KWF Se7en

Episode 9
"A Cardinal Sin"

The cameras are in the back where we see The Kid in his office with Rhyno. The Kid is holding a box and he slowly opens it and pulls out a card that reads, "LOVE SOCIETY". The Kid angrily looks into the box and pulls out a DVD. He hands it over to Rhyno and says....

The Kid- Play it.

Rhyno grunts and nods his head and walks over to the television set in The Kid's office and puts it in. The Kid is holding the remote and he presses play. All of a sudden....

.... The Society appears on the television screen.

They are inside of a gym where you see John Cena and Samoa Joe lifting up monstrous amounts of weight. You see Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose pounding away on bags with furies of punches, elbows and knees.

The camera then turns around and reveals the man holding the camera as none other than the KWF World Champion, CM Punk.

CM Punk- Hi Kid. How are you? Good to hear.

CM Punk smiles his egotistical smile. Lip piercing glistens in the light.

CM Punk- For weeks now, you have continued to prove how you truly lost it. You have continued to prove that you are not as good of a businessman as you make yourself out to be. For weeks, you have put the six greatest superstars in the KWF, in some very dangerous positions. It's almost like you just want us out of your ring.

Another smile breaks on the face of CM Punk. This one wider then the previous one.

CM Punk- Well, I got news for you, Kid, you're not going to get rid of us that easily. You see, you can throw Shawn Michaels at us, Bret Hart at us, Rhyno at us, a ladder at us, crows at us, lions, tigers and bears at us, but if we are inside of that ring, we are ALWAYS coming out on top!

CM Punk continues to widely smile into the camera that he holds.

CM Punk- The craziest part about this is that everyone that comes to a KWF event knows it, everyone in the back knows it, but I honestly believe that you are that stupid that you genuinely disagree that we are truly the best in the world.

That gets a chuckle out of CM Punk.

CM Punk- You know what? We'll prove it to you in another way. We'll prove it to you by not showing up to RAW tonight. We are going to prove it to you by not coming to St. Louis tonight. We are going to prove it by letting the world see what the KWF is without The Society.

CM Punk moves his head from side to side, still smiling, but cracking his neck.

CM Punk- Do you want to know what the KWF is without The Society?

CM Punk is no longer smiling. He has a very serious look on his face as he looks into the camera.

CM Punk- Trash.

A half smirk slowly appears on the face of CM Punk.

CM Punk- The Society.... has.... spoken.


Inside of his office, The Kid sits there, staring at the television that is now filled with static. The Kid looks irate and....

.... his office doors swing open.

Coming into the office is the former Tag Team Champions, Jeri-Storm.

They quickly walk over to The Kid.

Chris Jericho- Hey Kid, I want to get my hands on them. I want to get my hands on The Crows Nest!

The Kid slowly gets up to his feet and looks over at Chris Jericho. A serious look is on the face of The Kid.

Chris Jericho- You have to understand, Kid, they kidnapped me. Every single day and every single night that I had to spend with The Nest was torture. I want my revenge on them!

Lance Storm- I think he deserves it! I think we deserve it! They cost us our titles, they....

The Kid- SHUT.... UP!

Jeri-Storm stops talking and angrily looks at The Kid. Not too happy about the disrespect. The Kid doesn't seem to care.

The Kid- You want revenge?

Jeri-Storm nod their heads.

The Kid- So do I.

The Kid finally puts a smile on his face. Rhyno stands besides him, breathing heavily.

The Kid- The Society thinks that this show, this federation is nothing without them. Well, I'm ready to prove them wrong. You two want to get your hands on The Nest? Fine! At Summerslam, it will be Lance Storm teaming up with Chris Jericho to take on.... Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy!

The crowd is heard cheering from ringside. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm nod their heads at The Kid, with approval.

The Kid- I'm glad you like that, because tonight, I'm putting one of you in a match....

The Kid begins pointing at the both of them.

The Kid- Let me see.... which one....

Chris Jericho- I'll....

Lance Storm- ME!

Chris Jericho stops and looks over at Lance Storm. Lance Storm nods his head.

Lance Storm- You were kept hostage by them, I wasn't. You need rest. I'm ready. I'm in full condition to fight. Who am I fighting?

Lance Storm looks directly over at The Kid, who smiles. The Kid shouts....

The Kid- RHYNO!

Rhyno gets besides The Kid and lets out a grunt as he looks over at Lance Storm. Lance Storm looks back into the eyes of The Man Beast, showing no fear, but deep down inside, knowing that later tonight, he is going to step into the ring with the dangerous Man Beast, Rhyno.

The Kid- Good luck.

Jeri-Storm walks away from The Kid, displeased with the bosses attitude.

The Kid has seemed to not care who the fan favorites are anymore. The Society is in his head. He's losing it. Rhyno walks past The Kid and he is ready to go in action.


Standing inside of the ring is The Nation Of Domination. Elijah Burke has a microphone in hand as his men stand behind him. MVP and Monty Brown in wrestling gear. Every other man in a black suit. Elijah Burke looks into the audience.

Elijah Burke- What you are about to witness is the problem with this world today. What you are about to witness is something that was put together by the man at the top to stop our movement! To hold us down! Quite frankly, to break The Nation.

Elijah seems disgusted uttering those words.

Elijah Burke- Well, then you have us mistaken. We are here to teach the African American community the rights from the wrongs. A perfect example is the situation that we are in right now. A situation that may confuse our already confused brothers. When two of your brothers get put in a predicament where only one man walks out the winner, then you have already failed. You see, this is not about to be a match where there is only one winner. No matter who walks out victorious in just a few moments, they did not win it for themselves. They will be winning it for The Nation Of Domination!

Elijah Burke nods his head.

Elijah Burke- There will be no aftermath of jealousy. There will be no aftermath of selfishness. Whoever walks out victorious will be representing the whole Nation at Summerslam!


Claps are heard coming from the titantron and it is followed by a very distinct laugh. The titantron then reveals....

.... BOOKER T!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Booker T begins to speak through the titantron.

Booker T- Outstanding speech! Just.... outstanding!

The Nation Of Domination look up at the titantron, in disgust.

Booker T- Just a few weeks ago, you took out one of your own. Then a week after that, you took another one of your own out. Then the following week, ha, ha, this is the best part.... the following week, you scared a new member into your group.

Kofi Kingston angrily looks up at the titantron. Elijah Burke just shakes his head over at Kofi, almost as if to tell him not to pay any mind to what Booker T is saying.

Booker T- I'm here to issue a challenge to three specific members of The Nation Of Domination. I am here to issue a challenge to Mark Henry, that punk ass, Kofi Kingston and you, Elijah Burke! I am challenging the three of you to a match at Summerslam!

The crowd is heard erupting in cheers from ring side.

Booker T- You see, I don't know what neighborhood you grew up in homie, but where I'm from.... revenge is a rabies infested, female dog! If you get what I'm saying! We coming for you!

Elijah Burke breaks out a smile, inside of the ring.

Elijah Burke- No, I don't know what "you're saying"!

Elijah laughs to himself, before continuing to speak.

Elijah Burke- We? Booker T, who is we? Who do you got? Entertain me.

Booker T smiles on the titantron.

Booker T- What are you afraid? C'mon, accept the challenge, dawg!

Elijah is no longer smiling at the sheer thought of The Nation being afraid.

Booker T- Accept the challenge, you punk! Is it because you are afraid to get into the ring? Is that why you're not accepting the challenge? Is it because you don't have faith in yourself, Elijah? Is it you that you're worried about.

Elijah Burke- No, it is....

Booker T- I don't know, man. If you have such belief that nobody can beat The Nation, then you should accept the challenge! If it aint you, then is it Kofi? Do you not have faith in Kofi? Do you not believe in Kofi Kingston? Is that what it is?

Elijah Burke- No, I....

Booker T- Maybe it's Mark Henry, maybe you don't got faith in Mark Henry! He a big dude, I don't see why you worried about him, dawg. He looks like he can handle himself, he looks....

Elijah Burke- ENOUGH!

Elijah lets out an out of character scream, as he angrily looks up at the titantron. He takes a few breaths, before speaking.

Elijah Burke- I don't care who your two partners are, Booker.... I accept. WE accept.

Booker T begins laughing.

Booker T- I'd like to say that I'll see you at Summerslam, but I'd be lying. That's because next week, you gunna see who my two partners are, because we coming to Philly and we coming to put the beating on some Nation ass! Now can you dig THAT.... SUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!

Booker T disappears from the titantron.

Elijah Burke and the rest of The Nation Of Domination stands inside of the ring, pissed off. Elijah Burke turns around and looks at his men who have now all turned their attention to their leader, awaiting a response.

Elijah Burke- WE ARE THE NATION!


The six members of The Nation Of Domination throw their right fists into the air in unison.

They are a loyal group to one another, but up next, two of them will be fighting for a spot in the ladder match at Summerslam. Who will be in the Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship at Summerslam?

Will it be Montel Vontavious Porter, AKA MVP?! Or will it be The Alpha Male, Monty Brown?!

Their match is up next!


MVP vs Monty Brown

With the rest of The Nation standing on the outside of the ring, the former Tag Team champions begin to battle it out inside of the ring. MVP and Monty Brown circle the ring, with their eyes locked on each other. Both men look cautious, not wanting to hurt the other one. However, in the back of their minds, they know this is a huge opportunity to represent The Nation in the Ladder match at Summerslam, for the Intercontinental Championship.

MVP charges at Monty, but The Alpha Male shoulder blocks MVP to the mat. MVP hits the mat and sits there, looking up at Monty. The Alpha Male pounds his chest and walks away, giving MVP an opportunity to get back to his feet. The two members of The Nation show respect for each other. However, MVP charges at Monty Brown, again, but this time The Alpha Male grabs MVP and throws him right into the turnbuckle. MVP hits it back first and leans on it and this time, Monty Brown charges and clotheslines MVP into the turnbuckle. The Alpha Male backs away and watches MVP fall to his knees. Monty Brown backs away, but he doesn't seem like he is showing mercy anymore. Monty Brown charges at MVP, but....

.... MVP leaps to his feet and gives Monty Brown a diving clothesline!

The Alpha Male hits the mat and begins pushing himself up to his feet, but before he can, MVP runs a knee to the side of his head. The Alpha Male falls to his side and MVP quickly leaps on top of him and hooks the leg for the pin!





Montel quickly gets to his feet and hurries on top of Monty with some stomps. MVP knows that he has to keep the momentum if he wants to defeat this wilderbeast of a human being. MVP continues by isolating Monty Brown by the turnbuckle. MVP shows his athleticism by doing all sorts of offensive attacks on Monty. The Alpha Male has to counter the athleticism with raw power. Monty is also very athletic, so this match has been intense thus far between these two buddies.

As the match progresses, both men are running low on energy and are in desperation mode. Monty has his back turned on MVP and when he turns around, he sees MVP charging at him for the running boot to the face and....

.... Monty Brown ducks!

The Alpha Male runs to the ropes, full speed and comes bouncing off even faster with the....




The crowd erupts in cheers at the amazing, leaping escape by MVP. Monty goes stumbling forward into the ropes and turns around and walks right into the....


The running boot drills Monty Brown flat in the nose and he collapses onto his back. MVP quickly jumps on top of Monty Brown and hooks the leg for the pin and the win!
Winner and #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship- MVP


MVP leaps off of Monty Brown and he pumps his fist, amped up with the victory. MVP walks over to a turnbuckle, holding his ribs as he pumps his fists, excited about the victory and the opportunity he has now earned himself.

Elijah Burke walks into the ring, followed by the rest of the members of The Nation and he claps his hands. R-Truth runs over to Monty Brown and begins helping the beast back up to his feet. The Alpha Male is obviously still dazed from that powerful, straight boot to the nose he just got from MVP. The same move that MVP has used to take out legends such as Hulk Hogan. MVP is now on his way to a ladder match at Summerslam, an opportunity to bring the Intercontinental Championship to The Nation.

Mark Henry grabs a microphone and he begins shouting into it.

Mark Henry- Nah, we aint finished with our ring time!

The rest of The Nation curiously looks over at Mark Henry, who is fired up.

Mark Henry- Booker T wants to come on that screen and talk the talk, well, Booker, I aint got nothing I have to say to you! Just a whole lot I want to show to you! Now I aint leaving this ring until I gots me a fight, so I want any man from the back right now to make their ways down that ramp and fight me!

Mark Henry is fired up.

Mark Henry- I aint leaving until I whoop somebodies ass! That's a fact!

Mark Henry is even more fired up this time. Elijah Burke casually walks over to Mark Henry and begins tapping him on his back, smiling. Elijah pulls the microphone, still in the hand of Mark Henry, towards his mouth to speak.

Elijah Burke- Now Mark, it is apparent that there is no man in the back that wants to step into the ring with us right now. Let's face it, they all saw what we have been capable of, they all know what YOU are capable of. Maybe Booker T and whatever two men he has in store for us are idiotic enough, or in denial of our movement, but Mark, at this moment, there is nobody in the back who wants a piece of you. A piece of The Nation.

The crowd boos as Elijah Burke smiles at Mark Henry. The Nation Of Domination confidently nod their heads behind him when all of a sudden, we hear....



The crowd erupts in cheers as Zack Ryder makes his way from the back. A huge smile on his face as he wears his sunglasses and holds a microphone in his hand. He makes his way down the ramp, as he cockily speaks.

Zack Ryder- Speaking of movements.... last week, the broskis were all let down! Last week, I, Zack Ryder came just short at earning himself a spot in that ladder match at Summerslam. Just short!

The crowd laughs, knowing Zack Ryder was dominated and destroyed by Sheamus last week.

Zack Ryder- Well, someway or somehow, Zack Ryder is going to find his way into a match at Summerslam, when the KWF hits my home state of New York!

Zack nods his head at the crowd, with his famous half smirk on his face. Confidence shown all over Long Island's own.

Zack Ryder- So, the question is, how will Zack Ryder redeem himself?

Zack smiles as he sprints up the stairs. Mark Henry motions his hands to the side, to tell the rest of The Nation to back off. Zack Ryder cockily gets into the ring and prances over towards Mark Henry and speaks.

Zack Ryder- Well, I'll tell you, bro!


Mark Henry slaps the sunglasses right off of the face of Zack Ryder.


Zack Ryder holds his face, in anger.

Zack Ryder- Mark Henry, I came out here to accept your challenge and as soon as that bell sounds, I am going to whoop your woo, woo, woo all over this ring!

Mark Henry smiles as he looks at the serious face of Zack Ryder and....


Mark Henry clotheslines Zack Ryder right to the mat.


Mark Henry throws the microphone down at the body of Zack Ryder and begins stomping away on him. Mark angrily looks over at the referee and shouts....

Mark Henry- RING THE BELL!

The rest of The Nation smiles as they leave the ring. The referee calls for the bell and officially starts this match.


Mark Henry vs Zack Ryder
This match didn't look like it was going to be a competitive match and it sure as hell wasn't.

Mark Henry continues to talk trash as he stomps away on the body of Zack Ryder. Long Islands hero is forced to his feet by Mark Henry who gives him an Irish Whip into the turnbuckle post. Zack Ryder hits it hard and leans against it. Mark Henry charges across the ring and splashes Zack Ryder right into the turnbuckle post. Mark steps away and Zack Ryder stumbles forward, before falling flat on his face. Zack Ryder lays flat on his face as Mark Henry runs to the ropes and comes back with a huge splash to the back of Zack Ryder.

The Worlds Strongest Man doesn't seem to be done, though. Mark Henry gets to his feet and walks around the body of Zack Ryder a few times, screaming trash down at him. Mark Henry then forcefully grabs the head of Zack Ryder and forces him up to his feet. Mark doesn't make Zack stand for too long as he quickly lifts him onto his arms and sends him crashing down to the mat with the WORLDS STRONGEST SLAM!

The body of Zack Ryder is crushed as Mark Henry remains on top of Zack Ryder for the pin fall!




Mark Henry- COUNT TO FIVE!



This match is over.
Winner- Mark Henry

The crowd stares into the ring at the dominant force that is Mark Henry. The Worlds Strongest Man gets to his feet as the rest of The Nation gets into the ring. All men having serious looks on their faces. Even in defeat, such as Monty Brown, The Nation Of Domination stands side by side inside of the ring, Elijah Burke in front of the group. They simultaneously throw their right fists into the air showing their unity.

Their brotherhood.

One fist.

One Nation.

Of Domination!

End of Part 2.
Episode 9
"A Cardinal Sin"

Randy Orton vs Carlito
Randy Orton gets a good ovation from his hometown crowd of St. Louis. Carlito makes his way out with Primo by his side. As soon as the bell sounds, Randy Orton is quick on the attack. The Viper slams Carlito into the turnbuckle and begins delivering body shot after body shot. Intensity is written all over Randy Orton that night.

The Viper has the advantage, but Primo has seen enough of the abuse, so he jumps on the apron. The referee is distracted and Carlito sneaks in a low blow on Randy Orton. The Viper falls to his knees and Carlito begins stomping away on him. Carlito goes for the pin, but Randy Orton pops out on two. Primo watches on with a satisfied smirk from the outside of the ring at Carlito taking control of the match.

Carlito has The Viper pinned against the turnbuckle and he begins driving his elbow into the face of Randy. Orton is dazed. However, when a snake is dazed, you never want to be the one to feed it it's venom. A way to give the snake venom is to disrespect that snake and when Carlito slapped Randy Orton across the face, he woke up The Viper. Randy stares right into the eyes of Carlito, body straightens out and he grabs Carlito by his poofy hair and literally swings his whole body around by the hair, slamming The Cool One into the turnbuckle post. Randy Orton unleashes with fury to the ribs of Carlito and to the face. Right, left, chop, everything! Carlito is loopy and....

.... Primo jumps back on the apron!

The referee runs over to Primo telling him to get off the apron, but Randy Orton has had enough. He walks over to Primo and grabs him by the hair. Primo begins shaking, trying to jump off the apron, but Randy is shaking his head from side to side. The Viper has it's grip and....


- NO!

Randy Orton doesn't fall back to the Backstabber, he holds onto the hair of Primo for grip. Nearly ripping the hair out. That pressure guillotines Primo off the top rope and off the apron. Carlito is on his back and he sits up right in time to get a kick to the chest from Randy. Carlito falls to his back and he rolls over to his side and quickly pushes himself up. Carlito turns around and he ducks a clothesline from Randy Orton. Carlito uses his last bit of energy to run to the ropes and come back for a clothesline of his own and....

.... Randy Orton ducks! Randy Orton spins Carlito around! RKO!

The face of Carlito splats on the mat. Randy Orton rolls Carlito over, hooks the legs, looks straight into his hometown crowd as the referee makes the count all the way to 3!
Winner- Randy Orton


Randy Orton rolls off of Carlito and gets to his feet. The referee goes to raise his hand, but he pulls away. He walks over to Carlito and yanks him up to his feet by the hair and runs him to the ropes and angrily throws him through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Carlito falls right beside Primo. Randy Orton begins pacing around in the ring, rage filling his face. He slowly walks over to the ropes and demands a microphone. He is quickly handed one. Randy Orton takes a few deep breaths as he walks over to the middle of the ring. He looks into his St. Louis crowd and begins to speak.

Randy Orton- Last week, I was blindsided by a chump. A weasel. A liar. I was blindsided by Kurt Angle.

The crowd cheer at the mention of the Olympic Hero. Randy Orton doesn't like it as he disgustingly looks into the crowd.

Randy Orton- It may seem like Kurt Angle won last week. It may seem like Kurt Angle got what he wanted by challenging me to an Iron Man match, a match that he has yet to lose in the KWF. That's what it may seem like, but that's not how it is!

Intensity flies off the tongue of The Viper.

Randy Orton- The fact is that the only reason Kurt Angle is undefeated in Iron Man matches is because he has NEVER faced ME!

Randy points at his chest. Anger in his eyes.

Randy Orton- I am a former KWF World Champion! I am the first ever Intercontinental Champion, I won that belt twice! I am the first ever KWF King Of The Ring! I am the first ever man to defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania! At Summerslam, I will be the first man to ever beat Kurt Angle in a KWF Iron Man match!

The crowd applaud the confidence in the words of Randy Orton. His body language sticks by his words. The Viper is not playing around.

Randy Orton- So Kurt Angle, if you think for one second that the only reason I accepted your challenge is because you had me in an ankle lock, you are dead wrong! The reason I accepted that match is because I know I can win! Not only do I know I can beat you, but I know once you lose that match, you lose everything you are worth in the KWF! What are you, Kurt? What can we say you did in the KWF? Nothing! You've won two Iron Man matches. You are undefeated. That's all you got. And in one second, I can and I will take it all away!

Finally, that evil smirk goes across the face of Randy Orton. He begins nodding his head, when all of a sudden....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Kurt Angle walks through the curtains. A huge grin is spread across his face. He holds a microphone in his hand as he begins walking down the ramp, talking.

Kurt Angle- You know, you got a point.

Kurt Angle begins laughing. That irritates Randy Orton.

Randy Orton- Why are you laughing?

Kurt Angle stops as he reaches ringside and he looks up at Randy Orton, inside of the ring. This time, Kurt Angle is no longer laughing. He is not even smiling. He is looking right up into the angry face of The Viper with a matching look.

Kurt Angle- Because you're right!

The crowd seems taken aback by this.

Kurt Angle- That title to being undefeated in an Iron Man match is all I got! Now, the reason I am laughing is because even though you are right about what you said, you are equally as stupid!

Randy gets pissed off by that as he stands close to the ropes, looking down at Kurt Angle, who is looking up.

Kurt Angle- I earned that title by backing up my words! When I say that I am the best wrestler in the KWF, I mean it! I am a wrestling machine! There is no living, breathing thing that could outlast, outpin, outsubmit me in an Iron Man match! You see, you accepted a challenge from a man who will do anything to keep his claim on being the KWF Iron Man! Those 60 minutes at Summerslam will be the longest 60 minutes of YOUR life!

Randy Orton breathes heavily as he looks down at Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle- And the only reason I am not coming into that ring right now and whooping your ass is because when I defeat you at Summerslam, I don't want to hear any excuses! I want to beat the best that Randy Orton has to offer! Oh, it's true! It's damn true!

The crowd is fired up. Randy Orton just looks down at Kurt Angle and....


The Colon Brothers begin stomping down on Randy Orton as he has fallen to his knees.

Kurt Angle quickly slides into the ring and he yanks Primo off of Randy and flings him across the ring. Carlito turns around, but is quickly grabbed from around the waist and belly to belly suplex! Carlito goes flying across the ring. Primo gets to his feet and he charges at Kurt Angle and....


The body of Primo hits the mat with such impact that he bounces and falls right over the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring.

Carlito is slow to get up and when he turns around, BOOM....


Carlito rolls to the outside of the ring and Kurt Angle is amped up as he pulls down his straps, turning around, screaming and....

.... RKO!

The crowd goes silent! Randy Orton comes out of nowhere and hits Kurt Angle with the RKO. He attacked his opponent for Summerslam, who just helped him while he was being jumped. Randy Orton slithers to his feet and looks down at Kurt Angle with that sadistic grin, as he back peddles.

The Viper has gotten the last laugh for the night on The Olympic Hero. At Summerslam, both men will have 60 minutes to prove to the world who is better.


The cameras are in the back where we see Ted Dibiase walking with Sheamus and a new guy. A bald man.

Ted Dibiase- So Antonio Cesaro, how are you liking the KWF so far? How do you like being my new client?

Antonio Cesaro nods his head, with a smile at Ted Dibiase. Ted Dibiase walks in between Sheamus and Antonio Cesaro as the three men head down the halls. They stop when they see Christian. A smile appears on the face of Ted Dibiase. Christian walks over to the three men, unintimidated.

Ted Dibiase- Well, well, look what we have here! Ha! One of the men who will be competing in the ladder match at Summerslam! That same ladder match that you will be winning, Sheamus!

Ted Dibiase smacks the back of the hungry and grinning Sheamus. Christian puts on an unamused smirk.

Christian- How many times have you climbed a ladder, Sheamus? My guess is going to be none. That would get you too close to the sun and we don't want that, now do we?

Christian laughs. Ted Dibiase has to contain Sheamus.

Christian- You know how many times I've climbed ladders?

Ted Dibiase- Yeah, but how many times did you have to try and climb a ladder knowing that you had The Great White right behind you chomping away?! I bet never! Ha! Well at Summerslam, you are going to have The Great White swimming around you all night, protecting his territory and get what belongs to him, that Intercontinental Championship!

All of a sudden, The Miz walks into the screen with a smile on his face. He walks right over to Sheamus. Ted Dibiase looks angry at this, but holds Sheamus back protecting him from backstage violence.

The Miz- Really? Really? Really? A shark. I hate to break it to you, Ted, but sharks.... can't.... climb!

Christian- Good one.

The Miz- Thanks. However, like I was saying.... who are you?

The Miz gets in the face of the bald man. Ted Dibiase begins laughing.

Ted Dibiase- This man? Ha! You see, after Sheamus walks out the Intercontinental Champion, I will be guiding this man, Antonio Cesaro to the top of the KWF, as well! Money Inc has been rebuilt! It starts with me, Sheamus and Antonio Cesaro!

Christian- Okay, so who's the tax man? Who's the butler?

????- WHO?!

Everybody turns their attention and we see The Nation Of Domination come by. Elijah Burke stands in front of his crew.

Elijah Burke- Who is the sixth man in that ladder match? I have the answer. That man is The Alpha Male, that man is Monty Brown! The man who came a split second away from defeating another proud member of The Nation Of Domination, MVP!

The Miz- Oh, so The Nation Of Domination should have two members in that ladder match? That sounds fair.

Elijah Burke steps right into the face of The Miz and shouts.

Elijah Burke- FAIR?! FAIR?! You want to speak about fair? Was it fair that The Kid put two brothers against each other? Is it fair that a spoiled, little brat like you deserve a spot in that match? And this guy! Christian!

Elijah now gets in the face of Christian.

Elijah Burke- What makes you think you deserve a shot? Because you rode the train that your best friend, Edge, conducted all the way to the top?! What have you ever done in the KWF to deserve to be the Intercontinental Champion?! Nothing! And then this guy over here....

Elijah Burke turns around and gets in the face of Ted Dibiase.

Elijah Burke- And YOU! The definition of the "white man"! The man who has it all! The man who has made a career of using people, using our kind, dressing them up in pink and white and having them cater to you your whole life! Well, Dibiase, this is The Nation Of Domination and there is NO Virgil here! There is the best, the most respected African American wrestlers to ever grace their feet inside of the ring! I have two men that stand here that deserve to be the Intercontinental Champion! The man that has already earned his spot in the match in Montel Vontavious Porter and his counterpart in being former KWF Tag Team Champions, Monty Brown! I present to you two men that have held titles recently and two men who deserve a shot at doing so again! Together! United! One Nation!

A clapping noise is heard. All the men turn around and walking up to them, clapping is....

.... The Kid.

The Kid- Bravo! Bravo!

Standing behind The Kid is Rhyno. The Kid walks to the middle of the group and everyone turns their attention on the boss.

The Kid- I applaud the confidence that you are all showing! I applaud it! My mission in making this a 6 man ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship at Summerslam is for one reason and one reason only. For someone to take that Intercontinental Championship off of the waist of AJ Styles!

The Kid looks around at all the guys.

The Kid- I don't care if Christian wins! I don't care if Miz wins! I don't care if Sheamus wins! I don't care if MVP wins! I want that title out of the hands of The Society!

The Kid pauses for a few seconds as he glances around at all the men. Elijah Burke raises his hand, with a smile on his face and begins to speak.

Elijah Burke- I have a....

The Kid- SHUT UP!

Elijah Burke's smile disappears as the members of The Nation Of Domination angrily look over at The Kid.

The Kid- No, Monty Brown will not be the sixth man in that match. However, since you want him to wrestle so badly, then I will put him in a match next week. I will put him in a one on one match next week against....

The Kid smiles over at Ted Dibiase.

The Kid- .... Antonio Cesaro!

Ted Dibiase looks taken aback by this.

Ted Dibiase- Kid, Antonio Cesaro is going to get his opportunities in the second season, I'm just....

The Kid- He's in my arena, he's on my roster, he will fight! Next week, Monty Brown versus Antonio Cesaro! How's that for a debut match?!

Antonio Cesaro doesn't even look at The Kid as he keeps his eyes locked on Monty Brown. The two men stare at each other from a distance.

The Kid- None of the four men that will be in the ladder match will be competing next week. I want everybody in top gear come Summerslam. As for that sixth and final spot....

The Kid smiles at everyone.

The Kid- .... we will all know who that man is by the end of tonight!

The members of the match tense up, eager and excited now to know who else they have to scout for their big match at Summerslam. The Kid grabs Rhyno by the back and nods his head.

The Kid- Now if you can all excuse me, Rhyno has some target practice to attend to. The Kid has spoken!

The Kid walks past the group with Rhyno by his side. All the men have their heads turned, watching the boss walk.

By the end of the night, we will know the sixth and final man in the Intercontinental Championship Ladder match at Summerslam.

However, up next, "The Man Beast" Rhyno will be going one on one against one half of Jeri-Storm, Lance Storm!

Two fan favorites.

One ring.

One winner.

Lots of pain!

End of Part 3.
Episode 9
"A Cardinal Sin"

Rhyno vs Lance Storm
Rhyno is accompanied to the ring by The Kid. Lance Storm is accompanied to the ring by Chris Jericho. Rhyno and Lance circle the ring for a bit, before charging at each other. Rhyno takes the quick advantage thanks to his size and strength and he begins to batter on Storm with vicious knees to the chest. Rhyno grabs Lance and charges him shoulder first into the turnbuckle post. Rhyno has taken the early advantage and with force!

As the match continues, Rhyno is pounding away on Lance Storm, but Lance never quits. He fights back, firing away with lefts and rights of his own to an unsuspecting Rhyno. Rhyno charges at Storm for a clothesline, but Storm ducks it. Rhyno turns around and Lance goes to kick him in the gut, but Rhyno catches the foot! Rhyno begins shaking his head, looking into the nervous eyes of Lance Storm and....


Rhyno collapses to his face and Lance Storm quickly rolls Rhyno over for the pin and....

.... Rhyno kicks out on the 2 count!

