almost all the roster wall be future endeavoured. I don't want to see guys lose their livelihood when all then have attemped to do is entertain us.
Billy is the effin man! He will find a way to shut down that evil piece of shit known as Vince McMahon. If Vince buys TNA I will officially no longer watch wrestling. The McMahons have done enough to fuck up the world of pro wrestling.
I wouldn't linger on the dirt sheets man, they're never really going to enhance your enjoyment of the product. You have to try and live in the moment, as you're letting a day that may never come affect your enjoyment.

Worrying about TNA's impending doom is like worrying about doctor's test results. Yes, you may have something, possibly even terminal, but until you have the slip of paper that says the jig is up, the dance must go on.

For all intents and purposes the best way to watch Impact right now is to watch it as if it'll last forever. Dirt sheets pray on fans like us, the IWC, worrying about the product. How do you get TNA fans to click links? Here's your headline "TNA to be sold to WWE." That's going to mine clicks faster than weight loss secrets or a person doctors hate.

Don't fall into the dirt sheet trap, read everything with a grain of salt. Of course TNA isn't addressing the issue, as the issue is news being touted by unreliable resources that only want wrestling fans to click on their pages.

Until Billy or Impact make an official announcement of their sale or impending doom, we're worrying like hypochondriacs on Web.MD. No you probably don't have cancer, and you should only panic or worry that you do when you're handed an official opinion. BFG is going to be awesome, so make the most of it and steer clear of the dirt sheets.
Like I said in the OP, when you throw in as long and hard as I did with TNA, picking up another teams' jersey is no easy feat. It's easy to tell me to, but I'd argue that's because so many of you already watch those programs. You already consume multiple companies and shows, and probably have more time to do so than I do. TNA is a nice little two hour show once a week that I invest in because it makes me feel like I have something to look forward to every week in that same slot (even though it constantly shifted nights — something my wife really didn't appreciate). I've actually tried to watch RAW and Smackdown a few times in the last few months/year on the word of a good buddy of mine who doesn't post here. I just can't do it. I go into it feeling like an outsider, because I am, and it just doesn't have the same appeal or feel. Which makes it really difficult to get into despite the fact Styles, and others are there now. When I watch I feel like I'm trying to jump onto a moving roller coaster that I also don't meet the height requirements to ride in the first place, if that makes any sense. WWE is also wholly intimidating from a sheer hours perspective. I feel like in order to truly appreciate it I'd need to be watching both RAW and Smackdown, which requires a five-hour commitment over two straight days — time I just don't have in my week anymore with a kid at home.

I get it — maybe I'm asking for too much, but what I want is what I've had. I want a non-WWE alternative that's televised weekly in prime time, or at an hour/time that's actually accessible to me, or a product that is streamed on a platform I can easily access, that's produced well and compelling. I'm not scouring the internet for illegal feeds to watch ROH (because my cable company doesn't carry their network) at like midnight on a Saturday night, or having to go back to torrenting Lucha Underground, because again, my cable company doesn't carry the English broadcast for their network. I'm also not paying more than I already pay to buy whatever premium cable package does carry them just so I can get a couple of wrestling shows I have no loyalty towards, either. Local shows are cool and all, but they're not a viable alternative. I want a weekly televised show that I can watch from the comfort of my couch.

On a related note, this afternoon's Busted Open Radio interview with Billy Corgan has me somewhat rejuvenated and really hopeful that he does end up getting full ownership of the company. They badly need him, and only him, leading the charge.
in a way, i kinda get what the guy is saying here. Personally, i follow wwe out of habit more then anything else, since the brand split, i often wonder why i still watch raw every week because smackdown is a way better show. But i also love to watching TNA even if some of the stuff like the whole hardy final deletion thing isn'T really my cup of tea. I really do enjoy so much about this show especially since the crowds really doesn'T feel like and IWC crowd like WWE crowds often do which make the shows more enjoyable. While sometimes the some ridiculous booking decision like 2 weeks ago with the whole fake press conference with what looked like no security guards, it's still really enjoyable and it would be sad to see them fold right now when they finally are getting some momemtum. Let'S hope that Corgan is able to find investors before friday and get full control of TNA.
I feel you, man.

Strike One, WCW.

Strike Two, TNA.

Hopefully if they go out and are bought by WWE, if there's another entity to take over it won't repeat the same mistakes, I don't want to see a Strike Three.

