The Next Big Idea TNA Can Steal

Before we get into this little bit of lyrical *********ion, your idea is awful. I have read it and considered it, and all you would succeed in doing is bringing in some new guy for a one-month run based on someone else's gimmick, which almost never proves to be successful. (The one case I can think of where a performer was successfully introduced in support of another character's gimmick would be Kane; and even he had Isaac Yankem, DDS before that.) You'd also trash Crimson's build for the sake of him having a feud with another person that no one except serious dirt sheet readers would know about.

For the record, I'm probably the last person on these boards that could be called a TNA fanboi. I expect a bunch of the TNA/IW diehards to charge into this thread now that I've posted and tell me how awful my ideas are because I didn't refer to TNA/IW as the greatest thing ever. I still think your idea sucks.

Now, on to what I quoted. I can tell you exactly what TNA would get if they hired you- a loudmouthed little kid who's all hopped up on his ability to say the first thing that comes out of his mouth. "Solving" a "problem" (both are in quotes because I disagree that you are solving anything and that there is some kind of problem with Crimson that needs to be fixed) consists of more than simply suggesting a possible solution. It requires a plan to execute that solution, a backup plan in case your original one doesn't work, and more research to support its success or failure than "this will work because I KNOW it will"- the only people that get away with that are people who have track records of success.

Buddy, you might think you're bright, but you're in a crayon box with a bunch of dark colors. Who gives a shit if some indy guy talks about another promotion stealing his character name? Does he have copyright he can enforce? Because otherwise, that's called 'the entertainment industry'. If you can't prove it's yours to a court of law, it's not yours. 'Cunning' doesn't enter into the equation. 'Morality' is not a factor. For what it's worth, I don't think TNA/IW did anything beyond using the name of a color for one of their wrestlers; people don't hear the word "Crimson" and reflexively start handing over Jacksons.

So i noticed that there are now three pages at least however I got sidetracked at page two with my new "friend" here.... On the copyright issue i'm going to say the same freaking thing I say EVERYTIME copyright comes into question.... he writes his own stuff AND the SECOND it goes from thought to paper, or video or any form that can be proven it has copyright protection.. Seeing as he could prove he sent tapes to TNA, and seeing that his promo's cut look a lot like the promo Sting cut on hogan as he attacked him he would have a case...

Second Idk how much of a fanboy you are or are not, though you did "steal" my line as I'm the one who usually says the TNA smarks are coming (which this thread is indeed in shark infested waters..)

Also it would be about his gimmick.... Not a rip off and he could come in start with the sting/hogan feud and have a stare down or two with crimson, It's his gimmick and he does it WAY better than sting...

No offense to Sting but his religious views get in the way of the character.... and it has nothing to do with trashing crimsons character he has no ties to amazing red other than they are supposed to be "Brothers" here's a thought TNA LOVES to switch people around all the time have him break away from the brother he does not team up with anyway.... It's not like he actually has any ties to the crimson name and changing it won't hurt him.
First off, whoever it was that ripped TNA/IW for using the same type of promos for Sting returning that WWE used for Undertaker returning that is called a parody. It's not stealing, it's poking fun of.

As for this Krimson guy...Who cares? Wrestling gimmicks are rarely original. Whining about someone stealing your moves/name/gimmick is played out. Mercer was brought in as Crimson to be tied in with Amazing Red as several people have already pointed out and Sting is doing what Sting does. Parody movie characters until it actually turns into his gimmick.

I would also like to note: TNA SMARK! How do i know they were the only ones calling TNA's sting promo's WWE parodies.... You guys REALLY need to look up the definition of a parody it would shed some light on your ignorance...

I would also like to note your the same ones screaming about how it's fair what TNA did and that sting is doing it better...

