Total Non-Stop Action: If Only.....

TheCult's iMpact review

Hey man, as promised here is a review from me for iMPACT. :)

You started the show in the correct way with Orton and Roode, I don't really watch much TNA but Bobby Roode has huge potential and a feud between him and Orton would be gold. I sense big things between these two.

Angle and Magnus was a short but I liked the pre-match promo from Magnus who is also a good talent. He and Angle could produce great things together also so that is something else to look forward to as I sense these 2 are not finished with each other.

Next we have the knockouts, I'm not really big on the Diva's in WWE but TNA has some good Woman WRESTLERS. The post-match attack seems to me we might see Gail turn face, the match was okay, well written and decent amount of time.

Brilliant! A fantastic X division match with Matt Sydal back in TNA, I wasn't a fan of all the new signings but Sydal is a fantastic addition to the X division. I know from speaking to you that you like cruiserweight wrestling, so I imagine the X division will get a lot of your attention.

We then had the interview with Randy Orton, well written and got it's point across of why Orton wanted to join TNA.

Hennigan(Morrison) is a good addition to the roster, and he could deliver some great matches with AJ and Joe so I'm looking forward to it.

Hmm... New team next week, not sure who it will be, if I were to guess maybe the Kings Of Wrestling... But I don't know. You've got me stumped.

A great main event between Hardy and Roode, it really put Roode over with him beating Hardy, cheaply might I add. And he gets the better of Orton as well which lets us think Roode can take on Orton.

Overall a good show JAM, some good wrestling and you furthered your story lines well, I think you should give writing a full show a try because with your interview segment you can obviously write the dialogue. I'm looking forward to the next episode.
SXEnightmare's Review:

The opening segment left me wanting more the guards were kinda pointless but at first they were a nice touch. Bit disapointed in this segment.

We had two victorys that werent clean but that was actullay put to good use with Gail retaining via DQ keeps Melina in the title hunt and maybe were heading towards a fatal 4 way match at Slammivsery which would be great with those four. Magnus walking away honestly I loved that this fued with Angle looks good dont wanna give the fans a great match out of them yet.

Aries vs Sydal that was great this was a nice addition to the X Division for you and its not too far out of reality as Sydal has worked in TNA before very breifly and Aries fueding with TJ Wilson might be good.

As a big Anderson fan I wasnt happy to see Crimson take him out like that but if the goal for it was to make people root for Anderson then it worked perfectly I hope he returns the favor and takes out Crimson the A**hole gimmick is fun to write for so go wild man haha.

Match Four (You put three) entertained me it seems Joe is a aggresive face right now which may or may not work out for you only problem for me here was the Starship Pain that finisher never seemed to land full on if I was you id make the superkick his finisher just a suggestion.

Here we go main event time Hardy vs Roode did I miss it or was this match not even hyped up at all or even announced? :confused: good match none the less with Roode stealing the victory and getting the upper hand over Orton. The Roode vs Orton fued is shaping up nicely but as Grandsword said you might have written yourself into a corner with Orton here goodluck to you.

overall a good show better then last week im wondering what tag team is coming in next week personally im hoping for Generation Me or The Briscoe Brothers from ROH sense I would love to see the guns fueding with Briscoes but Gen Me got any fame they have from TNA and all the fueds are shaping up well for Slammivsery.
Even though I agree about the fued writing you into a corner, I really don't think Orton could have done anything else coming in. Orton is the second biggest name in professional wrestling, so obviously he'll be the focus of the show and putting him in a midcard non-title feud would just be stupid. He needs to be in the title match, in my opinion.
After last week with Orton making his debut in TNA, him starting the show was the obvious route to go down and you did good to refer to that sit-down interview he had with Mike Tenay and just reiterate what he said in that. His motives are right and what they should be coming into the company. Roode coming out for the interruption was quite rude (sorry :lmao) but it was expected. Was always going to be Roode or Shane coming down to meet Orton. Things got heated a little too quickly, and I think that Roode could have said a bit more and made a few more excuses. Roode could have been telling the truth about Orton but who knows? Surprised Orton made the first physical move but typical chicken shit heel champion thing to do much in accordance with the rest of Roode's reign thus far. Good start to the show.

Hmmm.... another in ring promo. You could have done with having a match here instead, and having this segment a little later on, because it is too soon after the first big promo, although this one had more of a different tone, but it ended with the scuffle again. Not sure that you should have given this match away on TV, but you made the right call with Magnus walking off. You're setting it up well for these two to lock horns at Slammiversary.

Good, stirring up some trouble in the tag division. The Usos are a great add to it by the way.

The Knockouts Title Match interested me a lot actually, as you have Madison coming in at the end and stopping Gail when she was about to win. I don't get why Madison could not have waited another 3 seconds for Kim to get the pin, but I guess this means that Melina can say that Gail didn't beat her and therefore earn another shot. I don't get why Gail is annoyed because she was about to retain anyway, and she makes up with Madison just in time to beat Melina down again. Madison makes her claim by double crossing Gail and it is all going down now! Was a good match, but the end and afterwards confused me a little. But I hope this develops into something good which I know you are capable of.

I like how you are really strengthening the X-Division with Kidd before and now Sydal! Aries welcoming the challengers makes good reading for us because his matches are great!

Really enjoyable match to read; You play to your strengths, which is writing Aries matches. I really enjoyed last week and this week was no different with a different guy. Aries beating these guys at will make him and his title look that much stronger which is good. I know you are big on Aries so I doubt he'll lose the gold anytime soon but keep building him up like you are means that whoever can beat him for it will get a huge boost. Wilson appearing afterwards saying he wants the gold doesn't make sense because he lost last week and hasn't done anything to warrant a shot. Possibly Wilson vs Sydal next week?

Crimson doing what he was told, and as much as I like Anderson, I hope that Crimson just attacks random people each week and doesn't focus on Ken, because I don't think Crimson's streak should end and Anderson should be being built up as a possible title challenger; not a stepping stone for Crimson, you could have used Jeff Hardy!!!! :cuss: haha

Bobby has no friends... na na na na!

I was enjoying the AJ vs Joe match and those two have great chemistry. I think Hennigan was just making a statement and I don't get why he attacked AJ, but a good rub that he floored both of them. You're using your existing TNA talent a lot more in this show which is good! But We've had a count out, a DQ and a No Contest now tonight... maybe a little too much.

I like the addition of the new tag team. With Kaz and Daniels, you're making the Tag Titles a big deal which is really good. Anderson walking in means that this thing with Crimson wasn't a one-off. I'm sorry dude, but the TV Title is beneath both of those guys. Anderson is a former TNA Champ and Crimson has a huge undefeated streak. The match at Slammiversary is a good addition to the card but the TV Title is more Robbie E vs Eric Young level. But I can understand you making a big deal about the TV title.