But it won't happen cause when TNA was created it was 2002 and there was still a buzz and enough good will coming off the Monday Night Wars to generate interest in a new wrestling promotion of the leftovers of WCW and their fans.

Wrestling is not the same in 2016. Lucha Underground is losing money. WWE have never been lower as far as fan interest. Their ratings are in the toilet and they suck creatively. ROH while doing good booking, they are not in the glory days of Joe and Punk. So you won't see anybody trying to exploit a wrestling buzz and start something new to take on Vince.

As a fan of WCW and TNA, TNA was also my team. For something like a good ten years, I never watched Raw or Smackdown and I watched TNA every week and this is how I got my wrestling buzz. But I will say personally it has not been easy to root for them. And not just from 2014 onwards. It's been like this for a long time, there was always annoying stuff about TNA even if I mostly liked the product. All the JJ domination was one thing. The fact that a lot of times they were too WWE-lite with all the aging stars from WWE and WCW. That they could never really pull the trigger on Joe and AJ. Etc...

I have to say one thing, even for their flaws, they were still better than whatever happened to the Cena era in the WWE which was soul-sucking. And it's mainly cause day in day out, they had the best wrestlers, the best wrestling from AJ to Joe to Roode to Storm, Daniels, Aries, etc....and all the talented guys in the X Division. The fact that they don't have that now(even if I enjoy Broken Matt and EC3) makes it even harder to watch.

I think frankly, even though I will watch till the end, TNA really died when AJ Styles left in 2013. After all he had done and busted his butt for the company, they couldn't reward him like he was worth. And that was the nail in their coffin. If TNA goes, at least AJ is not here to cry like Flair did at the end of WCW. He has a great job in the WWE and he deserves it.

Still, if TNA goes, that's it for me and wrestling. I'll stick to the old tapes and memories.
Like I said in the OP, when you throw in as long and hard as I did with TNA, picking up another teams' jersey is no easy feat. It's easy to tell me to, but I'd argue that's because so many of you already watch those programs. You already consume multiple companies and shows, and probably have more time to do so than I do. TNA is a nice little two hour show once a week that I invest in because it makes me feel like I have something to look forward to every week in that same slot (even though it constantly shifted nights — something my wife really didn't appreciate). I've actually tried to watch RAW and Smackdown a few times in the last few months/year on the word of a good buddy of mine who doesn't post here. I just can't do it. I go into it feeling like an outsider, because I am, and it just doesn't have the same appeal or feel. Which makes it really difficult to get into despite the fact Styles, and others are there now. When I watch I feel like I'm trying to jump onto a moving roller coaster that I also don't meet the height requirements to ride in the first place, if that makes any sense. WWE is also wholly intimidating from a sheer hours perspective. I feel like in order to truly appreciate it I'd need to be watching both RAW and Smackdown, which requires a five-hour commitment over two straight days — time I just don't have in my week anymore with a kid at home.

I get it — maybe I'm asking for too much, but what I want is what I've had. I want a non-WWE alternative that's televised weekly in prime time, or at an hour/time that's actually accessible to me, or a product that is streamed on a platform I can easily access, that's produced well and compelling. I'm not scouring the internet for illegal feeds to watch ROH (because my cable company doesn't carry their network) at like midnight on a Saturday night, or having to go back to torrenting Lucha Underground, because again, my cable company doesn't carry the English broadcast for their network. I'm also not paying more than I already pay to buy whatever premium cable package does carry them just so I can get a couple of wrestling shows I have no loyalty towards, either. Local shows are cool and all, but they're not a viable alternative. I want a weekly televised show that I can watch from the comfort of my couch.

On a related note, this afternoon's Busted Open Radio interview with Billy Corgan has me somewhat rejuvenated and really hopeful that he does end up getting full ownership of the company. They badly need him, and only him, leading the charge.

I have a theory in that even though as a wrestling fan you may watch different things(as I do), you always end having a favorite promotion that you see as "yours". It was like this when the MNW were going and it's still prevalent to this day.

Contrary to you I watch a few promotions like WWE Raw/Smackdown, TNA, LU, ROH and even other indies like PPW(really effective mark-centered promotion). But TNA are still my boys. TNA fans are a different breed, they are similar to WCW, we want a promotion that is major league with stars with a big time feel but that is not the WWE. So it's hard to really get into something like ROH for example personally. Even if their booking most of the time if better than TNA, I feel like it's too low energy. And they seem really cheap. Like at the difference of booking for Moose from both promotion. In TNA the guy is a star. And while I like things in all promotions, those things are not great enough that they would keep as a wrestling fan if TNA goes under. Mainly cause the things I like in pro wrestling I have find more in TNA than anywhere else.
This is what I foresee wwe acquires and buys the rights of TNA
then wwe buys ROH and LU!
Then mc moron will laugh maniacally as he is the ultimate emperor who killed Pro Wrestling World. I do hope Billy Corgan and ROH Sinclair Group can reunite to defend and fight off wwe so they both can survive as a Unifying alliance rather than be bought out !

