Todays WWE Releases


Getting Noticed By Management
So far today WWE have released 6 people some are surprising & some are not.

Evan Bourne - I for one am surprised by this in a way but in other ways not. He is awesome to watch in the ring but had a few personal problems and I think that hurt him. I think he's been ready to return for a while but they couldn't come up with anything.

Curt Hawkins - Well he has his school now so maybe it's good for him. Seems WWE never could figure out what to do with him. I've wanted him & Ryder to get back together for a while.

Brodus Clay - Surprised here as he's a big guy like WWE like but the Funkasaurus thing might of hurt him as a threat and WWE couldn't com eup with anything else.

Camacho - Not suprising really he's been loosing to Adam Rose on NXT so I guess with Hunico now being Sin Cara his whole main roster thing is shot.

Teddy Long - Kind of surprised but he's been there for years and is probably ready to retire anyways.

Yoshi Tatsu - Kind of surprised as we keep hearing good things from the PC on his promos and stuff. Definitely fun to watch in the ring, and I figured they needed a little Japanese representation but with KENTA being brought in, that may have been the reason to finally drop Yoshi, I hate it for him though.

Who's Next? JTG, Justin Gabriel, Ryder ? I guess we will see
Aksana - Not surprised, they let Alicia Foxx turn on her on Raw & although I somewhat figured they might start something, I guess not. She just never really good get a good role though.
At this stage I almost want them to release Drew Mac just so he can have a chance somewhere else.
-Aksana -> She was not that great in the ring, although she improved. And she was never gonna be anything of relevance in the divas division so I'm not really shocked by this.

-Camacho -> Haven't been following his NXT stuff but he seemed pretty decent. I guess they just never found anything for him besides being being Hunico's thug and now that guy is Sin Cara so Camacho really would've never found a place on the roster.

-Brodus Clay - > Good riddance. I always hated the gimmick and he looked disgusting for someone who is supposed to be an athlete. We already have designated big men jobbers in Mark Henry and Big Show.

-Evan Bourne - > no real place for him on the roster. WWE has way more than enough high fliers. Air Boom was entertaining tho.

-Teddy Long - > Old played out character. Nobody really is interested in seeing him or the GM role in general. Unless the GM is someone like SCSA or just someone of note, nobody will ever care.

-Curt Hawkins - > This one I am sad about because I always saw him having untapped potential. I really do think he had a place in WWE. At least in the tag team division. Him and Ryder could have used the tv time. But not surprised since they really didnt find anything for him for so long.

-Yoshi Tatsu -> He's fun in the ring but that's about it. Not speaking english is a big detriment to his career in the WWE. Barely made TV so not surprised.

-Jinder Mahal - > Kinda surprised since they had the 3MB thing going on. I m guessing now that the Shield are 2 and 6 man tag team matches are fading a bit ( I mean they really existed just because of whole Shield ) they didn't see a reason to keep them together. And Jinder was never going to be anything anyway so I'm guessing they just started cutting the fat. Slater is still the perfect jobber and Drew I'm guessing they might still have a plan for him down the road, or I hope at least.

*Well fuck they just released Drew. Well I hope he shines somewhere else cause it's clear WWE never really thought much of him after his initial run and that scandal with his wife that he was involved in.
Well, fellow wrestling fanatics, as you may or may not know (if not go to the main WZ page) there have been some roster cuts. Some of them make sense, like Evan Bourne, who has done nothing since getting high and breaking his foot, and Aksana, which is good since I have more wrestling talent in my left nut than she had in her whole body. But one of them made me do a double take:

Drew McIntyre.

Frankly, that's a damn shame. A DAMN shame. The former hand picked chosen one, who looked ready to be on top of the i world, demoted to jobber status, and finally future endeavored. I just don't get it. What happened to this guy? He had a great look, was a fine wrestler, and he could talk. Now he's gone. Thoughts?

On an unrelated note JTG was seen smiling in the locker room shadows giggling before climbing up the wall, across the ceiling, and into the air ducts.
Wow Now I have to say I am surprised by these next 2 as they are seen on tv pretty often with the whole Hornswoggle & El Torito thing.

McIntyre - at One time he was called the chosen one & has been a part of 3MB for a while. I guess to WWE 3MB is finally getting stale & they don't know what else to do.

Mahal - pretty much the same. I was never into his gimmick & thought he was pretty goofy with 3MB.
At this stage I almost want them to release Drew Mac just so he can have a chance somewhere else.

You got your wish. Drew McIntyre and Jindar Mahal have been added to the list.