RVD vs Bully Ray in a Hardcore Match. Book it.

Glad that Roode reinforces his win from the Gauntlet last week by beating Hardy again, but I think a clean victory in front of Orton to pose as more of a threat to his challenger would have been better, but laying him out was a great way to make Roode look stronger going into Slammiversary and showing that Orton can be put down.

Overall, a much bigger improvement from last week, and it was noticeable. A couple of things missing eg, maybe a Roode and Shane segment would have been good to see. And just a little repetition with the dusty finishes. But you did well on using the TNA Talent you already had. A very solid, entertaining show that sets a lot up for Slammiversary. Keep going, bro (Y)

Ric Flair was a guest on the Dela Cruz Radio Show where he was asked his feelings towards Randy Orton now being employed by the company that he left after the new regime of Shane McMahon, Total Non-Stop Action.

“Randy's always been a great talent. I've worked with him in his Evolution days, and I'm sure everyone knew just how good this kid was gonna be. WWE is definitely stupid for letting him go, especially letting him go to a competitor such as TNA Wrestling. With Randy now on board, I think anything is possible now, who knows, we might see the comeback of a new Evolution. In short, TNA just got a whole lot better, talent-wise and as an organization as a whole with the signing of Randy Orton. WOOOO!”

When asked if he'd ever return to TNA. Flair had only this to say.

“Like I said, nothing is impossible.”

On, it was announced that TNA would be hosting a NEW internet show called TNA Today. It's being said TNA Today will be used to make TNA Wrestling feel like an even more real experience as they interview superstars from their homes or show exclusive footage or even breaking news. Jeremy Borash has been chosen to be the host of the new show. TNA has also announced that the first episode of TNA Today will be after Slammiversary. As to who the guest may be, it was not yet decided on.

One of TNA's newest additions to the X-Division is now on Twitter and had this to say.
@TJWilsonTNA said:
Definitely lovin' my time here in my new home of TNA Wrestling. They know talent when they see it unlike that other place. #FutureX-DivisionCHAMP!

JAM's Note: A bit of news for you folks. Haven't posted in a while so I apologize for that. Here's some stuff though that just adds to the product. Hope you enjoy!

The opening segment was brilliantly done, however I think that Randy Orton has to win his match with Bobby Roode. If you make him lose, cleanly or not, you will destroy all the hype that Randy Orton created in his entire career. Him being brought to TNA was an awesome idea for a booking so I'm excited about it.

The Magnus/Angle situation is also brilliant. I've to admit that Magnus for me has all the tools to be a magnificent babyface, but your heel side is actually good too. Kurt Angle is a veteran and this whole storyline of veteran v. rookie is really tiring so I hope you make it a little bit personal. Give Magnus some new twist, include Angle's family and you'll have one of the best feud in TNA History.

This whole situation with the Usos and MCMG made me curious. A good segment here where you created a fairly amount of hype for a inevitable match in the future. However right after it I think you pretty much exaggerated. The Knockouts Championship Match and the Gail Kim victory with Madison helping would be all around better. I think that Mickie James could save her from a post-match assault instead of having these Madison betrayal. It was a whole lot messy and it messed with the quality of the show.

The match of the night in my eyes was the third one with Austin Aries and Matt Sydal actually stealing the show. A good backstage segment with Austin and Shane discussing Aries run and future goals, just to hype the match. Your writing skills are pretty good, your matches aren't tiresome to read, in fact I love your way to introduce shows. I hope PPV's get this style as well because I get bored really easy with the type of writing with everything exposed like pinfalls for instance. The inclusion of TJ Wilson after the match shows that he wants his title, however I do think that Sydall will also get a shot and that Aries will lose his championship.

The Randy Orton interview was awesome, however I don't like the way you manage the whole WWE being "the other thing". I also don't think that Randy Orton would move to TNA to wrestle, maybe to fight and make his mark on the business, but not WRESTLE.

The whole Crimson angle with Mr. Anderson and Bobby Roode asking for help was very well done. I can easily say that this one is easily becoming my favorite TNA Book in all the IWC. I'm most curious about Roode & Orton, but the other stories are very strong as well and well rounded. I hate the books where they just tend to have "main event" storylines with all the talents, you however realized this difference very well. John Morrison aka Hennigan is working very well with the likes of Samoa Joe & AJ Styles and I want to know what's next for them. I would really like to see James Storm added to the mix here, because I feel he has a point to make in the upper midcard role.

The main event was really provocative and only added fuel to the fire, in the Randy Orton/Roode situation. Roode is a very good heel, and your personification of him here was very well done. I really think that Orton has to win the championship, he is a very well known character. He's fresh and he can have good rivalries with almost anyone, going from James Storm, to Austin Aries.

Overall: Awesome show, congratulations and can't wait for the next one!
iMPACT Preview​
May 31, 2012 - Toyota Center - York, Pennsylvania

TNA iMPACT Wrestling emanates yet again from the Toyota Center in York, Pennsylvania where it is sure to be a good show. On a night where we will find out which two men will face each other at Slammiversary to crown the first ever TNA Television Champion under the new regime of Shane McMahon, we learned last week that the two men have to be the final two in an Over The Top Battle Royal. Eight men are said to be ready to compete so tune in to TNA Wrestling to find out who they will be!

With the recent signing of Randy Orton still being a thorn on our TNA World Champion, Bobby Roode's side, there will sure to be some developments tonight. That being said, with their World Title Match just a little over a week away, both guys, especially Bobby Roode will try and one-up the other.

The X-Division seems to have been taken to another level after the debuts of TJ Wilson and Matt Sydal. Both men proved to be great challenges for Austin Aries, but time and time again, The X-Division Champion has come out on top. On this edition of iMPACT Wrestling, we will see a contest between Matt Sydal and TJ Wilson. You would think that whoever wins this match will likely be the person to challenge Austin Aries for the coveted X-Division Championship at Slammiversary but that remains to be seen. What we do know is that both men will surely provide a fast-paced, hard-hitting match that you won't want to miss!

Kazarian and Daniels haven't had much success in the tag team division since teaming up recently. But tonight they face a new team that Shane O'Mac has signed. Will this be Kaz and Daniels last time to impress the boss? Find out! Also in other news, things seemed to be heating up in the Knockouts Division, check out iMPACT Wrestling for the latest developments.

All this and more on TNA iMPACT Wrestling!

Over The Top Battle Royal: Determining the two men who will face each other at Slammiversary
Matt Sydal vs. TJ Wilson
Kaz and Daniels vs. ???
Bearded Review

-Just the first of what I hope is plenty of reviews around these parts as I'm pretty far behind in my readings. I'm on night shift tonight filling in so I'm gonna go all out here. Already posted my NXT, so lets get to finally giving Jammy a review.

