Tommy "Crimson" Mercer

starting with using a chain to choke abyss,choking aj with a dhokehold, then the icing on the cake ramming janice into abyss back and coming out in a mafia suit looking all bad-aas. TNA has done somethin g amazing with this guy, i wonder whats next, hes gonna use a bat to cave in someones skull? lol get protection money from people? On a serious note how do you all feel about his recent mafia hitman type role? i think since we all know who's coming,since spoilers arent allowed you either know or dont know, he is playing it perfectly i love the guy,even though he hasnt done 1 match. so what do you all think of his "hitman" character? and is he the right choice or could TNA have gotten someone else to play the gimmick?

I was immediately impressed with the guy as soon as I saw him debut against Jarrett. This new "hitman" type role is just completely badass though, and probably the best thing that TNA has going right now. I hope it is something they run with and don't fuck up, because Crimson has the potential to be a big time player in the future of TNA.
I agree, I'm loving this guy and his direction so far. I'm just a little more than nervous that the pay-off is going to be underwhelming and then he will be pushed into the background. I honestly hope that does not happen, because this could be the start of good things to come if they see how fresh and exciting the guy is and start having a better flow with the storylines.

But to sum it up I love it and I hope they keep him in a prominent position. And definitely keep the suit, that shit was bad ass like everybody else pointed out.
I wonder how TNA will continue to use him once the rumoured wrestlers return.
is this really a "hit man" gimmick?
I thought he looked really good/fierce in the suit. bright bright future for Crimson.
I am also loving Crimson right now. This guy has been very impressive so far. Abyss having Janice in his back at the end of last week's iMPACT! was really cool, like someone said, it was like something from a movie. I think TNA has a potential big star on their hands. I can't wait to see more from Crimson. He is on my "must watch in 2011" list.

I'm interested to see where he will fall into the "they" that will be revealed on February 3rd. Does anyone know if the Feb. 3rd iMPACT! is going to be live or taped?
id just like to say that i used to watch TNA around the time Hogan showed up and around the Who is Suicide days, right around the end of MEM. Now after seeing Crimson lay out Abyss (which im still trying to find the video to), Im loving the direction TNA is going with Crimson & MEM. This is going to make me stop looking at spoilers and actually see what happens.
def. great to see a new face on TNA that has captured ppl's attn. i'm hoping to see Crimson destroy Abyss. A new young fresh face and hopefully a great future ahead for Crimson. Just what TNA needs. Not some of these old WWE fucks.
I'm loving this gimmick too. Mercer was an excellent pick as the advance man for the MEM, a fresh face with an intense look. He showed more intensity in his "Red's little brother" MMA match with Jarrett than any wrestler I've seen in a long time. He has the look of a guy that can get the job done and will do anything to accomplish his goal. Attacking AJ and Abyss sets him up as a badass, especially after planting Janice in Abyss' back then getting in the face of Immortal. Keeping him out of the ring while he is sending his message about "They" is one of the smart things TNA has done with this storyline. So far he has been flawless in the role and I can't wait to see what he will be up to next. I have seen him wrestle in a dark match and the guy can work, which only helps his character. This guy is gonna be a star and the mafia gimmick fits him perfectly.

absolutely lovin the hitman gimmick think that crimson is a perfect choice for the character.... really starting to wonder who the new mem is gunna be big poppa pump stinger nash angle ???? or will it be all new guys can't wait for feb 3rd... havent seen the janice in the back footage yet does neone know where i could find it ?????
havent seen the janice in the back footage yet does neone know where i could find it ?????

For those who have not seen the ending to last weeks iMPACT where Abyss came out with Janice in his back from Crimson here it is....

EDIT: Okay, so I can't quite seem to figure out how to put a youtube video on here :confused: but here is the link to the youtube video of the ending to last weeks iMPACT!
ITs gonna be new members of the MEM. Those guys are no longer in TNA right now except Kurt Angle. I see Anderson, RVD, Dreamer, Crimson, Red, MCMG, Morgan and Angle.
I am loving this gimmick right now Crimson totally has the look of a hit man if that is what TNA is going for, and hopefully with what he did to abyss this will keep abyss of tv for a while and hopefully leed to him being droped from Immortals, he just dont fit in.
prince punk is the antichrist of TNA... I use to watch them when they had a six sided ring a great x-division, and used AJ Styles properly... Then they brought in hogan started this "they" crap revealing immortal and it involving Jeff Hardy... Then I heard about this new "They" Crap...

However I did see a youtube video of Crimson's Debut he does have a look... I then watched Abyss walk out and fall to his knees. If done correctly this is what they need to actually turn a really weak story into something tangible. Congrats TNA you have my attention.