Honestly, I'm not surprised by any of the previously listed names but I am surprised at these last 2. I know they were in full jobber status, but 3MB served a niche role as a jobber stable that could be fed to any upcoming star. I guess they ran out of ideas for them after the Torito and Hornswoggle "feud." Might be for the best.
I hope they release Sandow. He is the best. Maybe TNA can use him properly instead of the tragedy of having to see what Wwe is doing to him.
While I am not surprised by any of these releases...I was hoping there was something for Evan Bourne when he returned....he could've used an NXT run like Tyson Kidd had to get his feet wet again.

I think Bourne and Drew will end up in TNA...everyone else should find Jeff Jarrett's number, now!
I didn't think that McIntyre had anything positive that was going to propell him up the card. He was tall, but bland looking, spoke in hushed tones, and was somebody who wrestled the WWE style well. Namely a robot with no moves of his own to make himself stand out.

That said, 3MB worked so why not keep them.
The WWE was due for a purge, and nobody on the list is really a shocker. I suppose McIntyre and Mahal are surprises but only because they've been on TV in comedy angles week in and week out.

If JTG doesn't make this list before it's all said and done, I'm gonna be shocked.
To many the surprising one will be Drew McIntyre but actually he is the one I think has the most to gain from being released today. This reminds me of Ron Killings, Harry Smith or Christian, someone who they just can't use effectively right now but they know has youth on his side... Once the fans forget him a bit (or he seasons in TNA or more likely GFW or Japan) then there is every possibility he can be back. Drew will easily walk into TNA as a main event level talent... in GFW he'd be someone who would be a finalist or semi finalist in their title tournament.

Hawkins is no shock at all, Brodus will be disappointed but he had his shot... he just couldn't capitalise.

Aksana... it's clear they're going in a different direction Diva wise...

Camacho will feel hard done by, but he's young enough to bounce back and could benefit from some time in Japan. His dad's rep will carry him a long way.

Teddy Long basically didn't have ANY other purpose, he's money on the wage bill that had no value. I wouldn't be shocked if Vicki and Brad Maddox are released along with John Laurinitis.

Evan Bourne is a shame but it just proves to me that he wasn't what he was in the ring. They gave him time, let him heal and then try to adapt to the injury and unlike a Brian Pillman before him, he didn't have the other skills to carry on with that.

I've a feeling there are a few more of these to come today, and at least one will be a "shock" Dolph...I'm looking at you.
sucks those guys are leaving but too bad. More room for younger talents. Never expected some of those guys to achieve top level status like the iwc would


still remember the times when the iwc overrated the shit out of this guy
Well today is not a good day to be working for the WWE now is it? But I guess this is the end of the WWE's "spring cleaning" season I guess, with the summer approaching next week. Sad to see some names go. Teddy Long (Holla-Holla-Holla!), Drew McIntrye, Jinder Mahal, even Evan Bourne but that was expected. Maybe we'll see them again in other wrestling promotions like TNA (until the end of October that is) or in Jeff Jarrett's GFW. But this had to happen sooner or later with the E making their yearly cuts. It's an end of an era. The WWE-PG era!
I'm pretty upset about a lot of this list. Drew and Jinder were fed shit material and they worked their best to make it work. Both of them could have really shined if they gave them noteworthy roles. Drew especially. Drew has always been a personal favorite of mine and I'm really bummed out to see him go.

And the release of Teddy Long is ridiculous. This guy has been an on-screen character for 16 years. You don't just dump someone with that kind of tenure for no reason. Unless he whipped out his dick backstage, I don't see what could have possibly warranted his release. They keep tons of old guys on the payroll due to their seniority. What the hell does Booker T do that Teddy Long can't do as well?

Evan had 2 suspensions. Even if WWE wanted to push him, it would be hard because he could put himself on the chopping block at any moment.

Yoshi should have stayed around for when KENTA joins the fray. It's now going to be equally tough on KENTA to get over in WWE as it was for Yoshi due to the lack of guys who speak Japanese and know how to work that style.

Curt Hawkins should have been teamed with Zack Ryder a long time ago. There was no point in keeping that tag team apart.

Camacho and Brodus Clay are fine releases. They never really worked.
Only slightly care about McIntyre and Mahal from this list, I actually enjoyed 3MB as a group. Oh well no-one really too note worthy from this list.
Not the most surprising list of releases, but honestly with so many NXT call-ups the roster was getting really full. There have been a lot less releases in the last 2 years and some of the people on this list really did everything they possibly could in the company. My thoughts on each individual released:

Drew McIntyre - Disregard the hype that Vince and the IWC both built up for this guy for a second, and imagine any of your favorite indy or TNA stars being brought to WWE with the "Chosen One" gimmick. I can't think of a better way for anyone to debut, and Drew blew it. His backstage drama with Tiffany happened long ago, and he had a lot of time to rebuild his act. Obviously 3MB was a way to utilize him after nothing else seemed to work. TNA will likely snatch him up before the sheen of being a WWE star wears off of him. Personally I think he'd be quite a catch for Jarrett's Global Force.

