Several things wrong with this post.
1) The wrestling audience is not divided into people who are just WWE fans and just TNA fans. There is a significant amount of overlap between the two.
That's right if you casually watch any of them, but if i haven't watched UFC for the last months maybe years, and i wouldn't care for it, i wouldn't be called a UFC fan would I?
2) Everyone and their mother on these boards has watched the Hardy/Sting abortion on YouTube.
That's not necessarily true. There are heaps who follow things through reading spoilers etc. People even admit this fact on threads. I guess that includes their mother too

So not watching Sting vs Hardy on youtube is not something impossible.
3) Some events, like sending a man quite obviously stoned out of his gourd to wrestle a headlining title match on PPV, then shooting the ending, transcend casual week-to-week wrestling, and interest the wrestling community as a whole.
I am not saying only the guys who ordered the PPV can comment on the situation. However, if TNA is giving the guys who ordered the PPV 6 months of free subscription, you can't decide if that's sufficient for them or not. Even in this thread you can read lots of positive reactions for getting 6 months free subsription, from the guys who actually paid for the PPV.
As a casual wrestling fan, who didn't order the PPV, that free content won't mean anything. If TNA wants to apologise to everyone, they should make sure it never happens again, take some actions, and improve the product. But then again, it doesn't change the fact that 6 months free subscription is not for casual fans so it doesn't make sense for casual fans to comment on that! I am talking about the free content, not Hardy vs Sting match.
4) This isn't a freebie- everyone who is getting it already paid $40. A freebie would be for everyone. This is an acknowledgment that TNA feels their fans who did spend their money did not get their money's worth on Sunday.
Everyone paid $40 for the PPV, not for the video content. So it is a freebie for the guys who ordered the PPV, and not for everyone. By the way the PPV itself wasn't bad till the main event, so people paid $40 got something out of it till the final moments.
5) On the opposite hand, free online content that they've already seen might not be worth shit to people who ordered the pay-per-view.
The important word is "might" so that's your opinion, a guy who didn't order the PPV. You might have read the posts of people happy with the free subscription. And why would watching some old stuff again won't mean shit? I would love to watch previous PPV's again, why do you think they are selling DVD's of old content? Are they only for people who missed out those PPV's?
6) "Legit fan"? "Real TNA fans?" How on earth did you end up as the gatekeeper for who is enough of a fan to be invited into the club?
Now to order this PPV, actually any TNA PPV, but this one specifically, you should be watching TNA continuosly. For some reason, for weeks, they have been promoting the following PPV more than this one. So I'm not saying if you are a TNA fan you definitely ordered the PPV, but if you ordered the PPV then you must be a real TNA fan. That's because even TNA didn't promote it's own PPV as it should, but you end up paying money for it (so TNA must really mean something for you)