And what was the purpose of bringing him in as amazing red's brother not like he has helped out amazing red any... I can think of ten great heel turns for him to take where he drops the name and ends up in a feud with the actual Krimson... but hey its TNA they are already busting out them 2.0 ratings and have very compelling T.V.... Oh wait....
This again!? Why's this so different to the original thread about this topic? This has been discussed about before, and now you've started your own thread about the same thing but under a different name... Hmm, ironic.

You're trying to stand up for an indy wrestler. Fine, it's somewhat commendable. However this issue has gone back and forth for years and years and years. People borrowing/referencing/parodying other characters from other mediums. Like I said in the original thread, a term appropriate for this is Intertextuality, and here, once again, is the definition -

Intertextuality is the shaping of texts' meanings by other texts. It can include an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another. The term “intertextuality” has, itself, been borrowed and transformed many times since it was coined by poststructuralist Julia Kristeva in 1966. As critic William Irwin says, the term “has come to have almost as many meanings as users, from those faithful to Kristeva’s original vision to those who simply use it as a stylish way of talking about allusion and influence” (Irwin, 228)

Now probably at the risk of being called a TNA SMARK! are you really surprised that TNA fans are sticking up for a product the like when the title of the thread is already derogatory towards them AND it's posted in the TNA section? Come on now.

To Yurnewhero, writing an original work is different than basing on a character who already exists. If he came up with the Joker-type character in a world without the Batman series, fair enough and he would have a strong case. Both Sting and Krimson are referencing the same original character, that's why this is all quite ridiculous.
The way I see it Krimson is a bad Heath Ledger while Sting is making a really good Joker so far and I enjoy his character, so in short I don't think they should hire Krimson.

And Labar putting some TDK music over Sting putting make up on Hogan face is so biased to try to enforce their point they don'T have. Krimson is Ledger, Sting is more Hamil cross with some Ledger.

The guy isn't even that great and that's why he didn't broke in the business yet.

LaBar didn't put music over sting putting the red on Hogan's face. TNA did that. If you go on YouTube and watch the clip you will see that was a TNA production element.

I don't know why just because LaBar put the video together everybody automatically assumes he is trying to "bash" TNA. The video doesn't even bash TNA. Krimson guy even says good things about the company but frustrated Sting and others are doing what he feels he could be doing. I think the people who claim LaBar goes out of his way to bash TNA actually go out of their way to find something to bash LaBar about.

As far as Krimson's argument, its tough. He did borrow from the Joker as he said so just on that its tough to have too much sympathy that TNA is doing it.

But, the fact this guy was sending them stuff for so long and in talks with them does make it look shady on TNA's part. Either way its an entertaining story/video to watch and form an opinion about. Agree or disagree with the video, they did a good job getting people talking.
To the op.. Your a douche get over yourself alot of people get heat for their posts/opinions.. You're not some special case, no need to harp on about it, get over yourself.. Dont try make yourself some poster everyone ooohs and ahhs over, you're just another *** on this site like everyone else. Seriously? Starting the thread blabbing about yourself in 3rd person?? No one cares. So stfu. Anyway this Krimsoms dudes lame. watch his tube videos he's a no acting skill version of heaths joker.. Which = oddball shit. Hes got no case keep him as far away from tna wwe any wrestling brand.. He's just gold digging saying they 'stole' his name and gimmick. Doubt anyone at tna even watched his videos.
Wow I made it the title as I was being serious please TNA STEAL FROM ME!!!! I"m giving them this one for the love of god i'm not even being cynical here...

The problem with what they did was that they did not just rip off an indy wrestler.... They ripped off someone who was seeking employment with them and they took things from his promo tapes, as someone who works in broadcasting and is a creative writer they crossed the line (pun intended).