Jinder Mahal - Mediocre big man who got the job by being Indian, because WWE made the Indian market a priority. He failed to impress in his first push, so he jobbed until they put him in 3MB. I'm not surprised at all that he's been released, and I doubt any of us will see him again.

Aksana - You can't go around dropping knees on faces of folks more talented and over than you are. I'm glad Aksana is paying for breaking Naomi's orbital socket and halting her push. Aksana was bad in the ring and came off like a low rent porn actress. She'll probably head to TNA.

Curt Hawkins - This guy is perfect for TNA. I think he could've worked well in WWE if he and Ryder remained a tag team. My hope is that Hawkins goes to TNA or GFW and Ryder follows shortly after, so those two can work and develop a gimmick based on their personalities and chemistry. I think his release is a good step forward because he never really made it in the big leagues.

Theodore Long - See you lata, playa.

Camacho - I don't think anyone will miss him.

Brodus Clay - He had potential, but ultimately he just wasn't a hard enough worker. He was flabby, his mic work was average, his moveset was unimpressive and his look was never quite right. With a strong manager, a bit of weight loss, better ring gear, less ridiculous haircut and a powerful innovative moveset, we could have had a main event player. It just wasn't in the cards for a guy whose own ego was his detriment. I really think he thought he was Cena and Punk level, but he's more like Mike Knox or Tomko level. TNA could definitely make use of him, but I think GFW should pass unless they also are trying to imitate the WWE.

Evan Bourne - Pretty unfortunate release, but he's been injured so long that his career is already over in the WWE and has been for over a year. This guy was capable of being the new Mysterio. His mic work was a little weak but he had the ring skills to make up for it and his face read great in the ring. His ECW title match with Matt Hardy years back was very good and Bourne should have held more titles in his time in the company. GFW could make him a star, and the X-Division would also be a nice place for him if it still exists.

Yoshi Tatsu - He wasn't anything special. I think his ethnicity got him on the roster mostly. It didn't help that he was given a shitty name and a terrible theme song, but I don't think he would've went farther even if he got pushed. GFW or TNA might be able to present him better, but I doubt Tatsu will make it further than he already has.

Marc Harris - Ahh yes, the ref who botched Natalya's match finish and then bragged about how great he is on Twitter afterwards. I'll end this with a quote from the idiot himself: "There’s a reason your where your at and I’m where I’m at"
For quite a few on this list, I think it's been a long time coming. When I look at the 9 wrestlers currently on this list, I see a whole lot of dead weight that's just there taking up space.

Drew McIntyre - McIntyre is someone that I felt had a lot of potential. However, over the past few years, they've really damaged his image. When you're jobbing out to a dwarf, mini, little person or whatever you wanna call them, it's a sign that you're not going very far up the ladder.

Jinder Mahal - I can't say that I was ever particularly impressed with Mahal. Of 3MB, Mahal seemed to be the one that fit the overall feel of the group the least. The concept was silly in the first place, but I can't say that Mahal ever impressed me in the ring or on the mic.

Aksana - Aksana's someone that never brought much to the table. I could barely stand to listen to her on NXT Season III, which may have been the worst period for any pro wrestling show to ever appear on television, because her accent was so thick and her grasp of the English language was tentative at best. Inside the ring, there just wasn't really anything about her. She wasn't particularly strong, fast, athletic, nor did she have any real charisma. She was just sort of...there.

Curt Hawkins - I've been waiting for this shoe to drop for quite a while. I can't recall the last time I saw Hawkins on WWE television in any way, shape or form; though it may have been before the release of Tyler Reks a few years back. Since they obviously weren't gonna use him and hasn't used him for some time, it's best to let him go.

Evan Bourne - If anyone on the list torpedoed his own future in WWE, it's Bourne. Just when he looked like he was finally going to do something relevant by getting pushed as a tag champ with Kofi Kingston, he flunks a drug test. When the suspension of the first one is barely over, he flunks another one. His car accident put him on the shelf for a couple of years and I don't know that he's ever fully recovered from it. I'm surprised that WWE waited this long as I figured he'd have been gone quite a while back.

Camacho - There's not really much of anything to say about Camacho. He was just...there, a guy in the background that I hadn't seen in quite a while aside from a couple episodes of NXT the past few months.

Yoshi Tatsu - Yoshi's another one of these guys that I figured would've been gone a long time ago. Yoshi's in his late 30s I believe, so nothing was gonna happen for him. He'd spent 5 years in New Japan prior to his stint in WWE in a similar role, as someone who was simply there and used as fodder every once in a while.

