Tommy "Crimson" Mercer


Occasional Pre-Show
I think if done right TNA could have a mega star on their hands. In his brief time he seems to have the intensity and look of a Randy Orton and his short mic skills last week seemed great. He has some good videos on youtube.

I hope TNA does not screw this up I think they could have real Gem on their hands! If done right this guy could bring more viewers in.

What do you guys think is the proper direction they should go with him? Make him pay his dues or Goldberg and Sheamus him and throw him into the Main event right away.
i've been gone a few wks on the account of having me a lil one at the stupid age of 19,but back to the topic, tbh he's gunna be buried on the roster, very simple, he has a Gunner/Murphy look and won't be doing too much more. Sry man
I'm going to be VERY surprised if he doesn't end up in WWE.

This guy is impressive looking, and he's only 24-25, which would say he might be worthy of snatching up if Mercer/TNA part ways.

I'm going to go with 6time though, he's going to get buried in the shuffle of the retirement home.
Who knows, after all they have thrown him in with a seemingly big storyline. 'They' this time could end up being anyone, maybe it will be a red faction, amazing red, with a touch of crimson and a red rooster to finish things off nicely. To be honest I am being flipant because his involvement in yet another 'they' angle is just ridiculous and probably an indication that creative in reality have nothing for the guy and are trying to hide it behind a 'surprise' twist angle.
I think Mercer is going to be the next big thing in TNA. TNA must think so too or his debut would have been a match against Sharkboy. The gimmick of him being Red's little brother is great. There is a major storyline building and Crimson was the one to introduce it. You notice he's dressed in a black suit with a red tie. that means only one thing to me, the Main Event Mafia. If they think enough of him to make him the advance man for the MEM, they think they have a star in the making. The guy shows real intensity in the ring and gives off an vibe that he is someone not to be messed with. The little bit hes been in the ring has shown he probably knows how to work. His mic skills seem to be good, he has the look, so he has what it takes to become a star in the wrestling business. I look forward to seeing a lot of this guy.

This guy has star written all over him! TNA needs to be careful how they book this guy!He's the gem they've been looking for.I've seen some of his stuff on youtube and this guy has it all ! athleticism,quickness,moves,promo skills,and a great look.In six months or so this guy will be a Star!
Just looking at some mic work on you tube, the guys seems pretty average so he isn't really going to capitalise there. He looks like a contender though, he just has that body frame and as people have mentioned, good intensity. Still working through videos - definitely not a talker. I do love his look though, it's not very gimmicky which I usually don't like but his look is unique and so I am being swayed by him.

According to some guy above me, he's only 24/25, sounds like a bargain, now I am intrigued. Bring on February 3rd and lets see what role he's playing, I'll make a firmer assessment then.

EDIT: On top of what we already know, it would seem the guy has been trained by Jerry Lynn, I can only see this as a good thing.
It's the Era of the Gingers! Sheamus, now this guy.

I definitely see unlimited potential for Crimson. I like his look, he's very natural at being savage, he's got the "it" and I believe he's the first pro wrestler whose tribal tattoos don't make him look like a schmuck. Good deal!
I'm all for giving new guys a shot, but I can't get over how weird it is them booking him to appear so important, yet debuting attached to Amazing Red, a tiny X-Division guy who more often than not gets squashed or forgotten. Usually you piggyback fresh faces on successful gimmicks!
His mic work seemed top-notch while he was choking out that bum Abyss. During the Double J, Double M-A tournament, he looked pretty physical.

However, I haven't actually seen him wrestle, so it's hard to really say how great I think he is. If he's as good as everyone says, TNA might have something there. And new faces, under Bischoff/Hogan/Russo, are not subject to 'feeling-out' periods (see Goldberg). If he shows a lot of promise, look for him to get a massive push, along the lines of what Goldberg was given by Bischoff.
His mic work seemed top-notch while he was choking out that bum Abyss. During the Double J, Double M-A tournament, he looked pretty physical.

However, I haven't actually seen him wrestle, so it's hard to really say how great I think he is. If he's as good as everyone says, TNA might have something there. And new faces, under Bischoff/Hogan/Russo, are not subject to 'feeling-out' periods (see Goldberg). If he shows a lot of promise, look for him to get a massive push, along the lines of what Goldberg was given by Bischoff.

He's actually a pretty impressive wrestler. At least I like him. Very fluid in the ring, dwarfs the indy fodder he's wrestling against. He reminded me of The Rock in that small pre-match interview. I don't know, the guy's got that "something" you need to make it big.

I hope he turns into something special.
I can't express enough how glad I am to see that he will not be known as "Little Red". the name Crimson doesn't knock me over, but certainly MUCH better than Little Red.

why can't he just be known as "Tommy Mercer"? I would think going by his real name would be better for him.
Tommy Mercer sounds too average even though the last name fits. Crimson though is good since it shows a dark side of the fun bright red. His intensity yet calmness is similiar to Orton and the guy reminds me of Tomko if he lost weight, got his look together and was pushed correctly.
It was Crimson, in the iMPACT! Zone with Janice!

