KWF Se7en




The cameras are in the back where we see The Miz standing by a camera. A moment he requested.

The Miz- For the past few weeks, I found myself doing something I have never done in my life. I found myself questioning myself.

The Miz doesn't look too proud to be saying those words. He seems disgusted by himself.

The Miz- I wondered why The Kid did not trust me to take the Intercontinental Championship away from AJ Styles by myself. I wondered what he really thought about me. I questioned myself, but the more I kept asking myself the same questions, I found the solution.

The Miz smiles, nodding his head.

The Miz- Prove him wrong.

The Miz takes a moment for himself as he intensely looks into the direction of the camera.

The Miz- Except, I'm not going to do it verbally; oh no!

The Miz shakes his head from side to side.

The Miz- I don't have to remind the world over and over again that I won the Intercontinental Championship in my debut match! In my first ever match in the KWF, I walked into that ring and walked into a fatal fourway match where I survived and walked out the Intercontinental Champion! I went one on one against The Big Show at Wrestlemania 3 and I beat him. One. Two. Three. I've had the odds stacked up against me ever since I walked into the KWF and I have walked out victorious every single time.

The cockiness begins to slowly leak out of The Miz.

The Miz- So tonight, when I step into that ring with all the odds stacked against me.... I'm going to prove my doubters wrong. I will do whatever it takes to walk out the Intercontinental Championship tonight and if that means proving my biggest doubter wrong, I will. Because Kid.... tonight, you're more then just my boss. You're my biggest doubter. You're my opponent!

The Miz nods, psychotically believing his words.

The Miz- Nobody will stop me from walking out the Intercontinental Championship tonight. If The Kid tries climbing up that ladder to grab my prize, I will rip him down and throw him right off that ladder! Nobody will get in my way tonight. Tonight is my night!

The passion shows in the eyes of The Miz.

The Miz- Do you want to know why?

The Miz smiles.

The Miz- Because I am The Miz....

The Miz stops shouting and looks straight where he sees The Kid walking up to him. The Kid has a smile on his face.

The Kid- Really? Really? Really?! REALLY!

The Kid smiles as he gets closer to the face of The Miz. The Miz stands there, pissed off.

The Kid- Rip me down, throw me off, beat my ass....

The Kid shakes his head from side to side, as he looks into the eyes of The Miz.

The Kid- You don't get it, do you?

The Miz- No, screw this! I get it! Answer me this question, Kid; yes or no, do you think I can beat AJ Styles one on one?

The Kid- Excuse me?

The Miz- You heard me, now answer the question! Do you think I can defeat AJ Styles....

????- THE ANSWER....

The Miz and The Kid turn their attention behind them where they see....


AJ Styles is the one speaking as the two Society members stand there, walking up to them two.

AJ Styles- .... is NO!

AJ Styles smiles as The Miz goes to charge forward, but The Kid puts his arm out, stopping him.

The Kid- You'll get your chance tonight. We all will.

The Kid begins to walk forward to AJ Styles, but Samoa Joe gets in his face and chest bumps The Kid away. The Kid takes a step or two back and smiles. The Kid begins nodding his head.

The Kid- The answer is.... yes. Yes, I know you could defeat AJ Styles one on one. I want more then his title, though. I want more then victory against The Society tonight. I want their titles, I want their pride, I want their blood! I know you could defeat AJ Styles one on one, hell, I am convinced he is not walking out the champion tonight. You see, tonight is more then a six man TLC match for the Intercontinental Championship. Tonight is about torturing AJ Styles. Tonight is the night he doesn't walk out.

The Kid smiles in the direction of the two Society members.

The Kid- No, tonight, AJ Styles leaves on a stretcher!

The Kid smiles as AJ Styles looks over, unintimidated. The Kid then turns his attention to Samoa Joe.

The Kid- So Joe, why don't you continue on to the ring, because Rene Dupree is ready....

The Kid gets closer to Samoa Joe, before pushing his finger into the chest of Samoa Joe.