-A new feel TNA, I can dig that. I like TNA as is, but you are helping it get even higher in the world of professional wrestling and you started off hot with the first show with some WWE guys jumping ship, mainly Randy Orton. Now I'm no fan of Orton (in fact I can live without him), but he is a star and probably the most realistic star to move over to TNA.

-Opening segment was hit or miss. I was into Roode's parts as I feel that is just how he'd confront the situation. Orton though, wasn't fond of. Like I said earlier Orton isn't my cup of tea to begin with as I find him dull. Hopefully you can change that, but Orton just lacks that interest to get me behind him.

-Big fan of Mag Daddy and I think a feud with Angle could be good writing. A classic wrestling British vs. American storyline would fit here. Angle obviously the hero in the situation. Hope to see more from this with Magnus getting a great rub in the process.

-A DQ finish to follow a countout. Not exactly how you want to see things from a viewing process, but I don't really mind it here. Melina was on the verge of defeat and Madison gets involved potentially causing some friction between her and Gail. Mickie with the save was expected her and just like that a turn by Madison. Didn't see that coming, so I look forward to seeing where the KO go from this point.

-A doozy of a X-Division match. With the new talent being brought in I hope we see an influx of X stars to help Aries make the division special again. This match was fun and the right man went over. Tyson Kidd appearing at the end was nice. Big fan of his and him and Aries could do some damage in the ring.

-Orton venting his WWE frustration is a nice little touch and better than his opening segment. It seems Orton is being booked as the new face of the company and a title win for him would be huge.

-Crimson making a mark, alright. He's another guy I don't really care for, but he has the look and everything. Maybe you can make him interesting, shame it came at the hands of Mr. Anderson. Roode can't find help, I like that. The guy is arrogant, but I sense someone will have his back.

-Joe, AJ, and Morrison? A new triple threat that could rival that of Joe, AJ, and Daniels. Interesting addition. Morrison certainly has upside potential and you are putting him with some talented boys there. Hopefully you can make that work.

-A nice main event with Roode and Hardy. Roode continues his role perfectly and Hardy still looked strong. I'm interested in seeing where you take Roode/Orton at Slammiversary.

-Overall the show was a nice showing. Feuds are starting to build up as the roster is shaping up nicely. Your acquiring's from the E are realistic and when it comes to TNA book this that add stars that is what I look for. Well done there. Format is well presented with the images and what not. Looking forward to furthering developments of the new TNA and some new feuds as we get the ball rolling here.


May 31, 2012 – Toyota Center – York, Pennsylvania

With just ten days left before the Slammiversary Pay-Per-View, iMPACT Wrestling opens the show tonight with a match ready to take place. We get a graphic that pops up giving the viewers at home a notice saying that the match is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to determine the two men who will slug it out for the TNA Television Championship at Slammiversary. We see various signs in the crowd tonight, but a “Joe is gonna kill you sign.” held by a man with one hand and a child in the other gets it's 10 seconds of fame as the cameras pan around the crowd in York. All eight men in the ring are separated with the four faces on one side and the other four heels on the other side. With each guy staring intently at another, the bell rings to signal the start of this battle royal!

Match One
Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
Crimson vs. Mr. Anderson vs. John Hennigan vs. Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Magnus vs. Bully Ray vs. Rob Van Dam
As soon as the bell rings, each guy goes for the man that they've been feuding with for about two weeks now. The cameras go on to focus on the action going on between Samoa Joe and John Hennigan. Hennigan is back to a corner with Joe releasing some deadly Knife-Edge Chops on Hennigan's chest which we see is swelling right now. No one seems to want any part of the Samoan Submission Machine tonight as he's just giving Hennigan an unrelenting beating. The action gets to Magnus and Kurt now with Kurt having Magnus almost over the top rope already. But Magnus has the presence of mind to poke Kurt in the eye to send him back. After flooring RVD with a huge clothesline, Bully Ray goes on to help Magnus out with Kurt. Both men hook their heads under Angle's arms and lift him up for a double suplex. But right after that, the alliance is over as Anderson whips Crimson onto Bully Ray and Magnus causing all three to be stationary on one corner. When Joe sees this, he runs full speed at the three men and performs a splash causing Crimson to fall over. Anderson is up next as he runs with a full head of steam to take out Bully Ray with a clothesline. And finally, with RVD finding his feet again, he sees that there's only one man left to take down and that's Bully Ray. RVD runs to the collapsing Bully Ray and performs a Monkey Flip that sends Bully Ray flipping over!

The faces then begin brawling with each other as RVD has Anderson reeling back after some kicking combinations, but it proved costly for RVD as he went the ropes. With Anderson reeling back, RVD hops onto the top turnbuckle but as soon as Joe sees this, he quickly runs over to RVD and pushes him off the top rope, resulting the first elimination of the match.

ELIMINATED: Rob Van Dam (2:36)

As Anderson recovers from those hard shots from RVD, he backs into a German Suplex from Kurt Angle! Joe then tries a clothesline of his own, but meets the same fate as Anderson with a German Suplex. In a fit of momentum, Angle pulls his straps down, firing up the crowd. Crimson seems to be the next victim as he slowly uses the rope to get to his feet. When he does, Angle sets him up for the Angle Slam and hits it! What an impact by Angle! Crimson however, slips through the bottom ropes, falling to the outside. But Magnus breaks that momentum by hitting a shot to the back of the head. With Bully Ray now up as well, Ray and Magnus begin partnering up once again, stomping on Kurt. Hennigan is now up and is the third person to stop away at Angle. Bully directs traffic here as he tells Magnus to help him hold up Kurt so that Hennigan can hit a big move here. Hennigan understands what's supposed to happen next as he reels back and kicks...Magnus right on the kisser?! Kurt ducks the kick and it connects with Magnus instead sending him over the top rope for the elimination. With Hennigan just realizing what he's done, Joe tries to take advantage here by running at Hennigan and clotheslining him over the top rope. But with Joe's momentum, not only does he eliminate Hennigan, he eliminates himself as well!

ELIMINATED: Magnus (4:12) John Hennigan & Samoa Joe (4:21)

After all the chaos though, Anderson looks to gain some momentum here as he goes on the offensive against Kurt Angle. He connects with lefts and rights, sending Kurt back. Anderson then whips Kurt off the ropes looking for a clothesline, but Angle ducks this and rebounds off the ropes to hit a clothesline of his own. But just when it looked like the momentum would shift in Kurt's favor, he gets hit with a Spear from Crimson who re-enters the match! The crowd “oooh” at this move by Crimson who looks to take out Kurt. He gets Kurt up and throws him over the top rope. After this, he holds his hands up thinking Kurt goes over but Kurt holds onto the ropes! Crimson goes back to him but receives a right hand from Kurt instead which sends him back. As Crimson falls back, he back down unto Mr. Anderson who raises him up for a back suplex! Just when Kurt was going to step through the ropes, Mr. Anderson has other ideas as he hits a high knee on Angle to send him to the mat, causing the Olympic Hero's elimination.