Lance Storm is fired up now and he begins pounding away on Rhyno. Lance pins Rhyno against the turnbuckle and drills him in the mid section with a fury of kicks. Lance takes a few steps back and charges with a clothesline, sandwiching Rhyno into the turnbuckle post. Lance then grabs Rhyno by the head and charges across the ring with a running bulldog! Once again, Lance Storm hooks the leg for the pin, but once again, Rhyno kicks out at 2!

Lance Storm gets to his feet and he knows that he has to go for the finish now. This may be his only time with this good of an advantage. Lance Storm begins stalking out Rhyno as Rhyno slowly pushes himself up to his feet. The Man Beast turns around and Lance Storm charges for the....

.... SUPER KI-


Rhyno ducks underneath it, charges to the ropes and in what feels like a split second connects with the....

.... GORE!

Rhyno nearly splits the body of Lance Storm in half! Rhyno hooks the leg of Lance Storm for the pin and the win!
Winner- Rhyno


Rhyno exits the ring and heads up the ramp with a smiling Kid. They did not stay to marvel at their work. They came for business and they left with a successful business transaction.

Chris Jericho is inside of the ring and he checks on Lance Storm and....



The lights finally come back on and standing inside of the ring, circling Chris Jericho is The Crows Nest.

Lance Storm is still on his side, in excruciating pain. Chris Jericho has to defend himself and....


Shawn Michaels runs right past The Kid and Rhyno who are at the top of the ramp and charges down the ramp. Sting watches on, in confusion and points the bat in the direction of Shawn Michaels and as soon as The Heart Break Kid slides into the ring, Sting points the bat up to the sky and....


The crowd boos and after a few seconds, the lights come back on and The Crows Nest has escaped. Shawn Michaels looks on as he still seems to have some unfinished business with Sting from earlier on. He has saved Jeri-Storm from a ruthless attack and The Kid is at the top of the ramp with a microphone in hand. A smile on his face.

The Kid- There it is! The main event for the final RAW of the season! You see, Sting, you can run and hide until Summerslam, but if you do not stay and fight next week, Sting, I'm taking your opportunity and your match against The Undertaker away!

The crowd boos. The Kid smiles and shakes his head.

The Kid- Believe me, I don't want it to happen just as much as you don't want it to. However, there is one man who wants to see Sting versus The Undertaker more then us and that is Sting himself. So I have 100% confidence that he will fight next week. He will fight in the main event alongside his fellow Nest members, Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler. Because next week, the main event of RAW will be The Crows Nest going three on three against Jeri-Storm and you, Shawn Michaels!

Shawn Michaels nods his head from inside of the ring. He is focused on capturing that KWF World Championship at Summerslam and is excited about getting the opportunity to get his hands on The Crows Nest, in the mean time.

The Kid waves at the men in the ring as he disappears through the curtains and into the backstage area with Rhyno.


Rene Dupree (c) vs Bret Hart

The Television Champion, Rene Dupree makes his way out first to a huge ovation from the crowd. He is followed by Bret "The Hitman" Hart who comes out to a monstrous ovation. The main event is set in a battle of respect between two crowd favorites. The bell sounds and the two men slap hands out of respect for each other, before circling the ring, ready for combat.

The two men both have something in common, they both hate The Society. They are both preparing for The Society. They are preparing for Summerslam.

The two men lock up and Rene Dupree begins sending Bret Hart into the ropes, using his strength, but Bret Hart slips out of it. Bret throws Rene right over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. The Hitman quickly follows The French Phenom to the outside of the ring, with no plans of showing mercy. The action now takes place outside and Bret Hart is in control.

Bret Hart has Rene Dupree down to his knees on the outside of the ring as he drills him with knees to the chest. Bret takes a few steps back, before charging at Rene Dupree for another knee, but....


The face and chest of Bret Hart bounce off the steel ramp and he begins rolling around, in agonizing pain. Rene Dupree knows that he has to take advantage of this situation. He quickly bends over and picks Bret Hart up and runs him shoulder first into the fan barricade. Bret bounces off hard and rolls around on the outside of the ring, still in pain.

Rene Dupree grabs Bret Hart, lifts him up and rolls him into the ring. It's time for him to take advantage in a situation where he could pick up the victory. Inside of the ring. So Rene Dupree picks Bret Hart up and grabs him from behind and locks in the CROSSFACE CHICKENWING! The same submission The French Phenom has used several times to defeat his opponents and he has it locked on The Hitman! The crowd is on their feet as Bret Hart flails around, but using his long and mastered career inside of the ring, Bret Hart begins using all his strength to backpeddle all the way until he crushes Rene Dupree against the turnbuckle! The impact of the back of Rene Dupree hitting the turnbuckle, forces him to release the submission.

Bret Hart stumbles forward, but when he turns around, Rene Dupree charges at him and Bret has to quickly react and he does! Bret hits Rene with a spinebuster, sending Dupree down to the mat. Bret Hart has a hold of the legs of Rene Dupree and after a few twists and turns now has the SHARPSHOOTER locked in! The crowd erupts in cheers as Rene Dupree is trapped inside of the ring in one of the most deadliest submissions in the KWF, the sharpshooter!

Rene Dupree refuses to give up and continues to crawl in the direction of the ropes. Using his strength and heart that has gotten him this far in the KWF, Rene Dupree manages to crawl all the way to the rope and grab hold of the bottom rope. The submission must now be released and Bret Hart does so! The French Phenom has now survived Bret Hart's submission, just like Bret Hart did his!

The crowd is on their feet. They are loving this match. Both men are exhausted and are down. Both men begin to struggle to their feet, but Rene Dupree has the advantage as he uses the ropes to pull himself up. Bret gets to his feet and sees Rene holding himself up on his feet, by the top rope and he charges full speed for a clothesline and....

.... Rene Dupree ducks and pulls the bottom rope down!

Bret Hart goes flipping over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. Bret Hart hits the floor hard, but pushes himself up to his feet, using every bit of strength he has in him. Bret stumbles over to the ring and climbs onto the apron. Rene Dupree is just as amazed by this as the crowd and he swings a right at Bret, but Bret blocks it and grabs Dupree by the head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle post. Bret Hart jumps off the apron and to the outside of the ring and quickly moves as he reaches into the ring and pulls Rene Dupree down to the mat by his feet. The legs of Dupree are split as Hart pulls him balls first into the turnbuckle post! The French Phenom shouts at the agonizing pain to his "tickler". Bret Hart is not done and he goes vintage by locking in the OUTSIDE TO INSIDE FIGURE FOUR!

The body of Rene Dupree is trapped, because of the turnbuckle post, as he screams in agonizing pain. Bret Hart is relentless and all of a sudden, a dark silence hits the crowd. Chaos ensues.
No Contest



KWF World Champion, CM Punk leads The Society through the crowd and over the barricade and to ringside.

Bryan Danielson charges at Bret Hart who is hanging upside down and hits the unsuspecting Hitman with a drop kick to the face! Bret Hart finally releases the submission on Rene Dupree and Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and CM Punk begin stomping away on Bret Hart on the outside of the ring.

John Cena leads AJ Styles and Samoa Joe into the ring and they begin stomping away on Rene Dupree. Samoa Joe takes the most pride in doing so as that is his opponent for Summerslam. The crowd is booing and The Society has destroyed the already exhausted and hurting duo of Bret Hart and Rene Dupree, who were having a classic match.

CM Punk leads Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose into the ring and they smile as Samoa Joe lifts Rene Dupree onto his shoulders, charges forward and MUSCLEBUSTER! The French Phenom folds like an accordion and lays supine in the ring. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose begin stomping and kicking away at Rene Dupree until his body falls to the outside of the ring. CM Punk stands in the middle of the ring, with a huge smile on his face and a microphone in his hand. The Society stands beside him.

CM Punk- Did you really think we wouldn't show?

The crowd begins to boo CM Punk. He laughs.

CM Punk- You're booing us?! We did you all the favor by actually showing up tonight! You should all be applauding us for bringing to St. Louis, the greatest group of all time! The six best in the world! The men who will walk into Summerslam at the top and will walk out of Summerslam at the top! We are The Society and we are....



A knocking on a glass screen is heard. On the titantron is none other then The Kid. He has a huge grin on his face as he shakes his head.

The Kid- You didn't fool me, Punk. Not this time!

The Kid smiles.

The Kid- I must say, you made my plans a lot more easier for tonight. For right now.

The Kid nods his head. The Society does not look amused.

The Kid- You call yourselves the best in the world? I consider you all to be a very talented, yet stupid group that in all reality is a load of crap!

CM Punk laughs from inside of the ring as he looks at the other members of The Society.

The Kid- I said....

The Kid's eyes lighten up.

The Kid- LOAD!

The cameras get closer to the face of The Kid.

The Kid- OF!

Something is not right.... CM Punk feels it.... The Kid smiles wider then ever and....

The Kid- CRAP!


A load of crap begins falling from above the ring, smothering each of the six men inside of the ring with actual crap. The Society is in disbelief as they jump around, trying to avoid it, but the shit has been set up so perfectly above the ring that it is only landing inside of the ring. Finally, The Society members have caught on and they escape the ring.

However, they are all covered in crap. They look up at the titantron at the laughing Kid. The Society screams profanity up at The Kid, but the boss doesn't seem fazed.

The Kid- As for the 6th man in that Intercontinental Championship Ladder match at Summerslam, well, that spot is going to....

Filled with crap, AJ Styles looks up in anticipation along with the crowd....

The Kid- .... ME!

The crowd is in disbelief and so is The Society. They don't get it. The Kid laughs like a maniac on the titantron as The Society stands smothered in feces on the outside of the ring. The best in the world have been humiliated.

The Kid has taken a shit on The Society.

One more RAW remains on the road to Summerslam!

Show Ends.









THE HOOLIGANS (c) vs THE SOCIETY (Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose)




JERI-STORM (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm) vs THE CROWS NEST (Mr. Kennedy & Dolph Ziggler)

NATION OF DOMINATION (Elijah Burke, Mark Henry & Kofi Kingston) vs BOOKER T, ???? & ????

Card subject to change....

One man has been in legendary matches in the KWF. A two time KWF Intercontinental Champion, a one time KWF Tag Team champion, a participant in the only two KWF Iron Man matches, a man they call THE GOLDEN SHEIK, MUHAMMAD HASSAN!

He has had a very successful KWF career and when he hangs up the boots, he will go down as one of the greatest superstars in KWF history. However, he may still want one more accomplishment. An opportunity to climb all the way to the top of the KWF and grab hold of that KWF World Championship. He devoted this season to proving to the world that he deserves it. He made open challenges to any man in the back and successfully defeated all of them. With Daivari on his side from the beginning, he was given a giant gift. A body guard that stands over 7 feet tall, THE GREAT KHALI!

No challenger ever came back for more from Muhammad Hassan, so he let his body guard get some exercise in an open challenge. After The Great Khali won, the challengers came back for more!

One man comes from an illustrious family, an illustrious name in wrestling history, an illustrious name that.... he was ASHAMED of! His name? CODY RHODES!

As soon as he stepped into the ring, he teamed up with another guy with a near same life as him, Randy Orton. He was trying to learn from another generational superstar, but when turmoil set in between the two men, he was given an opportunity to prove himself. To live up to the name he was trying to run from, to start a new meaning to the Rhodes family name! He went into Wrestlemania in a Teacher vs Student battle, but in this one, the student ended up realizing he still had a lot to learn. Randy Orton wasn't the only one to think so.

As Cody Rhodes continued to struggle on his own, he was STRUCK by reality. A golden door, with a golden light. He tried his whole KWF career to run away from his name, but in the end, it found him! What is it? Wrong question. The question you should be asking is; WHO is IT?! The answer? GOLDUST!

The golden haired, golden colored man with the golden personality, Goldust came. Goldust came and he came to help Cody Rhodes find himself! Embrace the name! Goldust challenged Cody Rhodes to fight him one on one and if Cody couldn't defeat Goldust, he would have to go under his wing. Goldust won and now it was time for a new teacher to teach Cody Rhodes. His deranged brother....

Goldust has been set on making Cody Rhodes successful, but his main goal is to make a new film for SHATTERED DREAMS PRODUCTION! The story of the life of wrestler, brother, Cody Rhodes. The good boy. Their villain of choice? Why not one of the biggest villains in KWF history, Muhammad Hassan?

They have embarrassed Muhammad Hassan and his crew and have even cost him his shot in the 6 man Intercontinental Championship, Ladder match at Summerslam. Muhammad Hassan returned the favor, but by doing so, he has joined himself in to the Shattered Dreams Production.

Now, The Kid asks you to finalize the 10th and final match for Summerslam! The match that has now been announced, will OPEN UP SUMMERSLAM! Your choices? You have 3. What will be the conclusion of this Shattered Dreams Production?


A Golden Night.

A Golden Sheik.

A Golden Giant.

A Golden Boy.

And.... GOLDUST!

The choice is yours.


A- Cody Rhodes vs Muhammad Hassan
B- Cody Rhodes vs Goldust vs Muhammad Hassan
C- Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs Muhammad Hassan & The Great Khali

The answer will be reveaed in the 10th episode of RAW, "Not So Sunny In Philadelphia".
Episode 10
"Not So Sunny In Philadelphia"


Already standing in the ring is The Kid, with Rhyno by his side. A huge smile is across the face of The Kid as he holds a microphone in hand.

The Kid- Hello, Philadelphia!

The ruckus crowd goes insane as it normally does in Philadelphia.

The Kid- We have reached the final episode of RAW, which means we are making our final stop before the season finale of Summerslam!

The Kid nods his head, proud of his accomplishments.

The Kid- I have to say that this has been a wild ride and I can guarantee you that next season will be just as wild!

That gets cheers from the fans. The Kid is gloating.

The Kid- That's one thing I know for sure. Besides going onto a new season and the road to Survivor Series, I have added more havoc to the KWF. More chaos. More excellence! The KWF is broadening their horizons and that is why right after the first RAW of Season 2, we will air our brand new show, KWF WORTH!

That gets a loud cheer from the crowd.

The Kid- It will be the show that will have up and coming wrestlers, former wrestlers looking to make their return and struggling wrestlers all competing for an opportunity to get back on the big show. Get back to KWF Se7en!

The crowd cheers.

The Kid- That is why tonight is evaluation day. I have evaluated three superstars who have struggled the most throughout this season. All three men will be squaring off against already named members of KWF WORTH! You see, all three of them will be getting their feel of what it feels like to be on the big show and all three of them could use this moment as extra motivation to prove their worthiness. For the first match, I regret to inform.... Zack Ryder.... will be going one on one against.... Ted Dibiase Jr.!

The crowd talks amongst themselves, knowing that Zack Ryder could lose his spot in the KWF Se7en roster with a loss.

The Kid- As for the next match, which will decide the future for two guys, well, it's a tag team match!

Intrigue builds.

The Kid- The duo fighting for their stay in KWF Se7en will be.... The Colon Brothers! So I was thinking.... since we're in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.... why not bring it back in the day.... why not have this night be a special one.... why not have their opponents be.... SABU AND ROB.... VAN.... DAM!

Philadelphia erupts in cheers! Fans are shaking each other, in excitement.

The Kid- Oh and by the way.... the guy that will be running KWF WORTH.... PAUL HEYMAN!




The place absolutely erupts in cheers as Paul Heyman makes his way down the ramp. A microphone in hand. The Philadelphia crowd bows to him, in love. Respect to the fullest.

Paul Heyman enters the ring and walks around the ring, embracing the cheers. He nods his head, with a huge grin on his face. He lifts the microphone up to his mouth and gets straight to talking.

Paul Heyman- Ladies and gentlemen.... I'M BACK!

The crowd goes insane, cheering their brains off.

Paul Heyman- I was given this opportunity to join the KWF and help build towards the future. I am here to continue making the KWF the greatest wrestling show on the planet. I am here to build these up and comers into superstars down the line. I am here to help the men that are struggling find their way. I am also here, in the place where I built the magic that made me famous.... PHILADELPHIA!

The crowd goes apeshit.

Paul Heyman- I am here to bring some old flavor back! That is why Sabu and Rob Van Dam will be in action tonight and that is why you will see those faces on KWF WORTH! We are building not only towards the future, but we are building towards....




The mixed reaction fills the air in Philadelphia as The Society makes their way out. CM Punk leads the pact with John Cena, Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe following. The six members of The Society stand at the top of the stage. Everyone has a serious look on their face, except for CM Punk, who has a huge grin. The KWF World Champion raises the microphone to his mouth.

CM Punk- Nice to see you, Paul.

Paul Heyman looks on uncomfortably from inside of the ring. The Kid and Rhyno creep up to the ropes to get a closer look at The Society. The Kid has a grin on his face from the "shit show" that ended RAW last week.

CM Punk- Now, I have a few things I would like to say to you, but I don't really feel like saying it to you in private. It's not fair, in my opinion, considering you decided to go public with what you said.

Paul Heyman looks on, confused.

CM Punk- Now what was it that he said?

CM Punk looks over at the other members of The Society with a smile on his face.

CM Punk- Something along the lines of.... you bought yourself a body guard to protect yourself from people like.... us.

The grin gets wider on the face of CM Punk.

CM Punk- So where is he? Where is.... Brock Lesnar?!

The crowd erupts in cheers as CM Punk grins, while looking into the ring at Paul Heyman. Paul looks over at The Kid and The Kid waves him off and begins talking.

The Kid- CM Punk, maybe your biggest worry shouldn't be where Brock Lesnar is, but more so where will you be after you lose your KWF World Championship at Summerslam. Maybe you should be taking your aggression out on the man that orchestrated the end of last weeks episode, where I covered each and every single one of you in crap! Or maybe you should....

CM Punk- OR MAYBE.... you should mind your business and let Paul Heyman speak for himself. He's a big boy. He can handle himself. He can speak for himself. Believe me, I know. I've known this man for a very long time and I know what he is all about.

The Kid laughs as he looks over at Paul Heyman. Paul Heyman is starting to get irked, as well.

CM Punk- You see, Kid, you pouring crap on us is not something we are not used to. Let's be honest with each other. Season 1 has been a hit for the KWF, a monumental step into the future of the KWF. The same future that is only in affect, because of ME! Because of US! Every single show that has happened after Wrestlemania 3 happened because of the master plan that began with me ruining your main event! This whole season has been us! The best in the world! The Society! You have surrounded us with crap all season long and we have made crap look like gold!

You can really see in the eyes of CM Punk that he believes everything that he is saying.

CM Punk- Have we gotten a simple thank you? No! Instead, you have continued to stack the tables against us and have put us in matches for Summerslam that you ACTUALLY believe we can't win. Ha! Do you know how comical that is, Kid? I mean, do you really think Samoa Joe can't defeat Rene Dupree? Because I remember, the last time they were in the same ring, Samoa Joe knocked his lights out. Let's also be honest with each other, Kid.... the only reason Rene Dupree is even the Television Champion and had his big Wrestlemania moment is because Samoa Joe had bigger plans. He knew he would get that opportunity to get that title back and guess what, Kid? Summerslam, he will!

Samoa Joe nods his head, looking just as confident as the words coming out of CM Punk's mouth.

CM Punk- Another laughable match for me is the fact that you really believe that The Hooligans.... Paul London and Brian Kendrick....

CM Punk stops to laugh as he looks over at Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose.

CM Punk- You actually believe that they will successfully defend their titles against Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose. I mean, really? You know why the crowd loves Paul London and Brian Kendrick? Because they have something in common. They're losers. No matter how hard they try, they will always be losers.

That gets heat from the Philadelphia crowd.

CM Punk- Then that bozo standing in the ring with you is supposed to be the man that defeats John Cena at Summerslam? Come on, Rhyno? Ha. I haven't heard him speak all season long and quite frankly, thank God. I mean, John Cena plans on making that a permanent thing come Summerslam. He will make sure Rhyno never speaks.... or walks.... AGAIN!

A sadistic grin appears on the face of CM Punk.

CM Punk- And then the one that had us laughing the most is that six man ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship that is around the waist of AJ Styles. You put a bunch of nobodies in that match and really thought you made a big statement by naming the final man in that ladder match.... yourself.

The Kid nods his head with a huge smile on his face. CM Punk's smile is just as wide from down the ramp. AJ Styles smirks, as well, behind Punk.

CM Punk- When have you actually climbed a ladder? I don't mean roofing, either, Kid. I know you Albanians are big into roofing, but I mean, inside of that ring? The pressure to climb to the top, knowing you can get thrown off at any second? Do you even have the guts to climb that ladder or are you just in that match to be a mosquito that harasses AJ Styles throughout the match? Sometimes, I wonder if you even know what you are doing. Sometimes, I worry for your own safety.

A false statement, obviously, becomes blatantly obvious with the grin on his face.

CM Punk- I would love to sit here and talk about my battle with the extinct coming up at Summerslam, but it would be me saying the same thing over and over and over....


The crowd erupts in cheers. CM Punk is taken aback by this as a look of surprise fills his face. Paul Heyman has stepped up to the ropes and he is pissed.

Paul Heyman- Do you remember who I am, Punk? Do you remember what I did for you? Do you forget so easily that without me, there would never be a CM Punk?

CM Punk laughs as he looks over at The Society.

Paul Heyman- Therefore, if there was no CM Punk, there would be no Society.

CM Punk- BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! Do you hear yourself? Do you hear how absolutely insane you sound? If there was no Society, the main event of Summerslam would probably be another quote, unquote classic between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart in.... 2013! If there was no Society, there would be no KWF! As a matter of fact, for somebody who is building towards the future with KWF WORTH, you sure love to live in the past! Yes, you did help me when I first got into the wrestling business, but Paul, this is your first time ever in a KWF ring and if you opened your eyes, you would see I did pretty damn good without your help!

CM Punk rubs his KWF World Championship that is around his waist.

CM Punk- So yes, Paul, you did help me out at the beginning, but it's not the beginning anymore. I'm at the top! You're trying to build the future? Heyman, you're looking at the future! You're looking at the best! You're looking at The Society!

CM Punk extends his arms out, with a huge grin on his face, showing all of the members of The Society. All five men behind Punk have very serious and stern looks on their faces. The Kid taps the microphone, before speaking.

The Kid- I'm starting to see everything clearly now. When you first came into the KWF, you came in with "The Invasion!" The masterfully led group by Jeff Jarrett. When I got rid of them, you left them. You stayed in the KWF. Then, you got yourself a girlfriend. Maria. Then when you were working your way up to becoming the KWF World Champion, you left her, too. Not to mention, the conversation that we are having now. Paul Heyman helped you and you sit here and belittle him now. You have used every person you could possibly use to get to where you are in the KWF, including myself. That starts to really make me wonder. Are you using The Society to stay at the top? Are you doing this for selfish reasons? Are you really a team player, a leader or are you just that same selfish jackass you've always been!

That gets cheers from the crowd. CM Punk is no longer smiling as he looks up the ramp at The Kid.

The Kid- Now that I said all that out loud, I have to even question myself. Question my judgment. Have you really been as good as you claim to be or are you just that good of a manipulator that you even manipulated me, Heyman and all five of those guys that are standing behind you to actually believing you are as good as you say you are!

CM Punk nods his head and it seems he is getting pissed off now.

The Kid- I guess we'll have to wait until Summerslam to find out, unless Paul Heyman has an idea.

The Kid smiles over at Paul Heyman. Paul smiles, too as he glances over at The Kid.

Paul Heyman- Hey Kid, I believe The Hooligans are back, right?

The Kid- They sure are.

Paul Heyman- And I bet they want revenge on The Society, don't they?

The Kid- They sure do.

Paul Heyman- And this is Philadelphia, the same city that made your body guard right there, Rhyno, famous. Am I right?

The Kid- They sure did.

Paul Heyman- So how about we have ourselves a match between CM Punk and.... two partners of his choice.... to go against The Hooligans and Rhyno in a six man tag match tonight?!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

Paul Heyman- How about we see who CM Punk truly has confidence in amongst his men. Amongst The Society.

The Kid nods his head, with a huge smile.

Paul Heyman- Oh and I'm sorry, Punk, but the main event is already taken for tonight.

CM Punk looks unamused at the top of the ramp. The Kid begins speaking.

The Kid- Yeah, it sure is. One of your opponents for Summerslam is actually in it. As a matter of fact, it's actually a six man tag match, as well. Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Lance Storm versus The Crows Nest.

Paul Heyman- So, Punk, what do you think about that?! It seems to me that Philadelphia loves the sound of it!

CM Punk looks over at his men and then looks up that ramp.

CM Punk- Well, I'm not going to keep you all in suspense. I'll tell you who my partners will be right now. Since, The Hooligans are coming back, why not let them step into the ring with the two men they will be facing off at Summerslam? My partners will be Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose!

The crowd cheers at the announcement of another six man tag match.

CM Punk- As for Rhyno.... hey Cena, I'll take care of him for you.

CM Punk smiles at John Cena as John Cena nods his head.

CM Punk- So before we leave, allow me to make one more thing clear. The reason I cut ties with Paul Heyman and Maria is because as a man, you will never make it to the top.... with a BITCH holding you down!

CM Punk drops the microphone and takes his KWF World Championship from around his waist and raises it high. The rest of The Society members step forward, to the side of CM Punk and stand in unity as they look down the ramp at The Kid, Paul Heyman and Rhyno.


Zack Ryder (KWF Se7en) vs Ted Dibiase Jr. (KWF WORTH)

Ted Dibiase Jr. makes his way out to the ring first and he looks ready to show the world what he is all about and get his feel inside of the KWF Se7en ring. Hoping that in WORTH, he will work his way back up here.

Zack Ryder makes his way out next and you can see the nerves pouring out of him. He knows that this is a huge match for him and he knows he has to step it up and win or he is being demoted to KWF WORTH. The crowd is 100% behind him.

The match started off with Zack Ryder taking his career very seriously and going right on the attack of the up and comer, Ted Dibiase Jr. Both men would give it their all throughout the match, but it was time for someone to come out victorious. Zack Ryder is ready to seize the opportunity to prove his worth.

Ted Dibiase Jr. is against the turnbuckle and Ryder charges at him with a huge boot to the face. Ted Dibiase stumbles forward, before falling to his knees and eventually flat onto his face. Zack Ryder sees the opportunity and begins stalking Ted Dibiase, waiting for him to get to his feet. Zack Ryder has his eyes locked on Ted Dibiase, when all of a sudden....


Zack Ryder sees this and turns his attention towards them. His opponents father, The Billion Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase stands at the top of the ramp with a huge grin on his face. Antonio Cesaro and Sheamus stop when they reach ring side and just look into the ring. Zack Ryder is showing no fear as he waves his hands for the men to enter the ring, as he backs up. Backing up, while distracted is one of the most dangerous things to do in a wrestling ring and this may cost him his present career and....


Ted Dibiase Jr. has the submission locked on Zack Ryder and he swings his free arm around, hoping for some luck. The eyes of Long Island Ice Z are wide open, in fear. The fear of losing his spot in KWF Se7en. That fear is becoming a reality as the heart of Zack Ryder can only do so much. The brain is running out of oxygen and it's....

.... bed time for Zack Ryder.

He passes out. Match over.
Winner- Ted Dibiase Jr.


The crowd erupts in boos. Ted Dibiase Jr. releases the limb and unconscious body of Zack Ryder as he collapses to the mat. His career in KWF Se7en has hit a red light for now and he is not even awake to realize it right now.

Ted Dibiase Jr. leaves the ring and walks up the ramp with Antonio Cesaro and Sheamus to go and greet his father, The Billion Dollar who has a money smile on his face at the top of the ramp. An impressive, yet controversial debut seems only fitting for the son of The Billion Dollar Man.


A group of humans with their backs turned, in a dark alley way, is shown. The only sound in the silence is that of a creaking sound. The camera moves around the bodies and sitting in a chair, rocking back and forth is Bray Wyatt. Standing besides him is Erick, Luke and Kane. A huge grin is on the frightening face of Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt- Human beings are the worst form of life in this world. Human beings walk around and they tell lies to make themselves look imposing. They lie to get where they want to be in life. They use lies to get through life. At the end, they all die!

Bray Wyatt laughs to himself.

Bray Wyatt- Then there are those living, breathing creatures that roam the night that use the most underrated and forgotten part of their liveliness to get through and those creatures, well, we survive.

Bray continues rocking back and forth with his oil lamp in his hand. The only light shown in this dark alley.

Bray Wyatt- Human beings do not respect their given gifts. The gift of SENSE! Human beings roam through their life, using all their senses, but in selfish ways! They use their sense of sight to see what is in front of them at that very given time. They use their sense of hearing to hear whatever the world wants them to hear. They use their sense of feel to comfort or pleasure. They use their sense of smell and assume if they do not vomit, they are smelling something or normalcy! They use their sense of taste to eat whatever the world deems a normal appetite or whatever their lie, infested body is cravin'.

A sinister laugh from Bray Wyatt, as he rocks on the rocking chair.

Bray Wyatt- That is what the human beings were taught their whole lives! That's what they told you was the TRUTH! Well, guess what....

Bray Wyatt laughs.

Bray Wyatt- They lied to you, mannnnnnnnnn!

Another dark and sadistic laugh comes out of the bearded devil himself, Bray Wyatt. Eric, Luke and Kane nod their heads as they stand behind their pastor of evil.

Bray Wyatt- We who do NOT dieeeeee.... we use our senses the right way. You wanna know a secret?

The camera zooms in on the evil, smirking face of Bray Wyatt. His eyes open wide.

Bray Wyatt- We're the people who ya'll heard about, but ya'll thought was a lie! Nah, man, we've been the truth the whole time!

Bray Wyatt continues to stare at the zoomed in camera. Sometimes it backs up to an evil smile of Bray Wyatt reclining when in all reality, he is right in front of the camera right now. A passage through hell in his eyes, perhaps.

Bray Wyatt- We use our senses the right way!

Bray Wyatt stands up as the camera zooms back. He holds the oil lamp at head height as he is no longer smiling. A more sinister look. He begins walking towards the camera.

Bray Wyatt- SIGHT!

The camera focuses on Erick. His dark beard is still not as dark as his dark and cold stare.

Bray Wyatt- We see through the mirages and the lies that are put before our eyes! We see the truth, but most importantly, we see the lies that have polluted your mind this whole time!

Erick blinks and the camera goes back to the sadistic face of Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt- HEAR!

The camera focuses on the sheep masked face of Luke. The red beard says it all. This man has no soul.

Bray Wyatt- We hear the lies that have been spoken week in and week out about our world! Ya'll may convince the weak that you are whatever you say you are, but we hear differently. We hear.... FEAR!