The Kid- .... for YOU!

The Kid smiles and for the first time ever, Samoa Joe smirks back.

Samoa Joe- Win, lose or draw....

Intensity appears on the face of Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe- Rene Dupree is gonna get his FUCKING head kicked in!



Samoa Joe lets out an animalistic grunt before walking away, leaving The Kid and The Miz standing there, angry. AJ Styles smiles as he pats Samoa Joe on the back as he walks away. AJ shakes his head at The Kid and The Miz.

AJ Styles- Kid, we're the best in the world. It's plain and simple; simply phemomenal.

AJ Styles walks away, as The Kid and The Miz stand there.

They make up half of the six man TLC match tonight that will have the Intercontinental Championship risen above their heads.

However, up next is the first title defense of the night. The KWF Television Championship match!



The crowd erupts in boos as the fired up, Samoa Joe comes storming through the curtains. He speed walks down the ramp, with his eyes facing forward the whole time. The Society's pittbull is a former KWF Television Championship and he lost that title in a fatal four way match, the night Rene Dupree walked out the winner. Wrestlemania 3. Samoa Joe is looking to finally get his title back and bring more gold to The Society.

Samoa Joe quickly climbs up the steel steps and begins pulling at the ropes. He is showing that he means business tonight.


The crowd erupts in cheers as the arena turns red and blue. The Frenchmen, Rene Dupree comes walking out. He waves his France flag, back and forth representing his country as his Television Championship is wrapped around his waist.

Paul Heyman- Do you know what confuses me, guys? That the Americans cheer a man who comes out waving the flag of his country. I just don't get it.

Jim Ross- Well, I could answer that question, because I, too, root for the guy. This man represents his home country, but he also comes out and fights his heart out every single time he is inside of that ring. It doesn't matter what country. He shows the crowd why he is a hero in France, by being America's own little French hero!

King- Ha, ha! He's not my hero, JR.

Paul Heyman- Mine neither.

Jim Ross- Well, he's a hero to most and he's about to go kick some villain butt! I can guarantee you that!

Rene Dupree has reached ringside and....


Samoa Joe goes diving through the middle ropes and right onto the body of Rene Dupree. The Frenchmen falls to the ground as he was attacked, unexpectedly. The crowd begins to boo Samoa Joe as he quickly gets to his feet and begins stomping away on Rene Dupree. Samoa Joe rips the title off of the waist of Rene Dupree and tosses the title to the floor. He continues to kick on Rene Dupree, showing no mercy. Then to the utmost disgust from the Brooklyn audience, Samoa Joe grabs the flag of France and....


Snapping it in half!

The crowd erupts in boos and the referee jumps to the outside and quickly gets in the middle of the two guys. Rene Dupree is in excruciating pain on the outside of the ring, but Samoa Joe is not done. He shoves the referee out of the way and lifts Rene Dupree up to his feet and runs him shoulder first into the steel steps! The top step goes flying off from the impact and Rene Dupree lays there, in excruciating pain.

KWF officials come storming from the back and they can finally outnumber Samoa Joe enough that they could stop him. Samoa Joe lets out a smirk to the boos from the crowd. The KWF officials check on Rene Dupree.

Jim Ross- Somebody stop this! What the hell is going on?!

Paul Heyman- Samoa Joe is running roughshod over Rene Dupree, before the match even got under way!

King- This is chaos! He's ruined the match!

Jim Ross- This is bull! Damn you, Joe, damn you!

Samoa Joe sulks in the boos as some members of the audience begin to throw trash at his direction. He smiles as he slowly picks up the KWF Television Championship and drapes it over his shoulder. The crowd erupts in boos as he has not won that title. Samoa Joe begins slowly walking up the ramp to more trash throwing and slurs from the crowd. Samoa Joe just wears his satisfied, sadistic and repulsive smirk on his face and....

????- HEY!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Rene Dupree has a microphone in his hand and is slowly pushing himself up to his feet on the outside of the ring.

Rene Dupree- Joe, come to zee ring!