Also your intertextuality definition was cute and all but simple plagiarism is what this is actually called.
To the op.. Your a douche get over yourself alot of people get heat for their posts/opinions.. You're not some special case, no need to harp on about it, get over yourself.. Dont try make yourself some poster everyone ooohs and ahhs over, you're just another *** on this site like everyone else. Seriously? Starting the thread blabbing about yourself in 3rd person?? No one cares. So stfu. Anyway this Krimsoms dudes lame. watch his tube videos he's a no acting skill version of heaths joker.. Which = oddball shit. Hes got no case keep him as far away from tna wwe any wrestling brand.. He's just gold digging saying they 'stole' his name and gimmick. Doubt anyone at tna even watched his videos.

ANd I put you in the same category as I do Derf and SirJoseOle (the later I want banned for the crap he writes the negative reviews I leave) always with the homosexual remarks which incase you did not know we live in a PC controlled world and I have gay friends and find you ignorant people to be beneath me so yes I came out here wrote up a promo style post told TNA to take it and had some fun... I knew the TNA brave would be coming out to bury me at some point too bad I don't care about my rep as I just had an idea thought i would share it still back it and think people like you should be banned from the boards as there is no room in this world for your intolerance...

Your post had zero merit what so ever congrats
Wow I made it the title as I was being serious please TNA STEAL FROM ME!!!! I"m giving them this one for the love of god i'm not even being cynical here...

The problem with what they did was that they did not just rip off an indy wrestler.... They ripped off someone who was seeking employment with them and they took things from his promo tapes, as someone who works in broadcasting and is a creative writer they crossed the line (pun intended).

Also your intertextuality definition was cute and all but simple plagiarism is what this is actually called.

Dude, did "Krimson" trademark his character before sending the videos to TNA (assuming he really did send them)? If not, well to bad for him if he is stupid enough to not have thought of that before sending the videos to TNA ( if he really sent them). This is exactly why WWE or any other company in the world trademarks everything, because ifs its not trademarked its fair game to be used bay anybody that wants to. If he didn't trademark his character, he should shut the fuck up.
So i noticed that there are now three pages at least however I got sidetracked at page two with my new "friend" here.... On the copyright issue i'm going to say the same freaking thing I say EVERYTIME copyright comes into question.... he writes his own stuff AND the SECOND it goes from thought to paper, or video or any form that can be proven it has copyright protection.. Seeing as he could prove he sent tapes to TNA, and seeing that his promo's cut look a lot like the promo Sting cut on hogan as he attacked him he would have a case...
Based on your years of work in the print industry, or based on the flapping wind coming from betwixt your buttocks? Copyright is not "he did something similar to me, I want money!" Good luck copyrighting a gimmick. You can be broad enough with a character to get around anything specific enough to warrant copyright protection. It's not about whether you can call something a copyright, it's whether you can have that copyright enforced.
Prince_Punk said:
Second Idk how much of a fanboy you are or are not, though you did "steal" my line as I'm the one who usually says the TNA smarks are coming (which this thread is indeed in shark infested waters..)
Yes. Dearie me, I forgot you were the only person on this board who has ever dealt with the TNA fanbois. I don't even know who the fuck you are, I just saw some self aggrandizing stupidity while I was perusing the forums this morning and had to put a stop to it. I wouldn't use your lines if you paid me for the publicity.
Prince_Punk said:
Also it would be about his gimmick.... Not a rip off and he could come in start with the sting/hogan feud and have a stare down or two with crimson, It's his gimmick and he does it WAY better than sting...
Again, and how does that make money? Based on the few people who give a shit about this whole "Krimson" ordeal? Gimmicks don't make money; the people portraying the character do, and no one knows or cares a thing about this "Krimson" guy beyond "I heard on the internet he thinks TNA stole his gimmick". THAT sounds like a surefire moneymaker!