ELIMINATED: Kurt Angle (7:19)

The camera then goes to a corner where we see Bully Ray resting up and realizing that he's in the final three. He goes over to Anderson and gets him up to send him over the top rope. But instead, he badmouths Anderson here who then takes advantage and starts hitting some rights on Bully. But that momentum is then killed once again as Crimson hits a boot right to the face of Anderson. It's not Crimson's turn to hack away at Anderson. Crimson has Anderson by the hair as they run towards the top rope, and Crimson uses his strength send Anderson over. But Anderson once again holds on and this time, grabs Crimson by the head to try and force him over! The two men struggle for position but that all changes when Bully Ray enters the frame. In a turn of events, we see Bully Ray lift the legs of Crimson and tips him over!

ELIMINATED: Crimson (8:35)

With that, the bell rings signaling the end of the match. Mr. Anderson looks at Bully with a shock expression but Bully Ray doesn't share any emotion on this. The cameras go to Crimson who is seen holding on the back of his head looking into the ring knowing he won't be competing for the Television Title. With Anderson reeling on the ropes, Bully gets closer as the two stare down one another with Bully trying to intimidate his opponent once again. However, Anderson looks focused on winning the Television Title here and before anything can ensue, Bully goes through the ropes to exit the ring.

Mike Tenay and Taz then talk about how the Battle Royal went down especially the ending with Bully Ray eliminating Crimson. The two then welcome everyone to the broadcast but are suddenly cut short when Mike Tenay receives news from the back that a brawl has ensued.

The cameras then go backstage where we see a bunch of security guards and hear a whole lot of yelling. It takes a while before we see the swarm of security guards separate as Orton breaks free from the men who are holding him back! He goes to school on Roode who tries to protect himself. But it's not long before the security guards do their job and actually hold Orton back. We see D-Lo Brown and Al Snow get between the two with Snow telling the guards to get Roode away from the scene. Orton has a sick smile on his face as Al Snow tries to calm him down before we finally go to the first commercial break of the night.

After the first commercial break of the night, the cameras catch Shane McMahon in a conversation with one of the TNA personnel who informs the boss about the scuffle that Roode and Orton had just moments ago. Shane lets out a huge breath before telling the personnel that since both men seem to be in a fighting mood, he wants the him to tell both men that they'll be picking each other's opponent tonight in poison matches and that anyone they choose HAVE to accept. As soon as the TNA personnel hear this, he quickly dashes off to go and tell Roode and Orton what tonight awaits them.

In comes Madison Rayne who Shane was expecting. They both sit down and discuss the actions of Madison lately. Shane says that he asked her in his office because later on tonight, she'll be facing Melina Perez in a #1 Contender's Match for the Knockouts Title at Slammiversary. Although thrilled at the Shane's announcement, Madison has a look of concern saying that Melina did nothing to deserve this chance and wants someone else for an opponent. Shane lets out a big breath here and tells Madison that if she doesn't want to accept the offer, then Melina will automatically be the #1 Contender. Madison obviously doesn't want this and thanks the boss instead before exiting his office.

Back from the break, we see the duo of Kazarian and Daniels already in the ring, getting ready for their match against a new team that Shane McMahon has just signed. Both men perform stretches and do some last minute pep talk to get ready for their opponent. Now they await to see who their opponents are. As they anxiously wait, they get restless and approach the referee asking if they even have an opponent for tonight. The referee can only shrug his shoulders as he has no idea what's going on here before......*HIGH FLYIN'* blares through the PA system and the crowd already know who their surprise opponents are. Despite already hearing their theme, Kazarian and Daniels are at a loss as to who their opponents are before two figures arrive on stage donning mystique masks as they run full speed into the ring. Kazarian and Daniels are taken aback with the two men climbing the ropes and posing for the crowd before both leaping off backwards into the ring. Kaz and Daniels again have no idea who they are before the duo finally take their masks off to reveal themselves as Paul London and Brian Kendrick, it's the Hooliganz! The duo smile intently at Kaz and Daniels before the referee tells the two teams to get to their respective corners.

Match Two
Kaz & Daniels vs. The Hooliganz
Looking to make their mark on iMPACT Wrestling, The Hooliganz took early control of Kazarian and Daniels, baffling them with their flips and un-matched speed. We join the contest about five minutes into it where we see Paul London unleashing some kicks to Kazarian in the corner. After all that damage, London gets Kaz out of the corner and drags him to his corner where he tags in Brian Kendrick. The Hooliganz whip Kaz off the opposite ropes where we see Daniels blind tag him and as he rebounds off the ropes, the Hooliganz hit a Double Flapjack on Kaz which sends him out. Daniels, however, bulldozes both men from behind, taking London to the outside while getting on top of Kendrick, unleashing hard rights. Seems that Daniels is frustrated after losing to all the new teams that have arrived on iMPACT Wrestling. After that rampage, Daniels gets Kendrick to his feet and locks his face under his arm, a Rolling Cutter! The impact from the move gets some “ooohs” from the crowd as Daniels goes for the pin. It looked to be all over here but Kendrick kicked out at the very last second.

Kaz is now up on his apron where Daniels takes Kendrick, taking advantage of London still being down. They keep each other fresh with quick tags and we pick it back up here with Kaz now being the legal man. After Daniels hits a power slam on Kendrick, Kaz springboards off the ropes and hits a leg drop! Another cover, but only a two count once again. London rushes into the ring, trying to get back at Kaz but Brian Hebner stops this from happening. With the referee distracted, Daniels enters the fray as both men stomp away at Kendrick. Daniels is back on the apron before the referee sorts things out with London. Kaz panders to the crowd, spreading his arms wide open, taking in the heat. When he goes back to Kendrick, however, Kendrick gets him in a surprise school boy! But Kaz kicks out of this one. With a full head of steam, Kaz rushes towards Kendrick looking for a clothesline, but Kendrick ducks underneath, and receives a flying forearm that knocks Kaz down. Both men are now down and looking to make a tag, Kendrick especially. After a few moments, Brian Hebner gets to a count of seven before Kaz tags Daniels and Kendrick tags in London!