The crowd is ecstatic right now.

Rene Dupree- I'm not finished!

The crowd roars louder then ever as Rene Dupree slides his hurting body into the ring. He begins pushing himself up to his feet as Samoa Joe watches on from the top of the ramp, amused.

Rene Dupree- I came here to fight!

Rene Dupree gets to his feet, but you can tell he is weakened. The referee begins trying to shake some sense into him, but to no avail.

Rene Dupree- You vant my Television Championship? Come beat me for it!

Samoa Joe stands at the top of the ramp, puzzled by this. He thought for sure he did enough damage to Rene Dupree to take him out the match. However, he's been mistaken.

Rene Dupree- Zee French Phenom eez NOT DEAD YET!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

Samoa Joe is no longer smiling as he angrily begins speed walking down the ramp, eyes locked inside of the ring. Samoa Joe holds the Television Championship by one hand, but tosses it to the ground when he reaches ring side. Rene Dupree shouts.

Rene Dupree- RING ZEE BELL!

The referee is confused, but he has to do it. The competitors are both ready as Samoa Joe angrily slides into the ring and the referee calls for the bell! This match is officially under way!


Rene Dupree (c) vs Samoa Joe

The Brooklyn arena is all on their feet as Samoa Joe leaps up to his feet and is met by a fury of punches by Rene Dupree. The two men quickly begin exchanging punch after punch after punch. No mercy shown by either man. Finally, it looks like the pain from the previous beating has Rene Dupree weakened and it's taken its toll.

Samoa Joe has captured control from the slug fest and he is now taking liberties to the legs of Rene Dupree, with wicked kick after kick. Rene Dupree falls to a knee and Samoa Joe begins kicking away at the already injured right arm of Rene Dupree that was just thrown into the steel steps. Rene Dupree lets out scream after scream, but is refusing to give up as he pushes himself up to his feet. Rene Dupree charges forward and drills Samoa Joe in the face with a right that sends the crowd in a frenzy. Samoa Joe stumbles back and Rene Dupree charges forward, but....

.... Samoa Joe grabs Rene Dupree and swings him into the turnbuckle, back first. Samoa Joe quickly begins firing away with a fury of chops to the face, throat and rib area of Rene Dupree, before finishing it off with a powerful clothesline. Samoa Joe steps away and Rene Dupree falls down to all fours. Samoa Joe takes a step back, but uses that for force as he drills Rene Dupree right in the chest with a vicious kick. Rene Dupree falls to his side, but is then forced onto his back by Samoa Joe, as he hooks the leg for the pin!





The crowd cheers as Rene Dupree gets his shoulder off the mat, on time.

Samoa Joe is not impressed.

Samoa Joe quickly yanks Rene Dupree up to his feet and once again, swings him into the turnbuckle post. Rene hits it hard, but leans against it. Samoa Joe walks over and gives Rene Dupree one final chop to the chest, before positioning himself by the legs of Rene Dupree. Samoa Joe goes to lift Rene Dupree up, but The French Phenom begins striking down on the back of Samoa Joe with vicious hammer shots. Samoa Joe can feel the pain, but counters by spearing his shoulder right into the gut of Rene Dupree, pinning him against the turnbuckle.

That sucks the energy right out of Rene Dupree.

Samoa Joe continues with lifting Rene Dupree up and he does, sitting him up on the top turnbuckle. Samoa Joe is going for the early kill, as he steps onto the bottom rope and reaches up for the head of Rene Dupree, but....

.... Rene Dupree begins firing back with lefts and rights to the face of Samoa Joe. After a few shots, Samoa Joe falls off the bottom turnbuckle and stumbles back. Samoa Joe sees his opponent still sitting on the top turnbuckle, so he charges forward and....


Rene Dupree lifted his leg up and cracked Samoa Joe's face with the bottom of his boot.

Samoa Joe begins stumbling back and the crowd erupts in cheers. Rene Dupree jumps off the turnbuckle and quickly gets behind Samoa Joe and locks in the FRENCH TICKLER!

