Monday 11th April 2005
The show starts with Jerry Lawler & JR both greeting everybody before hyping up the Chris Benoit vs Christian bout and Daivari getting his just desserts from Shawn Michaels later before also announcing that HHH will be here in the building and also Randy Orton seems to have an announcement. They are then interrupted by
Vince McMahons music to a cheer. McMahon struts down to the ring before grabbing a microphone and saying that last week he promised that someone would join RAW that would shake the foundations of Eric Bischoffs RAW and he meant it! However, McMahon also has another motive tonight because tonight is the end
.the end of Eric Bischoffs reign of terror as GM! Vince goes on to say that he is sick of all the bad decision and rotten judgements being made by the GM and that is why
Eric Bischoffs music hits and out comes Bischoff looking very worried and with a microphone. Bischoff tells Vince that he has been in charge for a lot longer than anyone on Smackdown and he has helped make RAW the flagship show and firing him would be the biggest mistake Vince ever made. However Vince just laughs and says that Bischoff
isnt fired, no he will just have to share RAW now with someone else. Bischoff laughed and said he had been here before with Stone Cold Steve Austin and we all saw that Bischoff was the superior GM. Vince said that this is different, this time RAW will have an ex-wrestler but a young ex-wrestler. This co-GM will be able to outsmart Bischoff and make all the smart decisions whilst Bischoff shows himself to be the lacklustre GM he has been for the last few months. Bischoff goes to argue but Vince stops him and says that as of tonight RAWs co-general manager will be
Christopher Nowinski! Nowinski steps out and Bischoff just laughs before saying that nobody even knows who he is! Thats when Nowinski lifts his microphone and says that people may not recognise him but they will soon see him as THE RAW general manager and his first order of business is to unveil the
newest RAW superstar to which Nowinski swiped and that he has already put an offer on some other future talent. Nowinski then said he actually wanted everybody to be surprised so he wants that person to make his presence known later. Bischoff then looks furious as Nowinski and Vince McMahon smile to each other
Backstage we are shown
Coach, Muhammad Hassan & Daivari where Coach tells us that Hassan is still yet to lose or be made to submit. Hassan then tells us that tonight Daivari will make HBK submit once again and that HBK might as well go home before everybody sees Michaels for the worm that he is
HHHs music hits and out comes The Game to a loud chorus of boos. HHH gets on the microphone and says that Batista better enjoy being the World champion because the rematch has been signed and at Backlash it will be HHH versus Batista II. HHH then goes on to say that he has watched the tapes of Batista and he has noticed that Batista fears the Pedigree and that is his weakness. He said that Batista will see the Pedigree at Backlash and then he will relinquish the World title back to its rightful owner before HHH left the ring and went backstage
HBK is shown backstage and he is talking to someone off-screen saying that he just wanted to know that if he needed his help that he would come down and help him out?!
Singles Match
Shawn Michaels vs Daivari w/ Muhammad Hassan
Finally the first match of the night and we all knew that Hassan would follow Daivari down to the ring. HBK looked like he was ready for this and soon was taking it to Daivari. Of course Hassan was doing what he can to put off HBK and soon enough Daivari grabbed the referee to allow Hassan the chance to attack HBK on the outside of the ring. HBK was then thrown into the barricade until Daivari flew over the top rope and flying clotheslined him. HBK took a lot of damage from Daivari after that point until they were back in the ring and Daivari was screeching at the top of his lungs seemingly calling for a finisher and grabbed Michaels before throwing him into the ropes but Michaels reversed it and then ran to the ropes before hitting the flying cross-arm and then nipping up! Michaels started to pound at Daivari before knocking Daivari down and calling for the Sweet Chin Music! Michaels stomped on the floor just as Hassan jumped to the top rope and Michaels superkicked Hassan off the apron! Daivari then quickly rolled Michaels up and pulled at the tights to get the 3 count!!
Winner by pinfall: Daivari
Michaels looked shocked but not for long as Daivari started to attack Michaels and soon enough Hassan started to attack Michaels as well. Hassan then smashed the ring bell against Michaels and called for the Camel Clutch when
Shelton Benjamin came storming to the ring?! Benjamin flew at Hassan and took him down before hitting the T-Bone on Daivari as Hassan ran out of the ring and up the ramp! Shelton stood over HBK and helped him up before it could be heard that Hassan was saying that he would be sorry
After the break we are shown backstage with
Eric Bischoff looking annoyed at
Chrisopher Nowinski when
Muhammad Hassan & Daivari storm in and start ranting that Shelton Benjamin needs to pay for what he did. Bischoff says that he totally agrees and says that Hassan
should get some payback next week, when he and Daivari face Shelton Benjamin in a handicap match! This is when Nowinski interjects and says that he thinks a tag team match would be better, with Shawn Michaels thrown in! Hassan says that he isnt getting out of it and Bischoff then says that if Hassan can impress him, then an IC title match could be on the cards. Hassan seemed to like that as he smiled at the proposition
Highlight Reel
Chris Jerichos music hits and it seems there is going to be a highlight reel?! Chris Jericho comes down and starts it by saying that there is no guest tonight but Jericho wants to see just why he has been in a little rut lately. Jericho says that it seems that he has been in a rut since Taboo Tuesday when he lost Intercontinental title to Shelton Benjamin and he wants to change all this. Jericho says that he is a winner of ladder matches, cage matches and the first Undisputed champion ever, he thinks that he should be getting a great match and turning his fortunes around. Infact he feels that
he should be given an opportunity at Intercontinental title and not some racist douchebag! Jericho is just about to announce that he is laying down a challenge when the whole ring bursts into flame as outcomes
Kane?! Jericho looks surprised as Kane slowly walks down to the ring and then grabs a microphone. Kane then says that he was out back listening to Jericho bitch and complain and it made him decide just who Kane wants to make an example of to get himself a shot at the World title, HIM! Jericho then tells Kane that nobody even knew he was still on RAW, nobody cares what Kane wants and that Jericho certainly doesnt! He says that Kane is not the sort of person that should even be in the same ring as him because he is one of the only superstars on the roster that is more stagnate as Jericho!! Kane looks like he is about to answer but instead grabs Jericho by the throat and chokeslams him! Kane then shouts down the microphone that Jericho will not only be an example but Kane is going to destroy Jericho to prove that he deserves a World title shot!!