The sheep mask twitches and we switch over to Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt- FEEL!

The camera focuses on the face of Kane. His sadistic and infamous red and black mask covers his face. His eyes show the rage that he truly feels inside.

Bray Wyatt- We feel no pain, no sorrow, no remorse. We feel what we are. We feel WHO we are! We must expose the lies and when we expose the biggest one, we will feel their souls leave their body. Do you know what that feels like? I didn't think so!

Kane blinks and the camera goes to the darkly laughing sadistic face of Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt- SMELL!

The camera focuses on all three men walking behind Bray Wyatt. In order from left to right they stand Erick, Kane, Luke.

Bray Wyatt- We smell our prey. We are approaching. We smell that smell that only we can smell. We smell their final, lying and dying minutes! We smell you!

The cameras focus over to Bray Wyatt. He stops walking as he stares into the camera.

Bray Wyatt- TASTE!

Bray Wyatt is not smiling. In fact, his face is very stern and quite disturbing as he looks directly into the camera.

Bray Wyatt- We don't eat what the world deems fit for the human race! We don't enjoy the stuff ya'll eat. We enjoy.... *heavy breathing* the taste.... *heavy breathing* of human flesh, man.

Bray Wyatt begins laughing, almost from his gut as he shakes in low laughter. He throws his arms to the side, tilts his head back and looks up at the dark sky and begins to scream.


The camera zooms to those humans who were standing in front of Bray Wyatt from the beginning of the footage, but had their back turned to the camera and all we see is human bodies, from adults to kids, in the white sheep mask.

Bray Wyatt- We can see you, we can hear you, we can feel you, we can smell you and we can taste you.

The camera flies back to the evil face of Bray Wyatt. He looks directly up at the camera that is now focused above his head.

Bray Wyatt- WE'RE COMING!

Bray Wyatt turns his head and.... POOF!

Lights out.

The Wyatt Family is coming.

End of Part 1.
Episode 10
"Not So Sunny In Philadelphia"


Sting makes his way out first to the ring, no members of The Crows Nest behind him. Darkness polluting the air. The Undertaker makes his way out next to a huge ovation from the crowd. Darkness and fog fill the arena.

The famous, first time ever stare down between the men is the complete opposite of them as flashes fill a ring filled with darkness. The stare down would end with an uppercut from Sting to The Undertaker. The Dead Man would fire back and these two men would begin their war. The showdown for darkness has begun.

The match is filled with awesome moments. The Undertaker had control and momentum completely on his side when he was beating away on Sting. Sting retreated to the outside of the ring where Nest members, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy came out to save him. Undertaker would get the cameras flashing with a suicide dive over the top rope and to the outside of the ring on all three men. The crowd was on their feet. The referee would then eject Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy from ringside for the remainder of the match. The Dead Man was in control. The crowd was loving it.

As the match continued, The Undertaker went for the Snake Eyes on Sting, but Sting would duck it. Undertaker would turn around right into a tornado DDT from Sting. The head of The Undertaker crashing to the mat. However, the energy was low on Sting and he was unable to quickly capitalize. Both men would slowly be pulling themselves up to their feet, but The Undertaker still dazed from crashing head first into the canvas, that Sting is able to grab him from behind and connect with the SCORPION DEATH DROP! Sting would take the cover, but The Undertaker would get his shoulder off of the mat on the 2 count.

The match would progress and The Undertaker was pinned against the turnbuckle. Sting saw the opportunity as he stalked out his opponent. He would then charge across the ring with thoughts of splashing his opponent, but instead his opponent was dashing in his area with a monster boot to the face! Sting collapses onto his back and The Undertaker is amped up. Sting slowly gets to his feet and stumbles around into the hand of The Undertaker and the CHOKESLAM! Using dazed adrenaline, Sting pushes himself up to his feet and stumbles right into the arms of The Dead Man for the TOMBSTONE! The head of Sting crashes to the mat. The Undertaker hooks both arms across his chest, for the.... ONE.... TWO.... THR-


The Undertaker is shocked by this as he slowly pushes himself up to his feet and begins stalking Sting, again. The Undertaker waves his hand for Sting to get to his feet. Sting uses everything he has inside of him to push himself up to his feet, but The Undertaker quickly lifts him up onto his arms for the TOMBS-


Sting leaps out behind The Undertaker, yanks his head back and.... SCORPION DEATH DROP! The crowd is in disbelief! The Dead Man has been laid out. Sting, weakened, barely rolls his body over on top of The Undertaker for the pin! ONE! TWO! THRE-


The crowd is going absolutely insane. Sting can't believe it. His black and white paint 80% off of his face from the sweat. He gets to his feet and looks down at The Undertaker, who is laying on his back and he shakes his head. Sting is ready to finish this. Sting stumbles over to the legs of The Undertaker and falls to his knees when he reaches the side of the feet. Sting crawls himself over to the middle of the legs of The Undertaker and attempts to use the legs of The Dead Man to push himself up to his feet. He is lifting them up with him, ready to put the submission that has made many tap on The Undertaker and....

.... The exhaustion takes over!

Sting is half way up to his feet, before his legs give out on him and he falls in between the legs of The Undertaker. The Undertaker quickly capitalizes by grabbing the arm and then head of Sting and locking in HELLS GATES!

Sting looks right down at the face of The Undertaker. For the first time in his career, fear fills the eyes of Sting. He has met destiny. The devil himself. Sting passes out.

Match over.
Winner- The Undertaker


Chris Jericho and Lance Storm are shown walking down the halls. They will be in the main event to end of RAW tonight. They stop in front of a locker room and the locker room door reads, "SHAWN MICHAELS". Chris Jericho and Lance Storm nod their heads at each other, before entering the locker room. Shawn Michaels stands up at first instinct, but calms down when he sees who it is.

Chris Jericho- Hey Shawn.

Lance Storm- How are you doing tonight, Shawn?

Shawn Michaels- Can I help you guys?

Chris Jericho throws his arms into the air as he looks over at Lance Storm.

Chris Jericho- I can't do it.

Lance Storm- Relax, Chris. Allow me to take control of this conversation.

Lance looks over at Y2J nodding his head, assuring him. Lance Storm then turns his attention over to Shawn Michaels.

Lance Storm- Now we are under the impression that tonights match may not mean as much to you as it does to us. I'm not sure if you know this, but those members of The Crows Nest kidnapped Chris Jericho.

Lance points over to Chris who doesn't like the idea of speaking rationally with Shawn Michaels after their history together.

Lance Storm- Well, we want revenge. We were given a match at Summerslam against the two blondes, but we can't wait that long. Do you understand what I am saying?

Shawn Michaels- What's your point?

Chris Jericho jumps forward.

Chris Jericho- The point is, Shawn.... do not get involved if we decide to take it a step further. I'm not going out there tonight to put on a wrestling clinic, no. For the first time in maybe my career, I am not going out there to wrestle. I am going out there to fight, baby!

The intensity glistens in the eyes of Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho- Watch yourself!

Chris Jericho nods his head at Shawn Michaels before exiting the locker room. Lance Storm follows, but peeks his head inside one more time to say some final words to Shawn Michaels.

Lance Storm- Thank you.

The door shuts and Shawn Michaels stands there, focused. His KWF World Championship redemption match is less then a week away and tonight he has a chance to prove himself and get ready for the big chance.


The cameras are in the back where we see "The Billion Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase standing by with his son, Ted Dibiase Jr. Behind the father-son duo is Antonio Cesaro and Sheamus.

Ted Dibiase- That was money, son! Money! Ha, ha!

Ted Dibiase Jr.- Yeah! You liked how I locked in the Million Dollar Dream at the end?

Ted Dibiase- Ha, ha! I loved it! Like father like son!

All of a sudden, the laughter stops and they turn their attention over to the person standing in front of them....

.... THE KID!

Ted Dibiase- Hello, Kid. What you think about my son, huh? Ha, ha!

The Kid just stands there and smiles as Ted Dibiase tries to calm the tension. He looks over at Ted Dibiase Jr.

Ted Dibiase Jr.- Hey, Kid.

The Kid- Hey, Kid? You think you deserve to be inside of a KWF Se7en ring? Why? Because of your name? WRONG!

Junior jumps back as The Kid shouts in his face.

The Kid- You just cost a man his contract in KWF Se7en and you couldn't even truly beat him for it. You had to cheat. How do you feel about yourself? Do you feel like a winner? Do you feel like you are truly WORTHY of being on the main show?

Ted Dibiase- Alright, Kid, take it easy on my boy. Listen, I'm proud of my son! Zack Ryder knew what kind of a match he was coming in for and if you ask me, if he doesn't have what it takes inside of that ring, then he don't deserve to be in the KWF Se7en ring. At the end of the night, the only thing that matters is if you got the win! The win equals the money! My son got the W!

The Kid smiles and nods his head at Ted Dibiase.

The Kid- You're right. You're absolutely right.

Ted Dibiase- I'm always right! Ha, ha!

The Kid- Yeah, you sure are. As a matter of fact, I agree so much with what you just said that I am going to make a real special stipulation for, what do you guys call yourselves?

Ted Dibiase- Money Inc!

The Kid- Right, Money Inc. I'm going to make the both of your next matches very special ones. Sheamus, at Summerslam, you have a huge opportunity. You can either climb to the top of that ladder and grab the title down and walk out the Intercontinental Champion OR one of the other five men, including myself, could grab that title and walk out the Intercontinental Champion and YOU will be.... KICKED OFF THE KWF Se7en ROSTER AND SENT TO KWF WORTH!

Ted Dibiase- WHAT?! Are you kidding me?!

The Kid- I'm far from kidding.

Ted Dibiase- The odds are stacked against him! That's not a wager I'm willing to take!

The Kid- Oh, but you will take it. You have no choice. Listen, I'm not even finished. I'm not done! Antonio Cesaro is going one on one against Monty Brown and if Antonio Cesaro picks up the loss, he will ALSO be kicked off the KWF Se7en roster and sent down to KWF WORTH!


The Kid- It might just be a Money Inc family reunion in KWF WORTH, but not on the big, money making show! You see, Ted, you don't gamble with the boss! You'll always lose!

Money Inc is angrily looking over at The Kid. The Kid smiles and he walks over to Antonio Cesaro.

The Kid- Your debut match.... is.... NEXT!

The Kid taps Antonio Cesaro on the shoulder, before walking away. Money Inc stands there furious as the "Billion Dollar Man" leads his men down the hallways. Antonio Cesaro will be fighting for his KWF Se7en contract against Monty Brown, next!


Antonio Cesaro (KWF Se7en) vs Monty Brown

Monty Brown was led to the ring by The Nation Of Domination. All six men stood at ringside. Money Inc. would then make their way out and the anger was still in their face. Both groups would stand on opposite sides of the ring as Monty Brown and Antonio Cesaro would walk around the ring. They would charge at each other and lock up. The Alpha Male would prove to be the alpha one as he would power Antonio Cesaro right into the ropes and begin pounding away with lefts and rights. The Alpha Male would have the early advantage.

Antonio Cesaro would show his athleticism after countering a tackle attempt with a drop toe hold sending Monty Brown face first into the bottom turnbuckle. Antonio Cesaro would begin firing away at the head of Monty Brown with furies of kicks. Beating away at The Alpha Male.

That did not sit well with The Nation Of Domination on the outside of the ring. Mark Henry has seen enough and he marches around the ring with MVP, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth following him and they're headed right at the outnumbered Money Inc. Ted Dibiase begins trying to pull his men away, but Sheamus is not going to back down. Sheamus charges right at Mark Henry and the two beasts collide exchanging vicious lefts and rights. MVP jumps in helping out Mark Henry and attacking one of the five men he has to face at Summerslam for the Intercontinental Championship.

Ted Dibiase Jr. has no choice as Kofi Kingston and R-Truth charge at him and begin to pound away at him. Ted Dibiase runs away, leaving his members of Money Inc. alone. Mark Henry leaves MVP as MVP is stomping away at Sheamus and walks over to Ted Dibiase Jr. The Worlds Strongest Man does not hesitate as he lifts Ted Dibiase Jr. up and slams him down with the WORLDS STRONGEST SLAM! A debut night that started off great for Junior ends with him being splatted.

Antonio Cesaro has Monty Brown sitting down against the turnbuckle, but he notices the mayhem on the outside of the ring. He notices R-Truth jump onto the apron and Antonio Cesaro charges forward and sends R-Truth off the apron with the UPPERCUT! Antonio Cesaro walks to the other side of the apron where Kofi Kingston has now jumped on and UPPERCUT! Kofi Kingston, just like R-Truth goes flying to the outside of the ring, landing right beside their leader, Elijah Burke who watches his men dominate.

Antonio Cesaro turns around and he is amped up, distracted and destroyed by the....

.... POUNCE!

Monty Brown hooks both legs of the sprawled out Antonio Cesaro for the pin and the win. Period!
Winner- Monty Brown



Antonio Cesaro has lost his KWF debut match and he will be joining the KWF WORTH roster!

Outside of the ring, Sheamus finally gets away from MVP and begins stumbling up the ramp towards his boss, Ted Dibiase. The Nation Of Domination gets into the ring and they stomp away on Antonio Cesaro until he rolls to the outside of the ring. Ted Dibiase Jr. gets to his feet, holding onto his ribs and he drags Antonio Cesaro up to his feet and up the ramp.

The Nation Of Domination stands alone inside of the ring, celebrating their victory as Money Inc. leaves through the curtains and to the back. Elijah Burke walks over to the ropes and demands a microphone. A KWF official runs a microphone over to the leader of The Nation Of Domination and he walks towards his men with a huge smile on his face. The white teeth of The Pope shine into the audience. He slowly lifts the microphone up to his mouth, gets ready to begin speaking and....


.... SUCKA?!*

The crowd erupts in cheers and The Nation Of Domination swing their heads up the ramp. Booker T makes his way out from the back and he is holding a lead pipe in his hand. He has a huge grin on his face as he stands alone at the top of the ramp. He then waves his pipe filled hand and running from the back with pipes in their hands as well is....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Shelton Benjamin has made his KWF return after being thrown out and beaten down by The Nation Of Domination. The same group he once led.

The three men run down the ramp with the lead pipes in their hands and Elijah Burke quickly leaves the ring. The other members of The Nation are ready to fight and they charge forward....








Jim Ross- Booker T! Shelton Benjamin! Charlie Haas! It will be these three men going against Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston and their leader, the man who got away unscaved, Elijah Burke at Summerslam!

King- They got the best of The Nation tonight, but they're not going to have those lead pipes at Summerslam!

Jim Ross- Yeah, but Booker T and Shelton Benjamin will have revenge on their minds and a new friend. A friend from Shelton Benjamins past. A man of a different race, but still held in the same regard by Shelton Benjamin. They reunite for their first time since the first ever year of KWF history!

King- Well, one thing we can definitely agree on, JR is this; Summerslam is going to be insane! Ah!

Jim Ross- Damn right!

The Nation Of Domination stands at the top of the ramp, beaten up. Elijah Burke is no longer smiling, he is pissed off. Men from their past have come back for revenge and they came out with lead pipes and took all of them out. Elijah Burke got lucky tonight, but at Summerslam, he may have to fight one of these men inside of that ring.

Booker T, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas stand inside of the ring with huge smiles on their faces and a pipe in each ones hand.

The Nation has met the surprise from Booker T.

The six man tag match is set.

We are almost there!

End of Part 2.
Episode 10
"Not So Sunny In Philadelphia"

The cameras are in the back where we see Michael Cole standing by with a bunch of security guards. To the right of Michael Cole is Cody Rhodes and Goldust. To his left is "The Golden Sheik", Muhammad Hassan, his body guard, The Great Khali and his manager, Daivari. Michael Cole has a microphone in one hand and a card in the other. He begins to speak.

Michael Cole- At the end of last weeks RAW, the KWF left a poll to the fans of the KWF. They got to vote in the final announced match for Summerslam. They got to choose what match will open up Summerslam. I stand by the men who are involved in this poll. I am surrounded by security guards to assure the safety of everyone here and....

Muhammad Hassan grabs the wrist of Michael Cole and pulls the microphone to his mouth.

Muhammad Hassan- Assure the safety of who? Me? The Golden Sheik? Ha! That is laughable! Just like allowing the fans to choose the match. Just like these two humiliations of the human race.

Muhammad Hassan points in the direction of Cody Rhodes and Goldust. They seem uninterested in his trash talk.

Muhammad Hassan- I do not need extra security to protect myself. I have all I need right here in The Great Khali and Daivari. Why don't you just get to the point, Michael and stop making me waste my time around these two insults to humans.

Muhammad Hassan disgustingly looks over at The Rhodes Brothers. Michael Cole nods his head and begins to open the card.

Michael Cole- Voted by the fans of the KWF, the opening match of Summerslam will be....

Dramatic pause....


Goldust- Yes! The production is going to reach it's finale! It is time to shatter the dream of The Golden Sheik! It is time to....

Michael Cole- .... VERSUS.... GOLDUST!

Goldust stops talking and he looks on, in shock. Cody can't believe it, either.

Cody Rhodes- What?!

Muhammad Hassan- NO! A triple threat match?! That's unfair!

Daivari leaps in the face of Michael Cole and puts his finger in his face.


Michael Cole- Guys, there's more. As per The Kid, the match that finished just one vote behind will be the match that happens next. It will be Muhammad Hassan and The Great Khali going against Cody Rhodes and Goldust in a Tag Team match!

Muhammad Hassan is irate and he looks over at The Great Khali and smiles. Muhammad Hassan begins nodding his head as he looks in the direction of The Rhodes Brothers.

Muhammad Hassan- Fine! You know what? Let's see if you both make it to Summerslam! I'll see you in the ring, where your security has to leave and my security is my partner!

Muhammad Hassan walks away, leading The Great Khali and Daivari down the halls.

Cody Rhodes looks over at Goldust, still in disbelief. Goldust has dazed off into space.

Cody Rhodes- This was supposed to be my moment. Summerslam was supposed to be my moment!

Goldust is still in his daze into space. Cody shakes him.

Cody Rhodes- HEY!

Goldust- Yes! Hi! What? Oh. Okay. Right. Your moment.

Cody Rhodes- Yeah, Summerslam. Now you're in the match!

Goldust- I am, aren't I?

Cody Rhodes- Yeah. Now what?

Goldust looks into the eyes of his younger brother and smiles.

Goldust- My young, darling, brother.... I have led you this far.... so your question is; now what? Now.... we go into that ring and fight in a Tag Team match. Let's go.

Goldust slaps Cody on the shoulder and walks past him. Cody Rhodes is in disbelief, but follows his brother. Michael Cole stands there with the security guards and he shrugs at the cameras.


Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs Muhammad Hassan & The Great Khali

The match starts off with Cody Rhodes and Muhammad Hassan starting off the match. Cody is quick on the attack, but Muhammad fights back with hammer shots down to the back of Cody. Muhammad swings Cody into the ropes and Cody comes bouncing back right into a clothesline. Muhammad Hassan quickly dives on top of Cody and hooks the leg for the pin. Cody kicks out quickly at the one count. Muhammad Hassan is just trying to tire out and see how much Cody Rhodes has in him before the big Summerslam match.

As the match continues, Cody Rhodes is still inside of the ring and he is now inside of the ring with The Great Khali. The giant throws Cody Rhodes around the ring as Goldust watches from the apron, almost in a daze. Still from the prior announcement.

Cody Rhodes shows his heart as he finally fights back with vicious kicks to the legs of The Great Khali. The giant nearly falls to the mat, but Cody Rhodes knows he can't hang in there much longer with the giant, so he goes to run to his ropes and dive in the direction for the tag, but....

.... Goldust is not paying attention!

Cody Rhodes can't make the tag. The Great Khali grabs Cody Rhodes from behind and swings him around from the waist and across the ring in the opposite direction. The Great Khali stalks Cody Rhodes and when Cody gets to his feet, he walks right into a big boot from The Great Khali. Cody Rhodes collapses onto his back and The Great Khali walks over and tags in The Golden Sheik, who was shouting for the tag.

Muhammad Hassan gets into the ring and glances across the ring at Goldust, who is not even looking inside of the ring. He is still staring into space. Muhammad Hassan cautiously walks over to Cody Rhodes, still making sure that the other opponent doesn't get involved and he picks Cody Rhodes up, locks an arm and falls back with the JIHAD DRIVER!

The face of Cody Rhodes splats against the mat. Muhammad Hassan rolls Cody Rhodes over onto his back and hooks the leg for the pin and the win!
Winners- Muhammad Hassan & The Great Khali


The crowd erupts in boos as Muhammad Hassan gets off of the body of Cody Rhodes with a huge smile on his face. Daivari claps from the outside of the ring as Muhammad Hassan and The Great Khali leave the ring and celebrate on the outside. Muhammad Hassan is smiling now, but at Summerslam, he will be alone in that ring in a triple threat match with both brothers, Cody Rhodes and Goldust.

Speaking of Goldust, he has finally gotten sense of what was happening and he gets into the ring to check on Cody Rhodes. Cody is on all fours and Goldust walks over to him to help him up, but Cody Rhodes shoves Goldust away. Goldust looks down at Cody, with a blank stare. Cody begins pushing himself up to his feet as he screams at Goldust, asking him where he was the whole time. Goldust ignores him. Cody walks up to Goldust, still screaming and pointing his finger and....


.... LOW BLOW!

Goldust drills Cody Rhodes right between the legs and Cody lets out a scream and falls to his knees. Cody holds onto his testicles, in agonizing pain as he looks up at his deranged, older brother. Has he just been betrayed?

Goldust rubs his body and sprinkles the rubbed off gold in the direction of Cody Rhodes.

They will now be opponents in a triple threat match at Summerslam. They will open up the show, but has The Shattered Dreams Production have a flip of script?

A golden twist.


Rene Dupree is seen in the back and he has requested this camera time.

Rene Dupree- Zee season finale eez reaching us. Zee Television Championship remains around zee waist of zee French Phenom!

Rene Dupree points down at the belt around his waist.

Rene Dupree- I requested this time to apologize to zee fans of zee Television Champion, me, Rene Dupree.

Rene Dupree nods his head.

Rene Dupree- As zee Television Championship, I feel I should have been able to come out every single veek and make zee crowd proud! Make zee title that eez around my waist, proud. Instead, I was attacked veek in and veek out by Zee Society!

The French Phenom looks pissed.

Rene Dupree- I vas taken out for veeks because of a concussion suffered in zee hands of my opponent at zee Summerslam, Samoa Joe.

Rene Dupree takes a deep breath, disgusted at the sound of his opponents name.

Rene Dupree- In zee France, vee have a saying about revenge. Revenge is like a female poodle!

Rene Dupree nods his head.

Rene Dupree- And at Summerslam, Samoa Joe, I vill have you alone inside of that ring. Vun on vun. I vill show you and zee whole world that no matter vat you do to me, I vill always stand right back up! At Summerslam, vun of us eez not valking out. Zee other one.... vell, the other one is zee French Phenom, Rene Dupree!

Rene Dupree puts on his infamous, smug, cocky and confident grin.

Rene Dupree- At Summerslam, Samoa Joe.... zee French Phenom eez.... NOT going to kill you. No.

A smirk with evil intentions appears on the face of Rene Dupree.

Rene Dupree- I vant you alive during and after zee ass beating I give you. I vant you to feel every inch of pain in your body. I'm not going to kill you. Zee French Phenom eez going to torture you. Torture you so bad, you are going to VISH you vere DEAD!

The final image of the Television Champion, "The French Phenom" Rene Dupree is the confident look on his face from the words he just spoke.

Rene Dupree is ready for some revenge at Summerslam!


The cameras are in the back where we see The Kid standing in his office with Rhyno by his side. The office door opens and walking in comes the returning Tag Team Champions, The Hooligans.

Brian Kendrick and Paul London walk over to The Kid and shake his hand. They nod their head at their partner, Rhyno. He grunts.

The Kid- How are you guys feeling?

Brian Kendrick- Good.

Paul London- Yeah, we're healthy. We're back at 100%.

The Kid smirks at them and shakes his head.

The Kid- That's not the answer I want to hear. Rhyno, how are you feeling?

Rhyno heavily breathes, before muttering.

Rhyno- ANGRY!

The Kid smiles wide and he turns his attention over to The Hooligans. The first words ever spoken by Rhyno in the KWF have been said in the final RAW of the season.

The Kid- Are you two angry?

Brian Kendrick- Yeah, I'm angry!

Paul London- I'm pissed the hell off, Kid! I can't wait to get my hands on those sons of....

The Kid- GOOD! That's all I need to hear. I just need you two to keep that anger inside of you all the way to your title defense. Do NOT lose those titles to The Society! Do you hear me?

Brian Kendrick- Yeah.

Paul London- Got ya.

The Kid- Now why don't you go out there and make that opportunity a little bit easier. Rhyno, my man....

The Kid slaps The Man Beast on the back as he grunts.

The Kid- .... will help with that. Good luck, guys.

Rhyno leads the Tag Team Champions, The Hooligans outside of the locker room and they are heading towards ring side for their 6 man tag match against The Society members of CM Punk, Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose.

The Kid looks down at the ground and begins speaking to himself.

The Kid- The KWF will defeat The Society. I ALWAYS.... win. Summerslam is.... MINE!

The Kid looks up at the camera with a smirk.

The six man tag match is next!


The Society (CM Punk, Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose) vs Rhyno & The Hooligans

Rhyno and The Hooligans make their way out first to cheers from the crowd. The Society members come out next, still to a mixed reaction. Some fans actually do believe what they believe, that they are the best in the world. Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose have serious looks on their faces, but CM Punk walks down the ramp with a confident grin. He is the KWF World Champion and he is ready to back his words up.

The match starts off with Paul London and Bryan Danielson. The two men circle the ring, with their eyes locked on each other. The Philadelphia crowd is cheering as they know that this is going to be a great match. The two men quickly charge at each other, but Paul London surprises Bryan Danielson by giving him an arm drag. Bryan Danielson is quick to his feet and he gets another arm drag. Once again, he is quick to his feet, but this time Paul London hits him with a spinning heel kick! Bryan Danielson stumbles all the way back to his corner, where Dean Ambrose tags himself in.

Dean Ambrose angrily gets into the ring and charges at Paul London, but his momentum is used against him as Paul London flings Dean Ambrose into his sides turnbuckle. Dean Ambrose looks up to see Rhyno and Bryan Kendrick staring at him and before he can think, Paul London hits him with a drop kick to the back and Dean bounces off the turnbuckle, chest first. Paul London quickly tags in Brian Kendrick who leaps to the top turnbuckle and comes flying off at the still stumbling Dean Ambrose with a flying cross body! Brian Kendrick hooks both legs of Dean Ambrose for the pin!





Dean Ambrose begins to crawl towards the ropes and he is quickly pulled to the outside of the ring by Bryan Danielson. The two men begin to recuperate on the outside of the ring as CM Punk watches his men from the apron. Brian Kendrick is not going to let them catch their breath as he charges across the ring and goes diving through the middle ropes with a SUICIDE PLANCHA! Brian Kendrick hits both Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose, sending them crashing to the floor! The crowd is erupting. The Society is being hit hard and fast by the returning Hooligans! The Tag Team Champions are on fire!

As the match continues, the two legal men are Paul London and Dean Ambrose. Dean has taken control away from Paul and he is beating away on him in the middle of the ring. Vicious elbow shots to the side of the head. Dean Ambrose pulls Paul London up to his feet and he begins stalking him out. He's ready to leap on his back and put him to sleep.

Paul London slowly gets to his feet, with his back turned to Dean Ambrose and Dean leaps onto the back of Paul and locks in the SLEEPER HOLD GRIP! The same submission he used to take The Big Show out of the KWF! Dean Ambrose wraps his legs around the waist of Paul London and chokes him out from his back, like a monkey. Paul London refuses to go down as he keeps himself on his feet. However, this submission is locked in tight and it's desperation time. However, desperation may need sacrifice and Rhyno gets into the ring and....

.... GORE!

Rhyno GORES his own partner, Paul London, with Dean Ambrose on his back!

Both men go flying across the ring and Rhyno lets out a huge roar. Bryan Danielson gets into the ring and charges at Rhyno and begins pounding away on him with lefts and rights. Dean Ambrose crawls over to his corner and tags CM Punk in! CM Punk remains on the apron, watching, calculating. Dean Ambrose then uses the ropes to get to his feet as he watches Bryan Danielson and Rhyno stumble through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Dean Ambrose crawls to the outside of the ring and begins helping Bryan Danielson beat on Rhyno.

Brian Kendrick sees this and enters the ring. He takes a deep breath, before charging across the ring and SUICIDE PLANCHA! For the second time in this match, Brian Kendrick has sacrificed his body and he has now taken out Bryan Danielson, Dean Ambrose and Rhyno! All four men are down on the outside of the ring and the crowd is on their feet, cheering. Loving the do or die mentality that the Tag Team Champions have made a career of.

Inside of the ring, CM Punk sneaks in knowing he is the legal man. He sees the other legal man, Paul London, slowly begin to pull himself up to his feet, holding onto his ribs. He was taken out to save the team, but now he is all alone without any teammates to help him! Paul London turns around to a smiling CM Punk, who lifts him onto his shoulders and....


Paul London lays flat on his back, spread eagle. The KWF World Champion, CM Punk smiles as he drops to his knees, hooking a leg of Paul London for the pin and the win!
Winners- The Society (CM Punk, Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose)

The crowd begins to boo as CM Punk rises to his knees with a huge smile on his face. He has taken advantage of the mayhem and picked up the victory. CM Punk leaves the ring and grabs his Society buddies and helps them up the ramp.

Brian Kendrick gets into the ring to check on his partner, who is still asleep.

The Society stands tall at the top of the ramp as Rhyno angrily watches from outside of the ring.

The Society has taken the night and has dominated throughout the season. Their next stop is the finale. Summerslam.

Will The Society finish off Season 1 on top of the world?

End of Part 3.
Episode 10
"Not So Sunny In Philadelphia"

"One man, an Olympic Gold Medalist. An American Hero. A man who lives by his code of 3 I's. The KWF Iron Man. A winner of "Feud Of The Year". He has used his wrestling abilities and deadly submissions to go through his opponents and remain undefeated in KWF Iron Man matches."

Kurt Angle is shown making his way down the entrance, several times. Going into war with some of the biggest names there is.

"One man, a Legend Killer. The Viper. The first ever KWF Intercontinental Champion, a title he held twice! The first and only KWF King Of The Ring winner. The first man to ever defeat The Undertaker in Wrestlemania. A former KWF World Champion. A man ready to be the first at something else."