I agree with IDR. I always rooted the underdog and had great embracement of WCW and now TNA! It does greatly upset me that vince mcmoron does not give a damn about his wrestling fans he is trying to be the multimillionaire bully ala Donald Trump who will either steamroll you or buy you out as a favor of humiliation . I agree with many of you TNA loyal supporters and I am rooting that Billy Corgan and ROH Sinclair Broadcast group should invest together in this venture for survival and pride cause . I cannot seem to convert and advert to wwe as it is a ball of confusion a state of mess with a huge roster of talent that are held captive and hostaged with no way out like a world wrestling of prisoners who are being underutilized, mistreated, buried etc
No offence but with nxt , smackdown, raw and ecw, wcw, smokey mountain wrestling , uswa etc etc add the company and roster of all and if vince buys out ROH, TNA and LU you are only buying your competition off to bury them and the talent! I believe wrestlers have the freedom to go elsewhere like TNA and independent circuits rather than force them to stay with wwe prison!
I also think the wrestling fans should boycott wwe and stop watching this crap as a message delivered that we don't approve! I feel Wrestling should have options for us fans and not being forcefed and surrender to his excremental product when TNA is doing great and have ROH and LU!
He is only doing this to get his exwwe wrestlers back that he lost Cody Rhodes, Galloway, Sandow, Lashley, Hardy Boys etc
Like I said Corgan needs to get Sinclair Group to invest in TNA hell maybe contact Ted Turner but needs to be done quick as time is running out and I do not want to see a dejavu of my second wrestling company be decimated I stand true loyal and devoted to TNA and don't want it to see that happen as when wwe did it the first time with WCW! HELL NO! I really don't want to see a repeat of wwe buying out TNA as they did with WCW! I will stop watching this and sell T shirts with my username if I have too!
This is what I foresee wwe acquires and buys the rights of TNA
then wwe buys ROH and LU!
Then mc moron will laugh maniacally as he is the ultimate emperor who killed Pro Wrestling World. I do hope Billy Corgan and ROH Sinclair Group can reunite to defend and fight off wwe so they both can survive as a Unifying alliance rather than be bought out !

I agree with IDR. I always rooted the underdog and had great embracement of WCW and now TNA! It does greatly upset me that vince mcmoron does not give a damn about his wrestling fans he is trying to be the multimillionaire bully ala Donald Trump who will either steamroll you or buy you out as a favor of humiliation . I agree with many of you TNA loyal supporters and I am rooting that Billy Corgan and ROH Sinclair Broadcast group should invest together in this venture for survival and pride cause . I cannot seem to convert and advert to wwe as it is a ball of confusion a state of mess with a huge roster of talent that are held captive and hostaged with no way out like a world wrestling of prisoners who are being underutilized, mistreated, buried etc
No offence but with nxt , smackdown, raw and ecw, wcw, smokey mountain wrestling , uswa etc etc add the company and roster of all and if vince buys out ROH, TNA and LU you are only buying your competition off to bury them and the talent! I believe wrestlers have the freedom to go elsewhere like TNA and independent circuits rather than force them to stay with wwe prison!
I also think the wrestling fans should boycott wwe and stop watching this crap as a message delivered that we don't approve! I feel Wrestling should have options for us fans and not being forcefed and surrender to his excremental product when TNA is doing great and have ROH and LU!
He is only doing this to get his exwwe wrestlers back that he lost Cody Rhodes, Galloway, Sandow, Lashley, Hardy Boys etc
Like I said Corgan needs to get Sinclair Group to invest in TNA hell maybe contact Ted Turner but needs to be done quick as time is running out and I do not want to see a dejavu of my second wrestling company be decimated I stand true loyal and devoted to TNA and don't want it to see that happen as when wwe did it the first time with WCW! HELL NO! I really don't want to see a repeat of wwe buying out TNA as they did with WCW! I will stop watching this and sell T shirts with my username if I have too!

