The Next Big Idea TNA Can Steal

Oh and just FYI not all of us are TNA blowhards as you say, and noone, well speaking for me, hates this guy, I really could give two shits about the guy, hope he does well in his career, it's just the whole "waah they stoke my gimmick" crap is ******ed, welcome to the fuckin entertainment business, it's full of sharks and snakes, either man up or get out.
except your throwing negativity towards him which = dislike as you feel he needs to just shut up and take it... Meaning you dislike what he is doing to stand up for himself.

And you are only speaking for yourself considering half the post against him have people saying how much they hate him.

And I dislike TNA because of what they have become of course there is room for growth in MY opinion however even with them going on the road more I don't see them being anything more than a glorified independent promotion which is what they are.

They want to be WWE back in the 90's and yeah I dog them all the time which means chris sabin is killing a hell of a lot of puppies ;) however it's because I think that they have one of THE most talented rosters and they waste a lot of it.

They HAD to go on the road to make money in the first place the impact zone is free... however that does not mean they are turning a profit..
Right, because everybody knows that you start going on the road when you don't have money and when your business is not turning a profit. You just beam intelligence.

To be fair, Paul Heyman pretty much did that in 2000 & 2001, with shows in places like Canada and Texas and California. :shrug:

On-topic, I could not give less of a fuck if I tried. As others have said before me, naming Tommy Mercer Crimson ties in with his kayfabe brother Amazing Red and Sting's current gimmick has nothing to do with the crap Krimson has put out. And even if it did, it doesn't sound copy-righted from the looks of it and it's based off a copy-righted character. He has no fucking legal leg to stand on.
except your throwing negativity towards him which = dislike as you feel he needs to just shut up and take it... Meaning you dislike what he is doing to stand up for himself.

And you are only speaking for yourself considering half the post against him have people saying how much they hate him.

And I dislike TNA because of what they have become of course there is room for growth in MY opinion however even with them going on the road more I don't see them being anything more than a glorified independent promotion which is what they are.

They want to be WWE back in the 90's and yeah I dog them all the time which means chris sabin is killing a hell of a lot of puppies ;) however it's because I think that they have one of THE most talented rosters and they waste a lot of it.

They HAD to go on the road to make money in the first place the impact zone is free... however that does not mean they are turning a profit..

They are a private company, so no-one knows what the monetary situation with them is actually like, everyone just speculates.

Throwing negativity doesn't instantly mean you dislike someone. I got negative feedback at Uni for some assignments but my tutors weren't doing it because they disliked or hated me, it was because the work wasn't up to scratch and I had to mend my errors.

As you keep mentioning your idea from the first post, I'll comment on it. It's a bad idea. Sting V Hogan has so much history and is getting a good build-up, Crimson is going to be tied up with the BFG series until September/October time. Once all that's out of the way, it would be a bit ridiculous to have Crimson and Sting involved with some guy who has a poor case in the first place in regards to this whole 'gimmick stealing' nonsense.

I'm confused though, you hate TNA, but want them to give Krimson a storyline?
No I'm not throwing negativity at the guy, I'm simply saying the advice I'd give him, and yes I would be that blunt with it, once again it's the fuckin entertainment business, it's full of sharks and snakes, if the guy thinks this will be the only time someone "steals" from him in the entertainment industry he's got another thing comin. Everyone does it in all forms of entertainment. That's the attitude in the entertainment industry, I was just simply repeating it, "man up or get out."
Oh and no they didn't have to take IW on the road, they've been at the impact zone for how long now and still operating? They now have theoretically made enough and are positioned to be able to go on the road more. It's very obvious they are a growing company, I love how all you WWE smarks(as would be your comeback in almost every post) talk about they're going out of business, losing money, nothing more than a glorified Indy promotion, and so on and so forth. Newsflash: ALL companies start out Indy and try and build themselves bigger, they are on tv all around the world with wrestling personalities everyone around the world knows, what is independent about that?
You've stated you case in this thread over and over and it seems to me you're upset cause you hitched your wagon to this indy guy in the hopes of starting another bash TNA thread and it hasn't worked out the way you thought it would since most of the people that have replied have gone against you.

Stings character was taken from the Dark Knight plain and simple, there are no similarities between him and Krimson except their face paint, and Stings is better, as for Crimson/Krimson they just have the same name thats it no similarities at all so no big deal it's just a name.

This is wrestling where gimmicks have been stolen, used, reused/recycled through out the years, it happens get over it.

Demolition and powers of pain ripped off the Road Warriors, don't see you making a thread about that.

Jack Swagger is a rip off of Kurt Angles character and he's using his finisher, don't see you all up in arms over that.

Ric Flair took elements from Buddy Rodgers character, don't see you making a big deal out of it.

Doink the Clown was using a character similare to the jokers on the indy circute not to long ago, I dont know if he still is but I don't see you crying about that. You could say he is the origonal joker character in wrestling.

Like I said I think you wanted a bash TNA party thread and it didn't work out the way you thought it would.

Oh yeah your Idea sucked.
If Krimson appeared on Impact (even if Crimson had appeared under a different moniker), there could be speculation of a link to Amazing Red. If he was to appear, it would make most sense for him to change his name.

As far as Joker rip offs? Have you ever heard of the ICP, Doink or even Hugh Morris? I believe they pre-date Krimson's gimmick by a hair.
Wow I made it the title as I was being serious please TNA STEAL FROM ME!!!! I"m giving them this one for the love of god i'm not even being cynical here...

The problem with what they did was that they did not just rip off an indy wrestler.... They ripped off someone who was seeking employment with them and they took things from his promo tapes, as someone who works in broadcasting and is a creative writer they crossed the line (pun intended).