Randy Orton is shown making many of his sadistic and confident entrances into the ring. His ego was always backed up by his performances.

"One goal."

Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are shown inside of the same ring, eyes focused on each other.

"Survive 60 minutes!"

The continuous attacks from the two men to each other over the season begin to show. Neither man ever letting the other person walk around comfortably.

"Their first ever one on one match in KWF history."

Highlights of both men at their most dominant throughout their careers. From winning gold medals to winning titles.


Randy Orton- If you want to know who the best wrestler in KWF history is, you're looking at him! Look at all the titles I have won, look at all of my accomplishments. Nobody has come close to being as successful as me! Do you want to know why? It's because NOBODY is better than me!

Kurt Angle- You sit here and you talk about all of the titles you have had in your career, like it matters anymore! Where's your titles now? Gone! You've been beaten for all of them! You are beatable, I'M NOT! There is no way you can last 60 minutes inside of a ring with me!

Randy Orton- The only reason you are undefeated in Iron Man matches, is because you never faced ME! I was the first to do just about everything you can do in the KWF and at Summerslam, I am going to be the first ever man to defeat Kurt Angle in an Iron Man match!

Kurt Angle- When that bell sounds and you realize that you have made the biggest mistake of your life, you will see me, the KWF Iron Man, standing before your eyes! You'll learn right then and there that there is no way in hell you are walking out of that arena a man with two working ankles and most definitely not the winner!

Randy Orton- I'm going to beat Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle- I'm Iron Man! Oh, it's true, it's damn true!



The Colon Brothers (KWF Se7en) vs Sabu & Rob Van Dam (KWF WORTH)

The Colon Brothers would make their way out to the ring first, looking mightily disgusted that they have to fight for their contracts. The crowd goes absolutely insane in Philadelphia, when for the first time ever Sabu and Rob Van Dam walk through the KWF curtains. They look just as amped up as the fans do.

The match starts off with Carlito and RVD and the crowd is standing on their feet, going nuts! Carlito charges at RVD with full frustration and is not surprisingly struck with a spinning elbow right to the face by RVD. Carlito stumbles back and RVD hits him with a spinning heel kick. Carlito hits the mat and quickly stumbles back up to his feet. This time RVD grabs him by the wrist and gives him an Irish Whip into the turnbuckle, right where Sabu is standing. RVD walks over and tags Sabu in before grabbing Carlito and giving him a monkey flip away from the turnbuckle. Sabu walks the apron and stalks out Carlito who gets to his feet, turns around to a springboarding body splash from Sabu! The crowd erupts in cheers as Sabu hooks the leg of Carlito for the pin and....

.... Primo breaks up the pinfall!

Primo quickly begins stomping down on the back of Sabu, to boos from the crowd. RVD gets into the ring to help his partner, but is hit with a diving clothesline from Primo. Primo quickly picks RVD up and throws him through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Sabu gets to his feet and he gives Primo a hard clothesline. Sabu turns around and he is amped up, but he walks right into a DDT from Carlito! Carlito hooks the leg of Sabu for the pin!





The crowd cheers, happy that Sabu was able to kick out. The match does continue, but Carlito now has control over Sabu. The Colon Brothers are fighting for their contracts.

As the match continues, Primo is the legal man with Sabu and he is still in control. Primo grabs Sabu and gives him an Irish Whip to the ropes, but to his surprise, Sabu leaps onto the middle rope and springboards back with a springboard elbow to the face of Primo! Both men are down and both men are slowly crawling to their corner. The crowd is on their feet and Primo tags Carlito in! Carlito charges into the ring and sprints across the ring and....


RVD doesn't need to walk into the ring as he just leaps to the top turnbuckle and comes flying across with a flying spinning kick to the face of Carlito! Carlito hits the mat hard and RVD is in control! RVD picks Carlito up to his feet and swings a right at him, but Carlito blocks it and swings with a right of his own, but RVD ducks it and Carlito turns around into the....


Carlito collapses onto his back and the whole crowd is going wild! RVD gets up right by the side of Carlito and nods his head and then runs to the ropes and comes back with the....

.... ROLLING....



RVD and Sabu both get to their feet and have both Carlito and Primo both laying flat on their backs. They look at each other and nod their heads. They each run to opposing turnbuckles and climb to the top. The boys who became famous in Philadelphia have made their KWF debut in that same place!

They're both standing on separate top turnbuckles, but they might as well be standing on top of the world right now as Philadelphia is going crazy. RVD points to his shoulders as the crowd simulatenously screams, "R.... V.... D!" Both men come flying off simultaneously and....



The crowd erupts in cheers and RVD crawls on top of Carlito and hooks a leg for the pin. Philadelphia counts out loud!




Philadelphia goes insane!
Winners- Sabu & Rob Van Dam


Sabu and Rob Van Dam celebrate inside of the ring as Philadelphia stands tall on their feet, cheering louder then ever. Their old friends from ECW have made their KWF debuts and they will be starring in the brand new addition to KWF, KWF WORTH! The same place that The Colon Brothers will now be working out for that loss.

Sabu and Rob Van Dam celebrate with the Philadelphia crowd and we have now reached our final moments.

The final main event of RAW before Summerslam is coming up next!

It'll be Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Lance Storm going against The Crows Nest; Sting, Dolph Ziggler, Mr. Kennedy.

Six man tag match.

The final match before we get to Brooklyn, New York for Summerslam!

It's next!


Shawn Michaels & Jeri-Storm vs The Crows Nest

The Crows Nest make their way out first in eerily fashion. The crowd, filled with goosebumps, cautiously watch these three creeps of the night enter the ring. Jeri-Storm make their way out next as a team and are then followed by Shawn Michaels. The three men enter the ring with no fear in their eyes.

The match starts off with Dolph Ziggler for The Crows Nest. Chris Jericho convinces his team to let him start the match as he wants revenge for being held captive by these men. Chris Jericho, a former KWF World Champion, quickly charges at Dolph Ziggler and begins pounding away on him. Dolph hits Jericho with a right of his own that gives him moving room. Dolph runs to the ropes and comes back, but Jericho has charged his way as well with a running knee to the gut. That sends Dolph Ziggler flipping over. Dolph pushes himself up to his feet and he is taken right back down with a running bulldog! The face of Dolph smashes on the mat, but the crazed blonde pushes himself up to his feet, again, but this time Y2J tackles him to the floor. Chris Jericho sits on the chest of Dolph Ziggler and pounds down onto his face. The referee pulls Chris Jericho off of Dolph Ziggler. Y2J doesn't want to stop using his aggression as he leaps up to his feet and charges across the ring and....

.... drills Mr. Kennedy with a vicious right that sends Mr. Kennedy flying off the apron and to the outside of the ring. Chris Jericho swings at Sting, but Sting blocks it and he cracks Chris Jericho with a right of his own. Chris Jericho stumbles around and walks right into a diving clothesline from Dolph Ziggler!

Obviously hurting and exhausted from the beating he just finished taking, Dolph Ziggler has just used his last burst of energy with that attack. Dolph Ziggler crawls to his corner and he tags in Sting!

The Stinger is in the ring and he slowly walks over to Chris Jericho, who has pushed himself up to all fours and he kicks him right in the side of the head. Y2J falls onto his face and Sting slowly walks around his body, just looking down at his prey. Chris Jericho goes to push himself up to his feet, again, but again he is cracked in the side of the head by a kick from Sting. The Stinger is tired of kicking Y2J so he yanks him up and runs him into the turnbuckle post and slams him against it back first. Sting then begins firing with a fury of lefts and rights to the ribs of Chris Jericho. After over a dozen shots, Sting pulls back and strikes Jericho right in the chin with an uppercut. Y2J falls right onto his ass against the turnbuckle, but Sting doesn't stop right there. He now takes a few steps back before charging forward with a running knee right to the face of Y2J. Sting then backs away and begins kicking straight into the face of Chris Jericho. The referee tries to pull Sting off, but struggles. Eventually, he does, but the damage has been done.

The referee goes down to check on Y2J and Sting turns around and....


Shawn Michaels has snuck into the ring and he has just laid out Sting. Mr. Kennedy charges into the ring and charges right in the direction of Shawn Michaels and SWEET CHIN MUSIC!

Shawn Michaels lays Mr. Kennedy out on his back. Dolph Ziggler now gets into the ring and SWEET CHIN MU-


Shawn Michaels misses with the kick and out of nowhere, Dolph Ziggler strikes Shawn Michaels with the Ziggler Kick! A super kick of his own. Shawn Michaels falls through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Dolph Ziggler smiles as he watches his opponent fall to the outside of the ring. Dolph Ziggler turns around and....


Lance Storm lays Dolph Ziggler flat on his back. Lance Storm begins kicking down on Ziggler until he falls to the outside of the ring. Lance Storm leaves the ring and continues attacking away on Dolph Ziggler.

Inside of the ring, Sting and Chris Jericho are both slowly pushing themselves up to their feet and they're the two legal men in this match. Chris Jericho uses the ropes to get up to his feet and Sting gets up, as well. Both men face each other and begin swinging furiously at each other, lefts and rights. Finally, Chris Jericho switches it up and goes for a kick to the gut of Sting, but the Stinger catches the foot. Sting begins shaking his head from side to side as he looks into the eyes of Y2J and....


Chris Jericho sends Sting flat to his face. Both men lay flat on their face.

Mr. Kennedy crawls to the outside of the ring and helps Dolph Ziggler beat down on Lance Storm. They double team one of the two men they'll be facing at Summerslam in a Tag Team match.

Shawn Michaels has crawled to the outside of the ring and he is still holding his chin from the kick he received as he stands at the bottom of the ramp way. All of a sudden....


The Hitman quickly charges at Shawn Michaels who has just gotten to his feet and tackles him right to the outside floor. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels begin rolling around on the outside of the ring, exchanging lefts and rights to each others faces.

Chris Jericho gets to his feet and he looks on the outside of the ring, where he sees his partner is being double teamed. He looks behind him and sees Sting laying on his side. Chris Jericho has to realize if he wants the win or if he wants to help his partner. He makes his decision pretty quickly as he charges across the ring and dives through the middle ropes with a SUICIDE DIVE onto Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler! The crowd has erupted in cheers. There is mayhem everywhere and the referee realizes he has lost control of this match, so he has called for the bell!


The bell has rung to signal for the end of this match, but the fighting is far from over!

Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels are exchanging lefts and rights with each other as they battle up the ramp. Neither man giving the other any mercy. Both men will be main eventing Summerslam for the KWF World Championship. Both men are now trying to make their final statement on each other. They disappear through the curtains and into the back.

Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy slowly push themselves up to their feet and begin stumbling away from Jeri-Storm. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm continue attacking them from behind as the two blood loving, blondes are being forced up the ramp from the beating they are receiving. Chris Jericho continues to drill Mr. Kennedy with huge shots to the face and Lance Storm continues to do the same to the face of Dolph Ziggler. The four men fight through the curtains and to the back, maybe all the way to Brooklyn!

Inside of the ring, Sting has pushed himself up to his knees. He begins to push himself up to his feet and he walks over to the corner and grabs his black baseball bat. He walks to the middle of the ring and he is ready to teleport into darkness, not to be seen until Summerslam.

The darkness and evil in the eyes of Sting is clear and he is ready.

Sting raises the arm into the air, pointing the black baseball bat at the ceiling of the arena and....


The similar silence and creepy aura fill the arena, as usual when Sting and the rest of The Crows Nest do one of these freaky escapes. The silence is deafening and....




The crowd erupts in cheers!

Sting stands there with his arm still raised in the air, with the baseball bat pointing up and standing right behind him is The Undertaker!

Sting knows this, too. He slowly lowers the baseball bat and a smile spreads across his face. He then begins to laugh, but does not turn around to look at the man behind him. He knows who it is. His laughter is not a laugh of fear, but a laugh of pleasure. Sting knows who is standing behind him and he loves it. Sting throws his arms to the side and effortlessly lets the baseball bat slip out of his grip and fall to the mat. Sting is laughing like a maniac with his arms thrown to the side. He has gotten what he has been asking for. All of a sudden....

.... The Undertaker spins Sting around, lifts him up into the air and....


The Undertaker has just drilled Sting with the Tombstone Piledriver.

The Undertaker remains on his knees as he looks down at the unconscious body of Sting. These two legends of darkness will meet for their second time at Summerslam.

The final image of the final RAW before Summerslam, is of The Undertaker looking down at the unconscious body of Sting.

The Undertaker has made his return to a KWF ring. At Summerslam, he will have his first match since Wrestlemania 3 where he defeated Sting.

We'll see you in Brooklyn.

We'll see you at SUMMERSLAM!

Show Ends.

Episode 1- "Find Me Punk"- Ontario, Canada
Episode 2- "The Explanation"- Green Bay, Wisconsin
Episode 3- "The Society"- Chicago, Illinois
Episode 4- "A Miami Tune"- Miami, Florida
Episode 5- "Houston, we got a problem!"- Houston, Texas
Episode 6- "The Heart Breaking Gamble"- Las Vegas, Nevada
Episode 7- "Jack. Rob. Sin."- Los Angeles, California
Episode 8- "For Whom The Bell Tolls"- Phoenix, Arizona
Episode 9- "A Cardinal Sin"- St. Louis, Missouri
Episode 10- "Not So Sunny In Philadelphia"- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



Episode 11-


LIVE from Brooklyn, New York!









THE HOOLIGANS (c) vs THE SOCIETY (Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose)




JERI-STORM (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm) vs THE CROWS NEST (Mr. Kennedy & Dolph Ziggler)





Grandson of a plumber. Son of a legendary bumblebee. Brother of a freak.

A life a young man has grown around. A life that this young man has tried to run away from his whole life. However, we ask the question; Why?

Is it because he's humiliated of his families name? Or is it really just because he has no name? Has this young man been running away from his name or himself this whole time?

After coming into the KWF, he attempted to bring a new name to his tree. A name he could be proud of. A name his children could be proud of. He followed in the footsteps of Randy Orton, another generational superstar who took him under his wing. However, when The Viper got tired of being "weighed down" by this young man, The Viper struck. A snake is always a snake. This young man learned a valuable life lesson that he may have learned way sooner from his family had he not been running.

This young man tried to have his name changing, monumental moment at WrestleMania 3, but failed to defeat The Viper. Failed to redeem himself. Failed to redeem his families name.

A young man is the most motivated, yet most confused person in this world. This young man was living proof. This young man is....



After WrestleMania, Cody Rhodes embarked on a journey alone. No more mentor. No more guidance. However, this young man did not learn a thing. His trust for another human was at an all time low. His business inside of the ring was also at an all time low. Failing to pick up a victory for several weeks. He was on a downward spiral and even the face mask he would come to the ring with, was unable to block the shame.

This young man who was trying to run away from a name he was ashamed of, was starting to become the shame to the name. However, proving blood is thicker then water, this young man was running, but was never truly hiding from his past. His past caught him and was ready to revolutionize his career. Give him real guidance. No more running, no more putting shame to the name. This man is....



The one and only.

The freak of the family.

The brother of the young man.

After the young man failed to defeat his brother in a one on one, he was forced to go under his wing. The freak was ready to produce yet another classic to add to one of his many in the "Shattered Dream Productions". The story about this young man. The story about Cody Rhodes.

The road to glory was set in motion by Goldust, for his younger brother, but they had to find the right person. For Cody Rhodes to be looked up to as the next "Rudy" or other feel good story, they needed to find the right villain. They wanted evil. They wanted someone that the fans absolutely loathed. A loud mouth. They found one! Who is this perfect villain? His name is....



The man that now goes by this nickname, "The Golden Sheik". He was having a great start to this season of the KWF. After falling short for the second year in a row in an Iron Man match, he was crowned the new Sheik of wrestling by The Iron Sheik. He was named "The Golden Sheik". Muhammad Hassan was given a bodyguard as a gift, a giant that stands over 7 feet tall, a man that goes by the name of The Great Khali.

A man who has been trained to take any orders from his boss and do it! No questions asked.

The same man that Muhammad Hassan had attack The Iron Sheik.

That was to leave him as the only Sheik of wrestling.

Muhammad Hassan would call out people week in and week out to face him in the ring and would pick up dominant victories, showing the whole world of his true dominance. Proving that he is not all talk, but has the bite, as well. He was on his way to earning a spot in the big 6 man Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship, but the past came and cost him that.

Out of all the people, Muhammad Hassan has embarrassed inside of the ring this season by defeating them, he did not expect one to come back and attack. Not only attack, but cost him such a big opportunity. He also didn't know he was just randomly selected and casted to star in "This Young Mans Voyage", a "Shattered Dreams Production."

Muhammad Hassan would return the favor, but that didn't stop The Rhodes Brothers from coming back for more. The fans were then given a selection of three matches that would finalize this Goldust production and the fans voted for the triple threat match. Muhammad Hassan vs Cody Rhodes.... versus Goldust!

That night, they were pitted in a tag team match as Muhammad Hassan joined forces with The Great Khali to face The Rhodes Brothers and the shock of the news not only had Cody Rhodes angry, but had Goldust thinking. He thought a little too hard during the match and Cody Rhodes was dominated inside of the ring. As Muhammad Hassan led The Great Khali and other language screaming, manager Daivari to the back in smiles, the ring was filled with confusion.

Cody Rhodes was shouting at Goldust for forgetting about him in the match. What happened next sent us to Summerslam with several questions. Goldust kicked Cody Rhodes right in the balls. A low blow that radiated all the way to the heart of Cody Rhodes.

A voyage that was supposed to be about this young mans life may have turned into something else. A golden shower has come down on the Cody parade. Muhammad Hassan may have watched his odds increase after seeing the end of that match. As Goldust sprinkled Cody with the gold off of his chest after the low blow, he may have been doing something else.

Changing the script.

Muhammad Hassan vs Cody Rhodes vs Goldust

Jim Ross- It's going to be an excellent way to open up the night and it's definitely been an excellent story with this match. The odds seemed stacked against Muhammad Hassan, but after seeing what Goldust did to his brother, I have to say things aren't looking good for Cody. However, I'm going for the feel good ending. I'm going with Cody Rhodes!

King- Are you crazy?! Ha, ha! You pretty much explained why I'm actually picking against Cody Rhodes. The Rhodes Family has always been discombobulated. From the bumblebee father to the drag queen son. Now it has caught up to Cody Rhodes. This is an easy pick for me. Muhammad Hassan!

Paul Heyman- Allow me to also remind everyone what the grandfather of Cody Rhodes did. He was a plumber. Do you know what plumbers do? They work around CRAP! Cody Rhodes has been struggling for ages now and instead of being sent down to my show so he can prove his worthiness, he ends up getting a Pay Per View match. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the guy, but he has no shot. Neither does Goldust. Let's not forget that Muhammad Hassan may be one of the greatest KWF superstars ever. This man is dominant and he has held the Intercontinental Championship twice and the Tag Team Champions. This man is no joke. This man is my pick. I choose Muhammad Hassan!

Michael Cole- I think we are also forgetting that Goldust may be a little crazy, but he definitely is not a joke inside of the ring. He lasted a lot longer then any man in drag would've in the wrestling world and I think that moment when he kicked his brother in the family jewels, pun intended, he changed the script. This was never about Cody Rhodes. This story has always been about the return of Goldust. He hand picked his villain in Muhammad Hassan and sacrificed his brother. This is his story. My pick is Goldust!

Josh Matthews- A triple threat match is always so hard to pick from. We have two of those at Summerslam. This one has such a weird and twisted story that I can't help but remain glued to it. Yes, I'll admit it. Goldust has made me fall for his "Shattered Dreams Production". I'm an avid watcher. I can't wait to see the conclusion. At this stage of the game, I'm so invested that I can't help but root for the good guy. I can't help but root for the feel good story. I'm going with my heart and what I really want to see. I'm picking Cody Rhodes!

Muhammad Hassan- 2 (King/Heyman)
Cody Rhodes- 2 (JR, Matthews)
Goldust- 1 (Michael Cole)


A group founded in the early days of wrestling was to make it's return. It went through a number of struggles and a number of leaders.

When it found the right one, the Nation was reborn.

A man who made his KWF debut as a manager. A hype man mostly. He watched his best friend rise to be a superstar in the KWF. However, while one man was thriving, the other was just sitting there. Just hyping a man who has totally forgotten about him. The hype man was then betrayed by his best friend and thrown to the curb. Replaced!

The hype man went home and didn't cry over it. No. His heart was broken. Not because HE was betrayed, but the meaning of friendship was betrayed. This man set on a new mission. He was no longer going to be about screaming. He was no longer going to be about hyping men up with immature and ignorant comments. He knew the only way to improve his world was to improve himself. He had to change from the hype man to the word of reasoning. A Pope amongst his brothers.

When this man found himself a changed man, he embarked on a quest to bring peace amongst his brothers and unite them as one. Unite them as one Nation! A Nation that will no longer suffer or betray, a Nation that will stick together. A Nation that would DOMINATE! THE NATION OF DOMINATION!

The leader of the group is The Pope himself....



However, a mission of this magnitude could not begin alone. This mission would require assistance. One man can do a lot by himself, just by speaking. Revolutionize a world.

However, in this cruel world that we are living in, this man needed muscle. He needed a man who still believed in the movement. A man who never truly betrayed it. An original member of The Nation Of Domination. He needed....



The mouth now had the muscle. Now it was time to grab the ears. It may have seemed unorthodox from the beginning, but they knew that this was the way to do it. The way to get the attention of the masses was to go and dissolve the embarrassment that is perpetrating the same movement he is heading for. They had to go to the KWF and take back what is theres. Take back The Nation!

They had to take out the leader, the head of the snake and kill it. That then bought the rest of the members over to them. A bunch of men trying to follow the movement, but are not having the much needed guidance.

The Nation would then use their group and force people to believe in the movement. If it wasn't from the microphone on the other end responding, "Yes", it was a beating for not believing.

Their final partner for Summerslam is their last addition. A man who had just lost a huge opportunity and title shot. Although, he didn't really seem comfortable when he took a role in this group, he knew he had no choice. It was either join them or get beat. Oh, did we mention; he was once the leader of this group, before he was overtaken for the spot?

However, as he has been a part of the group in the present time, he has remained loyal. A question mark may arise in this match, a moment where he could either rebel against the movement or truly fight for the movement. This man is....



The main reason he agreed to join the group was because of what he saw happen the week before. The week before The Nation was greeting a proud member of the African American society. Their target for the movement. They asked this legend of the sport to join the group.

The answer was NO.

It was said in the most respectful way possible, but that didn't sit well with Elijah Burke and his plan.

Rejection? He was not going to take that in any way, but disrespect. You were either with The Nation or against The Nation. This man wasn't and suffered the beaten of a lifetime. Humiliation may have hurt more then the actual physical pain and that's saying something. This man was not going to go home, retire and live knowing that he was taken out of the wrestling world, because he was beat down. NO! This man was going to come back as many times as he had to. One time. Two times. Three times. Four times. FIVE time, five time, five time, five time, five times!

He would come back until the job was done. His name is....



However, when revenge was coming, it was coming with force. It wasn't coming in stupid. It was going against a Nation. It had to come with force.

Who is the best to use to help you get revenge on somebody?

A person who wants revenge on that same man, or group of men.

Booker T would tell the members of The Nation to group up into three and take on himself and two other men. Two other men who would love to get some revenge. The challenge was accepted. Booker T had already made his choices, but he was not going to tell The Nation quite yet. Up until the last RAW, before Summerslam.

Who was the first man he went to for assistance?

The former leader of The Nation Of Domination. The man who had it ripped away from him by Elijah Burke and then forced to take a beating in front of his former men. Against the men who he led at one point. He took a beating and nobody helped. They watched. He was replaced by the hype man and he was coming back for revenge. This man is....



It was time to come back and get revenge. The two of them made their plot and decided to really turn it up for this match. If a six man wasn't enough of a plan for Summerslam, the next one may have been the most genius.

Revenge can come in several ways. The physical one was the one they were going to ensue in the ring. The other plan they came up with was to attack on all ends. Attack physically AND mentally.

Shelton Benjamin reached out to an old friend of his and they decided to let bygones be bygones and continue their friendship like they never feuded. It was time to defend a friend. It was the perfect choice. The perfect mental attack.

The man that holds them down.

The white man!

His name is....



The disgust from Elijah Burke and The Nation had reached a new level. To watch his brothers align themselves with a white man over their movement.

Elijah Burke may want to revolutionize this world with his movement and convince everyone that this movement is the right movement. The truth!

However, in this predicament, he was forced to actually believe it himself. See how it has turned out. He had to defend his movement and his group. The hype man has hyped enough. It was time for him to embark in the physical part of the movement.

It was time to go to WAR for the MOVEMENT!

The Nation Of Domination (Elijah Burke, Mark Henry & Kofi Kingston)
Booker T, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

Jim Ross- A big time match up. Six hungry men will be inside of that ring, trying to prove a point. It is not an elimination match, it is indeed a one fall win. It would be a real shame to be on the losing end of this match, especially considering how badly both groups want to prove their point. I think they're both hungry, but I have to say, there's one team that I think is hungrier. More united. This may come as a surprise to you that I use the word united, because I'm not picking the group. I'm picking Team Booker!

King- Well, I know for a fact, I'm not getting last place! That's going to be you, JR! Ha, ha! The Nation Of Domination has been dominant since Elijah Burke became the new leader. They will going to dominate! I'm picking The Nation Of Domination!

Paul Heyman- One group is fighting for revenge, because they got a beaten. Do you know who else got a beaten? Elijah Burke. That beaten came from two men he embraced into his group, into The Nation. It came from MVP and R-Truth. He didn't come back to get revenge on them. No, he came back and embraced them, FORGAVE them! He's not going into this match for physical revenge, because he was attacked on RAW, no, he's fighting for much more then that! He is fighting for his belief. No human being in this world fights for anything more then something they believe in. He is in the zone. He is focused. Elijah Burke will guide his men to victory. I'm picking The Nation Of Domination!

Michael Cole- I think we are all forgetting about Kofi Kingston. Yes, right now, the group looks safe and stable. However, Kofi Kingston never truly wanted to be a part of this new movement. He is a former leader of this group and he is going to be standing across from another former leader of this group. He is going to be thinking if he made the right choice, as pride goes. As morale goes! Why is one former leader fighting against them while another former leader fights for the new leader? You see, he is my wild card. I have a strange feeling that this is not going to go well for the men in black. I'm picking Team Booker!

Josh Matthews- That sure is a possibility, but I don't know. I haven't gotten many mixed signals from Kofi as far as loyalty goes. You see, this match can be won in so many different ways. Team Booker has three men who can knock their opponents out cold at any given second. The Nation has a man who doesn't wrestle, the leader. A man who can't be trusted, Kofi. A beast, Mark Henry. I just think The Nation Of Domination has too many question marks, whereas Team Booker seems focused on one thing. Kicking ass. I'm picking Team Booker!

Team Booker- 4 (JR, Cole, Matthews, PW)
Nation Of Domination- 2 (King, Heyman)


Darkness is hidden in every man. When a man finds that darkness, that man becomes dangerous. No matter the man, the darkness shall prevail. When two men find darkness together, the world becomes dangerous.

One man made his debut in the KWF and kept fans and opponents on their tip toes. His agility and wrestling ability was a challenge to all opponents. His long, blonde locks waved through the air as he flew around the KWF, showing off. The egotistical smile from this man made the fans sick, but that wasn't the sickest they were going to get thanks to this man.

Being competitive is an addiction. However, when darkness finds its prey, the prey is forced into a new addiction. This mans addiction?


This mans name?



He was taken into The Nest, where he was introduced to his new addiction. Like every other addiction, it takes work to get to what you need. His need for blood required work. It required physical damage to his opponent. Something Dolph was not concerned with doing.

When he was bought into The Crows Nest, he was bought to his glory. However, he was not bought alone.

His blonde counterpart had already made a big name for himself in the KWF with big matches. This man went one on one with Stone Cold Steve Austin in a Bar Room Brawl.... and won! This man fought Steve Austin twice and showed the world that he has the skill to match the loud mouth. The crowd absolutely despised him every single time he opened his mouth. The despise from the fans did not make the decision for this man hard. Be true to the fans or follow what his soul really needs. Follow the darkness. Follow the flaps. Follow the wings. Become that! Become a member of The Crows Nest.

Find your true obsession. It was time to back his word up with buckets of opponent blood. The name of this man is....



The duo became two blood, addicted, loud mouth blondes. The only Tag Team Champions to purposely relinquish their titles so they were not distracted from their actual goal. Their actual quest. They were more united after releasing the titles then they were when they were just two loud mouthed blondes with them. They no longer walked alone. No.

They flew together. They became something evil.

They became; The Crows Nest.

Addiction is the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors.

Consequences of stopping a human being who has an addiction could be severe. A night of sacrifice where The Crows Nest were meant to have their biggest feast of the year was delayed. Interrupted by two men. Two champions. Two men with a complete opposite story.

One man is a former KWF World Champion. The 2nd ever to be exact. A man who ended a champions run that lasted over a year. As champion, he thrived backing up his attitude with his skill. One day, this man was stabbed in the back. The night he lost his World Championship, he was pinned by his best friend at the time. The Viper struck. The mark of fangs was not the only scar that was left. The scar that was left in this man was a scar that made it impossible to trust, again.

A KWF original. A former KWF World Champion. His name is....



As he continued to make a legacy on his legendary name, he ended up hitting a brick wall in his quest to regaining the World Championship that he lost. However, with all that anger and disappointment in him, he was met by a fan.

A man who is a fellow Canadian with admirance and obsession that could only be compared to JTJ on KJ. What started off as something Y2J was not looking for, ended up with these two men stunning the world and becoming Tag Team Champions! This man who now idolized the career of Y2J and got him back on his feet was now sharing the same spotlight. A long and touted career was now given another chance at fame. Another shot to prove himself as more then just the word "under-rated." This mans name is....



That man led Y2J out of the darkness that was about to fill him and led him to the glory. Led him to gold.

As The Crows Nest eerily annihilated opponents and sacrificed the souls of The Dudley Boyz, they set their eyes on their real target. The Hardy Boyz. However, after the cruelty on human flesh these two men were finally met with someone who was willing to stand up. Not just someone, but some two. The Tag Team Champions.