You have had the Talent for years. Now lets see if you have finally found the start of a rise in storytelling.. I'll be watching!
I think Mercer has been the perfect fit for the Crimson "Hitman" gimmick so far, I loved the shot of Abyss falling to the ground with Janice in his back, and then Crimson swaggering out onto the ramp a few seconds later. He looks the part in the suit, and I am really hoping that this leads to the return of the MEM, and an improvement in this storyline, which is not going as well as it should right now.

Crimson is a breath of fresh air, I hope to see him in the ring very soon, it looks like he has something to offer. I predict a bright future for this guy, thats for sure
Crimson = cool name, cool look, decent in-ring skills, decent mic-skills and now a decent gimmick!?

Crimson looks like a fresh faced Matt Morgan and probably has even more potential. Someone said on a thread once if this guy ever leaves TNA, WWE will lap him up and why not he's a damn near perfect young superstar. Sadly he'll overshadow Red... Ah well... Red can concentrate on bringing the X-Division to speed O.O
I love seeing this guy work.
I just hope he still uses the Mercy Kill in TNA. That is a sweet finishing move.

What is that finisher like? If that is his usual move, I expect he will use it in TNA, as they do not tend to put restrictions on the movesets of their wrestlers, unlike WWE.

I would have thought it would be renamed though as "Mercy Kill" is obviously linked to Tommy MERCER...probably end up being the Crimson Driver or something like that

Anyone got a clip of the Mercy Kill, or can describe it for me?
Crimson is badass. But, what happens to Little Red? Is he not gonna be known as Amazing Red's brother anymore? Ah, who cares, he's still awesome, and I can see a good feud between he and Morgan.
I have to say that this is what TNA really needed for the shock value. Cause even watching it just blow your mind that someone like Crimson broke down abyss and put fear into a monster. I hope TNA keep him around for a long time and at the same time Amazing Red boost the x-division.
Just saying ! But could this be were Heyman shows up? I've been saying that if Heyman comes he will bring some young and talented guys with him, that he could make into stars! Could Crimson be the first of these guys ? Hmmm?
Just saying ! But could this be were Heyman shows up? I've been saying that if Heyman comes he will bring some young and talented guys with him, that he could make into stars! Could Crimson be the first of these guys ? Hmmm?

:lmao: Hmmmm....No. I don't see how impossible it it for TNA to push a young fresh talent. They did it with Wolfe who ended up getting injured and who knows if he will recover properly.

TNA can make Crimson into a star. Heyman can't turn an MMA Video Game into a best seller. There is way to much Heyman worship going on. He could not handle ECW, what makes anyone think he can handle TNA? He was not willing to be lead manager in TNA, he wanted more power than Dixie.

Not exactly, the guy I would hire. The only talents TNA can turn into stars instantly is Crimson, Magnus and Alex Shelly. Heyman doesn't deserve credit for TNA's attempt to push Crimson.
:lmao: Hmmmm....No. I don't see how impossible it it for TNA to push a young fresh talent. They did it with Wolfe who ended up getting injured and who knows if he will recover properly.

TNA can make Crimson into a star. Heyman can't turn an MMA Video Game into a best seller. There is way to much Heyman worship going on. He could not handle ECW, what makes anyone think he can handle TNA? He was not willing to be lead manager in TNA, he wanted more power than Dixie.

Not exactly, the guy I would hire. The only talents TNA can turn into stars instantly is Crimson, Magnus and Alex Shelly. Heyman doesn't deserve credit for TNA's attempt to push Crimson.

One thing you can't deny is Heyman knows how to make stars! And that he's a great writer.He's made more stars in a year than TNA has over 8 and a half or so.give the man his credit if he's not a good business man so be it , he wouldn't be handling business .He will be over the T.V side of things and as far as I know he's a genius at making compelling T.V!
Somewhere Vinnie Mac is firing somebody for not having found this guy and having him in the WWE. Of all the new guys to debut in the last two year in any wrestling scene he is bar far the most impressive. He has every thing Vinny Mac loves in a champion. I wonder How long can TNA hold onto him.
Boy can he move! The guy is a great athlete ! No doubt . He obviously needs more experience in ring and on the mic but there's no denying his potential ! I also will like see him bulk up a bit more so he looks the role of a dominant monster.
He deffinately has the look. They are hyping him up and I hope he doesn't fail. I haven't seen enough of him on the mic but he doesn't seem like anything special. I think he would have made someone good to feud with Abyss, three or four years ago instead of Judas Mesisas or whatever his name was. I think he would have had some good chemistry with Abyss and would have made a good heel. I now don't know if they are going to claim him as Amazing Red's brother anymore and I really don't care. I like the guy and I think he has a pretty cool ring name.
They might've started Mercer off a little too hot. I mean, where do you go after these choke attacks and putting Janice through Abyss's spinal cord? This guy better be pretty awesome, otherwise he may have already jumped the shark.

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