One things that's for sure sinclair will NEVER partner up with corgan to buy tna. Simply put, sinclair is seeing tna as competition for roh, they might buy the company by themselves to say they control both tna and roh but for them, if tna dies, they will be happy about it because it opens the door for them to sign talents that they can't get right now because of the restriction in the tna talents contract.

I really hope that corgan finds a way to buy tna because right now he's the only one that can save what's left of tna because if wwe or sinclair buy the company, you can bet that tna will close after boumd for glory.
You people need to get a clue.

Sure, it would be nice if TNA survives. It would be nice if WCW and ECW were still around. But that is not reality.

Reality is that money rules the world. It is survival of the fittest. You may not like it. But there is little you can do about it.

The only thing that can be done is if Billy Corgan was as ballsy as Eric Bischoff was back when he took on WWE with "Monday Nitro". No one said it would work, but it did, for 83 weeks, and it might have won the "Wars", if WWE didn't bring in "Attitude", and WCW didn't stuff up and Bischoff looking after his mates.

All you people like TNA. That is good. Problem is, there are not enough of you. It is like ECW. I saw it a couple of times. There is a lot going for it, and Paul Heyman was passionate. Its fanbase was second to none. The problem is, you need more than a fanbase to survive. You need broad appeal, and a wider audience. You need casuals to watch as well. WWE learned this and put their stars in the mainstream. TNA had Hogan and others who could do this, but Hogan has no cache anymore. Whereas Dwayne Johnson's mainstream movie success translates well, when people who are fans of his movies watch Wrestlemania when he shows up as the Rock.

WWE have their talent on talk shows and appear on TV shows. Unless things changed, TNA didn't even have a merchandising department. I remember someone saying that TNA dropped the ball with Main Event Mafia, because they should have made T-shirts for them. NWO took off partly because they had T-shirts and merchandise.

TNA isn't good at marketing, or getting themselves out there. TNA also falls into the trap of having the company run by someone who relies on someone else for money (Dixie relying on her dad's company). Like it or not, Vince McMahon is a self-made man, and he took the risks and made decisions others failed to make. He invested WWE money into the company when it was starting out, and only spent it on himself later (unlike most of the terrorital guys, who pocketed it themselves, and didn't put it back into the business).

WWE is where it is because it does business better. Whether it provides the best entertainment is up for conjecture. However, in the end, if you can attract enough people to pay out for what you are offering, again and again, you win. That's how business works. You may think it sucks, but that's life.

I can't see Billy Corgan doing it long-term. Unless he has money to burn, good business sense, connections, sponsors and the right talent, then he will fail. He might be the most passionate guy in wrestling, and put his heart and soul into TNA. The commitment might be there. But the same could be said with Paul Heyman and ECW. But in the end, all the passion, desire and love of the company doesn't matter if you can't pay the bills.

In business, you get smart or get out. The ones who survive are the ones who make the most money. WWE may be struggling, but they still attract sponsors, shareholders, and TV stations to back them. It is hard to beat a juggernaut. David even needed stones and a slingshot to topple Goliath.

I think, unfortunately for you, WWE will buy out TNA, get their library, their trademarks, and maybe some of their talent, and do what they did to WCW and ECW. Prepare yourselves.

Now, maybe I might be wrong. Maybe Corgan can pull a rabbit out of his hat, and save TNA. TNA has lasted ten years so far, more than anyone ever gave it. The cynic in me says that it will die. All you can do is prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
I do wish this saddened me in some way, but really if anything it's amazed me that TNA has lasted as long as it has, it's bloody commendable that this promotion lasted as long as it has in the state it is. If this is the end of the company then of course it's bad for some of the guys and gals on that roster but the more talented of the bunch will likely find work elsewhere, be it ROH or just on the indie scene.

Who's know's, maybe Corgan will pull something out of the hat but I don't think we should really be that optimistic.

Billy is the effin man! He will find a way to shut down that evil piece of shit known as Vince McMahon. If Vince buys TNA I will officially no longer watch wrestling. The McMahons have done enough to fuck up the world of pro wrestling.

Does this mean you'll leave the forums as well? Because if that's the case I'm all for Vinnie Mac buying TNA.
I think TNA is still suffering from a damaged brand name. It's not the product itself, it's all this backstage bullshit. Contracts not getting renewed, wrestlers finding greener pastures, jumping networks... all this shit is hurting morale. I still like the show, but everything that happens offscreen is beyond shitty. Sometimes I feel that it's time for an adult to take over the company, but I know it's not that easy.
If Vince buys TNA I will officially no longer watch wrestling.
So you'll just comment on it based on what you skim from front page reports, how is that any different than what you're doing now?