Seems that London is the fresher man here, despite his spill earlier on. He delivers hard rights to Daniels which backs him down all the way to the ropes. Daniels is whipped to the opposite side and when he rebounds, he eats a full plate of boot off the impressive dropkick from London. Daniels rolls to the outside where him and Kaz try to regroup but London has other plans as he sommersaults over the ropes into a Plancha on both men! Some “TNA” chants break loose after this one. Brian Hebner gets to a count of four before London is up and gets Daniels back in the ring. Kendrick enters the match, with London throwing Daniels at him, and he has Daniels in a Reverse STO position. London hits a devastating enzuirigi on the back of Daniels head, while Kendrick drops him with the Reverse STO! What a move! The crowd pop at the combo from the two high-flyers, but they're not done yet. London goes outside and climbs the turnbuckle. He looks around, playing to the crowd, since they probably know what's coming next. London lunges forward and hits a 450 Splash right on Daniels. The pin follows and Hebner counts it, 1, 2, 3!

WINNERS: The Hooliganz (9:01)

After the match, The Hooliganz celebrate a successful debut on TNA. They again climb the turnbuckles and pose for the crowd and leap backwards once again which seems to be their trademark, getting a big pop from the Toyota Center crowd. The cameras go backstage where it shows us a nameplate with the name “Crimson” on it. The cameras zoom out of it, we see that TNA World Champion, Bobby Roode is outside Crimson's locker room, looking to go enter but he seems hesitant. Roode mumurs to himself while taking a deep breath before finally barging into the locker room. But before we can see what happens, the cameras go back to ringside where Randy Orton's music plays to a huge roar from the crowd. Seems as though Orton's Poison Match is up first. Taz and Tenay banter about who Roode could've chosen backstage to fight Orton. With that, TNA goes to another commercial break.

Back from the break, we still hear the theme music of Orton, but before long it subsides. The cameras get a good look on Orton who seems focused tonight, not showing any signs of damage from that earlier scuffle he had with Roode earlier in the program. Orton climbs to the second turnbuckle and outstretches his arms in his signature pose much to the applause of the crowd on board tonight. He drops down and jumps around, getting ready for his opponent tonight. After seconds of waiting, *I AM< plays and the crowd just erupts into a frenzy now knowing that Orton's opponent for tonight is none other than the “Phenomenal One” AJ Styles! AJ comes out with a smile on his face, nodding his head, as if saying he accepts this challenge with open arms. He doesn't wait for his pyro in the back to finish, instead, opting to get things started, fast-walking down the ramp.

Match Three
Pick Your Postion Match
Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles
Earl Hebner is the referee assigned to this match, he calls for the bell, but even after hearing the bell, the two men in the ring stand still. They look around as the iMPACT Wrestling crowd are as loud as ever as two of their favorites go one-on-one for the very first time. After that pause, the two share a quick handshake before locking up. Orton gets the advantage here with a locking in AJ with a side headlock. This doesn't go on for long though as AJ has enough strength to whip Orton off the ropes. Rebounding from the ropes, AJ drops down, with Orton leaping over, and when Orton comes back from a second rebound off the ropes, AJ drops him down with his beautiful Dropkick! Orton really feels that one as he smiles at AJ after that aerial display. The two lock up once again, this time with AJ getting the advantage with a side headlock. Orton powers out of this one as he delivers elbows right to the torso of AJ. He whips AJ off the ropes, where Orton is now the one who drops down, and when AJ rebounds a second time, Orton answers back with an equally beautifully Dropkick of his own! The crowd is loving this, but before they have time to admire what goes on, Orton goes for the first cover of the night, 1 – 2 – Kickout from AJ.

Orton goes on the offensive again, locking in a headlock, applying more pressure to the neck of AJ. Orton adds in hard shots to the cranium of AJ along with the headlock. Orton stands from this and starts stomping on various parts of AJ, “Vintage” Randy Orton, you might say. AJ rolls to one corner, trying to use the ropes to get himself up, but Orton doesn't give him any breathing room as he again delivers some hard shots to AJ. With AJ backed in a corner, those hard shots from Orton keep coming. Hebner has to get in between the two men to stop this. When Orton finally backs off, having a quick word with Hebner, AJ takes advantage of the situation here and instead pulls Orton to his place and starts delivering hard shots of his own followed by an enzuigiri! Instead of going for the pin here, AJ lets Orton recover and goes to the outside, holding onto the ropes, looking to hit something here. Orton finds his feet again, and when he turns around, AJ flies almost halfway across the ring to his a Springboard Forearm Smash! The crowd is really getting into it now! AJ goes for his first pin of the night, 1 – 2 – Kickout from Orton! But AJ doesn't let up here, he gets Orton up, and gets behind him, German Suplex! But what's this, AJ rolls over, and still has the lock around Orton's waist. AJ then sets Orton up for a Back Suplex, but instead, slams his face-first with a Wheelbarrow Facebuster! What an impressive combination from AJ Styles! Again he goes for the pin, 1 – 2 – 3 – NO! Orton kicks out of that as well.

Both men are on their backs after this quick and impressive chain of moves from AJ. No surprise that AJ is the first to get up, but Orton is not far, still stirring. AJ once again goes outside to hit something off the ropes. But Orton is there to hit a clubbing blow to the abdomen of AJ. Orton has AJ doubled over and knows what to do next. He walks backwards and has AJ's feet hung from the ropes, we know what's coming here, a devastating DDT! The cameras get the reaction of the TNA fans after the move was shown on replay again, and you see people wincing at it. Orton is now on his stomach, he has those eyes of a Viper ready to strike. AJ tries to find his feet, Orton getting ready, AJ is now up, RKO! NO! AJ pushes Orton back and when Randy turns around to get back to AJ, Pele Kick! Wow! The thud was a loud one from that kick. AJ crawls to Orton and drapes his hand over him, 1 – 2 – 3 – NO! Another kickout from Orton!

The crowd pops for the two competitors really battling it out in the ring. Both men take until the count of eight before finally getting up from the referee's count. AJ runs at Orton, but Snap Power Slam! Orton is really energized now as he lets out a loud yell! He drops down on his knuckles, getting ready to strike! AJ finds his feet and Orton has the facelock locked in, but no! AJ again pushes off on Orton and goes to springboard off the ropes! He moonsaults off the springboard and has Orton in an Inverted DDT, he hits it! AJ instantly drops for the pin, 1 – 2 – NO! Another kickout from Orton here. Wow, what a match! Taz and Tenay are both on the edge of their seats, saying they're out of breath just calling this match.

AJ is the first to stand after that exchange. He signals for the Styles Clash this time! Orton is now up and AJ doubles him over with a kick to the abdomen. AJ signals the Styles Clash, and almost has it locked in but he can't lock in Orton's hands. Orton uses what strength his has left and pulls his body up and starts delivering punches to AJ. AJ drops him backwards and as he approaches Orton after those hard shots, RKO! RKO! RKO! The RKO out of nowhere! And here's the pin, 1 – 2 – 3!