Oh wait, wrong game? Sorry...

Helluva way to make an impression, no? Made him look like an animal the way he took down Abyss like that, and the fact he's taking out Immortal members one-by-one week-after-week is certainly not hurting him any.

We've yet to see him wrestle a match match in TNA, but thus far Crimson is a rousing success. Seems to me he's getting a big-time push, no?
It was Crimson, in the iMPACT! Zone with Janice!

Oh wait, wrong game? Sorry...

Helluva way to make an impression, no? Made him look like an animal the way he took down Abyss like that, and the fact he's taking out Immortal members one-by-one week-after-week is certainly not hurting him any.

We've yet to see him wrestle a match match in TNA, but thus far Crimson is a rousing success. Seems to me he's getting a big-time push, no?

Either that or TNA has a fucked up sense of humor.

I agree, management must be huge on Crimson at the moment, and why wouldn't they. He's got the look, he's got the size, potential good mic skills and as far as his in-ring stuff go, I've seen his matches on YouTube and he is pretty darn impressive.

All I know is that this guy proves why gingers don't have souls ...
Yeah It seems that Crimson is in line for a HUGE Push. I thought that tonight's Impact made Crimson a look like a FUCKING BEAST. His backstage attack on AJ and the Final Attack on Abyss was AWESOME and he Also Looks Great in the Black suit with the Red Tie, Crimson came off Awesome after this episode, it looks like to me that TNA has found themselves a Really Good Talent in Tommy Mercer.
Suck on this youth movement haters. Not sure how TNA does it but they have a few talented guys with size to push while WWE is pushing abercrombie mannequins. Crimson is getting put over big time. Stepping in and being the initial face of a big story and looking favorably in interactions with Jarrett, AJ and putting a big hurt on Abyss. Great look, he can at least be average on the mic and if he can wrestle at all TNA found something solid here.
At first I was not pleased with the new "They" thing. But the way Crimson has been playing his role "Devil's Messenger", I've definably become a fan. He hasn't hit the ring in TNA much yet, but judging from the Double J Double M-A Challenge, he's not just some big guy. I know it's pretty early, but TNA seems to have a winner here. I believe the last time we ever saw a relative unknown get such a huge push in TNA was Samoa Joe all the way back in 2005-2006. To say TNA is high on him may just be a total understatement. Hope the idea of "They" is to give him a rub.
I just hope when the rest of the Mafia Get in their Sting,Nash,Stiener they dont push him to the side. TNA needs to make him the poster boy. I can see them screwing this up once the old guys come in.
I might have been wrong here, in an earlier post, I said he's gunna get buried on the roster, but he's not. This guy's look when I saw him choke AJ half to death was sinister. Not only that, when I saw Abyss have Janice in his back, I shuddered, he literally had a "Scary" image to him. He is a very charismatic guy, and I can only hope I was wrong in the earlier post.
At first I was not pleased with the new "They" thing. But the way Crimson has been playing his role "Devil's Messenger", I've definably become a fan. He hasn't hit the ring in TNA much yet, but judging from the Double J Double M-A Challenge, he's not just some big guy. I know it's pretty early, but TNA seems to have a winner here. I believe the last time we ever saw a relative unknown get such a huge push in TNA was Samoa Joe all the way back in 2005-2006. To say TNA is high on him may just be a total understatement. Hope the idea of "They" is to give him a rub.

Mercer suppose to be one of the good guys so how is he the ''devil's messenger''? But he does look good, mic work so far not bad and hopefully TNA does good with this angle right here.
starting with using a chain to choke abyss,choking aj with a dhokehold, then the icing on the cake ramming janice into abyss back and coming out in a mafia suit looking all bad-aas. TNA has done somethin g amazing with this guy, i wonder whats next, hes gonna use a bat to cave in someones skull? lol get protection money from people? On a serious note how do you all feel about his recent mafia hitman type role? i think since we all know who's coming,since spoilers arent allowed you either know or dont know, he is playing it perfectly i love the guy,even though he hasnt done 1 match. so what do you all think of his "hitman" character? and is he the right choice or could TNA have gotten someone else to play the gimmick?
yeh im liking it alot aswell and as soon as abyss fell to he floor on impact i was like wow that was so well done. It was like something out of a movie. I can wait for you no who to return and fued with Immortal its gunna be soooo good. With any luck others who have beenrumored to return will aswell.
I have to agree. I like it and how many times have we seen a guy actually lay out Abyss? Especially with the way they've been trying to make Abyss look like an unstoppable monster, and now in the span of 3 weeks, we've seen Abyss choked out and now bludgeoned with his own weapon by Crimson. I like this guy and I like him in the suit and it fits with this rumored return of the Main Event Mafia. If there is fact to this, the Mafia does need guys to serve as its fists and thus far, Crimson is filling in that role nicely.

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