Prince_Punk said:
No offense to Sting but his religious views get in the way of the character.... and it has nothing to do with trashing crimsons character he has no ties to amazing red other than they are supposed to be "Brothers" here's a thought TNA LOVES to switch people around all the time have him break away from the brother he does not team up with anyway.... It's not like he actually has any ties to the crimson name and changing it won't hurt him.
Yes, I know your goal is not to trash the Crimson character. When you introduce a stranger and say "you lose your gimmick, pick something else", that's exactly what you accomplish, however. Any idiot can say "I have a great storyline idea!" Lots of them do, I'm reading one now and there are about a couple dozen others posted every week. So you create some very, very, very, VERY broad story about Krimson coming to take back his gimmick, with absolutely no plans on how to get the audience to respond to the Krimson character, what Sting does afterwards, what Crimson does afterwards, or anything that happens in the middle.

This is why your idea sucks, because the only thing you've thought about is the very basics of your idea; "I want this, and don't care what would happen as a result." You're throwing two established characters under the bus for the sake of introducing one, for no better reason then "I saw it on the internet".

I don't find it hard to believe that you're looking for employment; you have these grand thoughts that you're solving the world's problems, when you haven't even begun to consider first order consequences.
Based on your years of work in the print industry, or based on the flapping wind coming from betwixt your buttocks? Copyright is not "he did something similar to me, I want money!" Good luck copyrighting a gimmick. You can be broad enough with a character to get around anything specific enough to warrant copyright protection. It's not about whether you can call something a copyright, it's whether you can have that copyright enforced.

Yes. Dearie me, I forgot you were the only person on this board who has ever dealt with the TNA fanbois. I don't even know who the fuck you are, I just saw some self aggrandizing stupidity while I was perusing the forums this morning and had to put a stop to it. I wouldn't use your lines if you paid me for the publicity.

Again, and how does that make money? Based on the few people who give a shit about this whole "Krimson" ordeal? Gimmicks don't make money; the people portraying the character do, and no one knows or cares a thing about this "Krimson" guy beyond "I heard on the internet he thinks TNA stole his gimmick". THAT sounds like a surefire moneymaker!

Yes, I know your goal is not to trash the Crimson character. When you introduce a stranger and say "you lose your gimmick, pick something else", that's exactly what you accomplish, however. Any idiot can say "I have a great storyline idea!" Lots of them do, I'm reading one now and there are about a couple dozen others posted every week. So you create some very, very, very, VERY broad story about Krimson coming to take back his gimmick, with absolutely no plans on how to get the audience to respond to the Krimson character, what Sting does afterwards, what Crimson does afterwards, or anything that happens in the middle.

This is why your idea sucks, because the only thing you've thought about is the very basics of your idea; "I want this, and don't care what would happen as a result." You're throwing two established characters under the bus for the sake of introducing one, for no better reason then "I saw it on the internet".

I don't find it hard to believe that you're looking for employment; you have these grand thoughts that you're solving the world's problems, when you haven't even begun to consider first order consequences.

First off I like your moxie... Second off it was an idea not a full storyline or arc.. I did not go into elaborate details those I kept to myself. All I posted were the very basics of my idea... People keep saying no one will get the Krimson character yet in the same breath will turn around and compare him to the Joker... EVERYONE knows who the JOKER is... Sting is doing a poor mans Joker right now... Krimson can come in do it better and progression can be decided after you see how the fans react...
And Stings Joker character is hardly established he is STING and he is an established legend... I'm not saying change crimson's character i'm saying change his bloody name (haha god i'm so punny today) which HAS NOTHING to do with his CHARACTER!!!!!

Crimson only has the name nothing to do with the gimmick...
Also copyright protection is easy to enforce when he sent it to them through the mail... know your copyright laws bud... And there is nothing similar it's the exact same thing... And I never said I had YEARS of experience I just said i work in... Good work on trying to make me seem like a conceded douche bag I commend you for your efforts....
To the OP...

Im not going to ash your thought process...its opinion. HOWEVER, if you are going to post on these boards no matter what subject matter of what company it pertains have to know that you're going to get flamed at some point by people.

Now, Im not going to call out those that do it, I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinions. I DO NOT agree with some of the things people have said. It is not needed and VERY immature.