The crowd erupts in cheers as the chicken wing submission has been applied. The same submission Rene Dupree has used to defeat some of his greatest opponents. He may be using it to submit Samoa Joe right now!

However, there is still too much left in Samoa Joe and he begins back peddling at full speed, forcing the body of Rene Dupree to crash against the turnbuckle. Rene Dupree releases the submission and leans against the turnbuckle, in more pain. Samoa Joe stumbles away and falls to a knee. Rene Dupree senses that his chances are dwindling away so with a heave of energy, he charges forward towards Samoa Joe and....

.... walks right into the Samoan Drop!

From out of nowhere.

Samoa Joe rolls himself on top of Rene Dupree and hooks the leg for the pin!





That gets more cheers from the crowd and Samoa Joe is unhappy about this. Samoa Joe angrily gets to his feet and rubs off whatever pain he has in his chin from the boot. He angrily crouches over and yanks Rene Dupree up to his feet, again and runs him to the turnbuckle post, again. Samoa Joe quickly lifts Rene Dupree up onto the top turnbuckle, this time with no struggle. Samoa Joe quickly gets to the bottom turnbuckle, reaches up and lifts the huge Rene Dupree right onto his shoulders and....


The crowd falls to silence as The French Phenom lays spread eagle on the mat. Samoa Joe sits up with a huge grin on his face as he looks down at his own lap, smiling. Proud of the move he just connected on. Samoa Joe turns his body around and smiles at the downed body of Rene Dupree. Just as slowly, Samoa Joe crawls over to Rene Dupree and hooks the leg for the pin!





Paul Heyman- HOLY SH-


King- AH! I can't believe it!

Paul Heyman- Neither can Samoa Joe!

Jim Ross- This is the hero I was talking about! This is Rene Dupree! This is the French Phenom! This is that man!

Samoa Joe sits up, in disbelief. He looks onto that same lap of his that he just looked at a few seconds ago, except this time he is not smiling. He is in complete disbelief. Samoa Joe looks up at the crowd and sees them all cheering. Something is flashing right before his eyes right now and the cheering crowd is making this Samoan killer see red!

Samoa Joe angrily gets to his feet and he is furious as he speed walks over to the turnbuckle. He grabs the top turnbuckle and begins ripping the padding right off!

Samoa Joe has exposed the top turnbuckle!

The referee goes to stop Samoa Joe, but is quickly scared off by the non caring Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe discards with the padding by throwing it to the outside of the ring. He then storms over to Rene Dupree and yanks the disheveled body of Rene Dupree up to his feet. He grabs Dupree by his blonde hair and walks him over to the exposed turnbuckle. Samoa Joe is showing no mercy as he pulls the head of Rene Dupree back and....


Rene Dupree counters with an elbow to the face of Samoa Joe!

Rene Dupree grabs Samoa Joe and slams him face first into the exposed turnbuckle! Once! Twice! Three times! Four times! Finally, a fifth time!

Rene Dupree releases the head of Samoa Joe and he stumbles away, leaking blood from his forehead. Samoa Joe falls to his ass and is sitting up, a bloody and confused man.

Samoa Joe is bleeding!

Rene Dupree leans against the turnbuckle, but then charges forward with a running knee right to the face of Samoa Joe!

The Samoan Submission Machine collapses onto his back and Rene Dupree dives his body on top of the body of Samoa Joe, for the desperation pin! The crowd counts along!





The crowd lets out the worlds loudest sigh ever. The groans echo through the arena as Samoa Joe has gotten his shoulder off the mat, right at the last second. The crowd can not believe it. Neither can the desperate and exhausted, Rene Dupree.

Jim Ross- AH! DAMN IT!

Paul Heyman- As dazed as Samoa Joe is right now, he was still able to find his whereabouts and realize he was down for the count! Excellent performance by both men!

King- This is insane! Neither man is staying down! Ha, ha, I'm loving it!