Also your intertextuality definition was cute and all but simple plagiarism is what this is actually called.

In life people are gonna steal your stuff. Instead of him crying out loud so idiots like you can try to solve his problem he should grow up and solve it himself. Why don't u got to a t-shirt place get one that says "Shit Happens" and mail it to him.:lmao:
It was never a bash TNA thread... it was a here is an idea.. Considering I know I don't want to see two old guys get in the ring when one can barely walk... but hey I suppose if you want to see Hulk Hogan step in the ring and paralyze himself go for it... I can't believe ANYONE would want to see STING V. HOGAN... At least not at their ages... back in their primes OH HELL YEAH.. Not so much now when they are both broken down old men who should be enjoying retirement... Hogan more than sting, however sting is still not very mobile in the ring and is pretty limited.
I'll tell you what i'll do, bring in Krimson and have Crimson job to him after Amazing Red make his brother lose. Crimson change his name to Shaun of the Red. Then after the match, blood fall off the ceiling wich makes Krimson and Shaun fall. (Shaun cries and leave the company). In the entry way you see the perpetrator, Vampiro. Then on a tv monitor Sting watch the whole thing and laugh and laugh Ledger Joker-style. (Krimson cries and leave the company). Vampiro become Krimson with the Ledger Joker character. Amazing Red becomes new Krimson's lackey(or not). Sting stops laughing. The End.
Oh yeah, cause that whole blood falling from the ceiling thing worked so well when they did it with vampiro towards the end of WCW... I think not.
I'm sorry but Sting acting like joker is just BEYOND stupid... Sting is 52... He would have been mid to late 30's while doing Crow Sting. That's called his PRIME. Hogan is 57.... Has had multiple back surgeries and does not get around that well these days...

How do two guys who are already LEGENDS in the business help anyone by taking up air time feuding against each other...

I think as far as joker imitators go Krimson does a very good job. Sting not so much. Sting reminds me more of a much smaller Brock Lesner with face paint leading up to his wresltmania match with Goldberg (hogan vs. Sting at the shape Hogan is in will just about be as exciting)

So why not bring in a younger guy I mean look at the recent roster cuts... I mean hell if AJ Styles could do it I would give it to him after the way they treat him it would at least be logical..
So now that You're argument about Krimson trademarking his name etc has been shown to be ridiculous you're going to start the ol "they're too old to be on the air" line huh? Pathetic. Youre thread Had nothing to do with peoples age or who is or isnt getting airtime, it was over a noname guy crying because "my gimmick was stolen:(" Beings you want to go there tho, TNA has always had guys past their prime in the main event scene, that's how they stay on the air, SpikeTV doesn't care about the youngsters, they want people everyone knows, they weren't demanding Krimson to get hired, they wanted the MEM put back on tv, all over 40 and past their prime besides angle. Furthermore, hogan is on the air hardly at all anymore, I don't see how he's taking airtime from younger guys when he's on the screen for thirty seconds.... You have to have the recognized characters on the air, you se them to attract viewers and than start building up younger guys, which last I checked they are doing.
We don't even know if the guy has talent to begin with. (then again he can't be worse than Crimson lol)

He has stuff you cans see on yt, didn't impress me at all but I'm not a scout or anything like that. Plus if he had talent he would be in a major company not in the indies whining about somebody aledgedly stealing his gimmick/character to anybody that will listen.
We don't even know if the guy has talent to begin with. (then again he can't be worse than Crimson lol)

Are you saying Crimson sucks? He clearly doesn't, he is one of the most promising guys I have seen in quite a while. He has a pretty good moveset, a great look and has entertained me every time I have seen him.

I haven't heard him talk so I can't comment on his promo skills. I am just glad TNA are pushing this guy, they need to build up some new stars and I reckon Crimson will be one of those.
Are you saying Crimson sucks? He clearly doesn't, he is one of the most promising guys I have seen in quite a while. He has a pretty good moveset, a great look and has entertained me every time I have seen him.

I haven't heard him talk so I can't comment on his promo skills. I am just glad TNA are pushing this guy, they need to build up some new stars and I reckon Crimson will be one of those.

The guy that can't talk, can't wrestle. You can be a power guy but you have to act and look different, he doesn't. He's like all the countless tough guys with tattoos that tries to look intense. Gunner is the same thing.

As for his moveset, what is it? It's just punchs and kicks. TNA are trying to build him up like Goldberg but Goldberg was different! He had something special. He had moves nobody had ever seen before. Crimson doesn't have anything close that ressembles Goldberg's spear. Goldberg would pull something amazing in every matchs. I'm never amazed by what Crimson is doing. TNA should have him go to the jym with trainers and come up with new moves or something. Come up with something creative and unique to him.
The guy that can't talk, can't wrestle. You can be a power guy but you have to act and look different, he doesn't. He's like all the countless tough guys with tattoos that tries to look intense. Gunner is the same thing.

As for his moveset, what is it? It's just punchs and kicks. TNA are trying to build him up like Goldberg but Goldberg was different! He had something special. He had moves nobody had ever seen before. Crimson doesn't have anything close that ressembles Goldberg's spear. Goldberg would pull something amazing in every matchs. I'm never amazed by what Crimson is doing. TNA should have him go to the jym with trainers and come up with new moves or something. Come up with something creative and unique to him.

What??? Goldgerg did nothing new in all of his matches. Goldberg matches consisted of a kick, a punch, a spear and the jackhammer. All his matches were the same and until he defeated Raven for the U.S title to go on to beat Hogan for the World Title (WCW version) he was fighting jobbers lest and right doing the same moves. Crimson at least faces former champions in TNA.
Goldberg was a weak performer that had a good look that got over. It's no secret that he was not a great performer/wrestler and he got over by short powerful matches.

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