Look, I'm trying to root for TNA to stay alive, don't give me reasons to root against them.
As of today 2:15 pm ET there has been news that some flights and matches have been cancelled for this Sunday's ppv but next week's Impact Wrestling tapings.
So you'll just comment on it based on what you skim from front page reports, how is that any different than what you're doing now?

Look, I'm trying to root for TNA to stay alive, don't give me reasons to root against them.

Difference is, now he has a show to watch. He won't have a show to watch anymore.
TNA needs to put me in charge of Accounting and funding. I have a MBA and can do complex calculations and forumlas in my head like it's first grade math. I would shut WWE down! Ef Vince, Hunter, Stephanie and that little bastage Shane! I have an amazing marketing plan! I would love to sit down with Billy and Dixie so we can turn this damn thing around!

Now that Dixie and Billy have secured funding, time to take this thing to the next level.
(TNA's demise has been averted yet again!)

Patiently waiting for Jan 2017 to see Matt Taven in TNA! I can't wait! Can't wait to see the Wolves mix it up with the Kingdom again....
TNA needs to put me in charge of Accounting and funding. I have a MBA and can do complex calculations and forumlas in my head like it's first grade math. I would shut WWE down! Ef Vince, Hunter, Stephanie and that little bastage Shane! I have an amazing marketing plan! I would love to sit down with Billy and Dixie so we can turn this damn thing around!

Now that Dixie and Billy have secured funding, time to take this thing to the next level.
(TNA's demise has been averted yet again!)

Patiently waiting for Jan 2017 to see Matt Taven in TNA! I can't wait! Can't wait to see the Wolves mix it up with the Kingdom again....

I'm in the business field as well. I also know that marketing and accounting are completely different majors and are not easy. So I really doubt you are solid in both areas. Accounting doesn't require many complex calculations. The formulas aren't that hard. It's more the sheer amount of formulas and knowing how to put together things like income statements, balance sheets, etc.

If you really do have a MBA, you would know businesses constantly on the brink of going out of business are in big trouble. TNA especially. They do not have a solid funding plan in place. No big plans that will help them grow. They are a failing business held up by emotions rather than reality. Reality eventually catches up. You can't run a business on emotions. It is not financially viable.

A good marketing plan will not solve anything in the case of TNA. If a product is being rejected like TNA has been, then the product itself needs to change. A marketing plan at most is a bandaid for them. Another problem is marketing costs money and that is in short supply in TNA.
I'm in the business field as well. I also know that marketing and accounting are completely different majors and are not easy. So I really doubt you are solid in both areas. Accounting doesn't require many complex calculations. The formulas aren't that hard. It's more the sheer amount of formulas and knowing how to put together things like income statements, balance sheets, etc.

If you really do have a MBA, you would know businesses constantly on the brink of going out of business are in big trouble. TNA especially. They do not have a solid funding plan in place. No big plans that will help them grow. They are a failing business held up by emotions rather than reality. Reality eventually catches up. You can't run a business on emotions. It is not financially viable.

A good marketing plan will not solve anything in the case of TNA. If a product is being rejected like TNA has been, then the product itself needs to change. A marketing plan at most is a bandaid for them. Another problem is marketing costs money and that is in short supply in TNA.

Well mistake number one, there you go "thinking." I graduated magna cum laude with a 3.98 GPA in Accounting from Brown. Then I went on to another prestigious institution to get my MBA. I'm damn good at both accounting and marketing. I'm that diverse. I'm also damn good at information technology, economics, politics, and everything in general. I can do your taxes and build your house too. You are right, the calculations aren't hard, but I can do them in my head. I don't need Excel or QuickBooks. I seriously doubt YOU can do that.

Your thinking is wrong and I seriously doubt you are in the accounting field. A failing business is the perfect business opportunity for someone who knows what the hell they are doing. I know what the hell I'm doing when it comes to business. I have a 5 step plan to turn TNA around. I'm not sharing it here with you goofballs though. It's for Billy's and Dixie's eyes ONLY!

As for marketing, there are plenty ways to get cheap and free marketing. Social media (Facebook, twitter, and other applications). This is included in my business and marketing proposals I have for Dixie and Billy.

Billy and Dixie, come holla at ya boy so I can fix the mess you made. Oh and if you didn't know, I'm damn good at fixing other people's messes also.

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