They abruptly ended The Feast. They stopped a sacrifice to the crows. The Crows Nest knew that it was time to defend it. Jeri-Storm accepted their bid for war, but they were met with something that no human being ever saw coming. First, The Crows Nest cost them their Tag Team Championships. Then, they caused them suffering.

The Crows Nest abducted Chris Jericho and were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Lance Storm was given an obstacle to help the leader of The Crows Nest, an obstacle that became impossible for him to do. However, before the sacrifice, The Kid would give The Crows Nest what they want, but under one condition.

Free Jericho.

They did, but when they freed the man they tortured, they freed the man who was ready to torture.

Jeri-Storm may not live and breath darkness and may not crave blood on a daily basis, but at Summerslam, they will! It should be a blood bath! Only one team can win. No mercy shall be shown in this Tag Team match between two former Tag Team Champions. Darkness may win the battle, but who will win the war?!

Who will eat CROW?!

The Crows Nest (Dolph Ziggler & Mr. Kennedy)
Jeri-Storm (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm)

Jim Ross- A huge match up and the preview said it right. It will more then likely be a bloody match up. I just don't see how these two teams don't have that goal in mind. It may not have been an all season feud between these two teams, but it sure has been a personal one. The Crows Nest hobby is making their opponents bleed, Jeri-Storm isn't coming into this match for hobbies sake. They're coming out for revenge. I'm going with the team that has the former KWF World Champion on it. I'm choosing Jeri-Storm!

King- I'm afraid to keep my eyes open for the entirety of this match! I mean, one group loves the sight of blood, the other group is going to love to see blood for pure revenge! It's a tough one for me, but ever since the KWF opened the doors, I have never doubted Y2J. Before he was World Champion, while he was World Champion and after his championship run! I'm choosing Jeri-Storm!

Paul Heyman- I've had a lot to say about the first two matches, but I'm going to make this one simple. I've known two of those guys for the majority of their wrestling careers. Those two men are very talented and I may never doubt them, again! However, on this night, I don't think they truly realize what they are getting themselves into. Do not be misguided by the bleach blonde hair on the other side, but focus more on what color those two blondes see everytime they step into the ring. The color is: RED! Both teams are going to give it their all, but for one team, it's their lifestyle. I'm choosing The Crows Nest!

Michael Cole- JR, you bring up the preview of the match, yet you fail to bring out the keyword of that whole preview. Addiction. The Crows Nest are addicted to blood. They live and they fly off of making their opponents bleed. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm may want to make their opponents bleed, but I truly believe the two deranged blondes KNOW they're going to make their opponents bleed. They wouldn't have it any other way. I'm choosing The Crows Nest.

Josh Matthews- Honestly, we have to really look into this match. I think we need to make sure we do not get tunnel vision. I think you are all looking too deep into the tunnel of blood. This match is a regular tag team match. Sure, both teams would love to make their opponents bleed and sure, it can happen. However, in a regular two on two tag team match, it doesn't favor the blood hungry guys. It favors the seasoned, wrestling veterans. It favors the team that has a former KWF World Champion. It favors the team that have fought just about every single big name there ever was to fight in the wrestling world. Not only does it favor that great duo, but that great duo comes in seeking one thing and that thing is revenge! A human being out for revenge will find a way to get it. These two men will get their revenge the only way they know; inside of the wrestling ring. I'm choosing Jeri-Storm!

Jeri-Storm- 4 (JR, King, Matthews, PW)
Crows Nest- 2 (Heyman, Cole)


The first sighting of the six members of The Society. The first of their five matches. Their first to go in action?

The killer.

A man who has made his name in the wrestling world as a silent killer. He doesn't talk much, but he sure as hell makes a lot of noise inside of the ring.

Since making his debut in the KWF, he has been a fan favorite. He has stunned his competitors with his excellent agility to make his monstrous frame. He is a man who can go pound for pound with the best of them. He is a man who can out-wrestle the best technical wrestlers in the world. He is a man who can go into a submission war, with the most submissive wrestlers of all time. That total package of physical specimen is joined by a deranged side. A killer side. When you scream his name, you normally finish it off with the words; Kill You.

The killer of The Society will be opening up their night and his name is....



Before he joined The Society, he was the KWF Television Champion. The night that the plan for The Society was created was the night Samoa Joe lost his title. He knew that he may never get the opportunity to defend a title or wrestle for one, ever again. With the night that was supposed to be the night the KWF shut the door. He joined the group that was not going to allow it, The Society.

Samoa Joe was granted an opportunity to win back his title, but he took himself out of the match. There were bigger things to deal with. He had to remain focused on the main concern and that was the teams concern. The Society's concern. Surely, it proved that good things DO come to those who wait. Samoa Joe is now getting his opportunity to win back that KWF Television Championship!

How did a man who walked out of an opportunity to hold a championship earn such a shot at the season finale of Summerslam?

Seek. Destroy!

When Samoa Joe got his hands on the holder of the title that he feels still belongs to him, he showed that man and the whole world his killer side.

Knocking the man unconscious, with a fury of kicks to the head. Finishing off the fight by screaming, "RING THE BELL!"

That man that got knocked unconscious is no slouch. He is one of the greatest wrestlers in KWF history. He is the definition of what The Society hates the most; a KWF creation.

This man is a winner of "Feud of the Year" and "Wrestler of the Year" in Fan Fic. This man is one of the four competitors to fight in the first ever KWF Iron Man match. He is a former Tag Team Champion! His accomplishments and glory go on and on! It all comes down to one thing. The story of his life!

He is a man who started from the bottom of France, with his poodle, his kologne and his native flag. He has made it to the top!

He is your KWF Television Champion!

His name is....



A man who was heavily booed when he started off in the KWF, with his dedication to his native country and his disgust of the American world. However, as he grew older, he became the man he truly was deep down inside. Behind the ego, behind the disgust, he became a KWF Legend.

The French Phenom stunned the world by showing his heart and defeating Kurt Angle, the same man he won Feud of the Year with. The same man he competed against in the first ever KWF Iron Man match. A man who has proven through his KWF career that it takes a lot to keep him down. This man fights with the whole French world on his back and he fights for all of them. So when he was knocked unconscious by Samoa Joe, he was hospitalized. However, while he was hospitalized, he sat there and saw The Society try and destroy his name and the world he became famous in. He was not going to let The Samoan Submission Machine continue to walk around in glory. No! He was going to come back for revenge!

Revenge has been hard for The French Phenom to catch The Samoan Submission Machine by himself, thanks to the help of The Society. So Rene Dupree knew the only way he was going to get his revenge was to get him one on one. He decided to wager it all. He decided to beg The Kid to allow him to defend his Television Championship against Samoa Joe. The Kid gave him his wish, much to the pleasure of Samoa Joe.

The mind games may be in the favor of Samoa Joe at this point, but it has now come time to go to war. They will have each other across the ring from each other and they will be fighting for their two sides. One man represents The Society. One man represents the KWF and the country of France.

The Television Championship will be the prize to the winner of this war.

The atmosphere?

A killer fragrance.

Somebodies gunna die!

Rene Dupree (c) vs Samoa Joe

Jim Ross- Two of the toughest sons of bitches in the KWF right now will be going one on one against each other. This is indeed going to be a slobberknocker. The last time these two men were inside of the ring with each other, we watched Samoa Joe kick Rene Dupree into unconsciousness. The same Rene Dupree who holds that title that Samoa Joe believes belongs to him. The Television Championship! I've watched Rene Dupree evolve in the KWF since he made his debut. Since the days of spraying kologne into his opponents eyes. Since the days he would come out with his poodle in one hand and his France flag on the other. I've watched that immature, young boy turn into a man who not only fights for his home country of France, but fights for everything that is right in the KWF. I get that The Society has their killer, but we have a man that will fight until his death to represent himself and everything he believes him! The French Phenom is daring The Samoan Submission Machine to kill him! Oh, it's going to be a war! I'm choosing Rene Dupree!

King- I just want to say that I completely understand where you are coming from, JR. I've watched the same growth of Rene Dupree as you have. He has won some of the most illustrious awards in the history of Fan Fic. He has been a man who has revolutionized the world of wrestling, by himself. Men with no direction have tried to follow his lead, but it is certainly a man that is hard to duplicate! Well, I know one man who is not a complete duplicate of this man, but more of a destroyer of this man! Yes, The French Phenom has heart, but when has he ever shown the killer instinct of his opponent? Never! I get you're all for the KWF, but if we're predicting who is going to win here, I'm going with what I truly believe will happen. I'm choosing Samoa Joe!

Paul Heyman- Yes, I was verbally abused by The Society on RAW, but I've been verbally attacked more times then I can count! However, I have never been blinded by what is in front of me. So allow me to go on record and say that I will not be biased with my picks, but I will pick who I honestly, truly believe will walk out victorious. So allow me to start by saying; I'm glad the both of you have watched the growth of Rene Dupree. Now let me be the one man that can say I have watched the CREATION of a killer. Yes, Rene Dupree evolved into a rough and tough fighter. His opponent evolved from a rough and tough fighter to a straight up killer. If he's not kicking your lights out, he's damn well choking them out! The only thing I could say for Rene Dupree is the luckiest thing that can happen to him when he steps into that ring, is being knocked unconscious. At least THEN, he will not be awake to feel the pain. Just know this one thing, when he wakes up, he is no longer going to be the holder of the Television Championship! I'm choosing Samoa Joe!

Michael Cole- Just listening to you three talk about this match, this war, makes me truly appreciate what we are going to see at Summerslam. Two legitimate, inhuman objects will be ripping and tearing each other apart in that ring. They will be doing it for the KWF Television Championship! This is such a tough one to pick. I can honestly flip a coin on who I think is going to win. I didn't want to do that, though. I wanted to trust myself. However, I couldn't trust what my brain was saying or what my heart was saying. I had to go with what my eyes saw. What my eyes saw was one of these two men kicking the other one over and over again right in the skull until they were unconscious. I don't know if anything can duplicate that beating and showing. I think the same man walks out, while the other one is possibly stretchered out. I'm choosing Samoa Joe!

Josh Matthews- One word describes this match; war. As the new comer to the KWF, I may not have been around to watch the growth of Rene Dupree first hand, but I have certainly seen it. I have certainly seen this loud mouth become one of the most respected men in the world of wrestling. His never give up attitude. Knock him down, he'll get back up. A fan favorite! A French hero! He has all that and he could've easily walked away, let the Television Championship go and still be that man. That hero. Unfortunately, a hero never quits. A hero goes back for more. A man who will step face to face with a submission machine, a killer and all for what? To fight for what he believes in. To give the world their hero. I wholeheartedly believe that The French Phenom will fight until he has nothing left and when that time comes.... I believe.... there will be a new Television Champion. I'm choosing Samoa Joe!

Samoa Joe- 5 (King, Heyman, Cole, Matthews, PW)
Rene Dupree- 1 (JR)


An Iron Man match is a match that pits competitors against each other in a 60 minute match. The only way to win is by pinning or submitting your opponent more then they do at the end. Overtime would lead to a sudden death. Disqualifications also work against you and will give your opponent a win. When the final buzzer sounds and you have spent an exact hour inside of that ring with your opponent, you have either eclipsed or fallen short of your opponents total.

Those are the rules, but what does it really mean to be victorious in an Iron Match?

Endurance. Hunger. Skill. Survival instinct.

Two of the greatest competitors in the history of the KWF will do battle to prove who is the true warrior, who is the true best and who can truly survive 60 minutes with the other!

In the illustrious history of the KWF, there have been 2 Iron Man matches.

The first was a battle of countries and pride. An American and The Sheik. The American prevailed. The following year at the same PPV, Wrestlemania, now the most recent one, Wrestlemania 3; history was made. The Iron Man match took place in a first ever fatal four way match. Whichever man prevailed with the most winning falls at the end would walk out the winner of a historic match. The battle pitted a French Men, a former leader of a Nation, the same Sheik that lost the first one and the same American that won the first one. The winner?

The American.

That American proved victorious for a second year in a row and was crowned the title of the KWF "Iron Man".

That prestigious honor joins in other illustrious honors and awards that this man has won. A TRUE American Hero. An Olympic Gold Medalist. A man who truly showed the world what it takes to be a champion when he won a Gold Medal with a broken freeken neck! Since becoming a KWF wrestler, he has been in main events and has even shared the title of "Feud of the Year" with Rene Dupree in the Fan Fic award show. He is also a former Tag Team Champion!

He comes to war to defend his crown. To defend his honor. To defend his throne! His name is....



He may go down as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, mat wrestler of all time. An absolute submission machine that can make another human being tap out from any angle. A man who does not shy away from dominating his opponent in every way possible. From suplexes, to submissions! His favorites?

The Angle Slam!

He has knocked the wind and the life out of plenty of opponents using that move. He has also never shied away from climbing to the top turnbuckle and moonsaulting his body onto another body! He has proven that he is damn near unstoppable in Iron Man matches. He has used his wrestling weapons to outlast and outwrestle the best of them. His other weapon of choice?

The Ankle Lock!

The submission of choice. This man has used this submission to make some of the toughest men alive tap out! Not only tap out, but tap out and beg for mercy! If he catches you in there, he will do whatever he can to break your ankle! What do you do when your ankle is broken and you look up at the clock and you know there is no getting out of this torture until that 60 minutes expire! What do you do?

You beg for mercy!

What do you do if the begging for mercy does not work?


.... or do you?

What if you didn't need to walk to survive 60 minutes? What if all you needed to do was....

.... slither?

What if you could fight by attacking your opponent with some of the most deadliest attacks in the wrestling world from out of nowhere?

Strike! Slither. Strike! Slither.

What if you fought like a snake?

Or better, yet; what if you were the snake?

The Viper!

Would lasting in the ring with a merciless, Iron Man be more dangerous then being inside of the ring with a merciless and poisonous viper?

What if this slithering man was the most decorated man in KWF history? What if this slithering man has used his slithering ways to rise to the top of the KWF, over and over again! What if this slithering man was the first?

The first KWF Intercontinental Champion.

The first KWF King Of The Ring.

The first MAN to ever DEFEAT The Undertaker at Wrestlemania; WM2.

What if it was meant for this viper to add another first to the column.

The first MAN to ever DEFEAT Kurt Angle in an Iron Man match....?

His name is....



A man who is also a KWF World Champion. A man who also held that same title he was the first to win, Intercontinental Championship, twice. He is by far the man who has accomplished the most as far as holding titles goes.

This man was ready to become the first ever Triple Crown winner in KWF history. He was ready to win the Tag Team Championships and Kurt Angle was going to help him do it! The Olympic Gold Medalist knew that the man lying through his slithering tongue was a snake no matter how hard he tried to pretend he wasn't. After heat boiled over stolen change, Kurt Angle was sold that Randy Orton was a snake and cost Randy and himself the chance to become the Tag Team Champions.

It was now time for The Viper to move to a new plan. Plan B.

BE the first man to defeat Kurt Angle in an Iron Man match.

They have attacked each other throughout the weeks leading up to this match, but that was just a sample.

An Iron Man.

A Viper.

Their first match ever.

60 minutes.

Iron Man match.

Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton

Jim Ross- This is going to be the middle of the show. Many consider this match to be main event worthy and that's what it got its special spot in the fifth match. A match that many look at as one of the elite matches. It'll be holding down the middle of the show and really let the world know how this night is going to be. It'll either be a great transition or a poor transition to the second half. With these two guys going at it, I'm going to say that it's going to be an excellent transition! What can I say about this match? Two of the most decorated KWF superstars will be going at it with one another for their first time ever and it's going to be in a 60 minute Iron Man match! That's insane! I think I spoke too much, so let me just make my prediction quick. I'm picking this man because I'm going with the favorite. I do not believe that this man can lose a 60 minute Iron Man match against no human being alive. I'm choosing Kurt Angle!

King- There is no question in my mind who I am picking in this. I get that it's going to be an instant classic, but I've watched one man come up in the biggest moments and walk out victorious and majority of the time, walk out champion. A two time holder of the Intercontinental Champion. A former KWF World Champion. He's the first and only KWF King Of The Ring and you know that's somebody I, The King, can stand by! I'm choosing Randy Orton!

Paul Heyman- I have one thing that truly sold me on who I think is going to walk out victorious. I asked myself one question. What do you think is a more impressive feat? Being the first man to ever defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania? Or being the first man to ever defeat Kurt Angle in an Iron Man match? The answer is simple. If a man can survive the pressure, the aura of facing AND defeating The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, that man can handle 60 minutes with a mere mortal. No disrespect, but surviving the dead man is easier then surviving 60 minutes of Kurt Angle. Iron or not! I'm choosing Randy Orton!

Michael Cole- Listen, if you sit back and look at the track record of these two men in the KWF, it truly becomes a dream match. A dream match that gets to be put in such a majestic match. A 60 minute Iron Man match! Once you look past all that, you look at the thing that is staring you right in your eyes. It's not a snake. It's the facts! The fact is Kurt Angle has never lost in an Iron Man match and Randy Orton is going to have to truly beat the Iron Man to earn my pick. If this was a different match, I'd probably go with the man with all the titles. Except, this is NOT a regular match. This is a Iron Man match and I'm going with the man who has earned my pick as the winner. I'm choosing Kurt Angle!

Josh Matthews- This is, by far, the match that is going to steal the show. I look up and down at this excellent card and I look through all the legendary matches that will take place, but I see this as the match that actually describes; wrestling! Sure, the other matches will have their own aura, their own meaning, their own legendary snap of a photo moment. This match, however, is the match that is going to have you on the edge of your seat, behind every single second of that hour, not knowing who is going to win. I thought long and hard about this and it's been very tough to vote against this man in the KWF. He has earned this match, he has earned this moment. He has earned the opportunity to end yet another illustrious streak! He can truly solidify himself as the greatest KWF wrestler of all time with a win at Summerslam. I'm choosing Randy Orton!

Kurt Angle- 3 (JR, Cole, PW)
Randy Orton- 3 (King, Heyman, Matthews)


This pair has been here since the KWF opened their doors. They have competed in every single Wrestlemania, they have competed in several main events of RAW. They are a duo who have outlasted many great tag teams that walked through the doors of the KWF. More then that, they are a duo who has never let jealousy or selfishness get in their friendships way. They have never split up since teaming up in the KWF!

They are living proof that friendships do still exist. Two idols to the fans. Two of the most cheered on by fans. Two of the best high flyers in the world. Two men who have fought every single battle they have been in for what is "best". For what is "good". They have fought in every single war to defend the KWF. They are ready to do it, again.

Their names are....




They are your KWF Tag Team Champions!

When they won their titles, they were sidetracked by an infection that was starting to take over the KWF. Well, maybe sidetracked wasn't the correct word,


The Hooligans were taken out of action for several weeks of the season. Instead of celebrating and defending their Tag Team Championships, they were at home, forced to watch from the television set.

Forced to watch the men, the group that put them there.

The Society.

These two men are the same two men who set The Kid up, the night the world shook. The night The Society was born.

These two men were most to blame for keeping The Hooligans hospitalized and home. These two crazed individuals.

One man prides himself as The American Dragon. He made his debut in the KWF, bought in by his then manager, JBL. When he felt that he was being taken advantage of, he physically ended it with JBL. After being embarrassed at Wrestlemania 3 and losing the teacher versus student battle, this man made sure that once the revelation of The Society was finalized, he would get his revenge.

Revenge he got. He annihilated his former manager. Revenge was taken.

One half of this killer duo is nickname, The American Dragon. His name is....



This man is also responsible for bringing in his partner. The same partner that earned his KWF contract by defeating The Big Show for his. He didn't just defeat The Big Show, he annihilated and literally chopped him down from the neck up and then choked him to sleep!

A man who perfected the sleeper hold to a deadly grip is a man who also perfected something else he is more proud of.

The brains of The Society.

The mastermind of The Society.

His name is....



The man who put the whole plan together is also the same man with the most sadistic brain in the business.

His change of facial expressions shows the change of personalities going on in his brain.

He does not look at his opponents as humans, but looks at them as objects that need to be broken down to their ash.

These two men are proud members of The Society, they are Bryan Danielson and Dean Ambrose!

Who will walk out the Tag Team Champions?

The Hooligans (c) (Brian Kendrick & Paul London)
The Society (Bryan Danielson & Dean Ambrose)

Jim Ross- Every single time The Hooligans have been involved in a match, I have found myself cheering for them! There is something about their personality, their heart, their strength that makes these two smaller men look like superheroes when they fly through the air! Two men that you can not break apart! They would rather succeed as a team, then solo. They find it more fun that way. If you really think about it, they're right! It does not get any better then doing a job you love to do with a friend you love to be around! Even though, I will be cheering them on and hoping they can stun the world, I will have to be honest and show that I am not being biased about my picks. Every single person I selected to win, I have truly thought out and pictured them winning. There is no way to slice this one. I just can't see the two men I will be cheering for survive a match with two of the most craziest men in the KWF. I'm choosing The Society!

King- Ha, ha! If Jim Ross doesn't select The Hooligans, then who will? Not me! I agree with the way you ended your choice, JR. Two of the craziest men in the KWF. That is exactly what the next Tag Team Champions are going to be. I'm choosing The Society!

Paul Heyman- I see this match going one way. The crowd silent. Their heroic, lovable underdogs flat on their backs, not moving. No longer champions. Standing above them will be a crazed individual and a crazed genius, with Tag Team Championships raised high in the air. Those two crazed individuals standing above them are my picks to walk out the winners. I'm choosing The Society!

Michael Cole- I try and convince myself that The Hooligans are a team with heart. Now I'm speaking for myself when I say this, but I do believe that The Hooligans will fight with everything they got inside of them. I do believe that the crowd will be on their feet, backing them up throughout the match. Throughout the pain, throughout the torture, throughout whatever is going to happen in this match. The Hooligans have stepped into the ring with just about every single Tag Team in the KWF, but never a team like this. I'm choosing The Society!

Josh Matthews- You know what? Screw it! I'm going in this one alone, just like The Hooligans would do for me. You see, as a man who aspired to be a professional wrestler, I always knew my biggest problem would be my size. Well, these two guys are two men that I have looked up to as a fan and a professional because they do what they want, when they want, no matter what people tell them to do! If somebody tells them that they can't do it, they prove them wrong! They're nickname speaks for itself and it makes men of my stature proud every single time I see them run to the ring and defend what is right! Defend the KWF! Their blood has shed for this company and I would not be surprised if it doesn't continue to shed at Summerslam, but one thing that I don't see leaving their bodies that night, is the Tag Team Championships! I'm choosing The Hooligans!

The Society- 5 (JR, King, Heyman, Cole, PW)
The Hooligans- 1 (Matthews)



Exactly how it reads.

A match that has made and ended careers shall take place on this monster card.

Speaking of monsters, one of the two men competing in this fight, is the bosses most trustworthy muscle. The same muscle that made a career being extreme!

The same monster that unburied the zombie, the boss, The Kid.

On that moment, both men swore to protect each other and fight for the same thing. The KWF.

The Man Beast will be going into this battle, feeling like he has the advantage. Why?

Why not?

Everything goes. You can get as extreme as you want to get. One of the originators of extreme, a man who has made himself famous for being extreme, gets to be extreme and defend the place he has been defending since he returned. The KWF!

When a new virus came to attack his boss and his home, he stepped right up to the plate. However, what happened next was not something he had in mind.

He was thrown off the stage and went crashing through several tables.

A man who was raised around extreme was reunited with extreme the moment another human being threw him off the stage. The Man Beast was ready to eat, again!

Who is The Man Beast?!

His name is....



He is the human definition of his name, of a rhinoceros.

He uses his body to mutilate and destroy bodies in front of him. His favorite attack has split his opponents in half on several occasions. When the attack lands, the whole crowd simultaneously screams one word over and over again.


However, to win this match, you have to beat your opponent down so badly that he stays down for the 10 count.

What happens if a man just refuses to stay down?!

What if you can beat one man over and over again and he just continues to fight?

What do you do when this man is a man who turned his back on the same place he was when the doors opened, the same place he once fought to defend when an Invasion arose, is your opponent? What do you do when he is now fighting for the opposing side?

What do you do if he fights for The Society?!

This mans name is....



A man who once lived his KWF career through three words. Hustle. Loyalty. Respect.

Some say he turned his back on his morals the night that he turned his back on the KWF and joined The Society. Stunning the whole world. Some say that he took the easy way out. If you can't beat'em, join'em!

John Cena disagrees with those statements.

He believes he still lives by that code and he still does it for what he believes in. He believes in The Society!

After being cornered and left alone, John Cena took the beating from the KWF superstars with his codes, in tact. He took the beating of his life, but still showed up the following week for revenge. He came back to work and said these famous words:

"If The Society needs you to take an ass beating by yourself one day, you come right back to work the next day and you ask your men; DO YOU NEED ME TO DO IT, AGAIN?!"

The former Intercontinental Champion lost his title and fell short to the leader of The Society, but has not set his goals on walking out with gold on this summer night in Brooklyn.


Neither man have.

Each man has just one goal.

Be the last man standing.

John Cena vs Rhyno

Jim Ross- This is going to be a war! An absolute war! One man who knows how to use extreme to it's core and one man who is willing to take all the punishment he needs to take if it means he's walking out victorious. I have to say that this might hurt me, but I'm going with what I truly believe. I still truly believe that this man has good inside of him and that this man will eventually wake up and see that he is following a selfish leader and a selfish group. I really think this man is better then this as a person, but I also truly believe that this man is good enough to walk out victorious. I'm choosing John Cena!

King- Nobody really knows what Rhyno is capable of. He has only wrestled in a handful of matches in the history of KWF and although he has decimated men that have stepped into the ring with him, he hasn't truly stepped into a match on such a big event, against a man who is used to the spotlight and fought! He can be as extreme as he wants to be, but he hasn't proven himself as anything in the KWF, except for The Kid's body guard. I'm choosing John Cena!

Paul Heyman- He hasn't proven himself as anything in the KWF, because he doesn't have to! The Man Beast is a name and a man that everyone who watches and works for the KWF know and fear! Maybe I'm biased or maybe I'm just the only one thinking! A Last Man Standing match! It doesn't get any more extreme then that! Jackie Robinson may have been made famous in Brooklyn, but this Last Man Standing match in Brooklyn, New York, at Summerslam, is going to be in The Mans Beast ball park! I'm choosing Rhyno!

Michael Cole- Listen, I love the KWF and love working here. I applaud the effort by The Kid and the men that are fighting to defend the KWF from this disease. The thing is; this disease is not a disease. It's a group of men who have joined forces and are truly the best in the world! The Kid can throw anybody at them, but The Society is made up of the greatest superstars in the KWF. My pick is one of them. I'm choosing John Cena!

Josh Matthews- One GORE can keep a normal man down for hours, days, weeks, months, years or even forever! The thing is Rhyno is not facing a normal man. Rhyno is stepping into the ring with a man who never backs down. Sure, he may have joined the man he couldn't beat in The Society, but personal tastes aside, this man still brings it to that ring every single week. Many still question his loyalty to The Society and still speculate that this could just be his way to take the World Championship off of the waist of his leader, but there has been no sign that it's coming. I think it's just hope that we would get that same man back. Well, we might not get him back personally, but you can probably bet your last dollar that this man is going to be that same "never give up" man when it comes to getting it done in that ring. I think he will survive and be the last man standing. I'm choosing John Cena!

John Cena- 5 (JR, King, Cole, Matthews, PW)
Rhyno- 1 (Heyman)


Six men embark on a mission that only some in the KWF have embarked on before. A ladder match!

Some of the most classic moments in KWF history have happened in a ladder match. Shawn Michaels successfully defended his KWF World Championship against Kane in the first ever KWF PPV, No Mercy. After grabbing the title, Shawn Michaels proved he was the "showstopper" with a flying elbow drop right through Kane and a table.

The only way to win a ladder match is to climb to the top and retrieve the prize. In this match, the prize is one of the most coveted titles in the KWF. A title that has been defended in a ladder match once before in the KWF, but never like this. That title is the Intercontinental Championship!

Out of the six men in this match, only two of them have been in a KWF ladder match before. Both have seen success. One of those two men is the man walking into the ring the champion.

In his first ever KWF Ladder match, he went one on one with then Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton. A dominant champion who was ready to show his craft by competing against one of the best high flyers in the game, in a ladder match. The Viper struck with an RKO off the ladder, but this high flying fan favorite showed no quit as he challenged his opponents climb up the ladder. This man stole the show when he snapped The Viper in half, with one of the most sick and twisted Styles Clash ever, from a ladder! The Viper was paralyzed and the fan favorite made his slow climb up the ladder to finally earn his dream of holding a title. The crowd chanted two letters back to back, back to back. He became champion.

Fast forward to KWF Se7en and this man is once again holding that championship that had the whole world on their feet the first time he won it. Those loud chants of his name vanished into silence as this man won the Intercontinental Championship for his second time. Leader of The Society, double champion at the time, CM Punk, laid on his back and on that night, everything changed. There was a new Intercontinental Champion and a new member of The Society.

He is The Phenomenal One. His name is....



The world was astonished, but with being champion comes new duties. The duty to defend.

One man was going to do whatever it took to make sure that come the season finale, he would not be walking out the Intercontinental Champion.

The story about this guy is truthfully unknown. Never really wondered where a child from a small borough in New York could turn the whole world upside down with the greatest federation of wrestling there is, the KWF. The questions may remain unanswered for the time being, or forever, but not many questions go unanswered.

This man was no longer the boss of the KWF, but he was a man who was at war FOR his KWF. His war with The Society has forced "desperation mode" and sometimes desperate calls are disastorous. This man has only been in two wrestling matches in his career, against The Undertaker and against CM Punk. He has faced tough competitors, but he has never had to be involved in a match so intense. So exciting. So genius.

That he created.

A six man ladder match where the chances of AJ Styles remaining the champion, drop increasingly. This man shocked the world when he announced himself as the sixth and final entry into this match. He was no longer just going to watch the war between the KWF and The Society be handled by his employees, he was going to put on his gear and go defend it in the most intense way possible. A six man ladder match!

A man at 6'2, 225 pounds may not seem like a small man, but his lack of experience in the ring may cost him. This man would rather die then watch his KWF get killed.

He is the boss. His name is....



As the boss, him going into battle has bought legitimacy to this war. After weeks of being tortured by The Society, he was going to work his way into one of the matches and why not go for the coveted Intercontinental Champion while we're at it.