To the matter at hand...

Whatever happened between this guy and TNA is his own fault. He should've never given them any information that they didn't need. If he had friends in TNA they could've helped him out. Copyright IS NOT an issue here. Even if he did copyright the name, TNA changed it from a K to a C and changed the character entirely.

His promos were good, and its true what they say, everyone takes from something at some point. Hell I am an independent filmmaker and I have taken ideas or shots from hollywood. It doesn't mean I owe them anything, I made it my own idea. The only way TNA would owe him anything is if he did in fact copyright is character and name and could prove TNA ripped him off.

Im not going to sit here and bash TNA...and its not just CSR that does it. I read IGN's Wrestling Wrap-up every week and THAT writer does it too. LaBar only did this because he is working for PWO. TNA at this moment is seen as a joke in the industry. If WWE does not fear them then what does that tell you? WWE didn't start looking at WCW as competition until they matched the ratings WWE got. TNA is far from doing that at this time.

I actually commend TNA for what they have done with Sting. Its refreshing...though lame. Sting could've just done it as himself instead of taking (like this Justin guy said in his video) from a movie that is a fears years old...just like what he did with The Crow (for those of you that might be too young, look it up).

I think this guy should've just gone to TNA and said "hey I would like to work with for you, I have a character all set but I dont want to share any details at this time". He did say he was only in "talks" with them and that was it.
again crimson is not the one who stole the gimmick just the name... Sting is the one using the gimmick... This argument that people keep trying to fling is old and repetitive when they are not looking at what is REALLY being talked about...
again crimson is not the one who stole the gimmick just the name... Sting is the one using the gimmick... This argument that people keep trying to fling is old and repetitive when they are not looking at what is REALLY being talked about...

If you're referring to my post...I never said Crimson or Sting stole anything. I think you need to read better.
Another thing TNA could've stolen if they wanted to take a shot at WWE is having Abyss shave his head when he lost his mask.
Another thing TNA could've stolen if they wanted to take a shot at WWE is having Abyss shave his head when he lost his mask.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Very funny.

Now back on topic, i said it before and i'll say it again "Krimson" is screwed. If he was stupid enough to send tapes of him to TNA ( assuming he sent them) without trademarking his character, well too bad for him. This is exactly why WWE trademarks every thing, this way their wrestlers can't go to another company using the same gimmick. Since i assume he didn't trademark his character ( i could be wrong), he is more screwed than a hooker on Times Square.
This is fucking stupid, op HE IS BITCHiNG ABOUT A CHARACTER HE STOLE HiMSELF!!! What don't you get about that? Oh and on the copyright issue, he has no case, the crimson character isn't the one portraying joker, STING is, furthermore, you can't copyright a character you yourself have admitted publicly to stealing from someone else, the only group with any chance at a copyright infringement case would be the makers of the joker character, and even they wouldn't have two legs to stand on in a court of law because he isn't called joker he's sting, if you could sue, don't you think that would have happened with the crow gimmick back in the day? Common sense, it amazes me how many don't have it.....
See I like to look at the entire picture unlike the common TNA fanboy... He is "bitching" about the fact that they took his NAME and his GIMMICK and gave them to two separate people... The name went to Mercer as Crimson and the Gimmick went to Sting..

Now that I've done the cliff notes of the complaint for the 10000000th time could someone actually try and make a logical dis on what I have written besides ignoring oh I don't know my ENTIRE post....

Ignorant people can face roll a keyboard and press send I would like some actual "common sense" that it seems people don't have.. When it comes to the name it's actually a BIG deal as an example..

Karma was being used by someone else on the independent scene before the former Amazing Kong used it in her WWE Debut the WWE purchased the name from her. Seeing as she was just a independent wrestler herself I pale to see how this case is any different.

