TheCult's iMpact review
Hey man, as promised here is a review from me for iMPACT.

You started the show in the correct way with Orton and Roode, I don't really watch much TNA but Bobby Roode has huge potential and a feud between him and Orton would be gold. I sense big things between these two.
Angle and Magnus was a short but I liked the pre-match promo from Magnus who is also a good talent. He and Angle could produce great things together also so that is something else to look forward to as I sense these 2 are not finished with each other.
Next we have the knockouts, I'm not really big on the Diva's in WWE but TNA has some good Woman WRESTLERS. The post-match attack seems to me we might see Gail turn face, the match was okay, well written and decent amount of time.
Brilliant! A fantastic X division match with Matt Sydal back in TNA, I wasn't a fan of all the new signings but Sydal is a fantastic addition to the X division. I know from speaking to you that you like cruiserweight wrestling, so I imagine the X division will get a lot of your attention.
We then had the interview with Randy Orton, well written and got it's point across of why Orton wanted to join TNA.
Hennigan(Morrison) is a good addition to the roster, and he could deliver some great matches with AJ and Joe so I'm looking forward to it.
Hmm... New team next week, not sure who it will be, if I were to guess maybe the Kings Of Wrestling... But I don't know. You've got me stumped.
A great main event between Hardy and Roode, it really put Roode over with him beating Hardy, cheaply might I add. And he gets the better of Orton as well which lets us think Roode can take on Orton.
Overall a good show JAM, some good wrestling and you furthered your story lines well, I think you should give writing a full show a try because with your interview segment you can obviously write the dialogue. I'm looking forward to the next episode.