WINNER: Randy Orton (10:57)

You hear a loud ovation that both men get here tonight. Orton is up on the turnbuckle breathing heavily after that back-and-forth contest he had with AJ. AJ is now up and here comes Orton extending his hand. AJ shakes Orton's hand and even gives him an applause, nodding his head at Orton. AJ exits the ring as Orton climbs the turnbuckles to pose for the crowd in the Toyota Center.

The cameras go backstage where we see Brian Kendrick and Paul London celebrating after a successful debut tonight. Tiffany Terrell is then seen in the shot as well, but not after London whistles at here. But anyway, Terrell asks both men how it feels to be in TNA, but before they can answer, their jolly moods get a little serious as they spot something that the cameras can't. The cameras look over to where The Hooliganz are looking and the shot shows us the Motor City Machine Guns, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. The 'Guns are applauding The Hooliganz sarcastically, but get down to business. London and Kendrick advance towards the 'Guns but they say that they're not there to fight, they simply want to “welcome” The Hooliganz to TNA. The 'Guns say that they were impressed with what they saw out there tonight. They even call the Hooliganz a “good” tag team. But they also say that they're not better than the 'Guns, and that's okay because no tag team is better than them. The 'Guns continue to say that they heard a match was gonna happen next week to determine who goes to Slammiversary to challenge for the TNA Tag Team Titles. But they say they don't expect The Hooliganz to be there because they just don't cut it. The 'Guns leave and the camera's last image is of the determined Hooliganz.

Back from the break, we see that it's time for the Knockouts Match. We see that Madison Rayne is already in the ring but with Melina's entrance already going on. The cameras join us just in time for Melina's “special entrance.” The cameras catch a few guys in the crowd who seem bewildered at the entrance of Melina, she gets in the ring and poses for the fans on the turnbuckle while we see Madison from afar not looking impressed one bit.

Match Four
#1 Contenders Match
Madison Rayne vs. Melina Perez
These two ladies are definitely talented in the ring. We see a very good back-and-forth match between the two. Madison uses some heel tactics, even using the rope to gain leverage on a pin, but is caught. While Melina uses her wit and unorthodox flurry of moves to baffle Madison at times. We join the action at a later time where we see Madison gaining some momentum. She hits with two consecutive facebusters on Melina. On her third try though, Melina anticipates what Madison is about to do and clotheslines her. Melina gets Madison up in an Inverted DDT position and lets out her signature scream which gets some loud pops from the guys in the crowd. She hits the move, but in a turn of events, Madison uses her wit and uses all her strength to roll-up Melina for the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Madison Rayne (4:53)

Melina can't believe that she lost that match. She just watches as Madison Rayne walks up the ramp and has her hand raised. However, the Knockouts Champion attacks her from behind! Gail Kim pummels Madison after what Madison did to her last week. The referee had to get Gail off Madison to stop any further damage on Madison. Gail takes her title and raises it high for all to see, even motioning to Melina to show her who the champ is.

We go backstage where we see the cameras are with Bully Ray. The guys behind the camera ask Bully Ray's thoughts on his win earlier in the evening and his opponent at Slammiversary, Mr. Anderson. Bully responds by saying that it's only a matter of time before he's the next TNA Television Champion. He says that the title has been a joke eversince but when he's the new owner of the title, it'll be the most prestigious title that TNA ever holds. He also says that Mr. Anderson is exactly what he calls his fans, an asshole. He says that Anderson is not a big obstacle in his path, and that at Slammiversary, Bully Ray is gonna beat his face in. The guys then ask why Bully eliminated Crimson instead of Anderson. Bully says that that question is a very stupid one and won't answer it because of how stupid it is. He then puts his hand to the camera and shoos the cameramen and crew away out of his locker room. With that said, iMPACT Wrestling goes to commercial but not after airing an advertisement for Slammiversary.




Back from the break, Matt Sydal and TJ Wilson are in the ring looking to get their match started before they're interrupted. *RAGING OF THE REGION* blares throughout the Toyota Center and a good pop for the X-Division Champion, Austin Aries. Aries comes out with his usual drink and shades as he joins Taz and Mike Tenay on commentary. After that interruption, the referee finally calls for the bell here.

Match Five
Matt Sydal vs. TJ Wilson
Just by reading who is in this match, you can expect a very good fast-paced, competitive match, and that's what we got. Both men hit a lot of jaw-dropping moves to keep the other down for the three count but they just wouldn't end it. We join the contest about five minutes in where we see Wilson locking in the Sharpshooter! Luckily for Sydal, there aren't that far from the ropes. With the will to win, Sydal gets to the bottom rope, but Wilson utilizes the referee's five count here. Wilson doesn't let up here, as he drives several knee shots to the head of Sydal, looking to knock him out. Sydal tries to block these knee shots but to no avail. With Sydal lying on his stomach, looking out cold, Wilson springboards off the ropes and hits an elbow to the back of Sydal! He tries another pin here, 1 – 2 – Kickout from Sydal.

Wilson argues with the referee here, saying that it should've been a three count. But the referee stands firm on his call from earlier on. When Wilson goes back to Sydal, Sydal lands some hard hitting shots on Wilson's abdomen, backing Wilson up a bit. Sydal whips Wilson off the ropes where Sydal doubles over trying to hit a Back Body Drop, but Wilson kicks him in the chest. Another right from Wilson, but Sydal answers back with a right of his own. Now with Wilson doubled over, Sydal goes for the Sunset Flip Pin! 1 – 2 – Kickout! Wilson then leans forward and reverses the pinning attempt, 1 – 2 – Kickout from Sydal who breaks the bridge by standing up! Sydal tries another pin, 1 – 2 – Kickout! What an exchange between the two men.

Wilson is first to get up here as he takes Sydal by the hair and just throws him out of the ring. The referee doesn't agree with Wilson' decision and tell him to bring Sydal back in. But instead, Wilson turns his attention to Aries who he badmouths all the way from the ring. Aries drops his mic set and brings his drink along with him down the ring with the crowd in anticipation of what'll happen. Wilson peeks his head out of the second rope and continues to badmouth Aries. With the referee checking on Sydal who is almost up on the outside, Aries takes advantage and takes a sip of his drink and spits in on the face of Wilson! Wilson backs up now, trying to wipe away the liquid from his face. Sydal is now up and climbs the ropes where he nails a Double-Knee Takedown on Wilson when he turns around. Sydal isn't done here, he climbs the ropes once again, and oh boy, here it comes, Shooting Star Press! Sydal immediately goes for the pin after, 1 – 2 – 3!

WINNER: Matt Sydal (10:27)

Aries looks happy with himself after what he just did. Sydal looks up to the champ who is now on top of the ramp nodding his head at Sydal who is getting his hand raised by the referee. Aries, however, lets him know that the X-Division Championship is going nowhere as he raises it up high for everyone to see. Sydal acknowledges this as the cameras final shot is of Aries holding the belt high before we go backstage with Magnus.