When no one is willing to actually articulate anything other than "RAGE RAGE RAGE OP IS A DOUCHE!!!!" I easily realize just why TNA is in the shape it's in.. It's fans IQ is a collective 90 (as a collective a few of you are brain dead, I'm sorry) and I don't see a reason to argue logically with you when you just ignore facts, statistics, past examples. And you just choose to Scream and rage about how stupid everyone else is.

You know I have some inbred cousins that argue like you perhaps you should check the old family tree for any knots in your general direction...
See I like to look at the entire picture unlike the common TNA fanboy... He is "bitching" about the fact that they took his NAME and his GIMMICK and gave them to two separate people... The name went to Mercer as Crimson and the Gimmick went to Sting..

Now that I've done the cliff notes of the complaint for the 10000000th time could someone actually try and make a logical dis on what I have written besides ignoring oh I don't know my ENTIRE post....

Ignorant people can face roll a keyboard and press send I would like some actual "common sense" that it seems people don't have.. When it comes to the name it's actually a BIG deal as an example..

Karma was being used by someone else on the independent scene before the former Amazing Kong used it in her WWE Debut the WWE purchased the name from her. Seeing as she was just a independent wrestler herself I pale to see how this case is any different.

When no one is willing to actually articulate anything other than "RAGE RAGE RAGE OP IS A DOUCHE!!!!" I easily realize just why TNA is in the shape it's in.. It's fans IQ is a collective 90 (as a collective a few of you are brain dead, I'm sorry) and I don't see a reason to argue logically with you when you just ignore facts, statistics, past examples. And you just choose to Scream and rage about how stupid everyone else is.

You know I have some inbred cousins that argue like you perhaps you should check the old family tree for any knots in your general direction...

... what shape? You make it sound like the company's on its last legs, when clearly it's doing pretty darn good.

Now, about your little chalk talk. Some Indy bitch was named "Kharma" before and WWE purchased the name from her. Fine. How is TNA in the wrong here? Did they use the name KRIMSON with a K? No. Even if it was copyrighted (which it was not), it's not the same name, it's with a K not a C like Mercer's moniker.

You can see the logic TNA used to come up with "Crimson". They bring him in as Amazing Red's little brother. Amazing RED - Crimson. If you remember, they originally called him "Big Red". That's his first night in TNA. Then they came up with the name, they wanted something resembling Red. The fuck are they gonna call him? Scarlet? Hot Pink? Cherry? Rose? Flame? Chestnut? Copper? Maroon? Flushed? RUBY?

Krimson shouldn't flatter himself. No one "stole" his dumbass name, it's nothing too unique to have you say "MAN, they definitely stole that, there's no way they could think of it".

The most important question is ... did Krimson copyright the name? NO! Therefore he has ZERO reason to bitch and cry and moan. Not only did they clearly not get the idea from him, but he didn't even copyright the shit.

Don't even get me started on the gimmick too. They're nothing alike, aside from similar face paint and the fact that they based both characters off of The Joker. How did the gimmick go to Sting? Do you even know what a gimmick is?

Krimson - A man that has been in the business for a long long time and feels as if the business has taken a lot out of him and doesn't give anything back. He's a crazed psycho who cuts grainy backstage videos, has weird twitches, is dark, gloomy, evil and very violent.

Sting - A pro wrestling legend who recently lost his Championship to Mr.Anderson and as a result snapped, turning into a demented, goofy, funny old man who paints his face in an awkward manner, whose main goal is to bring the old Hulk Hogan back from the dead and ultimately destroy the faction known as Immortal.

GIMMICKS. Those are their gimmicks. Not the face paint, not the character they based them off of. The gimmick is an ACT not how you DRESS. Because if the gimmicks were about your gear, then Triple H should sue the fuck out of Bobby Roode 'cause that son of a bitch looks identical to HHH. Every wrestler should be sueing everyone because they have similiar gimmicks. How many gimmicks do you know of a cocky, cowardly heel? Hundreds and hundreds. How about the loveable underdog? Hundreds.