However, The Kid has made it clear that he would rather AJ Styles not walk out champion then himself win the championship. He knows his role in the KWF and he would rather watch The Society crumble then selfishly hold a title over more deserving. He has shown his loyalty to his employees and some of them do not take it the right way.

One of the men, being an opponent who truly believes he deserved the one on one opportunity from the start. A man who stood up to The Society alone and got ripped apart by them, but kept coming back for more. He claimed to have done it all for the KWF. As a former holder of the Intercontinental Championship, a title he won in his debut in the KWF....

.... this man believed he should've gotten the shot alone. His claim to awesomeness has him truly believe that he would walk out champion, again. His lack of faith from his boss has him angry, remorseful. He wants to come into this ladder match and prove to his boss and opponent, The Kid, that he could do it all by himself. He wants to prove his claim to awesomeness. His name is....



His words may have gone ignored, but one man decided to laugh about them. The man being The Billion Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase. A man who has led so many superstars to success as a manager in the KWF. To the old Money Inc. consisting of Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak and the late, Garrison Cade. Together, they compiled four titles. That was the Money Inc. then.

It's KWF Se7en and there is a new Money Inc now. His first call up of a three may be the most lethal one, yet. He is a pale skinned, ginger, with no soul and no mercy. His hard hitting has proven to be lethal. His Brogue Kick is known to concuss his opponents. A man with strength like no other in this match, the man from Ireland! His name is....



The Billion Dollar Man dared The Miz to prove his worthiness for this match by taking on his Ginger Giant. The Miz did not back down from the challenge, but was no match for Money Inc. and the strength of Sheamus. Both men will now get their opportunity to rise to the occasion and possibly walk out with that title they have both chased throughout the season.

To climb the ladder in this match after all the grueling punishment that has more then likely been handed out to you during that match, is amazing. This man was a part of the 6 men who revolutionized tag team ladder matches, between more then 2 teams. In the KWF he has been involved in a few, but failed to win on all occasions. He believes that this is the time for him to prove he can do it. To make that climb.

A climb he made in morality at Wrestlemania 3. He fought his old, best friend, Edge in what was to be Edge's final match. Edge tried to retire earlier, but this man was not going to let a career of shadows just float away that easily. No. This man forced Edge to have one final match. They did.

Edge won.

This mans life changed at that very moment. He had two roads in front of him. A road to jealousy and anger or a road to happiness and success. He choose the right road. Hugging it out with his best friend had the crowd on their feet. His voyage for personality redemption was on its way in the start of this season. This whole life changing moment may have reached its climax. The six man ladder match. The match that could take this man out of the shadows, out of the loss column in KWF ladder matches and into a successful title run with the Intercontinental Championship.

This man is here for his big moment.

His name is....



The final man that will take part in this climb is a man who is a part of a whole other climb. A climb to the podium of the world to have all their brothers rise. When the brothers rise to their feet, they are to throw one fist directly into the air. This is no longer about asking for equality. It was now time to vocalize how they're going to get it and show the world how it's done.

This man represents the movement. A movement that would have a huge boost if their man walked out the Intercontinental Champion.

This man is now ready to throw his fist into the air, go BALLIN', prove to the world that he is the most athletically gifted wrestler alive. His swag is only duplicated by his in ring ability. A man who has never shied away from epic encounters in the KWF, including ending the career of the legendary Hulk Hogan. A career that started at the top with his then hype man, manager, Elijah Burke. The same man who has changed his ways and took over The Nation.

They eventually split and the demise of this man was beginning. He was all alone in a world where he was sliding down the mountain. Joining the movement of The Nation Of Domination has this man in an opportunity to climb up that unstable ladder, climb your whole body up with a whole nation on your back and grab that Intercontinental Championship!

The black attire, the black bandaid with the black headband. This man is ready to represent his Nation. His name is....



These six men all have a 1 out of 6 chance of winning. The goal for the boss is to make sure the Intercontinental Championship does not end up with The Society after the night. That leaves the current Intercontinental Championship in a bit of a disadvantage, knowing the rest of the men will try and impress their boss. However, it is a challenge that the title defender is willing to take on, head first.

Phenomenal ONE!

Awesome ONE!

ONE Celtic!

ONE Nation!

ONE Moment!

ONE Boss!

ONE Ladder.

ONE Championship.

ONE Winner.

ONE hell of a climb.

AJ Styles (c) vs The Kid vs The Miz vs Sheamus vs Christian vs MVP

Jim Ross- The moment I heard The Kid announce himself into this match as the sixth man, I knew that things were about to change. I really stand by my belief that The Kid made a bad decision going into this match. He should've let somebody else earn that spot. He is putting his body at risk and it just doesn't feel right for him. I don't think it feels right for AJ Styles, either, but if I had to choose, I would say that we're going to get a new champion. I'm going for the man I'll be rooting for. His chance at getting a moment. I'm choosing Christian!

King- This is going to be such an exciting match. I wonder how many of those other four men inside of the ring are going to have their eyes set on taking out their boss. Why not? It's legal and you can't get fired! Ha, ha! Anyways, I, too, think we're going to have a new champion. I'm just playing smart money on this. I've rarely been wrong when I bet for The Billion Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase, but I think his man is going to walk out champion on this night. I'm choosing Sheamus!

Paul Heyman- Boom. Crack. Smack. Shatter. Bodies! Bodies will be getting tortured throughout this match. A test of endurance and survival skill will be taking place for all six men inside of that ring that night. Although, this man may be the weakest in the match, I am picking the man who has entrusted in me running the new show he is starting up, KWF WORTH. I appreciate that opportunity, so I am going to repay him. I will be cheering him on to walk out Intercontinental Champion in his home of New York, when it goes down at the new Barclay Center in Brooklyn, New York. I'm choosing The Kid!

Michael Cole- Well, I guess since you just returned to the KWF about a week ago, kissing the bosses ass may be the best thing to do right now. Ha, I've been in this business long enough. I know when someone has a good opportunity and when someone doesn't. I will give our boss this, though, he has guts. I just don't think he has what it takes to make it through a match like this and climb a ladder and pull down a title. He is not built for this. I'm going with the only man in this match that is a proven winner of a ladder match and will be going 2-0 in Intercontinental Championship Ladder matches. I know he's on The Society, but in order to be a champion, you need to really beat him. I don't see it happening here. He will overcome the odds and drive The Kid crazy. I'm choosing AJ Styles!

Josh Matthews- You know, I was thinking, sometimes I enjoy loving this sport and this job as much as I do, but it's matches like this that have me fall in love in the first place. I'm going all fan mode for this match. I am team KWF and I am going for the boss to walk out victorious. His third match and it's another instant classic. He really adds something to all of his matches when he is involved and this one is even bigger then it was. I'm choosing The Kid!

AJ Styles- 2 (Cole, PW)
The Kid- 2 (Heyman, Matthews)
Christian- 1 (JR)
Sheamus- 1 (King)
MVP- 0


In the history of the wrestling world, two men have made themselves legends in two unimaginable ways. Darkness.

However, always being a part of different worlds of wrestling, the opportunities to get their hands on each other and prove to the world the true leader of darkness, this war was stalled. Well, up until The KWF!

One man has made a career of himself as being labeled The Phenom. The Dead Man. A man who just over a year ago had his streak ended by Randy Orton. A man who thought he lost his touch after losing his streak. As The Dead Man prepared to let himself go "Rest.... In.... Peace", he was attacked. He was attacked by the other legend of the dark.

These two men have finally crossed paths. Their match at Wrestlemania 3 was a classic, but the winner was....



He proved to himself that night that he was still the king of the playground. He also made the victory at Wrestlemania to prove that the one loss he got prior may be his last at the grand stage of them all. He proved himself.

However, the success for The Dead Man meant that their was failure for the other. A failure to prove. A failure to feast. A failure to take over darkness for their own. The former white and black face paint was now smeared with marks of red. The bleeding from inside The Crows Nest for the loss to The Dead Man. This man left The Crows down and knew that he had to start making his demands for rematch heard. He was summonsing The Dead Man.

After the most brutal feasting of all time, this man finally got what he wanted. His rematch. His chance at redemption. A man obsessed. His name is....



The calls have been answered, the signatures have been signed. A season of torture given out by The Crows Nest finally meets its main purpose. The leader of The Crows Nest to redeem himself and the crows by taking out The Dead Man. By taking out The Dead Man, you take over the darkness. Who will the darkness belong to in their second battle?

One man hails from the bottom pits of hell and one man floats in the darkness with the crows.

The Dead Man.

The Stinger.

The match that speaks for itself.

Part Deux.

The Undertaker vs Sting

Jim Ross- Their first face to face moment at Wrestlemania 3 bought goosebumps down my spines. That match was an instant classic. Both men fought their hearts out, but The Undertaker walked out victorious. Sting has been on a rampage, using his blonde members of The Crows Nest to sacrifice people. They sacrificed The Dudley Boyz and then that gruesome scene of the crows feasting on the bodies of The Hardy Boyz. Disgusting! This man is absolutely obsessed and he proved it by laughing when he senses The Undertaker behind him in the closing moments of the final RAW. He wants The Undertaker like his life depends on it, but I don't know. When you go into a match against The Undertaker, you can bring all the crazy you want, but you are facing a legend. I'm choosing The Undertaker!

King- I've seen both men dominate throughout their careers. They have never really gotten the opportunity to prove themselves against each other and Wrestlemania 3 proved something to me. It proved that The Undertaker thrives under pressure. Sting proved that he doesn't thrive under pressure, no. He punishes. I think that revenge will be handed on this night. I'm choosing Sting!

Paul Heyman- Sting has been repulsive on his quest to get The Undertaker. He had to wait until the final RAW just to sense him behind him and we all saw how happy he got about that. He sacrificed himself to be attacked by The Dead Man, because he knew the moment he obsessed over all season was going to get it's battle. I applaud a man who looks at a match against The Undertaker as anything, but a ride in hell. Then again, they're fighting for hell. I'm choosing Sting!

Michael Cole- The Undertaker and Sting have proven themselves to be masters of mind games. So far, in this war, I really believe that The Undertaker is winning the mental edge. He's actually winning both edges. I think he is already too far, deep into the brain of The Stinger to lose. The face paint of Sting has changed, his whole persona has changed. He wants this rematch with a sick passion, but I think he's walking into hell and the Devil is not losing in his playground. I'm choosing The Undertaker!

Josh Matthews- A dream match! As a kid when you throw out dream matches, this is always in the top 3 to 5 matches that gets thrown out. The KWF has always been the place to put those dreams together and at Wrestlemania 3, these two men put on a classic and gave the crowd what they have always dreamed of. The dream will continue and this dream is in a nightmares playground. Two men who are so different that they're so alike. Two legends of wrestling and legends of the darkness. The rafters, the caskets! This is their second match and I'm going for the tie, wooo! I'm choosing Sting!

Undertaker- 3 (JR, Cole, PW)
Sting- 3 (King, Heyman, Matthews)


Up for grabs is the biggest prize of them all. A prize that has only been held by 4 men in the KWF in all of its existence. A prize that will once again be defended. For the second year in a row at Summerslam, this prize will be defended in a triple threat match. However, this time the rules have changed a little. Last year, it was a triple threat match and we watched a new champion capitalize on a champion eliminating the other. This time, it only takes one pinfall. One submission.

One man.

The KWF World Champion shook the world of the KWF. The leader of The Society. The man who ended the main event of Wrestlemania 3, by tossing out both competitors in what was supposed to be the final match in the KWF. His reasoning?


This man believed that holding the biggest prize deserves to main event every PPV. A topic that was heavily discussed throughout media before and especially after the fact. Especially considering that the match this man was in was a CHAMPION vs CHAMPION match. He felt that he lost his spot to two men who have feuded for decades and are true enemies of one another.

One of the two men is the first ever KWF World Champion. A championship he held for 2 years and 2 months, before finally losing it. Since then, he has yet to stop chasing that prize. Chasing that dream. Chasing that object that made him the man he is. His name is....



The showstopper.

The Heart Break Kid.

Mr. Wrestlemania.

You can't call him anything else as he has main evented all 3 Wrestlemania's in KWF history. Not only has he main evented, but he has continued to steal the show every single timing. He backs up everything.

Going into Wrestlemania 3, his obsession was getting that World Title back, but he lost the opportunity. As he was obsessing over getting the opportunity and looking for his Wrestlemania moment. He wanted to main event and when the announcement was made that Wrestlemania 3 was going to take place in Canada, one man came to make his dreams come true.

He came for closure.

He came for revenge.

This man has been a member of the KWF since the beginning, as well, but has yet to get a World Title shot. He was the first man to win the Royal Rumble in the KWF, but he did not main event Wrestlemania. He lost his opportunity to Steve Austin at the next Pay Per View. He was that close to getting his shot at Shawn Michaels. He lost it.

This man continued to have big matches and he had one of his greatest performances ever when he went one on one against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair in a Retirement Match. He stole the show and picked up the victory.

After that match, he decided to take a break. He felt that even though he won, he may have had his last great match. However, as he sat home and watched an obsessed Shawn Michaels run around, looking for a title opportunity. Looking for a big moment. A thought went through his mind.

Where is MY big moment?

He watched Shawn Michaels hold the KWF World Championship for 2 years and 2 months, shattering records and NEVER got a title shot. He was now watching Shawn Michaels, a man who held that title for such a long time, try and get it back, again. More thoughts started going through his head.

Montreal Screwjob.

Decades of hatred started to build up in him. He knew that even if he tried to call it quits, he was never going to be able to sit in peace unless he got his hands on him. It was finally time to take those decades of hatred and turn it into violence. It was time for closure. This man was ready to get back into that ring and get a new ending to his career, an ending he wanted. A retirement match. His main goal.

Retire on his own terms, do NOT let Shawn Michaels be the man to retire you.

Not in Canada!

Not at Wrestlemania!

His name is....



The best there is. The best there was. The best there ever will be.

The Hitman.

It was time for the match. They were set to close their rivalry once and for all and to close out the KWF, forever.

In Canada, the desperate Shawn Michaels accepted the challenge. His first attempt to come out, he was attacked by fans. He had to disappear to the back and went looking for extra security. Showing his heart and passion, he marched out for a second time, surrounded by security guards with his opponent inside of the ring. Bret Hart awaited.

Both men went at it with everything they had as Canada watched in anticipation. Both men knew that after this match was over, one man was going to have that sick and horrible feeling inside of their stomach. That horrible memory that the man that ended their career was the man that they hated more then anybody in their whole life. A match with true hatred was being battled in a career match. The perfect way to end a career. The perfect way to end the KWF.

However, what both men and the whole world got that night was something nobody expected.

Shawn Michaels was the first man to be thrown off the stage.

As Canada watched in disbelief, Bret Hart was the second man thrown off the stage.

Standing alone at the top of the stage with a grin on his face, was the DOUBLE CHAMPION!

His name is....



The best in the world.

The leader of The Society.

The Double Champion.

CM Punk stood tall at the end of the KWF with a huge grin on his face. The KWF ended with CM Punk standing at the top of the stage with two titles. The champion found his way to be the talk of the night, without fighting in the main event.

The questions began to flow.

Will The Kid allow this? What will The Kid do?

They did not have to wait long as the boss reopened the doors, angry that his magical, closing moment was ruined. He was going to make sure that CM Punk was not going to walk out champion when they squared off one on one.

CM Punk won.

Thanks to Shawn Michaels.

That title did not belong to the boss. If there was one man who was going to be taking that title off of CM Punk, it was the first man to ever hold it. It was going to be Shawn Michaels. He was going to get his revenge on CM Punk his way.

However, Shawn Michaels wasn't the only one to get thrown off of the stage. He also wasn't the only one looking for revenge. The other man had revenge ready for two men and his retirement was put on hold. It has been put on hold until he gets his closure. He came at both men and the war then ensued.

For CM Punk, this is personal. This is for his KWF World Championship. The prize he loves. However, this had more to do with how he felt wrestling should be. The Society was made to put together the six greatest performers in the KWF. The present and the future. Not the past.

CM Punk is here to extinct the past.

Extinct The Hitman.

Extinct The Heart Break Kid.

Stand tall as the best in the world.

At Summerslam, the first season of KWF Se7en comes to a close. Closing up the show will be three of the greatest wrestlers of all time fighting for the KWF World Champion.

Three men.

One pinfall or submission wins it.

One goal.

That leads to the final question....

.... who will close out Season 1 the KWF World Champion?


Jim Ross- This is it. The match that closes out the show. Three of the greatest in ring performers of all time. A match where two men will try their best to prove that age is nothing, but a number! They are not going out there to try and compete with the KWF World Champion, or try and catch up! No, they're coming to walk out World Champion and steal the show while doing it! This is the toughest decision there is, but I think Summerslam ends with history being made. I think the man that walks out victorious and finishes Season 1 the KWF World Champion is going to win that title for his second time. I'm choosing Shawn Michaels!

King- Ah! I am so excited about this match. Yes, CM Punk has had the advantage throughout this season thanks to the backing from The Society. However, that man has been locked in a Sharpshooter and has been laid out by the Sweet Chin Music. His war on the KWF has concluded with him having to take out two men that are the perfect example of what he is sick of seeing in the KWF. The past. I think he's going to go out there, steal the show, end his opponents career and seal himself as a legend. I'm choosing CM Punk!

Paul Heyman- Do people actually realize the importance of this match? Two men are involved that have nothing, but pure hatred for each other. I mean it when I use the word "pure". There is no hatred that could be duplicated to theirs. They were ready to finish up their lifelong feud in one final match. They were ready to finally do it and one man took that all away from them. The KWF World Champion took it all away from them and when you take food away from a dog, you better expect repercussions. The fact that the KWF World Champion was ready for everything that got thrown his way proves what kind of a champion he is. Whether it's age or just talent, CM Punk has stayed one step ahead of his opponents throughout. I think at Summerslam, he will continue that pattern and continue being the champion. I'm choosing CM Punk!

Michael Cole- This truly is a tough choice to make. I just don't know who to pick, but if I had to really think about it, I have to be honest. Only one man wants that title more then the other. I'm going to be completely honest with my answer. Bret Hart just wants revenge so he could retire in peace. CM Punk just wants to wage war on the KWF. Shawn Michaels has been without that title that he held for 26 months for a year and a half now. How ridiculous does that sound? He held that title longer then he's been without it and I think come Summerslam, he is going to go out there and bring it back. I'm choosing Shawn Michaels!

Josh Matthews- You know, I really feel bad for Bret Hart. How magical would it have been for him if he could end the career of Shawn Michaels in his hometown of Canada? It all got taken away. Now, I feel like this man is not getting the love he deserves. All it takes is him trapping you in that ring alone and locking in the Sharpshooter. Do we realize that he has been in the KWF from the very beginning, won a Royal Rumble and NEVER fought for the title? This man loves the wrestling business and he has been screwed over time and time again. CM Punk has been running roughshot through the KWF, but that is thanks to The Society. Well, they're banned from ringside through all matches they are not scheduled for, so what good is that going to do? No good. Shawn Michaels is a man that is coming into this match too desperate. He has not adapted to the life of not being the champion. He has lived his life, living up to his nicknames. The showstopper, the main event! Well, with all that pressure on him, I just think, ESPECIALLY, in a triple threat match, it's going to be too much for him to overcome. That's saying a lot! Do you know what I think is going to happen? The man I think is going to win the KWF World Championship is a man I think will RETIRE right after winning and RETIRE the KWF World Champion! That is how I see Season 1 of the KWF closing. I'm choosing Bret Hart!

CM Punk- 3 (King, Heyman PW)
Shawn Michaels- 2 (JR, Cole)
Bret Hart- 1 (Matthews)

An arena filled with fans is shown. Everybody on their feet.

The whole ramp and stage area is covered in thick, gray smoke. The whole crowd is ready for the night to start and it looks like it's starting off with an unsuspecting surprise.


The smoke slowly begins to float away from the stage area and the black and white colors start appearing. Heads down. Some in black hats, some in white making for a beautiful visual. Everybody in Brooklyn Nets jerseys, lined up in white outfit, black outfit, white outfit, black outfit, etc.

A man walks forward in a white and black suit, not wearing a fitted hat, but a white pimp hat. Head bent forward, so we are unable to see who it is. He lifts his head and....

.... IT'S JAY Z!


The arena erupts in cheers and....


Every single person in the crowd is on their feet right now as Jay Z stands at the top of the ramp, after his excellent performance. He breathes heavily and he looks fired up. He has a microphone in his hand.


The arena is going to collapse from the amount of cheers from the Brooklyn, New York crowd. Jay Z nods his head.

Jay Z- I will see all y'all again later tonight at the mid point for the KWF's version of the half time show!

The crowd is going bananas as they are not only LIVE for the season finale of the KWF, but they are LIVE for two performances from Jay Z!

Jay Z- And since tonight the first time EVER that the KWF has come to Brooklyn, we gunna make it special, aint we?!

The crowd is drowning themselves in cheers, at this point.

Jay Z- Well, let's GO!

The crowd erupts in cheers, the night has begun.








End of Part 1.



Jim Ross- Welcome to Summerslam! I am Jim Ross and alongside me is my long time announce partner, Jerry "The King" Lawler!

King- Ha, ha! Summerslam! The season finale! We're here!

Jim Ross- We sure are. We are also LIVE for our first time ever, right here in Brooklyn, New York!

King- Yes, but tonight, we have a special guest! A special third announcer! The soon to be General Manager of the new show, KWF WORTH, the man who comes from this very state of New York, Paul Heyman!

Paul Heyman- That's right and since tonight is such a big night, they needed to bring the big man right here to announce these epic matches!

Jim Ross- Oh please.

Paul Heyman- Oh please WHAT, JR?

Jim Ross- Oh, nothing. I just have to sit here tonight with two jackasses....

Paul Heyman- Jackasses? JR, is that how you talk to your special guest? Is that how....

King- Oh, keep it down, guys! The night is about to start!

Paul Heyman- Alright, let's go! I'm pumped!

Jim Ross- Jackass.



The arena turns gold as golden confetti starts falling from the arena roof. A camera man with a gold camera comes running out and faces the entry way and we switch over to the camera mans recording and it's....


Making his way from the back is GOLDUST!

He looks into his camera and blows a kiss as he walks down the ramp. More glamorous then ever. His golden robe. His golden wrestling gear. His golden wig. His gold and black face paint. His golden camera that records his every movement as he walks down the ramp.

It does seem like Goldust is making a home movie out of this match.

He makes his way up the steel steps and climbs into the ring. His camera man quickly follows as Goldust waits for him in the middle of the ring. As the camera man reaches, Goldust does his normal rub of his body and crunches his teeth at his camera lens. The Shattered Dreams Production is officially under way. The camera guy leaves the ring and faces up the ramp as we await one of the opponents.



The crowd erupts in cheers as Cody Rhodes makes his way out from the back. He is in a black hoody and as he reaches the top of the ramp, he takes off the hood and reveals his see-through masked face. He has a very serious look on his face as he makes his way down the ramp.

He looks inside of the ring at the brother that he finally decided to trust and was betrayed by. The camera man hired by Goldust faces the camera at Cody Rhodes as he makes his entry into the ring. He charges up the steps and gets into the ring and goes to charge at his brother, but is stopped by the referee. Cody Rhodes doesn't seem like he is able to wait to get his revenge on his brother, after getting kicked in the balls on the final RAW before the season finale.

Goldust doesn't seem intimidated one bit, as he looks across at Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes is in blue and white wrestling tights with blue and white wrestling boots. He is ready to have his rebounding moment and pick up a huge victory at the season finale.


The Brooklyn crowd erupts in boos as the top of the ramp is quickly filled with Arabian women. They come out dancing and waving red cloth around as they tap their feet to the entrance music playing. All of a sudden....




The crowd can't believe it, either. The Golden Sheik, Muhammad Hassan is being carried down the ring by a fucking CAMEL!

Daivari and The Great Khali walk in front of the camel with serious looks on their faces. Muhammad Hassan keeps his eyes locked inside of the ring at the two opponents. A match he feels is a handicap match against him, more then anything. Even if they are having a brotherly feud.

The camel reaches ring side and parks itself sideways!


Muhammad Hassan steps off the camel and steps onto the ring apron. Muhammad Hassan stands there, looking into the ring at his opponents with a stern look. The Great Khali reaches up and seperates the bottom and the top rope enough for Muhammad Hassan to comfortably walk into the ring. The giant shows his incredible strength with that one.

Muhammad Hassan slowly begins to take off his religious and royal gear.

Jim Ross- What an entrance.


Muhammad Hassan vs Cody Rhodes vs Goldust

The bell sounds and the opener of the season finale, Summerslam, is officially under way!

The three men look around at each other and Muhammad Hassan is expecting the worst. All of a sudden....

.... Cody Rhodes charges at his brother, Goldust and tackles him to the mat. Cody gets on top of Goldust and begins pounding away on him, left after right. Cody Rhodes has been waiting to get that anger out on his brother for a week now and he has finally gotten his hands on him.

Muhammad Hassan sprints over to the mele and he grabs Cody Rhodes from the tights and throws him through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Cody hits the outside floor hard and Muhammad Hassan capitalizes by stomping away on the face of Goldust. Muhammad Hassan bends over and yanks Goldust up to his feet, by the head and runs him face first into the turnbuckle. Goldust bounces back and stumbles away holding onto his face and Muhammad Hassan charges at him and gives him a wicked clothesline, sending Goldust flat onto his back.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Cody Rhodes is on the apron and he quickly runs to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. Muhammad Hassan turns around to gloat after his clothesline and he is met by a flying drop kick from Cody Rhodes!

Muhammad Hassan goes flying and stumbles under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring. Quickly, Daivari sprints over to him to check on him as The Great Khali strides towards them. The camel and the dancers have all disappeared to the back now. It's time for action and right now, the camel riding, Muhammad Hassan is in pain.

Inside of the ring, Cody Rhodes gets to his feet and watches Goldust crawl over to the turnbuckle, where he tries to grab it to use it to get up. Cody charges forward and drives a knee right into the back of Goldust, sending Goldust face first into the middle turnbuckle. Cody is not going to show remorse as he follows all that up with some vicious kicks to the back of the head of Goldust. The referee has to intervene as Goldust is in a safe zone, holding onto the turnbuckle post.

Cody Rhodes is fired up and doesn't want to stop right there, so he turns his head to the outside of the ring where he sees his other opponent. Muhammad Hassan is being helped to his feet by Daivari and The Great Khali and to a normal person, that looks like help. To Cody Rhodes, it looks like an opportunity. Cody Rhodes charges across the ring and....


Cody Rhodes goes flying right into the trio of Muhammad Hassan, Daivari and The Great Khali and all three men are downed by Cody Rhodes. The bad news?

Cody Rhodes is ALSO hurting.

Jim Ross- A risk taken by Cody Rhodes early in the match, hopefully it doesn't burn him from here.

Paul Heyman- The name of that move speaks for itself. It's called a SUICIDE dive.

Jim Ross- Thanks for the definition.

King- Ha, ha!

Cody Rhodes is the first of the four on the outside of the ring to pull himself up to his feet, but he is no longer trying to put pain on The Golden Sheik. He knows the only place to win this match is inside of that ring. The same spot where his deranged, older brother is trying to push himself up to his feet. Cody sprints to the ring as he knows that if he can get in there quick enough, he can stop Goldust from getting to his feet and....

.... DDT!

Goldust was playing possum!

The head of Cody Rhodes goes crashing into the mat. Goldust may have found his moment as he glances over at his camera man, before rolling his younger brother over and onto his back and hooks the leg, for the first pin attempt of the match!





The crowd lets out a sigh as they thought that the sheer shock of being drilled directly onto your skull out of nowhere, was hard enough to take him out. Maybe on a regular night, but not on this special night. Not at Summerslam!

Goldust continues to remain in control, though as he quickly sits his younger brother up and puts him in a head lock. Goldust twists the head of Cody Rhodes, trying to cut off any room for breathing. The whole time, Goldust keeps his face focused on the camera man that he hired. He is putting on a show for himself, all at the expense of Cody Rhodes.

The crowd gets behind Cody Rhodes and he slowly begins to push himself up to his feet, trying his best to get out of that head lock. Goldust is trying his best to keep it locked, but it seems like the crowds cheering has given Cody Rhodes more strength and the adrenaline rush kicks in as he drills Goldust in the gut with a desperation elbow. He follows it with a second, a third, a fourth and the fifth one forces Goldust to relinquish the hold. Goldust stumbles away, holding onto his mid section. Cody Rhodes sees the opportunity and runs to the ropes and comes charging back at Goldust, but....


Goldust hooks the leg of Cody Rhodes for another pin fall!




Cody Rhodes is refusing to let his shoulders stay down for the three count. Goldust looks over at his camera man and smirks. He then viciously grabs his brothers head and forces him to his feet. Goldust grabs Cody by the wrist and gives him an Irish Whip into the turnbuckle and Cody slams against it hard. Goldust takes a few steps back and does his vintage, self body rub down and charges forward for a clothesline and....


Goldust crashes chest first into the turnbuckle post and turns around right into a diving clothesline from Cody Rhodes. Cody is amped up and he charges to the ropes as Goldust gets himself up to his feet and Cody comes charging off with another clothesline that sends his big brother down to the mat. Goldust doesn't seem to have the strength to get all the way to his feet as he seems to give up on his knees, but that doesn't stop the relentless Cody Rhodes. Cody runs to the ropes and comes bouncing back with a running knee right to the face of Goldust! His older brother falls onto his back and Cody Rhodes quickly jumps on top and hooks the leg for the pin!





Muhammad Hassan yanks Cody Rhodes up to his feet by his tights and then charges him shoulder first right into the turnbuckle post. The body of Cody Rhodes begins to fall forward, before his eventual bounce off the apron and crash landing to the outside of the ring.

Inside of the ring, The Golden Sheik smiles at the booing crowd as he throws his arms to the side, showing off his skill. It seems with all the tension between the Rhodes Brothers, they forgot about their other opponent, who was catching his breath on the outside of the ring. The very dangerous, Muhammad Hassan, is now in control.

The way Muhammad Hassan uses his control is differently from other men. He uses his control to humiliate his opponents, or as he likes to call them, his peasants. Muhammad Hassan cockily walks over to Goldust and drops to his knees right by the side of his body. Muhammad Hassan looks down in disgust at his golden painted opponent, before slapping him right across the face. The crowd boos as Muhammad Hassan angrily looks up at them. He follows by giving Goldust a second slap to the face, before quickly hooking the leg of Goldust, while driving his elbow into his cheek, for the pin!