Magnus is somewhere backstage where he says he has a big announcement. Magnus tells the camera that at Slammiversary, The King of the Mountain match returns and that he'll be one of the competitors in it. He goes on to say that he was told by Shane McMahon that whoever wins the match will be the new #1 Contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Title come Destination X. Magnus continues on saying that although it'll be his first King of the Mountain Match, he'll be sure to win because he knows that he'll be in it and therefore has more time to prepare for the match. Magnus's smile goes away after the appearance of Kurt Angle! Kurt smiles at Magnus and tells him that he too will be in that match and that he'll be happy to break his ankle. It's true, it's DAMN TRUE! The two stare down before going to another commercial break.

The cameras are in Samoa Joe's locker room who seems to be packing it in for the night. But instead, a delivery man comes in with a basket to give to Joe. Joe asks who it's from but the delivery man says nothing and quickly exits from the camera shots. In it, we see some fruits, vegetables, and some brand name medicine for a diet pill. There's a card in it as well, Joe spots it and reads it. It says, “Thought I'd help you out. From: John Hennigan” Joe becomes furious and gets the basket full of “goodies” that John sent him and throws it against the wall before getting his bags and exiting his own locker room.

Match Six
Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam
Two of TNA's fan-favorites put on a show for the Toyota Center crowd tonight. The match starts out with some fine chain-wrestling from both men, with RVD getting the advantage here, no surprise. But we get into the match when Hardy is backed in the corner with RVD sending his shoulders right to the abdomen of Hardy. RVD flips backwards and then runs full on for another shoulder right to the abdomen of Hardy. RVD then leads the crowd into doing his famous thumb RVD taunt, but with hardy using the ropes to stay up, RVD runs forward to try and hit something on Hardy again but Jeff gets out of the way, getting RVD's legs tangled up in the Tree of Woe. Hardy now uses this chance to reel back and hit a dropkick right to RVD's face, where he goes for the cover after, 1 – 2 – Kickout!

Jeff is now in control here, he gets RVD up, and hits a suplex. Jeff spreads RVD's legs and hits the Double-Legdrop to RVD's midsection. Brian Hebner is right on the scene to make sure that no disqualification was need to end the match. Hardy then takes his shirt off in a fit of momentum where he waits for RVD to get up. When RVD starts stirring, Jeff runs up the turnbuckle, WHISPER IN THE MIND right to the temple of RVD! What a move! Jeff goes for the pin here, 1 – 2 – 3 – No Kickout from RVD! Jeff breathes a little before going up top, looking for the Swanton Bomb. RVD, however, gets up and delivers a hard punch to Jeff. RVD joins Hardy up on the ropes, they get to the top turnbuckle with RVD with a front facelock, Superplex! That ring shattering move hurt both men for sure. Brian Hebner gets to the count of seven before both men are equally up. It's Jeff who goes for a big move as he runs with a head full of steam to RVD but RVD drops him with a heel kick! RVD then signals for the Rolling Thunder, seeing that Jeff is in perfect position. RVD whips off the opposite ropes, does a quick, and does an even higher roll, into the Rolling Thunder right on Jeff! And here's the pin, 1 – 2 – Kickout!

Both men looks spent here, both taking another breather causing Brian Hebner's count to get to an eight count before RVD is up. RVD gets Jeff up and hits a powerslam to drop Hardy on his back. He then drags Jeff to the corner. RVD looks back, making sure that Jeff is still there, before leaping on the top turnbuckle into a Split-Legged Moonsault! But Jeff has the presence of mind to get both feet in the air, catching RVD on the jaw. Jeff gets up and has a front facelock hold on RVD before dropping him with the Twist of Fate! Hardy then hurries to the outside, he gives us his signature taunt on the top rope, Swanton Bomb! And then the pin, 1 – 2 – 3!

WINNER: Jeff Hardy (8:42)

The crowd gives both men a pop here, both men leaving it out in that ring tonight. Brian Hebner goes to check on RVD who seems to be feeling the affects of that Swanton Bomb a whole lot while Jeff is posing for the fans. While Jeff is posing for the fans, RVD has enough strength tho request for a microphone here. Jeff is about to leave but is stopped by RVD's command of “wait.” RVD is on the bottom turnbuckle, talking into the mic, using the ropes to get up. He tells Jeff that they just had probably the match of the night right there. RVD is now on his feet, getting closer to Jeff. He then tells Jeff that Slammiversary is soon, and that their match could not be on a bigger and better stage than that. So what RVD asks is that they bring the house down at Slammiversary once more while extending his hand to Jeff. Jeff looks at RVD, before instantly giving into the request of Rob before exiting the ring. Jeff sells the damage done to his torso from RVD as he walks up the ramp looking at RVD who nods his head at him and points at the Slammiversary logo before we go to a commercial break.

Back from the break, we hear the music of the most hated man in TNA right now, TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode. Roode is dressed in a new IT Factor t-shirt. He makes his way down slowly for his poison match. Taz and Tenay banter about who it could be after Roode made a great choice in choosing AJ Styles as Orton's posion match opponent. Roode is now in the ring where he gets on the turnbuckle and absorbs all the jeers and heat that the crowd throw at him. He unbuckles his World Title and gives it to Earl Hebner, patiently waiting for his opponent. *LONGNECKS AND REDNECKS< blares through the PA system and it's the music of the “Cowboy” James Storm! The crowd go into a frenzy because of the great choice by Orton here! Taz and Tenay explain that Storm hasn't been around since Lockdown and that this would be his first appearance. However, after a while, Storm is nowhere to be found. His music plays again for a while, but still, no James Storm. The cameras go to ringside where they see Bobby Roode with a sick smile on his face, nodding his head.

More cameras go backstage where we hear a commotion going on like from earlier in the night with the scuffle between Orton and Roode. But this time, it's.....CRIMSON!? Crimson is beating down someone, stomping him on the floor, and it's made out to be JAMES STORM! Seems as though Roode's earlier visit to Crimson's locker room may have had a purpose here with Crimson attacking James Storm. He throws Storm into some backstage equipment! With wires all over him, Storm has no chance to fight back as Crimson just pummels the Cowboy here. However, Crimson sees the beer bottle that Storm brings to the ring and uses it to bash Storm across the head! The blow from the bottle causes Storm to don the crimson mask here, bleeding profusely. Referees and officials come running towards the scene and hold back Crimson from further hurting James Storm. Crimson is then escorted from the scene while the remaining backstage crew look to help James Storm get up from the heap of backstage equipment he was thrown into. The cameras go back to ringside where Roode has a microphone in hand addressing what could've been a planned assault.

