TNA's Official Announcement Regarding Victory Road

Not a fan of the old TNA? That's shocking since usually fans of any company would like any part of it, or at least watch some of it.

I started watching wrestling after the attitude era, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't go back and watch the old stuff going back to the 80s or even the 70s and 60s.
TNA pretty much is in a no win situation. They obviously had to something having allowing Hardy to go outh there - make no mistake, once he was pushed out the entrance, they had to pull the finish -but nothing they do with make up for the shambles that went on. To me, a free PPV is pointless because even if you have been following TNA recently, the last 18 months have been such a clusterfuck, that the matches, fueds and titles mean sod all. If you've not watched it then you're just as confused but are put off by the, relative, drop in standards. And how people think TNA can afford say to offer Lockdown free?

If TNA want to actually make it up the fans then free PPV(s) are useless. Likewise even decent ppv matches, if stuck in the hogwash story lines won't cut it. The only solution is people taking responsibility. If there is a genuine Mea Culpa by Dixie with consequences that alter the culture of TNA and improve the product, that will be redemption.

That means Jeff (and possibly also his enablers Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore) are fired. Permanently. Jeff has performed the ultimate disrespect for his profession, putting his own gratification ahead of the safety of fellow performer. It means Dixie asking her father for more money to buyout and fire Hogan, Bitchoff, Russo and anyother idiot backstage who hired, supported and pushed Hardy and knew his condition and failed to pull him at VR11. If she does that, gives TNA a fresh start and even then reaches out to Paul Heyman or Jim Cornette (obviously not both one would likely batter the other), then it would send a message that the company has changed direction - no more drugs, no more BS and no hasbeans being pushed over some of the best young talent out there. Hardy is the pinacle of a culture at TNA and until that changes, the fans won't forgive or forget what happened, nor should they. PV
Ok so I was reading a post that said tna is offering 6 months free of tna on demand for those who bought the ppv and were disappointed. Now I personally would like to ask, how the hell does this solve the problem?
What do you want, Dixie Carter to come to your house and give you a hand job? It's not a "solvable" problem.
Yes we get tna on demand free, but what if im not a fan of the old tna?
Write a letter and complain. Vote with your dollars and don't buy another pay-per-view. On that note, if you didn't buy Victory Road, you have absolutely nothing to complain about.
Plus most people started to recently watch tna not follow it since 2006..... The fans would get lost, they wouldn't know who the wrestlers are and they wouldn't understand the storyline build ups.
Really now? Where do you get this from? Are you extrapolating what you've done onto the rest of the wrestling audience, or is there any factual basis to this "most fans" bit?

As far as understanding the storyline buildups and fans getting lost goes, I'll just let that softball pass. Eh, no, I won't- that's a problem the company has today.
So they will be watching matches will people there unfimiliar with. It's a big mistake on Dixie Carters part. Just give the fans free ppv quality matches rather then matches that won't interest them because they won't have a clue what's going on other then two guys wrestling each other. Which you cant enjoy unless your a true wrestling fan...... Any thoughts or comments as to wether it's a good move or bad move?
If there's one thing in this entire post that's worth anything, it's the idea of a free 'PPV', which obviously can't be a true PPV due to their obligations with InDemand.

However, this gets ruined by your referring to "true wrestling fans", which is perhaps the most moronic three word phrase you'll see around here. (Don't feel too bad- lots of other people use it too. It doesn't make it any better, but at least you have company.) People say "true wrestling fans" strictly to diminish the opinion of other people who don't agree with them. There is no such thing as a "true wrestling fan"; you either are a fan of wrestling, or you're not. There are no people pretending to be wrestling fans who secretly despise professional wrestling.
I think for one, they should stick with the home grown talent (styles, beer money, kazarian, etc) ---and put the belt on Styles--and least he would be indentifiable in ways of---no over the hill (or in this case, drugged out tweeker) has the belt and brings the company down to another level. They JUST started getting a (albeit small) increase in ratings each week over a four week period, why not go with your STRONGEST points and supporters....not guys out for themselves.
Ok so I was reading a post that said tna is offering 6 months free of tna on demand for those who bought the ppv and were disappointed. Now I personally would like to ask, how the hell does this solve the problem? Yes we get tna on demand free, but what if im not a fan of the old tna? Plus most people started to recently watch tna not follow it since 2006..... The fans would get lost, they wouldn't know who the wrestlers are and they wouldn't understand the storyline build ups. So they will be watching matches will people there unfimiliar with. It's a big mistake on Dixie Carters part. Just give the fans free ppv quality matches rather then matches that won't interest them because they won't have a clue what's going on other then two guys wrestling each other. Which you cant enjoy unless your a true wrestling fan...... Any thoughts or comments as to wether it's a good move or bad move?

They wouldn't know the wrestlers?

So TNA fans today would not know AJ Styles, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Abyss, Christopher Daniels, Low-Ki (Kaval), Ron Killings (R-Truth), Scott Hall, CM Punk, any of the old ECW guys who were there, even Sting was a part of TNA's early days.