Theodore Long - It's been so long since I saw or heard anything about Teddy Long that I'd kinda forgotten about him. I liked Teddy okay, but he didn't really bring anything to the game that nearly anyone else couldn't have.

Brodus Clay - I have to say that, personally, I liked Brodus' new direction down in NXT. I thought his feud with Adrian Neville over the NXT Championship was pretty good and Brodus cut some pretty decent promos. He seemed much more comfortable in this role and he wasn't a stereotypical, one dimensional monster.
Kind of surprised by some. 3MB was just a recently featured act with their feud with the Matadores and now they're gutted down to Slater and Hornswoggle. Clay was just featured in NXT as well although in retrospect it appears he was mererly fodder for Neville. Also Aksana was just doing a thing with Alicia Fox. The others are whatever, most are inconsequential but the biggest shame here is Bourne who was so promising before his injuries and drug suspensions.
The WWE has a dozen other guys who can do what McIntyre does and who haven't had a shot to prove whether they have the it factor yet. McIntyre proved long ago he just plain didn't have that. With so much talent ready to come from NXT there's just no place for a career midcarder.

The only missed boat with Drew, I think, is never trying him in a tag team with Sheamus, which I believe was a thing in FCW. But even thst would have only gone so far.
Wow. Lots of people, though none are really that shocking. Biggest is, in my eyes, McIntyre (not shocking based on my sig. I guess 2/3 isn't bad :). Always thought Drew had the perfect look for the arrogant heel type of persona. He just needed to work on his mic work. In the ring he wasn't anything special, but no worse than a ton of guys on the roster, and he certainly had the look.

Oh well, maybe a new start will do him good.

Has anyone checked on Mustang Sally? :)
Like others said, not surprised by too many of these. I disagree with some of the heat Brodus is given on this thread. I thought his gimmick was awful and that he should have been booked as the "monster heel" all along. As for him being too overweight, go back and look at some of the great big men of the business: One Man Gang, Bam Bam Bigelow, King Kong Bundy; plenty of guys with his body shape (and less charisma) have made it.

Also, I think Teddy Long will be dumped from the active roster, but will be invited back pretty soon under a Legends Contract. He certainly deserves it. He goes back over 25 years in the business. Referee in WCW, Manager of some great talent there: Doom, Skyscrapers, Norman, One Man Gang, Johnny B. Badd (great gimmick, bad as Marc Mero), among others. Then did the same dance in WWE, referee -> manager -> long time GM.
I am surprised at Brodus being released also,tbh. I thought he was sent back to NXT to be repackaged and would have been brought back later on.

As for Drew...being pinned by a midget bull couldn't have helped him at all going forward,tbh.

Most of the others were expected or aren't surprising at all except perhaps Teddy Long who I thought would have been in a backstage role of some sort since I assume he is well respected by most for his long service to WWE.

Oh, and a relevant but yearly repeated question: why is JTG still on the employment list?
These don't come as much of a surprise. Even with so much time to fill on their programs, WWE had too many people rostered and not enough time to give them a fair shot. So it goes...

I am a little sad to see Drew McIntyre and Evan Bourne go. Out of this entire group, they had the most potential, IMHO. But, Bourne did himself in w/the failed drug test. I'm not sure who McIntyre PO'd (maybe some heat after the Taryn Terrell thing still lingered) to get stuck in the crappy 3MB gimmick. Hopefully they'll sign on somewhere where they can be utilized better (if Bourne can lay off the drugs, that is). TNA or ROH, perhaps?

Curt Hawkins, Brodus Clay, Camacho and Yoshi Tatsu are decent hands and will find work somewhere, I'm sure. Not much to say about them. Clay had a shot, but apparently it didn't work out.

Never cared much for Jinder Mahal, but I'm sure he'll latch on with someone and keep on the jobber train.

Askana was nice to look at, but that's about it.

Also, I've liked Theodore Long all the way back to his NWA/WCW days. I was hoping he'd go back to managing someone, but I suppose not.

Hey, I'm sure Jeff Jarrett's looking at this list right now. Just sayin'
I didn't think that McIntyre had anything positive that was going to propell him up the card.

Could be, but a while back, I would have applied that same statement to Husky Harris. Give a performer the right program and amazing things can happen.

I'm just sorry they never gave Drew another shot (it's hard to call 3MB a "shot") after that damned "Chosen One" mess in which they started a WWE rookie at the top.....leaving him nowhere to go but down. He wasn't ready and, as it now turns out, even with all he subsequently learned and how much he improved in ability and attitude, his goose was cooked as far as being a featured performer in WWE.

Ah, well. :icon_cry:

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