Roode is in the ring laughing maniacally in the ring before saying that that right there was genius. He says that Orton can't outsmart him. He continues on saying that Orton will regret ever making his way to TNA because this is his brand and that Orton's mission of being the top guy in TNA will be void because Orton will never be the top guy because he will never be the champion. Roode again begins laughing at the crowd who are in dismay about not seeing James Storm compete tonight. Roode drops the mic and his music plays once again as he climbs the turnbuckle to pose with his World Title. There's a quick shot of Storm being taken into an ambulance before the shot goes back to Roode absorbing all the abuse, jeers, and whatever the Toyota Center crowd can throw at him.

Mr. Anderson and Bully Ray win the Over-The-Top-Battle-Royal
The Hooliganz def. Kaz and Daniels
Randy Orton def. AJ Styles
Madison Rayne def. Melina to become the #1 Contender to the Knockouts Title
Matt Sydal def. TJ Wilson
Jeff Hardy def. Rob Van Dam
Hey JAM mate, nice to see another episode of iMPACT here. Things are really hotting up on the road to Slammiversary, here's what I thought of the show mate.

Well we started off with a battle royal to crown the two men who will meet for the TV title, I know it's hard to write multi-person matches but I felt you did well here. And it's Bully Ray vs. Mr Anderson at Slammiversary. Should be a decent match between the two.

YES! YES! YES! London and Kendrick are a fantastic team and are a great addition to your roster. They went over as expected on their debut in a decent contest, they could have some great PPV matches with some of TNA's great teams. Good additions mate. :)

Roode talking to Crimson, hmmmmmmm?

Well what a great TV match mate, think these 2 men could have a leading feud in the company once Orton is done with Roode. I would love to see a series of longer PPV matches between these two guys.

Madison earns a shot at Gail for the Knockout's title, thought Melina was going to win myself but nice post-match beatdown from Kim after last week.

Good X-division match here mate, Sydal and Wilson can certainly go in the ring and both can have phenomenal matches with AA.

King Of The Mountain! love that match, it's different but it works. Angle and Magnus have a little tension and are the first two names.

Jeff vs. RVD at Slammiversary should be good, I think this is just the case of both having nothing to do, however that isn't really a bad thing as it should be a good match.

What a great end to the show! Roode is made to be an evil man and weasels his way out of a match with Storm. Can't wait to see him and Orton go at it.

Overall I think it was an improvement once again mate, I think you get better with every show. Some people complain that recaps can't get you invested in storylines but I disagree as your recaps have me invested. Great show mate. :)
JAM's Note: Hey guys, sorry if y'all are waiting for the show, it's coming, don't know when, but it's coming. College will be kickin' in for me so wish me luck in that. So for now, enjoy this post and an update on the card for Slammiversary so far.


The TNA Today opening plays as we open up to a parking lot where we see Jeremy Borash and his camera crew talking amongst themselves. From a distance, we see a figure exit his way out of the nearby medical facility. Borash signals for the camera crew to follow him as they quickly make their way over to the figure. As they approach the figure, it's now apparent that they're now with the “Cowboy” James Storm. With a bandaged forehead and a taped shoulder, Storm is in no mood to talk it seems. Borash sees this but he has a job to do.

Jeremy Borash: James – James, what can you make of the attack on you by Crimson?

Storm looks furious and is breathing heavily at the question Borash just asked.

James Storm: JB, this really isn't the time.

Borash looks disappointed but he thinks that Storm is right. He signals his crew to pack it all in and get out of the Cowboy's way. After Borash and his crew is about a good distance away.....

James Storm: Hey! - JB! Hold on a minute.

Borash and his crew come running back to where Storm is as JB holds the microphone next to Storm's mouth to hear him speak.

James Storm: You wanna know what I feel about Crimson's attack on me, don't you? The guy's a coward! Attacking a man from behind like that. I'm the “Cowboy” James Storm kid, I don't back down from anyone. No matter how many times you attack me from behind, I will ALWAYS get up, you better believe 'dat. So I'll make this short and sweet, and you make sure that this message goes straight to Crimson, alright?

JB quickly nods his head while Storm now looks straight into the camera, eyes piercing through.

James Storm: Crimson, I don't know who the hell you think you are but you see, now, you and me, we got a problem. I now see why you aligned yourself with someone like Bobby Roode, you both have one thing in common, you're cowards. You think that this attack is gonna keep me from gettin' to ya? Think again boys, I'm still here, I'm still breathing, that's the big mistake you made. So if you didn't get it by now, what I'm proposin' is a challenge. A challenge at Slammiversary big boy. You, me, Slammiversary. Let's see how that undefeated streak of yours does against the “Cowboy” James Storm.

With that, Storm leaves the shot and drops the microphone to the floor with a loud thud. The cameras then get a shot of Storm leaving off-screen to somewhere in the parking lot. Meanwhile, Borash picks up the microphone and is ready to sign off.

Jeremy Borash: You heard it here folks, James Storm has challenged the undefeated streak of Crimson to a match at Slammiversary. While it remains to be seen whether or not Crimson will accept, we'll get a better take on it on this Thursday's iMPACT. This has been Jeremy Borash here on TNA Today, signing off.


June 10, 2012
College Park Center - Arlington, Texas



TNA World Title Match
Randy Orton vs. Bobby Roode (c)


For The Vacant TV Title
Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray


Knockouts Title Match
Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim
A Nightmare Review:

Loved the match to open the show that's always nice to see sometimes only problem here for me was a battle royal with two winners really bugs me but I understand the need for it. Anderson vs Bully Ray? Renewing that feud could be fun both are brawlers so im expecting that at the PPV.

London & Kendrick to TNA? Nice its a good addition to the divison while also keeping it realistic which was important. Wondering where this is heading with Kaz & Daniels losing again.

Orton vs Styles was probably the best written match of the night, Orton keeps rolling im still curious to see where your gonna take Orton after Slammivsery espically if he doesnt win the title from Roode.

Just wondering but why was the Knockouts match so short? Would have liked to see a longer match between these two very talented female wrestlers but none the less a Madison win was unexpected I thought for sure Gail would lay both out leading to a triple threat match, Should be a good match between Madison and Gail though.

Is Sydal now #1 Contender to the X Divison Title? Based off how Aries acted afterwards it makes me think thats the case but again it looks like a triple threat is forming here with Aries,Wilson and Sydal which would be a great match to read.

That backstage segment with Hennigan sending the basket of "goodies" to Samoa Joe was great I loved that, I love this feud I thought this was going to be your TV Title match when I saw both in the battle royal but looks like they wont have the Title as part of their feud after all.

Overall this was a action packed show with 6 matches and feuds are being built up great for Slammivsery man keep up the good work it's turning into a must see PPV but hopefully you start letting some TNA guys win some matches! Also as for the James Storm promo you know what I think of that already from Facebook so I decided not to put my thoughts on it in my review.

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