Jim Ross- Come on, Dupree! Get up, boy! Fight that son of a bitch! Make that bloody pig bleed some more! Make him pay!


The crowd chants the name of the KWF Television Champion, The French Phenom, Rene Dupree.

The Brooklyn crowd is trying their best to get Rene Dupree up to his feet and slowly, but surely, the French Phenom gives them what they want.

Rene Dupree rises to his feet!

The crowd is going insane in cheers as the exhausted Rene Dupree looks around at his cheering and adoring fans. It's vintage time!


Rene Dupree does his vintage dance for the cheering crowd. He hops from one side to the other, to the other. All with a face filled with agonizing pain. Agonizing pain that he is doing everything he can to fight through. However, he is ready for the finish right now.

It's now or never for Rene Dupree.

Rene Dupree bends over and picks Samoa Joe up to his feet, who is on all fours with blood leaking from his forehead. Rene Dupree puts him under his arms, nods his head at the crowd and lifts the body of Samoa Joe into the air for his version of the Michonoku Driver, the....



The right arm of Rene Dupree seems to have given out and he has dropped the body weight of Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe lands on all fours right beside Rene Dupree, who is down to one knee, holding onto that right arm.

Out of desperation, Samoa Joe pushes himself up to his feet and sneaks behind Rene Dupree, wraps his arms around the throat of Rene Dupree and locks in the COQUINA CLUTCH!

The submission is locked in once Samoa Joe wraps his legs around the waist of The Frenchmen. The KWF Television Championship is trapped in the middle of the ring, in this submission. Samoa Joe holds on as tight as possible, with blood rushing out of his head. Both men are experiencing pain that not many men would be able to withstand.

Rene Dupree is doing whatever he can by reaching out, hoping for some sign or feeling of the ropes. However, he is only able to reach with his left arm as his injured right arm is being trapped into this submission. The crowd cheer as loud as they can to help Rene Dupree, but there is nothing possible right now that could help The French Phenom out of this.

Blood continues gushing out of the head of Samoa Joe, as he holds the submission in.

Rene Dupree is in excruciating pain and has went through hell for the past few minutes. From before the bell even rang.

The advantage has been Samoa Joe throughout, but Rene Dupree's heart made this match happen.

That same heart has now cost him his title.

Rene Dupree finally taps out.
Winner and NEW Television Champion- Samoa Joe

The crowd erupts in boos as Samoa Joe finally releases the submission. The soft taps from Rene Dupree have come from a body filled with pain and a broken heart. He lays on his side, in excruciating pain holding onto his right arm. He has went through war with Samoa Joe, whether it was unfair or not.

Samoa Joe is equally hurting as the turnbuckle he exposed ended up meeting his flesh instead of his opponents, forcing a profuse amount of blood to rush out.

KWF officials come storming from the back to check on these two men.

Jim Ross- Damn it! I am disgusted! Rene Dupree was cheapshotted before the match and now he lost his title!

Paul Heyman- I'll give credit where it's due. Rene Dupree shocked me tonight. I heard all about the hype of Rene Dupree and tonight I saw what heart he has.

Jim Ross- Yeah, you're damn right! He has the heart of a champion and there is no reason why Samoa Joe is the new Television Champion right now!

Paul Heyman- Well, that's because Rene Dupree tapped out.

Jim Ross- Oh please! He had no shot from the beginning! Samoa Joe was afraid and he attacked Rene Dupree before the match! Damn it, Samoa Joe is going to pay for this!

King- Well, both men seem to be paying for it. The ring is filled with KWF officials. What a war!

The KWF officials and EMT's quickly attend to Rene Dupree. Some run over to Samoa Joe, but he shoves them out of his way. Samoa Joe walks to the ropes and exits the ring. Samoa Joe walks over to the title he tossed on the floor earlier and he picks it up and drapes it over his shoulder.

Exhausted, bloody and beaten; Samoa Joe walks up the ramp with the Television Championship draped over his shoulder to boos from the crowd.

KWF, zero.

Society, one.

End of Part 5.