That kick out gets a cheer from the crowd, but irritates Muhammad Hassan. He feels he has been embarrassed by this brotherly duo for far too long and he is here to make them pay for it. He is going to make Goldust pay with continuous humiliation. Muhammad Hassan pounds directly down on the face of Goldust with vicious right knuckles.

Outside of the ring, Cody Rhodes is slowly pushing himself up to his feet, but before he could get close enough to the ring, The Great Khali grabs Cody Rhodes from behind and throws him right into the fan barricade. The body of Cody Rhodes bounces off of it as the crowd boos the giant. The Great Khali shows no remorse as he throws his arms up into the air and lets out a monstrous roar. The referee; completely unaware.

That's because his focus is on the two men inside of the ring. The focus is on Muhammad Hassan who is focusing on the golden paint on the face of Goldust. Muhammad Hassan rises to his feet and drags Goldust by the back of his arms and slides him into the turnbuckle post, in a sitting up position. Goldust is obviously dazed from those shots to his face and has no idea what is happening before him. Before him, The Golden Sheik is walking across the ring, smirking at the booing fans. Muhammad Hassan reaches the other turnbuckle and looks over at his opponent, before lowering his knee pad. Muhammad Hassan has horrible things in mind right now. Muhammad charges forward and....


The head bounces back, whiplashing Goldust and he seems completely out of it. Muhammad Hassan is in control as he quickly rips Goldust away from the turnbuckle post by his feet, to pin him away from the ropes.





The crowd cheers as Goldust refuses to take the loss in his Shattered Dreams Production. Muhammad Hassan is disgusted by this. Muhammad bends over and yanks Goldust up to his feet and slams him back first into the turnbuckle. Muhammad angrily looks into the dazed eyes of Goldust and begins shouting into his face, calling him all kinds of degrading names. Muhammad Hassan is verbally and physically abusing Goldust at this point and he continues by slapping Goldust right across the face.

Jim Ross- Muhammad Hassan has to be the most disrespectful, son of a bitch in the KWF.

King- I've never been a fan. Remember our wars with him, JR?

Jim Ross- Of course I do. You came a second away from becoming the Intercontinental Championship.

King- Ah, the golden days!

Paul Heyman- Speaking of golden days, The Golden Sheik is continuing his humiliation of the Golden One inside of the ring. All this, while the Golden Boy is down on the outside of the ring.

It is true. Cody Rhodes is still in pain on the outside of the ring after being tossed like a rag doll by the giant body guard, The Great Khali.

Inside of the ring, Muhammad Hassan continues to scream into the face of Goldust and at the booing crowd, delivering humiliating slap after humiliating slap. Goldust may have used his last bit of energy kicking out on the two count.

However, there is one thing you never want to do.

Slap sense into Goldust.

Muhammad Hassan has now went one slap too far, because out of nowhere, Goldust grabs Muhammad Hassan by the throat with both hands and swings him around, slamming him spine first into the turnbuckle. The crowd erupts in cheers!

Goldust begins pounding away on the ribs of Muhammad Hassan, showing absolutely no remorse. The Golden Sheik lets out painful howl after painful howl. Goldust is done with the rib shots, but he has now climbed to the middle turnbuckle and he is now set on beating directly down on the face of Muhammad Hassan. The crowd chants along with every shot.


Goldust rubs his body from down to up and....

.... TEN!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Goldust jumps off the apron and quickly grabs the right leg of Muhammad Hassan and sets it up on the middle rope. He follows by doing the same thing to the left leg and the crowd is going insane in cheers. They know what's coming next. Muhammad Hassan is just too dazed to realize.

Daivari quickly jumps on the apron, causing a slight distraction, but Goldust discharges of him quickly with a huge uppercut that sends Daivari flying off the apron and right into the arms of The Great Khali. The giant gently lets Daivari go down to the floor and then begins to check on him.

However, inside of the ring, Goldust still has his opportunity. The Golden Sheik is still dazed and completely wide open for torture. Goldust looks into his camera mans camera and does a hissing sound with his mouth, before running across the ring and....


Muhammad Hassan lets out a deafening scream as the royal jewels have just been introduced to a golden boot!

Muhammad Hassan falls forward and face first onto the mat. The Golden Sheik rolls around, in pain, holding onto his groin area. Goldust quickly sprints over and hooks the leg of Muhammad Hassan for the pin!





The crowd is disappointed, as Muhammad Hassan once again reminds them of his talent. He has not held two titles on two seperate occasions for nothing. He is a very talented competitor, even if you do hate his personality.

Goldust sees that this is an opportunity that he may have lost, but he can regain back quickly. Goldust gets to his feet and picks Muhammad Hassan up with him. He walks Muhammad Hassan over to the turnbuckle and pins him against it, spine first. The camera man that Goldust hires quickly jumps on the apron to get a close up of this as Goldust smiles into the lens. He grabs the cheek of Muhammad Hassan and turns his head, so he can be directly facing the camera. The eyes of The Golden Sheik show pain. Pain he is not given any time to adjust to.

The face paint of Goldust is half off now from the match, but his face is ever so creepy and sadistic as he looks directly into the camera. Goldust licks his lips and....




Muhammad Hassan quickly charges forward and drills Goldust with a huge clothesline. Goldust collapses to the floor and rolls over to all fours, where he tries to push himself up to his feet, but Muhammad Hassan quickly drives Goldust face first to the mat with a bulldog! Goldust now lays flat on his face.

Muhammad Hassan begins wiping his mouth and spitting all over the place, as he gets to his feet. He is absolutely disgusted and enraged by this as he begins stomping away on the back of Goldust.

All of a sudden, Cody Rhodes finally gets back into the ring and charges at Muhammad Hassan and drills him with a running forearm to the back of the head. Muhammad Hassan goes stumbling forward and Cody Rhodes charges at him full speed and....

.... Muhammad Hassan sidesteps him and throws Cody Rhodes through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring. Cody Rhodes, once again, goes crashing on the outside of the ring. Muhammad Hassan is still irate from the kiss he just received from Goldust. A sin in his beliefs. Muhammad Hassan now begins to stalk Goldust as he continues to wipe his lips, trying to get rid of the black and gold glitter that now surrounds his lips. Goldust is slowly pushing himself up to his feet and when he reaches his feet, Muhammad Hassan gives him a kick right to the knee. Goldust falls down to one knee and Muhammad Hassan slaps him viciously on the side of the head. Goldust falls to his side, but pushes himself back up to his knees. Muhammad Hassan is furious as he screams down at Goldust....

.... "BOW TO ME!"

Goldust seems dazed by this and Muhammad Hassan goes for another slap, but Goldust blocks it....


Muhammad Hassan stumbles away with the vintage, from the knees uppercut from Goldust. Muhammad Hassan stumbles away and when he turns back around, Goldust greets him with a kick to the gut. Muhammad Hassan is bent over and Goldust is setting him up. One more rub of the body for Goldust and he goes to lift Muhammad Hassan up for the PILEDRI-

- NO!

Muhammad Hassan powers his legs down and....


Goldust crashes spine first to the mat and slowly begins to push himself up to his feet, trying not to give up to this pain. Goldust reaches his feet, Muhammad Hassan grabs him and....


The crowd is silent as Goldust goes crashing face first to the mat. The move that Muhammad Hassan has used to finish off some of the best competitors in the KWF may have sealed this deal. Muhammad Hassan knows it as he cockily rolls Goldust over onto his back and hooks the leg for the pin!





The crowd erupts in cheers as Cody Rhodes saved this match at the last possible moment. Cody Rhodes scrambles to his feet as the dive he took to break up the pin has him a bit off balance and he stalks Muhammad Hassan. The Golden Sheik reaches his feet and Cody Rhodes charges at him, but Muhammad Hassan once again side steps Cody Rhodes and runs him to the ropes and flips him over the top rope!

Muhammad Hassan stumbles away and towards Goldust, but....


Cody Rhodes did not fall to the outside as he caught himself on the top rope. Muhammad Hassan falls on top of Goldust and hooks the leg for the pin!





The crowd erupts in cheers as Cody Rhodes breaks up the pin with an out of nowhere, flying attack. Muhammad Hassan thought he got rid of him. Well, he thought wrong and now he's paying for it!

Cody Rhodes has been hobbled on the outside of the ring and even taken back down by the henchmen of Muhammad Hassan, at one point. He's back in this match and he has a real opportunity to have his magical moment that he has worked all season long on getting. This is his moment. Muhammad Hassan is his villain.

Cody Rhodes picks up Muhammad Hassan and they're both on their feet together and swinging neckbreaker! Muhammad Hassan's whole nek twists around as Cody hits him with that maneuver. Cody Rhodes quickly hooks the leg of Muhammad Hassan for the pin!





Cody Rhodes doesn't let that keep him down as he quickly gets up to his feet and stomps down on Muhammad Hassan. The mask he came out with, he doesn't use to wrestle with anymore, but he doesn't need to! He can clearly see what is before him and it's a huge opportunity!

Cody Rhodes quickly picks Muhammad Hassan up from the mat and pins him against the ropes. Cody gives Muhammad a hard elbow right to the chin, for assurance, before running across the ring, bouncing off the ropes and coming back with a clothesl-


Cody Rhodes crashes hard to the mat and begins to roll around, in agonizing pain. Muhammad Hassan falls down to both knees, to catch his bearing. The crowd has once again gotten all their air sucked out of them, as once again, Cody Rhodes has been thrown to the outside of the ring.

Goldust is slowly getting to his feet, with his back turned to The Golden Sheik. Muhammad Hassan finally pushes himself up to his feet and charges forward with a vicious clothesline to the back of the neck of Goldust. The Golden Man collapses flat onto his face, holding onto the back of his neck. Muhammad Hassan jumps down, driving a knee right to the lower back of Goldust. Goldust lets out a scream, but Muhammad Hassan is not done. He charges back to the ropes and comes back, dropping another knee to the lower back of Goldust. The Golden Sheik is still disgusted by the gross, disrespect he received earlier after being kissed directly in the mouth by Goldust. It has now come time for Goldust to truly pay for what he has done and he sees the opportunity. The crowd seems to know what's coming next as Muhammad Hassan inches to the head of the face first, Goldust.

Muhammad Hassan reaches forward and yanks the head of Goldust up, showing his now 1/4 painted face. Muhammad Hassan motions his hand across the throat of his opponent, signaling for the finish and he locks in the....


Muhammad Hassan swings the body of Goldust around, trying to submit him. Goldust is dazed, beaten and it looks like this pain may be too much for him to handle. The Golden Freak continues to hang in there, refusing to quit and just when hope looked like it was up....


Cody Rhodes slipped into the ring out of nowhere and just cracked Muhammad Hassan, knocking his lights out!

Muhammad Hassan collapses, flat onto his back. He seems to be out of it. Cody Rhodes hooks the leg of Muhammad Hassan for the pin! The crowd screams along, with the count!





The arena is in disbelief!

Paul Heyman- Wow!

Jim Ross- SO CLOSE! Come on, Cody! Stay on him!

King- Muhammad Hassan will not stay down! I have so much emotions running through my body right now! Come on, Cody, you can do it!

Jim Ross- What a great way to open the night!

Paul Heyman- It sure is.

Cody Rhodes doesn't seem to know what to do and he desperately looks up at the referee, holding up three fingers. The referee shakes his head and motions that Muhammad Hassan got his shoulder off on the two count. Cody Rhodes can't seem to believe it, but he knows he has to keep on going. He has to keep working through this.

Cody Rhodes slowly gets to his feet and he picks Muhammad Hassan up to his knees, but all of a sudden....

.... the referee runs over to the apron!

Daivari is trying to get into the ring. Cody Rhodes sees this and is reminded of the torture he has received from the men on the outside of the ring. Cody Rhodes lets go of Muhammad Hassan and runs across the ring and drills Daivari in the face with a hard forearm. Daivari, once again, falls off the apron and once again is caught in the arms of The Great Khali. Cody Rhodes doesn't care, anymore and....


Cody Rhodes dives right on top of The Great Khali who is holding Daivari into his arms and they go crashing to the floor, again. Another huge risk by Cody Rhodes, sends the henchmen down on the outside of the ring.

Cody Rhodes is trying to scramble to his feet, but he is exhausted from the pain he is endured throughout this match. The referee looks through the middle ropes, checking on the competitor.

Behind the referee, inside of the ring, Goldust has grabbed his camera mans camera and gets to his feet with it. Muhammad Hassan is on his feet, he stumbles around and....


Goldust immediately falls down to a knee and begins recording the stumbling body of Muhammad Hassan. The Golden Sheik stumbles around on his feet and Cody Rhodes is into the ring and....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Goldust records the whole thing from a knee all by himself.

Opponent or not!

This is the moment!

Cody Rhodes dives on top of Muhammad Hassan and hooks the right leg for the pin! The crowd screams along!




Winner- Cody Rhodes

The crowd has erupted in cheers as Goldust gets to his feet, to get a better view of the crowd and his younger brother, Cody Rhodes. Cody has finally gotten his huge moment and it's all caught on camera! It's the storybook ending to this edition of Shattered Dreams Production!

Cody Rhodes looks over at Goldust, in disbelief. Confused as to what is going on. Cody can tell that Goldust took the majority of the beaten in that match and can see it in his lack of body paint. They have done their moment.

Goldust mentored Cody Rhodes all the way to this magic moment.

The Golden Boy wins.

End of Part 2.



The cameras are in the backstage area where we see Michael Cole standing alongside The Nation Of Domination. Elijah Burke, in black wrestling gear, stands ahead of the group with his dark shades on. Standing beside him is Mark Henry. Behind him stands Monty Brown, R-Truth, MVP and Kofi Kingston.

Michael Cole- Up next is the first of the two matches for your crew tonight, The Nation Of....

Elijah Burke- My crew?! Do you hear yourself pass judgment? Do you see what only thy man in my skin color sees?

Michael Cole- I.... I....

Elijah Burke- Silence!

Elijah Burke looks directly into the camera, through his shades.

Elijah Burke- Do ya'll look at us as a crew? Or do ya'll see through the hatred and pollution of the airways, the most innovative and dominant movement of all time?

The face of Elijah Burke does not change from his calm and serious demeanor.

Elijah Burke- We are the movement of equality. We do not judge by color. Tonight we shall prove that when we step into the ring with two of our own. Two men who fail to see through the fog that is sprayed in our face by the man on top. No, they allow themselves to fall into their trap so they can continue to go on with their business. Tonight, they join forces with a white man, a man who is doing exactly what they want. Making money off of your sweat and tears. Tonight, when Booker T and Shelton Benjamin shed tears, the movement continues.

Elijah Burke goes to walk away, but Michael Cole runs up to him and stops him.

Michael Cole- I have one more question!

Elijah Burke- What?

Michael Cole- It's actually for one of your two partners tonight, it's for Kofi Kingston.

Kofi Kingston tilts his head, looking over curiously. Elijah Burke angrily goes nose to nose with Michael Cole.

Elijah Burke- Do not speak over my shoulder! You ask me the questions and I shall answer them.

Kofi Kingston- It's okay, I got this.

Kofi taps Elijah on the shoulders, assuring him.

Kofi Kingston- Ask the question, Michael.

Michael Cole- Um.... alright. Well, the big question mark in tonights match has been you. Not because of your talent, but because of your loyalties. I mean, Booker T had the same chance as you and he took the beating. People are saying that tonight is the night that you could change what you did, by taking the easy way out.

Michael Cole nervously raises the microphone towards Kofi Kingston. He shrugs.

Kofi Kingston- Well, where's the question? You didn't ask a question. What do you got to ask me?

Michael Cole- Um, well, your thoughts.

Mark Henry gets in front of Kofi and grabs the microphone out of the hand of Michael Cole, frightening the poor guy.

Mark Henry- You wanna know my thoughts?! Well, I'ma tell you them anyways!

Mark Henry gets closer to Michael Cole, finally trapping him against the wall.

Mark Henry- My thoughts are if you don't get out of our way, we gunna make that last question be yo last!

Mark Henry slams the microphone into the chest of Michael Cole, as he lets out a groan from the velocity. The Nation Of Domination walk away leaving Michael Cole all shooken up.

The six man tag match is next!




The crowd erupts in cheers as Booker T comes storming from through the curtains. He quickly raises the roof as the pyros explode. As the pyros explode, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas come storming through the curtains. All three men are amped up. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas come out, wearing their old WGTT gear. First time since their split a month before WrestleMania 2 have we seen them.

Booker T is in gold trunks and he looks ready to get some revenge. The three men enter the ring and anticipate their opponents.



The crowd erupts in boos as Elijah Burke leads the way. The six members of The Nation Of Domination line up at the top of the ramp, before simultaneously throwing their fists into the air.

Elijah Burke then leads his men down the ramp. As they reach ringside, the referee quickly begins shouting at them and....


Elijah Burke is furious as Monty Brown, R-Truth and MVP are ejected to the back.

Paul Heyman- Racist.

Jim Ross- What?! What the hell are you talking about?

Paul Heyman- It's clear as day.

Jim Ross- Are you out of your mind? You're accusing the referee of racism, meanwhile he is ejecting them to even the playing fields and make his job easier.

King- AH! Who cares? They're leaving and this match is about to get under way! I feel like I'm babysitting!

Paul Heyman- Isn't that what you call dates?


The six man tag match is about to get under way! Here we go!


Booker T, Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas
The Nation Of Domination (Burke, Henry & Kingston)

All six men are in the ring, but Mark Henry volunteers to start the match off for his guys. He looks ready to whoop somebodies ass.

On the other end, the three men are huddled up, discussing who is going to go first. Shelton Benjamin steps in front of his men, ready to get it going.

The two men begin to circle the ring as Shelton moves quickly as Henry just takes slow turns. Mark Henry waves his hands telling Shelton Benjamin to charge in and the anger does take over. Shelton Benjamin leaps at Mark Henry and begins firing away with lefts and rights. Mark Henry is caught off guard by this, for whatever reason and he begins to stumble back by the ropes. Shelton Benjamin sees the opportunity and takes a few steps back before charging forward and....

.... SPLAT!

Mark Henry clobbers Shelton Benjamin with a clothesline.

Shelton Benjamin seemed to have gotten a lot taken out with that hit and Mark Henry is not finished as he drops a heavy elbow drop right across the throat of Shelton Benjamin. Mark Henry keeps his elbow across the throat of Shelton Benjamin telling the referee to count the pin fall.




Mark Henry smiles at this and slowly gets to his feet, picking Shelton Benjamin up with him. Mark Henry laughs in the face of Mark Henry before tossing him spine first into the turnbuckle. Mark Henry doesn't waste anytime as he quickly charges forward and clotheslines Shelton Benjamin into the turnbuckle. Mark Henry smiles as he backs away watching Shelton Benjamin stumble forward and fall to all fours.

Mark Henry slowly and cockily walks towards him and just shoves him on the side of the head with his foot, forcing Shelton Benjamin to fall onto his side. Mark Henry begins screaming down at him.


Mark Henry doesn't even give him an opportunity as he stomps him on the side of the head. The crowd begins to boo the arrogance of Mark Henry as he smiles. Mark Henry then bends over and grabs the head of Shelton and begins yanking him to his corner. He then sits Shelton Benjamin up against the turnbuckle. Elijah Burke reaches in for the tag and Mark Henry smiles as he tags their leader in.

Elijah Burke quickly gets into the ring and doesn't waste time on this opportunity. Elijah Burke begins kicking away at the face of Shelton Benjamin, as he is trapped against the turnbuckle post. Elijah Burke kicks him about a dozen times, before the referee has to get in between. Elijah Burke cockily walks away and looks over at his other two opponents and throws his fist into the air. Angrily, Booker T and Charlie Haas enter the ring. Elijah Burke quickly grabs the referee and points him in their direction. The referee quickly runs over to Booker T and Charlie Haas and forces them into their corner as they give him a struggle.

That struggle is even more of a distraction as Elijah Burke quickly runs over and begins stomping Shelton Benjamin more times to the face. Mark Henry jumps off the apron and begins yanking the head of Shelton Benjamin back, forcing it against the turnbuckle and extending the neck. Mark Henry also yanks the lips and eyes apart on Shelton Benjamin, as he screams in pain.

Finally the referee is back in charge and Mark Henry releases the head. Elijah Burke casually picks Shelton Benjamin up and the referee knows nothing. Elijah Burke drags Shelton away from the turnbuckle and hits him with a DDT! The head of Shelton Benjamin bounces back and Elijah Burke quickly takes the cover.





Elijah Burke is angry by this as he stands to his feet. He grabs Shelton Benjamin by the legs and drags him back into his corner. Elijah Burke tags Mark Henry in by smacking his chest and he tells Mark Henry to do more damage to him.

Elijah Burke is not trying to break too much of a sweat out there as he wants his men to beat them down for him.

Mark Henry gets back into the ring and he bends over and picks Shelton Benjamin up and slaps him right across the face. That hard slap echoes through the arena as Shelton Benjamin falls to one knee. Mark Henry grabs him by the head and just flips him over. The body of Shelton Benjamin being treated like a ragdoll as Mark Henry shows off his strength.

Shelton Benjamin is flat on his back, but Mark wants him on his feet. That could be a dangerous move. Mark Henry lifts Shelton Benjamin onto one shoulder and charges him forward, smashing him spine first into the turnbuckle. Shelton Benjamin lets out a huge groan as Mark Henry forces him to stand straight against the turnbuckle, hanging an arm over each ropes. Mark Henry cockily walks across the ring as he pounds his chest to the booing crowd. He then turns around to look at his opponent and he charges forward going for a huge spla-


Mark Henry splats into his own turnbuckle, shaking the ring in the process. Mark Henry stumbles around as Shelton Benjamin quickly rises from one knee and T-BONE SUPL-


Shelton Benjamin couldn't get all the weight of Mark Henry around from the exhaustion and he is splatted and pinned!





The referee quickly begins forcing Charlie Haas to his corner as Mark Henry angrily gets to his feet. Mark Henry points in the direction of Charlie Haas and begins shouting.


Charlie Haas is nodding his head as Mark Henry just tosses the limp body of Shelton Benjamin to his teams corner. A wild move by Mark Henry. Charlie Haas tags himself in!

Mark Henry steps back, giving Charlie Haas room to fight. Charlie Haas enters the ring and he is fired up for his return match to the KWF. He's been out of action for awhile and he is ready for his first form of action being against the beast of Mark Henry.

The two men charge at each other and lock up. Mark Henry quickly powers Charlie Haas by tossing him to the mat. Mark Henry smiles, before screaming.


Charlie Haas angrily rises to his feet and raises an arm, challenging Mark Henry to a challenge of strength. Mark Henry begins to laugh at the stupidity of Charlie Haas, but Charlie Haas looks serious. He wants this. Mark Henry nods his head and begins slowly walking forward with his arm raised, ready to grab the high hand of Charlie Haas and....


Mark Henry falls to a knee and the crowd erupts in cheers as Charlie Haas just played mind games with Mark Henry and won! Mark Henry is down to a knee and Charlie Haas begins kicking away at the chest and the face of the beast. Mark Henry keeps leaning back, but he has yet to tilt all the way down. Charlie Haas runs to the ropes, with the crowd completely behind him right now and he comes charging back and....


Oh my God!

Mark Henry just leaped up to his feet and nearly decapitated Charlie Haas. The crowds cheers drop to complete silence as Mark Henry stands above the body of Charlie Haas and begins shouting.


Mark Henry then looks up at the now booing crowd and lets out a roar. He is amped up and he looks over at his corner where he sees Elijah Burke screaming for the tag. He wants to go in there and humiliate the down, white man. Mark Henry nods his head and walks across the ring, tagging in Elijah Burke.

That gets more boos from the crowd as Elijah Burke enters the ring, once again, when momentum is completely on their side. He sprints over to Charlie Haas and quickly drops an elbow across his throat. Elijah Burke quickly hooks the leg for the pin!





Elijah Burke pushes himself up to his feet and angrily stands above Charlie Haas. One leg on each side of his body. Elijah Burke begins stomping down on the stomach and face of Charlie Haas with his right boot. He then stands straight up and throws his right fist high into the air, as he stands tall above the white man. The crowd boos and....


Charlie Haas flips him over and locks in the HALF BOSTON CRAB!

Elijah Burke screams in agonizing pain as he reaches over into his corner, from down below on the mat. The eyes of Elijah Burke about to fall out of his head.

Kofi Kingston does not allow the leader of the group to stay in the submission much longer as he gets in the ring and clobbers Charlie Haas in the back of the head. Charlie Haas goes stumbling forward, releasing the submission. Kofi Kingston is then forced out of the ring by the referee and Elijah Burke quickly crawls to his corner, tagging in Mark Henry, again.

Charlie Haas sees this and quickly walks over to his corner. Charlie Haas tags Booker T in and the crowd erupts into cheers as Booker T enters the ring, bopping his head at Mark Henry who is across the ring. Mark Henry bops his head back and both men are ready to engage in war! They charge at each other, but Booker T is quicker as he strikes Mark Henry with the first blow. Booker T's punches begin doubling up the punches from Mark Henry and eventually, big Mark is stumbling back. Booker T takes a few steps back and charges forward and Mark Henry goes for another monster clothesline and....

.... Booker T ducks!

Booker T bounces off of the ropes and Mark Henry turns around into a big clothesline, that sends Mark Henry stumbling back. Booker T runs to the ropes and comes bouncing back with a jumping clothesline that powers Mark Henry off of his feet and flat on his back! The crowd erupts as the big man has been taken off of his feet. Booker T is fired up as he begins stalking Mark Henry who gets to his feet and gets a kick to the gut. Mark Henry bends over and Booker T runs to the ropes and comes bouncing back with the SCISSORS KICK! Mark Henry collapses onto his face! Booker T is fired up as he leaps to his feet and charges at The Nation's corner and cracks Elijah Burke in the jaw sending him off the apron and then cracks Kofi Kingston with an elbow to the face that sends Kofi falling off of the apron.

Booker T is now fired up and has the ring to himself and the crowd knows what time it is.... down to one knee, hand looking, head shaking.... SPINEROONI!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Booker T leaps to his feet. He stalks Mark Henry who is pushing himself up to his feet and BOOK'S EN-


Booker T gets a hard elbow to the face and he stumbles away. Kofi Kingston quickly jumps back on the apron and reaches in for the tag and Mark Henry tags him in. Kofi quickly gets into the ring as Booker T is down on a knee and he capitalizes. Kofi begins kicking away on Booker T, until Booker is down to both knees. Kofi then runs to the ropes and comes back with a huge running knee to the face. Booker T falls onto his back and Kofi stands above him and goes to the ropes and comes back....

.... BOOM.... BOOM.... Right fist in the air. DROP!

Kofi Kingston takes the cover on Booker T!





Kofi Kingston smacks the mat, in frustration, but he does not wait to get back on the attack. Kofi gets to his feet and yanks Booker T up with him. Kofi gives Booker a forearm uppercut and Booker stumbles back into the ropes. Kofi Kingston charges forward and runs his knee right into the gut of Booker T. Kofi Kingston grabs the head of Booker T and jumps on the middle ropes, while holding Booker T and SPRINGBOA-


Kofi gets to his feet and he storms back at Booker T and leaps into the air, simultaneously with Booker T and....


Kofi Kingston collapses onto his back, spread eagle. Booker T falls onto his side, hurting. Both men are down!

Jim Ross- Both men are down! This is going to be a huge moment for whomever can get the tag in first!

King- I don't even know if Kofi Kingston is conscious right now! Did you see that?!

Paul Heyman- He got drilled right in the chin! Kofi Kingston is in another place right now. Another paradise.

Jim Ross- Well, there goes Booker T!

Booker T crawls to his corner and he tags Shelton Benjamin in. Kofi rolls over onto his side and he is finally crawling to his corner. Shelton Benjamin sees that Kofi Kingston is really close now and Shelton quickly drills Mark Henry in the face with a huge right. Mark Henry, who is still dazed from earlier, goes falling off of the apron. Shelton smiles as he looks down at Kofi and Kofi reaches up and tags in the knee of Elijah Burke, out of desperation!

Elijah Burke is in disbelief as he shakes his head, furiously, not wanting to be tagged in. Kofi Kingston had no idea what was happening as he made that tag. He was just trying to survive.

Shelton Benjamin grabs Elijah Burke and flips him into the ring. The crowd is on fire right now in cheers as Elijah Burke crawls backwards on his butt, begging the smiling Shelton Benjamin for mercy. Shelton bops his head and he yanks Elijah Burke up to his feet and cracks him across the face with a right. Elijah Burke stumbles into the turnbuckle and Shelton charges at him and begins pounding away on him with a fury of lefts and rights. All of a sudden....

.... Mark Henry storms into the ring and Booker T charges at him. Booker T begins clobbering away at Mark Henry and Charlie Haas gets into the ring to help him. Charlie and Booker pin him against the ropes, step back and charge forward with a powerful double clothesline that sends Mark Henry flipping over the top rope and to the outside of the ring! All three men crash and burn as they all flip over the top rope and to the outside of the ring.

Inside of the ring, Shelton Benjamin is abusing the hell out of Elijah Burke against the turnbuckle, hitting him with a fury of knees and elbows. Shelton Benjamin takes a few steps back, before charging forward and driving his shoulder into the waist of Elijah Burke. Elijah lets out a groan, before he is stood straight up against the turnbuckle. Shelton Benjamin grabs the right arm of Elijah Burke and puts it over the rope in that direction. Shelton Benjamin grabs the left arm and hangs it over the top rope in that direction. He has Elijah Burke set up just like he wants.

Shelton Benjamin is fired up as he charges across the ring and mocks The Nation by throwing his fist into the air and throwing it down, as he shouts across the ring at the dazed and out of it, Elijah Burke. The crowd is going insane in cheers as Shelton Benjamin charges across the ring and....


Shelton Benjamin connects on Elijah Burke. Shelton Benjamin is fired up as he stumblingly turns around and....


Out of nowhere!

Shelton Benjamin collapses onto his back and the limp body of Elijah Burke, still dazed from the splash, falls forward, landing right on top of Shelton Benjamin. Kofi rolls to the outside of the ring as the referee has no choice, but to make the count on this awkward cover.




Winners- The Nation Of Domination (Burke, Henry & Kingston)

It's over.

The crowd is in silence as Elijah Burke just lays on top of Shelton Benjamin, out of it. Kofi Kingston reaches into the ring and pulls out the limb Elijah Burke and carries him around the ring on his shoulder. They walk over to Mark Henry.