Now THIS jerk off is standing there, bitching and crying like a little **** about how TNA stole a gimmick that they're not using and he didn't even come up with entirely! Am I the only one who finds this ridiculious?

P.S: Hey Krimson, Raven called, he wants his gimmick back.

P.P.S: Hey Krimson, Jeff Hardy called, he wants his gimmick back.
Oh for Satan's sake, WCW did the same thing to Matt Hardy when he started out. From what i remember Matt had a name for his character and WCW gave it to one of their guys. Did Matt Hardy sue them? Hell no. 1. he hadn't trademarked it. 2. Anyways, he wouldn't have won because Ted Turner's money would have assured WCW would have had the best attorneys in the world. You see, this is nothing new in pro wrestling and if "Krimson" was stupid enough to forget to trademark his character name and likeness well too bad for him. Oh and by the way his gimmick is similar to what Scott "Raven" Levy used to have when he was in ECW and WCW, so "Krimson" should shut the fuck up.
Everyone keeps answering your post you jackass, you just don't like the answer you keep getting op because "you're a writer and know all about copyright/trademark procedure" when in fact you are completely wrong on that subject so instead of saying oh okay maybe I was wrong on that issue you instead choose to yell TNA SMARK, or TNA FANBOY and try and belittle people, which by the way, shows everyone your just how low your IQ is. Furthermore on your "idea" that TNA could steal from you, it's absolutely horrible, has no reason to be on tv and would make me want to change the channel. As butthurt as you keep getting over this guy, I'm starting to think you are Krimson.....
HAHAHA, This is awesome! I'm the butt hurt one? Let's take a look at the TNA ratings... As the IWC members who like TNA... ARE TNA's fan base... I mean look at an impact crowed.... Those people are butt hurt...

And 99% of the NEGATIVE responses I get state something about Crimson changed the letter and never stole the gimmick... That's not what I was even talking about and I was clarifying that it's sting who stole the gimmick...

And no one has even made an argument against my actual idea besides some idiot who said that I had a bad storyline when I never wrote out a storyline just a basic idea.... I should have known if I decided to get on here and try and have a little fun with the write up people would lose their shit...

ANYWAY.... changing the C from a K does nothing to create a new name it's still the same name with one letter different... by him appearing in any type of video with the name being shown or him calling himself that as long as it has a date stamp on it he owns the rights... It's how the world works...

Do people steal from others anyway YES.. When they get away with it no one calls them out... This guy is. My idea was simply a thought for a win win win... The problem is I forgot that the TNA BLOWHARDS HATE this guy even though he still praises TNA (something You won't catch me doing until they step up their game) and just wants a chance to work with them.

Hell they could at least offer him a try out match. Hell I don't want TNA to fail but the truth hurts, currently it still is. Competition is good for business, but at this rate ROH will be competing with WWE LONG before TNA can.

Because TNA is a mirror where ROH = Wrestling...

So TNA faithful go ahead bash some more instead of having an intellectual conversation you narrow minded abominations.
Ok ok ok, here is the fucking facts. The Dark Knight came out in 2008. We have seen promotions steal gimmicks for years. If some indi hack wants to create a gimmick off a movie then great. Whatever gets him paid, but big deal. I could give two fucks what this dude is saying about Tna stole my gimmick. Is your gimmick copyrighted? I don't believe so, then we have nothing more to talk about here.
Furthermore, you keep talking about copywrite infringement, he TOOK THE IDEA FROM AN ALREADY TRADEMARKED CHARACTER & HAS ADMITTED THIS PUBLICLY..... Once again, no case. Once again, if that were the case, WWE would have won their lawsuit against WCW over the Razor Ramon, same thing with thecrow gimmick...
They are moving more merchandise and going on the road more, therefore they are undoubtedly making money, people have been saying they're going out if business for years now yet it disentangle happen. Oh and on giving him a tryout match, they already did.

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