Of course they would. Plus this 6 month pass means that they could watch later TNA PPV's when guys like DDP, Waltman, Cage and AMW were part of the company.
As I have said in many other posts - the only solution is to demonstrate there is accountability in TNA and that starts with management. If Hogan and Bischoff are management then remove them - even if it is in a storyline where they lose control of the company based on their poor actions. Get them out of the picture because as the decision makers of the company they acted in a way that was inexcusable.

TNA royally fucked up by cutting the PPV short by 30 minutes (I am including some of the bullshit lead up to a 1:45 main event). Not by letting Hardy go out there impaired. Yes, it is an epic fail to allow him out there like that, but the bigger picture here is they cheated their fans and people who allow them to stay in business. With that said, partially refund money (which TNA is in no financial position to do, hence the royal fuck up), or provide a free Lockdown.

I agree that the On-demand is a bit corny. Who is to say people have time to go and watch old TNA - besides, why display old TNA when it only shits on the new TNA in comparison. I would love to watch the old days, but today - live, on Impact, every Thursday (which IMO is what would have happened by now if they didnt enter this clusterfuck of a universe they are in now).

No real solution, just simply take responsibility like any real company would and get rid of those who make inexcusable decisions.
Now I personally would like to ask, how the hell does this solve the problem? Yes we get tna on demand free, but what if im not a fan of the old tna? Plus most people started to recently watch tna not follow it since 2006.....

My advice to you would be to watch the AMW v Triple X cage match from Turning Point '04, and the AJ Styles v Somoa Joe v Daniels triple threat match from Unbreakable.

These two matches are far better than anything a 52 year old Sting and a high Jeff Hardy could put on.
What do you want, Dixie Carter to come to your house and give you a hand job?

Yes, yes I do.

But if I could be serious for a moment, what I would like is my money back. However, my anger has cooled somewhat since Sunday, and I realize that this isn't the most feasible solution.

They can keep the TNA On Demand subscription. What I would settle for is the following:

- Dixie Carter goes on TV, bluntly admits that the company fucked up and promises to do her best to ensure that every PPV from this point forward is of top notch quality. No storyline bullshit, no in character stuff, just an honest apology.

- The people responsible for the debacle are terminated. This includes Jeff Hardy, and whomever it was that made the decision to send him out there instead of re-booking the main event.

Of course, having Dixie Carter come over and sex me up good is still the preferred form of apology.
What they need to do is stop stripping people of there titles. This is making no sense. If they want to stop things from this from happening, they need to do a Performance Test like the WWE. That is what they need to do.
Several things wrong with this post.

1) The wrestling audience is not divided into people who are just WWE fans and just TNA fans. There is a significant amount of overlap between the two.
That's right if you casually watch any of them, but if i haven't watched UFC for the last months maybe years, and i wouldn't care for it, i wouldn't be called a UFC fan would I?

2) Everyone and their mother on these boards has watched the Hardy/Sting abortion on YouTube.

That's not necessarily true. There are heaps who follow things through reading spoilers etc. People even admit this fact on threads. I guess that includes their mother too :) So not watching Sting vs Hardy on youtube is not something impossible.

3) Some events, like sending a man quite obviously stoned out of his gourd to wrestle a headlining title match on PPV, then shooting the ending, transcend casual week-to-week wrestling, and interest the wrestling community as a whole.

I am not saying only the guys who ordered the PPV can comment on the situation. However, if TNA is giving the guys who ordered the PPV 6 months of free subscription, you can't decide if that's sufficient for them or not. Even in this thread you can read lots of positive reactions for getting 6 months free subsription, from the guys who actually paid for the PPV.

As a casual wrestling fan, who didn't order the PPV, that free content won't mean anything. If TNA wants to apologise to everyone, they should make sure it never happens again, take some actions, and improve the product. But then again, it doesn't change the fact that 6 months free subscription is not for casual fans so it doesn't make sense for casual fans to comment on that! I am talking about the free content, not Hardy vs Sting match.

4) This isn't a freebie- everyone who is getting it already paid $40. A freebie would be for everyone. This is an acknowledgment that TNA feels their fans who did spend their money did not get their money's worth on Sunday.

Everyone paid $40 for the PPV, not for the video content. So it is a freebie for the guys who ordered the PPV, and not for everyone. By the way the PPV itself wasn't bad till the main event, so people paid $40 got something out of it till the final moments.

5) On the opposite hand, free online content that they've already seen might not be worth shit to people who ordered the pay-per-view.

The important word is "might" so that's your opinion, a guy who didn't order the PPV. You might have read the posts of people happy with the free subscription. And why would watching some old stuff again won't mean shit? I would love to watch previous PPV's again, why do you think they are selling DVD's of old content? Are they only for people who missed out those PPV's?

6) "Legit fan"? "Real TNA fans?" How on earth did you end up as the gatekeeper for who is enough of a fan to be invited into the club?

Now to order this PPV, actually any TNA PPV, but this one specifically, you should be watching TNA continuosly. For some reason, for weeks, they have been promoting the following PPV more than this one. So I'm not saying if you are a TNA fan you definitely ordered the PPV, but if you ordered the PPV then you must be a real TNA fan. That's because even TNA didn't promote it's own PPV as it should, but you end up paying money for it (so TNA must really mean something for you)

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