We are backstage again as
Batista is shown arriving with JR & Lawler hyping that there will be an interview in the ring with Batista later tonight!!
Singles Match
Chris Benoit vs Christian w/ Tyson Tomko
Edge came out first and went and sat at the announcers table before Christian came out with Tomko. This was a very good match with Benoit once again selling the hurt shoulder. Benoit & Christian started the match trying to wrestle until Christian finally went for the shoulder and started to try and dissect Benoit. Christian hit a shoulder breaker before distracting the referee and allowing Tomko to come in and hit a powerbomb on Benoit. Christian then went for the cover but Benoit still kicked out. This started the change in offence as Christian went for another shoulder breaker but Benoit ducked under it and hit the German suplex. Benoit then started to fight back and before long hit the 3 German suplexes and calling for the diving heabutt. Benoit hit it but just as he covered Tomko distracted the referee and Benoit got up before hitting Tomko. This gave Christian enough time to roll Benoit up but Benoit kicked out at 2! Benoit then started to chop at Christian but Christian ducked one and went for the Unprettier but then Benoit reversed that into the crossface!! Christian was trying to get to the ropes as Edge ran to the apron and got Benoit to let it go. Benoit was shouting at Edge before turning into the kick to the gut and Unprettier!! Christian covers for the 3 count and the win!!
Winner by pinfall: Christian
Benoit rolls to a seating position and stares at Edge promising revenge as Christian and Tomko both celebrate up the ramp
Backstage we see
La Resistance with the tag team title belt when
Regal & Tajiri step in and say that Dupree and Conway should face them in the ring next week as Dupree & Conway dont seem to be defending their belts. Conway & Dupree both laugh before saying that it is getting boring beating Regal & Tajiri all the time, this is when
Tomko & Christian step into the picture and Christian is all happy he beat Benoit before saying that seeing as the World title & Intercontinental title are busy maybe it was about time that he set his sights on the tag belts again? Tomko laughs and says that it would be too easy for Christian & Tomko to beat La Resistance! La Resistance start to rile up as does Regal & Tajiri when Christian says he has a better idea, how about Tomko teams up with Christians new friend and they face Regal & Tajiri in a number 1 contenders tag match? Tomko smiles and says that it was a good idea before saying that Christians new friend was good at what he does and Regal & Tajiri are in trouble before both men leave Regal, Tajiri, Dupree & Conway bemused?!
Randy Orton comes out and announces that RAW doesnt deserve Orton to be their champion and that is why he allowed Batista to defeat him last week. Orton then says that as he lost to Batista last week, Orton had a great idea and idea that he isnt even sure why he didnt think of it before. Orton has decided that other people need to learn off his wisdom and as he builds a following, he will then destroy Batista and HHH and dominate RAW, especially seeing as how he carried the last pack of morons he worked with. First of all Orton decided he needed a manager and Orton thought of none of than his last manager, the nature boy
Ric Flair! Flair comes down and woos before Orotn then says that he decided to get some untapped talent for himself seeing as no-one was bothering with him that is why he decided to import RAWs newest member
Mark Jindrak into this new Evolution. Mark Jindrak comes down smugly before posing as Orton says that he is looking for the last member but from now on they will be known as the new
Evolution and he will prove that Batista is a fluke and that Orton is the real deal!! Flair, Orton & Jindrak all pose before the last advert break
Batista comes down to the ring for his interview in his ring gear to the cheer of the night.
Jim Ross waits for him in the ring before welcoming him and asking him what he feels about facing HHH at Backlash. Batista answers that he may not be a 10-time World champion but he knows how to beat HHH and he also knows that he is the World champion now and he plans to be the World champion for a long time. The interview is then interrupted as
HHH runs in from the crowd and attacked Batista but Batista soon fights back and dumps HHH out of the ring, to which HHH goes crazy and says that next week he will face him in the middle of the ring
Batista nods but HHH laughs and shakes his head before saying not Batista but JR!!