The cameras are in the back where we see Christian sitting down, tying his boots. He looks up and coming into camera view is....

.... EDGE!

Christian seems to have tied both boots up and he leans back, looking up at Edge.

Edge- You got this, man. Why are you stressing it?

Christian- Why am I stressing it? I'm in a six man tables, ladders and chairs match. This could be my last opportunity at grabbing a title in this company. Why am I stressing it?!

Christian stands up, shaking his head while smiling.

Christian- I mean, when I challenged you to fight me at Wrestlemania 3 and you denied it, I was mad at you. I was mad, because you were taking away my moment! So when I forced you into that final match of your career, I went in there with everything I had and I lost! I blew that opportunity! I can NOT blow this opportunity, Edge. I have got to win that match tonight. I have to!

Edge smiles, shaking his head. He grabs Christian by the shoulder.

Edge- Tables, ladders, chairs.... that's your match, man!

Christian- No! That's OUR match!

Christian points at himself and Edge and he is very seriously trying to prove his point.

Christian- Do you think I don't hear the whispers?

Christian is smiled, amused.

Christian- At Wrestlemania, I tried to step out of your shadow and I couldn't do it. So now every person who ever said that you were better than me, was correct! Our peeps! Do you know what our peeps say? They say I would've never been able to win those TLC matches without you! They say it and the more I hear it.... AH!

Christian grabs his head and turns his back. Edge takes a deep breath, before putting his arm around Christian.

Edge- Do you want to know the truth, Christian? Edge, me, I would've never been able to win those TLC matches without YOU! Edge is nothing without Christian! Without you, I would've never been the man that I am! I would've never been the Rated R Superstar! I would've never been as successful as I have been through my wrestling career, without you!

Christian looks up at Edge and you can see the passion in Edge's eyes.

Edge- You are the reason I've become who I've become! Sure, neither of us were able to duplicate our success in the KWF. Maybe we just never got a proper chance. However, when we fought at Wrestlemania 3, Christian; my brother.... I had the best match of my career. Christian, thanks to you; I was able to have my final wrestling match in my career be the best match I was ever apart of. Do you know why? Do you know why the people were on their feet for the whole match? Do you know why people in the KWF finally decided to care for Edge? Because of YOU! Because of Christian!

Edge pounds Christian on the chest to pump him up.

Edge- And when you go out there tonight, Christian, you are going to have your moment. You are going to climb that ladder and when you reach the top, all those flashes from the cameras of YOUR peeps....

Edge smiles.

Edge- .... it's going to be all for the new Intercontinental Champion, it's going to be ALL.... for.... CHRISTIAN!

Edge points at Christian. Christian smiles, as he nods his head. Christian looks directly in the eyes of Edge with a half smile.

Christian- I really appreciate your pep talk, Edge, I really do. You just.... look, you're retired! You did it. You finished your career on top. If I don't win tonight, that could be my career!

Christian takes a deep breath and shakes his head, upset.

Christian- What if I break my neck, Edge? What if the same thing that happened to you, happens to me. You know it, Edge. It could happen just like that!

Christian snaps his finger.

Christian- What if I fight with everything I have in me and my career ends....

Christian solemnly looks up at Edge, shaking his head.

Christian- .... at the bottom?

Christian shakes his head.

Christian- It's tonight or never, Edge. That's all I got.

Christian walks away from Edge and leaves the dressing room. Edge stands inside the ring, upset at the words he heard from Christian.

Christian will be one of the six men in the TLC match for the Intercontinental Championship later tonight.

It's tonight or never for Christian.

It could be the end for many more.


The arena is dark as fans flash lights and cameras to see if they can see into the darkness. The anticipation is at an all time high for the Brooklyn crowd right now. Awaiting what will come out of the darkness.

All of a sudden, a spotlight appears in the middle of the ring. Coming from the darkness, walking into the spotlight is none other then....


The legend himself.

The crowd has erupted in cheers as they await the words to be spoken.