Booker T and Charlie Haas get into the ring to check on Shelton Benjamin, as he is now laying on his side, dazed and confused. Hit out of nowhere by the man who wasn't even legal in the match.

Elijah Burke is being helped to the back by both Kofi Kingston and Mark Henry. The Pope doesn't seem to know that they just won their match as he asks his men; "what happened?" They tell him that they won and he is in disbelief as they leave through the curtains.

It looks like the question on Kofi Kingston's loyalty has been answered.

Fists up.

Nation rises.

End of Part 3.



The cameras are in the back where we see Money Inc.

"The Billion Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase stands with his men; Sheamus, Antonio Cesaro and his own son, Ted Dibiase Jr. The father wraps his arms around the neck of his son.

Ted Dibiase- Son, tonight is a special night! Your first and FINAL night that you will be at the big stage and NOT be competing! Ha, ha! That's right, son! The next season finale is going to be Survivor Series....

Major announcement!

Ted Dibiase- And at Survivor Series, you will be going out there and you will not only be having a match, oh no! You see, son, when daddy brings guys into the KWF, he doesn't go for nothing! Oh no! I go for gold!

The vintage laugh comes out of The Billion Dollar Man. His son smiles.

Ted Dibiase- I can see it now, Survivor Series, the son of The Billion Dollar Man, The Money Man, Ted Dibiase Jr! Ha, ha! Yes! I can see it! Going one on one against the Intercontinental Champion....

Ted Dibiase turns around and smiles at Sheamus.

Ted Dibiase- .... Sheamus!

Sheamus nods his head.

Ted Dibiase- That's because when you win that Intercontinental Championship tonight, Money Inc is going to have themselves a family match! Ha, ha!

Antonio Cesaro taps Sheamus on the back, giving him his approval. Sheamus just nods his head.

Ted Dibiase- But tonight, you're going to need to climb up that ladder and grab that title! All The Kid wants is someone winning that title from AJ Styles! If you climb that ladder tonight and you come down with that title, The Kid will let Money Inc do whatever they want with that title! Do you got this?

Sheamus nods his head, looking fiercely intimidating as usual.

Ted Dibiase- Boy, I asked you a question! Answer out loud!

Sheamus- I got it.

Ted Dibiase Jr.- Hey pops, I should be in that ladder match tonight. Think about it, I'm your son and I'm....

Sheamus angrily steps in front of the face of Ted Dibiase Jr.

Sheamus- I said.... I GOT IT!

Ted Dibiase Jr.- Oh yeah?

Sheamus- Yeah.

Ted Dibiase Jr.- How much you wanna bet?

Ted Dibiase Jr. grins in the face of Sheamus, but before Sheamus can answer, The Billion Dollar Man gets in between them.

Ted Dibiase- Sheamus, calm down. Ted, son, I believe Sheamus when he says that he got it. I don't pay these guys to lose.

All of a sudden....

.... RYBACK walks by.

Money Inc. all focus their attention on that beast of a man.

Ryback stops walking, turns around and walks right up to Money Inc.

Ryback- What are you looking at?

Ted Dibiase- I....

Ted Dibiase Jr.- A big block of crap!

Ryback goes to step up, but Antonio Cesaro and Sheamus step in the way. The Billion Dollar Man begins speaking from behind.

Ted Dibiase- I.... I....

Ted Dibiase Jr. interrupts his father.

Ted Dibiase Jr.- I suggest you leave.

The Money Man cockily smirks up at Ryback. Ryback smirks and nods his head, before walking away.

Ted Dibiase lets out a sigh and angrily looks over at his son.

Ted Dibiase- Son, that move could've cost us a huge profit tonight! We need Sheamus at 100% tonight so that we can bring the Intercontin-


The Dibiase's turn around and Ryback stands tall above a downed Antonio Cesaro. Sheamus goes to charge forward, but Ted Dibiase grabs him. It appears that Ryback has just tossed Antonio Cesaro right into the wall.

Ryback points across at the men, pointing at The Money Man, Ted Dibiase Jr.

Ryback- YOU'RE NEXT!

Ryback takes a breath....

Ryback- BET ON IT!

Ryback walks away from Money Inc. with no remorse as Sheamus runs over to check on Antonio Cesaro. Ted Dibiase looks over at his son, in disbelief. His son doesn't even acknowledge that he is being looked at as he stares across the halls at Ryback walking away. Junior doesn't seem intimidated.



The crowd erupts in cheers as the former Tag Team Champions, Jeri-Storm make their way from the back. Both men have their backs turned to the ring, at the top of the ramp.

Chris Jericho's arms raised in the letter "Y".

Lance Storm's arms thrown out, in the letter "L".

The two men turn around, fired up, pumping their fists and pounding their chest. They smack hands with the Brooklyn crowd, as they walk down the ramp. Intensity fills their faces.

Jim Ross- This match is more then a tag team match for these two. This match is for revenge. These two men have had so much taken away from them, physically and mentally, by their opponents this season. From their pride to their Tag Team Titles.

Paul Heyman- Yes, but who is really to blame for that?

Jim Ross- The Crows Nest!

Paul Heyman- Wrong! They are! All they had to do was mind their business and if they were able to do that, they would probably still be the Tag Team Champions! They got involved where they didn't belong and they suffered the consequences!

Jim Ross- Oh, that's a load of crap, Heyman and you know it!

Paul Heyman- It's not a load of crap, it's the truth! Had they minded their businesses, Chris Jericho would've never been a target and would've never been abducted. His big mouth, along with Lance Storm, got them in trouble! Their arrogance made them lose their titles and their sanity this season!

King- He's got a point, JR.

Jim Ross- You two are defending two men who have been involved, in my opinion, the most gruesome things I have ever seen in the KWF! From being a part of sending crows to feast on human flesh! They feasted on Matt and Jeff Hardy! Damn crows! Real life crows! Not only that, but then they abducted Chris Jericho!

King- AH! God only knows what torture Chris Jericho went through.

Jim Ross- God, Chris Jericho and The Crows Nest are the only knowers of that truth and I think Chris Jericho is going to take all those memories with him tonight and get his revenge! Do it for The Hardy Boyz! Do it for yourselves!


The lights go out in the arena and the entrance way is filled with a dim light. Appearing in the dim light is two blonde men. Two blood hungry, blond men.

Mr. Kennedy and Dolph Ziggler!

The two men walk down the ramp in matching black attire. Mr. Kennedy in a black shirt and pants. Dolph Ziggler in black tights. Both mens tights have "Crows Nest" written on them over a red nest.

The two men reach ringside and split up. Mr. Kennedy walks towards the right of the ring and Dolph Ziggler walks towards the left. The two men walk around the ring, eyes locked inside of the ring. They finally meet up by the announcers table.

Mr. Kennedy points up and tells the referee to send Jeri-Storm to their corner. The referee realizes he has to do his job, so he sends Jeri-Storm across the ring and to their corner. A chorus of boos follows.

The Crows Nest smartly climb on the ring apron and stand there, talking. They haven't gotten into the ring, yet. It looks like they're deciding who's going to start the match first. They nod their heads at each other, reaching a conclusion when they see Chris Jericho will be starting the match off on the other side. The crowd is fired up by that. A smiling Dolph Ziggler enters the ring.

It's time to feast.


Jeri-Storm vs The Crows Nest (Kennedy & Ziggler)

The crowd erupts in cheers as the bell goes ding, ding, ding! The match is officially under way.

Dolph Ziggler begins sprinting around the ring, smile still in tact. Eyes locked on Chris Jericho, who doesn't feel like skipping around the ring, as he charges across with all of his momentum and a forearm to boot!

The forearm cracks Dolph Ziggler right in the face and he goes stumbling back. Dolph goes to charge forward, but Y2J cracks him in the gut with a boot. Ziggler is bent over, but not for long! Chris Jericho drills Dolph Ziggler with an uppercut, standing him straight up, boom, kick to the gut! Dolph Ziggler is bent over, again. Another uppercut, boom, followed by another kick to the gut! Dolph has been stood up and bent forward three straight times with the mix of uppercuts and kicks to the gut. Chris Jericho runs to the ropes and comes bouncing back with a jumping knee right to the side of the head of Dolph Ziggler.

The crow goes flying across the ring, holding onto the side of his head. Chris Jericho is fired up and the crowd knows it. Chris Jericho quickly walks over to Dolph Ziggler and yanks him up by his tights. Chris Jericho throws Dolph Ziggler back first into the turnbuckle and begins chopping away at the chest of Dolph Ziggler. Chris Jericho is getting all of his anger and rage out, immediately! He's doing it by chopping away at the blonde crow.

After ten chops to the chest, Chris Jericho grabs Dolph Ziggler by the wrist and gives him an Irish Whip into the ropes and when Ziggler comes back, he runs right into a knee to the gut from Chris Jericho. Dolph Ziggler flips forward and ends up sitting up, holding onto his mid section. Chris Jericho quickly gets behind Dolph Ziggler and drills him in the back with a vicious kick. Dolph lets out a scream as the thud echoes through the arena. Dolph Ziggler is slowly picking himself up to his feet and it may be the pain in his back that has him accidentally standing. A reaction of the spinal system that may be costly.

Chris Jericho runs to the ropes and comes back, going for a diving clothesline, but Dolph Ziggler ducks. Chris Jericho runs to the ropes and comes back and this time Dolph Ziggler goes for the clothesline and....

.... Chris Jericho ducks!

Chris Jericho hits the brakes and spins Dolph Ziggler around and drills him in the face with a forearm. Dolph Ziggler stumbles back, bounces off the ropes and comes stumbling forward to a diving clothesline from Chris Jericho! Dolph Ziggler falls right onto his back and Chris Jericho quickly gets on top of him, making the first cover of the match!





Although he kicked out, his facial expression is showing the agonizing pain he is going through. Chris Jericho is not done, either.

Y2J picks Ziggler up to his feet and runs him over to his corner and slams him back first against the turnbuckle. Chris Jericho gives Dolph Ziggler a vicious chop to the chest, before tagging in Lance Storm!

Lance Storm gets into the ring and helps Chris Jericho sit Dolph Ziggler up on the top turnbuckle. They nod at each other, before both climbing up the turnbuckle and grabbing Dolph Ziggler and....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Jeri-Storm perform a powerful double team move, with that double superplex off the top turnbuckle. Dolph Ziggler is in agonizing pain. Chris Jericho rolls to the outside of the ring, obviously in pain, as well from the impact. Lance Storm is in pain, also, but he still manages to crawl his way over to make the cover on Dolph Ziggler.





The crowd erupts in boos as Mr. Kennedy runs into the ring and kicks Lance Storm in the side of the head, to break up the pin fall. Mr. Kennedy angrily bends down and yanks Lance Storm up to his feet, by his head. Mr. Kennedy runs Lance Storm across the ring and into The Nests corner and slams Lance Storm face first onto the top turnbuckle. Lance Storm collapses onto his back and begins rolling around, holding onto his face. Mr. Kennedy looks over and helps Dolph Ziggler crawl to their corner. Mr. Kennedy walks through the ropes and onto the apron, before reaching in and getting the tag from Dolph Ziggler.

Mr. Kennedy gets into the ring and quickly begins stomping away on Lance Storm.

Paul Heyman- You see, that double superplex off the top turnbuckle got the crowd cheering, but it also gave all the momentum over to The Crows Nest. Sometimes there are good risks and sometimes there are bad risks. They took a bad one.

King- Yeah and it's not looking good! Mr. Kennedy is as dangerous as they come!

Jim Ross- The risk didn't cost them, Mr. Kennedy cost them the momentum. He shouldn't have been allowed to be in that ring for that long where he was able to attack Lance Storm the way they did!

Paul Heyman- Well, he did and right now, he's in control.

Jim Ross- Come on, Lance! Get up!

Mr. Kennedy, however, is not giving Lance Storm a chance to get up as he continues to stomp away on him. Lance Storm continues to crawl away, trying to escape the kicks, but he reaches a dead end. The turnbuckle. Trapped in the corner, Mr. Kennedy continues to feast with kicks to the face of Lance Storm. After a few kicks connect right on the face of Lance Storm, Mr. Kennedy decides to walk across the ring. Smug look on his face the whole time as he looks into the Brooklyn crowd.

Mr. Kennedy turns around and sets his target. After about five seconds of staring across the ring, Mr. Kennedy goes running and runs his knee right into the face of Lance Storm!

Lance Storm's nose begins leaking blood!

It's pouring out!

King- AH! Look at all that blood!

Jim Ross- Ah, son of a bitch! He may have broken Lance Storm's nose!

The blood pours out as Mr. Kennedy looks down. A sick look appears on his face. The sight of blood may be the most beautiful thing in the eyes of The Crows Nest. They live to make their prey bleed. A sacrifice to the crows.

Mr. Kennedy reaches down at the gushing face of Lance Storm and wipes some blood off of his face and onto his hands. Mr. Kennedy looks down at the blood on his hands and smiles, knowing it's the blood of his opponent. Mr. Kennedy then smears it across his black shirt, as he smiles at the booing crowd.

Mr. Kennedy focuses his attention back on Lance Storm and he yanks him up from the seated position and stands him tall against the turnbuckle. Mr. Kennedy drives an elbow right to the side of the head of Lance Storm as blood flies to the outside of the ring. The eyes of Lance Storm are open, but if you truly look inside of them; nobodies home.

Mr. Kennedy pulls away, smiling, before drilling a knee right into the gut of Lance Storm, forcing him to bend over. Mr. Kennedy then wraps his arm around the head of Lance Storm and smiles at the crowd. He knows what time it is. It's time for the finish....

.... DDT!

Mr. Kennedy keeps his arms wrapped around the head of Lance Storm and wraps his legs around his waist and begins choking Lance Storm out with the KENOTINE SHOCK!

Lance Storm is being suffocated and with blood pouring out of his nose, he may pass out!

The crowd is in silence, but Lance Storm shows that he still has heart left in him as he swings his legs back and luckily for him, he is close enough to the ropes to get one of his feet on the bottom rope! The crowd erupts in cheers and Mr. Kennedy is forced to release his deadly submission.

Mr. Kennedy is not happy about this, though as he angrily gets to his feet. He gets into the referees face first, but then goes and kicks the foot of Lance Storm off of the bottom rope. The foot of Lance flails off of the bottom rope as he lays flat on his face. Blood still leaking out of his nose. Mr. Kennedy angrily yells at the referee for a few more seconds, before turning his attention to Lance Storm who is making an attempt to crawl to his corner.

Chris Jericho is back on the apron and he is looking for the tag.

Mr. Kennedy is not going to allow it as he grabs the bloodied Lance Storm and drags him away from his corner and to the middle of the ring. Kennedy drops an elbow right to the back of Lance Storm, grounding him for good. Mr. Kennedy smiles as he slowly gets to his feet and walks over to the head of Lance Storm. Amused by the blood, Mr. Kennedy begins to pull Lance Storm up to his feet by his head. Lance Storm looks dazed on his feet, but pushes off and....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Lance Storm surprises Mr. Kennedy out of nowhere with that lethal super kick right to the jaw! Mr. Kennedy collapses onto his back and Lance Storm collapses to his face. The crowd has erupted in cheers as the bloodied Canadian shows the heart that people always rave about. His commitment to win!

However, going for the win is going to have to take an audible. A better game play at this point. No, not the pin fall. The tag!

Lance Storm is crawling his way to his corner as both men are in the middle of the ring. Mr. Kennedy slowly rolls over onto his side, but he is obviously out of it from that kick to the jaw.

The crowd is on their feet, cheering on Lance Storm to make the tag. He gets closer, closer and closer until....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Mr. Kennedy is a few feet away from making his own tag. Chris Jericho charges into the ring and changes his opponents game plan, by jumping off the middle ropes and....


Dolph Ziggler goes flying off the apron and to the outside of the ring! Chris Jericho eliminated the tag opportunity! The crowd is on fire and so is Chris Jericho!

Y2J turns around and begins stomping away on Mr. Kennedy who is on all fours. Chris Jericho bends over and picks Mr. Kennedy up and runs him shoulder first into the turnbuckle post. Mr. Kennedy lets out a huge scream as his shoulder has just had a hard meeting with steel! Chris Jericho rolls to the outside of the ring and goes by the arm of Kennedy that hit the turnbuckle post and he begins slamming it into the turnbuckle post, over and over again! Mr. Kennedy finally falls through the middle ropes and to the outside of the ring.

Chris Jericho remains relentless on the outside of the ring as he bends over and picks Mr. Kennedy up to his feet and throws him shoulder first into the steel steps. Mr. Kennedy bounces off hard and rolls around in agonizing pain. Lance Storm finally rolls off of the apron and to the outside of the ring, a few feet from them. Lance Storm is still leaking blood and is completely out of it, using his last bit of energy on that kick and crawling to make the tag.

Chris Jericho, however, has the match completely in control.

Chris Jericho is set on getting revenge for all the torture he was put through this season. He is now aiming on Mr. Kennedy. The assault is happening on the outside of the ring and that has the referee counting them out. Chris Jericho sees this, but still gets a few more kicks in on the shoulder and back of Dolph Ziggler. He is aiming for that right arm of Mr. Kennedy, making it harder for him to perform his deadly submission.

The referee reaches 7 and Chris Jericho yanks Mr. Kennedy up to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Chris Jericho follows. The count down to the count out has stopped.

Mr. Kennedy is crawling away from the ropes on all fours, trying to find enough strength in himself to get to his feet. Chris Jericho stalks him from behind. Mr. Kennedy gets up, but is slouched over and Chris Jericho charges forward and bulldog! Mr. Kennedy goes face first against the mat, but the impact has him bouncing up and over, right onto his back. Chris Jericho gets to his feet and looks down at his opponent, before nodding his head at the crowd. Chris Jericho charges to the ropes and he jumps onto the middle rope for the....



Out of nowhere!

Dolph Ziggler slides into the ring and as Chris Jericho jumps onto the middle rope, Dolph Ziggler leaps into the air behind him and pulls him down with the ferocious Zig Zag! Dolph Ziggler rolls to the outside of the ring as Chris Jericho lays flat on his back.

Mr. Kennedy is obviously dazed, but sees the opportunity as he rolls onto his side. Possibly shocked that he's in control. However, shock is not something that frightens The Crows Nest. Mr. Kennedy proves that by crawling towards Chris Jericho, who is down. Mr. Kennedy reaches Chris Jericho and drapes his arm across his chest for the pin!





The crowd erupts in cheers and Chris Jericho is still in it.

Dolph Ziggler can't believe it from the outside of the ring, but the slow crawl from Mr. Kennedy gave Chris Jericho just enough time to recover. Mr. Kennedy is beaten and dazed and is not being blamed for it. Mr. Kennedy slowly begins to push himself up to his feet and he looks over at his corner where Dolph Ziggler is fired up on the apron, reaching over anxiously for the tag. Mr. Kennedy stumbles in that direction, but falls to a knee against the ropes. Mr. Kennedy then uses the ropes to guide him towards his corner where he tags in his partner, Dolph Ziggler!

Dolph quickly gets into the ring and charges across the ring and dives on top of Jericho and begins pounding away on his face with lefts and rights. Ziggler has Jericho mounted and he is delivering the hardest lefts and rights he could possibly deliver. Dolph Ziggler slides himself around on the body of Chris Jericho and hooks the right leg for the pin!





It's going to take a lot more then that to keep Y2J down, apparently.

Dolph Ziggler seems frustrated as he quickly gets to his feet and drops an elbow down right to the chest of Jericho. He gets to his feet and drops a second elbow to the chest of Jericho. For a third time, Ziggler leaps to his feet and this time jumps high into the air before dropping a third elbow across the chest of Chris Jericho. Dolph Ziggler hooks both legs of Chris Jericho for the pin!





Dolph Ziggler is now irate and the crowd is loving it!

Dolph angrily gets to his feet and he yanks Y2J up with him. He walks Jericho over to the turnbuckle where he pins him chest first. Dolph quickly sprints across the ring, before making a full circle with his arms to the side as if he was a flying crow and he comes charging across the ring with a huge splash right to the back of Chris Jericho!

Dolph takes a few steps back and watches Jericho stumble backwards, holding onto his chest. Dolph climbs to the top turnbuckle and quickly comes flying off with a missile drop kick! Chris Jericho goes flying across the ring. Dolph Ziggler quickly gets to his feet and charges over at Chris Jericho and slams him against the ropes, before giving him a huge forearm uppercut. That sends Chris Jericho down to a knee against the ropes. Chris Jericho is refusing to quit, though as he uses the ropes to leverage himself up to his feet, but that may be the wrong move!

Dolph Ziggler comes running across the ring and gives Chris Jericho a clothesline over the top rope that sends BOTH men flipping over and to the outside of the ring!

Both men crash and burn, but Dolph Ziggler is at least able to get to his feet. Dolph favors his ribs, but is the favorite right now and he knows it. He shows it by stomping down on Chris Jericho. After several kicks, Dolph Ziggler gains enough energy and strength to pull Chris Jericho up to his feet and run him spine first into the fan barricade. Chris Jericho lets out a loud groan as his back smashes against the barricade. Dolph Ziggler loves it and watches Chris Jericho fall to his ass.

Dolph Ziggler hears the referee counting them out and realizes that he really wants to win this match. He wants to represent The Crows Nest proudly. Dolph bends over and picks Jericho up to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Dolph Ziggler quickly follows, by sliding in. Hyped up, Dolph Ziggler gets to his feet and quickly walks over to Chris Jericho and grabs him by the sides of the head and begins to slowly pick him up to his feet. A grin on the face of Dolph Ziggler as he now takes his time, enjoying the moment of brutality on another human being. However, he's taking his time with the wrong human being. He's taking his time with the Ayatolla Of Rock N Rolla, Chris Jericho.

Y2J is guided to his feet and now smacks the hands of Dolph Ziggler away, grabs his head, falls back and....


The crowd erupts in cheers as Dolph Ziggler goes flying back. He lays there, spread eagle.... or should we say, spread crow?!

Both men are down on their backs, absolutely exhausted. The crowd is loving it as they are all on their feet, anticipating what is going to happen next in this match. Chris Jericho rolls over to his side and begins to crawl to his corner. The corner where nobody is standing.

Unfortunately for Chris Jericho, Lance Storm is still laying on his side on the outside of the ring. Blood still coming out of his nose. Chris Jericho has nobody to tag in.

Jim Ross- Oh, this is unfortunate! Chris Jericho is fighting his heart out inside of that ring and I don't think he even realizes that his partner is pretty much out of this match with an obvious broken nose.

King- Broken AND bloody!

Paul Heyman- This tag team match has become a handicap match and we all need to face it! Especially, Chris Jericho!

Jim Ross- I hate to say this, but I think you're right.

Chris Jericho has reached his corner and he looks on the outside of the ring, where he sees his partner now being checked by KWF officials and EMTs. They have him seated up and are trying to control his bleeding. Lance Storm's face is swollen and the damage from the broken nose has now taken form in bruising and swelling. Not to mention the bleeding he has endured for the past few minutes.

Chris Jericho realizes this and uses the ropes to get to his feet. Behind him, Dolph Ziggler slowly rises to his feet and is obviously dazed, but still finds it in him to charge across the ring at Chris Jericho and start pummeling on his back with shots. Fatigue is starting to catch up on Y2J and he is now paying the consequences for it.

Dolph Ziggler grabs Chris Jericho and begins walking him across the ring, towards his corner where he tags in Mr. Kennedy.

The loud mouth gets into the ring and they each grab a wrist of Chris Jericho before giving him a powerful Irish Whip into the turnbuckle. Chris Jericho hits it hard, but doesn't have a chance to move as Dolph Ziggler charges across with a huge splash into the turnbuckle. Dolph Ziggler quickly slides to the outside of the ring as Chris Jericho stumbles forward into a powerful clothesline from Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy quickly hooks the leg of Chris Jericho for the pin!





Frustrated by this, Mr. Kennedy reaches his feet and yanks Chris Jericho up with him. Kennedy follows with a huge forearm uppercut that sends Chris Jericho stumbling back and into the ropes. Y2J leans against the ropes, visibly exhausted and Mr. Kennedy charges across the ring going for a clothesline, but Y2J ducks and flips Mr. Kennedy over the top rope and to the outside of the ring!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Mr. Kennedy crashes and burns. Chris Jericho stumbles forward and falls to all fours to catch his breath. The referee begins counting Mr. Kennedy out.

While the referee is counting, Dolph Ziggler gets into the ring and begins kicking down on the head of Chris Jericho. Dolph quickly lifts Y2J up to his feet and sends him down right on his head with a snap DDT! The crowd erupts in boos as Dolph Ziggler quickly escapes the ring, before the referee can notice him.

Mr. Kennedy looks into the ring and sees this open opportunity, but decides to go on another direction.

Mr. Kennedy looks over to his side where he sees Lance Storm finally being helped to his feet and he goes for him, instead. Kennedy shoves the KWF officials out of the way and grabs Lance Storm and throws him back first into the fan barricade. The crowd erupts in boos as Lance Storm rolls around in agonizing pain. Mr. Kennedy angrily begins stomping away on Lance Storm, as the KWF officials finally pull him away. Mr. Kennedy smiles as he looks down at Lance Storm, enjoying the bloody scene and the boos from the crowd.

Mr. Kennedy finally turns his attention back into the ring as the count from the referee has reached 8 and 9 and he slides in.

Mr. Kennedy walks over to Chris Jericho, bends over to grab him and....






The crowd erupts in cheers at the near victory and the showing of life from Chris Jericho. Mr. Kennedy angrily gets to his feet and goes to grab the bent over Chris Jericho, but Y2J shows his experience and grabs the legs of Kennedy and slams him onto his back. He lifts the legs up and flips his opponent over and locks in the WALLS OF JERICHO!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Mr. Kennedy screams, in pain. Chris Jericho is pulling back as far as he can, trying to submit the hell out of his opponent as quickly as possible. The pain is terrible and....

.... Dolph Ziggler runs into the ring and cracks Chris Jericho in the back of the head with a running forearm.

Chris Jericho loses the submission and stumbles forward into the ropes. Dolph Ziggler is quickly attained by the referee as he tries to force him into the corner. Mr. Kennedy quickly rolls towards his corner and once Dolph Ziggler is pushed to his corner, he goes through the ropes, reaches in and is tagged into the match.

Dolph Ziggler cockily gets into the ring as Chris Jericho begins walking forward and Ziggler hits Jericho with a high drop kick that sends Y2J onto his back. Dolph Ziggler quickly hooks the leg for the pin.





Refusing to give up, Chris Jericho begins attempting to crawl away from Dolph Ziggler who is angrily on his feet. Dolph stalks him as he walks around him and stomps and stands on the right hand of Chris Jericho. Y2J lets out a scream as Dolph Ziggler smiles, looking down at him. Dolph Ziggler then uses his other foot to stomp and stand on the left hand of Chris Jericho. The physical torture continues on Chris Jericho as Dolph Ziggler stands on both of his hands smiling. Dolph Ziggler leaps into the air and comes down hard, stomping at both hands of Chris Jericho. Y2J bounces around, in agonizing pain as Dolph Ziggler smiles.

Dolph runs a boot right to the chest of Y2J as he lays on his side, flipping him over onto his back. Dolph gets on top of Jericho and cockily takes the cover, just using his elbow.





It looks like Dolph Ziggler has had enough of this and he lifts Chris Jericho up to his feet. Dolph Ziggler begins shouting in the face of Chris Jericho, telling him to stay down. After shouting, Dolph follows with a loud slap across the face. Chris Jericho falls down to one knee as Dolph Ziggler stands above him, still wearing that egotistical, yet psychotic grin. Dolph Ziggler is in control and....



.... GRABS THEM....



The crowd is in a frenzy, again. Chris Jericho has stunned Dolph Ziggler with that out of nowhere submission. This could very well be the last bit left in Chris Jericho and....



.... TACKLE!



The crowd has absolutely erupted in cheers as Lance Storm, who has been downed and bloody the whole match has gotten into the ring and tackled Mr. Kennedy to the mat. Lance Storm's whole face is bruised and swollen, the blood has finally stopped; the nose is surely broken!


Lance Storm has locked in the Half Boston Crab on Mr. Kennedy and the two blonde crows are face to face, in agonizing pain. Both men are locked in a submission!

The crows scream into each others faces and grab onto each others hands, trying to help the other one from tapping out. Most importantly, prevent Dolph Ziggler; the legal man, from tapping out.


King- AH! I can't believe it! Lance Storm is alive!


The crowd is going insane in cheers as The Crows Nest remain locked in their opponents submissions, trapped in the middle of the ring, face to face! They still hold hands, trying to resist tapping out, but Jeri-Storm has pulled all the way back and they are refusing to let go of this moment. The look on the face of Chris Jericho is absolute exhaustion and desperation. He is desperate to get the tap out right now and he knows this may be their final chance.

Finally, the pain is too much and The Crows Nest have slowly lost grip on each others hands. There is no escape and they both know it.

Dolph Ziggler holds his arm forward, yanking at the face of the already screaming Mr. Kennedy. Gripping at the face of his partner. He is trying everything, they are trying everything, but there is no choice left!

Winners- Jeri-Storm

It's over!

The match is over!

Jeri-Storm survives!

Jeri-Storm has done it!

The crowd has erupted in cheers and both Chris Jericho and Lance Storm finally release the submissions that they've had locked in for about a minute each. The Crows Nest tried everything to tap out, but there was no escape.

Jeri-Storm is exhausted and they both stumble forward and fall to their knees. The KWF officials quickly swarm the ring and go back to checking on Lance Storm. His face makes him almost unrecognizable. He was taken out of the match for the most part, but managed to come back into the match at the most important time.

Chris Jericho gets to his feet and grabs Lance Storm away from the KWF officials and raises his arm into the air. The bruising and swelling has taken horrible form on the face of Lance Storm, but there he stands a winner. There THEY stand winners!

The Crows Nest lay on their chests in the middle of the ring. Hurting from the grueling match and the grueling submissions they were just locked in for over a minute. They also fought their hearts out and practically had the handicap advantage throughout, but the crows have been trapped and shot down.

After a season of abduction, mental and physical torture in the hands of The Crows Nest, Jeri-Storm faced an equally grueling finale, but they stand victorious at the end. The pain they have suffered all season and tonight, has paid off.

A thrill was seeked.

A thrill was captured.

Jeri-Storm survives.

End of Part 4.

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