Howard Finkel- Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the third ever KWF Iron Man match!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

Howard Finkel- Decisions are won by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification. The man to have the most winning decisions at the end of the 60 minute mark, will be the winner!

The crowd erupts in cheers. All of a sudden....


????- "Human beings in a mob....

What's a mob to a king?

What's a king to a God?

What's a God to a non-believer...."

FRANK OCEAN comes walking out the apron. He walks towards the right of the stage as the lights slowly begin turning green.

Frank Ocean-".... who don't believe in....





Jay Z- "Tears on the mausoleum floor,

Blood stains the Colosseum doors,

Lies on the lips of a priest,

Thanksgiving disguised as a feast,

Rolling in Rolls Royce Corniche,

Only the doctors got this,

I’m hiding from police...."

The arena turns green and out comes....


The skin of Randy Orton is painted with green and black stripes over his chest to his shoulders. The green lights in the arena light off of the body as Randy Orton slithers his way down the ramp. Jay Z continues rapping his verse besides him as Randy Orton gets into the ring. A close up on the face of Randy Orton and he has snake, green contact lenses on. He has dressed the part of the Viper to come claim what he believes is his destiny. End the undefeated streak of Kurt Angle in Iron Man matches.

Randy Orton stands in the middle of the ring and throws his arms to the side, revealing the paint job done on his body. for this 60 minutes of war.

Kanye West- "Coke on her black skin;

Made a stripe like a zebra,

I call that jungle fever,

You will not control the threesome,

Just roll the weed up until I get me some,

We formed a new religion,

No sins as long as there’s permission,

And deception is the only felony,

So never fuck nobody without telling me"

The arena changes from the green and becomes an aura of blue.



Walking through the curtains is Kanye West rapping and alongside him, the KWF Iron Man himself, set to defend his name....


He is dressed in his one piece blue outfit. In the middle, he has the Iron Man symbol colored in red and white. His boots are red and white and he is ready to step into the ring with the man in green for 60 minutes.

Kanye West continues rapping as they reach ringside and Kurt Angle runs up the steps and gets into the ring and starts spinning around, with his arms to the side to an eruption of cheers from the crowd. Brooklyn is going insane right now at the surprise performance by Jay Z and Kanye West, as both rappers have led one of the challengers to the ring.

Randy Orton and Kurt Angle both stand inside of the ring, across the ring from one another. Eyes locked on each other as the lighting of the arena comes back to normal.

These two men will fight, but this Iron Man match will show no mercy. For 60 minutes, there is nowhere to ruin, nowhere to hide. No God to pray to.




Howard Finkel stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone in his hand.

Howard Finkel- Ladies and gentlemen of Brooklyn, New York and all over the world!

The Barclays Center erupts in cheers as The Fink nods his head at them. The two competitors stand on opposite sides of the ring, as Kanye West and Jay Z exit up the ramp, where they meet up with Frank Ocean and leave to the back. It's time to let the wrestlers go to war.

The Fink continues.

Howard Finkel- THIS match will be decided under the rules of an Iron Man match!

The crowd cheers.

Howard Finkel- FIGHTING out of the RED corner.... he is the first ever KWF Intercontinental Champion, a title in which he held twice. He is a former KWF World Champion. He is the first and only winner of the KWF King Of The Ring tournament! He is the first man to defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania! He is The Legend Killer! He is The Viper! He is....


The crowd erupts in boos as Randy Orton steps forward in his snake-like, camouflage body paint. He is truly a man ready for combat

Howard Finkel- And FIGHTING out of the BLUE corner!

The crowd erupts in cheers as they know who is about to be announced next.

Howard Finkel- He is a gold medal winner for THE United States Of America! He is a former Tag Team Champion! He is one of the most feared wrestling technicians in the world! He i undefeated in Iron Man matches and he is here tonight to defend that claim! He is the KWF Iron Man! He is....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Kurt Angle steps forward and lets out a huge roar. He is ready for the 60 minute war.



The Viper.

The Iron Man.


End of Part 6.

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